t ,4 Mr ? ; 1 '32;'. -'.WiVi..- 7.' ''V- " y f ...' 4 , , DAUGHTER By . Lydla E Wnkham'j Vegi?table.. pmpotind;,4-.f Baltimore. Md. "I erad vo rL here with tiepitnre of my fifteen mar old tu reuiria it health br Lrdi K HnxhanVs Vegvta ble Compormd. he was pale, With-tUrk circles under her eyes, weak and irrj, table. Two different doctors treated her and called it Grean Sickftess,. but she new worse all the time.' LTdia E. Pink. ham's Vegetable Compound was rec ommended, and after taking three bot tles she has regained her health, thanks to your medicine. I can recommend it for all female troubles." Mrs. L. A. Coekbah, 1103 Rutland Street; Balti, more, Md Hundreds of such letters from moth, ers expressing their gratitude for what Lvdia E. Piniham's Vegetable Com. pound has accomplished for them hare been received by the Lydla E. Finkham Uledicine Company, Lynn, Mass. Younff Girls, Heed Tills Advice. Girls who are troubled with painful or irregular periods, backache, head-ache.'dragging-down sensations, faint, ing spells or Indigestion, should take immediate action and be restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound. Thousands have been restored to health by its use. Write to Mrs. Pink ham, Lynn, Hass for advice, free. , I ; ri ,i ' ; . , - ACTS LIKE MAGIC j XJ.Ptterra,M.DManhatltAU.,M7st In iot oractice I hare found that Mex ican Mustang Liniment a?U like magic I In one case it cured an old lady of Terr I severe attack of Rheumatism in the neck I and shoulders." I 25c 50c $1 abottla at Dnuj St Ccn'l Store CASH OR CREDIT . Factory pricea, no aceots' or retailtn' profits W allow SO dar a trial and tire a 10-rear wrttttn tee wltb each nacbme. Oor pricei lave you oae- naif oq hlf bestcrade ma chine!. WerelUJOma- chinea 1S. 75; $40 macblnea 18 SO; 150 machine! 130.651 J',0 machine! J22.75. CREDIT TERMS MAKE PAYING EASY. Shipped promptlr rrom Richmond, Va.. to Sontbern nointi: from Chl- ciro to Watern point!. Writ tttdajr for Illustrated Sawinfl Mitrhl Folder. THE SPOTLESS CO 65 Shockoe Square, Richmond, Va., The South' Mall Order House." Restores Gray Hair to Natural Color 1HOTU D1KDIITT 111 SCVU IcT'.gorateBaiid preTCnta thenalrfrom falling off Wmr Bak J B, uliti. er Seat Hml aj XANTH1NECO., Richmond, Virginia rrin (1 rer asUtel aaapla Battle lie. lead br elfealar. FOR WAULS AND CEILINGS Mn n LIKE FrlBT; LOfllt HIE WUL rtKI: TNI CM WUH IT A DeiiaviTviiiioBiratea book oiH ooiora ana rooto- irnipbafiirScenta. Send rour name and add reaalo Ua Klii STONE VAKNI8H CO., llruoklju, N.Y. Charlotte Directory Charlotte Auto School. Charlotte, N.C. want men and boys to learn Automobile) bu:itneKH to their Garage 'and Maehfaae hopa. earn; New MacnineiTi gooa poeitiona tor every graduate. (JATAlXKiUE FEKJL Don't Buy a PIANO until you have written the great house of C has. M. Stibff. It wi II oaly coat two ceuts and you not only save many dollars in a pnrchase, but run ho risk of securing a cheap piano. No mat ter what agent or dealer is trying to sell yon, write Sties' beiprs roa boy; THE STIEFF- is the only artistic piano, sold diroot to yoa by it maker. Chas. M. Stieff MiNoracrosts o ths Artistic Srieff, Stieff Self Prsyer, SJatw as Shaw SeB-pUror rlaaos Southern Wareroom I Wsat Trad Street x Cbarlotls - North Carol Um v'ta WILMOTH. Managw This la Crrns X Batew, the Mob ertae tfnrUaea Smbifl Jaf i ae4 Oooae uaitswat, VAS CURED goaraa- t i 1 ,-''iV Kate, the mnki wbo If if , )i.ti4 ut ir ,- , 7 Clrasoi Ltalraeal, J - two uf tka frwatyoaa r Si 1Mb kaowa to I f " . ' t ,.' bassaatty. - '-e .;c ,ar EXCin,.3 .lay i;; Fourtti Gams of tht Champlonahl Qerrtaata at WORLD'S SERIES COPE. Total Figure on Six Garnet,' Attendance ..; ' 17J.S8T Qros racetpta fM2.MS.fio Player' eta axe , iri.S10.Sl Philadelphia, share (60 per cent) i T6."4fc7 New York's share (40 per cent) tUi. Each Athletic' share X.SM.59 Eaoh Giant's share J,iM.4 Each club' abara I0.16&.76 National commission's ' bare S4.Ji5.40 Score. New York. 2; Phlitadelphla, L Philadelphia, I; New York, L PhUadelphla, S; New York, 1 01 Innings). Philadelphia. 