r 1 u u AT vS :;;c::ri!::i3;?i Legal Notices: hi LIFE C!n!'Jrc.vCry foe Flcldicr'a. n 4 V'-eRTGAGB SAUL. A ' 1 It i J0NI3 COUNTY SUPERIOR. COURT MORTGAOEAALfi c" r-rijAr. . "If V. t - - J 1. -f i ' : .V--- i: r 'rr. i j, - ST'..' V -J. v.v -j- Tlje Band Ton Have Always fcoiigrtit, amiwhlch Jhas Inse1': .tn use for over "30 years, hoa bor 'tlie':lgnatnr f.-;. : and has ' AU Counterfeits, Imitations and SJnHt-a.-io4" are bat' Rxneriments tiat trifle with a:sd endanffetthe beattn-el j -.Infants and' CuTldreu -Experience against Experiment. What isSOBIA? Caatorla is a harmless snMtltnte for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. .It Is Pleasant, It contains neither Opium, Morphine' nor other Karootlo ( substance. - Its age Is its jrnarantee. . It destroys, Worms ' and allays Fcverishness. It ctfrcs Diarrhoea and ;"Wlnd -Colic. It relieves Teething' Troubles", cures Constipation: and Flatulency. It assimlkjtes. flu Food, regulates the Stomach ;Uid Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. , The ChlKJCtt? Panacea The Mother's Friend, ; " GENUINE CASTOR IA ALWAYS 1 Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years VHT CENTAUR COMPANY. 7 MUSRAT STRICT. NEW YORK CITY. ana SOBlHERSJilLWH DIRECT LINli TO ALL POINTS NORTH. SOUTH-EAST. WEST. Very Low Hon ml Trip Rates to all Principal Resorts. Through Pullman to Atlanta, leaves Raleigh 4:06 p rn, arnvcH Atlanta (:& p m, making pIoro connection for and arriving Montgomery following day af ter leaving Kaleigh 1 1 :K) a m. Mobile 4:lt p m. New Orleans-KitiO in, Hirm iiiwhin J2:U. noon. Mt'iniihis H:t)5 ti rn. Kan.aa City U: a m. .eoond day and connecting tor nil oil er poinus. i niB . car also makes close connection atSr.lis-1 tmrv for St. lxuU and other Western . . "l . ! inrougn ruliman ui,.aannon lea, vea Raleigh 6:60 p m. arrivhn Washing- on 8:63 am, Baltimore 10:02 a in, I'liila delphia 12:28 noon. New York p m. This car makes clone connection at Wr1i- j ington for Pittabuig, Chicago anil all points North and Went and at Creens-1 boro for Through Tourist Sleeper for Calif 01 nia pointn and for all Florida pointa.. Through PMrlor Car for Asheville laaves Roldaborn at ti:4.ri a m, Raleigh j 8:36 a tn, arrives Aahoville 7:40 p m, I making cIom connection with the Caro lina Special and arriving Cincinnati 10 m, following day after leaving Ual igh, atitb close connection for ail (xiinU North and Not th-West. Pullman for' Wintiton-Salcm leaves Raleigh 2:30 a m, arrives Urcenaboro tHO a m, making close connection at 3rMnSboro for all points North, South, East and West This car is handtetl on train No. Ill leaving (ioldHlxro at 10:46 p m. if you desire any information, please cat). l are here to furnish in forma Uoo as well aa to aell tickets. H. V. CARY. J. O. JONES, G. P. A. T. P. A. Waaioctoa. U. a Raleigh. N. C. SOUTHERN RAILWAY MiTTaKIJI BA'XrTAl ICBIBrjlSi JL tv--Twa Ignres are publish tMtarmtiio tfi4 art sot gasra " ' . j KX liJlstrnVw t3ldsboro,'N. C. '."1" . - -ak. aa. Oirstb tili. sru. s a te AabiU, coaowcuiii Cast Da'rbUb,' iif 0turr . t ,! ,weysv11le and fclct-. f whh CarvenHy $or CbH Mil sGrwatWW It tkarkktaj iW;rtft, Pkmllee 'Jonas sod Ov-lOa -w jviat. '-.vfc.'a.v': ;.; Sad to the Bute liupmhe aod Fedenl ViiWalsaloi.as al ie I oait Mt, te tttm fttw. V , WaakUlto. aaJ al' , ts 'awsrajv' .-f'l ' l 1st Ormkbofn. basdlet thfou. mimas fUUUb, 10 AUU. 'Uf : aytwa - si OrasMaoro lor s ..'.I ,'. serata . soaa m , s U(X M- OoUabore 10. S fj a .. ' tssf Ortwasworw Sauvtiaa vmii ' ' .flaialis , i OrernVra. , r f ill1 -'-MCta St OrMasbom W fha Utt Ausats , H Oil AthwiUs' Koowilla, 1 ataa io . t-err.le, .WsMaara ' - t acituti svor'-b. - .V lev farther lafonastUy aa S! v.ara et f' !v tnanva'iit I, . ""; It. r. CART. 