4 PfJJtJJfJf4fjf M aV4Wae iratriTSljaWaj Jb Legal Notices ChildrenCry forJFIetcJier's o a' 1 Kuas) : mm M I 11 S . I i W S" V r W II n - 1 The Kind You Have, Always Boupht, and which has been in use for over years, has horae the slgnaturo ol - and has been made under his'iicr-yZJy- gonnt HuiKuvLdeu since its Infancy. -MSt7X-ctfcA4M Allow IIO OI10 to deceive you in thi. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but ? F.xperliuents that trifle with and endanger tlie health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Cagtorla Is a harmless tsnhhtituto for Cnstor Oil, Pare gorlo, Drops and Soothing Syrups, ft is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, 3Iorphine nor other Narcotic 't, substance. lis ape Is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms and allays Feverisliness. 1 1 cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic, it relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation ' and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regidates the j Stomach lUld Itowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. -GENUINE rtilTHRIA ALWAYS aa 7 Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have in Use For Over 30 Years THZ CENTAun COMPANY, 7 MURRAY S1RCCT. NEW VOflK CITY. Physicians Advise Ufte use of a f, vxllaxativi-, to Utvp the bowels open and present the poisons of undlgesUl food from fe' 'ultimo oui Kysl 'in. The latest pimluil 1 1 s.irn. e VI I ( Ln.t.iiiv j Liver Srup, purely vegetable, geni reliable and .f a aist, annnid. I. !. -lo acts en the liver, as well as on th Stomach and bowels, :ihd is of tin.' Rre-ii.-t possible enV v in constipation, indigestion. Diiiousnjss, skk lu-ad. du.-, K'v-ri:Jiiies, cobc.tUtuleiAe, Try VF I SOUTHERN RAILWAY OUTaEHKI UA 1 rYAt 8( HKUl f ' M. B. TbM Hsri rp ..ml. H i for iDforoiattou ait, ii tii ttiiHi tl !. (Jolilliuro, N t;., J. tL B., liiruh trail. v.u:. i.u ear to Aibenll, own. ci inn Kitat lnrhij), f.ir Oxfunl. ilei iVow. Kerivllle and I'l.'lunon t t7i.tvrntty Tor t'hapnl tlli at tlreensboro tor Charlotte am a. filiL culm., air.. I. 'I i 't. rule. Lyachburx Charlotlcevlli WahiDtou au4 !' a'.ai areV II LT(a tlolaaboro 1 0& j. m tor (Irpeii .f'uro nnn.ll. ih.'iiug JTjln)an KjilKh. In AlUnU. n yala al t! rpfntbf.ro ftir fXdDla nor'Ji. winib " IK) flh. lll-lwvi'K lioLlaKurci li) ',, p n. for (iraeniboru .1..'. Raleigh , to Oraanatinro, 001 nacta at li.pnatxro for ('ha lette. Atlanta , Nw ()rla AibPTllln. KoniTllla alao tc Daovtlla. Lynrbbuit Chart tcATllla, WaablDftoa a4 olata aartk Isr fartiiar lrjformaUi ail aa to la am Uckat aint or adfraat Ik H. f. CAKY. f Uaoaral I'aaaangar iaat Waa'jIoztAa. n o. W H. f'AKNKI I., rrarailni Paaaangar Afen. nalatik m r,. For Women Who Cart Of eenrao Jtm 0 an anti'-ptlr- In yn;i L faaaflj aad In (Iip ra i ! f ..ur m n per ' ad Ycm irrlht ilia Ifil. '' ,. ' ' laaWuot what yon h. Wn na'.ng Wall aalWjid or Ubli-t nntlx pllp or ' aroalrW, won't Jon plnuw try f'ujilin, UBCntrall aiitlanptk' pm.wdrr Vo b T .4aol4 In wIpt a rxvdrd V , pMtlD) la nvire wvmumtrol, nrnn laoaina, mora irpntilrldnl and nwrt - fcaalla Uaaa anyUilnjf fum rrrr ow.1. ANTBEPnC ImI th tllntto rWnw a"rid,hlta ' Am Uir), ttitotf tartar ind prwaitfit j llaraf.. tfrUMftart iha noth.rJirtrrrj ' ' dlaeaa ttrm, a4 fnirify tba lrpth. To kepartindal rtHid t.Tiiltftrr ebaaa Adnrl. T rijr'li tmm U a ixk HA prt) Um krU tW- awJef. tt tnAUu prplr ' KUm oh if p"f batiiar, -' A iv rrrtsdlrtDai et fnr katmf t4 (wlalr4 Uia trW prfrl f . . riarrkvtAflaMkatfr tout nWtatloa nlit, oUi1r qvala fc"t Aonrh of N ' -aitla.t fnr l t tfc Ioha H. f- IlahKaja Vitil s trl fWUr1y ,tA Ha nraodiafy rVrnf .eM' ar,4 f Tjtii'H'Ul por. for tbia m, r .m t flia 1a wrrtti t Wl i ' .