;jeef,30Itjoiie:i - - t 1 ; ' V " r- f t ' J I- 4 I: . J - ' v. ' '. , -v New Bern, V. 0.1 Deo. 3, UU." USEE C::.ECTE3T ATXXH1 'LODflX K0 I X Of f- 'eeta every Toeaday P. m.. w Gee o'a office, Middle St.- E.H.1UMIMO, . C. H. Smltiv K. of R. and & iting brothers axe assured of aehev- r' welcome. AYES LODGE HO. L OlGIr BiJUIOXT Meets 2nd. aid t idneeday aiglUa la ec moot J--Ighti. Harmony HU1, corner Broe d Brjeock atreota at 7:80 oWeel K Wills, President; R. J. Disosway, -etary; J. D. McCoy, Financial Sec -ry. ". I TDK TO KIW aBTUTUiniTI The Peoples Bank. . Potaah-io Weekly. For Sale Typewriter. J A Blnggold-Eggs etc. J L McDaniel Groceries. t: TTTE KNpfc THAT YOUjWILL FIND IT; A t r VI: CHEAPER TO. USE v" ' ; ' f &3 ' WNETT'S VANILLA than an imitation extract. It really will improve less costly ingredi ents by imparting to them an individual, yet a smooth, tempting, delicious flavor. Try BURNETT'S VANILLA in your next batch of ice cream, or in a custard, and ' prove this to your own satisfaction. JOSEPH BURNETT CO. - BOSTON, MASS. BUSINESS -LOCALS : ' NOTICES IN THIS COLUMN LESS THAN ONE MONTH MUST BE PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. PHONE 533 your orders for fresh Eggs and Chickens. Best Flour 3c, Pork Sau sage 20, Pork and Beans 10c, Maple Syrup 15c, Fresh Corned Hams, Pork and Cracklings. J. A. Ringgold 83 George street. FOR SALE cheap. Smith Premier Typewriter No. 2 -r-H. B. Craven. WANTED-Position as Stenographer by voune lady, am fast and accurate in my work : can give best of references. Address Remington, care of Journal. WILD GEESE A nice lot just received something elegant. Try one. G. P. Hassell's Meat Market, next to McCar thy's store. CELERY, Florida Oranges, 25, 30 and 40 cts. a doz., also by the box.-H. E. Royall. IT HAS arrived Shad Netting, Shad, Mullet and Drag Netting, Turkeys, wild Geese and Ducks, best F. F. V. and Blue Band Hams and Bacon,. Pied mont, Old Mills and Turkish Cigarettes Spanish Red Ripper and N. C. Peanuts, best Butter and Cheese, Lvd, Pine and Coal Tar, Electric Battel iee, Red Seal Lights and Life Prfgervers. B. B. Da venport. Phone M"). L-ok for the mar ble slab. ROSE BUSHES-To mike room I will sell a few of my choice bushes at a bar train, if taken promptly.J. W. Wat son, 25 Pollock street Phone 383. FAMILY Christmas Cakes baked free of charge for Patrons at Kafer's Ba kery. WANTED You to buy your fruit cake supplies at once, we have them at the following prices: Fancy Citron, 22 cts Raisins, 12 J; currents 12; orange and Lemon Peel, 20 cts; Dates 10 aod 15 cts and all kinds of spices. H, C. Arm strong. FRESH lot of all Pork Sausage just made at 15c per pound. Beef. Pork and Crackerlings, corned Pig Shoulders, A. Castet, Five PoinU, Phone 239. JUST' received fine lot of Celery, Let tuce and all kinds of Nuts at. New Bern Produce Co. SPRUCE and Ash Oars, Rowlocks, Side Lights. Oaknm Calking Cotton, Lent eras etc. at J. C. Whitty ACo's. CHOICE FISH-We bave constantly a variety of choice Oah, right fresh from our nets, handled carefully and sanitary. If you want (be best fish order from J. A, Harker A Co. Phone 107, Market Dock. rjtuuiit) clcm-m. ft. ruuutft- 81 Craven street Gentlemen's clothe cleaned, repaired and pressed. Ladies striate, pressed a specialty. r'uk G. N Enne tt left yesterday for a buttoeae trip in Carteret county. Ut,yr ej Bell, of Newport