) v - V.'- A PAPER WITH KNOWN CIRCULATION W NUMBER 206 NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 26r 191L THIRTIETH VEAK imiL i t . . 'A, . 5 f! . .5., a.1 he' it''. I5 . i 'X, I' I: v i If. '.V C. ' '-' i - r, ft i YOUR BANK. THH bank aims to render such considerate and careful s rvice that it depositors regard it ai "their bank." If you open an account with this bnnk we ahall be pleased to hsve you call it "your bank. " This bank waseaiab lish d for service and it is the aim of our management to render every possible assigtan le to all the people of this community. Try making this bank "your bank " You will never regret it. OUR CAPITAL FUND IS LARGER THAN ANY OTHER ANK IN NEW BERN. AIRSHIP BARGAINS AT WHEELBARROW PRICES HIGH UP IN QUALITY LOW DOWN PHI Ladies and Misses Coat Suits Mens and Boys coats. If you haven't bought, you can buy now at prices to suit your purse. Be lieve us or not-we money on wearing other store in New SELLS IT UTU i "1! m III!. WAV, Bl'l Don't Wait Until I o Get Your Get Them Now yo'.i Li-: - y i and im-.: f ; , U hTl ,;i ( : ! i I r I I COATS THAT SATISFY Co n Suits and Coats that satisfy is the one best phras" we cat. find to describe our handsome New Suits and C av, for Women and Misses, they satisfy the rnosi r.ticnl dressers as to style, fit and service qnH tlw"'r c:iti-fir tV-im at 9 iftwr ri-ci frViarv ?ir aVav I fur nn. n uL vrr ic vVr j iiiy i'ii i u iu i WHAT YOU GET 'YOUR DOLLARS GO A LONG WAY AT ; M. MITCHELL & CO; 6i' roLtocK' st:;ZZ:M?wltnm ir. o o OOCXMDOO O O OCKDOOO AN !E, Suits and Over can save you more apperal than any Bern. oplon & Son FOR LESS IT I'AYS TO WALK TO COPLON'S :5c The Last Minute Winter Clothes. ill ih':.4.yK service, satisfaction and .vh; i. you are entitled in your clothes. :;i tj this store, where the newest '. ' 1. : . women and girU wear can be y and at prices you like to ixi tnr DDirr oitt iu in iii i iivr, iu i n FOR THE PRICE. THIS STORE. III THE PAST WEEK Indicate Healthy State. Exports Large. Sales To Mills. Dead- leek la Prices (.kiutinue. j New York, Nov. 25. Cotton has al- j ternately declined and advanced on a steady absorption by spot interests, spinners and short), Bombay will, it ia said, take 250,000 bales this year.' the largest total ever known. The yarn ! trade is improving. Several orders for i knitting yarns, aggregating about 2T0 pounds, were taken by New York State mills on Wednesday: Spinners continue j quoting prices that are about a cent above the market. The Southern yarn j markets are also reported firm. Fall River is active. The week's sal'sarej expee'ed to be unusually large. Some French and German mills are buyiDg cotton on the present basis for delivery several years aheid. Large New Or leans operators are buying the next crop months. So are continental Bpin ners in Liverpool. They are said to be baying them on a very large scale. The $50,)00,000 schemo to advance Southern farmer $25 a bale on securing his pledge to restrict his next acreage, takes two million bales off the market, and then buy futures against it while it is denounced by many as absurd is regarded by others as possibly an enter ing wedge to clear the way for some better method for marketing the cot ton than that which hag heretofore been pursued. Meantime, holding back cotton at the South is still a noticeable factor in the genet al situation. The short interest here is said to be Btill large and the shorts and everybody else, it is declared, seems anxious to teize the oppoitunity to buy when the price reaches bottom. But what will prove to be the bottom is not assured. Has it already been reached, or must the price decline further. Meantime many tradera fear to sell a dull market. The exports are enormous. On the other hand, prices fail to advance ma terially. Though the ginning figures for the last period were 230,000 bales smaller than were general'y expected, the total, 10,296.980" bales was after ull the largest on record. The receipts are large. The weather has recently been favorable for picking and market ing. "The cotton is there whatever the reported ginning," is a remark of ten heard. Cordill has increased his estimate of the Texas crop from 4. 