ft. r r: PAPER WITH KNOWN CIRCULATION LSI ABl.LriJF.D IN lh7S NUMBER 200 NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 19, 1911 ' m '-,.'. vri: i . THIRTIETH YEAR cottoii till NORFOLK SOUTH- SUFFRAGETTES : RjlliW lififtgl MEET PREMIER DO NOT Slip r PAST WEEK ERN BUYS ROADS ii i u '5 .fV " : .f t 'y i ' '. ' ' III o ooooooo- I I I u T EVERY fflBIG FACILE H E nfiicers of this bank have made a careful study of tin' I'm ilihes required for the accurate and prompt tran sari ion of business and every modem facility has been in.-talleil that can in any way serve to make banking e :ind convenient. A trial will dnmonBtrate this to your MttlS la t loll. SAVINGS, CHECKING AND COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS IN VI I ED. ANOTHER SHIPMENT sssasa3s OF Ladies and Misses COAT SUITS AND REVERSABLE COATS JUST RECEIVED An assortment big enough for the most fastidious to make a selection. Priced as to he strikingly conspicuous, even to the most casual observer. SUITS $10 to $35. COATS 5 to 25. ID SEE OUR STILES fii VALUES Contiuaes Dull Bjxt Firm Regard less 10,000,000 Bale Crop Estimated. Raleigh and Southport, Durham and Charlotte. Hpeculative Surmises as to I'ltimate Extensions. New York, Nov. 18-Cotton has of fered a stubborn resistance to anything of a depressing character, Time after time it haa demonstrated a certain strength which has defied bears and othars. It might decline, but it speed- ly rallied. The crop might be estimat ed as high as 16,000,000 bales, but far mers have refused to sell freely. Many , roa( haa consummated a deai through of them have been holding back their hj h t I)Urcna8e8 tne Raleigh and cotton altogether. Many believe that U , irhm ani Southern, and Raleigh, Nov. 18 It' developed in connection with the presence of Presi dent E. T. Lamb and General Counsel W. B. Rodman, of the Norfolk South ern railroad, in Raleigh conferring with the North Carolina corporation commis sion, thit the Nortolk ftoutnern ran S Coplon & Son SELLS IT FOR LESS I.I I I I.I-. hi I Ml I III! WAV. ItHI'lTl'AYSTOWALKTOCOPI.ON'S a big crop, even 15,000,0i)0 to 16.000,000 bales, has been amply discounted in the big decline in prices since Inst Summer. It ii pointed out, too, that a grown crop is one, thing, a commertial crop, or a crop actually sent to market is another thing. The commercial crop may be much smaller than the one actually raised. The South, it is added, has in the past shown its ability to hold buck cotton and what has been miy be again. The exports are large. La-go spot in tereit have been big buyer t of Decem ber and other near months. One of them in 48 hours, it is said, bought 100,000 bales of January. The revision of differences here on Wednesday is construed by some as bullish. Some half dozen well known Liverpool houses at one time bearish, are now bullish in their conviction. The N itional din ners' figures up to November llith, weie 11,478.000 bales as against expec tations of 150,000 to 200,000 bales more than this. Liverpool houses have been buying here. So to some extent have Americnn spinners. Hears have, as a rule, be come more cautious. Many of them have covered and have been watching a market that somehow refused to go down. Yet there are still bears. They point to the Chinese news as portend ing poor trade in China, to the report that China is cancelling large orders in Lancashire where some of the mills nre it is said, shutting down on that ac count and to the fact that at best there is no very decided improvement in trade in this county where the taking by Northern spinners at least continue to run considerable behind those of last year. They think that holding back cotton at the South will in the end prove a boomerang. The into-sight movement is large. Stocks at the ports are liberal and they are piling up at the interior towns. Here at New York the market 'has' gotten into a sort of dead lock. Farmers will not sell freely, nor will spinners and others, as a rule, buy except cautiously. Ellisons says that mills in Lancashire are reported to he topping owing to the war in China. Spot markets are quiet. T.ie weather of late has been generally favorable, though it now threatens to income very cold in tne western belt. The South still, as a rule, holds firmly around nine cents and the whole market haH got in to a rut. What is to extricate it re mains to be seen. Prices are somewhat lower for the week, but bears have won no successes to boast of. For that matter, neither have the bulls. The East Indian crop is estimated by Ralli at 4,400,000 bales, or 500,000 bales less Don't WV.I: Until The Last Minute Io C i t Your Winter Clothes. Get Them Now the Aberdeen and Ashboro.The Raleigh and Southnort railroad is operating from Raleigh to Fayetteville and build ing from Lillington to Sanford; the Aberdeen and Ashboro railroad, or Page road, his an important line from Aberdeen, Moore county, up through Montgomery county, into Randolph to Ashboro, with trackage privileges over the Southern railway into High Point, anil the Durham and Southern railroad, an impotant line from Durham, through Wake and Harnett counties, to Dunn, connecting with the Atlantic Coast Line railroad there. The Ni'ws and Observer states today upon authority that the Norfolk South ern Railway Company, and interests al lied with that company, have purchased from Mr. John A. Mills and his asso ciates the Raleigh and Southport Rail road and all its properties. It has also purchased from Mr. Lenning and his associates the railroad known as the Durham and Charlotte road, which is now and has been for years in operation from Cumnock to Troy. The Norfolk Southern will construct this road from Raleigh to Concord, either under its own charter or under the charter of the Raleigh, Charlotte and Southern Rail road obtained from the last Legislature by leading citizens between Raleigh and Charlotte and purchased some weeks ago by Mr. E. C. Duncan, acting for himself and his associates, his as sociates now turning out to be the Nor folk Southern Railway Company. TWO OF DEALS DENIED. Troy, Nov. 18 It is reported here tonight on good authority that all hold ings of the Asheboro & Aberdeen Rail road Co. have been sold to the Sea board Air Line. The deal was consum mated at Biscoe today. The Asheboro & Aberdeen owns the line from Aber deen to Asheboro, from Pinehurst to Carthage, from Candor to Ellerbe and from Uiucoe to Mount Gilead. Durham, Nov. 18-Vice President J. E. Slaijg of the Durham & Southern Railway said tonight, in answer to a query as to that road being included in the deal whereby the Norfolk Southern absorbs several roads: "I know nothing of other roads, of course but as for the Durham & South ern, you may cay it is not included in the deal. I haveVt heard a word about any such deal and know it doesn't exist so far us ours is concerned. Ooosidefed a Victory. Women WaBtpi'perty Qualihca ti&jr$tan of Voting. London, Nov. IT. Led by Miss Chris- tabel Pank hurst, a big delegation of suffragettes in conference with Pre mier Asquith, Chancellor of the Ex chequer Lloyd-George, Foreign Secre tary Sir Edward Gray and First Lord of Admiralty Churchill concerning the inclusion of votes for women in the manhood suffrage bill the administra tion will shortly introduce in Parlia ment. It is significant of the suffragettes increasing influence in English politics that Premier Attquith, who has hitherto steadfastly refused to receive such dep utions, made a definite appointment ment with the present one for a confer ence at his official residence and asking the leading members of his ministry to be present at the conference. The suffrage bill the administration contemplates provides for the abolition of the existing British system of plural voting by large property owners and the establishment of just such a one man-one-vote system as prevails in the United States. The women had already been offered the ballot on a property qualinYaron and were willing to accept the proiiot-i tion as an "entering wedge," as their leaders expressed it. Many Liberals, with Lloyd-George at their head, refused to sanction the plan. however, on the ground that it would increase the conservative vote. Lloyd George at any rate favors equal sutf rage, but without the property qualiti cation. An attempt is now being made to reach a compromise between the conflicting factions. A strong cordon of police surrounds the Premier's residence as a precaution against a suffragette demonstration while the conference is in progress. Ninety minutes of amusement at The Athens at small cost. Ton of Fertilizer Free, The Norfolk branch of the Virginia Carolina Chemical Co, will have an ex hibit at the Agricultural and Stock hall this week, and invites the public to call and see its exhibit. Cards will be giv en away bearing numbers, and some one card will be good for a $25.00 ton of V. C. C. Co. fertilizer. See the ad in this issue. than la' year, The weekly statistics were bullish but fell flat in a very dull market. Remember, Veterans. My kindly consideration of J. Leon Williams Secretary, to the members of Camp New Bern No. 1,162 United Con federate Veteran a complimentary ticket will be furnished each member of the Camp to attend the 'Aviation meet on 22 of Nov. 1911. Tickets can he procured from S. R. Street, Lieut. -Commander, or J. F, Clarke, Adjt. Perfection Oil Heaters- The Only Perfect Heater. M. E, Whitehurst & Co. Meet Your Friends at New Bern This Week trjUEfxiwsjKsnM T"''-.wi' ih- styl servirt , satisfaction and l i "i v ' v.Iih h yi ni ;nc entitled in your c'othes, yo i ii.:i I" : ' i urn' tu t'.ii.; store, where the .ewest ati'l !)