was among the visitors to" the eiiy yeater- Mrs. C. W, Rtanchard. of Wilson, who has been vleiting in this city, has returned home. , Mr. J. T, Daniels,' of New York, is the fUeet of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Daniel. Ex-Judge O. H. Guion went up to Goldaboro yesterday evening to attend -to some profusions I business. Rev. J. E. Underwood, the new pre siding elder of this district, will arrive in theeity this morning and will be the guest of Rev. J. B. Hurley. Up-to-date moving pictures and refined vaudeville at The Athens. SOCIETY in all its details was the j of the Misse'Jrmbrj Pollock staeet. by Mrs. Edward K. Bishop . . . ' , afternoon, from 4 to 6 o'clock ' '"K ? man a Auxiiary.ui iurisi cnurcu ni uio BRILLIANT RECEPTION. Beautiful reception yesterday at her handsome home on East Front street. The entire lower floor was ar tistically feBtooned in trailing bamboo ami decorated in potted plants and cut flowers. Many white candles in old brass and silver candle-sticks added to the beauty of the scene, and exquisite muBic was furnished by Oswago's Stringed Or chestra, which was hidden behind a bank of palms in the back hall. Misses Harriette Dunn and Elsie Jones presented the card tray at the door, while Mrs. Frontis Ives, clad in black and white silk, and Mian Sarah Hollister, to embroidered silk, greeted the guests in the reception hall. Mrs. Bishop; in an exquisite Parisian gown, received her guests in the front narlor: and was assisted by Mrs. Jack Smallwood, who was attired in black and whits silk, Mrs. Guion Dunn in blue silk and Mrs. John Tull Hollister wore a handsome white lace robe over white Bilk. Miss Bessie Summerell attired in blue crepe de cbine invited the guests to the tea room where they were re ceived by Mrs. Thomas Hyman, who wore a white spangled over satin and Mrs, Delia Whitford, in black lace. The old mahogany tea table was most attractive with its old silverar.d lighted wax candles and was presided over by Mrs. Robert Du Val Jones in white and Miss Janet Hollister in gray silk. The decorations in this room were white narcissi and roses In the dining loom the color scheme was pinK ana,wnite, me center piece oi the table being a lovely vasefillod with nink carnations and asparuKus fern. Mrs. Mark Stevenson in blr.ck silk and Mrs: Rapmond Pollock in pink (hiffen over silk, and Mrs. James Mitchell in hite marquisette prWded over the dining room and Mis;es I on Mitchell Nixon and Sophia Hollister, in dainty white lingerie frocks, served delicious ices and cake. Before departing th receiving party were served a tempting course supper. SHORT PASSING EVENTS MM The Mission Study Class of Centen ary Church will meet this afternoon at 8:ri0 in the church parlors. The Current Eents. Club will meet this afterrwQfra'tif -'clock at the home I THE present high price of butter makes Oleomargarine an at tractive proposition. It is not only good for all cook ing purposes, but is also good for table use. ONLY -25c. LB. H. C. ARMSTRGN6 Phone 174 Middle St. mm OASTS The Only Perfecl Roaster Made. Don't Ruin Your Roast by Cooking it in an Ordinary Kind M. E. WHITEHURST & CO. Phone 228 . New Bern, N. C. 1 Heaters. If you want just a cheap heater for bed room, we can give you a nice little wood neater for SI. 25 that heats quick. We have out of car of Coles Ranges and Hot Blast Heaters, 