"-. . - .- -.- r.i t - '; '.I.- -V". ... ' - . - V . . i At; V..', H ' pre 1 I ALCOHOL i PES OEN1 AVegttabkPrrpamtoilrAt ttngtlrSawEsaiHlBcwii Promotes Diaeatwnflwifut iwss aol ReatXontaim utor OpiuRi.Morphine iurNiaetaL NOT NARCOTIC. AouStti himSni ffcrtlWJW. Anerfect Remedy for Corelta tlon . Sour Stomach.Dlarrtioej WonBS.CovnlsioiisJ:ensli IWSSUulLOSSOFbLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. ed under Exact Copy of Wrapper. HARDWARE AND Building Ma terial Paints, Oils AND Varnishes American Field Fence E. W. lew ken, I. 0. HENRY'S Prescriptions from all physicians, Ouicli'y and Ac curately filled. v Also a full line of Choice .Toilet articles. Pharmacy Iff 1 V r w -rr 1 11- II IIII W I)-. . PnONH IM I 'j' " A fine piece o( doth my toyl ''- Mvec hw you wear a better i -lookins tnt'' v . . j ' i',t lea, I amplest with rt. 1 tikr. The cloth it one of the ' t. . Fwrf Vaa b atoaJ f a SI uliann e"W Ue a hi U of aVtae ffaaWaWw ; ;-; hbn. Call aa4 be mmmmi t mm it lC CHAD WICK --, mkrchanttailob J03 MlddieBt 'Kw iWflk ( f" """J jr"1"" rn n b.bdLik Tor Infanta and Children. . . The Kind You Have Always Bought the A X Bears M M 1U Signature In Use For Over Thirty Years 111 THI OKftTAUR OOMMNV. HEW t CITY. PROFESSIONAL CARDS I nui 1 uuiuiinL unuuj t V. M. Simmons, A. D. Ward. SUNS AND WARD ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLOR! AT LAW JflTT BIBS. I. Cn Office Rooms 401-2-3 Elka Building Practice in the counties of Craven, Duplin, Jones, Lenoir, Onslow, Cart eret,. Pamlico and Wake, in the Su preme and Federal Courts, and where ever services are desired. DR. I II DISEASES OP THE ye, Ear, Nose and Throat AND Genera! Surgery OfflceNn Elks Temple Next Dr. O. A Caton, New Bern, N. C. R. A. NUNN ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice in the counties of Craven, Carteret, Pamlico Jonea and Onslow and In the State Supreme and Peders Courts. Office Ns. SO Cravaa llrest Tslaahaas Ma. IT Nsw lera, N. C, 1 t-au-J . i ija-iij i J-.i-iJ i. J n 1 J Moving, were you day ' "Where before yes- terdayr "I waa helping my wife to move." "Aad yesterday?" "Had the doctor helptng me." Ex change. POR ECZEMA, TETTER AND SALT RHEUM. The Intense itching characteristic of theaa ellnvnta Is aimoat instantly al ayed by Chamber Iain's Sile. Many ever cases bavs been cured by it. For sale by all dealers, Push. "Old man fludgeon says push was the thing that enabled him to become a millionaire." ' "I gueas he's tight about that He hnn pnabed lot at people to the walL -Chicago Uei-ord Herald. When your ft tre wet and eold. aod berlaia a Cooch Kemdy bauw your feet in bot water before coins? In b0. and yoa are almeet ertaln to ward off a s vere cokV rot aala bf 1 deaier. Craeadllea, " - ' Crorodllea, hke ottrtcbea. eonmaia ptte aod smalt, ktovea for tba par po of irnndlof ap tbeif food. T0NI9 IM ACTIOS) 9UI0 IN MiaULTi CMv fnmfX relief ftota BACKACHE, KIDNEY aod BLADDRR TBOUBLt, ailKOVIATlIM, CONQE3T10?t of the KIDNEYS, INFLAMMATION of lbs tLAHDEa and ail aaivrylnf UF!"7AT lKRi.GULAKlTIE8. , A poaHlve boaa te MIDDLE AQED and BLDBRLt PEOPLE n foe WOMEN. MaVf. H1 " ' f 1 T ti' -.