f i if' K'1 - r - : f 5 .-..; - -e& - , .,-:- i 7 it (4 r V A,' v is' .V. 7 At. LTJC .-sis I -M rcozi y------ - uSSri i ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT. ANfcgetabu? IVeparationCris slmilatmSttieFbodanltofc tingUie SiomadisanlBawbi Promotes DiSestlonfltfi ness and Rest! ontalnsnetoff Opiuni.Morphioe norMuKraLj not Narcotic. jUxSam CftJltitt StjBBT HhfejrraiTfenr. Aperfect Remedy forConsflpa-i I ion , oour aioiufltii.uwiiuuM Worms jConvulstonsJevcrisa nessandLOSS OF SLEEP. FacSinile Siumw oT NEW YORK. Exact Copy of Wrapper. I HARDWARE AND Building Ma terial Paints,l)ils AND Varnishes American Field Fence t. v. lew Ban, I. C sasBS&xn&BaESSBB HENRY'S Prescriptions from all physicians, Quickly Ac curately filled. Also a full line of Choice Toilet articles. Pharmacy rilONH 173 "A fine piece of doth my boy! 1 never taw you wear a better looking suit" "Yet, 1 am pleasexl with it 1 had it madeby a good merchant tailor. The cloth it one of th rur'7rrT' F.wry Vsa ' poud ol a SWVccicma euiL"We have a lull Ue ol IhcaaifaaWaW Icbrire. Call aSrat kxlar. be ascewwd kr taaa el I -co S 1 wmm mm Wf. E CHADWICK M KHCUAWT TAIfXft r 103 Middle UK W .IWri; Jf 'tnj 4JCitlJf.L .11 II 1IJJ1.1 II! d'lt'V - ." ! 'ill J INTITUTC. 4, . to lOTl T. trri.e'i'v'. I a- " i " ft mi ... .. w. e....-. - i P till ft : for Infanta and Children'. The' Kind You Have Always Bough! Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years THC OCHTAUR COMTANV, NEW CITY. SOOMRNJIM DIRECT IJNE TO AI,I- 1'OINTS NORTH, SOUTH, EAST. WEST. Very Low Round Trip Katos to till Principal Resorts. Through Pullman to Atlanta, leaves Raleigh 4:05 p m, arrives Atlanta (i:!in p m, making close connection for and urrivinir Monteomerv following: day nf- 'ter leaving Raleigh 11 :00 a in, Mobile 4:12 p m, New Orleans 8:"0 p m, liirm ingham 12:15 noon, Memphis K:05 p in, Kansas City 11:20 a rn, fecund day and connecting for all other points. This car also makes close connection at Sc.lis bnry for St. Louis andother Western points. i Through Pullman to Washington lea ves Raleigh 0:50 p m, arrive Washing on 8:5.'! am, Baltimore 10:02 a m, Phila delphia 12:23 noon, New York 2:M1 fin, This car makes close connect ion at Wash ineton for Pittsburg, Chicago and all points North and West and at (ireens boro for Through Tourist Sleeper for California points and for all Florida points. Through Parlor Car for Asheville leaves (Joldsboro at 0:45 a in, Raleigh 8:35 a in, arrives Asheville 7:40 p rn, making close connection with the Caro lina Special and arriving Cincinnati 10 a m, following day after leaving Kal eigh, with close connection for all points North and North-West. Pullman for Winston-rialem leaven Raleigh 2:30 am, arrives (ir.-eiwboro . 6:3() a m, making close connection all jreensboro for all points North, South, East and WeHt. This car is handled i on train No. Ill leaving (ioldshnro at; 10:45 p m. If you desire any information, please call. We are here to furnish informa tion as well as to sell tickets. II. F. CAR Y, G. P. A. Washington, D. C. J. O. JONES. T. P. A. Raleigh, N. C Yegg men blew, up a dentist's rafi under aa "L,".rjadio New York. AN ALARM AT NIGHT. 1 hat all'krt'l! for i the r,t re house noid i the (locd,'rroeree, a id metallic oughorcroflo No HrU'UKing it, and ... . . i ,..-1. .... lonunni mr vow iucsj ci"i kep t?ols HoT Tar Compeund on haul H. Wi Caraelman. Canton, N. Y.. a a," ' It hi aVorth its weight in gold. OuMfUle children are tipnblad with croup and heareanese, n1 all we p:ie the M , Fplef , Honey and Tar Compound, i 1 eltfayl have a bot'lo of it ia the hot) foe aile by all deal era.' V-' V ir: Foajrte urdltfala were with thavnA hat at Ron. " invested u Ml- i i.iauiaj.j!iuaiii iji Majjazlne - that trtakee ,' Fact " irtoro fasHHtutlna Fiction "OrrrtTiw ae fee ) HioaeTiUM it" A CBKAT Cpilie " reserves wl h m any time, and which m kaeralUWrU't niev brain readlnaat rill buM rout eMere lorrteri ta twaneng ta , '. ; Popular, Mechanics Are rwwBn k t Two mminm ef yrm aetihbnre are. and N Is the firroiae megsIn m tTwsnecMa of t he bM4 A rnerk an Iwwnee. v la all clsi wl and voumi wti r women-Mhose whe know and lltuae aho wsfil l knfrw, ' 1 -4 sea new auMrrw ' tee r-wTttwee '.o tl i.ll (Mr esi tMTsatei T '"f'w Nmh" r.p.f.i CP t V r Wy in ! !'