, .... PAPER WITH KNOWN. CIRCULATION ESTABLISHED IN 1878 NUMBER 191 NEW BERN; NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 9 191L THIRTIETH YEAR OPEH FOR BUS L OF THE am HUE AT SEA BUI P0OTAI1T RESO LUTION I OFFERED INESS i - i. V i 1 " OaOOOtXJOOOOQOQO PRUDENG E AND PROGRESS E VERY man who exercises proper prud nee in the care of of his money will make progre-s. This is just as unfail ing as the law of gravicy. Ono of the precautions ihat every person should take is to have a bank account and deposit all money received so that it will b safeguarded against loss. We in vjte accounts subject to check or bearing interest. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED Another Shipment OF Ladies and Misses Committee Report President Taft As Bight On Panama Canal Estimated Finish. New York, Nov. 8-The Congres sional commit tflfl that went to the Isth mus of Panama lust month, returned on the steamer Ancon yeste day satid ft d thst President Taft's prediction would ba fulfilled and that the canal would be finished slid open for business by 1913, As a result of Iheir vit.it Con gress probably will be urged to pass at the earliest possible moment legislation regulating the government of the canal and setting the question of tolls. The party included Senator Brandc gee, chbi mm of the Inter-Oceanic Ca nals Committe"; Bristow, Cummins, Page and Overman, and Representative Higgins. Senators West more and Tnornton were on the isthmus with the party, but the former remained there to nurse an attack of bronchitis, while Senator Thornton returned to New Or 'eans by another steamer Senator Brmdegee raid. "The progress of the work since my last visit two years agi jg remarkable. So far as it is possible to see into the future it 1 oks at though the canal would be finished and opened for busi ness in 1913. ''It will be finUhed within the esti mated cost of $375,000,000, As the so called slides of material into the prism, concerning whic'i alarming reports are printed at intervals. I think little ap prehension need be felt. The cono- mi' s resulting from better organiza tion, greater efficiency in operation, and better knowledge of muthods of treating the slides have enabled the op erating force to excavate the ma'erial without increasing the estimated cost of the completed conal." Don't say "they haven't got it" till you've tried us. J. S. Basniht Hdw. Co. End of Wreck of Battleship. The Cause of Explosion Will Re main Unknown. Washington, Nov. 8th. The stern of the wreck of the Maine will be floated ojt to 8' a and buried; the bow will be hacked to pieces and hauled out on bar ges and dumped in the sea. Gen. Bix by, chief of the army engineers in charge of removing the tangled wreck from Havana harbor, has decided up on this course. The n't sec ion of the wreck is un coven d i-n i is in excellent condttiqp. The bow of the ship, where the explo sion occurred, is a tangled wreck of boilers and girders ar.d will not be com pletely uncovered for at least 3 months, probably longer, the time depending on whether or not Congress appropriates $25 1,000 for the work next month. "In about three weeks we will start to trip ti e stem section free from the bcw." Gen. H xHy said "We have got enough money out of the last appropri a tion to sever the wreck into two por tions, but we nave not ei ough to re move the cofferdam and tow the stern out to sea. "A great part of the bow is covered with mud and we will not know just h iw to handle that portion until we have removed the mud. It is a slow, tedious job, but when it U removed fi nally the bow will be in very iimill pice s The further we get along in the work the more work we find to be done. "All these new theories about the de struction of the ship are mere guess work. We know just as much about the caue of the wreck today as we did thir teen years ago. Ths original explosion wan so small in comparison to the ex plosions that followed from the maga zines that the first cause probably left no defini e clue." AND All Sizes, Any Color You May Want. Just Look Them Over. THE PRICES ARE RIGHT. Bake and Candy Pull. At the Parish House next Saturday morning at 11 o'clock there will he a Bake, those wi hing some choice arti cle for Sunday's meals should be th re At 3:30 p. m. there will be an old fashinm d candy pull at the same place, with p'erty of fun, an admission of 10 rents will be charged. A Good Oil Heater. Nothing is better to heat quick with, than an Oil Stove. 1 have the Barter which is considered the best, price from $3.60 to $7.50. J. S. MILLER. