CEiijUren.Ciy 'for Fletcher's :;, mm . . t m to. ue for, over .'JO "The Kind Xtm Have AIwayaBopsht; au.I wliich has been years, has bornci tbt algroature ' ' ' - and has been made under hta per- ' - ' 1 sonar superVLsion slace Its Infancy. fT: Aiirtw no nnei to rierorvA voa In this. - AH Counterfeits, Imitations ami .IuBt-a-goodV ate hut ' Ifrpertments that trifle with and endanger the health, of . laiants and tJUUdreu-Exiencnce agsinBi tjeperunene What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor OU Pare gork, Props and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor? other. Narootlo substance. Its npe Is its guarantee, it destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relievos Teething'Troubles, cures Constipation, and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach nd Bowels, giving healthy and, natural sleep ... The ChUtJOU'! I'iuitwea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALVr5 ) Bears the Signature of 3 The Kind You Have iftpys Bought In Use For THE CENTAUR COMPANY, Over 30 Years SJURflaV STREET, NEW YORK CITY. -1111 mMmmmsmM& MJMBmjmWi ii h wmm umiiii i ' SOUTHERSJRAILWAY DIRECT LINIi TO ALL POINTS NORTH, SOUTH-EAST. WEST. Very Low Round Trip Rates to all Prineipal Resorts. j Through Pullman to Atlanta, leaves Raleigh 4 :0r. p ni, nrnves Atlanta ti:.t5 p m, making close connection for and arriving Montgomery following day afj ter leaving Raleigh 1 1 :0u a ni, Mobile 4:12 p rn New Orleans S:.'i() p m, liirm ingham 12:15 noon, Memphis 8:05 p m, Kansas City 11:20 a ni, pr-rimd day and connecting for all other pomta. This car also maker rinse connection trtSr.lia-j bnry for St. Louis and ollvr Western! point j Through Pullman to W ashington lea ves Raleigh 6:f-0 p m, arrives Vvashing----on 8:63 am, Kaliimore 111:02 a in, Phila delphia 12:211 noon, New York 2:H1 p m. This car makes cIhsc connection at Wi-nh-ington for Piltshurg, I'hicago and all poinU North and West and at Greens boro for Through Tourist Sleeper lor California points ami for all Florida points. Through Prlor Oar for Asheville leaves (joldaboro at r, :! fi a ni, Haleigh 8:36 a m, arrives Aslieville 7:4ti p m, making clone connection with the Caro lina Special and arriving Cincinnati 10 m, following d.y after leaving Unl -eigh, with clone connection for all points North and North-West. Pullman for Winston-Salem leaves Raleigh-'2:30 a m, arrives Greensboro 6:30 a m, making close connection jreonsboro for all pomls Nortli, South, City of New Bern, N. C; $50, 000.00 5 per cent. 20 Year Bunds For Sale. Sealed bids will he received at the efflce of the umlcrsia-ned. in New Bern N. C . until Tuesday. 2nd day of April. 1912. at 12 o'clock. M. for the purchase of fttty thousand dollar city of- Ne Bern. tiC, b-mris payable 20 years after the lada of M. y Ii12. and bearing interest at the rate of E per centum ner hiam, which Said interest shall he payable Buni-apnually on the first days of May anil November at karh and every yearat uch place or places as may be agreed upon by and be tween the Board of Aldermen of said-cliy and the pu-chan-TOf said bonds so Ion as anyof said bond flh.ill remain due and unpaid. Said bonds to bt of the denominntion of not less than ten dollar rer more than one thousand dollars tar h. aa ma be determined by the Board of Aldermen, and shall bear on their face the words: "Issued for the leKitimate i ecessary expenses of the city o New Ben.." All ttc euupons thereon shall after inH'uriry. be reeoivahle in payment of all taxes. debt ', dues, licences, fl-ies, and demands due th ciiy. "f an kled whatsoever, which shall be ex uri ssod on the face of suid bonds. In all other re. peeU the ssirl bonds shall l-e in such form ar m ly be airr-ed upon bv and between the as b.i.rd cf aldermen and the purchaser thereof. Ceriified check i f two hu idred and fifty del lai-e an evidence of sued faith must be filed ar lit bid. Didders are inviled tn submit form of b.ndl to he us d. The right to rej ctaoy and all bid: is reserved. By or-ler "t-the Board of Aldermen of th. city of N-w Bern This 8th day of March. 