' - I Catarrh 1; 1 ' mU tveryTuesdsy t pV-m., over Gas Co' c3oe, UkUle St.' E. H. Eardibon, a a, j. h. EmiJC' c f e. M. a ".sl'dng brotLersw easuredof nebetr sier's welcomed ' J. Si WiiliC ftiildent; J; Diaoeway, CeentMft IV McCoy, Financial At WlWrpbMeMogwy; Me fctn Buktet Tnt Qote; BS toieklreaidnee Mo, 27 Gravee St , searly f acing'Middleitreet, Hi be Jot Agent t. .-J-v- ' f':-ri-ir--. IXR-SAl-SoBie rich etabJe Manure, ' matt. 167 Brpad street: j ' FOR' SALE CWp-A few loads of well J Trotted lUiwr saw tiust or wood. , ; jutt the thincor the tew or garden, ' J- 86cnts ber toad if taken quick. 132 v f Broad street; " . . J FOUND on the street of New Bern a V " gold slee rt batten. Owner can . have . aanw'by sbewinc 'the mate to it and. "FINK lot of "Ittrkiyi, 0ocK and Chick 'em' JustVreeeieed- and mutt be sold, ' rrebggs and eoontry Hams, Snad, rrSetudOAC Netting, Rope. Twine , a d lifeTrAertert, eed Irish Pota toes; Seed Peanuts ad Garden Seeds, Piedmont," Old Mill and Turkish Cigar- t- ettee. B. B.: Dsenpdrt . - ' 1IA1LBOXE3 fPbrltyrmidences.) ' TN bTS Hot line of Mail Boxes suit able for dweJllhg-Jspanned, Oxidised " j i Mi' ' it 'Ml x ' V 1 and oraar, rnone u uux wuua. . C Wbitti Co. Phone 98, HOUSE ForReiit-'-No. 49. UetealfSt tfarMs bj!y to Wm.T. Hilf, . 91 widdia Btr nioMSoS. y CLRT florida ihanges, Cocanuts, - Lemons; also a tot f Apples that will Be for eookmg,at ZOe par peck at H, E, -.-r? RoyaU'shoneO as4 L XBTTUCB, Sanasb, gg Plant, toma toes; TldHda OrKagee and Apples. Mew Bern Freduce Co Phone 121 lRO0MSor'rat, furoiebed or anfar- ; nUbed, At 85 rslltek street -A SECOND hand Delivery Wagon for seJobargeia at 19,00-H. C. Arm UoBg.-:-- NOTICEMy targe earfiaae sbopnd blstkimltk ebon. guiUbte'fo any.kiod fboaisssa, kwated b the eentnd part ei the city wHh Maekwaltk tnote sod carpenter tools, -n eoableU votftt are for sale er reat;Hl9 asloom house atl 111 00 per monthicvUb Ughta, water. batb and ererrthlng p t ae for rent near tie -conrt noose,' aleO roooM for tight bones bseningfoppositn the eonrt ' honse. Big BUI, tbeShuvgle Man, 163J Bontb rront street, t . JU8f teeeived a Aae iot-f stall-fed Beef nndt nsveA ale? Fork Ccnesge, LW. Errf CaleJbnlT Bonelens Bam. In fact anytatog tdUfovndln n first clem nurksl.Pnenn OS, .A . CnsteX five Mntt,Bsnmfna loA ndr mottn. FCIt SAlMToi tV SrjVlAg end fanv Uj Mrt. six J ears PW, n good aadinr. AJJreanDn, a'aCntsn.' S T:iY tnonff ins loiret ateferf n : kryTTna Vest Vead. made. Prompt iiyory,,-;; ;a.:..o-.'r.-- " T Wuidi ef extra ne split Oak and . j '.7ed antafef nny.gaw'ed te . - j Iot.' ' Let us have yoor enters. j will relTe prewipt atUnUoa,- . u JWs Weed rad.4V BiU eU 4 rH on gocih ?t em et" T.'