4; New York, t New York. 4: Philadelphia, t Philadelphia, 13: New York. 2. "JACK" LE MIRE Fast Half-Back on University of Mis souri Football Team. RUGBY IS POPULAR AT PENN Vany Exponent of Gam Found at Unlvrity of Pennsylvania Good Team Promised. Rugby football wlU And many ex ponents m the University of Penn sylvania this season. The game was tartetj there last season and at first created much amusement among the students, who were surprised by thp trange "scrum" formation. Only, a few games were played, but they showed that among Penngylvanians there were a number of Idle basket ball players and track men who went Into the game with enthusiasm and proved to be too strong for opponents of far more experience. There were; moreover, numerous foreigners among the students who were overjoyed at the chance of playing a familiar game. Of those who reported tor Rugby last year, more than half were English. ' Tht year the Interest In the gam has developed enormously. Eight lit last year's team are still' la college, while SO new mea reported the other day -in answer to the call for candl date. Woman First Baseman. Myrtle Row of Kenitngtoa, P Is known 'as the woman champion Brat Woman of ths world. At least aha claim this tlU. She took to base ball naturally and, disproving the tradition hat a woman could not throw straight, aha mad a good ratr ord a a player, -vi according to maaculln tandards. ' Bat h has grown tired of baseball and has goa In for .musical composition. Sb and her brother, William A. Rows, have eotoposed popular ragtime pleoel. World's Shotput Mark.- A Bw world racord for tta twentyi fogr-poand sbotpat I marked up to th arsdlt 6t tho Irish American Atb Vetlc'erab of thU cllf th other" day U a'rantt of ths prformDca of p. J McDonald, rthy btf ; netropolltaa champion, at Caltlo park) 4 UcDataM Jaorts4.Ua bakry ball's dlsUnca Of t fat.l,iHI inch. lmprarUg too mark mads thraa years ago by Ralph-Roe, th glaot Otltfor. ;...'. JWoO far IIHy Bariia, : Oaorg H. Eatabrook th othar diy sold BpaDUh.Qusan, 1:04, to aa dor flchllorr of VUnn. Austria. FmU Jscobtan. . cUn for Mar. NeHI n Drurkman of Vienna, offarod Lofl McDonald 130.000 for Hilly ImrHa. McDoaald rfud It promptlr. on tbB ak-d If WfiW would 1 f hlov but Ncryrhkld d'ir.efj to ssy, Mr. Tardea baa pr1rd f.:eritng Ms J hla. ; taksr Vainfl FINDING STARS CALLED ART Mike 'Kahoa, .otahlnjton, 8oputs ' Far and Wide for "Unknowns' 7'" Rvery .Tlpr iBre are a few tips from Mike Kahoe, sco Jor'' the Waabitigton American, on-the "art" ofdlsijOYer- ing diamond1, stanft ' , M ; "Fou cannot afford to pass trp any Up you get - Otv- ball players theae days. 8ome Of the. best men we have In the game, today come from some remote pot,an(l It pay In the long run to run' down erery cisw you get I nave Men nearly ererywhere tx oept on theibast this summer and lookedDover 4 lot of player who were touted a wofoder. but who were far rrom it. I '; 1 strange how opinion on players dltfei.. It ha been my ex perlence that, there are but few old player who know a good player when they one. Some of them seem to have a mistaken Idea of what Is required of a player to make good In this company. .But, as I said before, it does not pay to pas up any of these tip. The aafest way la to look them over for a couple of days and see what they are. No matter bow many dead ones you may go after, it pays If you find one good one." 1 WILL CHANGE HOCKEY CODE New Rule Make More Open Game and Eliminate Rover Interna tional Matche Hampered. The game of hockey is likely to un dergo an almost revolutionary change this winter a a result of the action of the National Hockey Association of Canada in reducing the number of player on a team from seven to six. The player to be eliminated is the rover. It is considered that this will make the game much faster and will also tend to make It more open, but followers of fje sport here are not of one mind on the radical change. Another new rule, which will ham per the arrangements of International matches, forbids clubs that are mem-. berg of the National associations from arranging directly with those 'from the United States. In future the man agement of clubs In the United States will have to approach T. Em- mett Qulnn, president of the National Hockey Association of Canada, and he will do the 'arranging. JUDGE GOT BASEBALL NEWS Justice Brown Received Scores by Inning While Hearing Breach of Promise Trial. 