1DI2 F. T. PATTERSON. City Clerk. , i r " ' I i i . V 7. iHHMaBslaaBI -T i t ; - rtailMl,. 'Be-V l WMSWI -C" -I iGajftUU. WiXi TJ ! Mttitm ' -' ddatlnued Imm Pse Two): Senator D:xod, Roosevelt's mat agCt ("ays Tafl's speeches show that he i unwilling to trust the people. at'f East and West This car Is handled! on train No. Ill leaving GoldHboro at 10:46 p m. If you desire any information, please call. We are here to luniuh informa tion aa well as to sell tickets. H. F. CARY, J. O. JONES, G. P. A. T. P. A. Washington, D. C. Raleigh, N. C. PROEFuSlJil CARDS J SOUTHERN RAJLWAlf MUTmIIH Bi XfTit SCBKOOLIt M. atTseM liurss ar publlsba tto Information u r aot fuara. MO. 11 Lmy Uoldsboro, N. U.. -A. Bu, Uiruib irat. u v Mr to AiWHI rYvneerri.. East Durhum. ff Oxford, Het ' foa. KTl1t and Klearwu ' OalYsrallT for (Tiiel IUi Y. M. HiranoBN ' . A. J). Ward. SUOHS AND WARD A 1TOKNKY8 AND COUN8KLLOR) IT LA If HlW 1KBS, I. C. Offlc Rooms 40144 Elks Building Practice In the counties of C rarer Duplin, Jones. Lenoir, Onslow, Carl eret, Psmhco and Wake, In th So preme and Faderml Court, and . wbor evrr senrlcwi are deeired. ' CarfiWon glanced la the direction of tnr keel bwf and sb instant later saw 6lTOri "tfamber ' otot , its side." The tivyvrbiceepr crossed to the cab. in, were :he as met by Bess, who placed in att aandswnat seeraea to. be f wooden DowL With this he slouched dy touone ot the outbuild ings, Hrhlcir he entered. Ten of nf teea ttinutes slipped by, then he cam from theUhed end after securing tht door. return.ed so the .cabin, lie was again met by Bess, who reliered him of the bowl; they exchanged a lew I words and Slosson walked, away and afterward disappeared oyer the side of the keel boat' This mac was clear to the Ken tuckiMi: lopd bad been taken to some one to- the shQd to' Betty and the boyl--more likely to George. He waited hip w for the night to come, and ' to him the sun seemed fixed In the heavens. At Belle Plain 'Tom Ware was. watching It with a shuddering sense of the swiftness ot Its flight. ; But -at Isst the tops of the tall tress obscured It; it sank quickly then and blaxed; a ball of fire beyond the Arkansas 'coast, while Its dying glory spreads aslant the heaxens, turn ing the flanks. Of the gray clouds to Tiolet and purple and gold. With the firsV approach of darkness Carrlngton made his way to the sbed. Hidden In the shadow he paused to listen, and fancied he heard difficult breathing - from within. The door created hideously on its wooden hinges when he pushed it open, but as it swung7, back the last remnant of the day's llght'Showed him some dark object lying prone on the dirt floor. He reached down and his hand rested on a man's booted foot, "George--" Carrlngton spoke softly, but the man on the floor gave no sign that he heard, and Carrlngton's ques tioning touch stealing higher he found that George if It were George was lying on his side with his arms and legs : securely bound. Thinking he slept, the Kentuckian shook him gent ly to arouse aim, "George?" he repeated, still bend ing Above him.'' This time an inartic ulate murmur answered him. At the same instant tHe- woolly head ot the negro came under his fingers and he discovered thw 'reason of his silence. He ii a securely gagged as he was bound' i "Listen, George it's Carrlngton I am going to take-off this gag; hut don't speak above a whisper they may hear vn"' And he cut the cords that held the gag in place. "H6W yo . get here, Mas'r Ca'lng- tonf asked the negro guardedly, as the gag lell away. 