.L' CZCllS end !rk el, Gardeners! lures fat et Gerthn.S nad'Oaion rte.' frloo eal ty are r!gtit,--7. A, DmT; Pber ?rfC!.Mee W i'nd Wreni , t' 1 .me r U:e r.rwril. -J, 1, t : Geotre feu Iteoe f.l e Vmt)t'e wbarf st I i Urt rj. LIT, Wflf4 ! r V -nt, ' ' T "re r:;jeli Caatn t ' i y ltae rrt!.e r- T. i. l 't. 1 i i a ""Dyspepsia Five L .. Af. r If or;-Tnealf don't'" tt- om- fortaUy,-" or vVrnf-'feel yuatej! al ter eating .and -you believe ft U tffok kcCniyooV: if Wt llttle'-Von eat lien 'lite' '" hmip .-of r lead "onf your -stomach'; M there ; nnjyodf -Bund 'that you, need some thine to stop ..food fermenUtiori and 8et-p?r t- T wake 4Tery'ibi-ti i acid and BtoBDaoh lrft wbeh lonra yoiiintinl e'afctetfare ;tinll fereri of- dVapepBia, hoadsehefj biliousness. eonstiiAtioB, griping et6! etomach suff eri fc thegb.;:!Biajn call iiby-o real ;and n::twb.itta::'pMM yon eat. does not vdist but oickly' ferjnents aad wnrsjiflpauolnf i Al most ;vp unhealthy ndrtionis A ftR of Pane's Dianensinfnl cost fifty-bSttluIMf here, and wiff Convince1 an Bl6M sufferer flV minutes nf tefTaking 'at single, , dose that fermentation t and gour siomacn is causing uie jnnwy of Indigestion. i-".,'-'-,.iv;i No matter if you eall yoor trouble Catarrh of the Stomach, nerrook; ness or gastritis, -or by spy - Other name always remember that :erf tain cure is waiting ' at any store the moment you ' decide to bi gin itsBse. 7 .. Pape's Diapepsin. . will regthtf any out-of-order etomncli within )rre nunntes, and digest promptly, with out any-fuss or discomfort, all. oi any kind of food you eat. , 4 Moving Pictures and Tepde- yille, afternoon and ttight,aTb Ainens. . i TotoeCUlzenn otNew Bernv The North Carolina Association ef the Benevolent and Protective Order of the Elke wiU hold iU ajinqal 'convention In New Beraen.March 18tb M' nndIRk; 1912. ; Present indications point " to least Ave hundred visitors here on oceaiion. -, V; M .;. .'t: A It wilt be impossible for the notels to eecomadate this large deltf ttion, na-.1t wW be necessary to necarl , aceomada- tion for many of the .vWtocn'St -the Ivarieu boarding booses and Bomcs in this dtv. 1 i r. - Those who can furnish hvals shdl lodging or lodging alone win pleas tall up my office, phone 433 St once and five .1.1. t- , H .-' L .V , - una laivnatiiuD wa ,am amwieaa be placed on file, so that' the, visitors een be properly taken earn of on arrbrnl J..LBUN WILLIAMS. Chairman of Committee on Aeeome- aattone, i- v.r" ta cured irt-ia ta myi Yoor druggist wiD "'iwnxndnionby fit PAZO OINTMENT tails to earn any! csee or itenmg. vuna, vteeaingor rra troding PlleMtoU;diryt. wwsBWMSnwnnwMBnennan r n r rf Te the rrahlleI ui'fMisI Wdea fill kour orders for "CpinetMsntnVat rn ducad rsUs, prices froea 1 60 of ,,sJm Wnunf Desks, Cnurch Pews ek cut Prices on demand. TooT Cbesta: Road er Speed Carts. Old PurolUIr : made ever and 'painted,' Clocks, reboflt.and f anOsbed, Sewing Macbl&ej MbsAld and retooefced, Pktor Fratnnsmade te At yonr picture, Couch fkred trp as new.. Organs renewed, Bkycs re paired and pemted.' Old Beatere' mid w, Guns stocked,' In fact a grnonl repair baatneee for U. Iwk tosta'e (he feet that' I am situated no Ibat I can mats rut rstee.