PAPER WITH ESTABLISHED LN 1878 KNOWN CIRCULATION NEW BERN, NORTH CARQUNAV SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 10, 1912. NUMBER 271 THIRTIETH YEAR 1 ; . . 1J if? I III t1 liif; isMi 4 o Qo OO o YOUR mi S H HI IN I IV OME people retain idle funds, simply because th-y do .rot Know of a safe way of employing the money profitably. This bank isssnes interest bearing certificated of deposit which yield 4 per cent per annum, thereby affording a profitable as well as safe mean of employing idle funds. Please call at the bank and confer with our officers. YOUR ACCOUNT SUBJECT TO CHECK IS COR DIALLY INVITED SPECIAL TODAY PH I Wi I EmJL4MJMJ JURY BOX EVIDENCE BEING fl OARD In TheCase of The State Against Baker Bryan. Two Hundred And Sixty Men Summoned as Special Venire. First Witness Placed on Stand at Four esterdax-ACternopn. nd ueienaanr Have a Large Number of Witnesses. iotfi state Taking of Evidence Will Doubtless Consume Today's Session. Dead Mans Clothing Figured at Yes terday's Session. Bryan Appears to be Very Nervous. FOR We place on sale 25 dozJVIisses Middy Blouse all sizes. A Value at 75c Sale Price 50c. J ust recewed-SQ-doZv Ladies Shirt Waist, $1.25 Values, Sale Price 69c. An assortment that will appeal to any lady. S. Coplon & Son lette., Of ths walk straat in company with Arsry stod Collatta and of tbe shooting of Attn y Bakers Bryan and of the srents which trana- fpired daring thansxt fewfiojira. Shaw's story was told in a straight forward manner and despite the efforts of ths defense they failed to find A single loop bole in it . ? Kalph O Neal was one 41 the men with Baker Bryan on tbe night of tbe shooting. He said that he and -two friends went up to house which Bry an was staying. That they did not go inside but stood out on the- outside for for a few minutes. That within a short whi'e Bryan came ut and vegan curs ing them and asked which one of tbem tore down his " window shades After an explanation Baker sent in the house for a drink of whiskey.. He then went on to tell about the arrival tf Collelte, Avery and Shaw and the snooting - and the conversation of Bryanafterwards JUDSON BAYLISS ON THE STAND, Judson Bayliss, a young man who lives at Bridgton. stated that he was driving in that section on the night in question and that he saw Bryan shoot Avery and curse him and- then walk back into the house. At this juncture Ihs Court took a re cesa until 9:30 o'clock this morning. SELLS IT FOR LESS I I.K OUT OK THK WAY, HUT IT I'AYS TO WALK TO COPLON'S LUMBER FOR All mny ! had from ui. We are manufactures selling direct to tho public from our own rrtail yards, and can supply jou with pine timber of any grade or flnUh, at attractively low prices. Ask for our estimates on your requirements. Sroaddus & Ives Lumber Co. Vaudeville There., Ftl . Sat. Cross and Verno Double com edy wire act, introducing the clown with the funny laugh. Will Have Plenty Company. The Raleigh Times says; i "Mr. Varner wiH be readout of the party if he is not careful. Any man who doesn't wear the collar of the Wll sonite is r traitor, to say nothing of being "despicable ar.d malignant." NEWS FROM led eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee FOR SALE AUTOMOBILE KNOT'S BOOK -'STORE GOOD CONDITION ee-e mHMmHi WE SOUCU TfllJB TRADE on all lino's of seal -for basting and looking id Q louse, for. the . furnace la ahop or store, for um kng parpWs In.