- - u X J. - ritvi eer:i c.mly jc?jb:;.l yew. Bera. 5. C. March 23. 1812 u:3E acrat ikxsia- locx io. 8 jl or r - Tnnaday 8 p. m., over G Co' office, Middta'SC S- U- narajeon. C C' l H. Smith. K ; of E. and S. 1 Vieiting brother art assured nf. ncbev- Heri Welcome.' - ," ClitOLODOI S0 L 1(11(111 r, JtlM0T-Mt Ind. n Wednesday mlffttte In nadi month KntffcU Harmony HH, oornnr Bro ul Jtiepck tM.t at 7:10 O'cloci J. K. Wills, President; R. J. Disosway, Secretary; J. D. McCoy, Financial Sec KMl Tt KKW tUVIItriABMafil AJTastet-sleats. Ellis Wood Yard -Word Royali Cream and Fiuits. HC Artr strong Groceries. J M Miti hall & Co -Dry Goods F M Chsdwick-Merehant tailor. New Bern Balking -ft Trust Co. BUSINESS LOCALS: NOTICES IN THIS COLUMN LESS THAN ONE MONTH MUST BE PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. CELERY. Toraa oes, Florida and Cali fornia Oranges, Chocolate Vanilla and Tuttl Fiutti Crer m ttday at H E Royali g. Phone ?3 and 131. WANT you to let us have your order for Picnic Hams 12c lb, Veg. Chow chow in gtasa 10c, Octagon Soap 60 doz. very best hog Lard 12Jc, ,Jb, Su gar 61c lb meal 25 pk, Saiaioga Ch pfi 16c pfcg, Puffed wheat, puffed Rice unci But Urine 26c Ib.-H. C. Armstror.tr. EXTRA fine line of Beef, Pork, Sau sage, fresh made, liver, srroked shciil dera, eggs etc., and to be sure, any thing tl at is necessary for your Sunday dinner. A. Caster. Phone 239. Meat' of Quality. JUST received a lot of dry rplit pint and oak wocd. sawed btove let Ktha. E lis Wo d & Coal Yard Phoi 47. FINE lot i f giown and young chickenn seed lrsh potatoes. Red and While Ulies, Early Rose and Irish Cobb'er , seed Peanuts, seed Corn and garden seed, fr so Eggs and country Hams, Shad, Mullet and Drag Netting, O'd Mill, Piedmont an 1 Turkish Cigarettes, Oil Clothes, Red Bxts and Rubber Boots. B B Davenport. LOST Baby's coat with lace collar. Reward for return to Journal office RESIDENCES for rent-No. 126 Brnsd street very desirable, 8 rot ms besides kltchemnd pantry, deep lot with sta bles and other conveniences. Possvbs ion to be given about April 1. N III Pollock street, the Duguid Home 3 houies on fhort street at low rentals. -C T Hancock PHONE 121. New Bern Produce C m pany for Kale. LOST Five Jollar gold coin used as a watch fob t omen here in the city. A reward of $6.00 will be paid for its re turn to this office. TWO bouses for rent wuh ewerac,r conned!., good location. One at $10 p r month, possession given at once. The other at $11.60, per mon'h, pos- etasiOQ given April 1st. Apply to Mits Annie Justice, 83 Ealt Front street or phone 888. FOB SALE A fire young cow, part Jersey, first ealf, will sell cheap. Ap pry o C H. Le. Bridgeton. PHONE your order to Kafer's Bakery far not Roll, Bread sod Pie for din nan Phone lift. KECP your Poultry Haalthy. We have Bona .Meal, Blood Meal, Pried Beef Sevan Meat, Grit nod. Ground Oysterl Bbelk e-J C W bitty A Co., Agent. for Cipberytnofcators4c. Phone 9M. WHITE Plrwouln Rock Cock re l, flr.e big Birds, $1.00 each. Indian Runner Dacis, Egf II-W P" U. Toulouse QeoMEgga, l&i ntcn. Oak Poultry Fans !. I: n COUNTRY Smoked Hams, fresh Egg s Bst Patnnt Ftoor, Me.dowi' Meal and eGrd0 8ed new at N. P. Vm . cettt'n, 80Mb Proot street Phone M. NOTJCB-lM7 Urge earrisg ind Mac. mitt shop, Bultsb'a It any JXufc, kxated ra eentraJ pert of the eijT, a eompieU ootflt of carpenter's and bUck imttb1oo, for sale or rent, have .leroaM to rent for UgLt bogaekpstv kag. Afipt Bg Hill,, the .Shingle Mats, at 1MJ SoatH Front 8t rBONK yew want to J " A Rlrgge'd for frteft OroretM, Eggsr Metis or rail at No. U Geotge Uet I'bob LtTtVCp, Cnvash, Cgg rtani, Torn. '. Fferkta Otantea and Apples. New Betn Prodof ro, phone 121 '. " v 1 A SECOND bacd Delivery Wagon for , - asiebaiala at I.0a-H. C. Arm IULCK.ER8 and Market Oardeora. w nave foil. Tloaaf Garden d, fUaea nod Onion Beta. Prls ni jeltif art rtgkt F, B. DulTy'a Phar- rr.f -!:a rr.rn'- n. d.