- . i lam very teeperulty your 4gnr repair Wan." qui relief- fc fc:::'j-ATi:n iGnrge W. row, iJktt.rv. ssyvi 'D LrrcnoH'a Hrurr ros RnxuTmn hs given my :: ., darful beixfit fur rkeu:- .. : mM not lift tind or fuoi, I ! t . f f;fld fur two'W.i.tha. T ! i I' tf I'.e r:n ! .. I i pt ... ' , On Mur,!-(he c.-. 4 ru.t i ' ? Wt.hly gr't op-, :ff. - (kf4 vnU out ff trrsV f!. f .y F.:'a Pnig Co. - , k- " T Tors poltra tilffa t! y 1 tr aapturad Kaj pflnr lpa 1 1 !' tail tb t fl tr a. " dUBmttTia -lreattoiy'rurieai- wmim... - ' .i-i. -i- i.-.4.-j-XJ teetioui4U on hand sjsistln ibis eft food 'and aeia.v1eartbunL' brash fryAlS ortbelchm cMid) ypn trenth ofnf y yotf ttn your stoniacoiCjp6ini'3iBi i... . .lit "Cet.ntf j if '..a Chsmter - of ." i C'--...l..f of Commeree ? o'e'.ixk. " t'. I t'.s I -i t. '. 'j t.ftti. .. of the Womso'e luoery Sotitty ef Centen- ry CturcS will be beld this afternoon; t S- o'ck in tfcnehnrc ehupctr Dirw ''l TUt ef.ooua tit director for- the Ciir - V LibraryTwiir -be Refected. lUopitddabtlew dae" tor" the triable westuor Wh nee prevailed in this sec- todt few tFiaW. 8;BnsnJgbtMSi New Bern lost at taie time.:- inn eon- CimisskinriJbsa? B, iHjll retijiaedJsr, ystetdayYroni'Ratelgli here hei previous evening wey aneiMea n oan- "qiiet complimentary to Repuhlican SUteWeeutlffCommHteetv Wtrtihrn few week thkei treeem- pslitocforthSUt rniH)ent1tlc1rteWoe held at Fsy- Wlemthn6 nnvutDie Tecorarin w paet .jew years, hndthey Idteod Winning ' sevetal of (be pjtlj irUn ws ing 1 good game of i baseJalUto eterniH At 140'cteck When the High School. Usm Wirt" pley Bfooityir Rraon'the school lifeStBiwpbrny,;owof the. re iresentatives nb;iCl.ar8in1tHfpe? writsr tSnwlnyls m theeltyfof afe dnysTlldietnt is Wschi s eni'nsnn'nt ni&'nnnTsi onstrst4thenityeu. irngAt1ima'ai being made in ie dards to the wreck on' the Xihiton Caro- inaRiuadTlaktV ondavriiirht It 'Ust thelrTBteieXornerra Juiy did 4wVeoneftiHpbbtf6& of fk prfcti'of egob;th northern mar ikefs fnd1the sold as tow" as Z&' tents per ItflMM ft wMts sgolhey were scsree at 40 cents. LAcallv tneoric snnses an tne wsy frpni 2 1 25 cents nnd - the supply T bnttQctent tttOTtnetjamsnd. tr. CL V . Streanider. who had Shane (ofhe bdbkwonn Slapeosary when it tDtSCnnnsSnr iuridgejon examte o nndtrtvimr treatment for the hot k- 1 dUldicithvmaif wnerp tttspenssry now toeawa. 3. Sji'ii) lum i iiih?. .....; Leesl Opiidn Ettablinr -bill will be po'ut (tfehniatate SenSU by Senator Watkfns,ho thlokiwrodg tee lies have been employed by the AnU cWnotfLsagV. " " ; ' .OIMK; t'kreennMpe Kyoto be elder.'! ear n famous physician. 'ris beUote thVkf not keep P tb-rlt in tr- JLt tX KVi) Pl.J.1.A.i;t kJX A u . wnrv pu Hint vwMh we aw rv g 4. ., -'1Ui whin neF are itsld throusk. pooVsppetitn- sad, be of'sleep,t.ym' eanl expkt Uu tt'to be to mocVwtef eeUIHeurreiiieventa ' lAthemjBrs'rstapi. mosf:of ibeir formVf Igor,' y nelog V inot our --deli-. etona ce4Uarnn4 bron preparaUoA,.Pa Wukii namssy eldiiiy pcopl - aeptod of ood healtnvi--.'