' , v .- . . - ' - r " - - . t.' i , . ,, - ., - .-..:' i ..' - ,-, -.'-'e it- -r t.'S ' -vriMu 1' ' - Chlldrcn-Cry.fdrlFlctclior TiMWUna you Have Always Jiougnty awwuii diudwbv Has borne tno signarare.'ei Xta aS for. oyer SO ; years, 62 and luis bee made under his per Konal 8ULpervwjoaUcalja uiany. Allow no one to deceive you ta (o1b -v r AJl Cbimterfelfn, IniltatlonfrSiid 4Just-ftSg6od!' sre.bat Krperluients that trifle wiMi and endanjep the health of . . Injbmts and Children Experience against Experiment. .. - What Is CASTORIAf Caatdria Is a harmless substitute lor Castor Oil, Pare oflc Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It coDtalns neither Opinm," Klorphine no.other NareoHo Hijistance. Its ae Is its guarantee. 1 1 aesjtroya Torja on allays JVverisluicNS. It ciu;os piaCThialnd,, CoHc; It reilevtw Teething Trorties-, cures Consnpanon an Flatnleney. It assimilates the Food, regulates the' Stomach fMid llowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. ' The Chllien's 1'anacesi The ftlother's Triend. GENUINE CASTOR IA ALWAYS Eears the Signature of Tfie 1M You Have Always In Use For Over 30 Years m -THt CCf4TAUn COMPANY. 7 ' MUHHAY STFIETT, NEW VOHK CITY. -...j ..... ..... finnrmmmiii ntnnn f rKurriupiAL City of New Bern, N, C, $50, 000.00 5 per cent. 20 Year Builds For Sale. . WMilhef aod teqUJ ttam. to U !Kr,'JL-T.. Ciraar fed 1fa, lUtiag friacdi ni reliairaa at Veri haKaturdayij oj Baoday, ' .j Um goaat of Ja OotKHa fioa Mk BariBtatlMia iaVt Mf.X M. Brnrd attrntle? chictf af Oeeaa Vie B4fc11;iD;:. HfchJ tea mrM irT i'9r- sdat 'lAr and Mffc it t Ta vlo wara Wai- com viaifbt i ii ttf. N. P. Balls 8oa- kf Ji Tiy aib6 aka baao attaad ing St Paula 8$hoe( it Baaofort, haa rat TAad bomentteb tf tha da ight 4 f hut many trifMt 'tit, N. P fttR a i welcoma t iaitor at this plaeaTbaJMiaj ir4ooon. MEi and If't$i'(filaa6y' of Nav Bere TiitKi IKair pawnu. Mr. and Mrif E. F. Oifeiby t hia placa Sat utday night $ubfaK - Misses' Bwtha Gittlra and Rena Ogleeby bava turnad from Ocean at last. Mr. Clyde Tplton a Wild Wood waa the goeit of Mr. J. L. Sharp Sunday afternoon, We are informed tnkt the aroallpox ia raginir at Ocean, much to our regret. MUa Nettie Ogleaby ho haa , beea teaching at I hit ' place' hu not yet relumed horne. ' "Red Winga." Cml VIQNava AND LAOOCM Dom sot t&ke lata eoo4.r.rK pa ea atnatiiia a-.-1 I : Taa om vfa t-ar kMldi ia atetnf na . , r . i i. -l .11 .m. i'.i.im. rnr ant niif kMltki- ' ! leva ka ka hwtr (o4 luii ia bt - - ' ii .wh Wltk wIim kot or imo icJ r- neraBVfce "'lajtiaii kf tb asa ot Drl ftaraa'a Farei i ripaa.1 t rwea. ,.r ca sr mm thlm ru te (Aa rtrae f Ajb ' . '11; MAaf Aii kmvlat tm t t f CV-a imtlmmlMla Ma? air ivprnt-A. ' K; -?:,; xaaalflaiafr:r..,-- :. rttek ttMin iaite4 1 aaeaait Dr. Pieraa hr Utter rr. " AA earrawaadeaea held ae Moradly aonidcntial. Addrea World' DSsaaaaarf , Madiaal Ataooiadoa, JL V. Karoa, M. D., Praaideat, 0uiI, N. Y ' v-,M,ruici l uuw ruMiLT uoorei jraos, iBreopte s voouaaa aeaae Madiaat A4viaar,'awiy faaad ip-towlat dWo WUtt pea, aaawart ia vaiii a&a.koata of deUoat ajaeetioae whiuavaaaaa aianu,infld or nirrwd, - aaCbt M kaow aboaC ' Saat frit, ia pWa taappa aaV ddreM oa rectipt of 21 eaa-eeat ataataa aa aarar aniUai oolfi aitikaiUi bindini tot it taaapa. If " tan. Snl'd bids will he received at the oflice.ot the A. I). Ward. iin.i.MT.iirn.Hl. in N-w Bern N, C. until Tordy. rl rlav i.f April. l:a.t 12 o'clock. U. lot the I piircf.