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signa ture is on each box. 25c. immm Amu mei mm vmxmm S. Coplon & Son SELLS IT FOR LESS LITTLE OUT OK TI1K WAY, HU V IT PAYS TO WALK TO COF'LON'S ATTENTION Your attention is railed to the fact that we have u very nobly line of Hoys ( Inthing. The latest drm no unit effects, the kind that your lxy will tie pl"Med with We guarantee every suit to give satisfaction or money refunded. Ail nzei up to 18 years. Our linn of Menu Clothing, is, We cuniidrr the belt and the most important ia the rirtt prices. S. LIPMAN Cor-lS. Front Bryan Block. OUR FAMOUS mum tUT tii uki run "wotmBCiiw GUARANTEED SUIT '". L - I - J - .. rsssssassammmmmtmmmmm ' -. il .V.'' Mti r ZiZlL- V I tii'anksciviWg , ia wbeo yoor-tboogntr rMI turn to bt jot bate to t . tnorul for. . And alio bi to neailoo light hm foa will h tliMlfut If you bv pnrchMrd yont Inrohfr from Hrx4d(i&!tri tAJntxrCo., 1 ,b0re tborpgRbl7tUbl . ana joo cua arprua upoa It ibt aaytblnjr tbfy N!)I yoa In tb wa Of lurabor U all ri?ht. $900.00 30 H. P. 5 PASSENGER Fore Door Touring Car SPECIFICATIONS WHEEL BASE-106 inches. TREAD 60 incnej. CRANK SHAFT-Thisistheonly car of its class with a five-bearing crankshaft. This feature gives support on sach side of each connecting rod aa it d llrsrs its power stroke, which inaurva the greatest possible ' rigidity and keeps the crank shaft in perfect line on lU bear ing. MOTOR-4 inches by ) inches. Cylinders cast separately. L head typ, large sitd valves, puab rodi lubricated, Insuring sweet-running, silent, power ful motor. CARBURETOR Model Lfkheb ler (the bt8chbler makea.) TRAN8M IS8ION- Selective three speeds and reverse, ernter coo . tro), F. k H. annular bsll beah bifs. 1 .. STEERING GEAR Worm and se gment adjustable 16 in wheel. IGNITION Dual system, Pp lt- dorf magnrto and batteries, one st't of plugs. HORSEi'OWER-30. I)R A K ES Internal expanding. external contrsctingr on rear wheels. SPRINOS-Semi-eliptk front, three-quarter eliptlc rear, If ' inch wide. FRAME Pressed steel. CLUTCH-Cone. FRONT 'AXLE-Drop forged 1 Mction. REAR AXLE Semi floating. , WHEEU-Artillenf. wood, 12 Spokes, Wide hub flanges. i 8POKE3-1I inch poks, bolt for tath "poke. ' . TIB Inch by I Hath- ' i ' ' ' ':-'.. --. We ir daily txpteting t caflud of these can, and will set! them full; equlpted wjlh Mohilr Top. Gia&a Windshield nd ietolifeTank, drliverd In Ncf Bern for $1,000." No ereater value in Automobiles has ever been offered. It will par you to see the "OVERLAND" brfot 'c t jour order. EYMAN : : mpPLY -CO. , .... (, To Board Aldermen To Widen Rroad St., and iPave New St. Bids Fot Hose. The board of aldermen met in regular monthly session Wednesday night, quorum present. Owing to a break in the line there was no light until 9 p. ra.. tho' from the rays of a small lan tern the clerk r ad the minutes of the previous meeting. Bids for 2,000 fee of fire hose were opened there being seven bidders. Each bidder was given ter nnnu'es to tell of his goods. After reading bids and hear ing from those who, wanted to speak, the matter of awarding bid was refer red to the committee, report to be made at recess meeting next Tuesday night. Mr. Rodman Guion in behalf of Syer & Co. appeared before the board with a petition signed by whole -tale mer chants, asking that the license tx of the above firm be rebated, that its bus ness transact! jns did not warrant that it be subj.ct to this tax. Referred to ordinance committee to repirt next meeting. Alderman Simpson read the following resolutions: Whereas, Broad street west of Queen street has been either encroached upon by persons owning lands adjacent there to, or said Broad street has never been laid out west of said Queen street, the truth of which is unknown; and, where as; that part of said Broad street lying between said Queen street and End St., the western boundary of the city, ia at the present time a nanow, muddy lane incipable of being drained a.d improved and kept in proper repair in the man ner and to the extent the board of ald ermen deem beat for the best interest of the city; the said part of Broard St. being one of the principal thorough fares entering the city, therefore be ii Resolved, Thbt it is necessary that the said part of Broad street lying be tween said Q leen street and End street be widened so that e aid part of Bioad street shall be .at least furcy feet in width, and that the rtreeta and pumps committee be ai d it is hereby ordered to at once proceed to widen said street as aforesaid. and if necessary, to straighten said part of Broad street, according to and in the manner provi ded by law. And the city attorney and city engineer shall render such assist ance in said work as they shall be call