-'-?TICI a a r - ' ' r STOVES OF IRON. T , v .. . .. . u . -; .. : , ; Tkiy ur dad the Reman Stub n " the Eighatentlr CantMrjIL y.j A heating apparatus cailad "vaW 1 (Stove) wee ' widely used among tat higher ciua f Bmu before the be ginning of the Christian era. - Thli class of beaten was fixed and lmmova bi, besides belQK la aeeral otber re pecta wboHy diffeirnf trbm the mod era atore.. In Germany and Bcaodlna via Uey wert media batarooma end botlkousea during the middle agea. They were neoally constructed of brick, ton or tile and were of Immense ulte They aometUnea covered the whole aide of a twenty or thirty toot room and often extended out Into the room aa much as ten feet, la which case the smooth, flattop waa osed for a bed stead, the heated surface Imparting an agreeable feeling of warmth during those cold nights of lung ago , wboo such things as covers were quite rare; Cardinal Pollgnac of France was per haps the first to attempt the construe tlon of a store wholly of Iron, this at about the beginning of the eighteenth century. The first real improvement over the old Roman "stuba" was brought about -by Franklin In the year 1745. One of bis efforts produccd jt typical base burner, almost perfect dud a model of workmanship. Stoves wert'l t"ot used in private houses to any great extent prior to the year 1830. London Standard. London's Muffin Man. The muQJn man bad no monopoly of ibe street bell when William TV. was king, as .lobn Asbton records 'In a sketch of that time. The dustman also rang a bell and yelled, and the post man's bell was a most popular iusritu tlon. There were no pillar boxes in those days, and the sound of the bell brought people who II veil for from a postoflice to their doiTR to give the postman their letters to post. In "Pick wick," however, we have evidence that even then the inufliu man was chief among hand bell ringers. For when the town crier of Eatanswill proclaim ed silence on the hustings by "a con certo on the bell" a gentleman in the crowd called "Muffins!" London Mail. GOODNEWS Many New Bern Readers Have Heard it and Profited Thereby. "Good news travels fast," and the thousands of back sufferers in New Bern are glad to loarn that prompt re lief is -within their reach. Many a lame, weak and aching back ia bad no more, thanks to Doan's Kidney Pills. Thou sands upon thousands of people arf tell ing the good news of their experience with the Old Quaker Remedy, . Here is an example worth reading. Mrs. G. EL Edwardi, 223 E. Main St. Washington, N. C, says: "I suffered terribly from backache; accompanied by sharp shooting pains through my kidneys and the kidney secretions caus ed me considerable annoyance. I t$ed several kidneys remedies but received no relief until I began taking Doan's Kidney Pills. They drove away the pains and lameness in my loins and strengthened my kidneys, that tired, languid reeling disappeared and. 1 am able to rest better at night. I have no hesitation in recommending Doan's Kid ney Pills. for aaie by all dealers. Ptlot it psnte Foatr Mllburn Co., Buffalo 4w Tork. aoi ageats for tba Ualtaa HAbM. ' Rexnembar the BAmo Doea't aa A StartUr. She And so you are going to be my soo-ln law? He By Jove! I hadn't thought of that! London Tatler. Children Cry F0R FLETCHER'S CAStORIA Laying Toe Him. .i.,t Foreman tcalllng up to workman) Pbwat are yes doln' op there, CaSeT? Casey-OTm laytn' bricks, av