- of lilty 'thousand JdMWretty at: Mtm' F.. M. Simmons, UMII'IIUHU niKU ISfJ 'U I B-r.i. "b nl9HyBbl20irers.ftrthttd AfTORNKTS AND 'OlNSKU.OI f My H'U. i..i bearing intrant t the rate W( IIW HEUN. H. Office. Rooms 4(11-2-3 Klka Itui'.d Practice in the counties of ("raver. Duplin,' Jones, Lenoir, On-low, Carl aret, Pamlico and W:iU-, in the Sn preme and Fedem! t'oiirtM, and whr aver services ore deired. - " - " .. " ' '. ' DR. H. V BOHR OISEVSS OF TUB Shfr-Do yotr racart tEie day we war married? HeI wish to gracious I could:--YonUers Statesman ' tn ii ii .) .... .hi I'm i THE BEST PROOF Z fje, tar, Dose and 'Throat J' AND i . Ceneral Surgery ' Cfflce In Elks Temple Next Dr. A : Caton, New Itorn, N. C R. A. NUNN h ATTORNEY AT LAW. Practiea in the counties of ('rnvn, Cartaretamlico Jones hhI linnlow nd in the State Supreme and KtHleml Courts. On CI No. S0 Criv.n Slrtt. Talaaaaat Na. SI. Htm Birn, N. C. pit ct-nt-im per anrniB. which aaid interest shall l nnynhl n m -ahrmally on the ftrntdaia of Hay anil N.'vt inle- nf eiirh and every year at such .'i'c '.I- n'ai":! ftstnay he agreed upon by and.be ttv. e ih' lli'.ir 1 nf M.lermen of aaid city and the IiuitK.ii r 'faiil h.msfiolniiK asanyof aakl bonds shall ri-m.i'n Juu anl unpaid. . Said bonds to be nf ihi-il'Mi. niinatinn of not leas than ten dollars not- in.r- t'tn one ihousnnd dollars rath, as may !. il. i. i m.ni'd hv th Board of Ahlerrntn, and p!i..ll l in on thir facithe wards: "laiuod for ihr Ii-. ul'i-ate i ecnary expense of ihe city of N.-w lii rr.." All t ' fc coapunii Ihireon shall after ni iitintv, b- re-eiyabl fh pa ra!nt of all taxes. .1.1,1 Hiiii. liatf-inen. fi tea. and demanda duohi K-1 '. .,f nTrfVItli hWJTOor. wWM shall bVi- vn sil iln thWface mal l bonds. In all other : r-7.-tn the niiit L. nila ahall IS 'in auch form as m iv In' m r i d upon bv ard between the aaid b"wd ef :r!,hnmea aid the parrhaser thoaof. I C rtiKi'il check . f two hu idred and fifty dol I lai ti im Cvidi-nce of g.iod faith must be flled iftth ! hid. I Bi'l f1! are invited to uhmlt foTn of binds IhIh u il The nvht loiej ct any and ail bid i. n ii-'rv. tl. IW i.r.:cr cf the Board of Aldermen of the cltj .1 N. II rn Tim Kth day of March. 1I2 K. T. I'ATTKRSON. City CWk. New Bern Citizens Cannot Doubt ft. A PepuTar Rout. "In Iln-ri' nv mire way of croasln- I tin; soi -In I ihiiiin?" "Oh. yea; l). bridge." - ISuHlniore American. V Lake DrumniondCitil W attf Co. Lake Drummonil Transportation Co. Lake Drummond Toving Co. rDlsmal Swamp Canal Aa inland Rout, I'rotrcle I (rem Sturm. Nine Fel of Water Minlnu.n llrnth Always. QeJck Transit for i'rafTic. I rompl Towing and KreiKhl Movcmi-nt. For toils, lowing and freight rales pply at ohVa in Sslrard Hank I'.uiltl aagassd at Deep t'rerk lxrk, Vs. at, K. Krtig, frei. ). A. Mitten, $ . I. I. Baxter, Supt. I T. WMtahartl, Traffic ManiQsr. . Narfalk OTW Hell 11on ?. roiETRlDNEi'PllW i Fo Backachk Kiomcts and BtAooaa Jick Man ot the Cas,t. ' Tnrucy was designated as "the alct iiinn" l.y Czar Mcliotat of ltuaaia, Jan 14. ('. A. Olo.anea, 24 Ontario 81.. Ro chester. N Y.. has recovered from 'onj and s-ere hIIbcs of kidney ttotl- tite, his cu e bP'nir run to Olej kWIK) I' lls A'te-d-iai Inr hta case. 0 atye hti onl sorry I rtld not eam wone' of r'.il.- Kulnrv P i's. In a few dijrs' lime mt Uackanh e impleteyxl fi tn and I fell if fatly improa. ml lfl upa h min atranrer, dlMr'apelU left me si il I waa nn kirurar Berxrt axl at niRht I feal 100 pr rant batur ainee using Koier K doey mtav rirai by all dualcr. . . Doan'a Kidney Pilrs were used they cured. The story wai told to New Bern resi dents. Time haa atrengthined the evidence. -Hat proven toe cuf permanent, Tbe testimony la home testimony. The proof s . diivineing. It can b.- investigated by New Bern rvsidmiti. ft. A. Hender on, 1E6 George St., New Bern. N 0, ayV, 'Doau'a Kid ney Pilla are a very valuable remedy and 1 can say I bat they did ma mote iod than any other kidney medicine 1 ever took. -1 iuffered liom a dull pain tcr.ifs my lo(ni aL'od thaaaaccompant- d by an extrernffJAmaAeaa in my back, i also hid iiiflsmatioa of the bladder nd theassaifsa oT tbi kidney a-Cie tiona pained tqa.; Jijoan'a Kidney Pills, arhich 1 procured f'Ora the Bradham Drug Co., removad aft- lamrneaa and im and improved my condition in every way " (Statement glvao on January 26, 1908 ) , ' . hi; CONFIRMED PROOF. Hr. n,ndtjN on waa Interviewed oo November 28. 