s Jt ' V - :- Jl ""-- Iff -- -T- " . . t-' ' '-4 ; V "if" 17 i .. . 1 : -r v m ii ' ''v1- "" 1 ""aaaSBjBjBBa. - . : . ' -r.-.: ....... m , Li. i ,.,...,.1 , ., ,i s ALCOHOL 1 ER CEKP AgeiaWflVentkinfirAs similaring tteFoodstlRrflla tingtite SuxsKts andBowbaf Promotes DidpslionfketM nessand Rest-Conlainsaeittirr Opium .Morphine norfiacraL! NOT NARCOTIC PlmfimSnd- JkMttUts Aattfttd WtrmStti- CUmhti Sugar- mflmr. Aperfect Remedy forConsfipa t ion, Sour Storaacli.Dlarrhoca Worms .Convulsions-Fewrislt nessaiulLoss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW VOBK. a I HARDWARE I AND W tt r af mm uuiiaing KJa ierial Paints, Oils AND Varnishes American Field Fence I I SMALLWOOD. tew Sra, la C HENRY'S Prescriptions from all physicians, QuicMy and Ac curately filled. Also a full line of Choice Toilet articles. Pharmacy PHOXK 17.1 i "A fine piece of cloth my toy! I never uw you wear a better looking suit," , . "Yet, I am pleased Stith it l tuul it macteT)Y a good merchant tailor. The doth is one of the i fisjSjtfSaaw f abrlee ' ' Ey'ssS is tnmi al a ghats a no. ; SnttTWs M fceei theet Jiilii li I Call tmi be fat saw W sVasa eUy. !fr;M. CHADWIGK 'lViratciiAcr TAiLOifi'; 103 Middle 8t. . r New llern, N. O. Exact Copy of wrapper - 11 Ilia I I 1X llllinlg Forlnfatks find Cfcildren J ThtatKInd Wou Have Always In Use Over Thirty Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW VORK CITY. DIRECT LINE TO ALL POINTS NORTH, SOUTH, FUST, WEST. Very Low Itouml Trip Rates to all Principal Resorts. Through Pullman to Atlanta, leaves Raleigh 1:05 pm, arrives Atlanta 6:35 p in, making close connection for and arriving Montgomery following day af ter lenviiier Raleigh 11:00 a m, Mobile I 4:12 p m, New Orleans 8:30 p m, Birm i ineham 12:15 noon. Memphis 8:05 p m, I Kansas City 11:20 a m, second day and connecting for all other points. This car also makes close connection atSr.lis I bnry for St. Louis and'other Western ; points. Through Pullman to Washington lea ves Raleigh 0:50 p m, arrives Washing on 8:53 a m, Baltimore 10:02 a m, Phila delphia 12:23 noon, New York 2:31 pm. This car makes close connection at Wash ington for 1'ittsburg, Chicago and all points North and West ami at Greens boro for Through Tourist Sleeper for California points and for all Florida points. Through Parlor Car for Asheville leaves Goldsboro at (J .45 a m, Raleigh 8:36 a m, urrives Asheville 7:40 p m, making close connection with the Caro lina Special and arriving Cincinnati 10 a m, following dy after leaving Ral eigh, with close connection for all point North and Noith-West.- lullrnan for Winston-balem Icave Raleigh 2.30 a m, arrives Creensboro 6:30 a m, making close connection at jre. nsboro for nil poinis North, South, East hi d West, This car is handled on train No. 111 leaving Coldsboro St 1 10:45 p in. If you desire any information, please call. We are here We are here to furnish informs tion aa well as to sell tickets. II. F. CARY, J. O. JONES, G. P. A. T. P. A. Washington, D C. Raleigh, N. C l a i.ins won twobi'tlles in thr sl Lnrbsof limgazi S.id Birna. FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS rONAMSUMATISM KIDM(y3AMO BCAOCSR Yuin S'.i Kai, Premier of Chin, ie disiurod