'Around the head of the bayou." Xawd! exclaimed George, in a tone of wonder; - -Where' Miss Bettyr "She's In the . cabin yonder fo the love of Qott cut these here other roper with yr knife, Mas'r Calngtoa I'm perishing with 'eml" Carrlng ton :'dld 'ar he asked, and groaning. Oeorge sat erect tb use i was gone to sleep all over," he said. 'Joull feel better la a moment Tell ' (TO BBS CONTINUED.) OUT O? COHTO When yon feel lazy, stretchy, half- ick''Uoe" and discotusged, look to the liver. - It is torpid. .-. r ; Oai.a. siJiwJ LIVERQEOULATOa -'i s. . :ifi (this powiaot FOwii . IS KCMEDT J0U REED 'i tt k not only an; Invlgoraring tonic for-e tcid liver,- but it extendi its cieaasing and mtorative influence to the stomach and bowela. Helps di ges- tion and food asaimttlation. purifies the bowels and brings back the habit Of Tegular daily Txiwel movements. When the stomach, liver and bowels are active, bUiorts impurities no longer obstruct functional processes, the re sult of which is renewed ..energy, mental, activity and cheerful spirits. Satt by fiulsri. Pries, brgs psdtsgag'titOO ;aakfwlhesaalaswlUiihea4ZaathelaBet. II yeacaaset trt , ratait u o. w. aill ,n4 by Bull aostsalsV Sltaaieas Liver Sesalsler Is stie pvt a ta ItaaUlena for these whs prefer It. Prios. at JO asr ksttla. Leak lor the Bad I label. J, H. ZEIUN & C0 Praps, St LsuN, Ma. 31: - i JON3 COUNTY SljpERIOB COUB.T j77.: SPRIaQ TiR, 19li! --V ) MONPAApril-list, All Criminal easea..U it . J-'m - v ? TUESDAY, pril 2nd, 10. Headows vs F IS Reynolds vs Kin li "Smith ?a Marre lit iMm'wm Pr.fr ' 1 IB Eure, Harris 19 -Isler vsGoldaboi 20 s Harriett. LumberiCo. Phlte et at. - . t April 3rd. Notices MORTGAGE SALE. Consolidated. raotloe With Wooden Lege. Of the five cases In the accldea ward that were pronounced cured -at the same time three remained in tbt hospital more than a week after the other tv had gone home .-They Vd to stay," said an Interne "to get uaed to their wooden legs, li takes some time to learn to managt wooden legs, and most men who wli: have to peg along with them for tbt rest of their natural lives stay in thr hogpitakseveral days after they get well to practice stumping around on their new legs. Of course they can learn outside, but the man who has Just acquired a wioden leg feels so awk ward and Is so likely to fall down and break the other leg or an arm or toaybe his neck that we prefer to keep him here so he can take bis first les sons under our supervision." Nsw York Times. WinaattvsB D WEONESDA Islef Ysoomles et al. Eubanka vsTkdsns et al. Collins vs Coy. ' Hargett vs Taylor, Harrison vs A & N C R R Co. APDuVal vsACLRRCe. A P DuVal vs A C L R R Co. THURSDAY, April 4th. 30 Collins va Brown , 33 Hrnisn va tVillirla ' 31 Dixon vs Banks. 32- Monger & Bennett vs Rhodes. 34 Barry vs Foscue, Adm'r. 35 Wimsatt vs Hawkins. 36 Goldaboro Lumber Co. vs A J Tur ner. " ; FRIDAY, April 6th. Taylor vs Taylor, (Divorce.) King et al. vs poldsboro Lum. Co. Hay vs Manger & Benneft. Dudley va Munger & Bennett. Morton vs Munger & Bennett. Al) other cases subject to motion, all parties and witnesses concerned will attend court on day case is set for trial aa above stated, without further notice. This March 4th, 1912. J. B. COLLINS, Clerk Superior Court, dones County Per ival S. Hill was t lected president of the American Tobacco Company. Children Cry FOR FLETGHER'S CASTORIA rhe Only Way. It's tough upon a bard to And there o demand for vere. HIr life beeomr a sordid grind. He goes from bad t worse. The thing for him to do. I win. When thus the market goes Is to dts guise hla verse like this and work )l 8 as prose. - W asbington Herald. rarest ta Om swerae af asisrowrsrmat ia tba eertata asarisaradaafl iinslii k 8aa.Be) E. t ariMa.il asrd Aaatla H. Salmirst bja wtfa. to D, R BtaUisia-s. bearteaT tlaUl tt March Stir. 1S1I. ami reaetdtStetaerssgnfabjof&oaofEe-(tetet- at daa4s far Oavesi tmaty,- ta Book No. IStorWfe lia