1W and ka aaid; ' l wll- Ungly verify my foi mar. ndoraemant of Ooan'a Kidney Pills, for I have been free from backache and kidney . pTsiot ait.ee I fok (Ma tamed. . You ire Welcome to continue the publication of my staUmeot." , ror aaie b) aU daakrav Prlaa I ant. . FoaUr atilbara Oa, Bntalt law Tort, Ml agaata, Ut tka tJaita aacsacaber. Ua yf Dnaa'a aa ta ao etler, , Vk , AmiSEPTIC. ForyotTicii Who Care OfotwraayowBananilwTn.leluyrmr '.t (aaally as4 la lite ears of yrmrmtn per , aiMa, aad yria waottlta Ul. '- laataad of what ytm have he en using -Ben m liquid or. tablet kUl'iaefHUa ot J parotide, woa't jrbw pleaat try PaMioa, - .a eoocrniraUd BQllaeptie powder to bv di-olvd la water aaoeedixL " : PaatlM. ta aaora mrMimWl, tnor leaaalag, aaore ferrnlcldal a4 Vanrp eaaJlag uaa aa-thing evvr aacO. Ia tb4 toilet U rkaaae aa4 ah!t k tewtH. PTOon tartar anS pervent Way. To disinfect Ut nulu I h. destroy ' ttlaraa) f erma, and pwrlff Hie breath. Ta knai-tlAcial Will and brklfff.wnrfc ' eUa aad edxrleaav. To fcinrere niitUi fma lha Urtb and f stiff tS hrealh ifl snl-klag, To tradWU peraj.lra tm tfUiru Ky apnrsi balhlnf. ... ( As mMklnal iofci! Irk Wa! tr.atm.at 4 (mining ill wber fWi rslarrh. InflsmrriatinrSj aixt tilrwraUirn t noUilntr eai1 bV A. ncln- nf i sitlaaa For i tear tM l,Tnl H. i i.khaa M"t (', baa v rrntarlT 'i!f tVeif tiMW-ntatoa H tiv4 t f ! lri.r.inry elearis'n. KeftllfiJ i 1 fTwic-t'lal jvwee. ' 1 r Ih' pur-j ' (' ,l; ii ( r..rH H VMi-1 1 MIHon's Oalnlaa. .niton was oner asked If be Intend to Inarfuct bbj daughter In tbe dlffet mt IsBrwitea. : Ka replledr' "o. v1 One toniiue ht mffitUrftt- for watnaftJ Fame can never make tja lie owt ewi!r)tpdfr a drtnd i.(W'r m jaw .a aw as naa. . aaa awaa twm. Ml0mX ie0CURErxaUt:O nW OOCtlSfituti.lKK GVAffANIteO SAMfAClOHy ovra as vr, h SOBIBEMLW- DIRECT LINE TO ALL T0INT3 KORTH. SOUTH-EAST. WEST. Very Low Bound Trip Bates to all Principal Resorts. Through Pullman to- Atlanta, leaves Raleigh 4:05 pm, arrives Atlanta, 6:35 p mr-tnaking close connection for and1 arriving Montgomery following day af ter leaving Raleigh 110 a m, Mobile 4:12 p m. New Orleans 8:80 p m, Birm ingham 1216 noon, Memphis 8:05 p m, Kansas City 1120 a second day and connecting for all other points, This car also makes close connection at Salis bury for St Louis and other Western points. Through-Pullman to Washington lea res Raleigh 6:50 p m, arrives Washing on 8:53 am, Baltimore 10:02 a m, Phila delphia 12:28 noon, New York 2:31 pm. This car makes close connection at Wash ington for Pittsburg, Chicago and all points North and West and at Greens- bore for Through Tourist Sleeper for Calif ot nia points and for all Florida points. Through Parlor Car for Asheville leaves Goidsboro at 6:45 a m, Raleigh 85 a tn, arrives Asheville 7:40 p m, making close connection with the Caro lina Special and arriving Cincinnati 10 m, following day after leaving Ral eigh, with close connection for all points North and Not th-West Pullman for Winston-Salem leaves Raleigh 2:30 a m, arrives Greensboro :30 a m, making close connection at jireonsboro for-att points North, South, Bast and West This car is handled on train No. Ill leaving Goidsboro at 10:45 p m. If you deaire any information, please call. We are here to furnish informa tion aa well aa to aell tickets. H. F. CARY, J. 0. JONES, G. P. A. ' T. P. A. Washington, D. C. Raleigh, N. C. . :The Lea4 lUaUttrant la lhe Berlld ookk-ai nrdea raa taurant. Ibe Ltieaf, bt 4ha world. lOu -KO p-rsoos Vaa alt drtwn klmultaaa ausly beneati) fha aia4 roef. .One all terraces for iua Iri sumtaar will aeeeav iDoaate s not bef 10,0)0 dtaera. , There tr LOuo wajtm, tad Uie kite baa auf teaoda O0ttrvr - V.V. what tttyEvtft rojuurt eeirdin? tof Iri the iklnaaaa oeiaid with out aarlv aae iifa, atrrk rueslan's Amir a taiva. that avot ban or iraadsnotber used M rvra ear bares. boilay sea Ida, aorea, k a araptkMt, cols prsine or Tiui. oiy years eureo ervet Its awlt Uwlraled for rd'ea, corn' or toki-aotea, Oolt S& cants at all dngria.l - r i : 'L...Vf4b a4 WaJ. Yaw ted,q t go ao a atUl ay vHS fcUBt fuf trouble, wre" ears a Oeov lis tiblloaonba. "Tea; wla't ford stream a nor cltmb ntooQtalaa ta tin bjnt If youH font stay wbaee yoa kr tad lav the world apt round without tour tsnlaHnce JrouUe " will , travel yoor.way and draw op a ehatr an (ska tbe warm-at corner it your Br plaea." Atlnhia CoosiHuUoaw - 'CtiUdera era mu' a swt lila'v eon tract tha fonianlmn d. , elirri th. have ro'dt. h'-i '. t i .-h, d ! 1 i h r ff . 4 v acarlt fr s r)me that 'i iKa rhil tlx r-i' r e.l.i- 1 a i-i ii a I. 11 fj i I r .) nr.il.i' l K r iftit?H i ri i' , pen ! t l , t-fi ' Uka. 1 ur ' : EOURT OnLENBAB eaaBBavasBaa) '" " JONES COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT SPRING TERM, 1912. MONDAY April lst.-AH criminal cases. TUESDAY. April 2ad. 10. Meadows xs Perry. 13 Reynolds vs Klnsey. 14 Smith vs Murrell. 16 Lee vs Craft. 18 Eure, 'Harris Co. vs Harriett. 19 Isler vs Goidsboro Lumber Co. 20 Winsatt vs 3D White et al. WEDNESDAY, April 3rd. 21 Isler vs CoomleB et al. 22 Eubank a vs Collins et al. 24 Collins vs Foy. ?5 Hargett vs Tsylor, 26 Harrison vs A,& N C R R Co. 28 A F DuVal vsACLRR Co. 29 A F DuVal vs A C L R R Co. THURSDAY, April 4th. 30 Coliins va Brown , n 33 Bron va Collins r Consolidaled. 31 Dixon vs Banks. 32 Munger & Bennett va Rhodes. ! PoswuittaM awar as Bill nssskiil katkav t sitwsaS and Aaaa, y laiarsaB, Us wiaX la e Mama eta, wu. ts.B.ataBka. awiiiili)lataaaaa katav aj And farCrana M-roaa,aadnaaraa wis BaTar fcr aal law lvl- afcwW ' MORTGAGE SaLE. - 7 7; aTtrtaf taa taa-ai coataiaad in -a.Vartaia " 'i. fSkji Oaadcsatstrdba aDr T. arr..- SKJL iaasa, Sataa iaa. . 1901 and tfDrjled iatinato at ataratarof Dead, of CrvJn.t BookH.Ja,asa4. iJpYJnffbnn lul onali-' Sai as administrate of the aetata sf K (L' ji.r, WatajB asta highest bidder for cash at U.V 31. Barry va Foscue, Adm'r. 33 Wimratt vs Hawkins. 36 Goidsboro Lumber Co. va A J Tur ner. FRIDAY, April 5th. 87 Tsylor vs Taylor, (Divorce.) 38 King et si. vs Goidsboro l.uin. Co. 39 Hay vs Munger & Bennett. 40 Dudley vs Munper & Bennett. 41 Morton vs Munger & Bennett. A'l other cises subject to motion, all pariiea and witnesses concerned will attend court on dy case ia set for trial aa above stated, without further notice. This March 4th. 1912. J. B. COLLINS, Clerk Superior Court, Jones County aAd altataaaisant aaMar far- ease, at taiclrt am hi New Biro. N. C 1 on Sat ur'-' day taelptii day W Marh I9U. A.retlowfhtrt- ' saw or ursa-tylnB ana befJV fh Oavch ae.l.CaMj?'jaVo rivgr aa4 aa tha.weat sideaiffCreek. adjolaiV the'-, Baaaof H. J Carrawan.lds Wethiagtoii. AIpx VjTtfiaa end ot here. It bens; part of the patent araatad to Cbanezer Siade; bacinning at the loot of Thoa. Green', path the beginnfbg corner of Fran . FonviUs's Una and running with said Fcnville fliat haa N. K 1-2, W. go poles tflta fiecond corner . haa with fonvUle's aecond llae N. Zj I-?, E. 14 potn to a hghtwood stake on an jsland la M t. I'leas aat 8wamp then with Thomas Green's pattnt Baa to a corner 41 a piece of land deeded toLiww Wathracton by Elbert PhUlip'e. ihcn with said Wathington's line to the main road: then down aaid poad to the corner of a three acre pi ce uf bad deeded to Akx Wiggins by Elbert I'lullipa; thanwich said Wiggin'a line to Beasle'y's patent: then with Beasley's line S. 62 I -2. E to n pmo corner of said patent, then N. 35 1-2 to the main road; thence down said road to the beginning, con trining one hundred and thirteen (II;;) acres mure or lew and known as the Elbert I'filWs land. 1. A. Jones, administrator of the estatcot K. Ii, Jones and trustee of K. R. Jones, heirs. This 26 day of Feb . 