8upreme Court Justice Charles Brown of Buffalo, who 1 Bitting In the Supreme court of New York City by designation of the Appellate deri sion, i a' much of a baseball en thusiast as Is Vice President Sher man. The Justice was hearing a breach of promise trial during the progress of the world's series game In rniiaaeipnia. Justice Brown was so interested in the outcome that he asked the clerk of the court to And a way to keep him Informed of bow th game was going. The clerk conferred wltb reporter In the courtroom, and they took turn getting ths returns by Inning. - The result was that a reporter wa Neither going out or coming in to th court every few minute .during th trial and lbs presiding judge knew tbs way the teams stood at th sad of vry inning. YALE PLANS; BASEBALL CAGE Graduate Commrttae Figure on Mod em Building, to goat WWO . ' -'.VW,'! - C Yalea long-def rrd . project of a modern baseball ,cu has baen brought; clo ' to fulfUlmsnt hy the rradnata aommlttaa which la aaalat- Ing Captain; Dick KtrrlttV plan , lor next ieaoni campalgB.,'" ;;' "', Plans ' barb tn drawn and ar now hi the hand of a JommlUa. to" whom thay ra referred by Walter Camp, Tel' graduate adrlaar. Tbey ealt for t brick building 140 by 110 feet and 1 feat high, with a tower about W feet quara turaouaUn: ths tract or.. Th eaxs will stand fa tba rear of th nw Csrnrgls swimming pool sad will cost about 140,000.; Ths ipns will bs mat. by ' suhscrf ptlon from alumni ' Tba) bafldln :wlll conUtn, beside Ita baseball, tfulpmsot, a rannlpg' track and placet for high aad broad jumping.,' --.-r-, t- i. -s'v. Carrmuakara Lea Two.""'''' "In ohe.nJght tba. University, of N braakt football team lost two regular linemen. Hornbirrsr,' . tba . vtruran canter, lurn In hi suit a th reanlt of a aeriou kecldent. to hi grand- mother ana th danfcrr of worry rn1 If h' playlrf hsstnnlng hat fli-aih. Ffftrson, r'rUt guard, quit tb tm as-thn rult.of tb ras of work. . ! -' : '.- j ; rh: -. tock. f r ".l t ,i-e tiX t' si ' ntlin (ti! In- k are brflnnlnk ,') lurk I Few Coach; Take Advanta cf ; ToucnaacJc nay, - Kicking From Rcggiar Fortutlon Is Grxnl Gainer and PoaaiblOtiaa JJ Asotlng Seen hi Chicago- j v- - J i Miuwis oisbv-'.';- - -4.. 7 . ' ' '' While a ml) has bea enacted wWcS allow to tssjs oDoa Which: touch kack ) keen see red to pot the tall la play on ths U-yaxt line either, by kick or a-imag." f aw. coaches ar taking advantage, a rallnsr V ' 1 Id the great inajorltj at cases- the captain electa to pant from ths recujkr linos up, lryikirmAtimtVJ players or the kicking, w osa -s checked a soon as the ball has gone tgn yard. In this manner the Dan who catches the oval, Mas many -opportunities 0f bringing It back at least half the distance ;6 the kick and sometimes a great deal farther. ; As the center of the defensive eleven may stand upon ths 25-yard line, the ktcker must boot the ball irons some point at least, five yards back of the restraining line. Consequently he gen erally boots thd oval from the 18 or 20 yard mark, writes Walter H. Ecker salt In ths Chicago Tribune, Ths only advantage whlch a. team has which kicks from such formations is that the players are onside and have the right to recover the ball at any time except when it is kicked out of bounds before brtng touched by a player of either In order to take all advantage pos sible, a team. If the captain elects to punt, should follow the regular punt formation. Then players of the kick er's side cannot be interfered with until the ball has gone 20 yards. Un der such conditions they have a great er advantage than If tbey went down under a punt from the kick-off forma tion. A booted kicking from the regu lar formation practically sends the oval away on Its flight from the same spot as does the team which kicks without assuming the scrimmage punt formation. He Is afforded better pro tection, bss vacant spots In the field to kick to, and it gives his team a bet ter chance of recovering the ball aside from preventing the receiving