V? ESTABLISHED 1878 - NUMBER NEW- PERN, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 4, 1911 THIRTY-FIRST EAU L - 'v ..,, v.. .,. v rz-'. fy-t --... sp -N mU 'itii a as' . I ' j i. . DOINGS AT THE ITl'S MA 1 - J I v; IE..-. j OQOOOOO QO Q O'J T SMALL INDIVIDUAL ESTATES. HE impression is sometimes received that 8 Trust Com pany cares only f.r large estates. This isn errSr. The New Rem Banking and Trust Company exercis' 8 th same careful supervision in the handling of small estata as it exercises in caring for large estates In fact, the heirs of moderate estates should bo safeguarded against any possible loss as they are li ss able to bear any depr ciation in the settling of aa estate than those pe sons who are heirs to larger fortunes It is the aim of the officers of this company to safeguard in every pos eiBVway the interests of coth the testators and beneficiaries in handling i states, either large or small. TO WOMEN WHO CARE Women who are decidedly particu lar about correct and becoming styles and want their New Easter' clothes to exhibit that discriminating taste and excellent judgment so much desired will find at this store the garments they will like, however critical they may be and our sales people can be relied upon to give sincere and valuable advice re garding the selection of the most be coming style and color. E ASTER GOWNS Perhaps you want a simple dress of appealing neatness. Perhaps you want a very elaborate one. You can find what you want here, $6.0.0 up. HANDSOME WAISTS Neat Tailored Waists elaborately trimmed, they are all here in enticing styles at inviting prices, 50c. to $4.00. J. M. MITCHELL & CO. 61 rQLl.OCK-ST PHONE 288 Former Raleigh Boy AohoiiDced As Candidate For Governor of Florida. Rahigh, N. C, Aprils -The revenue receipts for th's district for the month of March are announced aa $366,746 33, a alight falling fram February and atill less than January. Nevertheless, the clos'ng quarter will show a big collec tion. The government has received IS.S'Aia. Of this January furnish d $409,196,90 and Febtuary $369,372 90. This U maintaining tha record well and there is no falling off. It 1s made all the more notable because there U litt'e if any, whiskey revenue in this collec tion. All that may have crept into it comes from oth r places, 'if it is there, I h department doesn't (ret a cent from any distille-y, though thre are some Federal licenses in existance, it h will known, and not a few. tigers in Ra'eigh have avaikd themselves of the privilege of owning one. Thus far, i here do' snot appear to any fa'lin off in the to bacco revenues as the tesu't of the re cent dis ltii ion of the American Tolia. co Company, ond Durham will furniih apparently as milch aa ever.- The th solved com anies declare that so far aa they ate concerned, thfrj will ke node- creaue in the manufacture of tobacc The Florida papers have announced the candidacy of Hon. John W.Watron, for Governor of Florida, a political item that will he of g eat interest to Raleigh people where Mr. Watson was barn and spent hib. early manhood. Mr. Wateon is rerremb red as the son of tC well known rhotogiapher of thecity who died m.iry y ars ago. The family re mained here some years afterwards but broke up, Mis. Walter L. Tucker hav ing been one of the daughters. Of the five girls and two bojs, there aie tow four living, t oth men surviving. Mrs. Tucker was a sitter of Mr. Watson. Ai'j'iUnt Leinster has recivf d from the war di-par mcnt the nam' s of the regular arrr.y rffirer h) have hi en detailed f r duty as instructors at 'he ifficers' camp of il strurtion to be hld here Mhy 13 IS. Thty are Maj r Fan s worth. Capt. A. J. Dougherty, Captain Jehks and Lii utcnanti Marihai ait) Coodwn. Major Henry Pai e, M. D , of Fort