- f ,r H4l ratarrli, r 'w as a - . - , - - Always Bought 30 LAXATIVE LIVER SYRUP I S : yir nt ho-np 19 a virtue fw peo- p e I ry to cultivate. 'lh b' t ir trnnlmpnt l. in lilom a our il ive. for finanria1 .lapnn I a r viv i the (itMtion li e abi Iili hi of licenmtiK i cial evil. for ' My lit ' Ip son hiiil a vpi y a vt r fold. I v. n rcc mm nclfd lo try ('humler Imiii'h C hkIi K nifilv, and hrlmp i hiuhII I nt I 'e win I'n idlii d Iip wbh an well hh pvi r,"w lip Mrs. II Si kc, 1!9 Dowl mi Sr., Svd 'V Aimi rnlia. This n me .ly if for bhIi.' by all dealer. TIip HriiiHh 1'irliament pa'aril Mi ,1-rs' Minimum Want- hill. th. A kitten in all Ip is an a Dirt. Hint a friaky anispnnr Dr. J. T. K. Nral, Prop , Nivirdal. Urutr t o . C.rppnvillc, S. C , writ re rntly, "I have bpna prariicmg; phvn I run hi iljuuvvi-l lor owr x jpar- at r I h ivp K'i'u hi d adininititi rrd many kid I ""v mp I rit ps hut nonp lo pij-ial Fo "K ulncy I'l'1". Thpy arp aup-tiior to am I I rvpr inipd, an I itivr ihp q nrkat an I r'i t pprmanent i elipf . " r'or salo b all di a er. Th mnrp birlhdava woman haa lh. la it i he haa to nay ah ut I hem. Ike Drummond Canal & Wain Co. l,akf Drummond Trinsportatioi Co. Ikr Drummond Towing Co. Dismal Swamp Canal An Inland KonU, Protvtl from Storm. Nino KppI of WatPr Minimum IVptl Alwaya. gulrk Tranult f6r Trafflr. I'rompl To ing and Krrlghl Movamaot. lor tnlla, towing and frrlght ratr apply at other in HWtard Hank Huild mif and at Dap ('r. lxrk, Va, M. K. King, Pru. J. A. Mitlin, Sty. J. 8. Bixttr, Sup). I. 1 Whlttharit, Traffte Mntgr. Norfolk OftW IUII IW T. WOMEN Women of lk VifKctt tjpe, wt jici of ioprior I Jacatlo tad refinemfnt, wkof ixtttrnrvi , forrt t tWVpUioaa, klly A cmtfrc proptrtlr tf Qu UWi5H..cWWLiTtfT.V- f tout ttt, fnm - 1, tVref (li U'rJi!i of let 1 lio4 1 lU JetnmBj Jtrrt, tlrri Il in) lafrr trrrt t'r .it- MM lira I Br ' I Eleanor M. Ingram II Author of "The Game and the Candle" I I liluaVatlorjt By I ij RJJY WALTERS j I0cpjrl-lit, ISla, by BobtavlUrrUI OaJ (Continued from Page Two) uncle to the other roaff. liu pe"I' haps it was the real anxiety and sus pense of Bailey's expression that drew her quick reply. "Let ua, uncle. Since we need him, let us have him." "Very well," said Mr. Ffrench. "You hear. Bailey." There was a long silence after the Junior partner's withdrawal. "Come where I can see you, Em ily," her uncle finally demanded. "I liked your decided answer a few mo ments ago; you can reason. How long have you been a daughter In my house?" "Six years," she responded, obedi ently moving to a low chair opposite. "I was fifteen when you took me from the convent to make me very, very happy, dear." "I sent for you when I sent for Dick, and for the same reason. I have tried three times to rear one of my name to fitness to bear it, and each one has failed except you. I wish you were a man, Emily; there is work for a Ffrench to do." "When you say that, I wish I were, But I'm not, I'm not." She flung out her slender, round arms in a gesture of helpless resignation. "I'm not even a