backs fromx running the ball back any con siderable distance. To the average follower of football the importance of this ruling does not have much weight, but if the altera tion is given thorough attention and consideration the benefits of kicking from a scrimmage punt formation soon will be realized. Coach Stagg of J the University of Chicago has taken advantage of the ruling and has ob tained the desired results in every contest A team which constantly Is being pressed and Is having touchbacks scored on it frequently should take ad vantage of this ruling, especially when the opposing eleven has the advantage of a strong wind. A hooter when kick ing In the teeth of a wind should al ways try to kick the ball out "of bounds as far down the field as pos sible, and bis attempts always should be of the law drive variety. In the games played this year, es pecially In the western conference col leges, the keen Judgment of the .kick ers In placing their attempts and get ting their kicks away In faultless fash- Ion has been one of the most impor tant factors In deciding contests. Un der the present rules an eleven can not hope for success unless kickers are developed who can be depended upon absolutely to get their kicks away, even in the face of adverse con ditions, and who can drive the ball to deserted parts of the gridiron. "HALF-BACK" CPAIG PJyr Ha Jrova Towar of Itrangth ', .. Xi Mihioan Tsanv UJaaa. . U.Ltmaii 41kalr Vf, f'r m WVaT SB VST VS iiHiintrwt rvieat aa t Matt McOraUL th giant ' weight throwr, formerly of th New Tort A. Ch mad) a new world's record wftt tb lxto-pound nsmmer th otbai day at Ottio park. H sent in mfs Us 1S7 ft 4 inches, sxaotiy tbia fMt'Tanbar' tht a tb prctioo mark mad by Joba FUnagatt ; mors that two year ago at New Jlvn. Taart wag a strong wind blowing at tb time, and whether tbl will tnlllUU gklnst th accepUac of ' tb bs mark can only be determined by Uw record eommlUe of th A. A.' U. r.hK. B.ttlnM Mark ' V Ty Cobb capturrl lb Amfrlcai lesr.ii rord for base stealing an run awing, Bsvlng SB stolen bsi and 149 runs lo bis rrd!t this ss on.' He leads th IrPrT!i In bitilni wltb A it and Mi 21? r.!' tht ot.-.i breaks the rimjur Urr word. I '( sine 1897 If Willi lo''r lth 24 5 is h 1 la:c.i gives rrs appeoyal : . . .in .Powerful American Faeeratlo 'Cordi . . ally Joins 1 FlflH Against ' Spread sf Tabsreulo. A-V i XXrect pprovsi of ths campaign for tie sale of Bad toss seals has beea given by the Americas Federation of Labor, accord ljg to aa gnnonnoemaat by th NatlosaXAssocUtlon for the et4j- and Prevention of. Tubertulo MsC; llJB Jast' annual cosvectaot) of .Ue Amfiifedratloa of Labor a resolution, was adopted calling on all th member., of ths Federation to further 4he sale as much as possible. Ths. rssofiitios road as fellow; ' i "Where,; The American . Federa tion" of Labor has In erery possible way aided th movement for the study and prevention of tuberculoela United States and L Canada ; and .' "Whereas, The American National Red Cross has been In the past and is now making an especial effort, through the sale of Red Cross Christ mas seals, to secure funds to carry on the war against tuberculosis, and by means of the funds raised In this manner has been able to do much ef fective work in this direction, there fore, be It "Resolved, That the Amerloan Fed eration of Labor give Its endorse ment to the movement of the Amer ican National Red Cross, and encour age its members to further In every reasonable way the sale of these seals in their respective communities." Tree Destroyers. Porcupines are good climbers, and when unable to get enough apples wind-blown to the ground, swarm a tree and cut down the finest bearing limbs as quickly and neatly as a beav er can sever the trunk of a young hemlock. Besides that, when other food Is scarce they nibble the bark off young apple trees, and can destroy a newly planted orchard In a short time. They also are a great enemy to the young spruce, but why they cut them Is a mystery, as It Is not found that they even eat the tenderest shoots. Death Bed Jest. Among what may be called death bed Jests, that of the Rev. James Guth rie of Stirling, one of th Covenanter martyrs, deserves a high place. Lord Guthrles recalls the story in "From a Northern Window." Mr.