.1 4 ' . T 2 - f .9 J - 1 ; 'A ft' V, ---A'. '' ' tit' - $ " V3 f "74' ''if .;, , -.i. sr. tA 1 v- i . '.V 1 1 j . t - ; Children Cry.for Wotchcrfs Kind Vou Uave Always . lit years, and has y-T- sonal ll.inr All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Jnst-as-good" are.but i:.viriaionU that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against . Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for -Castor 0l,"Paxe Itorip, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and alhij s Ftverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It rcli'vcs Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach i IJowcls, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Cliilcfeu's Panacea The Mother's Friend.' GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS (Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought in Use For Over 30 Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY, T MURRAY STRMT. II tW YORK CITY. HARDWARE AND Building Ma terial Paints, Oils AND Varnishes American Pie Id Fence lit" I HENRY'S Prescriptions from all physicians, Qu'dJy and Ac curately filled. Also a full line of Choice Toilet articles. Pharmacy PHONE 173 . "A fine piece of cloth my boylj 1 never saw you wear a better looking suit "Yes, I am pleased with it I had it madeXy a good merchant tailor. The doth is one of the aj ,W ," Errtr ,a b prd of a 3mli mjk. WaUra a fylllwaai thaw JUalm ,t'J honVs Cll Md U Maad lot aaa al -. . Pm HUT, ,f. F. M. CHADWICK ' Ky 1N3TITUTC! fO eOTS. nT ' f, C tH'f, M '' . FV'lf . n x. x vwin Bought, and which haslmea ' n&$ borne tne- signature m beta made under els' per supervMod sine Its Infancy. nn nnn to durpivft Von In this. Signature of DIJIECT LINE TO ALL POINTS NORTH, SOUTH-EAST. WEST. Very Low Round Trip Rates to all Principal Resorts. Through Pullman to Atlanta, leaves Raleigh 4:05 p m, arrives Atlanta 6:35 p m, making close connection for and arriving Montgomery following day af ter leaving Raleigh 11:00 a m, Mobile 4:12 p m, New Orleans 8:30 p m, Birm ingham 12:15 noon, Memphis 8:05 p m, Kansas City 11:20 a m, eecond day and connecting for all other points. This car also makes close connection atStlis bnry for St. Louis andother Western points. Through Pullman to Washington lea ves Raleigh 6:50 p m, arrives Washing on 8:53 am, Baltimore 10:02 a m, Phila delphia 12;23 noon, New York 2:31 pm. This car makes close connection at Wash ington for Pittsburg, Chicago and all points North and West and at Greens boro for Through Tourist Sleeper for California points and for all Florida points. Through Parlor Car for Asheville leaves Goldsboro at 6:45 a m, Raleigh 8:35 a m, arrives Asheville 7:40 p m, making close connection with the Caro lina Special and arriving Cincinnati 10 a m, following day after leaving Ral eigh, with close connection for all points North and Noith-West. Pullman for Winston-Salem leaves Raleigh 2:30 a m, arrives Greensboro 6:30 a m, making close connection at Greensboro for all points North, South, Cast and West. This car is handled on train No. Ill leaving Goldsboro at 10:45 p m. If you desire any information, please call. We are here to furnish informa tion as well as to sell