over that country's fUaocei qji:k relief for rheumatism. George VV. Koona, "Ijiwton, Mich., unya: "D I'tTCMON'S RKtlKP ro KlIti MATifiM has (ilven my wife won derful Ix'nefU for rheumatism. She could not lift hand or foot, had to be lifted for two months, She began the us of Uie remedy and Improved rapidly." On Monday the cou'r not movs and on I WsdiKsday she got up, tlreMed herself j and wIkod out for breakfast." SoM by Brsdham Drug Co. . I . , ' r v ' 1 R-tpn tJntst s Su'ser, o! Nsw Yifk, offeree) a bill to pit Mf ait ofl ' t"if f rs 1 Fb!ay;Kidn6y Pi!! TOMM IN ACTION CUICA IK HtSULtt k- Oir prompt rslUt ftora" BACKACHE, KIDNBTiaael fitADDR TROUBLE, RHEUMATISM, CONOKSTlOM of At glDNEYi,' INFLAMMATION of th CLADCtR sn4 aD anrxrying URINAST IRRF.GULARIT1FA A poentre boon o MtUDLB AGt;D end ELDKttLY rEOPLK and 'for VVOMMI. . ' ; tivt iK,"rT rC. vcKnaTIOal Bought Bears the 7Lft, Signature CROCODILES-IN WATER. rVaeticaHy lnvibjs Tksensstvaa, Tkty Z--l. SMtXiar u4 Brssths.VCt rrocoditea ar thoroughly irroal fc In their bablttVaad. tbclr peculiar conformation enables tbero" to attaelf and seise tltetar prey unaware. Tbrlr4 LnosirOs. whlrh"lead by Jong canal to the back -part of. tbelr throats, their eyes and their ears,- are placed the upper part jot tlie bead, so that when in tha wafartbey can Lreatia. sea and hear, white fljej are themsetyea prac tically lurlsibljs. r When they dlTe their nostrils and eara are closed. -by lids or Talvea, and their eyea ere irwered by a traofpnrtut nictitating, membrane. They are. further t urulshed with aa ar rangement which prevents the . water from getting down tbelr own throats when they-'ore holding large animals under the water to drown them. The dentition of these reptiles is pe culiar. The teeth are sharp nnd con tent and are hollow at the base, and each tuuth serves as the sheath of an otber.'whlob will in time replace -it. The tODgUo-'for notwithstanding the ancient belief the crocodile does' pps seas a tongue is 0suy and Is attached a. . I 1 . . . ..it. A -3 flkil ly the lower jaw is MugeU at the vejfy back of the skull, thus giving-the anl mul Its extraordinary gape, and alsa the iecullar jippearnnre which caused the notion that It moved its upper Jatf. ! - The Sarcastic Druggist. Druggist Yes. madam? Woman That last postage stamp you sold nie dropped off the envelope and the letter went to the dead letter office, and 1 want to know what you nre going to do about It. Druggist Why. of course, madam, as I personally guarantee each of the stamps I sell I'll make it good. Here's another. Exchange. Flight of Time. A man never' realizes the flight of time so much as when his hoys grt to wearing the same size shirts that he does.- Exclmujre GOOD NEWS Many Xcw Bern Readers Have II cant it and Profited Thereby. "Good news travels fast," and the thousands of back sufferers in New Bern are glad to learn that prompt re lief is within their re ch. Many a lame, weak and aching back is bad no more, thanks to Dean's Kidney Pills. Thous sands upon thousands of people are tell ingitiegood news of their experience with the Old Quaker Remedy, Here is an example worth reading. Mrs. G. E. El wards, 223 fi. M-iin St. Washington, N. C., says: "I suffered terribly from backache, accompanied by sharp shooting pains through my kidn-'ys and the kidney secretions caus ed ti e considerable annoyance. 