P . ' ' . v , - i - -- - - , ...-ir- , -. i- . . T -, . . ...... - "V f ? - illlffllllllil Kew Bern, K. G. Deo.- 7,',l8U. LQSEE DIEEGTOHT ATIKIOI UD6K VO. X. Of F Meeta every Tuesday 8 p. ra., over Gu Go's office, Middle St, E.' ILBtxditoo, C C J. H. Smith. K. of R. and S. Viatting brother are assured of a chev alier welcome. CKAYE5 LODGE HO, L KSISHr OF flllUfOKX leeta Snd. and 4tt Wednesday aighta in ea month f' Kalgnta Harmony H'Jl, eoraar Broa and H. jionck atroota at 7:30 o'clocl J. K. Wills, President; R. J. Diaosway, Secretary; J. D. McCuy, Financial See- rotary. WDIX TO HIW iBTlBTIgmMTI Rojrall Celery. Wanted position. J. P. Hassell-Wild Geese. B B Davenport Poultry etc. J. W. Wataon Rose Bushes. New Bern Banking & Trust Co. Braddus & Ives Lumber Co. Pine Lumber. BUSINESS LOCUS. NOTICES IN THIS COLUMN LESS THAN ONE MONTH MUST BE PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. WANTED-Position as Stenographer by young lady, am fast and accurate in my work : can give best of references. Address Remington, care of Journal. WILD GEESE-A nice lot just received something elegant. Try one. G. P. Hasaell's Meat Market, next to McCar thy's store. CELERY, Florida Oranges, 25, 30 and 40 cts. a doz., also by the box. H. E. Royall. IT HAS arrived Shad Netting, Shad, Mullet and Drag Netting, Turkeys, wild Geese and Ducks, best F. F. V. and Blue Band Hams and Bacon, Pied mont, Old Mills and Turkish Cigarettes Spanish Red Ripper and N. C. Peanuts, best Butter and Cheese, Lard, Pine and Coal Tar, Electric Batteries, Red Seal Lights and Life Preservers. B, B. Da venport. Phone 145. Look for the mar ble slab. ROSE BUSHES-Tomnkerooml will sell a faw of my choice bmhegat a bar gain, if taken promptly. J. W. Wat aon, 25 Pollock Rtreet. Phone 383. FAMILY Christmas Cakes baked free of charge for Patrons at Kafer's Ba kery. VV ANTED You to buy your fruit cake supplies at once, we hive them at the following prices: Fancy Citron, 22 cts; Raisins, 12J; currents 12J: orange and Lemon Peel, 20 cts; Dates 10 and 15 cts and all kinds strong. of spices' -rH. C. Arm FOR RENT-Furnished or unfurnished bed room, high ceiling, plenty of air and light, suitable for one or two gen tlemen. Terms reasonable. Apply to M.' K. Duffy, 18 George street. FRESH lot of all Pork Sausage just made at 15c per pound. Beef. Pork and Crackerlings, cornrd Pig Shoulders. A. Castet, Five Point. Phone 239. JUST received fine lot of Celery, Let tuce and all kinds of Nuts at New Bern Produce Co. SPRUCE and Ash Oars, Rowlocks, Side Lights, Oakum Calking Cotton, Lant erns etc. at J C. Whitty AO's. PLUMBING Gas fitting and stove re pairing, work done promptly and satis faction guaranteed. Best city refer ence furnished. Leave orders at B, B. Davenport's store. Phone 146 or ad drees Richard Hugglna, 44 Miller strret City. CHOICE FISH-We nave cetteUntly a variety of choice fish, right fresh from our nets, handled carefully and sanitary. I' yon want the best fteh order from J. A, Barker A Co. Phone 107, Market Dot. runue ciC-, . rajtaiav tl Craves street.' GeoUemm't clothes stowed, repaired, and frresisd. Ladle ekHae, pressed is spediHy. . -' mm. o null l" il'li. II jiii MSw . FOR RENT The Duff homestead. No. 28 Pollock atmt. . The old Jonathan B a van's place, No. lit East rroat atteet. ' I roots house for rent, No."S0 Hasv oek St - ' , , .7 Several (mail house near N, A 8. H .Hehopa, '-'.V A,icwgwrweocoanasooeceep - t - i. . ' r -.