-pat-.: i - t The only Bqkln(f Powder ' mae iroiQ Royal Grape Creaip oi Tartar Saves Better, Hour, Eggs, 4nd niakes borne baking easy Eq AEum Vo Lime Phosphate UNITED CONFEDERATE VETERANS REUNION Macon, Oa., Mxlirinely Low Fare? Vi:i Noi folU'-Soulliei i Ihilway Tickets on Sale May 5, G, 7, S, HUi! Norfolk Washington New Born Po:iuf(it KiiiBton Wilson $ 11 lJ5 10 40 10 40 . n so 9 75 9 25 Rates in same proportion from othrri still ions. Kmal limit May 15, 1912. nlrss tickH et is deposited wth ''pecinl Apent and; upon payment of fifty cents when ex tension to June 6, will bo Kr;;nled. Stopovers allowed. Ask Agents for detailed infoimation, B. h. BUGG, W. W. CROXTON, TraOic Mgr. G. P. A, NORFOLK, VA. El 'en Pi: field, siiffrngettr, was r-en-tenced t) six months' imprisonu.ent in London. At The Athens, no matter what's thejweather, amusement and comfort. B ill -th coal minors demand a mini mum tta;e of i:ot lesj thun live tlul liiigs. FOLKS PAST FIFTY 151 USE CASCARETS What Glasses Are to Weak Eyes, Cascarets Arc to Weak Bowels. A 10-Cent Box Will Truly Ainnze You. Mo; t nlil people inn-it ','iYp to tlie Imwels sonio regular help, else thev siifTor from 010-I itmtimi. The 'on- lilion in MTfe llv n:il ar.il. It isJrit 11 h miliir.-il ns i( is for old people to walk ;-lovlv. For ngp 'im 4tcvcr ao ac tive :im vonth. 'I'he ifn:scles nre lew eliistic. And Hie liowols arc imwelcR. So all old eoJi need ('ascarcta. One iniht as well refimp to aid weak cms witli i.dnsses as to neglect (his t'enlle aid to weak lioweln. The bowels iiiumI 1o kept active. TIhh is impoilunt nt nil age, but never so nmeli ns at fifty. A(.'p-in no a time for Imrxh p1iv irn. Y011II1 may oeenHiomilly whip tho bowels into activity. Hut n Iaslt can't bo iikoiI every day. Whnl the bowclx of the old need I4 a gentle nnd naturnl tonic one Hint rnn bo conaUully lined witliont'linrn. vTUo only ahch tonin in CiifwaroU, nnil thy eoat only ID' reitU Wtt hot at ajny dnifr hloro. They work wliile yon sleep, ' , ''" -v ' : DEAtEUSINva Timothy and pea-vine "Hay, Corn, jOat a, - Cracked : Coro, Corn MealCS- fbal ' Meet Pulp Drart.'ShipstufT Hulls, Ham'fnond Dairy Feed, R. P. Oats,' Burt Oata, Kye, Soy Beans ind ield Pens.'" WANT TO BOY. YOUR "-r--::-nKLD'PKAs;-. ". vor o:ii)i r.s liT'Pjj;',; SHORT PASSING EVENTS Only fifteen days until Easter. A' ready a number of the local stores, that handle that variety of goods, have p ac el on sale their stock of novelties for the occasion and are having quite n a'ge sale. Easter this jear fads on April 7 h. M 'ssra Lovick and Taylor, managers of the popular Athens theatre, have had th last row of aeati on the main floor of the theatre placed on a platform I his was done so that these who ait on this row can get a better viow of the B!ae and pictures. The fifty second North Carolina fetate Fair wi.l tie held at Rvleigh on Oct ber 14th to 19 h. A number of new build ings have been erected on He grou' d and the officers and directors intend making this year's e.ent one of the mo t successful ever held. There was a sudden change in the c ndition of the weather in this section yesterday morning and in a jiffy all thoug' a ,f good old summer timi were forgotten. It really began t) look is tborigh it will be along abtut the Llatter part of June before we hawe come warm weather. An examination for the position of deputy rollecor and insjecor, which .commands a salary of $800 per year will be held in the city on April 61b. For application fuim', address secretary 6f the board of ximinbrs at the post office in this eity or the Secretary of the Foith Civil-Service District, Waehing n, D, C. A number of letters have been re ceived by the local Lod(e from visiting nu mhrrs who attended the Elks annual Contention,' which was held in this city last week, expressing their apprecialio.i qf the many rourtesie extended them while in oar city.' New Bern is noted for its hospitality and every visitor re turned home well please with 'tbe re c ption accorded him here. Artie BrouRhton and Asher Br'nson, the tVo youug men from Pamlico cour.