Ticket;. H. F. CARY. J. 0. JONES, G. P. A. T. P. A. Waihington, D. C. Raleigh, N. C, The appointment of Prof. Garrett Droppers, of Willixrns Colli-ge to the Mjacho8o t Riihoad Conimisior by Governor Fnis was prevente I by ihe Governor's Council. Money to Loan On Approved Farm Land Security Apply to J. K. Warren, Atty at Law, TRENTON, - - - N. C. Concrete Work Am prepared to do aH kinds of work ia con era U. Walks, SUps,; Faodng, Bascmsnts, a to. Only high work f ' 'It Is Wry mHom ninar W aak lot. ona rnKjldna an4 avt'tbs wrong ooa glrea fen. t-.tai this tawoa ws itrgs yon ta .turinf M aaniul tofttUM foaulnrt-x v lb reputation cf h aid, rl!a it fnviifln, f cnnntlpatiorl, ltv t1x-1inn tr-1 luff !:! U f rm If It i" t ! BED. 'TAPE 1?L GfcKNY, .. k fUilwa.TWwt, Cntrvrfly a4 L la as aecooot vt U duchy of Ttxti afl it lobthitasts by th Eev:. Bar-j laf-ooaia st anosuif - eipewcoc :b tans deaerited try the tirori ':f -Tft ara .wont. vEoirtislimC t crambi at red taplsnvbolj ytb s,1tf doe not t beyond tfie'gtfr'ertjEieat; vfflcea. la rermafly. lt eTerynhra I kad aa lnatftnea rfH-Mtyecn &bf Lemuncaa and Oea? i sad askd af tba former plan tor; ..'third da.-ay ticket to Owen and iad; '.stepped lt a third class caniqxeVoa&a raftcht lines nearly, ettryos .6rfotfct I counted twelr eoraparuajWiirh.7 nlde third and th'i-dnd.'fsra was no first class'.VfompartmBpT St1 fore reaching the nertatatloOW a mile from Ober lhahigen-the In spector came ronnd. ;.Vr -y iit " 'Hah, yoa have a -tourth- JasaJ ticket and are In a third' olasjt ooirJ pnrtment! The fine Is a tnrkV,; ., - "I explained and offered -once to; pass mto fta inferior fcarriage t pfflT the difference. ' -: ' ' "That will not do. Tw fiaVe l'nV fringed the law aud must pa j'6 murka.' "I get out at Owed and will explain matters to the station mnster. "I did so. " The fine is 6 marks.' said this lafc ter peremptorily. " 'But.' said I, 'I demanded a :third class ticket and was. given one for which I had hot asked. This was an oversight of .the clerk.' ' 'You should have examined youf ticket.' "The train was delayed five minutes while the matter was thrashed out on the platform, the travelers craning their necks out of the windows of their respective carriages, looking- on and listening with lively interest. At last reluctantly the station master yielded I must pay the difference. " 'What Is Itr " 'One penny! " New Bern Has to Bow to the In evitable Scores of Citizens Prove It. After reading the public statement of this representative citizen of New Bern given below, you must come to this conclusion; A remedy which cured years ago, which has kept tha kidneys in good health since, can be relied up on to perform the same work in other cases. Read this: Mrs. James Day. 89 E. St. New Bern N. C.'says; "I suffered terribly from dull, nagging backaches and I had acute pains through my kidneys. Whenever I attempted to stoop or lift, 1 Buffered more intensely and sound sleep at night was out of the question. In the morn ing when I got up, my back was very lame and sore and I was also annoyed by a kidney weakness. Finn!ly I got a supply of D' an's Kidney Pill from the Bradham Drug Co., and it did not take them long to remove my aches ard pains. I have been fueling fo ma: i: better in every way sine i tcok . h -preparation that I willingly gave tins account of my experience. THE BENEFIT LASTk'O. On November 28, 1910, Mrs. D.iy interviewed and sheadii d t Hi- .uuve: "I hava been fre from kn: i y , n plaint and backache er r - i -,, -d Doan's Kidney PilU Some yt aM ;, . 