tawaaiVansfraaaJ wiS offer far sale aad sea to the kicaeat beddar for aask at the eeort houae deer ia New Ban. N. C, oa Monday UattjidiJayof AarS. Itll. at the kear of 12 d-Bieck. all the toUow ias deaeribed real estate as conveyed ra aaki aaortaaceU wit: Ail that certaia tract or parcal af land in the Ttk. townahip. Craves eoaoty. North Carolroa. on te souU side of Trent Rivwr. near the city of New Kara N, CL. beclaams oa Use aoatk aide of Bryan street tee described and kid off in the Blotof kutdcsJIadCoiuashse" which said plot is ncorded IB the Res is tar's office for the said Craven county la Book llX-Folios 292 and 233 four hundred (480) bxhty feet from a atone on the. south side of the Beaufort Road, which said stone is 1S88 from the foot of Clermont Bridae, over Trent River aforesaid: than runs south 78 E. 2 to feet; then south 12 W. 210 feet; then north 78 west 2 e feet; then north 12 E. to the beitinr ing. Sard lot beaimc the numb-r three (3) upon raid plot or plan, and betna the same land conveyed by Henry R. Bryan et ale. to Henry W. Ander son by deed dated December Sth. 1895. recorded in siu puoik recoras lavjwoet Ma. 12U. Folios 148 and 141. and inherited by said Samuel E. Anderson as eon and sole-heir-at- law of said Henry W, Anderson, now deceased. Also another tract or parcel of land In the 7th township, said state and county, lyina and being situated on William street in the plan ofGrejs- ville."a plotted and recorded in laid public re cords in Book No. 112-Folios 144 and 146. and bearing the number eighty-flee (86) upon said plot or plan. It being the same land conveyed by E.H. and J. A. Meadows Co.. to Elisabeth Anderson by deed dated June 24th. 188. recorded in said pub lic Kcoids in Book No. 184 -Folio 286, and in herited by said Sxmuel E. Anderson as eon and sole heir-at-law of laid Elinbeth Anderson, now deceased. The descriptions in ail of which said deeds are hereby referred to and made a part bereuf. This 14th day of March A, P.. 1912. D, H. SfALUNGS. Mortgagee The United States Supreme Court delared repair shopmen railroaders. LGgalsJNotices MORTGAGE F ALE. - - ' - , By vtrtoe of tie power eonbenod in s rertab hlorti-age Ded executed by Jasper T. Orrawan . to K. B, Jones, dated Jaa. 4. Itwi and rworded in the omee of Begieterof Deeds of Craven county ' Book No. 131 page SuL 1 bsvrng bee:i M qualii Bed as administrator of the cu-ute i.f K. It, Joaeaw. wdlaatl to the highest Wider lur iti.h aUtha Court House door in New Bun N. : tnSaturi'-" day theSOthday cf biarch lai2. th. f. l owingda -aeribed piece of iarid-lying and b.i,ig in Craven A county. N- C. on rhe north side uf Neuse rrver aad on the west side of Swift c re. k. srtju ningther lines of H. J, Carrawan. Lewis Weil.nigion, Ate-4 Wiggins and othars It being pan ol the patent granted to Ebentser Klsde; beginn:! ut the foot of Tboe. Green's path-the beginon y ( orner ot PranV' era Fonville'. line and running wit.iu first line N. 82 1-2. W. 80 poles t,. n e then with Fonvil'e's Btcond Hne .N. poles to a lie hi wood ntnkeon an islnn.l ant Swamp-then with Thittm (,n i-, line to acorr.erof a pieceut !u;,ti i . . ..k Wethington by Elbert i'hillli .-. tl.en Wethington's line to th.-tiiaw, r, , said road to the corner of a tlr.e a i e lanj deeded to Alt x Wigitin? by 1 il, it taea with said W iggm's ltn t- 1;. ..