strong-minded woman who might do Instead. Uncle Ethan, may I ask It was Mr. Dalley who made me think my cousin whom I never saw, will he fiever come home?" lie voice faltered on the last words, frightened at her own daring. But her uncle answered evenly, if coldly: "Never." "He offended you so" "Ills whole life was an offense. School, college, at home, in each he went wrong. At twenty-one he left me and mansTed a woman from the vaudeville stage. It Is not of him you are to think, Emily, but of a sub stltute for him. For that I designed Dick; once I hoped you would marry him and sober his Idleness." "Please, no," she refused gently. "1 am fond of Dick, but please, no." "I am not aBklng It of you. He Is well enouRh, a good bffy, not over wiBe, but not what is needed here. Failed, analn; I am not fortunate. There Is left only you." "Me?" Her startled dark eyes and his de termlncd gray ones met, and so re mained. "You, hnd your husband. Are you going to marry a man who can take my place In this business, in the fac tory and Hie model village my brother and I built around It; a man whose name will he (It to Join with ours and so in a fuphion preserve It here? Will you wall until such a one Is found and will you aid me to find him? Or will you too follow selfish, idle fan clt'B of your own?" J'No!" nlo answered, quite pale. "1 woflld not do that! I will try to help,' "You will take up the work the men of your name refuse, you will provide a substitute for them?" Hit parurMnPKB sprang to meet hlF HtieiiKth of will, sh leaned nearer In her rntlmplnHin of Belt-abnegation, scarcely understood. "I will llnd a substitute or accept yours I, Indeed I will try not to fall." Irwaa tliuractertatic that he offered neither prnlne nor cartas. "You have relieved my mind," aald Ethan Ftranrh, and turned his fac once more to the Ore. CHAPTER III. It Wat October when the consulta tion wu held 1() the library of th old rfrtitb house on 4ba Hudaon; Decetrlber was very near on the tunny roornlhg'fhat Emily drove out to tbe factory and sought Bailey In nil of fice. "I wanted to talk with you," the plained, aa that gantleman roae to racelva her. "We have known acb other for long time, Mr. Bailey; aver flnra I came from tbe Bacred Heart to live with Uncle Etbaa. That la a vary long tlaae." "Ifi a matter of flte or alt year," atreed the charmed Bailey, contem plating bar with affectionate pride la ber prttlneM.4Bd grace. "Ton a4 to drive out her with rour poor and ipend maar an a our looking od Jd aaklng qufitlona. Youll excuae tne, Mlae Rmllf, but there Wat maay man pi at A th whitrt that jrov'4 bav made In matter of Ue workg." "'. . Ha aEoot her Vaa4, foldlaf . tf mail low4 hand Jipoo the edgevof lb deek at the opposite slow of which they wero aaated. ' "At leest 1 wrld bT tried. I aO quit lure I would hare tried. Bat 1 tm oATr kin. f t etiM to tik rot sotnetbfng rrgwdlng' that," hbo lifted her' candid rl lo bit, her toft eok rltliig.-To yv Inow hart 79 oter v(r ttr mat who oar4 tad'Dder ttoodV abont tarh-fafortea M thltt Men who eriuM take eharge Wusl Meai (kf fctaufactortrrf aad VC 111 oUlnsu flkf wlf ticVrtf , I hare rwaaon tbt takWt.V- , V. . "Bura thlflg." etld Ballef, ttnetpecfc trnmpt Tre tst wie mat who kaowe how to fcanrlt UK factory t Mr t t do, end I ts bxo at it (waft yara , And ttare he la ? i tataad It V noWIng chalj gnd n !!4 1T r - 'a fnf.r'PI the l'5a- I 0 o o o; o o o. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o i mine o Wo OOOOOQQOOOOOQOQOOOOOOSOOOOOOOOCCOCQQdOOO certain sober animation "of its ovra. Around a drafting table central in the bare, systematic disorder of the apart ment beyond, three or four blue-shirt-ed men were grouped, bending over a set of drawings, which Lestrange was explaining. Explaining with a vivid interest in his task that sparkled over his clear face In a changing play of expression almost mesmeric In its command of attention. The -men watched and listened intently; they themselves no common laborers, but the Intelligent workmen who were to carry out the ideas here set forth. Wherever Lestrange had been, he was coatless and the sleeves of his auting shirt were rolled back, leaving bare the arms whose smooth symmetry re vealed little of the raciuK driver's strength; his thick brown hair was rumpled into boyish waves and across his forehead a fine black streak wrote of recent personal encounter with things practical. "Oh!" exclaimed Emily faintly. And after a moment, "Close the curtain, please." None of the group In the next room had , noticed the movement of the shade, absorbed In one another; any sound being muffled by the throb of adjacent machinery. Bailey obeyed the request, and leaned back in his chair. "That's Darling Lestrange," he stated with satisfaction. "That's his own design for an oiling system he's busy with, and it's a beauty. He's entered for every big race coming this srason, starting next week in Oeor- gla, and meantime he oversees every department In every building as It never was done before. The man for me, he is." Emily made an unenthuslastic sign of agreement. "I meant a very different man from Mr. Lestrange," she replied, her dig nity altogether Ffrench. "1 have no doubt that he is all you say, but I was thinking of another class. 1 1 meant well, I meant a gentleman." I "Oh, you meant a gentleman," re plied Bailey, surveying her oddly. "I Kcoros of NVw dldn t know, you see. No;. I don t know any one like that." "Thank you. Then I will go. I it does not matter." She did not go, however, but re mained leaning ou the arm of her chair in troubled reverie, bor long lashes lowered. Dalley But as quietly, watching her and waiting. The murmur of volceB came dully through the closed door, one, lighter and clearer In tone, most frequently rUlng above the roar perVadlng the whole building. It was not possible that Kmlly's glimpse of Lestra,iiK across tbe glass should-Identify him absolutely with the man the had seen once in the flickering light nd shad ows on tbe Long Island road; but he was not of a type easily forgotten, And she had been awakened to a doubting recognition. Now, many little circumstances re curred to her; a strangeness In Dick's mannnpwhen the new nnnair was alluded, to. the fact that her rescuer on that October night bad been drlr- Ing a radng car and had worn a rao- Ing costume: snd lastly, when Bailey spoke of "Darling" LesUtnge there had flaehed tcroha her mind the mech anician's rldlculova apiwer to- the re quest to aid her chauffeur In changing t tire 1 I11 do It for you. Darling. And listening to that domlnant"(o1c la tbe neit, foora, aha ilowlf grew crimson befort $ vision of herself la -the middle of a. ooustry road, appeal lag t j a ttrajiger for succor. Ilk th heroin of a tnalodraaaatlo lotion. DV (TO BB lONTlNUEU.) CASTORIA ; T InaU aA (Afldrta. tin fkl Ye. Ran A!i2ifst!vtt Boar tho VcnaMiwtjf Eri a ttomta ti?f kart t It srti fraswfutly.