1 willingly allow the continued publica tion of the statement I gave at that time, as I wish to show my grateful ness for the benefit I received.'' For sals bj ail dealer. iMw .." oants.. Foster Milburn Co., P.nfTa Vew Tort, aola agents for Ua 'Jnlt- ttatas. Ram em her Uw amm Doaa't an no otsar. The tobacco growers of North Caro lina talkad about criminal prosecution of Tobacco Trust officials. IT STARTLED THE WORLD when the astounding claims were first madn for Bucklen's Arnica Salve, but forty years of wonderful curu bave proved them true, and everywhere it ix now known as the bar-t salve 4n earth for Burns, Boils, Scalds. Soren, tits, Bruises, Sprains, towelling. Ecxema, Chappad band. Fever Sores and Piles. Only 2&c at all Druggists. . ... (...r... ' ivesr cOVMets I in Jmetrrs, or 17 . f i who i In the bat, it of v -t oreta only J.30ft cnbh eniitnetern. or 131-cnhU" Inches, so Dint Kie copmlty of tbS bumisl ao4 (inrestrlctrd. tynm is abotit 27.3 pi irnt more than that of those wukfc bave been t$ompreMd by the cornet. 9ctenUo Amerlcsn. . A TtohiuiSl.'Minrf. "What in the nsin of common sanae ars yoa strestliiR too forT axked tb otorlst who had Redden tally iolat rartJlSUon, ; 1 alnt Brmttn yon. In th nan of brtftf,."Pm rwWin' tw'IK ,iht tJ Of the U W,-WasbJngtofl Bts i-' y.'.".: "'.j'r :- W. 'I sa plMs4 to rtiiiifn4 Cham1 berlaln's Coojb Rmdy as thabatt ihlnr I know of and iait masdy for eoaghs, colds and. bronchial trouble," wrtpta Mrs. L, B. ArooldiSl bnr, Colo, !'Ws bava vird it rptid!T and tt has navsr falld W jtlrs rsllsf' tor sals by all daaltira. -A'v v(- t,. .Wny liivs.yoa ind lfl"s brokra Off ymir vnesFtHtnlT", Iwaal , "iKx-tu aha lorn jna so. "Thr a tipr rsn TJot at all Pttc beltrrps 1 firtnn futnra rivaled Wf U i 4 -t lii w ! r-:,-1 t! i' h r- 1 ) mrr:1 ' - f r. V of a"t- ' n. fn i t'jst 1 ACKHQWLE06E IT. , r VHE1I YOU YAVII A GOOD DEAL- ; In the day time, and (eldall. tuy and discouraged, Jroa uve ev.rj gymptom ox wrpia .Simmonj Red Z I4Ter Rep tflaiTf. (TJie Powder Form ) is a'jfitja' tonic for a disordered livfty It .acts promptly. The ijous impurities which have Miterifered with the free actio if-ititf liver aro driyen out, the stfuich ia cleansed and strefigthencd so that it can .'jn'or-thoroughly digest food. The howels are purified and a regular habit re-established. It ist a splendid medicine for the whole system, Promotes a feeling of energy, mental activity and cheerful spirits - Sold by Dcalan." Pries, large package, $1,00 jvo cnnot -gri , n:niH to u.' vlH ceod bf m.l 1 pwitp&U.'ii9ato LKtJtej)Qlwit ti pot up in iqutd lrra for ttaoi.wllu prefer it. f rlc, et.00 per buttle. iok fur the tted UbeL. 1. HBM t CO, frop St Louis, Ma H3 ..... NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD ROUTE OF THE "NIGHT EXPRESS" Schedule Effective Sept. 24. 