'f Cstarsf rasse'rsf 5 -. been made under nu. jer" -t f aoinil RupervtHion slnoeiw ljurajwqr.'i Allow no on to deceive Son In thtar i : ;' Signature of City of New Bern, K C, $50, 000.00 5 per cent. 20 Year Bunds For Sale. Rented bids will be received lit the office of the urdernltrned. in New Bern N. C . until Tueedey. 2nd day of Aprjl. ?I2, t 12 o'clock, M. for the i purchawol fifty th' iivbd dollars city of Nw I B-rn. NO bond, payable 20 years after Ih let day ' of M'-y 1912. and bearing interest at the rate of 6 per cvntum per anrum. which said interrat shall be pnynhle sem'-annually on the ft ret da a of May and November of each and every year at aueh : place or p'acep as may be agreed upon by and be- i tween the Doartl of Aldermen of said el'y and the purchaxrof SHid-bon-lsaolonsaaanyof aald bonds shall remain due and unpaid. Said bonds to be of thedeiiominntion of not less than ten dollars ZZBTV.'Z KhM be,t on tll(.ir fmx ,ho word,. -urf fdr the lejiiimato i wwuit pcncesof ih eitr of N Horr.." All te enuponn Ih non hnfter niH'urity. b re'-eivabl? in pa m.-nt o( all tAKet. drtt , duos. He niwan, fl .. nd dmhd due th ;(iy: ki, .haiam-ver. which hall b. pn-mnl on the face of uiH ixmd.. in ll other 1 r. 'pecu (he ai.l h,,Bil etiall le in aucb fm " my be aw r. i upmi bv and bcturwi th said b 'i.r(l of sMermen aod the purchaser thereof. Certified chock f two hundred and fifty dol lars hp evidenee-ef iruod faith nuuat be filed with bid. I'.iddcrs are invited to sub-nit form of bonds tolH-u.-d. The right loiei rt aay sad all bids is reervd. II y order of the Board of Alderman of the city of N.w Bern This 8th day of March, ifelt F. T. PATTERSON. City Clerk. PRQFPSSIONAL CURDS V. II. HimnMMia, A. f. Ward, SIMMONS AND WARD. ' A fTOKNKVS AND C(Ui8ELLORt i'x UK It? IIRR. R. 4V Office Rooma 401-C-S Elka Building Practice In the countie- of Craver. Duplin, Jones, Lenoir, Onslow, Cart eret, Pamlico ami Wake, in tha So preme ami Federal Crrartaand, when aver aerrlcea are desired. V Jl DISEASES OF.TiW Eye , tar. Hostf; aod Throal and. - ..f . General kwi C Rlee In Elks Temple Mail Dr. tL i , Catod, ew Barn, N. C . ; ! . AHORNEY AT.LAWS; , racetl' eoonta of Craves Taj Ma. f7. See, lai. . r Lcvke Dnimmoiid CnsS h Wnn .Ule DrumtnonfJ .Trihspor! aiU h Ulie Diommond Towlnjr Co. i - ... Ihsnml - hwanip : :-Cannl : Anlni N ne V- , I'p.tsVt V. ' r 1 (4 : 1 rsn,t .' To r I Sfl I I i-r luU, to . U;y ' 1 f KB - jas rrr : -i i i. ;,:;v-vW . -rt.-,v;f .ft.. '? 'iii.ii";l4 "'ConuferoHif TweVt-, mTsb Kalrby U to be taJtett tfoir river." ;rtM CWrtogtott; - Slosson swotw Jrltji aurpaaalng H '"Say, woa It Wabo4l4t pw risking our iteckf U jAbltgo hlra! Vou can get married -. daiin a(Kb cailer than this U you (to Bbtfut'lt HW fra don) It lots of timai.'' Not nndor. Btanding" th algBlfioaica of. Slosson. alluiloa to' tls inatrtraontaJ -oa reer, -Carrlngtoft .htajHill peace. ThS tavem-keeparj Swors" Cicala ' with " un impaired vigor, "tott'll nd inlghty few men With sriore Experience thua me," he asserted, . Bbahlng hla bead. "But if you Bay thtord "I'm all for gSttln;ahut of thls answered Carlngtd . 'promptly, wita a sweep of hii rin. -"I call these orettv close auartdral. Still shaklog 1 bead and mutter ing, the tarerit-alir apracg asioia and mounted tha iank, where hla slouching figure quietly lost itself a. tne nignt, , . . Carrlngton took nj his tatloa on the fiat root of the cabin which Ullod the stern of the boat. H waa remem bering that, day In the sandy llarony road and during all the weeks and months that had intervened, Murroll. working in secret ad moved stead ily toward the fulBIIhent of his de sires! UniiudsUonabfy he had been back of the attack on Norton, had in spired his subsequent murder, and the-l man's sinister ahd mysterious power had never been suspected. Carrlng ton knew- that the hdrse-thievos and slave stealers were supposed to main tain a loosely knit association; he wondered 11 Murrell were- not toe moving spirit In some such organisa tion. "If I'd only pushed my quarrel with him!" be tnougbt bitterly. He heard Slosson's ebuflllng stop in the distance, a word or tvo when be cpoke gruffly to some bne.