-; ' Aftel ' waversfmontibi tht k on" oW r t WtUrx tot har rscn4 a istUfttrwyfrsrieit avl.ih, ttrilrt ha b-saralr-itofTi t.W C N. T A K E 9 arcs NORFOLK SOUMi: i RD ROUTE OK 7 IK "NIGHT EXPRESS" Schedule Effective Mar:h. 3. 1912 Tne following schedule figures pub lished as information 0 ,I,Y ami are not guaranteed. a 'ffTr TRAINS LKAVKNI.W HERN NORTH AND VV'iS'. F..JLNI) 12:"U a m, D;.ily Nil lit rv pr.-.ss Pull man Sleeping ('. r i r Norfolk. 9:25 a in, Daily for 1 lor -ilk, connects for all points N n'11 anil West, Parlor tar Horvi. iween Wash ington and Noil )!! l:4!j p m, Daily esc pt Sunday for Wasliipgli'.'i, 15el ts-v n, (Ireenville Wilson ant' Ral i)rh. 1'arlor car betwei ii VV nil. 'I. n nntl Raleigh. 4:10 a in. Daily Nig it KxpreaV for tiolilnlioro. 9:10 a m, Daily .r Ooltlsbnro. 5:1(5 P m, Daily for Goltlsboro. EAST HOUND Daily for Beaufort. " Beaufort. 9:20 a m, f:li5 p m, 9:5') a m, Daily except Sunday for Oriental. 5:45 p m, Daily for Oriental. For furthorinformation or reservation of Pullman Sleeping far spare, apply ti 1 li. Bennett, T. A., New Bern, N. C. W. W. CROXTON W. R. HUDSON, (I. P. A. (iyn'l Supt. Norfolk. Va. What the world neiiln ni Ush goo, I ad vice and more gootl example. DOING THEIR DUTY Hern lleadeis ar' I, earning the lnty of the K ill neys. To filter the blond in the kidnry's duty j When they fail to do th: the kuloeys I ore sirk. j Uackach? and many k.iin-y il fol j low. Help the kidneys do tl. r wrk. Doan's Kidm-y Pilln ha e cured thou ' landii of Bovero cibcb. ! Proof in tho following: ! J. H. Ped, K Second ,t , Wahhing ton, N. C, , ruyi: "I coi si'ler Doan's Kidney Pills a n rrfvdy of m. iit Uark ahi bothered me and ih'Te were pains across my loins. These symptini ot I kidney trouble showed I at something I must be done. Tho kii.ny secri tioflt tweri abo irregular in p,sa;p and con tauifd edimunt. I used two box a t( EFotVt Knldey Pills as di ected ami tVy entirfy relieid me. Thrre has never been any-recurrence of rT cmpUin(." For saie by ail ooaJ i. Prloe M onta rtar-Mllbnro Co., Bi.ffaJo, Sew York, aole agaata th Unit UU. Real scd bar U aant -Dosui't as) ak a other. AH things are fur that al-indrvarf one of ua Imagine he's t e best. Ma J. I.. Starrcs, Hi. kory, N C. has rn th oast soffMnd etvia v wit td rolay a lwiy at d 1 ar 1 ompMng for Ibis and It gar m 1 Ir rDo1at tat Is faction n) ra'lef. U iv 1 m plreure to roeoariraorrtribi pr a at loo fer am UrMsahoar. , or sn sfleritca ol ihhnnr Iwws, , k. rr w will do ai fltlmdr,r K." fm sla .by H dealers, ' m ,Tb.-:fo.,.tv;l.tg.. for ..H;V?:a..7 Urt hrtorowto, ' ' n., U 57 cnt pet Mar, : fd!riuiiiii7piii.s SSnlUUtli)lt,iullMUaiAlluli .'A r - ..,... ... . . ' ' Masi a rn-ft Is tjiMl 8d a I h bblA r.U1t Is to fihi nolghior'a. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o TO o o o a J61 SOUTHERN RAILWAY DIRECT LINE TO ALL POINTS NORTH, SOUTH-EAST. WEST. Wry Low Round Trip Rates lo all Principal Resorts. Through Pullman to Atlanta, leaves Raleigh 4:05 p m, arrives Atlanta ti:;t5 p m, making close connection for and arriving Montgomery following day af ter ieaviog Raleigh 11:00 a fh, Mobile 1:12 p m, New Orleans 8:30 p m, Birm ingham 12:15 noon, Memphis 8:05 p in, Kansas City 11:20 a m, second day anil connecting for all other points. This i ar also makes close connection at Salis bury for St. Louis and other Western points Through Pullman to Washington lea ves R Jeigh 6:50 p m, arrives Waahnig on Bilira, Baltimore 10:02 a m, Phila delph, i 12:28 noon, New York 2:.'ll p m. 1'his c irmaks close connection at W sh ngtin for Pittsburg, Chicago and all point North and West and at Greens-1 boro for Through Tourist Sleeper I'oi ! California points and for all Florida i points. I Through Parlor Car for Asheville leaves Goldsboro at 6:45 a m, Ralngh S:3oa m, arrives Asheville 7:40 p in, making close connection with the Caro lina Seiiul and arriving Cincinnati 10 a in, following day after leaving Kal eigh, with close connection for all points North and Noith-West. Pullman for Winstoii-Siilem leaves Raleigh 2::t0 a m, arrives lireenslmro ti:30 a m, making close connection ' at 'Jreon.sboro for all point North, South, Kast anil West. This car i bundled on train No. Ill leaving Goldsboro at 10:45 p m. If you desire any information, pleaite call. We are here to furniah informa tion aa well as to sell tickets H. V. CAKY, 0. P. A. Washington, D. J. O. JONES, T. P. a: Raleigh, N. C. C. I, U. sre vowe's ihst have caused nmny a man's downfall Children Cry FOR FLETCHER S CASTORIA Alwaya remrmber be a, (rrnttemen -unless you ara woman. Din J Joyca, Sanville, Va., ii'so (t lad h Mwapt-d consumption and rrained hi health, that he writes alxmi it for lh hern fi' of 01 hers "I had a c ugh which hung on lor (wn yrais wl en I bftn uung K.iliiy's Honey and Iar 'ornprtund. I kept on until ibn eouvh flnal y left in aad 1 galntd in w. ihi from 113 lo lHTi piunda In two years I have grown strong and heal hy. all from the use of Foley's Honv Hud Tar OomfKHind. which eurd me." - Kor sale by aH Dealers. Th Railora' Union of the Pacific has decided, by rfrodun vota, to estab llh a branch of th ookvo at Victoria, U, C. . . Tea state Iaat yal paaaed laws pro viding rompeaaaUo) for meo Irj ired bit at work. .I - . i FOlEY KIDNEY PILLS tl Pot) Maaf kipwai mm sHaoo AraMtioa it a bo4 lalrsr, KmI don'l Hy hfghtf faaa yoej ro rooatl , QATE8 LS0 OF kOY. "It t)n4 thai bb U year aid hoy out. hart t In hit I, oei a-cooBv C "All rrraedi and aVxnra Irett failed till art Uled Barklwa'a Araars Sslra, atnJ rorort htti with an hot.". Cart bora, holla, akin twaa UoefHlta, 76 at all Jragtlsta. Th laoae at Aaletkja f ra ilnw tW ter f'ru4ssr U aoottva duriAg in la ;.. let of 9tt a 1,3 M ' V Having duly I of Rict&nl A. KjbM-il. :!tt. County, all persoi.t, havn.K OJtat fcre nun ,ed to i,r -. m VBd for iaj nient liu a: Aero, N C . tf.,rc th, or thiM notice ill u i i u 1 . AM who art- ind!-t.tJ tu tht to maJte imm.din-.e pa n,. i,t i J . V . i lUrcti MiTIC'l-:. NORTH CAIIOI.INA CRAVKN ( Dl'N'l V. Sarah K Am'.nne vs Spencer W. AmhrnM'. The def-in!ai,t ut, f i i,r . that an ml I, .n 1 1 1 ii i.-ii ii.. .,(., , menced in ll.c Sujh i n.r I r t I i to obtain a divdrc' fmm the lh,in' That the -iaid 1 1 e f 1 1 diui I u ill tice that he is rr.uiirr.l luai;, .-! trm of said SiiptTioi' Cm, it n, i held on the Sil, day of A) i ,1. : 'I : house in ai 1 cuunlv. in N, 1:. , , lina. and answer it du:ur i i- saiu actioior tin-i-lniiiiiil .. , l..; ;, for the relief denian.Uil in i , Tins Mai.-u ,th. M2. V. M. V. Cliik ADMINISTKATOIi'S NoiK.i: Ni(ice is hereby kivi ii that i ht niuici -vm this d ay iiualided as Aln in ttai-.i .. 