coorae, Foreman Be Jaber. by the stlilaeei av ye yer molght be layfn' eggs! Loft don Tit-Bits. . iDpti WITH THE COMING OP AGE. M There la letflag down hi the phslci Toreea often snowti irannoying aad patq ful -kidney and bladder allrotuU ed orioary lrregolaritle. Foley - Kidoev PlUa art a tpiandid Teinfating ato tfncthafii)r medicine at idch a win. Try them, rot aJ by au iisaiara: nCottMrrt'a going to glvt a etiaflai flah Party U :, -Very well, ID prepare aome.aap. wk-hes. Tool! ill ba hnngry after yd get through trying to cook-Ltwla. villa Oourier-joumaL ; - , ; v ;fi - v i ir i Ptslied pnaiegraana. , -ia eld picture dealer gave fbfs n ful bint for flartenthg odt picture or napef which baa been rolled. utrke that a bbotograpb baa been rolled with. J faee loxlde. lorolt and spread out na a Bat surface with tne rce wo. Now, i'b one Wind bold dwn trmly rine, ehd rf The fclcture aod wftB thd otber draw the- ile of a book. Cf ruVf along the back of the photi.r- from the eod yon are boMIng to otfcfK If nn-ry rpt tb pr- HDtU the sliet la rrctjy Bat. - A i: TAT FVt. WOUNH -i S ' . r . I " i. ' 1 mm- jm . " 1 1 - - - - - r - i 8 o o. o o Q MB Rsalism With a Vangsanoe. "A great deal of fun has been poked at the realistic school of art." says ti New York artist "and It must be coo fessed that some ground has been glv en to the enemy. Why, there recently came to my notice a picture of an Assyrian bath, done by a Chicago man, and so careful wns he of -ill the details that the towels hanging up were all marked 'Nebuchadnezzar' Id the corner in cuneiform characters." Llpptncott's. Thoroughly Qualified. "And why do you think." asked the president, "that you wouldbe au ornn ment to the diplomatic corps?" Sir." replied the- applicant, with pardonable pride, "for four years I had the honor of directing a church choir." Philadelphia Kecord. Labor to keep nltve In your breast that llttlu spark of celestial fire, con science. Washington. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Alwayj Bought Bears the Signature Sura 8ign. When people ben to saying bow young you look U -to u sure sign you are growing old. Atchison Qlobe. FOR THAT DULL FEELING AFTER EATING. I have used Chamberlain 'a Stomach and Liver Tableta for some time, and can testify that they have done me more good than any tableta I have ever uiOd. My trouble waa a heavy dull reeling after eating. DAV1U FKEfe MAN. Kempt. Nova Scotia. These tableta strengthen the stomach and im prove the digestion. They al o regu late the liver and bowels. They are far superior to nil Is but coat no more. Get a free sample at all dealers drug store and see what a splendid medicine it 1 1. Getting Baok. She I wouldn't marry yon if yon were the only man ou earth. He Well, considering that In such a case 1 would have a large number or stunners to select from, 1 don't think you would. Boston Transcript. Tne q-iicker a cold is'gotten rid of the less the danger from pneumonia and other eeriius diseases. Mr. B. W. L. all, of Waverly, Vs., syi: "I firmly tlieve Chamberlaln'a Cough Ramedy to be absolutely the beet preparatlori on the market for colds. I have ret om mended It to my frlaods and they all v witiiinv. rut wmiwvj km er. V . deal- Nothing Cheap Far tdward. Edward, with his inuents, waa tak ing dlirner at a restaurant. "Well. Edward." said tha waiter, who new' (be tittle fellow, "what are yon going to eat today 1" "I don't know yet?' waa tbe Innocent answer, "bnt I know It will be some thing we can't afford to eat at borne. CLJcago Rerord-Bfrald. . '1 k&J ma W .n.,Ka4 avt.ii Mn.llna. tW. for 4wn ears and tried alt of the beet byllstWj Brlatol, Teein.. and thrt or d rvo'hinar for m.'