1 used several kidneys remedies but received no relief until 1 began taking Doan's Kidney Pills. They drove away the pains and lameness in my loins and strengthened my kidneys, that tired, languid feeling disappeared and I am able to rest better at night. 1 have no negation in recommending Doan's Kid ney Pills. For sals bj all dealsrs. Pries 6 cents Foster Mllburn Co., Buffalo Sen York, sols afsnts tor tbs Ualts. tat . R member the sams Dou's s.n k no other. A Popular Route. "Is there nnv sine way of crossing the sorlnl chusin'" "Oh, yen; by I bridge." Baltimore American. WITH THE COMING AGE. OF MIDDLE ' Too e is a letting down in tne pnyslcai forces often shown insnnoying and pain ful kidney and bladder ailmeuti and unrary irregularities, en ley Kidney Pills are a splendid regulating aid iitrengthening medicine at such a time. Try them, t ut sals by all dealers. Ha Wasn't s Beauty. Matrimonial Aguut (hesitatingly -Yes. my doar. sir. but It will be very (IlrD-ult to find a wife for you. Appli cant -Haven't you Anything a bit alio t sighted In stock ?-London TU Bib ". had been troubled With eonstipa Uon for two j ears and tried all of the bast i hvsleisns in Bristol. Term., and thej coo Id do nothing for may writes ! Tho-. K. Willisme, Mlddleboro, Kf.1 "Tvo rackageiof Oismberlsln's Kb m rh ind Msr TaWsts cured ma," Kof alt by all dtslsrs. . Tn IhrAstnd per?6ns in Ttbtran mar ,htd i t. American , Igltk n arjl-ig tha tllnlslsr tt gtt Ih UoiU d StatstloaB rartia. r v , 01iildrenfeOry f OR. FLETCHER'S ,w CASTOR IA "., Wild Bees. '.-- Wild fcr-es gth tbt aevtsf mnr ttf In tiuclwbetL Ttjey Wll' tllArA ilowaomt tbst .the) tsni' bee. ttfnora, w The twt from ib wood aorVt to cr for firoiiljai-' flowsrm. ithr.alU.ti enter any blrt tn tins been ptefwl for if, no tnsttef1 b6n ernlHng tBr food thprw. tt Is far tnof. TV-lnoe) tbsO lis folUeslcJ tmthf. ;: .,, ' ' A CHARMING WOMAN.. . Uos whore l'el in fare.form.m'indand tern--'. Putl'ehsrl fr a wfman bs f isrmii g .' ''. t h!lh. A w--etj -it J wnrrao ii I !"' .e t in t p'.le ft.- ' t . KU M TIE I TOUCH com, - aoeotvd. Get rid of thia badly diceated matter aa qnickly . ; a posaibla U you' would avoid, a biliooa attack, tlVERR EGUL ATO R . - ry. V.r-j (TH rOWDJM TOWO ; ! " - 1 la a cleaaaiaK tnd tfenfrthening roedidne. It is a liver tooic first of all b4 Um liver is always affected whea the stooMch goes wrong. It putalife in a torpid liw, help digeatioa, sweetens the breath, clears the complexion of sallowaess,, relaxes the bowls and puts the body in fine, vigorous -condition.-" . ; s - s t Mill, pHUMihiwaii.M. ' iqaiwl as IS B4 S t lbL U ym ruM t It, malt to w wtll t U r mail. MtMi4. Iimm Urn 'SapiT to V( sp AiM Ia UM Iwm k alr I rnc U.W fcuui; iMt far ik4 a Uuk. , . " , J. H. ZCH.IN 4 CO.. PROM., T. LOOtS. MO. NORFOLK SOUTHERN RMIMD ROUTE OP THE "NIGHT EXPRESS" Schedule Effective Sept. 24, 1911 Tne following, schedule figures pub lished as information ONLY and are not guaranteed. TRAINS LEAVE NEW BERN NORTH AND WEST BOUND 12:30 a m, Daily-Night Express Pull man Sleeping Car for Norfolk. 