-I- then with Beasley's line S. tSJ 1-:. K t corner of said patent, then N. 1-j tu road, thence down sai 1 ruail lo the In yir. trining one hundred and thirt- en I Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Rhode Island mills announced that tn increase in wages be made. You can ray goodbye to constipation with- a clear consicence if you u.e Chamberlain's Tablete. Many have been permanent ly cured by their use. Fi r sale by all dealers. " Childern are much more likely to con tract the con' ag ions dieas(-s alien they have colds, whoopihg'cough, diphtht ria, scat let fever and consumption are diseases that are often contracted when the child has a cold. That is why all medical authorities say beware of colds. For the quick cure of colds you will find nothing better then Chamberlain's Cough Remedy It can always bt de pended upon and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by all dealers. EXECUTORS NOTICE. All persons having claims against the estate of Hancy Moore, deceased, are notified to present them to the undersigned for payment duly au thenttcatcd in New Bern, N. C. before the 15th day oi March. 1913, or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery. All who are indebted to the estate are required to make Immediate payment to me. A. H.BANGERT. Duly qualified Executor of Uancy Moore, deceased. This March 11th. 1912. or less and known as the Klli-ri 11 J. A. Jones, administrator of th, JoneB and trustee of K. R. Jone.i, This 26 day of Feb . i:U2. i 1 Kopviilw -inl corner, 1-'-'. E, 148 i V. t. l'leas- : 's patent (1 to Lewie v. .th r.aiJ 1 li. n down " e piece Of t i'l.iliips. . patent; to u pine the main 'mine;, con- more .Ihpi land, estate of K. . COMMISSIONER'S SA1.K OK ESTA'I'i:. iEAL Under and by virture of an order of the Super ior Court of Craven County, N. (',. mnoe the special proceeding entitled 1-lnn n. n A. Collins and R. A. Collins, her liuabnrd. Mary Lucas Carrie Williams and James William", her hun band. William Lucas anil Texara .ucn-. his wife; Mamie Lucaa and Fred Lucas, tin- lasi wn heirir minors appearing by their next fr ien-!, 1 S, Jones vs. Carrie Louise Wetherinnl.m. Kmh (Ideasa Wetherington anil Ira Wayne W th-i iaeton. DR. H.v M -BGNSER DISEASES OF TBE h all p VH at GreetMiboro for Charlotte, arte tKdBU toutt., l ...(, . vUlS, Lrachbsrg. Chrlfrits- Wasalsroo. al' '- '. f ye. Ear, Hose land Hirbal ... - .AMI - ' eenefal: SBroery : ; Office In Elks Temple Nest ' Dr. U. a Catoa, Hew llern, N. C. : . f f HU tl LeevaUotoaboro. 0i tet, QrnetaelHrro. akerilss tn . HllnissTUUfaB. W AllanU, ' ATTORiNEY AT LAW : acUot'la the totinUee of Craved CarUret. I'amllco im and Ortelow and m the Bute rkprm. tod Fedeh i r- ovta'ei Yf ARf "- txrrsiiiwcc " r vit in vt,nwwtm ,"r iCoarta. -'".: . J . pttn Berlh, sosth as s-l; , - ones Re. 10 Cron .e.VlilVi'taliaS. 1 - .taUshese ft. If. gl-jr, SJ"kwwvwB jLsmwn -..wpru-l . tot OreewSboro. hsnfilee (aUma ' BaUlgti ; ts Ofwaaslitw. We ' aaets at Orewsbot lor Chat ' tette, Adaau , Kew Orlesse y asbsvUIe, tairivlUe, also fev '! ';-rOeafIle, Lysehbsi. Chart, L'T'.'tcvtlI, WsaAlaitem, " a eX '' aotnt. aafta. ? , . ',. ",.'. " - , . . - , " er Nrtirr terorwaUee as any 'nerltore Urlet Sisal r a4rea Ue 1, tt. f. cary," ; V ' . Osrtaral TsasaacBf ssst, - j ; 'i!ft, T). r, . W. n i'A - ; f.. 1 if- i r . ,,... ... "'"SJ lit r 4 n. .v THE BEST PROOF New Bern Citiifni Cannot Doubt ' '' ' ; It. Ooen's Kidoef Pills were osed-the The story 'was told to Ns Ben reel Tirfce has Uri(Ured the evidence, Has proven the sure pwrtneaeat. ;Ttr teeilaaortf to heo tataUmoay. Tse prr-ef soavloctray. - It eaa BoJoveatlf ated by New. Pare - Ri A; Havederaoa,1 1M Georgf St. Nr8etm;rtv. am Doea't Std- eeyiniai aj-srayf ry valuable , tetned; end I eta aef ast:ibey H4t m mote It4 ihaaiury it Wet Ikmey' medklnel tvef toutu 1 eaff ered from a dull pain Crdrs sty w'Seerlnd lhs was sceompaat -4 fey est mrvtae laweaH In my beck". Isliestd ufistnatioe of lhe bladdar SfHrthe ra4BHux4) ct the kidney arc re tiurm paitard" n4.. IXoan's KU1dT fiite, birh I ' Brk ut4 ' from tb " ! radium Oruit Otv. rtB4ved atl IsoMaaet and pais an4 anr"rt)Ved my sodlUa a svtrf srsy f Ststfnst irveeoaetssosry tS, f J CONFIRMET) fK0OF. " Mr. Ilw.'