1912. COMMISSIONER'S SALE OK UK A L ESTATE. Under and by virture of an order of the Sup. r ior Court of Craven County. N, C made in the special proceeding entitled Florence A. Colhra and R. A. Collins, her husband. Mary I.ui-a Carrie Williams and Jamee Williams. I ier hus band, William Lucas and Texana Lucas, hia wile; Mamie Lucas and Fred Lucas, the lasl Iwn Ik inK minors appearing by their next fricm!. I), s. Junes vs. Carrie Louise Wetherington. Itulh OuY. Wetherington and Ira Wayne Wetherini!ton. minors appearing by their next friend. A nthiiny W. Wetherington. the undersiKoed commi.'--.;iiiin'r will on Monday, first day of April, 1 1,12. at 2 o'olock. M.. at the co'trt house dour of Crtm n County, in the city of New Burn. N. C, oir. r fur sale to the highest bidder, for cast., nil that ivr tain lot or parcel of land, lying, situate and lin ing in the cily uf New Bern. N. C, nnd Luur.il. d as follows, viz. Beginning nn the west, side el easteur street and at the corner uf Harriot Wil son's and Betsy Moye's lot and running with their line 140 feet: thence northwardly anil parallel to Pasteur street 82 feet, 1 inch; thence enatwanlly and parallel to Queen street 140 feet to the wot sdeof Pasteur street; thence with the went side of Pasteur street 32 feet, 1 inch, tnihe ln-ginr.ini-: it being the same land conveyed hi 11, It. Brvm and Mary N. Bryan his wife, to Uuthe y l.ucas by deed dated 29 May. IIW0. and registered in-tl.a office of the Register of Deeds of ('raven Ceunty. N. C , in book 82. iaire:i:i;. This 26th day of February. l!l!L' It. A. M'NN Cnmini ssiuni.r. aoawth.ua don la? Htm lax M. C,aa BsBtdaavaf AocB. lttl. at aha Bwar a If f elockv the toKawhg daMTiM real aetata as aaavavaa ia San BMrtaasa t adlti-' 1 AHtatrtainratota4af kun la tha h BWJUbvravaaaaaBt3r, Martk Canaae, aa On saath'ahta at Treat lvr aaw thyjitr Ht Haw Bart M. C haxtasdntaa'tba rata akw-ef arrasvataaattaadncribad aad laid ait ia tha husd eaDad -Catambai- waiek aaid plot la ooordedra tha Kesrhtar'S aOea for tha said Crafaaeoiiatr bj Book lU-roUn 2S2 aad tSS sWhuad(4W)aitaatirana atoaa oa On sooth side of tha Baaafart Baad. which aaid atona Is U86.f rota th foot at Ctarawiit Bridga. dvar Trent Rirar afonaan: thoa runs south 18 E. 5I1B feet; the aOuU 12 W. U fast; then north 78 wast E. a feat; thea north X. to th. baginninc UU bavin Oisaumaar three (3) opoa Paid Blot or alasvasd being tha same hud eonvayed hyBanrykV Bryan ot sla. to Hanry W. Ander oa hy dani dated Deoamberoth. 183Sw recorded IP said Bublia racord in Book No. 120,-Folioa W and 144, and inharitad by aaid Samuel E. Aodarson as son and sole-heir-at-law of said Henry W. Anderson, now deceased. Abu another tractor parcel ot land In the Tth township, aaid state and county, lying and being situated on Williams street ia tha plan ot "Graya- illa.'' as plotted arid reoorded In aaid publia re cords in Book No. 112-Folioa 144 and 146. and hearing tb aombereighty-flTe (86) upon said plot or plan. " It being the same land eonvayed by E.H. and'. A. Meadowi Co.. to Elisabeth Anderson by deed dated June 24th, 1888. recorded in said pub lic record in Book No. m-Folio 286. and ia hariud by said Samuel E. Andaraon a son and sole bairt-law of aaid Elisabeth Anderson, now deceased. . The descriptions la allot which aaid dead are hereby referred to and mad a part hereof. This 14th day