. .- - tt . .... n PAPER WITH 1' ; KNOWN CIRCULATION mmmmi ESTABLISHED IN 1878 NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY . MORNING,' DECEMBER 28, 191L 1 ' NUMBER 233 THIRTIETH YEAR WOULD NEVER MILLIONS FOR SMMSBMgB slwaSMMSBBSJsMHM1 ' s-sn 'WSSlBMMaBBSJBBJBSSSBBBI -.i Ml ; !! 'W ; - - III H I f- i I I . .;. liiH. :-i flii - ii, r i jftVAMI UOlv Wi G OO o o o O O O . OO OO small means: P EOPLE who have small means are often tempted to specu late hoping to double their money quickly. You may be one in a thousand who succeeds, but your chances for sue. cess are meagre. I he best way to handle moderate means is to deposit your money with a strong, safe bank like The New Bern Banking and Trust Company, where it will be absolutely safe end earn a fair rate of interest. You are invited to call at the bank and talk over your financial requirements. SAVINGS AND CHECKING ACCOUNTS INVITED. 3 aaBa LADIES SUITS AND COATS GET Hi FF T .1 .1 1.1 I o cive tnose tnat contemplate buv- Am ing Winter Clothing for themselves and others for the holidays an oppor tunity for a great saving, we will offer our remaining stock of Coats and Coat Suits at 1 -4 off in price. S. Coplon & Son SELLS IT FOR LESS LITTLE OUT OF THE WAY, HUT IT PAYS TO WALK TO COPLON'S Once in the White Huuse, Henry WatersoD Thinks, Ahso- lutism Would Kesult Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 27. --"Roosevelt-1 ism would mean absolutism" declared Henry L. Waterson, editor of the Lou Uville Courier-Journal in an interview today in which he expressed the belief that the long-hoped for change of par ties io power wan at hand. "If they put him in the White House again we will never get him out except feet fore most. "I believe that the party discipline and organization will be strong enough to secure Mr. Taft'a nomination; itill a stan-pede for Mr. Roosevelt ia not im possible. It looks as though his friends are playing a very wary fume to that end.. It is my opinion, however, thp.t what Mr. Taft lacks at one end Mr. Roosevelt lacks at the other. No man can ride two horses going in opposite directions at the earn" lime. In seek ing to ride the proletariate of the West while making his peace with the inter ests of Wall Street Mr. Roosevelt is attempting this pass. There in a yet greater dragon across his path than any of the lions he encountered in Af rica. That is the third term issue. "The limitation set upon the occu pancy of the Presidency oilieo is all that stands between us and Hie tenure. The election of Roosevelt, in JV would mean an exigency in Will xnd a Diaz election in 1920. Now, when we on sider that the President of the United States has more power t han any s v ereign in the world it in easy to see that the abrogation of the third term tradition would mean something little short of absolutism. On that issue. which would become immediately para mount in the campaign. I do not be lieve Mr. Roosevelt, with all his extra ordinary ri sources ami popularity. would carry a single ntai o in the Union." Don't mis the big Dog and Monkey show at The Athens to day. WILLIAMS' KIDNEY PILLS Have you neglected your KidneysT Have you overworked your nervous sys tem and caused trouble with your kid neya and bladder! Have you pains in loins, aide, back, groins and bladder? Have you a flabby appearance of the face, especially under the eyes? Too fre quent a desire to pass urine? If so, Wil liams' Kidney Pills will cure you-at Druggist, Price 60c. Williams' M'f'g Co., Prop., Cleveland, O. Hookworm Disease -Diagnosis -Trea! ment- Prevention, MM especially i' it's pine for holiday biiili'i ig, Hhoul I he carefully se lected an I Hroaildus & lveu is the proper place to buy such pine. Our r. tail yard ran ies the largest ntock of pine, in all lizes ar.d (Trade, to lie found in the en1 ire slat, We retail at wholpjale prices. Broacfdus & Ives Lumber Co. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILE j (MIT'S ;V.j;- GOOD CONDITION STORE teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-eeeeeeeeeeeeee4eeee j There are three met hods of riiagn -sing hookworm dease. Kirst by mi croscopic examination of (ho fecei to And the eggs of the hookworm. The State Laboratory of Hygiene et Hal eigh makes this examination free of charge. Second, the clinical symptoms of the disease In severe cases are suffi cient for making a diagnosis. Third, by experimental treatment and finding the expelled worms. The principle underly ing the treatment of hookworm disease is to kill the parasite. 1 his can be done with thymol and epsom na'tt properly administer d The treatment is simple, nrxpentlve and harmless. Ifalli e pl who have the diiease would l e treated jorg( and every one war shoes ror a lew m obi hs till the germs in I he pole die, there would be no more h'x,kworm dii -esse. As this is practically Impoeiiihle we are forced to rely on sanitary meas urea largely to prevent reinfection. An horitirs have sgrei-d that the d eases most, dread el can he traced to causes well kBuwn; that their sprend mey be prevented and tamed out a d kept out by proper precaution. Is it not Ibftnitely wiser to prevnt oil poluttoo by using sanitary toile'a and thereby eradicate hookworm rli se, than to allow these parasite lo Sap lbs biood and bUst the homes nf hundreds of thousand of our people 7 Thedtseese Is causing mental and phys leal degeneracy and industrial iiH'ffi eieaey. To many of Its victims it brings not only physical euffertng hut saiserjr snd distress from the poverty wblclt it breeds. Sanitation mesne the salvation of one's community, the sul fation of one's econtry, the salvation of the world, from preventable disease A Score or More Lined Up Before Mayor McCarthy Tuesday Afternoon. A score or more of offenders, some watery-eyed and still weak from the effects of the whiskey they had imbibed of during the holidays and which had caused their downfall, "some defiant and presenting a countenance wh ca clearly avowed that they thought tbey had been outraged by being; . brought into court, lined up before Mayor McCarthy Tu - day afternoon and answered for their tranRgresstogs, . Green McDaniel, colored, could doubt less be classed as the leading man, in the "mellow drama" which .was. ena-.t-ed before the large .audience. The scene was set on plctureaqne Long Wharf and McDaniel was ably support ed by a capable company of players. The first act showed the star engaged in pummelling several young men who happened to be in ;that locality at that time. Of course the scene would have been imperfect without some- retaliat ion on their part and the curtain fell (amid much applause) on a scene de picting the stellar performer In ignom ius retreat. The second and laataH showed the interior of a .colored wo man's cottage and the star crouched in one corner of the room. A knock at the door and the strong arm of the law appears on the scene (more app'auae.) The truant is placed under arrest car ried to the dungeon (city lock up) and allowed to sleep off . the 18 karat, jag with which he is hindered. Mayor Mc Carthy decided that as long as McDan iel ha I been the aggressor in all the trouble he could pay $3 and the coat of the case.. This he did and was auowed to go in search of a more appropriate vehi&le for his next appearance. Walter Jones, colored, started out early Monday morning equipped with what he thought, two very necessary articles, viz; a revolver and a' quart of whiskey. During his Tambling he pur chased a box of blank cartridges and proceeded to enliven things in his lo cality by a fusilade of shots. Officer McDaniel happened along about that time and Jcnes was piloted toward the rendezvous of othei celebratora. He explained things to the Mayor and was dismissed with a severe. reprimand and a warning about discharging firearms.' Emma Cooper, a colored danjsel, who had bien there before, was the next of fender. She was charged with (hoot ing a revolver, but it turned out that she was on her own premises and she wls dismissed. Bob Phillips, colored, called upon a friend of his while in an intoxicated con dition