1 1,. . of W, A. Williams fK-d'as.-.l irnl all i in dawns against Maid t statr ;i to file tin' Kameiiily vci u i on or before Kehruary I'.', i' will ph-adivl in larif nnv n sons ind' htcd to Miid c.!a;, v. mediate settlement Willi tin - Ik 1 1 m - All person having i-huin-: :i- a ; -t 1 1. Haiiey Mxre, d.-i-casM-il. nt c ; i, them to the um( rsijrin-d Cm thenticnt.HMii New lii-rn. K ( , , m day of March, l'H;l. ur tin-, i .,'n w ,, bar of rerovecy, AH .li" (?' nuli'lii. eatnte are reiimred t i inulo- n um iJnii' to me, A. H. I: A Mil!: I. liuly tiimlified K.. . i.i-.r .-I I! Ml. d'eeaH-d. This Mar.-h 1 1 tl,. l.d MOKIMA'iK SAM! INirfuanl In tlie p. crrlain mm IjMirr .1. AimIithoii mi,! Annii I). II. Stiillmi: i, l :i, anrl r.Tiipl .1 in I ! I r ,-.,1. M. An!. i.k .1 il ...1.1:. ,. trihti-r if ilrptls f..r l rn, i, 1M K.iliu 111.. iiii., ii.i anil Hi'll In the lutein -l r"- t liniiH.. il.Mir in N, u 1 the '.".'nil day nf A i . 1 1 1 . ',!;. d'clnrk, all tin- f .1. i-'iliv.-yi'i) in ;uiH in :i u All tiial ii rliuu tr:i- i , 7Lli lown"Jii,. I i t , i !)., Mllltll si-j.- ..I 1 I, 1.1 I. N. w lli-i n N. i .. I n.i, llryan at r.-i I 'm i. n i.. Iil.it nf laii-l ciil!,' I i . . rfcnrdi-d in ll.i- I . k-, ( ravi-ii ri. ii nl v in 1 i fi.u r Ii i ml n-il i I ! i , y 1 1 ' III!" HOUtll nil!.- (,f I I, II, . Mione is l;'-,; f i ',in 1 1', i . , iivit Tr. nt Kivi i iifur.-- 1W U-r, tli-namlh I W went '1W f. -t. I l,.-i i. nil KaiJ l.jt Im-uiiiiu tin- linn plot or plan, it.i.l ) ii.k i tiy Hunry K. Hi hi, i l u: twin by iJihn! .l.iiiil 1 1, , . i. in Haat puhli t , i'l-. n, ami 141. nt.'l , r . I , . , Amivriiiin hh ami aini s Urnry W, A iiinSr.i i,, i, . A Inn ailnlhrr tru. i .r ; Uiwnshlti. naul i.'ul. in ; I ait iat (in Vi.!n 1 .ti, villi-. "a. I'l'.M.',! an I i, . I corila In lU.k N I j lnaf ina- tlie in,!,,;- . v ,ir plan. Il l mtt i In i ami J. A. M. a.l iu i .... I ilnil dati .1 Jui . .HI I he ri.(iiil. ii, 11 . k Nl, I hiriid li mm .imii.-l i oil hir-a1 rlr nf .alii I j d(vi-il. Th ijr r r il l i , l-.la an lirii-liy rrfcri. ..ail I lt I I. 1 h.i.f. 1 In- llih !r ..f Mi. I A 1 1. 11 : I A I.I Publication of Jijjmmoiis Norih I h r . .1 ir n, (' the Superior ( mirt. J. Mv Murlin V". '. The iii.fi'riil:wi t nl, i. nrrtire Ihst an in i. i ha rnvn coinn ' ii nl C rurt of Craw n divorce from tlie In. nai M. I I in ' ii ' mi il l ikn :i I ii i v i i- ri.,r i, di:.. .ii ii,.- : t . '., U nf I ' r n ktd tbe SSnl dnfernjni,! will notice that h la irr. I tbe April term nf SLi p-r i r 'in i.i r I - ike ll I fU' St ''.urt for I sakt County lo be bol l mi i r . - -Hi ilv o April, l!tl2. st ("4 ll.t Tl" n . .f anul tl unty in Near Hen , N (' hi a rt Wr or demur lo the Cnrr pl.Jrit in aaH atAion or the plslni ff il o i t l v ti iha Cofurl fot relief (lemsrided in ! rnm pauit. w. m. Wrvr?t)N, CUlfk of tre SurierWr I'ourL a .in ii . 8 rVnr Ki.bc I. Taylor. mum, d'M a VV'j (a ngtim of. T r Very Serious It It a vary aarVrtrs mjrjttt to aak Igor OM sWicio and have fa evTwng tt irr yoa. ' for lai ysaaoa w jrott in boyinf ' wT taf tprretul to grt C4't;ulo-- DLf.cn- draught ? "t. Tfa rtwattoa of ftla oldVwf" MrtBlitihVM tstllfiin, la' d jto en4 live trouM, f trm Ir al i'sti'i, ll rloS tM -rii. ' r r ' . ft b r t ... IV "! -J- - I HVr , . i t ,a J K i- ; i: . r- . i-.-im, .1. : .11 r,d ' -V. ' w. V i'l (' urt. " 4 'V. ",1 , "V."t- 4- . v V-