of March A. D 1912. D. H. SfALUNGS. Mortgagee ' EXECUTORS NOTICE. All persons having claim against the estate of Hancjr Moore, deceased, are notified to present them to the undersigned for payment duly au Chentlcated Tn New Bern. N,C. before the 15th day of March. MS. or this notice will be plead hi bar of recovery. All who are indebted to- the estate Are required to make immediate payment to me, A. B. BANOERT. Duly qualified Executor of Hancy Moore. deceased. This March 11th. 1912. NOTICE. Sura Sign. When people beRin saying bow young you look It Is a sure sian you are growl ug old Atchison Grebe. Water and Eleotrlolty, Since tha general Introduction ot electricity Into the cities It has been known that It was possible to secure a very considerable shock througtt a stream of water, and firemen In all large cities are on tbe lookout for tula Wires which look as If tbey might con duct heavy currents are cut before a stream of water is thrown tn then dV raotlon. Reeutljfk In tbe ctnstrueUoo of an eleotrio railway la South Africa It waa noticed that a column ot sterna from a locomotive could be the means af conveying tha current, aod several workman vara shock ad in tbla tna FOR DISEASES OF THE SKIN. Nearly all diseases of the skin such at enema, letter,, salt theom and bar bers itch, are characterised by an In tense itchinc and amarttog, which . of-t-i makes life a bordm and dlstorbs steep and rest .Qa ck relief may be a Ml by applying cnasabarlaiq Halve. u aiiaya in urn tag ana. amanioar ai moot TBSlantlf . Manv eases have Men cured by Its wae.. For aala by all Deal, art, - - ..., Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A Inoesnplste Relatione. Trotter I don't owe you 6,.Jo IT Barlow-No. Trotter-Well. I say, old man. I'd like to.-London Catler. In accordance with chapter 286 of the priaate laws of North Carolina, session 1911. it being an act Incorporating the Trent River Railroad Com pany arid prescribing the manner and method of a county bead Issue, notice Is hereby given that ao election will be held at the various precincts in Jones county on tha 24th day la April 1912 at which time and place tha question of ' Subscrlp tion" or "No Subscription" to the county's is suing (fifty thousand) 160,000 of bonds to be sub scribed to the capital stock of said railroad, will be submitted to the qualified votera for approval. A new registration has beea ordered by the board of eonunlaaioner In accordance with aaid act and registrars and poll holders have been ap pointed and tbe public ia notified that tha regis tration books will be open from 22d day of March to and including the 18th day of April 1918. This Stb day of March. 1912. R. D. DIXON. Clerk to Board. in i 11 the llit't '. fur raid uji! 1 1 I full: NOTICE. Superior Court. BACKACHE ALMOST WNfEARA BLE la an almost cerlain result of kidney trouble. U. Toomey, Hu3 Ultve St Bloomine ton, 111. says: "I suffered with backache and paiue in my .kidney a which were almost unbearable. I gave Foley Kidney Pills a good trial, and they dona wonderf for me. Tods? I can do a hard day's work and net feel the-ffeeU."-For sale by all .dealer. I.eeilli.l I l.eii.K id fti.d I. ul. In- Making rile Meaning Clear.' ' Senator gnat returved from Wash ntftoai-Mr. Baler, what Is-tbe aent stent al the people la yaur lew a cow earning Blalog PoOtielaa inert) I y Interrupt- tng-nator. we dont dfitt.Jo aent aaeet In our to wa; we deal with fatfa a. g. Tar'aNrCfchrago Trlnona. av. - av- :OhildrQirOri? rex fuizKiwin cast:o ria I 'i. '. ... - aeeyS la eutjf. s J - 1 ; tUIUos La aw me "Vise mkoa 'the day from aoDwH t eunsev tusking tnell- rlorka at rik tWaoty frrrr bovra. .r- i- J i .1 n uii p rity.r 'i '.t l ? I . a? , in r ai e't when ..f ft i nf e I!..1 ,1. fi , Oiambetlaia'e Oath' Rr roads ties wow Its treat letHiialiun and stervrtve aala he it. ram.eVat.la et,, rt f ui.k. ekls an-1 stoop - It rsn be depeide j apes. Try It. Sold by all Deal a. . 