- and a mo ment later he saw Petty and the boy, their forms darkly allhouetted against the lighter eky a they moved along the top of the bank. Slosson, with out any superfluous gallantry, helpvd bis captives down the slope and aboard the keel boat, where be locked them in the cabin, the door of which fastened wlh a hasp and wooden peg. You're boss now.paraneri" ne said, Joining Carrlngton at the steer ing oar.' We'll cast oS then," aarwered Carrlngton, t Thus tar, nothing had occurred to mar bis plans. If they could but quit the bayou before the arrival or the man whose place' be had taken th rest would .be, if not 'easy 01 accom ollsbment. at least within tb realm of the possible. . , "1 reckon you're a river-man r ob served Slosson. "All my Jlfe." . . , , The line had. been east off, and the jrrew with tbolr letting poles were forcing the boat-away Jrom Ue bank All waa quietly, dope;, except for an occasional .order 4ror4 CarrtngUS SO word waa spoitea,: ana soon us un wieldy craf giWed Pto Us srugflsh current an I gatberd way, Mr. 8ios S Vf SMS) . a.., THE BEST PROOF New Bern Oitlzrna Cannot Doubt ; Doan's Krflney PUU were seed-the J -;The atory was toUtoiSew Benif -, H.tv.: ,xi r v- '-'"v- Tims baa etratbjrrss foe avsdsoce. ' Has proves the tore ptTwenawfcv-,-. Tbs tejitlmoriy k borne teaUaaoriy ' 'TheMff 'arorilneingt . ' ft cm be loves UgaUd by New.Uers rwi rr4U,- i t. R. A. HsSKJrrHM. , III .' Qaorga Pt, tfaef Here, N d, sayK "Ooaa's KaJ- 6f Pills are very .vaVaahla; raudk a I tassay thai ibrr M m tmt g(J thaa aily ethrr akltey dUrioel ewf look, I sofferMfrnf a dull psio -rova my loins and (iaas aceompmol- . 4 cy an rs trerr) menena an my oarg talaobsd Ht1i-ialkfi of lb bladder nrd the poasaafg of f sxlnsy are tiutiS pfled . llocn'l Kklney Pills, whkri I pMarad f,ot tbS Prailhsm UrTJg tV., tf m.TYad all. Iarmas and tain aa1 imbrovad try ri,tiiiit i tverj s ,itatmant tvenoo Jasry 21, m.) 4 -' . - ' - f i r. v i : f i: no r. r: Mr. Hrd'r," i N if.mUf i 1 .i. t Imgly nf y tt,f I I) ti's Kn in j f free Ir rf t t , '. ... an e t tt'P w i t Ir.ter iewej ; i s.i.1. i on t art' I r I rtemetit t.if tare t n r. i 1 f , ' 5ivesvTJle;W.TaVMrfc,ro la; a latter -from Blveevlllv. wrlteaf IS Tltres'yeara, I suffered lth w manly, troublea; and bad pains in my back .and aide. ; Ivsa aervona and cotild not slaas at iitrtiL.- t H H The doctor oould not bel.ne.t Ha said I would have to be operated on be fore I could get bettfir. -1 thougbt'l would try, Mag 'GuQn&'&S.-?' i' Noir.'sjji entirely welL 'r- v?J am sure Cardnt saved my j life.' 1 iome. 'I recommend It to my f rlendO ? For fifty years, Cardnt has been re lUsylng "pain and distress caused by wo msjilx touble. It will surely help yon. i: It goes "to the BtreacbeS the trouble relieves the symptoms, and -drjves away the csnsa. V ' ; - IT you suffer trom w symptoms ol womanly trouble, take CarduL - " Tour druggist sells' and recommends 30 it Get a botOe from him today. a-lTelh tnf tjaWsMler Psnl.. Outta. 36 nusa Medkina Co.. Outtjmone. Tenn.. for Serio- inafntefHmaj and M-sa( wok. tiosse trauanl waaan."saMpiawrasar.oai4uawi. 87 38 Rolled Phetographa. An eld picture dealer gave this bss- ful bint for Battening out a picture or paper which baa been rolled. Suppose that S photographi has been rolled "with the face insld .Unroll and spread out on a flat surface with the face down. Now, wPh one. band bold down firmly one end cf the picture and -with the other draw the edge of a book or a ruler along the back of the photograph from -the end you are holding to the other. If necessary repeat the process until the sheet is perfectly flat WHAT WE NEVER FORGET an-nr dins- to science, are the Ihines as- socixted with our early home life, such as Bucklen's Arnica Salve, that mother or fftandmother used to cure our burns, boils, scalds, sores, ik n eruptions, cuts, praina or bruises. Fo-y years, of . v. w a i m cures prove Its merit, unnvrnfa i r pi es, corns or cold-sores. Only 25 cnis at all druggists. A Feat of Horse Riding, At Newmarket. England'. May" 8. 