' J- 7- v. ' A I .-. v ' v '. ' V I ft 'V v -V'" IK S' I' 7 ' JE' . ..,) v, I 'i- 1 i ''-''. V: ..: ' . ''. i.y mm B!iL! tb Mi W HmM. JwmI M-M nrroB akd nonuaroB imounni mATBM lMTw1iU'Mer..;'.n... M-M AdrwttaUi HM fmrmUliad o K- Brn rmuL patsk or new bbrm AND CRA.VXH QOPKTT. S ri t i T ' ew Bern, N. C. Nov. 26, 1911. REMARKABLE rjpMONSTRA. f ION FAVORING NEW BERN. The old adage of "money talks," is as much in force today as ever. Opinion backed by dollars far out weighs in its effectiveness the best conversationist The abeve is actively proven in the article iu Saturday's Journal, telling of the raising by popular subscription of $300. among the farmers living alone the line be tween New Bern and Aurora, a road that passes through parts of Craven, Pamlico and Beaufort counties. Weeks ago a committee representing the poeple of these sections come to this city, and asked that New Bern would join in a movement to put in first class order the road leading from this city to the vicinity of Aurora, saying it was their estimate that about four miles was the longest portion needing special expense in repairing, and to show their wil lingness in the work, they agreed to raise 9250. of the $1,000 they deemed necessary for this road work. Friday last, the committee sent word to the Journal that $300 was subscribed, and they were ready to join New Bern Chamber of Com merce in beginning the road work. The sections traversed by this road are rich in trade possibilities for this city. The fact that the coun try people have so readily and generously subscribed, should find an equal response from the people of this city, throngh the Chamber of Commerce, and enough money be pledged at once to keep the work, already undertaken by the farmers, in full swing until this road shall be completed. Now is the season of year to begin the work, labor is easier to secure and the farmers will all help. No more important matter confronts the Chamber of Commerce and the business men of this city, than to follow at once the work now being prosecuted by the farmers. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A The National Good Roads Congress at Richmond elected officers and ad journed. "DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED by local application!, aa they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness Is caused by an inflamed con dition of the mucous lininff of the Eus tachian Tube. Wnrathis tube is in flamed you have rumbling sound of imperfect bearing, and when it is en tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflamation can be taken out and this tube restored to its nor mal condition, hearinf will be destroy ed forever: nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Halt's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free. T. J. CHENXI COPropc, Toledo, 0 Bold by draggUU, price 76. Take HalTs family pill for od- tipatio. Alienist testified that Bertram G. Speoeer's outbreaks In tua trial for murder at Springfield, Mam, are aham aed. - - WOMEN . WmsmI it tlitest tret vwmi pi Mprfar itlaaiis u4 ) ttfiMMEdy .' vmh fJJceral tJ jiifmexl ghi wc!at u J (mx U tWr pWoti,' k!Uy ffilMjtU tmWsi camctiTt tia mtilTt ftvfttHu l Oujb WHtia'l i'israci tsl UrerTaly kt. Tlrrc;WlIiir:ryaltH ti rr-ia'i L'i, fr:i t'.Zoti, L'."