- I , I." tO II t so- - iiir lim at.4 fw.o, iie4.ri WW bp i VII I in 1 " yi ; popuah r RUBBER' CANNON" -BALIS. r' ' - .-- - - A WoH Fair Exhibit TKt Pwxxi4 ' Luit Npolon. V A a . ' . An InsUnj? of the obMMloa f tb mind b.oB Idea l aeea U a lodj crona m)tnk made by Loul .tiapo ieon Id liaft at a world? fair held Is Paris wUie he wai euiperqr. 'He bad eu trained to war. and be could. not aee a strange object without regard tog It In relation to war. The bead of the United Slates commisaloa at the exhibition was MaanseU B.raeld. who tells In his " Memoir-of Many Men" how greatly disturbed the eut peror wits by an American Invention. The commissioner was present at a reception held at the puluce. "The euiperur approached me and remarked that he had that afternoon walked through 6ur department of the exposltlon-this was Just before lt was open to the public that be had seen ninny things there which Inter ested him. hut thnt nothing had so routb pleased him s the exhibition of vulcanized India n bber. Among the articles he, had n itlced something which hud puzzled him ever since. Ife very much regr;tted that I was unt present at the tl lie of bis visit Here 1 Interrupted him to say tfca' 1 very luucli regret t 'd It myself an(J that If he had sent me an tutimation I of his lJiirpiiKe 1 should have been certnin to attend. Well.' h answered. 'In one corner I paw. stacked as one sees them In an j artillery yard, a pile of vulcanized In. di:i nililier- cannon balls. There was j noliodv there to answer the Inquiries ' which I desired to make. Terhups you. ! can explain I lie matter to me.' I "1 hud nut even seen the balls In I question and had to say so. " '1 cannot imagru. resumea ins majesty, 'liow any preparation of In dia nil. her can be u?ed for projectiles. It has often occurred to me that. In rombinntion with other materials. It .ni -in lie made useful for defensive tun poses.' "I was compelled to admit that It was ecjually tnyst irlous to me how tho Inventor could have thought seriously of making cannon balls of It. After so misatlsl'.ictory an interview the emper or probably did not think that it would be civil to leave me immediately, so be sked me ir I took' much Interest In military matters. I answered that 1 did not any more than civilians usual ly do. was at that time residing very near (ho Tulare of industry. The ner( morninir I went over before breakfast for tiie purpose of Retting Information upon the subject wliicll had so puzzled tin. emperor. I went' directly to the India rubber exhibit, and. sure enough. 1 fouui'. (lie balls there Just as they had bi.'en described to mc. It was too early for me to expect to see the nmn In charge, but there was a person in hiii place. 1 asked what irr-the world he expected lo do with India rubber cannon bnll.-i. "They an' not camion balls," he ud MWerod; 'they are footballs!"' FOR THAT IH'I.I, KIWI, INC, AFTER KATlNt;. 