- fsftorjr er . mill, -fully confident tt the quality of mat fal. He 'ClniiMM and bnr fselliUee fot tvmK el! rery. We " will erprwlsU a u ial enter. r- ' Ellis Con! and At 11 o'clock yesterday morning the 60 specUl venire mn who were sum moned by the Sheiiff to be on band had arrivtd and the work of selecting the remaining two jurymen in the case of the State vs. Baker Bryan charged with the murder of William Avery in this city last Chrialmes night, was taken up. When the court took a-recesa at noon, these two jurymen had not been drawn. Upon reconvening at 2:30 o'clock, the work was again taken up and within an hour Mr. George M Wooten and Mr. Wm. Styron had been ("elected ti (ill the two remaining son's n ti e jury. After a few preliminai iea the work of hearing the' evidence was begun. DR. RHEM'S EVIDENCE. Dr. Rhem stated ihat ha knew Wm. Avery, hsd known him for 15 years. Performed an autopsy on his remains af ter he was killed. Found pistol shot wound in his body which would prove fatal in the majority of cases, He removed the bullec and preserved it. Hemorrhage from a pistol shot wound was the direct i cause of death. Stated that Avery was not of large Btatua, probably weighed 150 pounds. A number of persons were in the room when the autopsy was per- H f)n f -ta "lfcajniflttti in.t'ft f V'It ed that the course of the t ullet was Jownwaid. l'-rTormed the autopsy dur ing the afiernoon of D cembcr 26 h, be tween 2 and 4 o'clock, the body was at Simpson's undertaking establishment at the time. Nutieed powder marks on a rose in the lapel of Avery's coat, bullet may have been a ".spent" bullet a far as he knew. JOHN tOLI.ETIE'S EVIDENCE. John Collette was next placed on the stand by the S ate. lie soil hat he was 22 year of age and had c mm to New Bern nine weeks ago with the Chester Amusement Company. Had been with them two weeks hefure com ing to New Barn. Mot Wm. Avery when he first came to New Bern. Was at 81 West Sf. on December 25th, was rooming there. Knew Bakr Bryn ty reputation but had never met Mm. Bryan livid about two hundred yaids from where he ( YUette) was rooming. Said (hat on tho oiuhtof December 26th Will Aver; and he and Morgan Slaw went out for a walk up West street. Stopped at a house on that street for a minuie or two, went down the strtet until they reached Baker Bryan's hotiss When in front of the building Biker Bryan ran out and laid what do you--want aroood bare. Shy said to Bryin that tbsy wanted no hing. Bryan then pulled a gun from his pocket an I iu-h ed at the three boys. He struck ColUl'e and fired the pistol pilot blank a'. Avery. The thri e then ran down ths street. Collette and Shaw ran round to the rear door of a building and push ed open the door, Went on through the house and found Ateryon ths front steps. He and Hhaw picked him up and canted him inside and laid him on a . He thee ran uut jnmpd Into a boggy which was standing outiida and started for a dorter, Oo the way down town be met cfJl:er D-iwdy and lo'd him of tbe shooting. Wbeo he I etarned t? elyling ie this eecUoa smw. We keow the bouse, Avery was dead. Staled but little about their Creed or beHef, that he was tare that Aveiy had note.- having oaly Keard tbesaooe time Best tog in tU band when Brysa fired at -ff, iH4y are drawing ra crowds bins. Oldn t remember the exact hir bet thought It was eb .ut 11 o rluck. Said be bad ben kept hi jail mkiUi booting on eeeouet cf the fael lHt bs could get m r.e to alaad kit bead. The witness was thee, turned over to ne defend sat for rroet naoilMtiufl, Fot mat lass an bour lb put bla through- grilling ITre ef istlo4,-tne abject eould aletary be een M aa t Umpt l prove to the Jtiry'.lkat bis , DfE. D, V. JONM iYlDtNCt ' Or. H, D. .1ou$ aait placed oa the slaad.. He autd that ks waa the coroner for Grave coun'y, Keew oho CoJMu, Held -teqaeil ever re-a-.aiasel Ww. Avery, CvlistU as a witeeee u4 ee bad" Wiliua ' bl UU snnn. After sxsminf iaeli be bad belli hire for 8oprtor Ost and odr. ed thst be Held turH anl Is) df fuh ot a bcHl be p'sd In Jelt. ' , . MOPIAM "'IAW'1 SfATivrnT. The General Writes Some Very Interesting Little Items Thi.i Week. Swsnsboro, reb. 9. The survey on the proposed rsilrosd line from here to Goldsboro ie progressing