Moultre, is ex pec ted t inst uct the officers of the mtdjeal crops, Mr. Chas. V Brown, state bai k ix amini r hus filed hit resignation with the C irpnration oi,mm'nsion to become ef feciive May 1. M .Brown will accept the n ition of cosh'er rf the Bink oT LnmHerton. Mr. Samuel A. llu'il ard of Keidville, it assistant bank examiner Mr. Brown was pro moted from assistant to the. fficeof ex mi.ier on h reiignitioT laat Septe.n her of Mr. J. Kemp Doughton, Mr. I ciniird II. Koyster. one of the o'dest ard bst known citizens Raleigh, died Tueiday morning at his home on the o n or of Salisbury and Johmon ttreetn, after an Illness of three month lie w 71 years old. He is survived by his wife, who was Mia Bettie A. Front, i ml two brother and one sister- Mr. D W. R yiter. of Win ston Salem, who came to be with him -during his illnear; Mr. W B. Ruyster and Mrs Suisn A. Hiym of Raie'glh Mr. Rnysfer was bom in Rafeigh 71 yam ago. Many Raiuy Days During Month. However. Total Precipitation Was Only 5.83 Inehes. The fo' lowing ars he maximum and minimum terapersturts, with rain 'all on dates during March, a recorded here. It will be noted that while there seemed to bi a good nsny rainy days during the month, the total precipitation was but o.83 inches. It it of interest to note that the extremes in temperature were 82 and 24 degrees. 1 52-25 2 57-31 3 49-30 4 39-32 . 71 5 40-31 6 60 -30 . 86 7 4-33 .30 8 62-34 9 51-42 10 53-11 .33 11 48-21 12 55-39 .10 13 61-47 ,u7 14 64 -37 15 70-45 16 72-44 .83 17 70-34 18 69-45 .10 19 75 -45 20 78-55 21 83-55 22 82-f4 23 60-87 .22 21 65-37 .41 25 71-42 .27 26 61-34 27 .67-39 28 76-42 29 75-58 1.63 3!) 72-50 31 70-41 Vaudeville at The Athens, Thurs., Fri;, Sat. The LaMonts and their troupe of trained ban jos, during the act Pauline La Mont's superb voice is heard to advantage. A new and differ ent act. Welcome To Newspaper Kickers. The editor of the En lion Times coidi ally invites all his political enemies and lemons who have stopprd his paper to come in and s e h m this week. He hi s small pox. Monroe City (Mo) News. Card of Thanks. We take this method of thanking the New Bern Fira Department for their proTiptneis in rt spending to our call of for alt. and for th ir very efficient ser vice in bl inj to extinittfish th t fire ai one of our seed r.cu es Turidsy. We also witn to thank the owners and employee of the neighboring mills for the aitlslance rendered- by them. But for their aid our lots might have been murn more rertous. vj NEW BERN COTTON OIL FERTI LIZER MILLS. IT OFTEN HAPPENS The hull's that miike their nppraranrs In the dish pans and milk-pans come 1 1 hunt wnrmnsr. 'ik r thn ghost that walks xt night Nooneknowa how it hHpM-iinl. Wc don't mmrl, of rourw, hecaus it makes business gool for UN The ho es urr there, and the new pans kre here. That's, what wc urn t')ini' to get ftt. Solid, horwst tin, faanlooed in convenient, Inning pnn, eir . waiting o av you many atepa ami kefi the food, clean and wholpwime. Ai mur-h honesty has gone Into the making of this tlrlwsre a goes tnlt a diamond ring. ' G ask ill Hardware Co: i PHONE 147 .' ? 78 M 1 DDI E Kl-- ( Attention Vderans. You are hereby requested to meet at esidenc No. 23, Geirge St.,- at 1,30 p.' ro.indai to attend the funeral of our Ut coo:rda and brother, Edward 8. fttre. t i J.. CLARK. AdJ't. needh a , At The Athens, what's the weather, and comfort . oo matter amusement We've jiat Vectived an . assort mnt. of S 'Table Mati": Dont ritL that beautiful rxli!thcd top of your dining table nj Uirtger.vWe now iiva, sure trorifctiorr for tt-a-.iVerletl AlUo$ ' abl Mar, Mid of tolid boards of a- ' st beatott beat f rbm 4ib "d sriUd liquuia I cannot an mrotirn rr mar mc - tabk. fvtyje and in to Ct anf t AI, with extra leave to . . SlftRlt a the Ullt ia txtt ntlcd' . ,Th farfa art ttrort&ly hinred o hf mif b frddf d ind rut aay wheh not in tieVTrwfjinff flannel covfrins may; I rrtifivrd when they rtquife . ' ' - . - . . " .. - Tln fOldoov olplt to cost fl&,000 has b W given to the new Cathedral of Sfr the Oivlrt ! lil.Otl It K. Ptp-3U(kea (a tnenory f bi r sUter, CaroUM. L'5V' '4rXArVH ''' 0' VTfc; W- thT l -J 'Why. l sn- fx womy, iu im nobbiest H t sprtnf and summer iampW. I snAat ever eent pfloes rif rtowa yon4 'U 1 T'jr Jolflaat tver bla patron of iMt scawafi Ind tales this ro of riprslc a en p reflation to tha srat ptiblle for the Mine. The tanli at S;r' r e0i aery trylnf t iHJta e anotSer.'. "Ko may t hT," i aM th thread 4 (ha ndte, ''but t a tlci o i al vt gsttiiig it la ti e eje." . . ' "nh, I dm"l m"- ihred tU awdi. I no't'-o'th I w.evr That old chair T-a coat OT.unina-L.ac to maxe it youns: again B. P. S. specialties for the best house keepers." J. S. Ba8night,Hdw Co.:' . - ' TBEI COIlVlHO. 60 Dr. Charles Uunaao, of Beaufort. was la tha eltjr j ester Jay,' fitjwart. af Carteret coaa tfi aa bare yeaUrdiy pofoaiosM. J If MfV?X!i(me,hb rift; ed tV Journal office i Tucsdiy slternoorr will cslt tzjAa - tods'; be will tin'somilbing (o his vtOICE Of THE. PEOPLE TtatD LooKiKa at j-evnrv- - T-; '; if . Taft Will R-ply. to the Colonol's Attack But Not Now. Four New Mem tiers Does Not i'haiige Political Com plexion of Senate. J Washington, D. C, April 31. Pres dent Taft will continue to refrain from reply to Colonel Roosevelt's attack on him ond his adm nist ration. The presi dent inlends answering some of the charges the former i r!6 dnt has made in the last few days, but thtre will be nothing psrjonal in the ansneis. The first three rep ies will be ma le on April 11th at New Yi rk vhen the president attends the annual recrptim of the II. i n League Club and 'he annual din ner of the class of '78 of Yale, the president's clafs. At this time the pres ident expects to take t p the charge against his railroad leui-iiMon, includ ing the establishment of the Commerce Court. Uo will not ment on Roosevelt's name. The Anti-Trust laws of Missouri were upheld today unanimously by the Su preme Court of theUnitt d Status. The court approved of the sUte's acti m in ousting the Standard Oil Company of Indiana nd the Republic Oil Company of Ntw York from the sUte and fining each $50,000 under theso laws. 'Th ? s'ale charged the i ompanies with hiving entered into a combination to control the prices of oil and to pre vent competition within the st ite. The Supreme Court of Missouri found them guil'y. Although within 24 hou -s Mexico and the United States have s'.-.own ea-h oth er the miilej list, nfhViaU in the State Department declared th; t the outlo k todiy is much more favo.aole for peace- Tnis is due to the. enthu3ism with which Madero's message to the Mexi can Congie s win received and the an nouncem nt that the Mi xican pros id.-m has good hopes of levin a ne nrm of 60,000 men to crush he rebellion. Should recrui's fl ck to Mndero's nrmj it would put an end to nil tal c of i t r vrntion, according to t-tate I)pa ment orticialH, Ameri 'ana in Mi xic i b'esafe i a long ai Madt-ro hold-i tnpirrn,icy. 11 Mi x ic ins support their ailoiinincration t)n i co and the Tarasutt (licel le la Hiirru l);a7. rrftia', brl.rvid In tie tinuncmg him, face disaster. Ceasar Cone, of Greensboro, went before the Senate committee on ni?ri culture and protesttd against the pan age of the Smith anti optionhill which if paised. would pievent the buying or sellng of "futurt.s" of all agrieu ttiral products. Mr. Cone sai l the bill could do no gcoj to any one, c u. but n-sult n a great loss t the cotton growers ai.d manufacturers. Senator Overman has receive I a let