-5 , ' Acterdlng to P. R. Sdj jsn. Juetice Of tkerenen, Elk Moneula, Wycvhls te""Me, ChsT:'Boork,.Myesr cMJ WM tij slrk st 4Vady to giv Op, but Viitol'pul 'biat wt bis. feet sgainrsnd 1 1 k y; "Nothing ev rhlpd me tie tiwl I rould pot' do wilUul It. ; i "Vljul h i .re te do yonTgood jif yen re rta du nd weeb-f-w goarsnte this. ar,d U itj bck yoor money if yon ire t mtUfied. T.X Duffy, . ,T ri 1 na cf te First district f Vi , m ft-i rtentlnx'2 titl sod ll.t!' la convention at . Cepe CLa.:',l ' .tu l Tft for the .rr.-i- Jrfufy .. 1 'jr' t ln5uT the prtj Bf.-jto.. ,.t la tftat. V ' i.r.iv: HOMK. f it,. i i t t prises this yearVfi;7? : r-i1 - Loeet baie bait fans will have anrop1 J WBat'j the wcklhcr. tmusenlent '"V-'KLTOKTUD HI ' - ' " ; COTTON CKOKEE t- - NEW! B'EBNj ; O, .-f - . 1 ..t- ffaw'Tnrk C art am. .i - j-t Feb.-3 1 Close Mareh.t il004 1012 100;ilOC8i Msyt-fKSl a(M2:Wact;tv4038 Port iteceipts 43,ri00 bsle&rUis, ytnr ;ru; va Openli -tBesr'JMi'nf.ninrkalX'- 'i MiddiinEgi-:; ; wvlfiewlui"R " Good-Mlddtinjr.K't -:' "' T!yeiy 'PtiW back yard canetiired by some little- cleaning dowj - .:.. - C Doti t vyastexyourj tmean-; isweniig4 Y0i;v pwsc- quizes " A; bflrtutht4i'ng Joan of SWO.Opp for 'South Baltimore improvements will hi sent MaeitKwfsture fhortty' CASTOR OIL" POWDEB m?nmM - osdRicss lMVf0n 523 i AX ATI VJB-KNOWN BOB MPfMp At Aif&HKicjtn anaiajaM FOR WINDOWS km DOORS Tolsrjrj tumtier S BETTER fJIEEjSEIICE -: Optical Talk Jfo. 1; Jv.!' By J. O. Baxter;: Optometrist irirenr trMIK rofttalon r brmnsh of' wnk. tkmm Sn franS S Anr nxn, "who from apteW fir mm, vkdimtlonir hath, art bHtar praavrad t rajwitolfcaU Una thw U moMfafa' of othata la tba atina tUld. , - - Jiioee optanHtrr mnirca avaclal aWlitr in brtb pfofaaatpnal aad aatchaaleal arark. bmp that aia aaad to both anally wrtl ar.carer. .Tbanr fara ran caaaot be tooBartlcolaraboottha aairia- tlaa-of Ua nan to bam m.tatrUat your ayaa. .' TMprafaaalaBal Vork-iliarmlnlM ef oar are eafaeta; aiuK ba ak UUoIIt aaiconaater dona, Ta aaailafcala-r-tha audtiot axl adJoailMr araerfk4aar4aMajByrla.k.O t vry paaaat opi icai wara ta unaoawnar aaat MalliaMV ma ttfrm.. fecit' tlva- Sn aWte UM axlmfaUtioa thi AaJl "idj J.tlmr ejf tha.. fnwnaor laaMtlaaoot alnala ttiM k orariook.'' a4alKJid." ld. all tha ' wary. 'mrartr? aa4 kavtsa aae aoak One agcotwt wltk caoat SiBWalt, awlaatad aiaa, J 04 Hat b-tllata aa tmf tKatlcaa .-. ".-ri -f, ' iae."-'''wl"'t A Vfcn wtUkvaa kllanaa. JM:JBdxtcr 6r0MCTltis and MFG. OrTICIAN i ii eh ry:s . Prescriptions- from a'J physldanv"'Iy nd Xc- r A! o a fi'l Lacdf Clioirf T'rt.trtlcf s,-; lie; 171 ;n mnrnv STRIPS Chiice l:t !.:ue C-.4 llxm uncovered 17c lb., StrlM oajj I8e Jb..