1 have lined 'liamborlain's Stomach and I aver Tablets tor Forae time, and can tthtifv 1 1 i f t- they have done me more gi oil than any tablets 1 have ever med. My trouble was a heavy dull feeling nftfr eating. DAVID FREE VAN, Kempt, Nova Spo'.ia. These tablets strengthen the nt( trlach and im prove t he digestion. They al o regu late (he liver noil bowels. They are far siipeiior t ' pibs but cost no more, (iet a f ree sample al nil dialers drugstore and see what a splendid medic ne it it. Scv"nty thousand rnetnl workers were ick d out in I'ci lie. A loan of J15 l HO MMKI will probably Navy. U4kei (,. ,, prit,SM A CHARMING WOMAN. is one whois lovely in face, form, mind and temper. Hut its hird for a woman to be charming without health. A weak, sickly woman will he nervous and irrit able, t onHt itiation and kidney poisons show in pimples, blotches, skin erup tions and a wretched complexion. But Electric Hitters always prov a godaend to women who wint health, beauty and frien.ls They regulute Stomach. Liv er and Kidneys, purify the blood; give s'rong nerves, bright eyea, pure breath, smooth, velvety skin, lovely complexion ' aral perfert health. Try them. 50c at nil druggist. A Personal View of Seward, I talked also with Seward. rho kxl(ed dirty, rusty, vulgnr and low, used six h Words as hell mid daruo auf Spoke very loud I think better of Mr. Lincoln for lo r exclusive dielike of btm. "Life aud letters of George Duo croft." A Mistake, Olnculatlon Man That woman w'io T"ttUled her uaino kept out of the pa per jcjderdny lina stopped her anli script Ion. Editor- Why, we kept her naint out C. M.-Tttat tbe aDsnsf.-ToleA aiada. for eczema, Tetter and aalti rhe;um. Km intense ikchlig eharatfterietie of these ailments is almost nttaatl al laved by Chamberlain' Sifve. Jleny severe cant beta brea fared" by It, ale by all dealer.. , v '.. ; 1 . v " jj ..- . What flhymes With Bsbsf v.- -A common Cnglbth word for wUlfb fbere la ,inl cfie rhyme U -Ue.,, i4 t wtja SwlnbaVn wbn.Ce4 t) WV.ti eAaulnllev. appmpHalenoaa, la "A MfBief';.,::. i. , , ' Tftbe, if rhrme ue rwae , ; '" k ir1ht aweot smalt Wort; -Debs. ha erewleot e'oe . " It leirt lUir add rneef' ' "' ' t libri should keep not t-oe ' i '"' ' Time wttb e h a ae ' , TMVt c ttt . - . V ,- . . ; 1 ' ; , ' ( - tnve altrne, Vdh -mlnf . liner i It aairiUti.. T "e em, a be'eiil, riumta ' ' rc.r lhe'l.sb, ' ' . ' -f t" li cm'-l.rr rd ,' US HI JH STOMACH cornet from food wkk bae Jt atmied. -Get ridafthi badly digeetad matter aaqoicUjr aa poeU ;Ji -yoa ,woftld od bUwaa attack. : GIMMONG ; -i ' r'" RED' .LIVER REGULATOR Is a cleansing and strengthening xnedklne. It is a liver tonic first . of all and the liver ia alwaya affected when the stomach goea wrong. It puts We in a torpid liver, helps digestion, sweetens the breath, clears the complexion of aallowness, relaxes the bowls and puts the body in fine, vigorous condition. IUUM MUC UMI WNUI, ftl.M. Awk tor At genvlM wrth tb Eed I an th Utwl. It ft? Mil, pMiptltl. BiinntfBI lAwmt Mrcalstor u Frk !. pw kuttlt. .LMk tut iba K.4 1 Ukd. USBMI WW mrgmttlot la H. ZCIUN , CO.. MOM Mert Who Cry on tin Street 1 ! was standing on the treet cortiet waiting for a car." aald a caller at the Deacouess home in Chicago, "and I Baw a man walking along with towed head, crying! No. he hud not been drinking. He looked like a respectable wot kinsman of middle age. 1 wanted to speak lo him. but- I didn't. What do yoo suppose was the matter?" The deaconess whom be was address ing said nothing, but she knew why some 'respectable middle agd men" walk the city streets crying. Visions rose before her: A man who had Just visited bis boy. in Jail for stealing a man who has been bunting work for three weeks and "lost out" every time, till tiie dearly loved wife and baby at borne were literally starving a man who had ist had a flashlight of his own degradation utid was comparing It with the Innocence of the clean hearted lad that used toVnddle into his mother's lap. The men go weeping along the streets sometimes, but often er far they go too dead at heart to weep - Christian Herald. DEEDS, -NOT WORDS New Ucin People Have Absolute Proof of Deeds at Home. It's not words, hut deeds thnt. prove true merit. The deeds of I loan's Kidney Pills. For New liern k idney sufferers, Have made iheir local reputation. Proof lies in the testimony of New Bern people who have been cured to stay cured. F. F. Avery, 1!)0 Middle street. New