-Guthries was executed at the Cross In the High Btreet. Edinburgh. The night before he asked for cheese for supper. His friends wondered, for the physicians had forbidden him to eat cheese. Hut he said, with a smile, "I am now be yond the hazard of all earthly dis eases." Uncle Remus' Magazine. The Humor of It. -Were you shopping today? Yes, I got some things to ex- Stella-Bella-change. The big coffee (rust, made up of Brazilian growers and, American importers, has beea trying various tactics to boost the price of coffee and get more money from the people. Always the man who is trying to dig extra money out of the public pocket, on a combination, hiites the man who blocks the game. Now comeg a plaintive bleat from Ihe ''exas perated" ones. The Journal of Commerce lately said : "A stir ring circular has just been issued to the coffee trade." The article further says: "The coffee world is discussing what is to be the future of coffee aa a result of the campaign of ftiiseducation carried on by the cereal codec people. We have before us a letter from one of tho largest roasters in the South asking what can be done to counteract the work of the enemies of coffee. i The matter should have been taker! up by the Brazilian Gov't when they were completing their beautiful valorization scheme." Then the article proceeds to de nounce Poctum and work into a On fransy, because we have pub lished facta regarding the effect of coffee on soma people'. Ths harrowing tals goes on. "Where a few year ago every- body drank code, several cups a 'day, bow wo find in svery walk In : Jllf psopla who Imaglns they cat not drink It (Th underscoring la ! ours.) " Burly blacksmith, carpsa ' tars, laborer and athlstes hav djs- continued or out down tba use of v',coffe; .aa thr la not. a person . .who reads this and will not be abls to nod ths aam conditions axlsttng '-' among bis own. circle of acqoalBt Mcaa, Is It not wU for the Braail i tans to ait, trp and taks notlcst "i ' ;,J lawi'ttt rioUt'hsas - $vr Ly". strong mea shouli pldk out eof 'vft to rtmaglns". ahoatt ,Wby not J -. "lmscln" - that . regular dosos of tVwnUkoy ar harmful, or daily alugi '.fit momhlDst, ,"v, i,. . v ' a .'1lBt!naHoa,, oakea th -caf; fetn ta code (log th llvsr. da ''' prcaa ths heart, and ataadlly tar " dowft tb firtou system, bringing , , on on or mor of ths doin of ' ' tytxis of , disease, "'which follow brokon-down nmou tystemit, ' fuafiy people doa't know It fBut It trmalnsd for th man who , ta roffed, morpliln or whiskey to mTL to hv th supreme fierve to tayt "You only Imagin your rHnordnra, K0 ) liuvlng from 1 ILrr jaw otssr yaar Dr. Pierce Ta Wart Mm rofuVjJ ooadltioa, nloers, "ferer-aofea," whits swelliafs, eta., by takin Dr. Pkre' Dtaoorary. J oat tas rciressinf sad vitaluund toaia Deeded for aiiissniss tisane wast, ia eoaTaleaoohoe from ferers or for niia-down, aneesuo, thiabloodod people. Stick to this safe and sane remedy and refuse all " put a good" kuacia offered brtbe dealer wlio H looking for a Urfr profit. Notb lag will do you half a souen food as Dr. Pieree'i Golden Medioal DUopvery. nnnCT? DANGEROUS VARIETY. Caroline She may be a gossip, but I believe she tells the truth. Pauline My dear, the truth is fre- j quently th worst form of gossip imag- ! i liable. Distinction. Senator Lotsmaun Who is this Mc Chunkerson that wants a consulship, and what claim has he on me for a political Job? Private Secretary He says he's the only man who hasn't been mentioned as a candidate for governor of Illi nois. Let us continue to quote from bis article. "Notwithstanding the enormous Increase In population during the past three years, coffee shows an appalling decrees In consumption." Then follow a tiresome lot of statistic which wind up by show ing a decrease of consumption In two year of. In round figures, two hundred million pounds. Hera' ws ses the causa for th at tacks on ns and th BraslIUn users at Americans wbo prefer to us a healthful bome-mads break fast drink and incidentally kptb money la Jlmsrica, rather than and tba mulions to Brasll aad pay tor aa artlola that chemists class among "th dregs and not among th foods. a- 'l ' Will ths read piias rmm be w never announc that cogs "borts all pojopia." c ,. , '. 