1758. a wager was laid by a young wo man that she xould ride on bor back 1.00(1 miles In 1.000 boors. She arcomnlished the" feat in a little more than onavthlrd of the time named. daaaisuMATiu KiOMavaAMOSMUsoeta Comforting. . Bospltable Carter (after- borrowlna a match from strauger to wC;om btitake. has offered a Hfti Y' see. I b'atnt al- i -lowed fare no matches when 1 be cartin blaratln' powder fur them old quarries up along. Punch. Many sufferers from rheumatism have been aurpTiatd and delighted with the p-nmpt e'lf afforded - by ' applying CharabeMxtrt'e L'niment. Not one case of theumaliam ia tin requires any in ternal treatment whatever. This lini rnent for aa a by all dealebs. Came Out Strong at the End. ' ChlppjI was not at all up to the macX last night: tried to aay some thing agreeable, but couldn't do it avtoehov. ao at last I bade' them roodby. JonesAh. then you did mas age to ay something arraaabU after aUr-laondos) Stray Strnrlaav Yoaiidga mat rot by a hat be pr raise to ch, sot by what he baa rtnaa. .That is the only true lest CbsmSetialn'a Coagb Remedy jwrd by toll standard ta re superior. . Pao pie very where apeak It to the highest terms of praise, . For sale by alt deal era. - . ' ' . - - " " - awMSwasMvSMS . 1 Jmftrmf Fstrtery Weetsara. , -Of the' Jsoaaaae fartvry band tbs average rwprk life" Is sborty ar$ few being able to last, ttwger tttas Ivs years; bore lbs rural pppaiaUoa avvst tatas ts anUrrat to the eltl' wb etwa- try sMfSoyeuoi Is abuudaat; -. , : re. fLticKirs-. CASTOR.I A V .- .- s - - laownsplera RolatUne. ' j ' TrwrtSr-1. doof ewe yea Irt, de II (Urkuw-Na, Trottef-Wefl. 1 gay, e4s ssaa, I tike to.-UonaVm TaUet. . ,- ... .' ' - . ' 'j" ' : , . 11 ' . v ' v r A FLEABANT nilSlC i ''WfHHiyor want a pleasant physto rive ChamWlsln's Ktomavk and liver Tahlsts a. trie'. Thsy era mild and seat e wt the r art low sn1 always rre- ua a ploaaant fslhajilarffaf. Call at Uavia' drug store for a fro sampk. Te "preene Turt . There never waa Asm," SjaaJ fm) srp aTi dowa goxnl astura," said Mr. CI'..Tr,tJ Irt t;eilng of her aWeaard tn,! in ) (a tha aew tarder. jjy SrtS Ju4 sisrsys a '4 pa staa Suore palVnl l?.8 J..t. - "I t'l ji " al.e fnntiB.a. T-wa ess i , ra f f jnnrtt'f hoar pattrnt Aukss was ly i: "iir i 1 b,rna f o.y .'1 f t tt. f' 1 Brvlef ! t '. SB' i i 'a r,a I f tu r ".-.' k"'-t tna.L"-T". '.'s TUESDAY. April iSdV s 1 10? Meadows va Perry7 t Reynolds ys Kinay; V" Bmith fa If orreU. C"- .A w M . 1 19-. .USUI -i f 18 ,'Eore; jarris Co.;v Harriett J 19 Isler va GoJdjboro Lumber' Co. Minsatt vs, S D Wblujet al." j ' I. WjEDNEjDAt April 3rd. 21 Isler va Coom'es et '' . ' 2? Eubanks vs Collins et al v. 24 - Collins vs Poy.. - - C j 2 'Bargett vs Taylor, 28 ' Harrison vs A & N C R R Co. 28 A FDuVal tiACLRRCo.: 29.; A' t DuVal vs ACLBR Co. THURSDAY, Ajni 4th. Colllas vs Brown . n Bron vs:CollHis r Ct""''"' Dijcon ve Banks. Monger "& Bennett vs' Rhodes. 83 Sli 32 34; Barry vs Foscue, Adm'r. 85 Wimt-att va Hawkins. Goldsboro Lumber Co. ya A J Tur ner. FRIDAY, April 5th. Taylor vs Tsy lor, Divorce.) ' King et al, vs Goldsboro Lum. Co. Ha vs Munger & Bennett. Dudley vs Munger & Bennett. Morton vs Munger & Bennett. 