ed upon to render by said committee. And, whereas, since the sidewalks and many of the strtels of the city have been paved, New street and ad joining lands have been frequently in undated and floodei because of the rap id Bhed of water from adj lining tor i tory wherein the streets hav been paved to New street which id a natural water drain; and whereas, the inhabit ants of the city linn along New Ss. have been gn atly inconvenienced and suffered great damage and the health of the whole community will suffer thereby; and whereas due advertise ment hag been made and the contract awarded to F. J. M Guire. the lowest bidder, for Tsrvia Macadam pavement; and wh-reas the board of aldermen deem it neceaaary and btt for the best interest of the city to pave that part of New street lying between East Fiont street ar.d George rtreet with Tar via Macadam; now, thnrefor, be it Resolved, That said K. J. McGuire beanlhe is hereby directed to pave New street between Eaat Front and George streets in the same manner and under the same spbriAcatiuns and bond and at tho same price as heretofore agreed upon for the paving of East Front an. I Po!Uck sjtreeti, and that It s Mayor and oily Clerk enter into writ ten agreement with sai l F. J. McGuire to that effect, A Worm in Ellis' made a-nendmerit that both proportions be separat- d ar d submitte I to th- tfet of th p.ople for adoptlm. On roll ra'l the amendment earns I by a vote of 7 to 6. Regular and suJiud bi Is r ad and approved. Recess taken to November Uth, at night. i A SERVICE FOR ALL Whether you are a merchant, a farmer or a wage earner, you would be benefitted by carrying an accou: t w.th Una bank subject to check. It affords safety and facilitates the handling of money. By referring to the returned vouchers you have indisputable receipts for the payment of all bills. This plan also furnishes an accurate record of every tran saction, it saves you time and places your financial aff .irs upon a more systematic basis. Any amount will open a checking account with this bank. SL V.V.Y.V.YJ.T.VV.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.'CTaaaa IN THESE DAYS OF SHORT DRESS THE SHOE IS ALL IMPORT AN r. That's Why "Queen Quality" or "May Manton" Are The Shoes to Buy. They bring out and enhance all the beauty of your foot. They are skilfully model, d to lend a graceful poise to your body. And better still the good leai her, the artful workmanship insure comfort and wear. The shoes look well and they will grow old gracefully, retaining their shape and appearance of distinction after many days. What's your size, what's vour preference in sh es ? "Queen Quality" or "May Manton " will meet it. And the price about hits what you want to pay. A complete line of these popular shoes in all the season's latest styles. Velvets, Tans, Patent and all the favoied leathers. Your Winter costume is not complete until you are properly shod. "Q ien Quility" or "May Manton" should be your ch i e. J. J. BAXTER ELKS TEMPLE DEP'T STORE. The Smith Premier i ER1ETTS e v e e e VISIBLE TYPEWRITER MODEL 1(1. Acme of Perfection in Construction and Her vice. STORE See our line; of Coal and Wood Heaters. J. S. Bas night Hdw. Co. 67 S. Front St.. Phone 9$. -H Mrs J. H ' BU rttaea -l : ev. Yrs'erday afternoon at t e'clock at 8. Lao's Hpltafat Uteneborj, Krs. t. H, Bell, ot PoDocksviile, peacefully fstt 06 Sleep. ' .. I Mrs. Bed b t In III health f or several months and br demise wa hot oneipectfcL - ' ' 4 .- ' , ': y TriMli srlit be tinted ta mtngtos) kd iter tnlerrad UU after- noun, f. ""-' I ''"' ' - Mra. Bell W wrf ivaj hf her husband, one eon, Mf. t'S . B W, hsr mo the, MrtE W. Wardand twesUUra, Mr. O GCo'Mrof tUrrlabsrr, Pa. I and Mrs & K. Koonre of Wilmington, a d a Isrgt number of felstlvet. , . '' DON'T WAIT UNTIL THE LAST -MINUTE TO GET YOUR INTER CLOTHES. Get Them Now To secure all the style, service, satisfaction and good value, to which you are entitled in your clothes, you had better come to this store, where the newest 'and best of everything women and girls wear can be had in qualities you like and at prices you like to 1 pay IT ii II COATS THAT SATISFY Coat Suits and Coats that satisfy is the one bet.t ; phrase we can find to describe our handsome New Suits and Coati fQf Women and Misses, they satisfy the most critical dressers as to style, fit and service . and they satisfy them at a lower cost than any other. Ttiie difference is not in the price, BUr LN ' ' WIlA'frOU GET FOR THE TRICE. YOUR DOLLARS GO A LONG : -r': WAY. AT THIS" STORE.: . . M; MITCHELL! CO: 3 I .is : m '..: 1 , f ' f ; Ivc

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