9:30 a m, Daily for Norfolk,, connects for all points North and West, Parlor car service betweea Wash ington and Norfolk. 1:45 p m! Daily except Sunday for Washington, Belhaven, Greenville ' Wilson and Raleigh. Parlor car between Washington and Raleigh. 4:10 am, Daily Night Express for Goldsboro. 9:15 a m, Daily for Goldsboro. Parlor car service. 5:35 p m. Daily for Goldsboro. EAST BOUND '9:25 a m, Daily for Beaufort. 5:35 p m, " " Beaufort Parlor car service. 9:50 a m, Daily except Sunday for Oriental. 5:45 p m, Daily for Oriental. For further information or reservation M Pullman Sleeping Car space, apply o T. H. Bennett, T. A., New Bern, N. C. W. W. CROXTON W. R. HUDSON, G. P. A. Gen'l Supt. Norfolk. Va. Improving the Occasion. lie I dreamt 1 proposed to a pretty girl last night. She-Well, go on! What did I say?-Sydney Bulletin. , FOLEY KIDNEY PUIS For Backache Kidneys and Blaodsh. i ne mver seine. The river Seine with its branches nnd canals connects Uouen with one fifth of the total area of France. FOR ECZEMA, TETTER AND SALT RHEUM. The Intense itching characteristic of these ailments is almost instantly al layed by Chamberlain's Salve. Many severe cases hava been cured by it. foi sale by all dealers. $500,000 offered for the return of the Great Red Ruby knorn as . THE OE ';TfofpartlcuIarf read the remarkablo tale f of : rbmarice- and adfentur ".LOUIS : J OS EPH : YANCE CA Aoth6r it .-Tit Btdom U" TU trm Bowl, ete..- :J ix-rjc-f .'f.rrVr;' 2 . - about toappear,un -this --rpaperm serial ibrpiestor; fy v that? - critics Have 1 mnked jv; :witji Wjlke Collins famQus" ; ;. novel; '-"The'. ' Moonstone." P V' .-; .. Full of life and color, da:h - : ' ' and co, thrills 'andthroba. 1 ; ' from load which fcaaSer. Comforting. Hospitable Carter (after borrowing a match from stranger to whom be has offered a lift) Y' see. 1 balnt al lowed fnve no matches wheu 1 be cartiu' blaratiu' powder fur them old quarries up along. Punch. AIM ALAr?M AT NIGHT. That strikes terror to the entire house hold is the loud, hoarse, and metallic cough or croup. No mistaking it, and fortunate then the lucky parents who keep Foley's Honey and Tar Compound on hand. H. W. Casselman, Canton, N. Y., says: 'It is worth its weight in gold. Our little children are troubled -with croup and hoarseness, and all we give them is Foley s Honey and i ar Compound. I always have a bottle of it in the house, for sale by all deal ers. PR1 IN RICHES. He that is proud of riches is a fool, for if he be exalted above his neighbors because he hath more gold how much ulterior is he to a gold mine I Jeremy Taylor. CASTOR I A For Infants and Ciildren. The Kind You Hava Always Bought x Bears the Signature Backward Persia. There are no railways in Tersln. In traveling facilities that country Is u century behind the age. FOR THAT DULL FEELING AFTER EATING. I have used Chamberlain's Stomnch and Liver Tablets1 for some time, and can testify that they have done me more good than any tablets I have ever used. Mv trouble was a neavy nun feeling after "eating. DAVID FREE MAN, Kempt, Nova Scotia. These tablets strengthen the stomach and im prove the digestion. They af o regu late tbe liver and bowels. They