- -. a f iwiioocK. 'J Up-to-drte moving , pkturei md.ufincd ' Vaudeville at The .Athens.' The ohly Baking Powder, made froitiRoyal Crape Cream ofTartar no alumno lime phosphate I SOCIETY CARD PARTY. Yesterday afternoon, at her home on Broad street, Miss l,ilaMay Willis, en tertained at a beautiful card party, complimentary to her (juest, Mia Mnry Smith, of Greenville. The place cirds were slippers holding cupula and after the game a delicious salad course was served. There were four tables of bridge and hearts dice. Those present were: Miss Mannie llaxtor, Miss Myrtle Disosway, Miss Sara Richard son, Miss Appie Caho, Miss Mildred Ball, Miss Lily Groves. Mrs. Ralph Hunter Smith. Mrs, J. S. Cox. Mrs. George Stratton, Miss Mary Ward, Miss Elaine Bennett, of Baltimore, Mrs. Edwin Richardson, Miss Hilda Willis and Miss Eula Cole. Don t say "they haven't got it" till you've tried us. J. S. Basniht Hdw. Co. SIM M WANTS MORE. "I can best answer your enquiry as to my opinion of The Union Central Life Insurance Company by saying 1 carry your Company's limit of JiOli.OOO and would consider another policy if you will raise your limit. I think the Union Central is one of the best Companies in the country. I admire the way they in vest their money in farm martgages in stead of stocks and low interest bear ing bonds, and I certainly npprtciat" the rapid increase in my dividends, while in some componies 1 am insured they remain nearly stationary. It is my opinion that your Company is under an excellent, progres-uve and conserva tive management, and I will cheerfully recommend it to th insuring public." The above letter was written at Oma ha, Neb., Nov. 10th, 191(1, by the presi dent of a large wholesale dry goods house. Have you an UNION ' AN TRAL policy ? If not, WHY NOT? They are the BEST. W. G. UttYl), Agent. COTTONJMARKET KKP()i;Tr:i r.Y J. R. BALL COTTON liilOK I'M NUW IllOKN, LONG DISTANCE PHONE NO. New York Colloa. Di r. fi 0rini Hiifhest Iiwest t'lone Dec. 910 IHI2 7ll,li(HI no RHl Jan. RHO IMIll receipts, Mch. May. Port INK) against R71 bales. liveraosl ColUs Opening Jsn. Feb. 492f MsyJune 4W( IsrkeL (Miming 4S7J 4-.UJ Rsw Bern Market Middling 8i Strict Middling. Good Middling Hi OF. FOLKS USE QKLYCASCARETS They Never Have Headache, Billous nej, 8lurjglth. Liver or- Boweti or a Sick, Sour ' . " Stomach. ' 1 No ooMe how 'ld yow .livvl,nK PflJ f:faf-h to lomwh orhoweln; how mMiMxYlV U.. J t.. , . ,, . i4HV how snmerahle nil-mi. romiomnie ypn ro from ronaiip. uon, uiaigrvvivrit Dtio.snen juia Jrtfgwk 'fnUnlitt'nr-otiftlwajra. gel tho desired feu)l wilfc UarcAret, nd qiimUy, too. to'lTe jrouT.irtoinarhlivfT f&At mlttlner. In benutiruf nha.' $ boirei maVif you mt($rU '. ftnotW momahi ; put Jin en 4 lo Hi he4di;li. fciIiotineaff; di7ifi,'nerVMiitnwfi, !rk, .oorlf, giiaay sttMnnt'b,' bm k itrbo Mnd til olheT.dlalrei.s lrnnlc yonr lti!ii ortnii ut ul ili"fiu.iii ti! ffM liiAlier 'hih ) Jirodneing tl.a nu'oory. . - ",- ? ' ' (' TO. I:, s ? ! ' , ! . b"v; ,1.. ' ... A it fTfl'lt M tine . , t , shqht mmi mm Mrs. George Henderson wished the Bright Jewels to moetwith her this af ternoon at 3;30 in the parlors of Cen tenary Church. The citizens of New Bern are extend ed a