39 40' 41 All other cises subject to motion, all parties and ; witnesses concerned will attend court on day case is set for trial as above stated, without further notice. This March 4th, 1912. J. B. COLLINS, Clerk Superior Court, Jones County Mean. . WTint did the lady say when yon told her I was out?" "She smiled and said, 'Friday's not always an unlucky day.' " Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A A 8tartler. She And so you are going to be my son-in-lnw? Fie By Jove! I hadn't thought of thatJ I.ondon Tatler. Childern are much more likelv to con tract the contagious diseases when they have colds', whooping cough, diphtheria, scarlet fever and consumption ate diseases that are often contracted when the child has a cold That is why all medical author it e t say beware of colds. Foe the quick cuts of coldsyou will And nothing b tier thf n Chamberlain's Cough Reraedv It can always be de pended opon aid is pleasant and safe to f or sale by all dealers. WiHio Rtmamberad. Mother (Teprovlnnlyr--Willie, som one else may like the tender bits of celery besides you. Why do you at ways pick ihem ont when the dish ta passed? willle-Tou said, ma, that I must never lake the biggest piece when things are passed to me. Oostoo Traoactiot. HOW COLD CAUSES KIDNEY DIS ""EASE. Partly bv drivlisg blood from the sur face artd congesting th kidneys, and partly by throwing: loo mucit work up on thirn, - Foley Kidney Pills strength eft the kidney, give tone to the urinary organs and restore the moral action of tbat bladder. They are tonic in action, quirk m results. Try them. For aale by all dealers, - - Argent Ins Rapubllo. The area of the Arsentloe Republic la 1.TTK193 square miles, about oue- balf the slM of the United States. roaawawaaamaai aMSaiarsAMp SkAooaa . : Cfvet rtareraiett . '-She Do yotf rerall the day ws wera SrrtedTaJIs4' wkUl to gractoos twuldl-Touktrt Butasman i Tha Ctklld'aV Waif era'' sut bae chsllissjsd the atlenUoa af thoogtit ful dvodIs . ever vwhaua blot Kara are aatoral imii porters,: atd will find la Foley tlaney sad Tar Corripouod a moat vsl-tsbla aid. Coughs aad eolde that anchecked lead toerooe, broochUis sod pnassBsoaa via Id trrjickly U taa hsal- tng ana a oujic q .aitias oi roiy'a Hooey end Tar Cy-mpuaod. For aale bv sllsealaev. , - ',-ii s4kI esssssias-aanw t '' k V aVteka Wlthewt arwv tae--TeBtaoy ataa , tipetrt thew arlTos fe roa their berne ek practi cally aofblns. , Try fwttMh8t ae one raa make Jprkkt wtthodt. straw. tle-My wf doesj aut ef floarLsie drrn Tslerrsph. ' . ' ' . -- ' ..'-1, 'if-t -i ; f 8ACXACIIC - ALMOST UNBEAttA- 'rv,-:,BLE , Is aa a'ointt eetiaia roault of kldrey trxible. D. TtKwney, rViJ B."0H Bt llio..ninttoa, 111, ayt "I poffefed with bsrksrha and pen- Mi my kidneys whlf h were slnwat ont esrsbia. I gave Foley K flnsv I ' 1 1 ' a a food I'ia', anrt tbey rliMie workers foe tn. 1"Ul I n do a tisrii c!y'a wotk and not fsal .dealers. tb a iTer ta, - t or asl ay ail la OeuSt. - f T's yno r ef r-fl fo VenW f 1 1; -I f know. v rit always ts 1 rt'. ii !-!- a t'i'.:.: a. lBtaMBaMrW la rantiaial lstiss d si in kr Baaawal K. Aadarsoa ajaal Aaaia M. ladirian. ais wis. Va 0. 8. 8taliia. swariof das tl atareS (U. MIL pbaW fsaawss ka sAae wfSa. aistsr W Wa far Cnvaa cauty. ka Bank Msv' t84-ralsliaBsatarattwiSselar snie sanUtJMkJgW taaUav far aaah at snort kma 4srjr h Haw Bam. M. ft. oa Moaalay the Sad nay nf April. 1SU. at the swv nf IS e-alack. aU tin, farkac daswftad rai aatoUaa oonvawad aaid saaTUjtaan an wist - AnaMtearotetnsHar asvealafssad la tfca Tth tawnahip, Cravew aonatf. KsrU Caroha, on khaaoutkaidenf Trar4UTa awataw eky f New Bars M, C baciABina oa tan soath aide af Brran atraot (ks aWribad and laid off ka the plat af land eaBe,4 'Oatamba." which said plot a roeoraWd in tfca Baaiatar's offlca for the aaid Craven eouatj in Book U2-FaUoa 291 and t f ur hundred (480) aighty f ant from a stone on the south aide of the Beaufort Botd. wkich aaid atone is U88 from the foot at Uannont Bride, over Trent Hirer aforesaid; then runs