fast, and it Is quite likely Swansboro will, before long, be connected by rail with the outside world. It ia said that a canning factory will be established here soon. A Mr. Snipes, of Warsaw, is the promoter. It it pro posed to can anythiog from an opoeaum to a rtrcoon oytter, and all kinds vegetables that grow in tbia seel Ion We extend a glad hand of welcome to tbe enterprise. A dentist Is also to locate here soon He hat promised to give ye scribe new set of teeth for advertising him, for all of which, tbe General stands greatly obliged. Very few Ash were killed by the late big fnete. Wa notice e good many white fields of cotton; eome of thesa bexre not b picked at ad tbla season.' Wa regret to chronicle the death of Mrs. Leah Nswcomb, which occurred Tuesday of the anew. Foe bad reached the greet sge of 90 years. She Was houw k per for the writer tl year and did st hli home She mrried a Capt Nrwcmnb, ef Sooth Ca-elina, wbek aae a 15 yeare of age, but ha preceded bet t the grata long ao. Skm wit eoneiatent member f I be Uetbediet Church for 73 years ee wwe rr deeoted (brtstian. ; " There are I wa BoroaA0 yreacbera pros THOSE WORK- IIIUII MILLS 64,207 In Textile Factories In Ttis State. Accused of Robbery. Raleigh, N. C. February 9. -North Carolina's cotton, woollen and silk mills and knitting mills come in for interest ing presentation in a chapter of the forthcoming annual report of Commis sioner of Labor and Printing M. L. Shipman just made public. It shows 806 cotton, woollen and silk mills and 66 of tbe knitting mills. The cotton, woollen and knitting mills, have 3,332, 812 spindles, 136,997 loomi, 630 braiders, and 7,432 cards and use 136,652 horse power and require an aggregate of 299,202,761 pounds of raw material. Employment is given to 64,207 people who provide support for about 153.647 people dependent on them. Reports from 75 per cent, of the condition of the operatives and 95 per cent, of the reports show tbe labor laws be ing observed. Wages for males range from 93 cents to $2.60, and for females from 66 Cents to $1.35. The 65 knitting mills have a capital of $3,043,126. They have 48,692 spindles, 7,762 knitting ma chines, 683 sewing machines and use 4, 785 horse-power. Wages for males ranee 62 cents to' $2. 29 and for females 51 cents to $1.44. There are 6,475 em ployes reported. William Uunter, the head waiter in the Wilson Cafe, which is connect d with the apartments where the three men from Benson were asphyxiated Monday, was jailed here under $1,100 bond, charged with stealing a revolver and $100 from the three dead men. On ly $28 was found on him when he was loeked in the cell, but the officers say they are on the track of important re velations. The North Carolina Supreme Court announces 4 1 successful applicants for licenses to practice law out of the class of 61 that undertook the exan inations when the court convened for the fall term Monday. For Sale Jha,ety of New Bern has fina hnne, tor aaie also Ihe reel house located on West street, apply to A. J. Gaskin?, (4 New street for further information. Little Girl Succumbs to Injuries. At an early hour yesterday morning little Miss Helen Caton, the six year- old daughter of Dr. and Mrs. G. A. Caton, succumbed to the injuries she received on the previous afternoon hen her clothing became ignited from a match and she was horribly burned, Everything possible was done for the little sufferer but it waa seen from the first that there was but little hope for hrr recovery and during the wee 'tree hours ber soul deptrtd from this earthly vale and winged its flight unto its Maker. Tbe funral servicee will be conduct ed from St, Psul's Carbolic Church this morning at II o'clock and the in terment made In Cedar Grove cem tery. FARM FOR SALE - r- - I offer for eale my 109 acre farm one ha f mile