- r-iti was ii)tetvlwd ee NpI n,!. : ', 1910 ari tie said "I ll liriki'y vr-fiff r. fm friar e.l.r.iit pf Dotn's fr.e 1; M t ' Stiver f fr J I r ' Mar AlibJ. Much to the curious little fflrrs dls gust, her elder slater and ber girl friends bad quickly cloned (be door of the back parlor before she coulf wedge her small serf in among them. Bhe waited uneasily for a little while, thee she knocked. No response. She knocked again Still no attention. Her curiosity could be controlled no longer Dodo!" she called In staccato tones aa she knocked once sgulni "Taln'4 soel it's manimaf" i.lpplncotfa WHAT WE NEVER FORGET aeeofding to science, are the things as sociated with oar early home life, such aa Bock ten's Arnica Serve, that mother or crand mother used to eure our barns, bolU, scald, eore. skin eruptions., cats. sprains or bruises. Forty years of cures prove Its merit, unrivaled for es. corns or cold-sores. Onlv 26 cents at all drog.ista. He Wasn't a Beauty. Matrimonial Agent (hesitatingly v Yes, my dear. air. but It will be very difficult to flrul a wife for you. Appli cant Haven't you- anything a hit short sighted In stock? -London Tit-Bits. HOW COLD CAUSES KIDNEY DIS EASE. Partly by driving blood from the sur face and congesting the kidneys, and psrtly by throwing too much work up on them. Foley Kidney Pills strength en the kidnt-ya, give tone to the urinary organs and restore the moral action of the bladder. They are tonic in action, quick in results. Try thrm. For sale by all dealers. Money a. MUdd, Jr., will make a fight for the seat in Congress of Thorn as Parran, of the Fifth Maryland dis trict. NOTICE. In accordance with chapter 286 of the priaate laws of North Carolina, aesaion 1911. It beina; an act incorporating- the Trent River Railroad Com pany and prescribing the manner and method of a county bond issue, notice ia hereby (riven that an eleetion will be held at the various precincts in Jones county on the 24th day In April 1912 at which time and place the question of " Subscrip tion" or "No Subscription" to the county's is Buir. ft- (fifty thousand) 150,000 of bonds to be sub scribed to the capital stock of said railroad, will be bu Urn it ted to the qualified voters for approval. A new rofct atration has been ordered by the board of commuuiionera in accordance with said act and reftistrars and poll holders have been ap pointed and the publfe Is notified that the rests tration books will be open front 22d day of March to and including the 13th day of April 1912, This 9th day of March. 1912. R D. DIXON. Clerk to Board minors appear inp by their ih' a t i n W, Wether in Eton, the umit-r. rr.f I will on Monday, first day of A HI, o'oloek. M., at the court hmst uu County, in the city of Nrw Him n, N, sale to the highest h;di)t.T. f.ir cw r , tain lot or parcel 'f laml. v.. -i' i ing in the city uf Now lirrn, N. r., aa follows, viz, Hfuinr inK n tin Pasteur street and ut -rhe ari.-v A ) son's and lietsy Move' lot rind runm: line 140 feet; thence nort hwHrdly my. Pasteur street !.? foft, 1 inch; ti. !, and parallel to Queen street lS' i-vl 3 de of Pasteur street; thorn e w it h ' of Pasteur street 32 feet. 1 im-li, (nil it beinK the same land cnnvnyci 1 and Mary N. Biyan his wifo. ill by deed dated 29 May, I.o, anil i. r fRre of the Ftegister of D.-ciIh nf i N. C , in book Si. papi-31'". This 2Gth day of FehruLii y, I j: : . Anthony nmis-.ioner i'M-l, nt 13 i' Cravf . HVer fur I! that cer ,t. nnl bo il h ur.dd - ( .hIo of Mri,.f Wil- "Ml h their pai-.illel tu i twardly i the west i' woist, sitie !' t'innirii(; . Ii. itryan !'. l.uena --I in the' 'ii County, II. A NUNN ill IIm ii .1. 1 tl NOTICE. NORTH CAROLINA CRAVEN COUNTY. Superior Court. FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS ron isAOKJhsOHet Kidneys and Blaodbr Nwthlng Chp f tf twrd. Edward. wltb bl iarnu. was Uk tag dinner it a -restaurant -Well, Edward,- Mid tht waiter, who knew tba UttW fellow, "what ar yW folnc to eat todajrr . " ' : 1 doatlstidw jet9 wai the lonocent iuwft ffbflt 1 know It Will be aooie ttUair we can't aflrV to eat at . borne.