..V v ; t i i " ' ' i ' f A I A. lis.' Si-: I- i I 4 r -'.. ;:' 'V'" Vr, 1 "v: Ulfll BERN DAILY JUUBHAL New Brru, N. C. Nov. 11L LQQBE DIRECTORY tTMLIU L0D6I BO. 8 I. OF F j Mnu cery Tuedy 8 p. m., over Ga! C. r (.!lue, Muldie M. L. tl. Hardon, C. ( . .1 H. Smith, K. i.f B. and S 'i3it,H! l.nitbert are aosurwl of ncbv alirr !i welcome. ( RiVK LUDGK SO. L KiltiH OF UAI10T Hu 2ad. and it W'eiJaeodK.v alghU In mooU Kalgfcig Harmonj H'Jl, oornr Brx nrt H i:?ock trw'jt at 7: SO o'olocl J. K. W.lls. 'resident. R. J. Disosway, Serrelhiv. .). D. MeCuy. Financial Sec retary CTDEX TO NIH ArSTMiaSKT The 1'eoples Hank. MrSorley (Christmas GoodB. New Kern Kankinn & Trust Co. BUSINESS DCL5 NOTICKS IN THIS COLUMN LESS THAN ONE MONTH MUST BE PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. WANTED 100 men to work in saw mill and planing mil! at Dover, N. C GROWN Hens, Yam Potatoes will be for sale the 2,rth. All Pork Sausage at .). A. KinKgol'a No. 83 George street. Phone f:a WA NTKD At once Heiily P. (), Box r.98. a Stenographer I.O.ST Klack leather hand bag at Avi ation Kroun('s yesterday afternoon. Re ward for return to Journal office. LOST On the street Wednesday night, a silver containing a bunch of keys 7 or S, about 5(1 cents in change and several rebate check. Owner needs keys at once. Finder please return to Journal ollice and get reward. STOI.KN From my porch. Bicycle, Rending Standard Biake, No. 27,751, Kr.-en and brown enamel, front tire has two large brass plugs and one rubber, rear tire one brass plug on left side sad dle, solid without much spring. Re ward for information of same.- Jos. R. Nelson, at Post Office, New Bern, N.C. ORAPK Fruit mixed Nuts, 1 diice Go. 4 for 25 cents, Lettuce, Ccans. New Kern I'ro- A FINK lot of pea-fed Turkeys at IK c. per pound alive, atall-fed Beef, Pork, Corned Hams at 15 cents only. A.Cas tet. Phone 2H9. HOUSE for rent-Good location with sewerage connection $11:50 per month. Apply to Miss Annie Justice, 83 Fast Front .street, phone 889. RFMFMKKR that we need money as well as the rest of mankind, and if you owe us we think it is time you were paying us don't you J. C. Whitty& Co. TW KNTY-TWO bread checks each good for 1 loaf of Bread delivered at your door for $1.00 at Kafer's Bakery. JUST RKCK1VED A consignment of P.orida Oranges and Grapfruit for sale by the dozen or box at Royall Ice Cream Co. Store ti'J Hraad St. WANT F.I) You to become a user of "Morning Cup" Coffee, we insist upon its being the best value for the money that it is your privilege to buy in coffee. Will surely satisfy that thirst for good coiree try it for breakfast won't you? II. C. Armstrong. PLUMBING Gaa fitting and stove re pairing, work done promptly and hhIip faction guaranteed. Best city refer nct- furniahcd. Leave orders at It. 11. Davenport 's store. Phone 145 or ad dress Rirhard Hugging, 44 Miller Btreet City. N. ARI'KN, th.-old reliable shoe ma ker ia now permanently located at No, til, S. Front etrrel and solicits the pat ronage of his old as well as new custo mers. Work railed for and return), Satisfaction gutran'eed. Phone 226. FOR SALE One complete saw mill; one I'iS horse power engine, two boil crs, on horse power each; four circular iiiiwh. one complete dry kiln and one hay press Inquire of J. W. Stewart, New Hern. N. C. A 1 . 1 . Kindn of tin work, stove repair ing ami Milmhing a specialty. Rim if painting. J. E. Hill A Pro., 01 South Front street, phono 220. IK H( E FISH We hava constancy a variety of choir hah, right fOoli frurn our neta, handled carefully and anitary. If you want th dml hah order from J A,J Marker Co. Phone 107, Market Dock. rkHMHUtw cu; . . ruma- 31 Craven utrfet. Gentlemen's clothe ', rkvanrd, repawed and pressed, laiei. ' tlrM. urenwvl a specialty. BIDS WANTED. ! IF' - Hid will 1 r ieO by th Board if ! AkWrmwn of th city of New Bm, un til Monday 12 m. Nov. 27Ui 1911, for II Polir Uniforms 'CoaUnd Pwita,) alMi two Overcoat ef similar maUrtal. Uniforms to he made of geod end sub stantial, all woul blue wolform cloth, best nickel buttons, Bids