soaU 78 E. 210 feet; then aoutk U W. 210 font; then north 78 weat 2.0 feat; then north 12 B. to tha besinnina-. Said lot baarinc the nuaUcr three (8 upon said plot or plan, and bmnj; the same land con rayed by Henry K. Bryan et ala, to Henry W. Ander son by deed dated December 5th, 18S5. recorded in said pnbik records in Book No. lSu,-FoUan IB and 4. sad Inherited by said Samoai K. Anderson as son and sole-hairmt-law of antd Henry W. Anderson, now deceased. Alan another tract or parcel af land In the 7th township, said state and county, lyioaT and twina; situated on Will lama street In the plan of "Gnu s ville," aa plotted and recorded in said public re cords in Book No. 112-Folios 14 and 145. and bearing- the numbereiehty-five (85) upon aaid plot or plan. It belnr the same land oonreyedby E H. and J. A. Meadows Co.. to Elizabeth Anderson by deed dated June 24th. 1898, recorded in aaid pub lic recoids In Book No. 134-roUo 266. and in herited by said Samuel E. Andaman an son and sole heir-at-law of aaid Elizabeth Anderson, now deceased. The descript tons in all of which aaid deeds are horeby referred to and sonde a part hereof. This 14th day of March A. D.. 1912. D. H. STALLINGS. Mortgagee EXECUTORS NOTICE. All persons having claims against the estate of Hancy Moore, deceased, are notified to present them to the undersigned for payment duly au thenticated in New Bern. N. C, before the 15th day oi March, 1918, or this notice will be plead In bar of recovery. All who are Indebted to the estate are required to make Immediate payment tome. A. H, BANGERT, Duly qualified Executor ot Hancy Moore, deceased. This March 11th. 1912. NOTICE. In accordance with chapter 286 of the priaate laws of North Carolina, session 1911. it being an act incorporating the Trent River Railroad Com pany a mi prescribing the manner add method of a county bond issue, notice is hereby given that an election will be held at the various precincts in Jones county on the 24th day in April 1912 at which time and place tha question of Subscrip tion" or "No Subscription" to the county's is suing (fifty thousand) 850,000 of bonds to be sub scribed to the capital stock of sakJ railroad, will be submitted to the Qualified voters for approval. . A new registration has been ordered by the board of oommisaionera in accordance with aaid act and registrars and poll holders have been up pointed and the public la notiBed that tha regis tration books will be open from 22d day of March to and Including tha 13th day of April 1912, This 9th day of March. 1912, B D. DIXON, Clerk to Board. NOTICE. NORTH CAROLINA CRAVEN COUNTY. Sarah E.. Ambrose vs Superior Court Spencer W. Ambrose, The defendant above named will take notice thaten action entitled aa above baa been com menced in the Superior Court of Craven county, to obtain a drvoros from the bonds of matrimony That tbs said defendant will further take no tice that be Is rrauimt to annesr at the April term of said Superior Court m said county, bo b I held en the 8th day of April. llt al the court house la said county. In New Bern. North Caro lina, and answer or demur to the complaint tn said act ion or the plaintiff will apply to the oourt for UteralaTr denuded ia aaid complaint. This March 8th. 1911 W, M. WATSON: Clark Superior Court. NORFOLK SOUTHERN BUM ROUTE OF THS -NIGHT EXPRESS" Schsdult Eftsct.lv. iirtk, 3. 1912 ' Tne following schedule figures pub lished as Information ONLY and are not roareri teed. ' TRAINS LEAVK HEW BERK NORTH AND WEST BOUND At a ra,'Daily-NIrht EzTtreas Pull- . , msa Bieeplog ur for Norfolk. 2S a bi. Dairy for Norfolk, eormeeta ? for ail points Worth and West, ' , Parlor car aerviee between Wesh- r zr. iPgroa aao rvonoix. IM p tn. Daily except" 8onday for Nraahlneum. Balhaven. Greeoville t Wilson and Raleigh. Parlor ear ,1, oetweea nsacinpoaaooixaiaign 4:10 a m. Dally -Night; bprass 1 (or i ' Coldsboro. . , . . t;W a m. Daily for &)daboro. ' tS pv Daily for CoUsborw." v '; j-'-. EAST- BOUND... 