-.S lit tr-J:t!i tf HQ'jjf tt r rr r? x ir:" . ' i i j t i Fr encn Harftet Loiiee , oi rrcncn iviaiKci juonce many, inuta tions arc being offered; - You must be - very careful to get French Markejt Coffee. MThete is only one real old French Market flavor." This rare and historic beverage has been sold for "over two hundred years at the bid French Market in New Orleans (originally called Les Halle's de Beouf) . It is the same delicious coffee that so delighted Andrew Jackson and Henry Clay; and that has been used by southern belles for hundreds of years. Until the establishment of the French Market Mills, this famous coffee could be had no where in America but at the French Market in New Orleans. NOW you all may serve it daily at your own tables, for the old French Market blend is perpetuated by The Same Unique Hygienic Roasting Process and it is packed in hermetically-sealed cans for shipment anywhere. You can get it from your grocer with all its delicious aroma and exquisite flavor. Order today you will never use ny other coffee once you are acquainted 'with French Market Coffee the coffee with a history. The genuine is packed only at the 4 French Market Mills ( NwOrlMni Coffee Company, Ltd., Proprietor) New Orleans, Louisiana (62) STOMACH JAISERY ENDS A Little Oiapepsin Will Make Indi gestion, Heartburn or Dyspepsia Go in Five Minutes. If you had some Diapepsin handy and would take some now your stom ach, distress or Indigestion would vanish in five minutes and you would feel fine. This harmless preparation will di gest anything you eat and overcome a sour, out-of-order stomach before you realize it. If your meula don't tempt you, or what little you do eat seems to fill you, or lays like a lump oi lead in your stomach, or if you have heart burn, that is a sign of Indigestion. Ask your pharmacist for a 50- cent case of Pape's Diapepsin and take a little just as soon as you can There will be no sour risings, no belching of undigested food mixed with acid, no stomach gaa or heart burn, fulness or heavy feeling in the stomach, nausea, debilitating head aches, dizziness or Intestinal grip ing. This will all go, and besides there will be no undigested food left over in the stomach to poison your breath with nauseous odors. Pape's Diapepsin is a certain cure for out-of-order stomachs, because it prevents fermentation and takes hold of your food and digests it jut the same ag if your stomach waan't there. Relief in five minutes from all'tsomach misery is at any drug store waiting for you. These large 50-cent cases con tain more than sufficient to thor oughly cure almost any case of Dys pepsia, Indigestion, or any other stomach disturbance. Certificate of Stock Lost. Notice is hereby given, that certifi cate of stock number thirteen, issued by the Atlantic North Carolina Rail road Company for one share of stock to M. F. Areodell, baa been lost and the undersigned Will apply to said company for new certificate. This the first day of November 1911. M F. ARENDELL UY W. L. ASENDCLL. Admtoistrttor. WHAT WOULD YOU DOT In case of a burn or scald what would yej do to relieve the psjo.7 Such in juries are llsble to occur la any family and everyone ahould be prepared for them. Chamberlain's Bahr spplisd on a soft sloth will rlevs the paid almost Instantly, and unless the injury las very severe one, will cause the Jru to heal without leavinjr sear. . Tot sals by all dsalers, WV-j1 ifl.mEiPH - Please take due sxtic that' the taj list for 1911 has been placsd' fat1 my haiHlM fof eollsctktt by the Board , f CoMmlssioner of Crsvea County and thst 1 ks been . sruefsd by the eald CoihmMonere to collect this u hefors the sxpimtiofl at the present yr, ' " . yH r further tKitified that I cannot reosfvt partial psymeots.. Call at th SrferllTi offWa, pay your taxes in full and laks your receipt for asms, tj so 4lng will stold th visits of d-p-stles snd bersuse of tits' settUmont, fH?l rellrfd of an unsveiih! ' ol.Vi Uoii ar4 sev ths riierlf? mxh t; ... ' an tlrie. , " " ' i, v.. ' ulartty l the real genuine Th KITfllr Crmthnrn'o Thonlrslliilirl ' Special." The football game between th'e team of the North Carolina A. & M. College and the Virginia Polytechnic Institute at Norfolk on Thanksgiving Day has excited so much general interest that the Norfolk-Southern is arranging