are far superior to pills but cost no more. Get a free sample at all dealers drug store and see what a splendid medicine it is. Five persons were killed by the blow- : - . i . : .1... c i. : r IOK up ui a uiwuuMt iu uic uniu iivji 'nesr Pittsburgh. mmME Notices ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE, v af A. J. httsf Oim Couljr. tfca Katssf Ski mrmid ts kibft the to the j sodaralfMri st hm kone mm Danr. M.C. ss r b Mstssfimrtli Ujr of p tuber, IKS, of tbi j ties wtU e si did la her d their eeewery. AM pereoae lotabted te esid eeUU wUslesee ; swke leanedis ptrem. , FRUZIE KIXA DONEBSON. Adminietrstor A. J. Oooereoo. Deeeend Thie 4th. der ot December. 1911, wuiltIS VF MUKiuAUt, SALE Ut HOUSE AND LOT IN NCW bERN. Ru vf-t-Mstr MSTM eeU u.t.UU I. tk.t eertein mortmedeed executed end delieered to the dnderaicned by UUee Spruit and Eliii Spruit. hie wife, which mortareice deed end Bote thereby i secured le dated third day ot March WS. and i recorded in book number HI. pre 573. in the of- j See of the Register of Deeds of Craven county. I toe nnderoiiroed will on the 18th. day of Decern- j ber. 1911. at 12 o'clock in. at tbe court house door i in Craven county, wit to the hut best bidder for j cash, the following described land: . Two lots! situated and lyin in the City of New Bern. N. C, in the part known as ReteensternvUle, being lota number 11 and 27 in tbe plan ot the said Reizensteinville, located on the east side of Chap man street between Cedar and Elm street, and being the same land conveyed to the said alike Sprull by deed from Chan. R.innstein. ' JOHN S. GARRETT. Mortgagee. November 18lh. 1911. NOTICE , OF COMMISSIONER'S SALE OK VALUABLE CITY REAL ESTATE. Under and by virtue of an order of the Super ior Court of Craven County. N. C, made in the caw of C. E. Foy, Trustee, under the last will and testament of Ionirias i. Moore, Sr. deceased, for L. J. Mocre Jr. vs. L. J. Moore and Maude F. Moore, his w ife. at the November Term. 1911. of said court, the undersigned commissioner will on Honda, the 8th day of January. 1912. at the court house door of Craven County, at the hour of twelve o'clock noon, offer for sale to the high est bidder for cash all that certain lot or parcel of land and party wall rights as follows: Lying, situate and being on the neat side of Craven street between Pollock street and Federal Alley and being a part of lot No. r.7 in the plan of the City of New Bern and bounded and des cribed as follows, viz; lieginning at a point in the western line of. Craven street 107 feet and 3 inches southwardly from the southwestern intersection of Craven and Pollock streets, and running thence westwardly and parallel to Pollock street 66 feet; thence southwardly and parallel to Cra ven street 2r feot and 8 inches to the line of the property owned by Richardson; thence castward ly and parallel with Pollock street 66 feet to Craven street, thc.ice northwardly with Craven street 25 ft. 8 inches to the place of beginning.to gether with ail the. right, title interest and estate which the said L. J. Moore, Sr.. owned and was posnesKed at the time of his death in the -valla of the building adjoining said lot on the north side thereof and the wall of the building on tho south side thereof and beinr the same property and party wall rights conveyed to Betty T. Moore by P. H. Pelletier and wite by deed dated 1st. March. 