. writes T. CW.71S. W.r;am III Mleb m. . Ky. 1 00 pack a fCI eetberlfttn's 8tm- ri and IJver Tahlef cured me." Far sale by atl.deaWa. ' '. ..... i W. J. Bnraa. detective, aak. Preai- ent Ooanpefa, of tHe A met lea i Peder- attfm er LeDor, . tpejr . jne ncnamara hro bare were' gall y befor they con feaaed. - . ' . . V t n n . V , I! J Remedies are Needed-: :1 n Weew are aaff.ct, whli e ere a(, aliela.e Weeld oi eitaw be aU,, Bo tlawe Our 1 rat .ml have be . Cm weakaaad, impair a4 Wrr.kea duwa through iwliaerailtiM wbiok bar w tm imra th .r1f !., Ilirmi.fh Muatlaa fraaratiuaa, raaaailiaa r d fe aid Nature la eurrc(iei awr Inherited and otHerw'tae aquirad awkswiM. I . h h taat ol ftomark U and coniimt d s!.'ir rnnl !., l',.r ia fto'l.inf so .m6 lr. I'U-rce'e t .ufl Me4. - I I 'iseev. 'T, a fyoere '" r""d, eac-fd ttnm ! medio-' I ..I I r over f "y y..'. mill f I i rrt.t-i. t i I I l.t . . y" IS 1- I I' I I 1 'M IM M W WW WW WW TAKE mais SOOTUERNJMLWAY DIRECT LINE TO ALL POINTS NORTH. S0UTUA5T, WEST. Very Low Bound Trip Rates to all Principal Resorts. Through Pullman to Atlanta, leaves Raleigh 4 :05pm, arrives Atlanta 6:35 p m, making close connection for and arriving Montgomery following day af ter leaving Raleigh 11:00 a m, Mobile 4:12 p m, New Orleans 8:30 p m, Birm ingham 12:15 noon, Memphis 8:05 p m, Kansas City 11:20 a m, recond day and connecting for all other points. This car also makes close connection at Sr.lis bnry for St. Louis andother WeBtern points. Through Pullman to Washington lea ves Raleigh 6:50 p m, arrives Washing- on 8:53 am, Baltimore 10:02 a m, Phila delphia 12:23 noon, New York 2:31 p m. This car makes close connection at Wash ington for Pittsburg, Chicago and all points North and West and at Greens boro for Through Tourist Sleeper for California points and for all Florida points. Through Parlor Car for Aeheville leaves Goldaboro at 6:45 a m, Raleigh 8:35 a m, arrives Asheville 7:40 p m, making close connection with the Caro lina Special and arriving Cincinnati 10 a m, following day after leaving Ral eigh, with close connection for all points North and Noi th- West Pullman for Winston-Salem leaves Raleigh 2:80 a m, arrives Greensboro 6:30 a m, making close connection at jreonsboro for all points North, South, East and West This car is handled on train No. Ill leaving Goldaboro at 10:45 p m. If you desire any Information, please call. We are here to furnish informs tion aa well as to sell tickets. H. F. CARY, G. P. A. Washington, D. C. J. O. JONES, T. P. A. Raleigh, N. C. 8ick Man of th East. Turkey- wa designated as "the sick limn" by O.ar Mi bolas of Russia, Jan. 14, 18A4. F011Y.KIDNEY PILLS roe McwMATis. ki oatava amo aujue(a Fyrography. "I spent a lot of money on that girl of mine to have r learn her pyrog raphy, as she called It." "Did she get on well with ltT' "Can't make a- pie worth pottin' In