2 Ranges and 20 Heaters left. Don't delay in getting your heater placed in your home. J. S. MILLER. The Furniture Man, New Bern, Take Notice. - Mr. Editor-Please stop my ad at once. Since my last ad was piacea in your paper my business has increased so I cannot hardly wait on my custo mers. Please stop until further notice. One fine mule for sale. "Big-Hill the Shingle and Paper Ronfing Man. mm MMm uorl "I can best answer your enquiry as to my opinion of The Union Central Life Insurance Company by saying I carry your Company's limit of $100,000 and woo Id consider anotiter policy If yea will raise your limit I think the Union Central la one of the beat Companies in the country. I admire the vsy they In vest their money hi farm martgagsa in stead of ttoeks and low interest bear- . teg bonds, and I certainly appreciate the rapid increase la my dividends, Wklle in aom eomponiee lam Insured they jamais nearly stationary..! It is my opinion that your Company la aider ah excellent, profrtetrve and eoneetva - tit management, and I will cheerfully ' recommend it to the Insuring poblie. The above letter was written at Ome .' ha. Neb,, Nov. 10th, VM by the presi dent of a large wholesale- dry goods Have yon aa UNION CEN TRAL DoUcrt tf ot WHY KOTT " -' Ty are the BEST. .v.t'" '' W, O. BOTD. Ae-nt iTlES CURED IN 6 TO H DAYS . Your druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any esse of Itching. Blind, Bleeding or Pro truding Pilesln 6 to 14 days.' 60c. Just Received 1 solid carload of Brass and Iron Beds, we can give you good strong Iron Beds aa low as 12.60 each, 2 men , post for 18.00 that heats anything you ever saw for the price. ; ' ' . J. 8. MILLER, The Furniture MarC -r-. - boose. -5 - 7' COTTON ' MARKET Ibepoiitkd nt . BALLl; ;;, f tK)TTOii.BiM)rrrin';.-:- .LONG DI3TANCS PHONE NO, t , ' . - m Tk cum ' ' , M v 1 v- ' T.. 1. Highest LowMl Close Opening Dee, Jae, M ar. ' 112 SH m 904 mi ftoi 015 K'fl HKI Parish House this morning at 11 o'clock, Every member is urged to attend. At the Athecthe Woodalla are giv ing a very pleasing act. The acrobatic work of Mis3 Woodall is above the black face quality that passes along in vaude ville. The Basket Party given at Bridgeton last night was a decided success, both socially and financially. Quite, a num ber of young people from New Bern at tended and voted the occasion a com plete sUccess. The monthly and annual meeting of the Circulating Library Committee will be held in the library roams tomorrow morning at 11:30 o'clock. Every mem ber is requested to be present as mat ters of must importance are to be dis cussed. There will doubtless be a big crowd in New Bern on Dec. 13th and 14th. On those two days the Fish and Oyster Convention will be in session here and all the railroads in North Carolina and Virginia have offered reduced rates over their linf s. The local police are ha ing very little to do just at this time. During the past week there have been an unusual ly small number of offenders caught in the law's drag net and carried before the Mayor. However this may be only the calm before the siOrm. Merchants who have wooden spit toons in their stores should use extreme care in seeing (hat no lighted cigar or cigarette ends are thrown into them. During the past few days there have been several serious fires caused by lighted cigars and cigarettes being throw in