from city limits, 1,836 feet fronting on Pembroke road. For par titulars apply or write to John A Boom, 164 Broad street, New Bern, N. C. Prizes at Tbe A thena. Tbers) were twe wstaea eater aoed bete 4 few da a agtr; bet .'they 'eeuld net secure a place wbereU, U peach, so tksr efteved ee Ie other parU.. Oeaeral Wlifla, tbe fsosee besrea ajoeer, baa aaeeed five Urge bob tea 1 Hug the past asoatb.' T iTU eeetWw offsrs fas peri unity for borne sellers. Lend te.e Keep, only ln dolls re per ete and of it (vt le. There U ae beallhUr ceuetry Myvbert, tbe water te e':!t and tb sell will grew iythit-dp4 te the cllmei.,- fish, oyrtersX and gsne are vUaUful. end the peeple who live bere at Itfld and hoepltaWei What we aed Is rne pest le. The writer live about twe piuee from tee-, snt ta foual ttrm bladoovwir 15 bi n hoe but there k mom tt CO . We Last night Tbe Athens awarded the f'JIowing prises. $.00 gold piece to Gay Oaskkir, 12-60 gold piece to Mrs. J. H. Weddell, weekly UckeU or admission te Mies Eva Amatroag, Mrs. 8raA1tTTsTabT!eSyieWBiYff There was greet rate rest la the awards, by the large audi WILLI A MB' tUDNri TILLS Have you aegleeted your Kidneyt? Bar yod aeerworked your Aerveua art tarn aad aaueed trouble- with your Ild- aeyaad' bladdarf Have ytM peiae ks Wo' etV back, grotoa and bJaddart BaM jroej a; Dabby appearance) of the face, eepeetajry uader Ueeyes? Toe fre aueot deaire to pass artae? If so, Wii- aa- sudney nus win cere irov-ai DrugfWt, Prtee fOe. WOUaasa MTt- Cv. Prop., OevelaAd. a Abotbar hrtct Mocbr fotf. Cnrii; gt. ; Ut. 8 ft. Parker bas' porch see I uf Or. t, W. ffagbea tbe vaeant M abuih of tea B wthera pa office oa) Ok m street aad ks Inakuisf preparatlmM utrVt a brVk bloeb ther. The buikllng will have a front me of fifty I wo feat oo CravM street and a depth of Sne tiorvWd-' and fifty fL 'to kas a fli4 little farm (h mould lit U te arrets l'l itfi us fanrer, t'r!l high. dil ld lata two &xnpr It it i -rp't(wi4l i ; r"rlinlly fnt ajrtnts, eah, blnw srd Ko. tr m!l ftr1 If V i h t t"n are nets, I U r -r ill 1 rf f"-' '. , Jh,' S f f -! f ' i ' t f ' ' ' ' J - ;1 flttn mm SERVICE. To render to our customers service that is better than they expect and better thin apparently seems necesbary in the policy which has caused this bank to be successful in building up a substantial and permanent volume uf business. The farmers, merchants and other residents of Craven courtly who appreciate this spirit in banking are conli.U'y invited to open accounts with this institution, either subject to check or at 4 per cent interest in its Savings Department. SALE A BIG SUCCESS While we have had a great sale, we still have on hand a big stock of Mens and Boys Clothing and Overcoats, Ladies Coat Suits, Underwear, Shoes, Dress Goods etc., that must not be carried over, so we will close out all of this winter's stock regardless of cost. We thank the public for their patronage and in vite them to our store to inspect our New Goods that are arriving daily, and we promise to save you money. No Fancy Prices On Our Goods, We Only Want to Make a living. J. J. BAXTER ELKS TEMPLE DEP'T STORE HORSES A N 0 Fifty head of fine Horses and Mules now in stock. Must be sold. PRICES AND TERMS REASONABLE. SCOTT & CO. NEW BERN, N. C. MULES r V. ONLY FEW DA$ LONGER To get those Great Bar gains at the Fire Sale--We " offer Greater Bargains than ever. 72 CRAVEN STRBE1 I MARYLAND sti . , Li4ia CASUALTY CO. OF BALTIMORE. " " - 'Jitucs pofdet tor trlfii Accidents, ileillb, Burf uj, Theft fn tforcs sjkJ d'cl!ms riite CUu, Doilert,' Manufcturtr' 'trirAotomobfle atataitT.; V-"-' -" 'sf? :v Mairrtiini Claim Depwtraetit fa North Cirolini 4 through wtJch in cb'mi prompt! uiustijatrd tnd iatl&f act 0(11 ,i - ' ; ' t . K .is - ''. r. -M' """ f

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