1911 Tne following schedule figures pub- lished as information ONLY and are not guaranteed. TRAINS LEAVE NEW BERN NORTH AND WEST BOUND 12:30 a m, Daily-Night Express Pull man Sleeping Car for Norfolk. 9:30 a m, Daily for Norfolk, connects for all points North and West, Parlor car service between Wash ington and Norfolk. 1:46 p m, Daily except Sunday for Washington, Belhaven, Greenville Wilson and Raleigh. Parlor car between Washington and Raleigh, 4:10 a m, Daily Night Express for Goldsboro. , 9:15 a m, Daily for Goldsboro. Parlor car service. ' 6:30 p m, Daily for Goldsboro. EAST BOUND Daily for Beaufort. 9:25 a m, 6:35 p m, " car service. 9:C0 a m. Daily " " Beaufort. Parlor except Sunday for Oriental. 5:45 p m, Daily for Oriental, For further information or reservation : IVlman Sleeping Car space, apply o F. it. Bennett, T. A., New Bern, '.V. W. ( ROXTON W. R. HUDSON, ('.. P. A. Gen'l Supt Norfolk. Va. Jn:-.i i -e Wrinh'; ruled that Gompers, Mr .-h'-il aou i.rris.o must stand tria o.i i-ontttript cliarges. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S 3TORIA Cfoiyr Golden was aciiuitted of mur J rut Pittsburgh, the jury believing iiw 81 ory that he had shot his wife in in 't.iko. There is little danger from a cold or from un attack of tbe grip except when followed by pneumonia, and this never hvppens when Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is naed. This remedy has won us great reputation and- extensive sale tiy its remarkable cures, of colds snd grip and can b relied upon with im plicit confidence. For tale by all deal- era. Dead Man'a Teeth. Before artificial teeth were crested deficiencies bud to be niadp'good bj the real srrlcle: to body nuatcbem rar aged tbe ceuioterH at ulght breaking np the Jaws of the dead to ti tract their tetb to sell to dimtlsts for inser tion Iu lire cnea's monta. An army of tbeae glvoulK ful lowed Wvlllngton'i rmy. They were licensed as aotlrs. bnt once iilftbt fell out ('mv their nlf lMr and tbey prowU-d ot'r the battl Oeld extracting tbe teetb of tfia dead or dln. ' ' ' A BURGXAR S AWPUL DEED ..... t . i mar not paralT a boms o complstsly t Botbar's Ions Illness. But ' Dr King's K Ufa Plili ars splfDdid fmdy for wonmt Tbey gsvs tna wordarful bn6t in ooai(ptlp nd fanMUs-troabk,' wrots , Mrs.. If, C Uunlap. o' LfSadUI. Taoo. If ailing. try tears. ,5e. Bt all Drogglsts.' . ' - - 1 - j - - V -' ' S 'j, ' 1 - , , , t - WalnHa . fstsV.'V. .) 'Tbs anclsbta bdd ths walnrt i tujs Wetn.4 Mortals tould , and did silirt n acorfis, bnt wtlnotswerf so 0a Mcloos tn usfv Inn) UaTor, so pslaubft nd.f.BtrlUms; that ttJ wars merd as fond psly tot. tbt gods to dtps npna Uodrni IhtesUmtion 4nd modern h to ma hrs (vipularlisd th of tb wsldut'td .such, in silent that tt U tow r(rarud rot only as s Httnryv tnt as food of grost nutrltlrf vtlut. . A chemlcsl anntyai of lbs nt snows tfcnr It Is sit times ' nuuitlonv s inMf. Ho reifl-tsbls at frtllt with thi DoanlW? ieil!f of h oil, n b compsrd with lis wlBut a utrerijrts (rtvtnt snd at pMditrlntf food. .Alt sots r rnd of lpments nf on ttleh, l ot th hlhel In rtolf t It -n!Dif. -Mnt)' hiJtr Otmrd'so. ' f K 1?KAtACl it:. 