these spittoons. Next Monday, December 11th, Buster Brown and his dog '-Tige" will visit New Kern and tender a reception to bis score of young friends at S. Coplon A ' Son's store. Buster was here last year and made a decided hit' with the juve nile population of the city and will doubtless be heirtily welcomed on his return. ' Remember the Mate and the place and be on hand to welcome him. The local fire comnanies were called out yesterday morning it an early boor by an alarm turned in at box 84 After a spectacular run by all of the com. ies they discovered that' it i a false alarm. However, the visltlpg members of the N. C Fire Prevention AssoclB' (ion were given an exblpitloD af bow quick the local companies, can arrive on the scene after the alarm bas been turned lo. Yesterday the Journal atfted. that the Norfolk-Southern Railway Com pany had placvd an. order .with a large car manufacturing toncern for one thousand freight cart. - lo addition to this li W learned that thy have also plaeed an order for. several, large loco motives'. Judging ' from present" Indi es! Ions the Norfolk Southern Railway Company bids fair to soon lead all the other" roaiut la this State lit many wait Dr. St roar. War, '-of (he State llepart meotand ofthe Hookwoim Com miss ion and who fa to have cVrge of the Dookwotm di'penurlea. sshich ere to be lora'ad in Craven county, aad which will be. erieaed about January Ost, fn forms Qi thatfbe g now at work pre paring his advertising campaign, lis 111 spend the intervening time before the opening of the dilpensaries in get t'ng every thing id readiness for treat Ing the large number, tf Va'Unls who bave (ipf! their UiUetlon J Uk inj the cure. f . . , -Tbs sl hi the Isdli i ot Ox Pretry tftfsri church promU?s Ur be quite an attractr affair, y have maay nw things that have not.lpn ofTted for a1emNw Nrrt lyfr.;The llttV rKMklt of nirilm Deltcaawi la prnv- Dont say "they haven't got it" till you've tried us J. S. Basnteht Hdw. Co. Frankfort, the historic home of Mrs. Thomas McCormick, near Berryville, Va., was burned. - DAVIS PHARMAC 75 BROAD ST. Opposite Jones Stables THE TEMPORARY HOME OF If I PHONE 56. CKHISTMftS LUMBER, especially if it's pine for holiday binMin i, should be carefully se lected and Bruaddus & Ives is the proper place to buy such pine. Our retail yard car: ies the largest stock of pine, in all sizes and jvades, to be found in the en'ire si.ite, We retail at whole-ale P' ices. Port R-lpts et.979 t.aVi. IJirrpool ('..Uoa KarWt, . CASTOR OlI POWDER BAUtiUnlr TATEltl AannutAirr 7SL BEST AND SAFEST aiP"" - LAXATJVg KNOWN pa ilr AU Ohkmtm Mm I CE Made from pure distilled filtered water. NEW BERft ICE CO. 19-21-23 Griffith St. Phone 23 I SUGGESTIONS From The Christmas Gift Store FOR-BOYS. SilT Card Caam S.60 to $8.00 Unteun SQvar Beta. In east 8.60 to $16.00 Silver Brush. Comb and Mirror art 10.00 to $30.00 Waterman 811tt and Gold Mounted Fountain Pan 8.60 to $10.00 Jewelry (Silver) Case 1.60 to $10.00 . Silver Handle Unbrellaa S 50 to $16 00 La Vauien Locket and Chain Gold Hat Pin la box EaataaB Kodak Gold Watch and Chain Silver Broah and Comb. la eaae Gold Brooch 8.60 to $30.00 2 00 to $36.00 76c to $6 00 1.00 to $20.00 LOS to $126.00 6.00 to $10 00 1.00 to $60 00 FOR GIRLS. Eastman Kodak 1.00 to $2n.nn Traveling Set. in cane 21.60 U $37.50 Pearl Cuff and Stud But ton Set, in case $3.60 Brasa Smoking- St-t 3.60 tn $10.00 Waterman Fountain Pon 2 50 to IO.OO Coat Chains 1.60 u $10.ro A Watch 1.00 to $12.',. 