to increaBe,its passenger train service on the night of the 29th to take the crowd to Norfolk. A special fast train to be known as "Special Cadet" will leave Raleigh st midnight carrying the stu dent body from the college. The foot ball squad of about 25, which will leave Raleigh a day ahead of the students, will join the special train enrouce and arrive in Norfolk early on the morning of Thanksgiving. The batalion band will greet the team on arrival at the Norfolk- Southern station, and the grand march to the hotel will begin. In ad dition to the special tra n from Raleigh and the regular trains from other points arrangements have been made to pro vide special Pullman sleepers and coach es to care for the crowds who wish to see the A. & Mt make Virginia "bite the dust." Last year at Lafayette Park, when Carolina captured all the honors pandemonium reigned and the scene was indescribab'e because of the great enthusiasm of the Carolina root ers. The "Farmer" team from Ral eigh this year is said to be the best that has ever been gotten together, and now the bet is on Carolina two to one Great preparations are being made to handle an immense crowd, and th fold is being gotten in first class shape. The towns of Tripoli and Homi were were reported besieged by the Turks. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A Fifty-five thousand went on a strike. cloak makers - QUICK RELIEF' FOR RHEUMATISM. George' W. ' Koons. Iawton, Mich., ssys: "Da. Dgtcmon's Relief fob Rheumatism hat given my wife won dsrful benefit for rheumatism. She could not lift fasnd or foot, had to be lifted for two months. She began the use of the remedy and improved rapidly. On Monday she could not move and on Wednesday she get up, dressed bersulf and walked out for breakfast" .Hold by Bradham Drug Oo. ; fiRlOEETOlQAX KOTiCE " 'V . " ' ' .i - . , Ths books for ths payment of Uxea for 19ll for the town Brtdgetoo are sow open tnd taiH sr duv,?ha board of sldermwi Instructed toe io have aU t aollected by January ' lit JI912. tsl payers are teqoesUd to belp as cany out this ordst by psylhg "prombily.'i r-K t'iif iC; CollesW ' I... I. ..i 5;r,. r.Ths; Ward Imsr Ssgsrsnes, rrrd kt hasssa wltb all ths . psessngsrt . from the wrecked ship Prlnl Joachini " c i SAVED CHILD raOMDEAtR.! "After our thlHW u(Trd froms vsrS brofrhit trosble for a yef." wrots Q. T klrhrd(m, nf R.shard. son's Mills, Alt ."we faared ii hdoit somptinn, It hsit a bid coeh all ths time. We tried many r'"''.'i'PS With' out svsil. n't d'Ttor's niri c'fimd u arit, titiKlly trinl Jr. kind's New I . T"T, t)'i art filil to y t! t I o I . I o sT-ty, a CrifUplft f Ut sn-J r r,i,4 i n:m r 'mrr and h"l-t'-V. "t tit t '. ml 'a, l.nsrnps, , p . lp lunp-i, i i1 : mm HO RITES TO Norfolk, Va., Account Foot Ball (iame A. & M. va V. P. I. Thanksgiving Day Thurs day Nov. 30th, 1911. Special sleeping cars will be placed at Goldsboro, KinBton and New Bern. schedule; ROUND TRIP Lv. Goldsboro 10:15 P. M. $ 3 00 " LaGrange 10:42 " " Kinston 11:10 " " Dover 11:30 " " Beaufort 3:45 " " M. City 4:16 " " Oriental 2:00 " " New Bern 12:30 A. M. 3 00 3 00 3 00 4 20 4 00 4 00 3 00 Ar. Norfolk 8:00 " Tickets sold for all day trains Nov. 29th and train No. 16 leaving Goldsboro Nov. 29th and leaving New Bern Nov. 30th, Tickets good to return until train No. 6 having Norfolk Dec. 1st Special sleeping cars placed at Golds boro. Kinston and New Bern may be occupied at 9:30 p m Nov. 29th. Re turning passengers using Pullman ser vice may occupy sleeping ears until 7:00 a m Dec 1st at New Bern, KinBton and Goldsboro. Tickets sold for trains Nos. 2 and 16 and train No. 6 leaving Raleigh Nov 29th, tickets good to return on train No. 6 leaving Norfolk 9:00 p ra Dec it. Sleeping car space should be reserved through local agents at once to insure