Bern, N. C, says: "I have no reason to change my high opinion of Doan's Kidney Pills, which I expressed through the local newspapers Rome years ago. 1 got this remedy from Bradham Drug Co. when I was suffering from kiifney complaint and b ickuche and it cured me. I have had no occasion to use any kidney medicine since (hat time." For tale b) all daaJera. Frtpe GO oenta.. Poster Mllburn Co., Buffalo, Sew York, sole agent for the United SUtea. Remember the mame Doaa't n4 itke do other. Inseote T,at Imitate Ottriches. The habit of the ostrich of burying Its head and Imagining flint It has eluded discovery Is copied after a fashion by certain Insects, according to Dr. G. Uodmuii In his lectures on the subject of the stick Insect, or lm (Hills rossl, which he has cultivated These Insects, which are m called be cause of (heir resemblance to dry sticks, have two fore legs which lliey fold completely oer their eyes wheu disturbed and evidently think that In so doing they themselves are lost to view. The eggs of these Insects, Dr. Kodmau sa.-s. dike something over six aioutlm to butch. They are only oue leiith of an lu b In their longest dl ameter, and by some miracle an In sect which at hatchlug la three-quarters of au inch In length Is packed Into theru. The stick Insects destroy tho weaklings cf '.heir number by cat lag their legs. Westrulusler Umetta. Chinese reliels at Wuchang asked for help. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA 1 he phiral disintegration of the American Tobacro Compuny hte begun -HFST ON EARTH" This n the verdi-t of R. J. Howell. Tracy, O.,-who bought Foley's H.mey wnd Tar C- mund Utr hie wife, "Her rase mm the v,r. I have ever seen, aid Ion! Ike a mire case of roneump. tiort. Her lirimt er sAfa'Opixr she niVith! alrmiMi li.ee ant It en4.her ! eae r.i.-aqr4 weak I'o'e'a H'inv a it Tar Cor?tiriiil) hrntttt -relief at owrr am lews than the buttles e(T ri d complete cure. " For sale by all aealefa. --. Carre Ovt Strorip at the KmJ. Chlpprwa pin at all ib to tbe nark bvK nlglit: tried to say aotne Ihlni' tgTreable. bvt couldn't 0$ it eotnebew, so at, laet I bad thea, fW)d by, JotHraAb, tlVrt fori d 'rj pjta age tii, ear aometlilna agreeaple after flU-tnd II Wrar I't'WwHF, '"" v- . tl la a very eerltnie matter W ask iw o medicine ar4( af ,be Wront; one flvea yoo. roe J0a raaaort we wrgt you in buytnf 'to te careful to f et the genulbw-e n mm,M W a a , liver , , n- Tiie f'-os'; .n t,X tbfs 1, f . t . ... i ivr coc - in. vf t- -. IS f:r!, 1 1( yon unot f.t It. rtmlt to will MBd put Uf aUBO im uqota loiai tor u watu prpi ST. Louia. MO. THRIVED ON MISFORTUNE. A Carman Peddler Who Intullad the Keiter and Got Rich. A German hawker, Haus fiauer meister, retired from business, having amassed a little fortune. According to a Paris contemporary, misfortune was the foundation of his succens. The hawker's specialty was the sale of por traits of the Imperial family. His mode of haranguing his audience was something like this: "Buy a por trait of William I., whose motto was, 'I have no time to be wearied.' " "Who'll buy this Frederick II., whose prayer was. 'Teach me to suffer with out complaining?" lo not fall to complete your collection and buy this portrait of our great emperor, William II.. whose favorite phrase is, 'Augusta, yon pack your trunks.' " This last always brought dowu the audience, and In time the police, to another sense. Bauermeister was sen fenced to sixty duys for lese majesty He did his time aud ou release re started his business. He sold his por traits with the old formula until he came to that of the kaiser, aud then he said, "I have learned to my cost that It Is not lawful to repeat what Ike says so ofteu." The people were Just us well pleased, aud the portrait sold splendldlv. WORK WILL SOON START. after you take Dr. King's New Life Pills, and you'll qnhpkly enjoy their fine results. Constipation