- Qak4to BecenJ IIetald. A et range man, wbo forced hie way Into Judge Roealsky'e home in New York, was thought to be ioaane. Sarah E. Ambrose va Spencer W. Ambrose. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled aa above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Craven county. J40 obtain a divorce from th bonds of inatrimory That the said defendant will further take no tice that he Is required to appear at the April term of said Superior Court In said county, to be held on the 8th day of April. 19(2, at the court house In said county. In New Berm, North Caro lina, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This March Bth. 1912. W. M. WAT30N: Clerk Superior Court, noth l; of sam-: By virtue of the fnithm itv rnnfrn undertngned by a a 1 t.iin mid . ... I between Joseph I,. HhnaMl ,Ii 1 i the purchase of 11 lot of hind (km , ed, in which said contract (Im' 1 i ' land was retained by tlw s.ii I .1 I the purchase muitey thcr ft v v. ., and default huvint- he n in;. !' u of said purchase nu in for its payment, and t h. fully empowerert to lui . upon Riirh default and tc or private bh!p. NOW THKKKFOKl-', in , ,.v. termsand Btiptitatumw of ! ; said the undtrnij'ifd v Hi lor cawh at public vctm) m- i-, t ). the court house d.ir 111 t l,t ,t Craven county. Nortli ( ';i nd m.i on Saturday the :mih da:. I Mu lowing described rual cut air. r, uate in the city of New lie: n, cribed as follow h. to-v.ii. That certain lo' or patccl of ! New Bern, Craven e.nuuty, iN.( in that portion nf said it v 1, 1.. as "PavitJ)Wn." ftH pl'itle d a No. 106 -Folio 3W. of the pid, 1 of ReKister of Deo-U for ntud l bearing the numbor Seven t , f or plan, aaid lot b-u.ti i-cuU d Bloom field street ami bemw .... more or less. upon the 1 -t I into ! ' is, for 1 ti'scrib fhe said imi until M in full; pnyinrnt . , ciHed In U-ing -iid and . I'lidllC .Ui tho ih afoie ai:rj sell ' ! .dder at v. iJern . ' k M.. i ho fol-J h -:g Blt- y "t nnii, nml iw nnted 1 1 in linok I 111 1 llioe i.ui.ty. and n i.-ii.l i.k.t s 1 Hitje o( in I feet J( 1 This 23rl day of l-.-l,nj I.. it;.'. HA11N TheVChild's Welfare" movement bes challeogecLthe attention of thought ful psople everywhere. Uo here are natural supporters, and will find in Foley'a Honey and Tar Compoond a most vslnable aid. Coughs and ;eolrls that aachecked lead to croup, bronchitis and paeamoaS yield qolckly to the heal. Inf and eothlntr . jn. Hies of Foly'a Honey end Tar Compound. For ssle by all dsaknrsv. f f Pills for I bae t isrh, end kWrHjf for. 1 V ok IMS lnij, Ymi - ! irfH.t'nue t- f UO-kilkia s 1 t s'trsx IMfs, U Co, i:ti?Je 1 !r !':t I".' , - ChsmKeriala'e Coogh Rrmedy has wen Its treat reooution and eiuasive sate by its remark al Is eusee of eoosha. so Ids and eroop r It rn - be depended npoa, 117 it. Bold njr su Ueelera ' Thirty rlotoos msroUrs were driven from Bt, afickaal's CaChcIrt! chores tt Que nnatl, eight srrvsts Uihg made. ' So SaWOHl KiiMtara SiAOosa Waodrnw' Wilscn WdqaarUrs at vVasbtrrKtoA.ttaimiMl the majority f the delaff slloa from Ksniaa, " t . ' UNCLE EZftA, 8AIS t " "It don't tslternot-e'ss 'fill qv srToH te fit folS lt)U a (MN-h of troubles" Sad a little neflt ,r e mt palltn, hit LtMiinma, Inilifresiioei r other liver der atveertvenl will d4 t fttr. If Silinf, ! lit. Ulnf'a Nw Life Tills for qrilrk rellB I'.aay, aafo, Sr, end ooiylScenta atalldrujiiais, . t ." Wsl.loS titeey, of Nbbj Jahtay, kae taken the oath as a Jrt'ilre f the Unl t4 States Hiiprem, ("i.tirt. " .. . '-' -f Hsr HablU eont Uke the woman 70a mad 'ate takn to snppeh 6 be has each way Of pinnies yoq dowa." : . Tbat'i raeriiy force ot bablt wHh aer.;, Bhea (lreesmakerr-Baltlsaors axoericaa. ." . -. -:r - - 4; r- ,. BACKACltE ALMOST UNBEAfU- Is as slmovt mtatn rweolt nt kidney folefKdney Pills a-food they done wonders for -tn: trie, and Today J can do a bard day's work and not fseJ the effefU."