- ty who were arrested at their "Eomet near Arapahoe last Wcdneadty on war rants charging them witb forging a chock and pasting it eff on one of the ocml merchants, were given a prelimln ay hearing yulerda before JusUce of tije Peace Dp 8. Jones. Probable eaoee wss foui d nnd the yourg eien nq tired U give n bond for their appnrnoen nt na next terra or., Bopenor . vour. Bfouyhton s,ate botd in the eom of $300 and was released,. Brinson eoukf "not gijVe bond ad was committed U jail, . ' 11 . i . 'i . '.- -V . .' t. " Universal Fpcxf Choppers, CHOP, they donlmaah, J. S; Basnight Hdw Co. ' 4 Four peraofis' . eeonected 1 with tlie Crawford mdrdef traU In New Orleans, we arrested on charge going, out e4 i court controvrrsy,' - - ' r . ii ; , ; ; , . , . . . , - - . , - Movins Pictures ind Vtude- ri'Jf, ifiernoon ind o!sht,stThe Athn. ' i e v Ti detno nods of (be lltumioeni eol a. m.b a. nsil. Laa. r an.laa4 ; ? "... "r r . - QUCK RELIEF FOR PKCUMXTISM (orge W. Koons, LawUm, alirh., es):. "In. ttrrtMON'i Krtjt'r rut Bit:MTinM hat given my wife won derful tnfit for rhomtim, f) e.aill not lift hand fot, hd to i Lfti l)f two month. fle tgn tl. n f,f rt-inefly end lmpmvd ri ' ! . On M .,rdy i) roo'd not mo". : I on ini!ny ti j?of r ', t!r- I l,r .. .! en-t wn'Vr I not t ,r bl'k f-' t. " f ! by tr-!nam Co. ) '. ' I! C SOCIETY CURRtNT V ENT CLtJjl ESTER- Mr. J, P. C. Pi vis was nostee sMb roee wg or ine - vor em cvenc .i juu ; yesteiaf afternoon at her hcrriaji r rum iuhi, . r . . ,4 . Tbt roll WS answered by ea h ra m berwitb a" CJt'rant event . , VAs iwaaiMher'ai was an interesting literary ptogrsm, the following paneii being , readj. 'i ' ' ; Work and Play"' was an -txe silent and entertaining paper bp. Miss Manre 'The Core of J. P. Mo-gun's Charac ter" by Mrs. L H Cut er,- Jr., gave an instructive introductit n to or e of the world's great finan 'i ra. At the close of the f ternncn de'ic H ous refreshments were served by Mies es Charlotte Davis, Jane Dill nnd Eli label h Ash ford. Those present were: Mesdarn's N H Street, Samuel Dill. John T. H l is-, r. Hughes Hotlnnd. H M Honner, Clyde Eby, WK Baxttr,. Herrert Lupton, John C x. O D Bradham, L H Cull B E Moore. H B Craven. I MisFea Lina Ivey, Mnttie Jpnliin?, Myrtle Disosway, Lzettp ILinfF, Mamie Meeks and Nina.Basnight. ' TO CURE A C0LB IN ONE OAY Take LAXATIVE, BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggist refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signa ture is on each box. 25c. The second and t'-iird divisions of the United States Asiatic fleet wtre com bined under (he title of the China squadron. YOU HAVE ALL WATCHED THE NAME in this paper, which h the name of the Best . ruing Men's Clothes made for $17. None cheaper, nope higher in price. Se Coplon & Son Exclusive Agents Vour vision is the most delicate of all sensesbeing kuch, it is logjeal that in fitting glasses to improve it, that th work be only done by one fully cxver itneed, skillful a d of exacting care Such att ntion is lliat given here our optical work is exaetlvTicrurate nnd is the result of genuine expern nre and kill. A dtfective vision should be attended to AT ONCE. J. O. Baxter QPTOM ETRI ST and MFO. OPTICIAN :i-.