150, 000 balea to 4,500,0110 Bales, which makes his total intimate of the crop 15,775,000 bales. Spot houses have latterly been sell ing January. The December premium has fallen off. The big preponderance of low grades in a large crop this year some think, may yet prove a depressing effect. As the case stands, however, cotton is being absorbed in sufficient quantities to keep the prices steady, though the Liverpool cotton txchange members estimate the crop on the aver age at 14,811,0Jf) bains, and the Mem phis Commercial Appeal puts it at 15,045,000 bales. The tenacity with which the price holds is exciting wide spread comment, Some continental spinners are buying cotton as far ahead It is staled, as 1918. Net changes in prices for the week are slight. The deadlock of six weeks is practically un broken. Brand New Line of Rugs just in from th mills, 9x12 Ax-minister, in beautiful shades, extra heavy at $20,00, 9x12 Wilton at $27.50, 9x12 Brussell at $25.00, 9x12 Topesly at $12.50, small rugs to match. Now is the time to make selection, as my stock it complete. J. S. MILLER. The Furniture Man. Monarchists who crossed the Portu guese boundary were repulsed by tht republican troop. ACCEPTABLE Old man Economy baa arrival with a full line of th vary best foreign and domnatic woolvoa of the very lateat nV slgn, for your fall and winter tultt, Old man Economy will aava you from thrva to aevon dollar on solta, everything ba equal. Second, he will make the gar ment any style that Is worn by the beat dreaeed man. Third will make stiff front or aof t front coat that will hold IU thape, and panta just as your say yoa want hwi. Fourth, w put In bolrrf that will wear with the ooUtde, and all work guaranteed to be op to the standard American tailoring. Thir ty odd yean etparleoe tMbto ooi t koow bow to work mry fabrto that full ralue may ba teen com sad get aanted with him. Etoooo wUI Ull ;m bow M etart ft bank a. eouat, and how to raUa vp a ' fjll with Um anpanaa. Bf la atopplaf for toe aeaeoa at B. SAWYER- H Bout Hoai 8u "i Sileii-unitirtt. ind ' jtomTort. with good cctcrU'nmcfit t The COTTON 1T1 INFORMATION PERSECUTION RA THER THAN TRIAL Declares (iompers. Would io To Jail But Delegates Will Fight. Atlanta, Ga., Nov.'25 "Let us go to jail and end it," John Mitchell said in the convention of the American Fed eration of '.abor when the news arrived that Justice Wright of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia had decided that Mitchell, Samuel Gomperi and Frank Morrison must again stand trial for contempt of court. "1 want to serve my sentence and get it over with." "No, we will fight it to the end," shouted the delegates in chorun, and by unanimous vote the convention at once decided to fight the contempt proceed ings through every court. "This whole proceeding," Gompers said, "has been in the nature of per secution rather than trial. It is hard to understand how a man so lacking in judicial temperament as Justice Wright could be raised to the bench. He is mentally incompetent for his place," at which the delegates cheered. The convention appropriated $50,000 for the McNamara defense in Los An geles, and by a vote of 176 to 7 $60,000 more will be raised by taxing the sal aried officers of the federation and of affiliated unions one week's pay for the same purpose. Appeal will also be made to wage workers all over the country to subscribe to the campaign fund of Job Harriman, the Socialist candidate for Mayor of Los Angeles. Vaudeville at The Athens Mon. Tues. and Thurs, Raymond and Hess, comedy singing and talk ing. Just Received 1 solid carload of Brass and Iron Beds, we can give you good strong Iron Beds as low as $2.50 each, 2 inch post for $8.00 that beats anything you ever saw for the price. J. S. MILLER, The Furniture Man. Ntw Autos Purchased, The Hyman Supply Company have sold to Mr. W. B. Blades a handsome 1912 model Cadillac Touring Car, and to Mr. E. E. Bell of Pollocksville, an E. M. F. Car. These autos are of high class, two of the several classses that the Hyman Supply Co, are agents for in this city. New Bern, Take Notice. Mr. Editor Please atop my ad at once. Since my last ad waa placed in your