and told him tht. his hour had arrived. However tie friend called the bluff by going for an officer,' but not before Pnlllipj had U4d considerable vile language on other's premises. For this indeseretion he was taxed with the cost of the cse. Taken as a whole there was compara tively little disorderly conduct during he holidays and the Mayor felt inclined South Will Derive Great Benefit From Distribution of Pealiody Fund. New York, Dec. 27 An appeal to friends of education in America for $1, 000,000 to make the George Peabody College for Teachers at Nashville Tenn. a great final memorial to Mr, Peabady's beneficent service to the South and I he educational crown of the system of schools now established in that section is embadried in a legthy statement from the trustees of the Peabody Education Fund issued tonight. The trustees give notice of having voted to close the trust pursuant to the permission given them by the founder after distributing millions in building up State systems of public sebools, aid ing the development of rural schools and establishing departments of edu cation in the State universities. "Since 1865," the statement contin ues, "the Peabopy Fund has a id ad in maintaining the Peabody Normal Col lege at Nashville, Tenn., as the cen tral and leading normal school for the South, in closing the trust, the trustees have undertaken to found as a succes sor to this the George Peabody College i for Teachers." ! The statement goos on to explain that this institution is to be for the I higher education of teachers through ' out the South. To this end the trustees have f iven n sum of $1,000,000. concurrent with gifu by the State of Tennessee, county 1 Davidson and the city of Nashville, I amounting to $650,000, and 16 acres of! land, with buildings, by the Univor:i-'v of Nashville, In the final dissolution of the Peabody fund the trustees have offered to endow the college with .. additional $500,000, provided that with in two years from November 1, l'.'li. the college raises $1,000,000. "All experts on the subject," the statement continues, "know that, sueii a college is the greatest crying d of : the South today. The Southern States), . with a courage and self-sacrifice arely if ever equaled, are devoting every vear from 35 to 40 ner cent, of the amount raised by taxation to the edu : I cation of both races, wisely recognizing that this is their best hope for tie In ture. But these sums must go to the public schools and State institution!. Much as this central teachers' college ia needed to do a work which no State are barred by constitutional limitations from contribution to its maintenance." ll TO ALL 11 There is no class of people whom this L .. tu advantage. If you are a business ln.f from this institution additional funds reipi velopment of your interests and, furtherm. privilege of referring to us when dealing acquainted with your standing. If vou are your Bavings will be completely protected interest when deposited in this bank. The lincl no more convenient and reliable metli honal and household expenses than by mem subject to check. Your patronage whether of large or sum ! iliallv invited. .lb II). I . P I. ..his, 11 1 u, ,,. l.;.e the -3 .in - lifl- " u I per rent L-j kVlf- l Mil ; 1 ... .i iint ; - j - .-! j 111 It ' I aill liaiMllillllHMIIIHIIBIIIIIIIMIlM lo be as lenient aa possible with the offenders. Seversl had spent Ch ist ma in jail and this was quite suffijient punishment for them. However,. the sason for celebrating is now over and those who still persist in celebrating will not be dealt with aa easy as those who fell into the police drag net daring tV p.nit few days." A MERRY XMAS TO ALL We have a present for every body, at a price lower than you can buy ' them anywhere else in town. A big lirrt? of Neckwear that should have been here sooner will be sold at reduced prices. Thousands of Good Things Reduced. Send the children to the Mat inee 3:45, at The Athens to see the big Dog and Monkey show today, also three reels of good pictures. Tea Postponed. A