1 n t ,ri - ) r f r run 1 rf t i SOUTHER ' STATES. TImV Hieterry Rie la fvairta f Con Th soat a la eaperlaUr rich ii points of Ustorhr j enMoenc', remarks , ynHgt Ja.X?W WeekiTAtTbe eu? i ef rglula was the most. populous f WtU u the inotrt powerful cfia'l tt ' states.. As he "Jnotber of presidents- , khe-prsctlciilly gave the law to the coantry frora the accession of Wti-h 1 tngton In 1T8SJ tp the rctlretnent of Monroe In IK5, except dnrlnp the four years vf John Adams iu tbe presidency In the nexi third of a century, witt. Its Hayne, Calhoun. McDuffle ad otti er statesmen of l:irL'p lirfuuue. c it'i Qurollna was the pcut'-r of 01 Iu the nation. Texas, wiOi lis bnr.ucl-! r dispute with Mexico. prli,;::.ti 1 i' p war between tlio lu:tcr and the I ':i; j i.. . .... ; etates. In wulf h liy conrjuesi nnn y.r -hase wejohtnlned Arizona. New " lco. Vtah, NevaOn. Caiiforuiu and p t; of Cnlorndo and WyoiLinp. Tin- nt. - lty for the control of the mouth 1 the Mississippi Incited t!it nnroUa.ior, with France which nsultoil In the nr. aexation of the province of Lonisii'ii i by wheh the nreti of the I'l.itcd Si was doubled a.id all suLs-tqiteut slons of territory were rrmici cl n evitable. Florida saw the e:ir!!' ; white settlctnents which wore p! n!--. anywhere ia the present Vnited e-:'i . In the Wntltanga colony in Tfiinc self jtovernment made Us advut v of ;he AlleKhanies. Right Handed Parrots. Past the parrot rni's w.i , .i bird fancier, poking an ii-.'juisii finger at the birds. 'I am looking for a riplit li-: parrot, he said, "but there dee n :.. to be one In this lot. Most purrots laft handed. Training, nut u-.nu made them so. "Their owners are right Im: ded i. when putting out n finger for the 1 to stand on It Is most eonvenie-.,: him to step up with Ihe left f i. a little while that left Bmiilo.! becomes second nature and he . know how to use his right f "Tbe only, right handed belonged to ieft handed i .' their training the order .. -The left finger was e-. : , perch and the bird hp:. . It With his rich t foot." Neu The transfer of Chinda, the Japanese An-r,;, st Berlin, to Washington Tokio. Children FOR FLETCHER' CASTO" .A The eight-ytar old son ', en, on trial for wife nmrd i. burgh, was not permitted to t Chamberlain's Stomach ;eid I..v Tablets do not sicken or grim-, ;u,il ru ¬ be taken with perfect Hiifety lv i'i most delicate womn or the youniii" child. The old and feeble wi'i i. o them a most suitable remedy mr ..',:e.: and strengthening thdir u a,eot-i-' gestion and for regulating i tie Lev. . For sale by all dealers, John D. Rockefeller will b. by the House Steel Inquiry (.' to testify before it. inv ' n: in i L The Citer Dittcn. A I Iillndciplii:! i:i:ui ent to a '"eilci to purchase n i.-.r:i h ;e nd was both surprise-l . : i at the extremely low p'i. the birds. Tliiylwiv v concluded and 'tie pi;-ei :i o . Two weeks later the geml n, ,i , pened to bo passing, w !m :i tie- .. topped him :iml n .bed iioo .e. . birds were gettlnj on "I don't know." replied ti e r. '. man. '"1 have not h. aid i.-o... ni.i friend." "Tour friend?" "Yes; I bought theui for n iii.v; Ban Francisco." The dealer's Jnw fell In dUioir . then, with a rueful Inurh. Ik- :u. that be bad sold the bit-Is . 1 becaase he koe- that on i-hi , ed tbey would lunnedl.