your mouth." Exchange. When vou have a cold aei a bottle of Chamberlain's Congo Remedr. It will 000 fix you up all right and w ll ward ntr any feodeney toward pneamonia. Thla remedy eontalne no opium or other narcotic and may be given aa confident ly to a baby aa to an adult. Sold by all deal a lera. rleks Wltketrt Straw. H be Too- many nx-a expect their wives t rua their botnee oo practl cally Dotblng. They forget that no one caa make bricks without straw. ne-Hy wife doee-out of donr-Loo-don JTalegrapb., ' - fOLEY KIDNEY PILLS ' Tonic la action, quick in reUr: Will core any esse of ideey or bladder die order not beyond tha tee h of medicine. No nee) to say mm e. -For sale by all dealfra. ,k u- . ; Twenty'-ams alleged White Cape-were lndrtd GranUvtHe. W. Va. - 1 r-l .l.nloaj fe t eaera. ' Fef 11 tKa Stmnar.li li ati .rrl.MI nd ritli.f Intaatiaai , 1 1 r.r,J iJ.mMil rm.Jy, a W WWWW WWWWWwWW-i tjiai i onic 'JGl NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD ROf TE OF THB "NIGHT EXPRESS" Schedule Effective Sapt. 24. 1911 Tne following sclidule figures pub lished as iaformatioi not guarantees'. NLY and are TRAINS LEAVE HEW BERN NORTH AND WEST ROUND 12:30 am, laily-Xight Express Pull man Sleeping Sar for Norfolk. 9:30 a m, Daily ftr Npriolt, connects for all points NortR and West, Parlor car service between Wash ington anil Norfolk. 1:45 p ra. Daily cxaept Sunday for Washington, irelhaven, Greenville Wilson and ttaleijah. Parlor car between Wnslflngtanand Raleigh. 4:10 a m, Daily Night Express for Coldshort). 9:15 a m, Daily for Goldsboro. Parlor car service. r:35 p m, Daily far Goldsboro. FAST BOUND 9:25 a m, Daily fcr "Kdaufort. 6:35 p in, " " Beaufort. Parldr ar service. 9:50 a m, Daily wxcctit Sunday for Oriental. 5:45 p m, Daily fur arittntal. For further infoyinatien or reservation M Pullman Sleeping Car space, apply o T. 11. Bsnnett, T. A., New Bern, N. C. W. W. CROXTON W. R. HUDSON, V.. P. A. Gen'l Supt. Norfolk, Va. Instead of Liquid Antiseptize Poroxidt niiiiiy Miii. -r ;mv lining Paxtinej To.lrft Antiaeptic "Hie new t'lilnt . .ic'tilr JMiVt!er to 1 iliHHolvtnl iii wat'W HM tiewlcil. Kir nil t.iilct anvl avKicnir tinea It ' lictler ATt'l tool ''oii iinical. To dentist naJ wf.'.-u the teeth, remove t.itnr and prevent iIim-hv. To dihliifeet Inn i.nfii itroy tllaeaae ? ruin. purify flie Imi-hMi. To keVp nrtifleirnl .. eth ami briilupwork rloo 1. o!aTrJeM To reiiH-vp ncolaii 1 from the teethian mrlfy t i or-iith afafr ameklnV. To eradicate eerivrilniUon and bod odom by aponirn i itfong. Tbe beat enUa') wtiiji liinwn. . !Ulleve ami It rf ifcrtlieuS tired, Wak laOaiiHHleya Qt't kDor4lart.W(TVt(Al Wid'eutti. 21 arm SOj'ta. ar1x. dniif jlat, Jt by rr. .'I tjrwtjjhH aiawnptA Jjrte,' Ha AXTOttfcfwaciwC4.a. Lake Drumrnond cAmI & Wifn ... ; : Ct). ' . Uke Drummond TranxporUtfoti Lake Dajrnmonff Towlrtj Go. Dismal; Swatpp '-Cant An Inland Route, froUct4 froeaRtniwi. Nine reef ef Water MiWrnon IVptb 0; Alwsja. -y..;t; ' X',' - ' '. - - Quick Tratialt for TafuA Prompt ToarUig and fraif kt Movement. '. ... i i 'la. SS und I CTavi For tn!!a, riwln( end raijtit r'e rr'y -ee in jab--.i r: v Puin t 2 an I St I 'p Craaf lck, Va, Legal Notices ADMINISTRATOR NOT let. tr.tnr irf A. J, Dolr. item A. ktf of Crv n r,Hioly. Ihu li to rnotSj til penon (uvirs c!aim aanstthr Mat f Mid UcaMd to exhibit them i. foratbafouMh day of iw.