11 a ' -.,";,- v . -' He Aiibc aftck ta the rurtoti itti ,ur ttt gtut' hf elder s.aier an() Ik glri frleuds'bsd qukkly rltwnd the door et t:. ba k erlor before t'le ro'll1 w" tier tnalt aeif to inuxit hm I'm walls! ni!y for a llttia all'-!. tv;e-! s'a lnik.. Xo) rweirraa,. (hi I. .lis F'::l no atlei.tlurl tee r ? i lie contr,Pnl o hir.ye ' '" a' rt ei In ' i r-t t- !. l tiv- kel ers't rs:i " "ttn I t ! I. s fanie a I, , '-.''fa NORTH CAROLINA CRAVEN COUNTY. Sarah E. Arahrose va Spencer W. Ambrose. Th defendant shoe, aanvid will take notice that an action entitled aa above haa been oc ro manced la th Superior Court of Craves county. to obtain a divorce from tha bonds of matrimony That tb nld defendant will farther take no tic that ha la required to appear at the April tans of aaid Superior "Court a aaid county, to be keidea tha 81 k day et April, ltU. at the court boon la aaid county, m New Bern. North Caro lina, and aaawn ar demur to the eompielnt tn wki ecttDonth plaintiff will apply to th court for the relief wmaadd la said eaespiaiat. Tbla Marsh kb. 1912. W. M. WATSON: Clark Be parlor Court. NOTICE OF SALE. By virtue nf the authority r-onfern d undersigned by a certain contiuet . nleu-i between Joseph L. Hahn ar.d JnhnT. Il.iri the purchase of a lot of land hereinnf U-r d. ed, in which said cunlract the tile tn t!i land was retained by the sai-l .1 l Iialm the purchase money therefer was aid and default having been made in tliepn of said purchase mnney at the tune for Its payment, and the said J. I., llal.a fully empowered to take possession of upon such default and tc nell the same at or private sale. NOW THEREFORE, in compliance will, the termsand stipulations of haul contract as nf.-iv-aaid th undersigned will offer I'm- rale and : ell for cash at public vendue to the highest bidder at the court house door in the city of New Hem Craven county. North Carolina, at I2n'rlis'k M.. on Saturday the 30th day uf March, T.I12. the fid lowing described real eatate. lying and l. i:iK s,t uate in the city of New Bern, bounded and di i eribed as followa. to-wit: That certain lot or parcel uf land in the city nf New Bern. Craven county. North Caiolia.i. and In that portion of said city known and dcpiunahsl as "Pavietown." as plotted and rWordi-d m II. ...u No. 106-Folio 316. of th. public records in r 1 1 , of Register of Dela for said Craven rour.ly. a.' d bearing the number Seventy (7li) un m laid j.l t or plan, said lot belnr located on the u.-st mde nf BloomAald street and beinK I2 feet by ui fn-t more or len. JOSEPH L. IIA1IN This 23rd day of February, 18I1-. Amatewr Might De aa Welt. MFetl tha truth, now. You are a pro- fseaional tieggar.. are you hot?" aaid I i?3&T 1 iSOBfOU SOUTKERK BJUUtflM "I mnd to think I waa." replied tbe weary wayfarer, "ot rtaee 18 cants Is 0 t have to a how foe a day' work I am .foTeed to pe conclusion that I ka aneraly aa ajauitaur"-etiy ata. Haa, w - 'V?. '' I- Chambtrlala'a . Ceegh Remedy bs wotvila mat reputat! n aed rtieftsive aale by Its remark able raree of cough , celda and croop. v t cm bo aVpendvd . sn tv. ; bo ay au aeanra. i ROUTE OF THE "NIGHT tXPRESS" JchsrfuU EBadWa fclircb. 3. 1912 Tn following schedule flguree pub- f-'. Yankee, "v.. - rll - TVa lndUta to Msacbtaea bal trwsble at only with the. Eagtkh, but a pronoaoelng their eery as me. ,Tbey esjred It Tenreeaje, , 81 oca Ins red Kea gave trie white tuksbttBt (bat aarue K waa natural that ibe cotonlea la at p. er partg of tbe coootry should oo tb sanra. Pueb was lb orlgla of Ibe tarns rsnkee." aa applied originally ta (be people Ot Boa too, ssrs a writer. ACOLLVUGRirPE. TBCH fNEU- ;',:',.:;monil:, rr-w i- Il too often tha Xa-al ariere,'ad eoriohs that hng ttt weaken (he sys tem and l iaar tbe viial rraisttnee. (e ley's Honey and Tar tV)inwUrtd I a re liable me.:, r in that atopt the eowgb I rtn l 'j t t he ilirg" iriat r '); ith th ii.n.r .'