1897. and registered in tbe office of Regtater of Deeds of Craven Co. N, C . in book 121. page 365. and by V, W. Hughes and oth ers to P. H. Pelletier by deed dated 7th. Septenv ber. 1H87. and registered in said office in book 98, page 31. and the agreement between E. R. Stan ley and others and R. Kerry and others dated 10th. June. 174. and registered in said office in book 76. page 165. reference to which deeds and agreement is hereby made for bettar description said property being a part of the real estate be longing to the estate of L. J. Moors This 6th. day of December. 1911. C. E. FOY. Commissioner. MORTGAGE SALE OF REAL ESTATE. By virtue of a powr contAintd in roorUrac dl exocutnl tu th uod?rsixned by Patsy Col lins and Mary Venter on the 6th day of April. 19U9, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds ot Craven county, in book 176, page U. same 4t?d twin trjven to aecure the payment of a nrnmisaury note, due and payable one tear from flntof Mud morirare deed and default in payment of Hitid note and Intereat on the aatne baviiitf Uen maile, I Witt wll at the oourt houae da- In New He in. N. ('.. at 12 o'clock M. on Monday the Uth d y of December iU. all lb undivided Intercu of natd PaUy Collina and aaid Mary Venters in and to that certain tract of land in No, H township. Craven county. N. C, ad' joining the land of Edward Richardson on the j north aide, on the wast aide Willta Iwia' tracr, comatning ton Hcrea, where Mary Venters and j John V litem forrorly reakled. now occapied by I Alex Moore; also another tract of land containing i m 1-4 acres, adioinirui the la ads of Mrs. Jennie i Harrison. I. J H Huahee. J L Rheta. Jaa Lyon. Samuel Bwn and Daniel Harris. Terms of . aaie eaeh, ' U. ILAHN. Morta-fffee. j Nov. 11911. ! MORTGAGE SA,LE. Pnraoaat to tbe pewar of sale contalaed In Uiat ta aaorlsase dead, eieeuted tir fleiese A. Browa and kUrf B. Bnnra. Iria .wife to ft. 0Hara. Uaria dale of April VStk. ItU. aaO treeeeded In tke efflee ef tha (UerkUar el Dwds far eaU Ceaees eoaatf la book Ne. 1M. fell UT. The) oadenained irUI after for aale te the kles- beldel for cA. at the eWt luw eVaaaf Crarva seantr. SetanU, DMhe Xk. IstI St Um kar tt o'clock St, sU Um rultDWhas aVe erlW paopertj, tUj AUthai aerUiS let r ssreel sf laeal lrks aod kelaaettvate la Um ettr ef New Berm. saal skats sad seemly ak Iks area awa mt ,Ak itnwt aad kaartns the MRsbee aw kaadrad fertrts. I4S. seeanha te s skis M Iks eeute ,sC ieefcaa eeU. eVd. recorded at SaJl DekkeV ss M la tkaVs ef Ceark etuserle ea far aaid Creeea tomnt. koasdad S f Ueai Beerkaakas kt tke sorthea earawr ef Um katyenaertf nad by eVedaeiak-eleeTSwt. seal reeaakf eerUenedly tftr IS, See teea sters stjees ts IM SeejlWat , era seraerst let He. tat aaadred let, err4la tbstrs Wtiaidlr !" ttat IHlkeiki I law tt said let Ne. let eete barred M. lea fdet, star sttaastsiaaikaekatm Kneiea 1st Mt tat kaadred Ut. nftr-eU, Ui 1 1 f i s Aenrrtly slef ikeaat enHa f Ma Hes. lid aad IS, Seat aaeettr teas b Oat aarUaara Mm ta! MMUTi tkjetiea ewttersedly sis Sae klstit alas at aaid; M M.t7eM kaadred DV tea fat saore e saai ta Ik el kkeeUaw sat AA street. .11 fc tkeeajea-laad teeititad SyS, O Btra ktaaM 0treA. Praws ad Stay kV- SnetifM 4 tad Asm tt. rtfl tad aeatded aa tMsobek) wiaeda M lae effas af Resists sT faaafe te salt Craee entlrfr rt hnk N M'folle t7 tt 4.k refeeaeaat ta Wat bUk'. ' t Tklaubudtf af Nereaaket ml. 1 v '-' 1 ' , ; , ' , . ( " . s. o-Maia. .: .