- ricr.;j t Hillside Print Butter 4Scfr I L P ancy I ; : . me Z5c per Cx Fresh lot Qjsco percaa25c. lejithing urJtie ferj line af fottora pracesSil'li YOURS FOR CAStlbNLYj 4t msi SjiqnVSjll SB I This Year and let 1912 mark'the begininget; ;i'6ur ..fortune and a,- new- lifeT1 Nothing on earth gives a famRy.' . standing in a community ijke e ownership of a nice, eomfortabhyi home. The winter is a good time. 'to perfect all the little details .and we've a good," warm -ofBc and lots of time at your disposal to. help you select a suitable plan and talk over the kind of mater ial you v ill need. Come in and let's figure it out together. . I .r .129, Front St, "' new b IhiakTwice :osil.r" 'ui wis; - - about what they eat, who Ma- on the bestand purest ingredienta U handled under conditions of abao-f; Idte cloanliness, will , be delighted ' wiib ' ::' . ' BELUIEILOT-; CHOCOLATES and .BOM-BONS A . h ON SALE ONLt-AT ?.y V DAVIS PHARMACY , ' , f, 0ST Prtni Butter Tub Bitfr--' U-V & plooraargarme i ;ii58e "klbw smaireif tedPe'svr TM piiMW;pi.?i2K Lardt' 12H Hsms-'-r,; 'I7e'- f--v-::.: r.; ra - tl;'W"AL.5l y--' .- ... - ; - .i- -' , - 'T - Made from i re CI .:'.'!: J.... l ' ?t . nT - T . r, L L A - i A U 1 NkaW - LJtJ M I t ifflyovi irM. . . rWsV i j. 3 8 I .V 11 111 i I V. r fflf aJL ( ! ft-, - X AITS M COfllS II T Tailored To Your Order You can now have your measure taken right in our store and your Spring suit, coat or dress man tailored to your order . In Chicago at prices to low they will fairly astonish you. - PERFECT FIT AND PROMPT DELIVERY A CERTAINTY. - WE ARE SOLB'AGENTS ToTthis country 'a leading tailors and no I matter what your figure or your taste, you will certainly find a style and 1 a. fabric in this immense line to suit you. Some 69 Spring Models in suits, coats, dresses and skirts are on dis play and s perfect wealth of clothe in every imaginable weave -sturdy worsteds snd loft woolens, high colors and rare colors over 2.r0 patterns . and beautiful silks too. , Come and see what the best dressed women in New York :.nd Ohica . go wear there is no obligation to buy, don't misj it. ' Come and see "for yourself. F. M. CHADWICK 103 MIDDDE ST. It te our purpose to 6f fcr in "Haberdashery" and "Hats" the kind of merchandise that irK "wear" p oc'aim a man's good judgment. WAIT FOR OUR OPENING A. r. WILLIS CO. r MENfS "n TIEN OF- aIM - Inr f ills PROFITS NATIONAL OF NEW "BERNE, N. C. STANDS FIRSTlmbngtKe mi Mil . U HIRD-anicArtKe National ' And ( It hss farplos sml .Undivided Profitn amovnUng te $lof.,onoand v Captul amoiuiUng te 100.00,! U has a'ptecd on the National Uank Roll , pf po nhkh4kxhde Profit equal to Of ficaadlng Uxilr Capital Stock,-. ,j 3 s mEiisr r:i5 -j3:i SiviMsttsiT r" ssfz b:.:c::t coxes for reMI i r id.. ' .-vir. II. Cf -1 c C1 vol 1 1 NEW UEUN, N. C. TOGGERY' SURPLUS M UNDIVIDED 10 CAPITAL BANK banks of the City Banks of 3 ir .... i i ' AND - . Buildup :Ma. P.:n:t?;f 01!$ A ' i I v r r ( 1 :