-emo.-. 1 . t- , noUc wUl bvleadd in bar uf ti,. , .., .. . All HTHU lDdebtod to uij i-;,i, ,:! ; ukaimiiMdiatf payment ---- - FJHIZ1E El.l.A h(i.H;siiv, . Administrator A. j. Dun.r-,,,n, n, i . Tata .to. day of December lal 1 . NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE OF HOUSE AND LOT IN M.W BERN. By virtu of pow.r of aale contained in that oartain mortaasedeed exei-uted an l ' v. r.n! t the undaraicned by UileaSiirull aiul H . S; niii. aa wire, which mortgage deal ami i.t. 1 1,, aaeurad ia datad third day ! Mm . I I'. recorded in book number Ml, p.i,- ,, ,. m m T.-l., ainl .- ,.f . I n I v . flee of tha RegiiUr if r.'fds of (Y.-,v . M . -.. the undersigned willon the 1st li. day ..i li . 1911, at 12 o'clock m. at the court i,,.,,. in Craven county, sell to the lut i . .-t r.i.i.l cash, the following described land, 'u situated and lying in th.. c,iv , f , . C. In th part known a K'i.-t.-li.w;i. lou number II and 37 lull,.- ,,i,, .,t u, Relzensteinville, located on the ,,f i man atreet between Cedar and l .lm i being the lata land conveyed t.. tn,- - Spruil bi deed from Chas Id i,n JOHN Novainher lath, 1911. A I; I' I I I NOTICE OF ( U SALE OF VALIIAHI.K I'i I'V REAL ESTATI-:. Under and by virtue of an older tl,. tor Court of Craven County. N t '. ., i case of C, E. Foy. Tru.itee. Uii.l.-i u.,- ., . a. and teatament of Leonidan .1. M ..... ;1 . for L. J. Moore Jr. VR. I.. .1. M I , i. i Moore, hia wife, at thn N- iVt'llih. I', t i i, 1 ' ! I . . said court, the umiortiiKn t Honda, the 8th iluy of .1 11 in, i v. 1 t; ' 1 1 court houae door of Craven i.iootv. ni in, i,,.. of twelve o'clock noon, otter -nie 1. . 1 ... i, ,. eat bidder for cauli all tlml ..it:u.t !..t ,1 1.1,, of land and party wall rutlile tot r..ll,,. Lying, situate and I.eu.K on 11, . v.. 1 1 Craven Htreet In-tween r.,,,. l, .r, . 1 1 . t,., Alley and being a part ol 1,1 N... !, . ;. , of tbe City of New B-rn 1111 I l.om.'.-.l :,,,. .1. cribed aa fotlowa. viz. lieKiuoiot' tit :i , . . . , r : m 1 Western line ol Craven el reel In, 1, , 1 , southwardly from the Hunt liwetuem , , . 1 . . of Craven and Pollock Hfi- .et-i. 1 m o,. thence weatwardly und i.-ii itll. I t.. 1..11... i. C6 feet: thence southwardly and n:...,!!.-! '. van street 25 feet and H inches to tn-i... 1! properly owned by Kie hard Hon. tin n. . 1 n . ly and parallel with r.dlock ..ii.et .. Craven street, thti.iee 11m tliwiir.Hv ...nl,. street 20 ft. 8 inches to the ,l,ee ..! I ., b . 1 gather with all the rut lit. t ill.- in; 1 . . .. ...1 . i.. which the aaid I,. J. Moore. Sr . . -.- o. I u..i -ponseased at the time of hi-i .1. hi h 11, 1 1 . -.,1. the building adjoininu Haul lot in il.. i ..tl, '.hereof and tbe wall of 11,, 1,, I, on the south Ride I Ik-i ,-..!' ..t, 1 l , the game property arid pur ty wall 1 1 1 . t . .0, . to Betty T. Moore by V. II. Cell. 1 , , d,i. deed dated 1st March. De.iV. 1,11. 1 , .1. : . ,1 .., 1 office of Register of lleedi of Ci i, . 01 1 , book 121. page SttS. and by F. W llo. : . ers to P. H. Pelletier by deed dul. I .11. . . ,,, ber. 1887. and registered in iuikI . ,t!.. 1. ! page 31. and the agreement Leu., . i n 1 i'. ley and others ati'l It. lleriy ui.l .tn.i .n,t 10th. June. 1874. and n it ist. red i . book 75. page ltir,. reference t.. e. I.., n .: .: , n agreament is hereby made for l..