-t;;AKD- i -it i. Paints: Oils- . Varnishes " r ' ' , American Jl: r Field i i Fences lV. Vsf.!ALlViDDDw ' r few Sent, K. " i i mmmm mmmrn ipijuitnininmii I iiwMifi'M ' , 1 , . ll as Follows iiigiBfi ItfARIfWitel kiDESIRE to introduce lo yoq wriat I . belfiye ;to; be the, finest Palter ever sold in the cit j,' ' ;: BOiifR h pure posteurized putter v It has tew equals anf BO superiors. Pui vp in lb. prints, full weight. Price To-day and Saturday, Only 39c. U. .' It is guaranteed to please you-TRY IT. YOURS FOR CASH ONLY J.L 41 Middle St. fhrt 91 PeopIeWho TtiinkT about what they eat, who insist on the host and purest ingredients handled under conditions of abso lute cleanliness, will be delighted with BELLE MUD SWEETS CHOCOLATES and 80N-90NS ON SALE ONLY'aT DAVIS PHARMACY" PHONE 66. Eyjip. Apricots Corned Mackerel Sour Krout Smoked'Herrinsj "anried Spinoche Pure l.ard Pancake Flour Canned Beets Meal Fruit Jam per lb. 20c 12c per can 12Jc 3 for 10c 20c 12Jc 5c Oc per pk. 25c p t jar 10c PA! YOUR 101 M Before April ,15th, Or yftur name will appear in the delin quei.t hut. published in. the Joumsl after thut dnte. ' T. W. M.00RE. ' Tax Collector 1IIL.. . 11.1 - !. I J I noy mtw A Hw lJ;yeaj' and let 1912 mark the beglnibgof jour fortune and a new flfef Nothing en earth gives a Un)f landing in a community like the ownership of a nice, comfortable borr. Th winter is a good timi .'to. perfect all the little deUlli and we've'n . ood, warm oftye nd k"s of Uma at your disposal to nelp jron select a suitable plan nd talk ovehthVktnd of mater ial Ifoa' 111 nted.' , Com In and Jet's ngnrirU oat together. . ? . Zi t. front "Rtf c y NfcW It KICN. t-rrr i'rrrrr- if th'j'!-Uiont ! ctinlily, rtd in ihrwit t lops !iti,t f ' .1 f' 'ur t t t.,r i V . ( i ! I i I f in iff -,. 1 :.-t ' ' - Ill I 11 - . , I j Phone 174 Mufl St. lMMismMMK. 05 IKjFuypjjlF - PHIS THE NATIONAL OF NEW BERNE, N. C. STANDS FIRST among the banks of I he City THIRD among the National Banks of the State And as it has Surplus and Undivided Profits amounting to JH'h.tXK) and Capital amounting to $100,000, it has a place on the National Hank Roll of Honor, which includes only banks having Surplus and Undivided Profits equal to or exceeding their Capital stock. II 1 1 nonor, wnicn includes only banks having Surplus and Undivided 11 1 1 Profits equal to pr exceeding their Capital stock. I II 1 i pee uiTrnrPT nun nil nuiiiinn nrnnoiTn I V mil r cent m rnn vm ra mm mrwu i f. bw I I IIIU WII Will III UU ULI UUIIU Jl ,K SAFa DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. JUST A large shipment of Ki ppr nheimer CIuIIioh made iii of I ho finest casliimeres and worsteds. Suits that r tailed :it $l!o.itl nnd (Ki will lv upld at $7.60 for a few days only. Also a largo lot of .Inn It. Stcisoa Hats at a a'lerilieo. SAM LIP MAN Vov. Middle and S. F. 8ts. MEADOWS MEAL FEED liUST S OAT PHOOK 10 10 HUItT 1) JVEill Feed J. A. MEADOWS IX JVIEASURES UP. ii. The UNION CENTRAL LIFE INSURANCE Co. (1867) measures up to every requirement. lis marvelous growth1 in a5ets ind insurance in force have made it the LARGEST ' life insurance company in (he noild for iis t JV. Polices teaed on lives ofhcalihful peions upon the Ordi-ej niry, limited, Pajrafnt ard wdowment plan betwefO -.rges cl 15 aod 65 yean. -! This Company "pays the largeM DIVIDENDS and SELLS ' inaurattce CHEAPER lhao tny other old lineVompany. . '. ; : tY. 0? BOYD Agent I J .T.eal Estate;: C'i.; General f.l2;!e 'from puiedlstilfed '' . - -filtered vUlPr,C;,y IB UN 1 bona J3 i y ir , : . t SilHPiOS UNDlSOIVlDtD ID HUM '3 RECEIVED Iti van Clock. AND Insurance Surety Bonds, ' i 4 ' ' i! .'FOR. WINDOWS ; AND coons BANK RUBBER WEATHER STRIPS T ip"-