cordial invitation to attend a bas ket party which will be given at Bridge ton tonight. A god time is promised all. Norfolk-Southern Railway Company his rectiy purchased one thousand new 3jighj cars. These cars will be ritted-wjdi'Btecl bottoms and will be doubly ventilated. Governor Kitchin will arrive here this morning enroute for awansboro via Maysville, to dedicate the now school building today. Mr. L. T. Gillette, of Maysville, will accompany the Govern or from here, The workmen who are engaged in placing a tiling floor in Davis' pharmacy are making rapid progress and will soon have the work completed. This new addition will add greatly to the" attrac tiveness of the interior of this store. Tho New Bern Motor. Company ia the latest acquisition tp the list of similar enterprises in this city. The new con-1 cern is located in the Craven Foundry and Machine Company's building on South Front street. They will engage in h general repair business and also buy and sell automobiles- and supplies. Jailer Williams returned yesterday from Goldshoro where he went to place in the colored insane asylii'n at thnt place a colored man from Fort Barn well. Upon his return ho brought with him George White, who was sent to that institution several months ago to re ceive treatment, and who had been cured. Since it becamo known race would be held in that a horse this city on Christmas day unless some unexpected di'lay occurred, a nurober of local own er of racirfg animils ar"e exercising thi'm daily. Such un event Wdulii prove, to tin very interesting and it is hoped thnt the races can be held as has been planned, A citizen of Pamlicn ciunty who was in the city yesterday informed the writer that on Thanksgiving day a party of hunter who were supposed to be from New Hern, st the woods on fire near Stonewall and it was only after the strenuous work on the part of u number of citizen of that locality thnt tlie tire was extinguished. A niiml'cr of local football players are endeavoring to organ' another team for the purpose of playing two games in. tiii'i city with a team in some nearby town on Christ man day and also on New Yi.ars day, Several players have already been secured and it is hoped that others will join later. If you care tn play on this team, communicate with Mr. Lylo Smith. The visiting members of the North Carolina Fire Association were given an example of how ieick the New Bern hire Oepartment cn answer to ao alarm when an alarm was Sent In from h'.x 24 yesterday sft-rnoon. . The first hose wagon arrived on; the scene in less than threx minutes after the first tap ol ihe Ml, and the other wagons and engines were on hand-within 5 minu ea. During the patf weeks the Nor folk.. Hon thrrn Rsilwky 'Company's com d ii cUkrs whose runs fall on Surulsy have had much trouble In' keeplog loafers who hang around Ihe pnlnn station off I heir trains. Lht Sunday afternoon tho platforms of the westbound train were crowded with these persons who were beating a ride as far a the coal chute. There is nn ordinance prohibiting this nuisance an1 snoukl be enforced.' ' ' . If yna are a poultry raiser and value your fowl. It, would (be advisable to kf ep trMTo under lock and key at least until sfier IbsQirktmfcs holidays have pstieed.'