-tiei .1.- 1 . said property being a jiart .t 1 1..- i.i i longing to the estate of 1,. .). M..,.i.. This 6th, day of lecemln-i. I'j.l, MORTGAGE SALE ESTATI-:. i:i:ai. By virtue of a iwwor ronjain. i i ded exeKUtaxl to the uruJci ti.nl . n Una end Mary Vnnters on th t.th l.t. -i (909, and record, in the ofti--,,( . ;, , Deesda of Craven county, in r.-.. p, avam deed being iriven to rn- un- i . in . a protniaaory Dot, due arjd ,ina!ii' from date of aa Id mort.ragf litt umi . paytnetit of aald note and itri-.i -n i ha vine been ma.lv. 1 will nli at tn- n, door in New Brn. N. ('.. ut lv . t... k Monday tha 11th d.y of Lk. mli. t ; 'II. undivided interHMta uf naul I'atny iVIim Uevry Vantera In and to that rarirtm tr.i.-i In No, 8 townahin, Craven ciunty, N. joining tbe lauda uf K.Uani Ki, ,innU.n north aide. On the west ii Willi I ih eoe)taiala tarn acrea. wliern Mnty V-m. John Veutetra formerly ruJt.l. fmw i I . un Ihu t rn.-t . r. un.l Ami Moore; alaoanother wa-t , f li.,.j , .i 18S 1-4 acrern, adHnlng thf li.1 f Mir Haxrieon. Dr. J H Hugl.ra J !. IiI.mh, J.,. Heunoel Bo wn and Ianll Hn.,e. I, aaJe eaeh. M HAH'.. M '.I ' K lUee. Nov. 9 1SII. MOK I'CAOK SAI.K Turauant io th. powr of ule , ontained in 1 1. at .imiittvi I, l,.-,rte A. Ilrown. In. wit. to It. c,f Atinl i:illi. 1 -., 1 1 . an.: c.rtaia mortgage d. I. Hrowa aad Mary C. U'Hara. bearlaa data roeardad la th oAV. of 1ii lt.,..le, .,( I... fw aald Craven conntr In iM.ik N. 11 r,li.. IS7. Th Bn4rl(Md will nlT.r for In ll.r tii.h- aataeVlarfar eaah. at th. oUrt h.,.,... ,,. ..f Oavaa aountr. oa Raunlay. 1 .iiiImt VI )l. I'll I al Mm hour of II i'imI a), all th. r,.il.. ,, n . rrtaae araaartr. la-wll . AN Uaat rartala lot or ti.rc.l of u.,.l ,1 .. , aad aaaaa stiaae. ia tha rlir of New It. rn. .d atoU aad aoaaly oa taa wl wte ,,f Ah iri aad taarlse taa aaaaar on. hnilrl r.t, .u. lot. aaaordla la a plaa oi th. Ml.i. r Joshua satt, '. raoardad la aVidltr Docket, pag. at ttv arnea of CVark af Sapar Iat court fnraakl Oeaaoa) aaaeta, haawdad as tnlUiw.: HMiglnalng a the a H11 at orv of th b trimi, aanni av Fralartik ItaeHan. aad running nwlhaardl; fafty la, are Cest, BMra ar aa in ttm stiathaaau eravavtMM,Miigadrt ln. (ortr-llv.; Ikill waatwardU aWnf taa aouaham Una af aaatM Ha, M aaa avaa4nd 110. ua fMt. Mot vlaMtaaatara Uaaaf 1st Ha. ana haV1 M. aftfta, rkaan sOMtkararrily aa ihaat are Ha af Ma Una. lUaad If art. t. JW aaae laaOs taa aartswra UaialH Na. 17: k at aaataraWf aiaa Ue nartkars line of aald IA M. 11 a Uadrad U. km f aaor aaa 1 1 Has aaaa af aavfcaaaa; Aak (traaa. It baw lttMaaaaaaaad aaaa4 af B, (VHara aaal awrvA. aram ad Mary K. ' Brfwa bf dead aaat Aar I H, tafj, and eateHM fethaeahwa la taw al ail iwW Paada for aaid aawatf ki aaak Me. KkV-f.Ua ML to waVekrrfaraar. karaaa) aaaa. Tka A da f Mrrnkai IMi. T..-V . .. s- n. frnA, : ' ' ! ' - . trttae ' ' ,'. ' ' ' ',- ITlBCUTOR'fl NOTICE . tIwataw4aaJifva as twrfaieat fUf Will an, i ia a tH a a, aw i Varied aMata al aald ad-iil ara id V la .ani4 IS aanaa, duly .Ha4 -) a. ale aMnraar. NinWaa ' I iJTl, nf (hi MM In) ll ' ' t' M'f rvarv, III bmvai. K V r- I