and indigestion vanish and fine appetite returns. They regulate stomach, liver and bowels and impart new strength and energy to the whole system Try them. Only 25c at all druggists. Twis Ever- Thus. "Pa. what does it mean when yo'v ay that prLes Hit' lu.ttc'.'" "It means, uiy son, that they po :; ind down. When it's somelKr;. you've got to buy the price goes n , . and when It's something you've got to sell the ri. goes d.w u." Judge. Her Deareet Friend. Man do- I'm a lltt'e uneasy In mi wind." Ned asked me to marry lilin. and I told him 1 might some day Vow, would you cull that a promise' Marie--No 1 should call It a threa' A DREADFUL WOUND rom a knife, gun, I in can, rusty nail, (Ire works, or of any other nature, de mands prompt trratment with Buck Itn's Arnica Salve to prevent hlood P ison or gangrene. Its the quickest, surest healer for all such wounds as al so for Burns, lloils. Sores, Skin Erup tions, Eczema. Chapped Hands, Corns or Piles, 25c at all druggists. Women', Teare. Marks -So when you got home from the club In Ht rilj;ht your wife was weeping? Parks I said nothing of the sort. I said she was crying. It's when a woman Is sd she weeps: when she cries she's hopping mad.- Hoston Transcript Even. Borrow Tntll now I have never had to ask yon for a small loan. Monet -And till flow I have never beea obliged to refuse you. "I had reen trouhlel with conetipa tion for two years and tried all of the best physicians in Bristol, Tenn., and (hey could do nothing for me," writes Thoa. E. Williams, Mlddleboro, Ky. "Two packages of Chamberlain's 8um ch and Liver Tablets cured me." For sale by all dealers. Restored Courage. The southern lorer was Impetunn 1T the ajjtbor of a book of remlnl eencet of eaatern . Virginia entitled "Memory Days," and rhe maiden wa ftuild and autjsed to pssslonst pro poaale of man-legs. "Oh. don't T she intermpted In s whle per. "Too frlubfen me dreadfully T Overetiroe by cotitrltlou. the young maa humbly apologised for bis fervor tud painful alienee ensued. The tin broke It at last - "Robert" tbe began, with a bopefni smite "t -don't blok-l-abell-be ' frtKhteced ihis time" Tbe quicker a toil te got ten rjd of tbe laea the danter from pflrornorite and otbHr aetioua dbjeaae. Mr. B. W. L. Hall, ol Wawly, Va., aayas "1 flrw y believe Charaberleln'a Counb aUmedy to be beolutele . (ho. beet Dreparatioo on the martlet for colria. : 1 have rerom mended It to fry f Hands' and they fall a crea wttb BeA For aale by all .deal- . 1 1 r - " ' I Detii'ea ierreltl fa teheel. '. 1 touilaa Jerrold wrote "Blaok Ky Biireaa", wbap ti wia twenty-one aa contrtbaled to Pn'ach tbe launeaaely popular "Candle ' fawiorea" aot. (oni afterward. But at til as years -of t rouBf Jerrold bad been acarcely able t rend. asl It wte aot nntll be wit apprenticed to a printer, after Mr flag tor aotrke tlov s a mldeblpinao at eea. that be khuwrn) eHbr 'Wire or npac Hy for InielVtasJ tnntrovemrBt i, t WITIIITHB DiMINO OF MIDDLE "AGf-i ! ra a I' I ' n j d"fi In the r..tc) Legal : Notices NOTICE OP MORTGAGE SALE OF HOUSE ANP LOT IN NEW HERN. Br Ttftue of powefof tale eontaiacd i that certain mortaaae deed enratcd and delivered to the DDdersieiMd by MUe Sprufl and El in SaniU. fek wife, which msrtfaa deed and net thereby eecnmd i dated third- day of March U02. and recorded (a book aoiaber 141. pace 67S. ia the of flee of the Heeiitar of Deede of Craven eoanty. the anderatrned wiUoa tbe 18th. day of Decem ber. 1911. at 12 o'clock m. at the court hoaea door in Crareo county, cell to the h la beet bidder for caah. tbe folWwina described lend: Two iou situated end lyins in the City of New Bern. N, C in the part known u ReiMnattnTUIe, being lota number 11 and 27 in tbe plan of the said Reizenateinville, looted on the east side of Chap man street between Cedar and Elm streets, and being- the same land conveyed to the said stiles Spruil by deed from Chas. Reizenstein. JOHN S. GARRETT. Mortg;lg-ee. November 18th. 1811. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having this day qualified as executor of Floi- ence Williams, deceased, all persons having claims against the estate of said decendent are hereby notified to present the Bame. duly verified to the undersigned or his attorney, on or before the 17 day of November 1912, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are hereby requested to make immediate settlement. This 17th day of November I9II. H. H. PENDER. Executor. R. O'HARA. Attorney. MORTGAGE SALE OF REAL ESTATE. By virtue of a power contained in a mortgage deed executed to the dndersigned by Fatsy Col lins and Mary Venters on the fith day of April. (909. and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Craven county, in book 176, page 14. same deed being given to secure the payment of a promissory note, due and payable one year from date of said mortgage deed and default in payment of said note and interest on the same having been made, I will sell at the oourt house door in New Bern. N. C. at 12 o'clock M. on Monday the 11th il.y of December 1911. all the undivided interests of said PaUy Collins and sa)d Mary Vonters in and to that certain tract of land in No, 8 township. Craven county. N. C, ad joining the lands of Edward Richardson on the north side, on the west side Willis Lewis' tract, containing ten acres, where Mary Venters and John Venters formerly resided, now occupied by Alex Moore: also another tract of land containing PC! 1-4 acres, adjoining the lands of Mrs, Jennie Harrison, Dr. J K Hughes. J L Rhem. Jas Lyons. Samuel llnwen and Daniel Llamas. Terms of sale cash. M. HAHN, Mortgagee. Nov. II 1911, MORTGAGE SALE. PurHtiunt tn the power of sale contained in that certain mnrtgugf deed, executed by George A. Ilrown nml 'Miu-y K. Brown, his wife to R. O'llara. bearing date of April 13th, 1911, anil recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for said Craven county in book Ne. 184, folio 157. The undersigned will offer for sate to the high est bidder for cash, at the court house door of Craven county, on Saturday, December 9th, I9II at the hnurof tii o'clock M. all the following des cribed property, to-wit; All lh.it certain lot or parcel of land lying and being situate in the city of New Bern, said state and county on the west side of Ash street and bearing the number one hnndred forty-six, 146. according to a plan of the estate of Joshua Scott, dee'd.. recorded in1 Equity Docket, page r8 in the office of Clerk of Superior court for said Craven county, bounded as follows: Benginning at tbe northeast corner of the lot formerly owned hy Frederick Harrison, and running northwardly fifty V, live feet, more or leSB to ths southeast ern corner of lot No. one hundred I4fi. forty-five; thenre westwardly along the southern line of said lot No. I4f one hundred 110. ten feet, more or less to the eastern line of lot No. one hundred lftf. fifty-six. thence southwardly along the east ern line of lots Nos. Idnand 155 fifty 56. feet more or less to the northern line of lot No. 147; thence eanlwardly along the northern line of said lot No. (47 one hundred HO. ten feet eaore or leas to the point of beginning on Ash street. It be ing the same land conveyed by R. O'Hara to said George A. Brown and Mary E. Brown by deed dated April Is, 101 1, and recorded in tbe public records in tbe offee of Register of Deeds for said Craven county in book No. 188-folto 276. to which reference is hereby made. This 4th. (lay of November 1911. R, O'HARA. Mortgagee. OtTioe of the tuViga, "What la the otllce of the lang-sf a teacher asked a small pupil In a class lu physiology. "The chest." she promptly replied. "And." said the teacher, telling the story, "I guess she was somewhst near right, for (he long certainly do busi ness In tbe chest" V NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD ROUTE OF THE "NIGHT EXPRESS" Schedule- Effective Stpt. 24. 