cablegram announces that Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Blades did not sail from Na ples until Dec, 24th, the day they ex pected to arrive in New York. Their failure to reach New Bern when ex pected necessitate the postponement of Mrs. Buford's tea invitations which have been issued for December 30th. Mr. and Mrs. Blade expect to arrive In New York on the 6th of January, J. J. BAXTER ELKS TEMPLE l)i;i"T STORE You Don't Buy a Stove every month, so thatjwhen you d i buy, you want to look around a little ami see where you can get the greatest satisfaction for your money. We have a great line of Stoves here and we can suit any pocket-book with our prices. Gaskill Hardware Co. SOLE AGENTS FOR MAJESTIC RANGES PHONE 147 T. Ml DDI. K ST Laid TO Beat. ril l': f 1 - i'HA " A a 1 1' l .r ,.- If II il l' iiM: 47. WE SOLICIT 1023: HIDE on all kind ef coal -for beating a4 cooking la it heuix, for the fa mace hi shop or store, tot steeAi !ng purposes Is) factory or mill, fully confident of the, quality ot our fuel, its eleantineaa and oar 9 fecilM let for prompt delivery. We J Will appreciate a trial order, , Ellis Coal and Wood Yard Ray Rush with his animal act nine performers, at The Athens tonight Notice Watch This. A hrnnd span splendid new 8 room house, toilet and bath, modern and up to die and an automobile boost, all to rent or lew, at No., tt New, street Se Rig Hlll..lbe ttian who' eeus hlng Ua for less, and tht only Shingla jnaa. - B1Q HILU tt-.; , Start the New Year right, by letting the B3shight Hdw. Co supply your hardware wants! x" COTIQNjMARKET RErDjrTEr3 by . J. W ALL NBW BERN,'- .-'.' B, C LONG DfaTANCS ftlONt NO, 16, Ktw Ta f ette, . "" ,Z nee. 17, Opts HWb U Close Dee,. Jan,' March May- NOTICE. We will keep open each night until t o'clock beftnalnf m the IStfc, and con'', tinulnf Uirongh the holiday, will f (lad to have my eity customer viaist our store at night aa we can give you much butter service as we are to crowd 4 through the day. - , r J- MH.T.r.K. 4 Th I'urt.i'-jr lUt. New Yeik m -an aos 171 892 W6 Spots I 0, i Urtrreel f .tl.a f irtei "i '... . Opealnf. JtM. Feb. '. 4m ' May. Jo 't '492jV ' ' , l'w tr Mi.HHr.' 'J.'. ' . 6t k;;.!'-i t, Gx'l v. : : rg f. ' , fi'.t eor.a. 7 ' OosUif i.-r. '.487 AH that was mortal of the late J. J. Wolfenden was laid to rest in Cedar Grove cemetery Wedneedsy afternoon. The services at Centenary Methodist Church were largely aMenJed, Them were a number of intisaate and life long friends honorary . pall bearera. Confederate Veterans end Daughter of th 4 Confederacy formed an escort. Rev. J, R. Hurley :of Centenary, and Rev. Dr. Suroeierei) of the Presby terian Church, officiated. Pictures Great Assortment. You can buy at yoar own price, as plitu-es are not selling fast since so many people have their owrl special subjects framed. Anything in the pic tore line at cost, villi show loo the liii to prove to you If ou want to see It, f J. 8. MILLER. Tbe Furniture Man. Baptist Uaioe) Meetln. -Onslow Coeety,, Deeewrber 17tb The neit eealoa will be beld. wrlta tbe Caperaaara eat refe, bef lnalBt Fri a Dee. 29tK , V ialtora aisd delegates wUI go to Belgrsdi sUlU. where they will be met and e veit-1- tbe'eburea. BusIaeW mm are t peclatly org J t at tend. Ladies and eang people are one dlslly IntlUd. . -Rev. t.T.1 Carter, D. D ,f New Bera; is eapeeted to preach the Introductory sermML e numbof of taterestlic apaker wUI preaenr ire porUnt 4ubcta. -We have a few Cook Stoves on hand at your. price But they 8re not Ducks. J. S. r:-n:;ht IIJ-.v. Co. - A STRIKINC'DISPLAY OF Beautiful New Ginghams Sec Them, Their Beauty is Un-mistakable-So Are The Values 1 00 pieces Black Diamond Gingham, beautiful patterns, extra heavy quality and tub proof evryone of them, 29 inches wide at 1 Oc 50 pieces Utility Gingham, just open ed up, all nice bright, clean patterns, 27 inches wide at 1 0c, NEW rjEIJBROIDERY 1 1 0.0 yds. Nainsoolc and Swiss Edge Jng and , IriscJrtioh to'ihatch at 5c, 10c, ) 1 2-1 -2c, 1 5c ahiJ25c,'4vyill be on sale. niONE .2K3