be mad for both tingle amd douM b re tad sacs and frock ioIU. Sample mdat accom pany bids. BUM to b sent to city dark, Eight ! reWI any or all. fctda V f McSORLEY'S STORE POLLOCK STREET. OPP. ELKS TEMPLE IS NOW OPEN WriH A FULL LINE OF Christmas Goods SOCIETY MISS MII.URFM BALL I IN ll'.R TAINS. Miss Kill delightfully entertained a number of her friends yesterday after noon at her home on ( raven street. Bridge was played by the guests dur ing the afternoon. There were four ta bles, one of hearts and dice and three of bridge. Delicious ref rijshments were served after the game. Among those present were: Misses. Henrietta Hancock, Mary Nixon, Mary Louise Waters, Irene Peck, Maud Stewart, Sarah Stewart, Mary Hollister, Bessie Hollister, Lila May Willis, Mannie Baxter. Sara Richardson, Mary Ward, Elaine Ben nett. Mrs. Cieorge Stratton, Mrs. Ralph Hunter Smith. Mrs. J. B. Cox. CURRENT EVENT CLUB MEETS. The Current Event Club met Friday afternoon with Mrs B. E. Moore and notwithstanding the inclement weather was well attended. Two most interest ing papers were read, Visions of 1950 -by Mrs. Herbert Lupton, Womans Sphere by Mrs. J. P. C. Davis. At the close of program a delicious salad course was served by Misses Mary Belo Moore and Mary Steele Brinson. In addition to the club members Mrs. Moore had as her guests Mrs. R. L. Lcinater, of Raleigh, Mrs. W. K, Styron, Mrs. S. M. Itrinson and Mrs. Clarenre Crapon. The club will meet next with the Misses ll inlf. BIRTHDAY PARTY. Little Miss Mary Lewis delightfully entertained a number of her friends yesterday afternoon at the v home of her grand parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Gibbs, on South Front street, the oc casion being her eighth birthday. A number of games dear to the hearts of children were played during the after noon, Delicious refreshments were ser ved before the guests departed and each little visitor voted Miss Lewis the most charming of hmtesses and wished her many other happy nutal days. A large number of handsome gifts attest ed the popularity of little Miss Lewis among her young friends. Don t say "they haven't got it" till you've tried us. J. S. Basnifjht Hdw. Co. Suffragettes who participated in last Tuesday's riots in London were given jail sentences. PIU8 CUHED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS Your druggist will refund money if PA7.0 OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itching. Blind, Bleeding or Pro Iruding Piles in ti to 11 days. fiOc. Thirty lives were hwt when a pass enger train plunged into th Touut riv r at Montetiii I'.ellay, France. Ninety minutes of amusement at The Athens at small cost. Great Britain is standing by Russia in it policy in Persia. If All House keepers appreciated the very bfrt vanilla possible to make there wouldn't be any oilier kind sold except BURNETT'S VANILLA (l costs no more than the ordinary kind because it is so much richer and so much more flavory. It goe twice as far. Are you one of the good housekeeper rh appreciates the bert tpjll made) BURNETTS VANILLA' -t -1 T PISSING EVENTS 4f Duffy's drug store will be opan to the public today. Rev. L. U Nash, of Hamlet, wi preach at Centenary Methodist church today. The Chester Amusement Company, who have been filling a week's engage ment in this city will leave today for some other point. Superior court convened yesterday morning, u few minor cases were dis posed of, after which a recess was ta ken until Monday morning. Owing to the fact that workmen are now engaged in putting in the steel ceil ing at the Free Will Baptist church there will be no services held there to day. The Salvatioq Army will conduct Sunday School in their new hall on Griffith St., today at 2 p. m. and also services 7:30 p. m. Capt. J. E. and Mrs. Way in charge. The Baraeca Bible Class of Centen ary Methodist Church extends to every young man in the city a cordial invita tion to come out and study the lesson with them this afternoon. The quality of the oysters being brought to this city just at this time is far above