-uily n-:ur:i in their old homo. lint froio s.iu I i Clscol It was a clour euso of tie- : . being billon. -St Iuls vil-ite-l. v.. -sraL "I do not believe thcie is Rny o b medicine so good for whooping r u. 1 as Chamberlain's Cough K-"e i writs Mrs. Francis Turjin. Ju-cti.--City, Ore. This remedy m ilwiui.r pasMd for colds and croup. For i,tl by all dealers. Mrs. Frances O'Shiuihn d wing bar trial In New York for hog ber husband. - 8affragists who engagud Id " d t. traction In Londoo were iei. t-. c , , Speakarfat th ' oooveotioo i f . Ajnarlcan Banker' Association u o Qrlsaos favored h Aldrich ( Un t euttwKf Mfortn. A'.'t vr- ' - ' 'For patoi hi ths aids or ehast dampen splscsst flsnnsl wub ,Ch0ihrlsin'i Ljntmaiit and blodll on over the e-st of pain,'. Tbor is Mthlng better. Por sals by at) dsaJtf; ; t '. .. i'i " - ."i;...',,; .. .- '' ' . rl" '.ams. Waif VWaHa. ' ' ('trWsb .ls, a nvirvslooly,irrele Utagusger ; la sauvstdr gnlds to Cur Dsrvoa tbers Is ' IWt of .Wsfsa MM way ststloas with thelf' Cngllsb qurv- lenta. - Here sfssofi'S of Ibetti: AW-1 gwyntl, entroncs to lbs plar 0t Amlwrh. g plsct ot (rs)qeiit-'SVptt sloot'Cofa Jtrynleh, 'tis bade xrf tht reaklng kill; Dowlsls, tbt vk of God. ssd UsobiKtef, tti insstirs yard rosd. Tbers Is. also oos atkm tho Dims of which mna io 0fiy !gbt Icf tra. lis Blaming Is msrty,. Thr fohr fhnftk t ths ft' tbt "whit aefltfi)!! tMKr tha idee grpve wlicTt the" f ,. b for t!i cmri l rt.re, In th f 1 tirn." Ai'1 S'ire'y t"-!"-n'lt't' i ' . f i ir' 'i !l S tiir-',' f T !, LegzLl - Notices KOT1CE F MOKKMt.;; SALE OF HOUSE AN'IJ LOT :i .Vi.V itt'.lNt, 't 9 ' re r.' in. 1 - J - :f h.-i v J- l.-r. .i-rta J. , . '.-! u. recor.t Q . t , flee o' t': T. -tH urwjf, . btr 19 it in Cr en cc cash. T" foil .-.lb ! J t.'H 'Hi. &1 ,J 'U,l. Ov Vi.hr I till. A Po:t V.'li r'f'-!td t'r. t Th:-..iS)i rer. s,jt.vr of the "Eiy. 4tnd 0 : (t iu His W'"f s r.err. "Cijji rt.U e-Ih- f.V rbitr. i cr fit y fal- itid;. lir'.i'H f tt'h rt,hi ft.', J: tr.u(iiV ; , I':.-';' tbf t lti ft if re h's i. .-it by 'h ni.ilii tJ&l 1 ''if (T,. Ik thirr tsed tt'Jfl' tt to h futrd by errav firojtxtn t ert ?o tntvint ff UM wlh fdnw; 4:trtgij!tir t "a, fnij ,fltK,M thAretd to 4ltitii'. lit fir !tat of i 6r octf.r.'lcsv ttk ra.ve rsteloit fe4tt t'ttrfiwi JUr 'tf tl" fcllnt' On rbtitfctpbt ta ly of . t id thanrfatW ti tt flvrllb ItwA of Hf-s,- vTfttr'irvnflt Yost rV to' 'M dsn thi r; i t( n r V ht bs tr tilt e V.'-ln rf Mnfwf,''TltS win-fl-'( rjjv-'i-, t M' er, U fttll', ' , . I ' '' ; " ' ' ' ' -' ' rl f -i ' ':; I , v "r.orrit Afn - . . . . I ffillFFSSHSil vi. ,1 J A f UK. u 1 It. ii 1 it. v. atti.n jcton, i j.aLii r - t; i. Ci AM . foi t, n- fill llitrin laa ' fU I. U l; Tuxiiuo Tciitt a;V. .."ic . it, w. 15. le- For. 4H t'-fit iv4 fc;1? a'. Wfer'ftti l m'o'io t'-Jt "ML To blej-ww sad; blt- ft sod; bit. .Mtfi fr-; ' Ufur s4 T?':$. ' !io is 'Arl H, w yij .-V t bUi. . , . IS "7 , J- lO riVSrrflt '4 sVre-V iirAl tyrsn, j4 i i LTo sifp srllCetal tvlb stiif uiiru b uw onwui, . . to'nn"fc s'niB bird iW lrilll SdJ, flli' si "If. , ro triUMt4 feirnlr'ftl'.rt ta V'7 ' tv by 1l'5t';. ;, ". f tls b"t rDtl wa.-b (ft'-n,. K' '(-.- J- . is! '.,. - ':i

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