8otD parsons saem to. hav si cess vitality enough to Use eoffea, tobacco aad" whlskoy fof year and apparantly ba Bona th .afori,.but tba number U small, aad whsn a Mnsibl man or woman finds aa ar ticle acta harmfully they irla soma degf of 'tnUlllgaoce by dropping It . ;; . ;. f Xf.J,'K i , W quot atsJn from th artlcls: Thes flKure ire paralysing but , 'corrret bolng taken from Lch stall ilka, facisilzod a Ujs most roiiat.!" wwak Wt, dtor fcBnppPproi- ' , aweathoeg sttsc soaaU r Lr tie yea xpenaaoe peus , srre th heart, sbarfasses tt fcraatk oa fcea -staara : sad Has smasy diatss is siasjiluis whjca ikmt '': poor aOrastlauow and beui blood t v A Imrt toss. blood sad bodr-tmUder that ba toad ta fru of . " of aqrc t . f s CoUen Mescal Discovery beeoeae regular a dock-work. The red baood aorjigsclrs ar lnore od is atasaber aad (fee aarvi la tor are well fed. Th arteries are filled with oed rioa blood. That is why nerroaa debilitr. krttabilitr, fainrfa shells, disappear and are orer osa by this altera tir extract of nserltrinal roots past tas by Dr. Plaroa w4tbowt the use of alooho!. Aak vosaf sarialibor. Man km baaa enreat rJ 1 - rrirM smokeless EnreV 1 LKJLy OIL HEATER In every cold weaiher etnergency yon Deed a Perfection StDokdeai Oil Heater. Ii your bedroom cold when you dreas oa undress ? Do your water pipes faeeze ia the cellar It it chilly when the wind whiatlet around the exposed corneri of your houae? A Perfection Sriralteleai Oil Heater bringa complete com fort Can be carried anywhere. Always ready for uae glowing beat from the minute it i lighted. Ailt yam dealer to abow joa a Perfection Oil Healer: or write tor deacripure ascaJar to aay agency of Standard Oil Company (Incorporated) JUST BEFORE THE TROUBLE How Could the Listener Know What His Friend Was Trying to Say? If any man ever admired his wife, that man was Howlor. And when tho Fitzboodles asked Mrs. Howler to get up and sing. "There Is a Garden In My Face," the husband glowed with pride. No matter (hat she had a face like a hippopotamus and a voice like an elephant, lie Fat beaming as she sang, and could not refrain from bending over to hi3 neighbor and whispering: "Don't you think my wife's got a lh;a voice?" "What?" paid his neighbor, who was a 1-ttle iler.f. "Don't you think my wlff has uot a line voice?" repeated llowltv. "What?" "Don't you think my wif 's got a fine voice?" roared Howler. "Sorry!" returned the neighbor, shaking liis head. "Can't hear a word I you say. That awrul woman over there Is making such n frightful row singing." The Happier Age. The Bronze Age man chuckled. 'if I was steel, I suppose they would dissolve nie." he cried. Herewith he rejoiced he didn't live too late. This Is one of the highest com pliments ever paid to the level heiul ed, common sense of Americans who cut off about two hundred mil lion pounds of coffeeVhen they found by actual experiment (In the majority of cases) that tbe subtle drug caffeine, In coffee, worked dls comfort and varying forms of dis ease. Borne people haven't the charac ter to stop a habit when they know It Is killing them, but It Is ossy to shift from coffoe to Postum, for, when mad according to direction. It comes to tabl a cap of beverage, al brown color, which torn to rich toldn brown whaa cream la added, and the taat Is aery UksH the milder grade Of Old Qov't Java. Postum Is a vsritabla food-drink and highly eoAiriahlng, containing all Ui psrta of wheat carefully pre pared to which I added about tea par cent of Nw Orlekas molasses, and . that Is absolutely. aU that '; Pwtum Is mads of. ' Thousand of visitor to tbpura -food factories' sea tb liigradlsilte' ..' nd how, preparad. Every , aook : and oorner I opa for arery visit." or- to aarafully Impact ' Crowds oom dally and em to wsjoy 4t ' ) There's a Kcason' rrfm Cereal Cofrrparry, Lhnllrd IJM'le Craek, MIr.hlgsa . ' itsSK. X Brazilian ft a .' .'!. ft i ; v v ' t"'-T ail. 1 bit. , . :antrllaassain;i , i Klnlav ta the forrisnera at H0.cl