- iXitinf the pan. few days 1 number of thicken trmfU have been re- p rU4. Evidently the ierand' r ii ooi sKio ana yon shouki we care to see mat -u aa.a .-ki. 4 to hie - t HoUoctkM.' i j - s A : Brand. NcwUne of Run iuat in fmrn the milla. ' fttIZ Nvr l.ort. PU2 Wilton t, 27.M, 12 iruil tt (ii 00, 9x12 Tt.p'alyat $1 Jifio. .mall rvg to match. Noif 1 Oio iinie to rnske nelerUufi, It my tfM V i eompletev ' ' " - ". - " ' -I.P, MILLER. " . .. . i-, furniture Man.- "WILLIAMS Kit'.'; llavp jrmi T" f ( I ' It ivp r"U pvr-r I.: I r I J lrrj rt i u - ir- 1 i r.". I ! V '- !:-' v rn t: , "if Ki T fiervi.e T r 5' ' I Mr.X C. DanWa la apandingX few lira.' If. & .jkantfeUT rf Maoafleld, pent jMtafday ta tha elty, . ..','. CoL P. ItTearsaliMtortedUat tv ninf from a vfnit at Rateigh. Mr aad Mr. R. P, Ianis, of Xov City, aptnt yesterday in the city. Dr. 1. f. RhaVwaut up to Charlotte last evening to attend a meeting of the Snrinera. Mr. H. W.x Simpson left yesterday for Charlotte to attend a . meeting of theShrinera. Miuee Ida leacca and Judith Edwards of Goldaboro, who have been visiting in the city returned home last evening. Mrs. F. M. Simmons left last eve ning lor Washington, O. U. She was accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Wade Meadows. New Bernitake Notice. - Mr. Editor Please' stop my ad at once. Since my last ad waa placed in your paper my business has Increased so I cannot hardly wait on my custo mers. Please atop until further notice. One fine mule for sale. "Big Hill,' the Shingle and Paper Roofing Man. Reduced Rates to Fish and Oyster Convention. Arrangements have been made by the associated railways of Virginia and the Carolinas for reduced rates from all points in North Carolina to New .Bern, on account of the Fish and Oyster Con vention which is to be held there under the auspices of the Fish Commission, the Oyster Commission, the N. Carolina Geological and Economic Survey. These excursion tickets will be on sale begin ning Dee. 12 and 13, and the' tickets will be limited to reach the original start ing point not later than midnight of Dec. 16th. Safe, sanitary and comfort, with good entertainment at The Athens. SUGGESTIONS From The Christmas Gift Store FOR BOYS. 8iWr Card Cum 3,50 to S8.00 Manicure Silrar Seta. In cam 3.50 to $16.00 Silver Bnh, Comb and Mirror aat 10.00 to 330.00 Watarman Silver and Gold Mounted Fountain Pan 3.60 to 110.00 Jawelry (Silver) Can 1.60 to $10.00 ftitvar Handle Umbrella 5.50 to $16 00 La Valllera Loekatand Chain Gold Hat Pin in box Eaitman Kodak Gold Watch and Chain 8ilrr Bntah and Comb. in eaa Gold Brooch 6.60 to $30.00 2.00 to $83.00 76c. to $6 00 1.00 to $20.90 1.0$ to $126.00 6. 00 to $10.00 l.to$60W NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR EXPERT ENGRAVING J 0. BAXTER THE XMAS GIFT STORE. 1ST RE Choice Lot N. C. Shoulders - - and Side Bacon. Sorted Ralalnf. pr"pkg. 12e Cleared Corranta, 12e ncy Citron, pr lb. 25c Ftnef Lkrgo Prunr ' 18c .JFtnif Efap. Pacha. 18o Fancy Gyap. Apple, pkf. 10c Lavrge Boat PkklM, por dot. If' White a OU. gaL lie Fancy Maeafonl, lOe , VTj Boai fioui', par lb." 3t " Paro Bpicwi'and flaforinaj XS tracttC Codliah, -iriaV'poUIoea! 