paper my business has increased so I cannot hardly wait on my custo mers. Please stop until further notice, One fine mule for sale. "Big Hill,' the Shingle and Paper Roofing Man. BRUTAL ACTIONS CHINESEP1RATES KcbeU (kntiaue to Have Best in Fighta. Bitter Against Foreiguere. Hongkong, China, Nov. 25. After a desperate fight with the crew in which chief officer H. J. Nicholson, an Eng lishman, was killed, Chinese pirates captured and looted the British steam skip Shiuon, nrar Kongmoon, accord ing to advices received here. The plra'ea brutally miahandled ev erybody aboard the ship following their capture of the reaeel, 'lopping off the legs of two Chinese paatenger in mere sport, Tbe attack on the Shiuoo marks the climax of atrocities perpetrated by the pirate crews which have swarmed hi all Chinese waters slnee the rebellioo broke oat The Eaglieh natal aotborl Ilea are expected to take vifferoot ac tion immediately toward auppreeejnf them. . TUoteln, No. 20th. rThe rebel had moch the b. at of Friday fighting near Hankow, awortlruj to meeeaf ea re caivad bare. They drove the Imperial tart northward along the Hankow-Peking railroad. The ioaee on both aidet was anomooa. The govaroment baa arranged to pur chaea aoaat $720,000 Worth of ansa cod amnnhrUofl froro Japan. . ' Peking, Nor?. 2S RevotnUonUU la Pec hill provlaee art en art king oa Kal- gaa od eay thef wilt tnova (bene agahat Peking.. A peel prataila ambng tbe Minahea Id the eity. ' Aa their ter ror tntfreeert tha UinrJiua ara mwiet moti and mofa btltrf jatoar ,forelg mf- 8 teoea la the feeling lhat It waa drdjed advlaable U hctw tha left Uotgoarda. iTM Brittsh Coward at Cbtn'gklng,' laechaa-a prwrlnra. report ed that a republic wt declared there Hov. 22i, He a4 $ tki forvlgfiera io btaWcalltaraaafe. t .','..''-' i L OF LAST WEEK Mi8Kplled Words. Pupils Work Out of Hours. Thanksgiving Holiday and Offering For the Poor. The accusation is often heard tint children now-a-days are not as good spellers aa in tbe "good old limes." Of course, there are good and bad spellers today aa there were years ago, and as there will likely be for many years to come. Usually a poor speller has some defect in hearing or sight. During the past week an account has bren kept of every word mis spelled in high school composition work. Out of the 8th, !tli and 10th grades, the following words were mis-spelled: giants, nymph, hea ven, too, fascinating, jealous, until, poplars, pined, manage, stopped. These were found in 90 compositions. There are quite a number of boys and girls in the graded school who do work outside of school hours, for which they receive pay. In many instances this money is used to help support them selves. It may be of interest to know just what they do. A large number of boys coilect in the afternoon and Satur days, others clerk in grocery, fruit and dry goods stores; still others deliver telegrams and do work in the lum ber yards; several sell newspapers and deliver our daiy papers. Quite a num ber of girls work on the ouside also. but the majority help at home and re ceive pay for their time 'and labor Washing the dinner dishes, cleaning up the houBe, etc. seem to be favorite schemes for the girls. One girl does every bit of her own sewing, for which her father pays her, 48 boys and 22 girls report this outside work for which they receive pay. A number of the teachers expect to attend the North Carolina Teachers' Assembly in Raleigh, On next Thursday and Friday the mual Thanksgiving holiday will be given ihis year and there will be no school on either Thursday or Friday, Nov. ;;oth Dec. 1st. The usual thanksgiving offer ing for the poor afflicted of the city, will be taken on Wednesday next. The beautiful custom for many years of each pupil bringing Home gift for the poor and afflicted, will be followed. The offering will be distributed on Wednes day afternoon. - Tbe 3A Grade had a spelling bee on Friday morning At the end of twenty-five minutes the following remained standing: Charlene Knapp, Leora Ar thur, Carolyn Carmon, Lloyd Doughty, John Palmer. This grade has begun fractions and seeniH to be getting on very wel. In the 5A Grade the following id a list of those not