that of the bivalves on sale here a few weeks ngo. The supply, too, is adequate to supply all demands. Mayor McCarthy had only two cases in hi 9 court yesterday afternoon and but a short while was consumed in the session. The offenders were dismissed upon the payment of the costs of the cases. This week will be observed by the Woman's Auxilliary of Centenary Methodist Church as a week of prayer and thanksgiving. Services held each afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at the church parlors. A cordial invitation is extend ed to all laide8 to attend. If you are intending to attend the Thanksgiving Day football game at Norfolk, you should lose no time in se curing reservations on the Norfolk Southern special train, which will leave here on the night before. Tickets can be secured from the local office of the railway company. The members of the Second Infantry hand from Kinston who furnished the mubic for the big event held in this city last week, were profuse in their praise of the hospitality of the New Bern people. This band is one of the best in the State and their work here on this occasion was more than satis factory. Len Laughinghouse, who lives near Vanceboro, was placed under arrest by Deputy Marshal Cameron on Friday on a warrant charging him with retail ing whiskey without a government li cense. After a preliminary hearing be fore the United States Commissioner at this place, he was bound over to the next term of Federal court under a bond of $200 which he failed to give and was committed to jail. Up-to-date moving pictures and refined vaudeville at The Athens. THE REASONABLE WAY. Strong vigorous men, women and children hardly ever catch cold it's only when your system is run down and vitality low that colds and coughs can get a foothold. Now im't it reasonable that the tight way to cur a coufh is to build op your strength sgainf Mr. Patrick Wren of N. Birmingham. Ala., knows about this. He says, "I csught a bad cold a year ago and bad bsd tough for long time, bat Vihol re lieved it completely 'and built upmy health. Vinol is the beat roedleiM I eter used or heard of .for coughs and eold4 This aplendid cod Hvf and Iron rem edy doe not smell or teste Ilk cod Uv r oil, but is so delicious that children Jove to lake it. Yet It baa the strength ening value of cod liver oU, with tool, blood-building iron, Chronic bronchitis yields t Vlnol be cause It builds oil th tyUBi in alt weakened and rundown conditio os. To ran ret your money back hay Urn If Vinol doe not do, all w lay-F, 3. Daffy, Druggist, tj Bert, N. C ' 1 '." " John D. Rockefdl Ooled fr J U the Merrill esee 4 wiwH th Hit ritt brothers ottesfftjtaf faieeie Ufr the RteoWy emt, V j Swf out ln of " Cmi and Woodi Heatefc i Jii'a? Ba4 nigbt Hdvr. Ct. 67 S. Front C0T1ON JIARKET REPOKTED BY ! J. R. BALL COTTON BROKER NEW BtfRN, N. C. LONG DISTANCE PHONE NO. 16. New Trk CtUa. Nov. 25. Open High Low ('lo?e Dec. 924 924 916 917 1 Jan. 903 903 894 89fi! March 914 914 904 905 Kay 922 922 914 914 1 New York Spoti 940. j LWeryeel Cettei Market Opening. Closing Jan. Feb. 499 497 May. Jun 6054 60S 4 Hew Ben Market Middling 8 Strict Middling 8 Good Middling 9c Sales 12 bales. Washington, D. C, Nov. 25th -Cot ton Report, supply and distribution of I cotton to Nov. 1. Supply, 10.585,259 bales. Distribution exports, 2,433,909 " Consumption, 776,826 Stock close of account 7,374,521 " Don't let the cold snap catch you without a heater from J. S. Basnight Hdw. Co. 67 S. Front St., Phone Deep secrecy surrounds the reported alliance between the Pennsylvania and Atlantic Coast Line railroads. m CASTOR OIL1 POWDER Bun 11 Uu fr TASTIltSl AmmmAMY mCorru ODdRLtss wwm4w I BEST AND SAFEST JIAaATIV je known CHRISTMAS IS AHEAD OF YOU BUT WE'RE AHEAD OF CHRISTMAS ! We've been industriously searching the market for the best things that the makers and importers h:tve prepared for this Christmas of 11)11 fur all t lu s hest things are ready for "the trade" long before Christmas. You'll be immensely entertained liy them, and looking around involves