satisfactory accommodat'ons Nanking. China, the revolutionists. is hard pressed by PILES CURED AT HOME BY EW ABS0RFTI05 METHOD If you suffer from bleeding .Itch ing, blind or protruding piles send me your address, and I will tell you bow to cure yourself at home by the new absorption treatment; and will also send some of this boms treat ment free, for trial, with raferenoe from your own locality If requastea. Immediate relief and permanent cure assured. Send so money, but tsllothf ers of this, offer. Writs today to Mrs Summers, Box T. Notre Dsjss. Ina. An open flgbt baa begun betwsan Chairman S entry and Representative Littleton, of ths Steel Trust invsstigst Ing sommittee. IS THE WORLD GROWING BKT TEE? Meey things go to prove that it is. Ths wsy thousands art trying to bslp oth ers Is proof. Amonff them Is sirs. W. W. Gould, of r-IUsfleld, N. H. find, log good health by taking Elestrto Bit ters, she sow Mvises other suffer, Srerywhsr. to taks them. ,"For years I uffsrsd wltb a tomes b sad d ktdi kidney trouble," shs write. einel uMd failed , till I tock ry rnedl. Eleetne Bitters.- But this g ret remcny be' pad mo - wonderfully. They'll . help , say worn as. - They re ths best tools sud finest Hvsr -knd kidney romsdy that's made. -Try thets. t, try them. You'll see. .COoat all drogglets.; Y -'-.u t. ' ,i ... ,.i v.-s,' rJ;- v -dy ;'Usi Mirtii.-V Ths talk bsd Inmed anon bnoHog snd by sad by sue of the adult visitors, Botltg 'Jsmlt'i rapt and sasr look, remarked h(r1l! 'r t '.', "Wtfl, sonny, I 4ot snpnoM you've bsd rbire to do mo'-b huatlns yetr 7ot msny kiods. hut lots Of s plslued Jamts. ; rfvs hevsf bntart besn-nr. Ilnnm but I've- bunted gTSo sy. st)eficle n-i'xt Jlt ' ever ttbs firlJl" Cjtr-r IfW-ord HsrsWL. ; ' i I ri i y ! - v W : THE s C 8URCHES CHRIST CHURCH 'f CriSCOPAL.) '-'Nov. KthWU. ?:46 m-Holy CommoaioB- -It- a Morning Prayer aadsermoaj 1 jp m Evening service and aM. moo!. - . S JO p m Sunday school and Man's Bible Class, meets every Sunday after noon la ths church. AH seats are free. A cordial welcome is extended to all. e e CENTENARY METHODISTCHURCH Centenary Methodist Church. Rev. J. B. Hurley Pastor. 11 00 a. m. Preaching by Dr L. L Nash. Sunday School at3:00 o'clock p. m , T. A Green Superintendent. 7 80 p. m.-Preaching by Dr. L. L. Nash. . 7:80 Thursday night Prayer meeting. Public cordially invited. CHRISTIAN SCIENTIST, First Church of Christ Scientist, Sunday service 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Subject "Ancient and Modern Ne cromency, alias Mesmerism and Hyp notism Denounced," I Samuel 15 22 23. Sunday school at 12 m. Wednesday evening testimony serv ice at 7:30 o'clock. Reading Room, which is in the church is open daily from 3 to 5 p. m. All are cordially welcomed. PRESBYTERIAN. There will be preaching today at 11 a. m. and 7;30 p. m. Today is "Reformation Sunday, 'ipo. Knox is the character who will be pre sented at the morning service, as illus trating God's method of raising up and qualifying a man for special work. S;30p. m., Sunday school, C. L. Ives Superintendent. A welcome at all services for wor shipers, strangers and visitors. i CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Services at the Church of Christ, Hancock St., today at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. 3 p. m.-Bible School, F. M. Bowden, Superintendent. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening at 8 p. m. Young Peoples' Union Friday evening at 8 p. m. Public cordially invited to attend these services. CLINTON CHAPEL A. M. E. ZION CHURCH. Rev. S. D. Conrad D. D. Pastor. Today's services will close the con ference year. From 6 to 7 a m A sunrise prayer meeting. 10 a m Lovd feast from 10 to 10.45. 11a m Preaching by the pastor. 1 30 p m Sunday school. 3 p m Cia?s meeting. 