00 Military Brunhm 3 50 to $15.00 Silver ShavInK Muk anil Brush 3.60 to $12 60 Silver SunpenrlorJi $1.00 Silver Shaving Mirror. ' Brush and Mug cumbinnl In atand 4.00 to $10 00 8ilver Clothes Brush 3.50 to $6.60 Cigar and Cigarette Crnwn 7.00-to $10.00 NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR EXPERT ENGRAVING J. 0. BAXTER THE XMAS Gin STORE. - NICE LOT V'.'. . ." -. . "' Small Uflcqrned Pis , Rami fttlb'. only 18c Fancy Elgin Butter 40c Fancy Carolina Whole :Rkef v Fresh GriU . 3c Seeded Rabins pkj. 12,c Curranti 12Jc L. L. Raisins large 15c .TOtiMmWflJiiiatito'- Flor ida Orange, Malaga Grapes Old ' Fashion Buck-wheat, ; Loose Oatflakes St lbt Fresh Canned Goods, lv3rinf;, Extracts'and Spices. Rock bottom prices on everything YOURS JOR CASH ONlV J.:Lj;Mcl)aiiiel 41 Middle) SL Phont 91 Broaddos &, Ives Loaiber Co, McSORLEY'S STORE POLLOCK STREE1 OPP. ELKS TEMPLE IS NOW OPEN 'WITH A FULL LINE OF Christmas Goods SHEfiaEBCSSESESKESSi f I'HONK 17 WE SOUGH YBUH TRADE on I:inih of ro:il for heatinjj :r 'I fiiokimr in tin house, for the tii i 1 1 ; : ( : m -Imiiorstotv, forstoam pin p' j. h -n f ai-tory or mill, fully f... ni i.f Iho iu nl i ty of our I'll"!, :l- 'leanlitioss and our J'urilihr- (ur iniini' delivery We will iippr.-ru;.- :i li ia: older. Ellis Coal and W ood Yard - r.Mo.v point ATTENTION Thar kj:ivin : v. ill s: on lie here, why wait in buying your clothes WY hac :i nuMiy and up to date line of m -ns and boys cloiliiii;: tii.if v.v v '1 i nijieie w iih any line in the city, at a imK'h I own ( (. u, a nili and look them over, it co Is liOtiiidj: i ' !'' !. :r'!ewill he p'ensed to sh'v yoo how nc en s , o 'S per re.it on all pimhasr: SAM LIP MAN Block. .7 -if. ZT'YVBKTnEWm I THANKSGIVING IS HERE and Xma in not many duya off, nml we have every tiling for your fruit rr.kp, also we have everything you, want to ... - . maVe your table suit your appetite, and we are glad to serve you. We (piaran te ceerytiilnK. Suppose you Rive us alrial order and If you are not perfect- ly lattsfletf we ' refund yon? snone.". (. i -. '.' .... - ' - . ' Nothing lostA Yours, t6 please, thumb nitry vmaa axiusTKac Coftl e Eroatf Strs3t Grocery ; Co, rilONE 1G NEW BERN, N..C. Ipg 1 1 very pf,pU!ar as ' it It turh a rtt,vniont etiiivnicr The fnry work iil ; fp(,rrt. "?l' e l f f r an I li f i - C ! ' ' ni ly rn.il. ' irt w ; I. rf. : ' If U n - in Tnurr rn urn Oil FT : : UlLtl; DIL1LIV . ? we ran fumih you with anything you rlealre, from sin-' gle (n'tice to compleU self, trr many pi the moet popular pat rrn) r rxlucpd ty the , If ling ailvererriilha of the rounlty 1 ),r 'frn mnlie .nv t i-1arJy ; pr" i'.jIo ( l.i , din J fa- wTwrrfMrnm .nTmBaaeaaT.eeeaaheMaaaeaeiM Coal Anthrricitc Al 1. White Ashe -IZr I.I. S KKKNkD Bituminous Pocahontas no: : ikam am pomkstic purposes. HOLLISTER & COX FOOT OF f.RAVF.M ST. PHONC.M Concrete Work BRIGS ;5Am prfp. TO do ll klrd, oi work jjyde qq p ., urxmmu. mM, s,rps. -'"f. Oats,V Hairy -Vetch,: Rape'; :fcaemene( e; i oiy hi-grmJework iinMTtClover. Alfalfa. Hay, -filched. - v: iiABR : v-QAta, Com Com Mral. Cot- ' Tl n n i H n n r "i I fTT r I ton ed Meal.Hull.' Rran, A 11 tno'Vt n ro'n rnl I'd . ent t.rt' ) Gnin, highest in Protein cf any stock feed on ih? mi:': et . V