missing a word in spell ing dnring the week: Grace Stewart. Felix Labaki, OufTy Rowe, Mildred Whitehurst, Annie May Dukca, Brenda Koapp, Robert Nixon, Daisy Lockyer, Lucy McDaniel. Very creditable maps of the Southern States have been drawn in this grade during the week. Thin morning some interesting facts were reai, for a few minuter, from "Current Events" and much interest was arou.s ed by calling on tbe children to tell what had been read. In a spelling bee, in the 4A grade Lillian Grubs was the only girl left standing against ten boys, the boys finally winning out. Heaters. If you want just a cheap heater for j bed room, we can give you a nice little wood heater for il.25 that heats quick. I We have out of car of Co I ex Ranges and Hot Blast Heaters, 2 Ranges and 20 Heaters left. Don't delay in getting your beater placed iu your home. J. 8. MILLER. The Furniture Man. Free Dinner For The Poor. The Salvation Army will give a free dinner to tbe poof and needy of this eity on Thanksgiving. Thursday Nov. 30th, at tbe Salvation Army quartera. All who wish to donate to help the needy can call phone 441 or send dona tion to 67, Broad St. All the needy will fiod a welcome at quartera 67 i Broad St, 12:30 Thanksgiving Dy. CAPf. and MR8, J. K. WAY, PILES t PILES 1 PILES 1 William' Indian Pile Ointment wil tor BUad, Bleeding and Itching Pile. It abeorba the tumor, allay Itching at once, acta aa ft pouIUoa, gtvwa taataot relief. WUUarna' Indian Pile Ointment I prepared for PUea tad UrfJpg of the private part. ' 8o!e by druggieta, mall eoe ai itoa , wnhw. urt, Co, Prop., Cleveland, 0. FOR RENT Tb DutTy bomeateadv No 28 Toltemi tow,, -V V, V't" Tba old Jonathan HaratiVpjace,;No. Ml Eaat frwt.ttMwtt' ' Mo, Jul Geerg aUweL'-aalir toom reakjancw to good ordaty wlta bath U Several 'small hwiae near H. at 8. B. andaetTi cheap waa for colored peorla SCHQQ HEWS gig nri iiiia in m This Bank Forms The Ideal Depository Because It is managed oiimervatively and liy .!. ! 1 : i ni'ss judgment. It treats all its -untniers with ir .:,.: tnd to their linuut'ial matters with ...i! ;-v , ..: . racy. It extends every facility to its put' - -. have little or much iinuie. It pays 4 per cent interest no - ;u :: ,- . . or more, anil on Certificates of lit ..-.: YOUR PATRONACE IS INVITI I). lilllll BIG CLOTHING SALE BEGINING TO-BAY We put on sale our entire., sloe k ol mens, boys and childrens Clothing, Overcoats and Pants, at i sweeping reduction of 20 per cent. Over $ 10,000 Worth of New Goods to Scleet From THESE GOODS MUST GO J. J. BAXTER ELKS TEMPLE $900.00 I v'eRLAND' MODEL 59 T V7 5 PASSENGER Fore Door Touring Car SPECIFICATIONS WHEELHASK 1 1 Mi inches. TKKM) 'in nunc. CRANK SHAFT This i-tl-.,nly rar of it cIhhi with 11 lnv hear ing crank shaft. 'I his f'-nture givi'M suport mi each side i.f each connect un; rod as it de livers 1 1 h jMiwcr stroke, which InHurK the greatest uiHiiihle rigidity anil keeps the crank shaft in erfect line on its hear ing. ' MOTOK 4 inches hv 4 (lichen. ( yhnders ct wparately. I, head tVH Isrye sized vnlves. pimh nxia luhriciited, I'isiiring n weet-mnniiig. silent, er ful motor. CARBURKTOR M.slel L Scheie lr (the Iwnt Schnbler makt h. ) TRANSMISSION SeliKtiv.three peed aril rrverv, renter con trol, F. A S. annular ball bear-Inge. W are daily expecting a carload of thesr cars, and w ill , tell them fully equipped with Mohair Top. Class Windshield "j and Prestotite Tnk, deliverd in New Bern for 1 1 ,000. No greater value in Automobiles has ever been offered. It will a pat you to tee tbe "OVERLAND" before placing your order. 1IYMAN '.',- ,s i ..S".&tf'Wn. ii';iri rS,',,) ''yr'. v. V"c V 1 k air iiajia i tiai IKiPT STORE 30 H. P. STKKRIN'i. 1. 1. A I Hegmcnt j i t j . j I 1 1 i , -i li ATI H)N I i. . il PI f lli.H'l ' I in J ' ' ! of plug . 1H iK.-Kl'i i i i: UK A K : . Ii i' . - eMerim i .li I I ,.i I .1., , ii wheel s p in ; ' i 1 hree 'i i r t . i . , , pi i . inch i le. I- KAMK P.. i.'.., ti.nrni .;,.. Fl N T A I K I imp p. I sectlnn. KKAU AXI.K Mi,g. WIIKKI. Artille,,. ,,.. I.' Mpoken, uile hoh tl.'it.geM KI'dKKS 1 inch Sp..l .- i ...it f..r arh spoke. TIKF.S- :t;!-m. h h t, in. h. CITDDI V CM Vv '51 t V 1 1 ( .. I V''