6 p m V C E. 7 45 p m Preaching and the Lord's Supper. All are cordially invited to worship I with us. - FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. The First Baptist Church--Dr.E. T. Carter pastor. Services will be held todayatlla. m. and 7:30 p. m. Morning subject. -"Diverse Agen cies in the Church." Evening Bubject. "Policemen X." All are cordially invited to attend these services, and a special invitation is ex tended to members of the city police force to hear the evening lecture. Bible School at 3:00 p m classes for all. S. M. Brinson Superintendent. G jod singing by th choir. You are cordially invited. ST. PETER'S CHURCH. Today is a high day ai St Peters the church hr.me for a I, you and your neighbor alike are welc.une. The pastor clones out his year's work today and starts for conference next wee. His ervi-e have been very helpful to us an I w sreiesponsiblefor his rrpirt to the c-n'rence. 8t. Peters A M E Z n Church. Rev. R. A. H. Carroll, D. D. Pastor, Sunday services al St Peters today, aa follows: 11km The Sermio. "Beauty and Strength." 7 p m " As and So." 180 p. m. -Sunday school, W. W. Lawrence Sup't . v 8 p tn-ClasS meeting. irOQ p. m V, Christian Eodssvor Society; Rev. R. 6awysr, Pres. , All are welcome, seats free, Cm.j arly, ri'-, ..' v rHy4e Col & P.r0atsv Burt Oate''Ha(ry$ Vetch,! Rape fcr toonjCloyer, I&alfi, Hay;. Oats, Corn;' Corn MeaL Cot- ., ,".'.. ' ' 'ih- L 1 -' '' r ' 'K ton bceaMeai num. tiran; ."Vif CO anv stock feed on the mark. isVb:;Vr':'rrM.Mr-. bit ' - : : nurr?u n v N PRDFITS.TO THE NATIONAL BANK OF NEW BERNE, N. C. STANDS FIRST among the banks of the City THIRD among the National Banks of the State And as it has Sur .lus and Undivided Profits amounting to $106,000 and Capital amounting to $100,000, it has a place on the National Bank Roll of Honor, which includea only banks having Surplus and Undivided Profits equal to or exceeding their Capita! stock. 4 PEE CENT INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS SAFL DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. The Best Always Pays in The Long Run. The average n an when it comes to selecting a life insurance contract will take any old thing that comes along. Its a case of "marry in haate and repent at leisure." Hundreds of thous nds of dollars have been wasted and many amilies left detitute right here in this very town by such a foolish com e. The UNION CENTRAL L1H E is the b. at com pany in America il the reports of various State Departments and un biased statistician) count for anything, for excllent insurance at the lowest possible cost to policy holders. Gladly explained without the leftst obligation on your part. W. a. BOYD, Agent Real Estate, General Insurance. Surety Bonds. THE AUTOMATIC BALL-BEARING IF will ease the bur den on horse more than any axle ev er offered, if you are usi n g two horses ge' a vehi cle equipped with this axle and you can sell one and sav : the feeding. And is the first and only Ba I-Hearing Axle that can be se :t to anyone anywhere, and be a succ sb evrr time without any brains eing sent along to adjust it. 6. S. WATERS SONS, BR AO cT. NEW BW.Ti MEADOWS MEAL FEED OAT RUST PROOF E E BURT AND a.ill Feed J. A. MEADOWS physicians Advise . ,wt...wYe' to H"P bo'el a fc xxiiszioour g1gtB(n- a.. Unfljnto y eA i tci t ms ntsof lood froa ' Ths LiiMt nrkJiKt " '"."u tlrVf.k! 1 th grestsst ?JZT& fev1hnsM, cottcflatuleoc. etc n n -i i . n i 1 1 1 r a All raodanj cOovrnteoSef foirath- IHI i-Vl ' (lit 0'' V " 1 f , . . . ,..;,' .- IS FOOL PROOF AND KVERLASTING OP0 ina prtvent the polwns of uodlgst , i . . u cyrup, purely vegcisoie, f f7IUB possible eihcscy Id cor.. ver, n wtu as on ths cor.iUpatlon. Indlnsttan. V Try , VFI V- LAXATIVE LIVER SYflUP I ti 't I 1 A? 'I1 1 r.

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