-f or sale by all .dealers. . . ; , ' ; , : f - TKe CMI ftsrvlee. ; . - ; fa the civil, eervkt evrim!sloo the Celled ; Btatee; fotertitimit bail the frvatant employ aient barsett th ' the world. Or, bslf s mtllloa pwpl"sfe ea the fro vera niant i-syroll, lttrlu4)f rl31prs ef the ftandlfif army, ami Of thee empiojeef c early alf sre r-H-llt fj'ny.es the result of compe'tiure essmtBStlonl.' NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD ROUTE OP THE "NIGHT EXPRESS" Schedule EflectWi Mirch. 3, 1812 Tne following Schedule figures pub lished as Information ONLY and are not guaranteed. TEAIN8 LEAVE NEW BERN NORTH AND WEST BOUND 12:30 a oi, DaUy-Njirht Express Puli : man Slplng Car for Norfolky 2& a tn, Dafty for Norfolk . for all points North and West, Parlor ear service between Waah 1 . Ingtosi aad Serf oik. . 16 p m, Dally axMpt . Sunday for . Weahmtrl.belhaveB,GYeeaville f ; Wilson and Raleigh. Parlor ear . oetween vy sanuifvon ana rutsign or :nlihvstttr.b - tM f n, Daily for Goldaboro, ' EAST, BOUND . t, m. Dally for Been fork ndSpm, .V " Beaofort, daW a n, Daily eicept 8undey for ; t (' -Oriental. ' , tU p Its, Daily for Oriental ! for further Informal loo of reeervsUon at Pullman Sleeplnf Car space, sppty to T. U. BeesMtt, T. A., New Bern, W.W.atOXTON. W. B. HUDSON, a r. A. ' - ! Can18HU Y ' : ' Norfolk, Va. ' ' - mokt(;a.;i; ,-ai.: Tursusnt to the peu er i f - n '. that certain mortawc drt, . ut liolloway end Julia Holh.wny. hi 9 Uahn. bearing date cf April 21' '. corded in th public rernl. m -.d, ,. Deeds for Craven county. N-.rth Book N'j I) - Folio tu:,. The undersigned wdl 'df. r fur . ; the hicbent bidder, for cmhIi bt th. door to said Craven run nt , ..i S' t, day of March, Mr, at, u(. I, .,r all the following deecnl'ol rml mu All thatcontain I -t or par. -d m' U ainjjt altuate in the city of N w Carolina, and in that part o' b, 1 , kaown aa "HiiDt"invIU-." r owke of Riater of Uoo ! f.-r .,! la Book Wo. IO6-F0IU he, and ' nimi.ed In I Daniel .v i J. L. -dii. and re- 1 d i- mauir of ( art lina, in. and sell to 'our houee -: tho anh.. f 7 o'cloefcL, ; 1. wit; ii I) ma end M-r.i. North y r mnmnlf f cor. led inthflw svi'fi rvjeHlty, und t earing' bpob aaid plan the aumber t,. Ui I ...juried aad deaeribed as follows: Beainnii-s -m iir west rtda of Middle street at txiint. Hi. tl r. ,,. t.th end ef Said eUeet, and runoluc tlx-n. . north no 14 W.' 100 feet to the nortliweai rornrr of a-l k t: lhaase aotrtheranllj parallel wllh MuUle lrtM U Ih. Bar of let No. one; thenc- .rsr-lly ISO feet te MUler street; Ureoee norlliwar !1 :,(. fnpt alsaaf Millar street te the lwinn,ur. Jim- dareliittal' hesUB Upoe said pirmh i Ixar.o lira nuialirr tt ' Mirier street. ,' j Tale SM oar ef r.br.iarr. J. L. IIAHN. ' a ADUINISTUATOirs N01ICE. MetaBtMaeretrr glrea that th eivleteHitkMW ' SHMSaveBBUAeS as Adsslpitdaior of I he raCU t WJ, WmiSBM rlmae J al ti perawnS Md. aa eaiaas aestrart aaid eetat ate hersbr aotlfiad to SJs the ears Sale eertfted srt1J)i (te Bidrlf a ei,sieWMharijirr r'll et tint eUM I Will ke SlaadeJ la bar et anr rmmmt. All tr Sal4ilISl sakT oetet trill awilie ft edrall asttlsaa.lt ab the a4ertmt. 4 " ' ' . ' l.O, IIOI.UT . ,s.." aeatetatratat. ' , r s ' W v Wotlcs TodlforB.' ? . - ' The trnderalerteel fiavinf thbj Jy qua Dfled before Ois Cltk of Stiperint fort f Craven rorty as AdmlntStrst'rr nf W, It RMiltranr,, , rjWeaafti, ' here I y aMrlMSllpersunhavlnf el aise-siri.' tneetiete er ihs il I.W, It nA. lO prt-aent I hew rlnly trtH'rl;atetJ I , the ritrrlenrltfrn'rl INI nf tCftuf tlw 1st f, of Msrth, A. D. IM3, ee'tkatnotire , : be pleid to bar of.hlr f (,. ry A i Pwm ItvlebtPff in tht twttte'ef . oVeaeed f i! plenea rile rVrtrtW -,rt,.f, " .. I, r'-"- -