. j a-r I iijai, and rhecks lla ea Id. iieeri !j ca lnd Kfu sn atitutr, J uf , .f all liealrra, . ; j A St.4lee. r m And i I'l l m .r r, r i 1 - r ' -1 it E Irif ff) t,v 1 U( i 1 :. r. as lafortnatiosi ONLY and are not tr"4raoteed. , J a -. , "wri rwi . TRION3 LEAVB NEW BERN. 4 .NORTH AKD-WE8T BOUND It JO DaJly-Nlght Expraaw PoU - , saaa SWrr-g Car for Norfofk. - 15 at ai. Dally for Norfolk, eornects : ..foe an potrtta North- and - Weet Parlor car service betweea Waata ? Ington aodTvOrf oik. IriS p m. Dafly ' eieept . 8ondar fori ., v WsabJogton, rtlhaTea.Oeer)VHsB ' Wilaou and Raleigh. , Parlor car .. W,weeWaahmrandRalelg. 4:10 t m, Dally Nlght aareaa for i tlJaboro. --.-v JO Daily fot Gokbboro, tMpm. Dally for CoUabort." , ' i is . i 920 m. Dally fo Beaufort. iul6 in. ;; Beaafort. IJJ0 a . Dafty eioapt Saoday foe t aft f Daily fes? OrleaUL V i For Pi r ,er In for at Low y raaervstlne ef Pu!li..tt K le ping Car tpae, apply tl T, II. r.nnatf, T. A,, New liarw. n, t; V. W. C; iXTOJl W. R. HUDSON, . G. 1. A. Csrj'J Bupt. N."f-'V. Va. . MORTGAGE SALE. Pttranant to th power of sale rimluii-iit in that eertala mortgage deed, execute! by lam.l Hotloway and Julia Hollo. ay. his wife to J. 1.. Baha. baarisardaU of April 2lt, lido, ami re corded IS the public record. In ofllrenf Rr later it Deeds for Craven county. North (iaroiin.i. .n Book No ISO-Folio 406. Tbe undersigned will offrr for aal and trS t. the highest bidder, for cash at the coon I., u-.. acesveinid Craven county, on Sstunlay th. Ji.th day afi March, If H, at tka hour of II n ilorb. all Use feUowtagdaarribed real nUI, In wit: AM that eeatatn lot or parcel of land lyma ,nl ketag ailuata b the elty of New IWn. North Oamllaa, sad ia that pert ot aaid city comoomly I as Keitmatelnvllle." s reenrdel in th. ern ef Baar later et Dead lor nld Craven count y. b Beek Na. rW-rotloa M and 7. and hrarin aaea seal plan tha soaker two U) houndnl and eaaMlba a foOew: Beslanln on ih. wet ,aie mt atdl street al a BoihC. the extreme north end at mat ehit. aad nraalag thenea nnrtk BM tw. Ifllfntleth aorthwaat oomer oj said lot; thence mlkrwnrasr paralM wltk Mlddl street to the swaeraf haTlla, aartkisn nwtwardly In) feM S BtSjer Mreet; Vntu nertkwardly s fnt along JUsW. sweat a the awfjoaJiaas, The dw.lun aenw esea an yren we tswtrW the uvbnl ka - aaawaaat aw ssSaSSBT BwajsyeasnfBjaL j TVS tard Say ef rrWaAry. IBfS, V. U HArlN. - - ' ' Meet save. " ' -1. . ' -.', .VDMINWTRATOR'rJ VoriCE. . ..! . mTr. ' ; -r . ktlnwsMeawiea'UWIb ash 4 a eaeSSed ea AlnlaOwtn at lb nut af W. A. Wlltlsaw Ssianil end all nmm haVU ' hkf sbwi ataraeA aakl art tear bettliy aoUflaJ k a the ky ewned with tha bedevektS' at, as er wsfe rVawwary IS t tr UUr hnWn wiqbe UedJ la baraf any ninary. AO per.. swsadiaa aakl estaie will seek aa pw mrdhsss sttl.wa with the eanelesj; -'A -T.- Ada.lejrfBer. ,. .f" . if atlci to tredllort. r 11 -5T "ft -y i t' . Tt,'e mjLLli I..VLI t.f S ' i...' lined lefora th Clerk of Sutvrrior Codri ef Oavm erxiniy as. Adm(n!trtor , f W;'I1. lUblnan. deeeoeacL aTty arf idee all peraorri baying rlnima atramat theatltle of Ihe said W. If. Rjhiran (to present tl,"err duly aatlifntlrated to th tl nler srr. afi 01 oT berofa tbe 1 dsy of Vtsfh, A, D. ISlt, or thianonWwIll be r-U- V la bat O-lKeif fcrirrl. Afl r ,:.?:;.,. 1, U-t4 (rt Ih eat If ff rait '. - ev f f v. v ; . ft i - ."' -. '- t er T ' V, v. .- rv " i L-i'ftai; ' e -''lii.. A 1 , 1 "s K 1 'SI L w L. ' I' f r c- -S-l! ; rt- 7 - V,

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