8trot PoUtoot. Baattufareorod. Harna only 18c lb. " Kock bAwcA prim on rry thing (a tho gro- eery lino. YOURS FOR CASH ONLY J.L?McDaniel 41 Kiddli St. : ;' " fhonaSr leu f GEIVED n ff -" " S1 JLii ii L-I ' present hizh price olbntter pukes Oleomargarine an at tractive proposition. It is not only good for all cook ing purposes, but is' also good for table use. ONLY 25c. LB. K.C. Phone 174 Middle St. 75 BROAD ST. Opposite Jones Stables THE TEMPORARY HOME OF PHONE 56. ICE . Made from pure distilled filtered water. NEW BERN ICE CO. 19-21,23 Griffith St. Phone 23 FOR GIRLS. Eastman Kodak 1.00 (o $?fl.00 Traveling- Set. in caw 21.611 to $:n.MI Paarl Cuff and Stud Hut ton Sat. in raie 13.60 Brau Smoking S. t H.0II to $10 (l Waterman Fuinlain I'an 2 .Mi to Jul.iHl Coat Chalna 1.6(1 ia (in.iin A Watch l.lio tn $iib.lH) Military Brushra 3 511 Co $15. Wl Silver Shaving Mug and Brmh 3.50 to $12 60 Silver Hunpendera It fin Silver Shaving- Mirror, Bruah and Mug combined in atand 4. 00 to $10 00 Silver Clothea Brunh 3.50 lo $'..5o Cigar and Cigarette Cam 7 to $lo.on THANKSGIVING IS IIFRE and Xma h not many rlaya . IT, and w hava averythlng for your fruit rak, alao w havtf avorythlng you want lb makf your labia milt your apprtit. and w ar glad in aprve jroo. Vi guaran. Iwa aaryihkig, Ruppnaa you glv ua a trial ordr and If ymi w not perffl- 'V.'" r ' -5 - '. . . ' ly attflrl wa refumJ yoor onr.' - ' V, -. . Nothing loat Yoara W plaaaa. Ercd :u!rESl,Erc'cery;,Co. nmNE ii "Vnkw hern. n. a ;;iHtiiEniii'Eii; W ran furoih yoo Hb ilng yoo detlr, from in lrf to Cflrtiptpta al, in 7 : x' J many of tft nvxl pnjitilar pat- m prlurd ,f b . tarllf g a,vr"t-i!h rf tha r-Hiritry. "J ).. j , , iral raff in!ar!r a j : ' ' e 1. ' '.-'I n..n i- 'The Only Perfect Roaster ; Roast by Cooking it M. E. WHITEHURST & CO. iPbone 228 Bfoaddus & Ives Lumber Co McSORLEY'S STORE POLLOCK STREET. IS NOW OPEN WITH A FULL LINE OF Christmas Goods l'UOXE 17 . . . ATTENTION . . . Thanksgiving will soon be here, why wit in buying your clothps We have a nobby and up to-date line of mens and hoyscrofhing lhat we will compete with any line in the city, at anut h tower cost Give us a call and look ihein over, it costs nothing to look and we will be pleased to show yoj how we can save you 25 per cent on all purchases SAM LIPMAN Cor, MirlilloAtuI 8. F. 8t. , . .Bryan Blmk. mWmmmWmWmWmWmmWmmmmWmmmmmmWmmmm Goal Coal . Anthracite White Ashe ALL SIZES, ALL SCREENED Bituminous . . Pocahontas PUR STEAM AND DOMESTIC PURPOSE! HOLLISTER & ,COX FOOT OK CRAVEN ST. ' S :s. "-VWeS PllONE 54 Concrete Work Am .K - 1 - ' - rMJati,:; Hairy 'i Vetch, Rape, - .B-Wt-.MOnfyn. r.RttAnro ;Q,t3 Corn Com ltiOA:' sWAXsr.ouo, N. n.; Made. Don't Ruin Your in an Ordinary Kind New Bern, N. C, especially if it's pine for holiday building, should be carefully se lected and Broaddus & Ives is the proper place to buy such pine. Our r. tail yard carries the largest stock of pine, in all sizes and grades, to be found in the en: ire state, We retail at wholesale prices. OPP. ELKS TEMPLE W SOLICIT YDUR TRADE (in all Icimlft of coal fur heating nr-rl cnokinp in Ilic house, fm- the fiiniiice in simp or Htm e. for hi. am 1 1) MT pin (ii.ses in factoi voi- mill, fully ciiiihiUnt of the (ualil of our fuel, its rleiinline.'H ami mir fiioihtieH for pi-iim;t deliveiy We will Hppreciate a trial order. Ellis Coal and Wood Yard I NIOX POINT in i im i Ti fHytle CIVH OaW Burt Grain, b'.) t in I'.-. i .cf any fctock 1 t :i t!. : i '

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