3ft Yea, Dally for Beaufort. 26 p tn, - " Beasfort. -V I M s m. Dally ateopt Sonde y for i ' Oriental,.- .-f p I 4jp m,' Daily for OriaotaL ; ?' For furthef linfortnaitoB or reeervatioo of Tillman Klvlna; Car sjiace, Sppy to r. IL Eeniwitt, T. A., Nw liana, N..C - ;. ; - W. W. CT.OXTOjr W, R. HUDSON, G. r. A. V ; Csn'l Baptv - r:..tf 'k, Vs, ; TrWMa4 UsepoirereswtsJiiaH an.e.osrtnin osta-aaw Dean exsoased by Jasswr T. CsUTSwaex ta K. K. Jessts. dated Jsa. 4. 1901 aBd recorded ' ' antlaaanaea of Regieterof Deeds of Oraven county Bonk Ma. US, peg SOL -I baring been duly qttall SaSan adssia iatra tar of the estate of's.-b. Jones enllaaU tn tbe Wrheat bidder for cash ait the Court Hawse door in New Bern. N. C , on Satur day the 80th day cf March 1912, the following de acribad piece of land -lying and being tn Craven aonaty, M-&-. on 'he north aide of N.uaeriver and aa the west aide of Sw if I Creek, ad jai ning the -lines of H. J. Carrawan. Lewis Wethmgton. A lei W iggina and ethers. It being part of the patent granted bjbeneaer Slade; beginning at the foot of laoa. ureens pata-the beginning corner of Fran cis Fonville's line and running with saJ Fonviile ftnt line N. St I W. 80 poles to a eecond corner, than with Fonville's second line N. 27 1-2. K, ln fwleatoaBghtwoodatakeonan Island in Mt. Pleas ant Swampthen with Thomks Green's patent Una to corner cf a piece of land deeded t o Li w is Wetaington by Elbert Phillips, (ben with said Wetbington's line to the main road: then duwn said road to the corner of a three acre piece of kuk! deeded to Alex Wiggins by KTfcrt l'hillip,; then with said Wiggin's line1 to Beasley's patent; then with Beasley'e line S. 62 1-2. F. to a pine a- of said patent, then N. 35 1-2 to ttft main road; thence down said road to the beginning, con trining one hundred and thirteen tll.tl acres more or lees and known ninths Elbert PhiUipii land. J. A. Jones, administrator of the estate ot K. K. Jones and trustee of K. R. Jones, holrs. This 26 day of Feb . 1912. COMMISSIONER'S SALE OK HEAL ESTATE. Under and by virture of an order of the Super ior Court of Craven County, N. C made in I ho special proceeding entitled Florence A. Colli and R, A, Collins, her husband. Mary Lucas Carrie Williams and Jame, William?, her bus band. William Lucas snd Texana Lucas, his wife; Mamie Lucas and Fred Lucas, the last two heirir minors appearing by their next friend, I). K, J. ni a vs. Carrie Louise Wetherintfton. Ruth Odessa Wetherington and Ira Wayne Wctheriimton. minors appearing by their next friend, Anthony W, Wetherington. the undersiprned commissioner will on Monday, first day of April. 1M2. Ht 12 o'olock. M.. at the court house dm.r of Cravi n County, in the city of New Hern. N. C. n!7, r for sale to the highest bidder, for cast., nil that cer tain lot or parcel of land. Uing, situate and br ing in the city of New Bern. N !.. and bounded as follows, viz. Beginning on the west sul. of Pasteur street and at the corner of Harriet Wil son's and Betsy Moyo's lot and runninu: with their line 140 feet; thence northwardly and pitrull, 1 to Pasteur street 32 feet. 1 inch; thence eaxturardly and parallel to Queen street ltd feet to the w 'st adeof Pasteur street: theme with the west side of Pasteur street 32 feet. 1 inch, to the beginning: it being the same land conveyed bj H, K. Tti j an and Mary N. Bryan his wife, to Ruthey Luras by deed dated 29 May. 1S"80. and registered in I l.e office of the Register of Iceds of Craven County. N. C. in book 82. page 310. This 26th day of February, 19:2 It. A. NUNN ConuiiiHioriiT. Notice of sale. By virtue of the suthority confern tl ui on the undersigned by a certain contract enure-! into between Joseph L. Hahn and JohnT. Han is. for the purchase of a lot of land hereinafter , shrill ed. In which said contract the tile lo thr tiatfl land was retained by the aaid J I . Il.ihn milil the purchase money therefor was pni'l in full; and default having been nistle in the pn to nL of said purchase money at Die l ine ri.n iiliil for its payment, and the n;d J. ,. Ilalui Ih.m fully empowered to lake imish.