ter from the S cretary Oi" Agribulture announcing the appointment of Mr. Cameron V. McKae, of Wilmington, as examiner of Title for th; Appalachian Park C immisslon. Mr. McKae Ftood th" civil service examination a short time ago. He is the third examiner ap pointed. should governor Hooper appoint Ne- .II Sanders, a itepublican, to till ou Srnit r "Hob" Taylor's unexpired term, Sand ri will h the first Kvpuldi- can Senator from .the former (Vnfe,l- rate States since Skoator fritehard of North Carolina. v . WILLIAMS' atONnf TILLS . Usts you nnglected your tirlnelT Have you overworked your nor roue ays torn and caused trouble with your kid neys and bladdorT Ha you paina ia loins, side, back, grolna and bladder? Have you a flabby 'appearance of tar face, aspectalTy oader Uw eyes? Too frs qtxmt a deeir to pass unieT If so, Wl UajnaV Kidney. Pill wll euro yoo-n Druggiat, THc U. .Wl.iiame' M'f a. Co., Prop.", gUralind. 0. ' v -.,rrr V h- loed i Inaaclal CoadUloa Oood. . WWa in foevervatirm yosurrjay adth owe ef the Wadlag kal t (nkera, ha fn fnnaad Ut writer that th flna'ntW eaV diUoa in ihiTMcttua Jast at tbki tim wta Mtatthaa U had bt for aefaral awrtlha. Tba ., farmer aro- rerelvlry fM4pric fof ahorr fana prdort. tamhr il fcrihtiftg aHakt pfe'tr,'b it a tirougtil a aoM .lim atdi th (larta"n act rreeivr 1 44 price lor iMr aatcoea Eia4y mtoey U AtOr arallahla that U l last yf durr. the "rrepetdint nMMth ft-t lllshowi pi ilnly laat a inditiotw Ire tt Hr, atawhoW thi fisaaWsl voraftttrja' nf rttva Nnrth Caaonfa (aery rwv"ir- stUe and (he prirl"ri ie ' UU f a a t'f I hvt to JmiII 'ihrouah.-. 4 ll-i'ii ui f tao," rtled lh .himhl, f It at't f.r iny fUSIt y w o'iM iihf of iit t slon.' lhB t'" f" rt rut In. A n 1 ' t f ' t i l--t, ' y (! e "T;ug( t-l lh iiniW-ff art in.! tir-f f helrg kpt out of ih M 'I t.' ' II L I ,l 1 ... . 111 . Uftthe ' !.' th. I rf irwri J.lir ) .i t Cn -i t t U-H G i 1 rt. 1 I abf your rf yettafdiy thtt you are a aMieh anysiiflad eiraln UtM 'eietutlve n-Tilon' aa th l nr. 4 of your rdrs. But tKe ''froj be d -X" -Rmof (ha da th r"i'e ll dema-Kl tisr rwef th.Jt, thtl H will- t anath b t'r A savings account with this bank ha nia- vantages: It safeguards your money againt Inh-. It pays 4 per cent compound mtorcrt on "Ui iimni . It entitles you to every service the litink car, i t- n l It increases your standing with tho.e v.nh wl , n, deal. It serves as an encouragement in your endeavor.-, le in ceed. We invite you to open an account with One lM-ur or more. kail? lflif0l!lU3LS :?ii:s mm mmwmicml j I 1 New Spring Clolliine We liiive j list i .ci t ri I tin r new Spiin Clolltii ;; ;i i : 1 1 in vite the piihlie to ctiil :iinl extiniine out lilies. W e carry iKithiiif; hut till vimiI :m::ii .iii teed cliithin' iitid cut pi ires are lower I linn ul In t i ! Will elliU p' (MI l"l i (it Ulll mixed goods. We can sell on a Tailm niiide tn nil hmii e i.ii l"i I' ' S tllilli othel it J 1 1 ' Wiil e!i .1 ;;c you for stock innl.- ol -aine fradt. See us and ":ii' ntimc v J. J. Baxter I'.lks Telllil'. 'I .--lute The Mothers Friend i ' . BLJOUSKS b WASH SUITp . A very smart line of thcee Wash Suits. Hlouiws ami . I . ' Sh rti. Prices fight-See our wIikIow. "Every hoy" ) ou hih.jI.) !..- ..n of .unr . Stilus for Raster - - ' A. T. WILLIS CO. TOGGERY SHOP. T)10Nt 19 -; ' "59 POLLOCK Sji FOR EASTEffJ 1 I You Mil-Find What You Want' .: - "Here KCU&VEAGEN fi FOR v t ' - .,- .: i wilhia a ! irt whUs.' f Urtth'; sun shins iri' ty usinPiUrburgh Perfect Pcu cin? .".ro-n-l yc jr city -let I f 1' ?-' Pa . ' Hovvardfc anj lkefancll Bestmafi I Good S1! o iPittTt rVWi .,WMV"-r--' : . 1 I I $1 I . 1 ,1 '4 1 a: ...it. -: 'i :w i .1' I v iX t- a.w 4 i in " ir f mat !.a nl f. v

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