1911 Tne following schedule figures pub lished aa information not guaranteed- ONLY and are TRAINS LEAVJC NEW BERN NORTH AND WEST BOUND 12:80 a m, Daily -Night Express Pali man Sleeping Car for Norfolk. JO a m. Dally for Norfolk, oonnects i or an pomie Morta arm west Parlor car eervice between Wash Ington and Norfolk. 1:45 p m, Daily euept Sunday for Waahlnrtofl. Helhaten. Greenville - Wllaoaand Raleigh. Parlor car betweeo Waahiagtoriarfdllalelgh. 4:10 a m, Dally-Nlght - Expntaa for ' -Qokuboro. . , - ,. 1;18 a m Deny for Goldiboro, Parlor t- , car amic.ry MS f in.' Dally for fotfefciro, ''e.ei.11 .I, e . . il a n, Dally for Beaufort , 6e p w, " ",'. Deatiforu ParW 6 a m, Dally neept 8unday for UITlltM t;41( p ra, Dally for Oriental. For furthr Inforrriion orreHiervafiori ,'l r.il'niari f!f ; ' - Cr ; - t o r. ir. r-r,. r a . ? : PROFESSIONAL .CARDS eeeeeeeeee f. M. Simmona, a. I). Ward, SIMS AND WARD AfTORNEYS AM) COUNSELLORS AT LAW MIW BXSM, H, C Office Rooms 401 k-S Elks Building Practice in the counties of Craven, Duplin, Jones, Lenoir, Onslow, Cart eret, Pamlico and Wake, in the Su preme and Federal Courts, and where ever services are desired. OR. H. M. DISEASES OF THE Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat AND General Surgery Office in Elks Temple Next Dr. (',. A Caton, New Bern, N. C. R. A. NUNN 4.P ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice in the counties of Craven, Carteret, Pamlico Jones and Onslow and in the State Supreme and Fcderrt Courts. Office No. 50 Craven Street. Telephone No. 97. New Bern, N. C. Lake Drummond C;ina! & Water Co. Lake Drummond Transportation Co. Lake Drummond Towing Co. Dismal Swamp Canal An Inland Route, Protected from Storm. Nine Feet of Water Minimum Depth Always. Quick Transit for Traltic. Prompt Towing and Freight Movement. For tolls, towing find freight rates, apply at office in Seaboard Hank lluild. ing and at Deep Creek Lock, Va. M. K. King, Pres. J. A. Mitten, Sen. J. B. Baxter, Supt. . T. Whitehurst, Traffic Manag?r. Norfolk Ollice Hell Phone C.2I. SOUTHERN RAILWAY BOCTbIKK rail w a j HCUKUII.KI N. B. Tbeae Igures are iiuhllsluj or Information and are uot saiarae- NO. 1 Leave Goldsboro, N. C, C.4I a. m., through tralL wlt.'i di.i!r ear to Asheville, coiiuociIiik at Rait Durhi.m, for Oxford, Herr 4arsoa, Keyivllln and Hlchmone at Datvemlty for ('hnoel tflll at Greensboro for Charlotte and all DuiaU loll III, alao loi I'.. TUle, Lynchburg, Charlott.'svdla Waahlncton, ans all pelat certaV 0. IS Dsavea Ooldsboro, 106 . as. for fireenuboro, hamlles mnnni. Pullman Raleigh, to Atlanta, cos evtrta a4 Oreeneboro for al) etrita aorth. aouth sad wast NO. lll-Ieaves Coldaboro 1(1.46 p m tor OreebSboro, iianales puiiuisa Raleigh , to Greensboro, eoa Beets at Oreensbnro for Char lette, AUanta , New Orleans Asheville, Knoivllls, also for Danville, Lyncbbuia. (!harle. toavUle, WaablBftoa. as all aoiote tvartk. ker tartbar to forma tUn aal aay outheTB ticket agent or adgreea tbe ajaralgsx4 H. F. CAR, t Oeneral Tassenger igeat. WasUiartea, D. O, W. H. PARNELL, Traveling Paaianger Agent Ralelxh. N. V. Instcad of Uquid Anils cptlcso. Peroxide v toAtxf peopW am now uainfjf PjLxtlnj Toflet Antlieptlc lhe new toilet femicide powder to be iliaenlfH la water as aeedail, , . For all toilet and hyglcnlo tteoa It W better and mora Kyieomlcwu To oleaaae and whiten the teeth, remove vtarUr, and rreveet decay, f . . . to dUtafee Iba mnnlh.de. . atrvrr dlsoaa' (fernia, and. rnrlfy the bfeeilu ' To keep art I (let ni -teeth and brldaework rlean, rd"rU's To rmi' nleritlni f roii tti twill and hit i'? t s bieut h af' r muck lair, 1 i c- j- 'i ut l . i-'V -r . f .1- i I x 1 v. 'tV-rxV . :. in ... . ! I 1 ' I

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