-'- .'a -di.aa i ii a, ' - r.XF.CUTOR'3 NOTICE , . Bavin ilir atjnliA-4 a m 4 fl.-w-a r liHsms, rtt!, s'l lilmt sicams t i. f I Legal?- I r. M. 8USSUMM, a. n. AND WAR AfTORNEVS AND COt'-NSK ..... nw BIBS, I. c. Office Rooms 401-0-8 Elks Bo rracHce in tue eoun unties of I )ir, OnskivJ Wake, in I "ourU, and! tOuplin, Jones, Lenoi jeret, Pamlico and I preme and Federal Cou ,YCr crvicg re desired. OR, H, W. BONNE DISEASES OF THE Eye, Ear, Nose anil 1 AND General Surgery Ofllce in Elks Temple Next Caton, New Hern, N R. A. NUN ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice in the counties nf Carteret, Pamlieo Jones ;nul and in the State Siiireme an, I Craven, ( m; low l'.-.,l.ra Courts. Office No. 50 Criven Street. Tslsfihsns No. 97 Nsw Barn, N. C. Lake Drummond Cana! & Wnlt r Co. Lake Drummond Transportation Co. Lake Drummond Fowinp jEo. Dismal Swamp Canal An Inland Route, Protected from Storm. Nine Feet of Water Minimum hepth Always. Quick Transit for Trallic. I'l-oinjit Towing and Kit iiit Mnveiiieiit. For tollB, towing and freight rales apply at oflice in Si al.i.anl Hank 1 1 1 1 . 1 ing ami at Deep ( reek I ...ek. Va. M. K. King, Pres. J. A. Mitten, Sen. J. .8. Baxter, Supt. J. I. Whitehurst, Traffic Manager. Norfolk Office Hell 1'ln.ne I.L'I. SOUTHERN RAILWAY i OUTaKB KAIL IT At HI HUH I ,K M. B. Tbs Bkuree tie ;,m i..,i,oi fcr IntormatloD ar u.i: k HQ. II Leava Ooldlboro, N. ('., 6.41 a. TO., LhruUfh trU. ltn half esr lo Aibevllle, mnii at Ensi Durhi.in. fm Jf..i l iIimi 4Tsos. Keysvll).' ami I'I-'.miuJ -t Ualverelty for Cn Mol HI"' st GreonslMjro fur ( I.hi lui I and all ixJBLa Kiiuii, i.i.', i i i',. Vlllt, Lynchbnrpt. Chiirlr.n.vills Washington, aoe" al' iraial MO. 181 LeaTft Uoldaboro. 2 06 sv for 'Ireenahorn Ikh Hk uT.uau Pullmsa Ralelith. to Atl.inta. es rsta at (Ireentli iro f"r all alnts north, south tail treat NO. 111 Loaves (loidnboro In ,16 p rr. tor Otstbsboro, bU'll . unuia. RsJtlfh , to Orssnsbnro. oos atctt at Greensboro f r ('bar lotta, AUanta , New AthtTllls, Knoiville, DaarllU, Lyncbbm. totrrlUt, Wsshlagtoa. yomtt sarttt. Otleate. tlao foi ail tr tartsar Inform stun ai say Ut Soatbsrs ticket sgsiit or addr aaaralgUtj H. F. CARY, Otaarai Passes gr WUbtSftos. dat D. O. W. It. f AltNELI TmaUat Kasstatfar Agtak 8sltlb, N. C. f ' mti..- : n - - L At- . ? i Instead of Liquid jr ilhUscpUcsiPcrox. ' ' many titfiiti io yiilttg : y Pattine Tlet'AfJptc- rWt Ultei rntBV.bl'vrlri' Uit(. dieaolTrl ta yralrr Ss Wt ' . " For all tolVl 4a4 a(UU fo It U . WtUr aixl svrt enwaimiW-aC v Ta rlesjta sail whlUm Ibr . . . , ir tai l ( th.da. ', preeant dMy. . Td dUtirct 1 1.' mjnt l rt j mwn( prrt im,o . -(Mir.fr f o 1 ''l. I j T !.' ' 4 I. .-,!, ...( f .1 , -. - i I .-4'.. i v, :

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