..' f . :: h.; , w inir:n ana girls wear an be ha in ij.i 1 i..- ymi like and at prices you 1 ke to pay. COATS THAT SATISFY Coit SiiiN i'id Oats that satisfy is the one best phra;e w cm find to describe our handsome New Suits and C uts for Women and Misses, they satisfy the most ( lMical dressers as to style, fit and service and they satisfy them at a lower coat than ny other.. THE DIM EKENCE IS NOT IN THE PRICE, BUT WHAT YOU (.hf FOR THE PRICE, YOUR DOLLARS GO A LONG' WAY AT THIS STORE. : J. W. MITCHELL c r CO. tlrffr s " h'", f f tit ' 1 , r- V . .i V.'i', ' -V if . , ' t " Jii.Hi. C ;. --' - -it- f-..;'i..(, ,'C MAKING A rUCITT. TAKE THE RISK if leaving your important papers si., h a :. . mortgages, bonds or valuables u.-h a and other articles of worth v.h.-r' ll:-, vv,.l i loss by fire or theft. A Safe Di-poMt B" burglar proof vault will provide just the pri. and can be rented for the nominal chargi- ' I S'orae fur bulky pa-kages is furnished t.. . : of charge. mWffl r IN THESE DAYS OE SHORT DRESS THE Si:!),. IS ALL IMPORTANT. That's Why "Queen Quality" or "May M wlm" Are The Shoes to Buy. They bring out and enhance all the beauty of skilfully modeled to lend a graceful poise to your the jroo'l leather, the artful workmanship insure shoes louk well and thev will grow old gracefully and appearand' of distini'lion after many days. What':: your Hi.e, what's your preference in Ime " or "May Manton" will meet it. And the price aU.ui I want to pay. A complete line of these popular shoes in all the latest styles. Velvets, Tans, Patent and all the f: leathers. Your Winter costume is not complete until you ri t "Queen Quality" or "May Manton" should lie your 1 1- i . 1 i . . i . : ' 1 . ; . , ; 1 1 i i 1 i rj n-lan.i: : I ' 9 J. J. BAXTER ELKS TEMPLE DEPT S i OKI . 4M V' Ji- ArDi &un Mnnn c.ct $900.00 30 li. P. 5 PASSENGER Fore Door Touring Car SPECIFICATIONS TU UcktU lht beva b deUyewl foe M ArUUo Mt mast U priM-' Tt dtnU!o to Ihs AvjaMn He Id ioMtd aa4 U txcUMM lot U dml- to Heltvt U whkk IU b tt only 4rl(o4., Tkt 4rlid-heck" WiM any rtum the Aeroplm fa ill o fi tm NotimW ZZni, tit 23Hlh t.T f,f the "lod-fWk" ll b al it.r .'.t iU A!!'n TUA J ih t U ntrbf f iU. viQ b fifty teflU. twftjr-ATa tMta for hlldrqtKM twelve ,t. Smm ot Um ttinUt 9f tlM XtWtlofl nk) UI be Oil nfgkU try Uk CvUm Aropt, t9othlt fan New lWati WaaWhrwo, rHn m tf Alia Uwk. rlivw by Harry ?i from He opof 4pf inQ rlhln Ut pool or atnr Uir f " rlc-ri, tti'n wh.rj, m r fT r rin.'l :f r a- IUlUn Band. r. No tamiMiM wlQ U e)rt4 idibe Jxbmft Bl, M Gft trMt.ftart the ArrifniUiraU puxt, ftnrjt.wf la.lmitrll efWt wUl Um Upl. Tb Etbait tltll W;Bow btabo4 aomatv A6iA. ' L' ' i '' Mirate that New Bra will bvf the lryl rrft4 NoTmhT TnA, ri! V?A f 1 I . nr , " I f-r t ' ' ' WIII' KI. HASK V mrhes. TKKAU m inciien. CRANK SHAFT This ih t hi-only car of itii claas with a live bear ing rriiiik ihft. 'IhiK f.-Mture p. i h ' opp -rt on each ule of r.e b Ceitneeting rMl hs it de liveiH iI.m Kwer Htroke, wlurb iohiirH Ihe yrcHteit poHRible ni.'idity and keeps the crank shaft in pM fert linn on its hear ing MOTOK 1 inches by 4i inches, t'yhnilers out nepsrstely. r head tyx', l,.rg siied valven, push rods luhrirated, insuring a sweet- running, silant, power ful motor. CARBUKKTOK Mxlel L Srheb lr (th tst Schebler makes.) TRANSMISSION -SUrtivUir.H. apwd and revsra-, crntr con trol, F. A H. annular ball bearing. STKKItl V i i,l Ki eiiiciit ii.lj'l HiM I HlN I i,i ilorf nifli;r,. I,, : Met of pl'iv -. llDKSKruU l i: hi: a k i " i: ' e x te l M.ii . . : . ' r wh i S" P K I N I i S . thrne ipinr'. i inch wide. KKAMK Ir... cm n il Oioe KKONT A X 1.1 . iwct ion HEAR AXI.i: . . ., i! WHEELS Am i:, r,. -a . Kikra, whIp bub ll.it,,-. . SPOKES li mi h .'. .. I narh .(n.kc TIRE.V-:l'Mrirh by : ,,,, I. In- ( We are daily f xpecting a carload of these ran,, and will tell them fully equipped with Mohair Top, Glass Windshield jtnd Prestolite Tank, delivcrd in New Bern for $ 1 ,000. No j greiiter value to Aotomobilet bat ever beeo offered. It will "pay yoii to let iEe ,,OVlRLAND,, before placing your order. M I II TA'M 4 UPPLY CO. ! 1 61 rottocK st. r o