-s; ion of s.-ii.l 'mid upon surh default and to ocll the name al public or private sale. NOW THEREFORE, in compliance with the termsand stipulations of said contra t as nforr said the undersigned will olfer tur sale ami n il for cash at public vendue to the holiest hi.liler at the court house door in the city of New Kern Craven county. North Carolina, at 12 o'clock M . on Saturday the 30th day of March. 11112. iio fol kmlng described real estate, lying and b,: 1 :ik sit uate in the city of New Hern, bounded and des cribed as follows, to-wit: That certain lot or parcel of land in the nty of New Bern, Craven couoty. North Carolinn. ami In that portion of said city known snd lesiun.-uvd as "Pavletown," as plotted and recorded jn Hook No. 10-Folio 385. of tha public reconlu 111 1 nice or Register of Deeds for said Craven county, and bearing the number Seventy (701 upon said pl .t or plan, said lot being loested on tbe west -i.lc nf Btoomfleld street and being 62 feet by K4 fet moreor leea. Joseph l, iiahn This 2rd day of February. 1912, MORTGAGE SALE. Pursuant to the power of rale ronlniied In that certain mortgage deed, executed by Daniel HoUowayjutd Julia Holioway. his wife to J. L. tUba, bsariag daU of April 21st. 1HI0. and re corded la the public records In office of KcglKer of Deeds far Craven county. North Carolina, in Book No 180-roiio 406. TlM aadaralgned will offer for sals and sell t, the klgbeet bidder, for cash at the court houe eoot m aaid Craven eeunty. on Return's, theSuih day efi March. BHf, at tbe hour of U o'clock. aO lbs following eeeoribad real eauu to Wit; a Ht or parcel of land lying ml hesaar aituauia the city of New Born. North OsrolVaa, and la that part of aaid city ooranmnly kaowa aa "Souionotoia villa. " aa reoonual In tbe af&eeef Bagultersf Deeds for aaid Craven county, la Bask Ma. lM-rollot U and 87. and bearing ansa said plan the asnvbar'two (1) bounded and dsasrlbid aa foOewsr Begins In f on the weet aids at Middle street st a pot the extreme aorta' end of aaid street, and manias thence north B) 1-8 W, tat fest to tax northwest earner of sekl Wt; thence nthnaidj, parallel wkb MMdle alreet to I be earner of M He, saws tieraaa laetwaHl 100 fee to Malar street: tWoa aartkwarlly H feet aloeg the brwinama. The dwslllna Sramalis avarkns she ananter W ", MUka-atrssa, . . x.:, a- . vlVsnMaaWrejraarp.l81t , - ;.u'bsn. " . t . Mrvisar-.- ' i ' ' T '" 1B "! ADMINLSTRATOR'd NqTICE. " - " r,. " w.'r; Metis. Irnrebf ftvea thai trM aaJevSIs kill , tWaday aHnwJ as Adn-lsistralnr af Ik saCtt W. aCwuaajt altwaxaadsM S parkse MeS V asg atelaas saalitt sakt ortateare aarehy sawhSsd - to 8k tea aasa dahy SarlSsd Hh the-andarwgn. . .'. at, as ar tor rehnarT IS Jtll st jMjmIw wOrS plsasee la aaraf aay ree.mp, A I saw " avns kkdebtvd tvaakl satato PIB aaak aa kw- iswtiklswU arMk tWksdifshiaail. - i ... V ."' J.stBoujrr (--. .iaaalas1trato.,' ' ' ' '...Jlotlcs lo Cfrdiioffy rTbs wavoWsfinitaV bavftsy fHls rfsy qn- j," llfltd lefors th( CIsrt of Surror Court of Crsvre county ss Administrator' of W. II 7 Itobrnsjnn," (teTraaed, Tierety no ioVeallparaoMhavtrg sUi'me ksitrtst thaatlaUsf lbs aaid W. U.-KoMn 1 ri r r-aert Iri.rf) d uly Buthnlcaleil In t!.e un Vreitfnaif oa or tsforelds Jal day of I'nfrh, A. P. !!:. sir this nolle i,l m 1 fi -.f o'.h.ir reef,Y,,. ah r""-' ' ' 'H lo the aetata rf : I ' ' - ' ! ' I j' T ii-'.'. ':ifs 'iv1-'1 -;;' ;:.,ij. i-. t'SaJ; v - ,7 '