not the slightest obligation to purchase. For the present jio-t enjoy seeing them we will let the future take care ol itself. We Deduct 10 per cent From all Christmas Purchases Made in November From our Stock. REMEMBER WE SELL YOI OUT OK VOI R MAIL ORDER CAT A LOO. J. 0. BAXTER THE XMAS GIFT STORE. JUST RECEIVED Choice Lot N. C. Shoulders and Side Bacon. Seeded RaiBins, per pkg. 12Jc Cleaned Currants, 12Jc Fancy Citron, per lb. 25c Fancy Large Prune 13c Fancy Evap. Peaches, 18c Fancy Evap. Apples, pkg. 10c Large Sour Pickles, per doi. 15c White C. Oil, gal. 12c Fancy Msccaroni, 10c Very Beet Flour, per lb. 8c Pure Spices and Flavoring Ex tracts, Codfish, Irish Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Best sugar cured Hams; only 18e lb. Rock bottom price on every thing In the gro cery line. YOtlBS FOR CASII ONLY J. L McDaniel 41 Middle SL Prion 91 ohiE5 4 J? Vl 4(1',' ' , REMEMBER We are ready to fill your fruit cake order with all the necessary fruits and spices for a cake and at a saving to you. The best of every thing in the liae at the lowest possible price. III III I I III 11 n iniiATnAiin III I I M I' AUMVIU air 11 11. u. miiiioiKimu 111 1 1 Phone 174 Middle St. I ll " - - P SEND HUB ! PRPQRRIPTinilC 1 1 I IILUUIIII I IUIIU III! ill 1 n 1 I IM . "u r T" DAVIS PHARWACY T" PHONE 56. yf'gi h I 1 Made from pure distilled filtered water. NEW BERK ICE CO. 19-21-23 Griflith St. Phone 23 has to be pretty w pleaie evervbodv. our ch I "chuck full" of good thing in the line of Fancy Groceries and we guarantee everything we sell to pleane cverylxnly we sell too, or we refund your money. Buckjheat, Mince Meat. Ili-inz Pickles, The Best Fancy Candy for Cake Trim mings. Prompt delivcr. Yours to plenfle. Broad Street Grocery Co. PHONE 1M1 NEW BERN, N. C. 1 III TOILET SILVER we can furnmh you with anything you desire, from sin gle pife to rompM et, in many of the mint popular pst ems prvlucd by the leading silversmiths of the country. Th, pieees make particular! appropriate Christmas pr en Is and are very nwderat In-. ptW, . ' 's A GROCERY MAN II ''ln:i'ie un'' to 1 es are I E I i ii VISIT OUR SPECIAL DISPLAY OF HOLIDAY GOODS THIS WEEK M. E. WH1TEHURST & CO. 45 POLLOCK ST. II IMIONE 17 - - - . . . ATTENTION . . . Thanksgivinj will soon be here, why wait in buying your clothes. We have a lobby and up-to-date line of mens and boys clothing that we will compete with any line in the city, at a much lower cost. Give us a call and look them over, it costs nothing to lo k and we will be pleased to shnw you how we can save you 25 per cent on all purchases SAM LIPMAN Cor. Middle and S. F. Ste. Broaddus Ives Lumber Co. Coal Anthracite White Ashe ALL ;i,ES, ALL SCREENED Bituminous Pocahontas FOR STEAM AND DOMESTIC PURPOSES. HOLLISTER & COX f FOOT OF CRAVEN 8T. - The Smith Pregcr j HE TH VISIBLE TYPEWRITER MODEI 10. Acme of Perfection rVrvii'C You Don't Boy a Stove vary muoth, n that wren you do buy, you wsn to look -.round htt'e and see whare you rsn (at ths greateni "stajfa-'lin for your money. We have a great line of Stove here and w can si t any pocket-hook wlUWur ptlce. : ; '.'SOLE AGENTS ? F0 llAiSGES t ViroN 117' . ir' ---, . '.v. ij middle ST. WE SOLICIT HUB TRADE on all kinds of coal for heating and cooking in the house, for the furnace in shop or store, for steam ing purposes in factory or mill, fully confident of the quality of our fuel, its cleanliness and our facilities for prompt delivery We will appreciate a trial order. Ellis Coal and Wood Yard UNION' POINT Pi y an Block. TAKE THE ADVICE OF SANTA CLAUS and treat yourself for the holidays with the best pii.e lumber you c-tn obtain And where else should you obtain it but from Broad.lus &Ivs Lumber Company, who specidizeon pine of every crade and Bize? Don't place your order for pine lumber unlil you have seen what we have tooffer. Our p ices are loner thanotherH', too. Coal PHONE M -.3 e - in Construction and S10RE e - J "f. iy ; , ' ! ' '' y ' ': ?- i Umn, rettc CW 1 v - v . ; .;

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