r:Ea cerii dxily jdurkal rf-uth.4 nry M to the iw k a- hwur, JMml tUlii H4i DITOB AITO FBPRITTOR trBtcKirrioM wr m Tent to MfUN ...... IM TMT. Mt i MtM .. M jKntklr 7 arrter In tt etty AvrttaUc rates taralafced m ' Bntr at tt Posteffloe, New Bam .Cm aaoond-claaai matter. StfTTCXAI. PATBB Of" HBW BJCRN AMP CBAVXH OOPNTT. Jvew Bern, N. C. April 9, 1812. ! rcn Tiis vcr.!A?i viio ,nn,,:;:3 a::d rnia Son wonea ompkui thl thty periodically suffer from dull and Wry feel ing' i dlsvi irs fca tix bead, eervoaaaest, ple end bruii-low telnii which should act eoaor to the normal healthy woinu. - But moat every wm t subject to (baa peia a tome time in her Lfe( ue to abnormal eooditiooi la U, aoctj M ooracta, ow-taied atrwvitii, bad air, or improper food, wat feet, aluiib liver, ate. ' A regulator and .female toaio' mad iron natira medtcutal root with' pur jlyoerio, and without thaw of alcohol, called , " , " D. PIERCE'S I FATORTE ."' PRESCRIPTION a i- f " -a . " mm m a . . . . . . , . : .T '. i-.-r H8S PIWW K YUUV W IBOQMOOf OS Case. Ml It tt lOUOWlfl J . Has. Uaktin. A HOUSE OF DETENTION NEEDED. The case of smallpox found in this city last week, naturally pro vokedstir and excitement in the neighborhood where the man with the disease was discovered and de tained. No neighborhood, white or coiored, in New Bern, wants any person with a contagions dis ease, particularly when the afflic ted person has no home aud must be sheltered and provided for iu some house, where there is dan ger to nearby residents. That any person with contagious disease should have to be detained for even a few hours in auy populated locality of this ciiy, is simply neg ligence on the part of the authori ties, for there should always be ready and prepared a house of de tention for every such afflicted per son. Some years ago when there was a number of smallpox cases here, there was provision made for those with the disease and those consid ered dangerous. This provision was an isolated building, in a most lonely place, and the unfortunates who had to be removed could not have endured worse mental suffer ings, if they had been in a convict camp. In the above instance, there was discliuation on each side, of the county and city authorities, to assume responsibility, and so it is today, when dangerous cases are discovered, there is conflict of au thority, rather county and city au thorities each seek to evade au thority or responsibility in caring for the afflicted persons. What is demanded is that pub lic safety should be safeguarded iu advance, by such a house that any person with a dangerous disease may be taken to it at once, and the case given the necessary at tention. This house should be isolated and yet not be a house of horrors. It is unjust, inhuman to treat contagious cases, as some have been treated here. It is due public safety and the Christianity that is our boast, that the author ities, this means a co-ope'ratiou be tween county aud city, make pro vision, and have such ever pre pared at an hour's notice, to suit ably care for any contagious .case that may develop or come into the county. mmm- im m.mAm, ac Aiunra, nanr. Boot 1. Box m, anat' . - I Uiougnt i would writ yoe m rwrd to vaai your madwuiaa have- dMM tar m.- 1 aavawaed them tqr thirty yearn tor female trouble aad rami weekneaa with the very beet reault, end the? haw eand au hundred! of eullan te doctors' bUla, 1 buy the 'Favorite Preecrii, lea' and GaMea Medical Dieeowry ' and take than toeether. I sever aa disappointed In your remedies en take pleasure to nwonmaodtna; them to any taSaing lady., I am now ahmet fifty yeara ekt; at forty. Sva I took your UMdt4nes fcoth Mode, and I pasted that period vary easily and left ma fatnd healthy. 7 1 feel like a yoan girt. H any lad caree to write me, I will tfiailir t0" Btora about th good work of jour medietoea." - -. .,-. t- .r,-,;-. Da.PisacB't GsBATPAinYDocToBooc,ThPeopleV Corarao Sen Medioel Adviser, newly reviaed up-to-date edition ot 1009 pa'Sea, aniwer boat ol delioat ouettlooa which every womaa, single or married, ovtfht to know. Sent frei in cloth binding to any addrea on receipt of 31 one-cent tampa, to gcover coat Ot wrapping1 aad milia only. UNITED CONFEDERATE . VETERANS REUNION Macon, Ga., Extremely Low Fares Via Norfolk-Southern Railway Tickets on Sale May 5, 6, 7, 8, 1912. Norfolk S 11 95 Washington .10 40 New Bern 10 40 Beaufort 11 30 Kinston 9 75 Wilson 9 25 Rates in same proportion from other stations. Final limit May 15, 1912, unless tick et is deposited with Special Agent and upon payment of fifty cents when ex- ension to June 5, will be granted. Stopovers allowed. Ask Agents for etailed information. B. L. BUGG, W. W. CROXTON, Traffic Mgr. G. P. A, NORFOLK, VA. A New York child was .drowned in a sewer. CASTOR I A Tor Infanta and Children. 1.1 Kind Yob Han Atiaji Bought B th aftfnatur ot yy when counting hia bleealnci a man ((rally refuse to Include hi poor relation a. F0LEY?KIDNEY PILLS Fon Bag kaom a Kidncvs and Blaodch Two men were killed in a street duel n Beaumont, Texss. State of Ohio, City of Toieflo, ( Lucas County, 88. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that hp is senior partner of the firm of F Cheney & Co., doing business in the city of Toledo, County and Stat aforesaid, and that said firm wiL pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of catarrh that c'annot be cured bj the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J, CHENEY., Sworn to before me and subscrib ed in my presence this 6th day of December, A. D. 1886. (Seal) A. W. GLEASON. Notary Public. nail's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY CO.,Propa, Toledo, 0 Bold by druggists, price 75c Take Hall' family pills for eon- atrpatioB, Anthracite miner are expected to in sist upon recognition of their union. Operator gave their reason tor refus ing it. ' RIVERDALE ITEM. i April 8. We are having some pretty W ather now, we sincerely hope it will cpatinue. Mr. A, D. Fisher spent Thursday in New Burn. 1 Mifts Bt ttio Bell epent Saturday and Sunday at Harlowe. Master Frederick Mallison, of Kins ton, who has been spending a few days with his parents at this place, returned home Sunday. 'Mr. H. C. Wood spent Saturday in New Bern. - - Quits a number of our young people attended I he school commencement at Croatan Wednesday night. We think trjat every one enjoyed it. 'Mr. Tom Haywood, of Croatan, spent a short while at this place Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Bettie Williams and 1 ttle son Harvey, of Croatan, spent Friday at thjs place. Mrs. J. S. Fisher spent Thursday in New Bern, Miss Made Taylor spent, Sunday at Crpatan. Miss Leona Hardison, of Croatan spent a short while at this place Sun day afternoon. Mr. J. A. Herrington spent Sunday at his home near Askin. Mr. Albert Ives attended Sunday school at Croatan Sunday afternoon. Mr. Kay Hardnon, of Croatan, was here a alior. while last Sunday after noon. Mi -in Sain Ewell, of James City, spept Saturday night with Miss Eva Fisjiei1 Aa my eyes are getting heavy I will ring off. "SCHOOLGIRL." FiiRYiilG uERCURY Eleanor M. Ingram f'f . ' '"Anthor of "Tho Game and the Caodle - :- Btoatratkma By . RjtY WALTERS , k (Oorrlit, BM. b7 BetitjearrlU OeJ CHAPTBR Tit. It anneani that a nrt. ter of Etlian -Ffrench, wanting an expert to race wfth the "Mercury" - at auto eyente. ha engaged Lestrange. and at the Ffrench factory Kmlly encounters the young' man. They refer pleasantly to their flrat meeting when Dick oomea along uu rmjuKiliaea uie Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A W oil row Wilson headquarters are to be opened in Boston. young racer. CHAPTER IV. Dick Tikes the way Le trange Ignores their first meeting when he appeared to a disadvantage. They become quite friendly and Lestrange tells Emily that he win try to make something out of her Indifferent cousin and educate him a an automobile expert CHAPTER V. Dick undertakes his business schooling under the tutelage ot Lestrange. Dick Is sheer grit, and In making a test race meets with an acci dent Lestrange sticks to him bravely, and Dick guessing that his friend loves Emily disclaims any Intention of marry ing her. side nun osu passed across tile roiaed page.- "All In readiness for Beach Con test," the head-lines ran. "Last big driver to arrive, Lestrange Is In Mer cury camp with R. Ffrench, represent. tatlve or Company." And there was a blurred picture of a speeding car with driver apd mech anician masked to goblinesque non Identity, with the legend underneathf " 'Darling' Lestrange, In his Mercury on the Georgia course." "Next year I shall make him . part owner. It was always my poor broth er's desire to have the future name still Ffrench and Ffrench. He was not thinking of Richard then; he had hope of " Emily lifted her gaze from the pic ture, recalled to attention by the break. "Of?" she echoed vaguely. "Of one who Is unworthy thought. Richard has redeemed our family from extinction; that is at rest." He paused for an instant. "My dear child, when you are married and established, I shall be content." Her breathing quickened, her cour age rose to the call of the moment.' "If Dick is here, if he is Instead of a substitute," she said, carefully quiet In manner, "would It matter, since I am only a girl, whom I -carried, Uncle Ethan?" The recollection of that evening when Emily had given her promise of aid, stirred under Mr. Ffrench'a self absorbltion. He looked across the ta ble at her colorless, eager face with perhaps his first thought of what that promise might have cost her 'No," he replied kindly. "It is part of my satisfaction that you are set free to follow your own choice, with out thought of utility or fortune. Of course, I need not say provided the P ILLS - EUT C ASGiRETS No Odds How Sick Your Stomach; Hew Hard Your Head Ache? , ' or Hew Bilious Cascar etsUake you Feat - Great You then and women who some how cant get feeling right who have an almost daily headaehe, coated tongue, foul taste and foul breath, dizziness, can't sleep, are bilious, uervgus and upset, bothered with a sick, gassy, disordered stomach, or have baekache and feel all worn out. Are you keeping clean inside with Cascarets, or merely forcing a pas sageway every few days with salts, cathartic pills or castor oilt This is important. Cascarets work while you sleep; cleanse and regulate the stomach, remove the sour, undigested and take the excess bile from the liver and carry out of the system all th decomposed waste matter of thu in testiues and bowels. A Casraret tonight will straighten you out by morninga 10-ueut hos from any drug store will keep your 'entire family feeling good for months. Don't forget the children. They love Cascarets because they taste good do good never gripe or sicuen. mm. fEurCaT12:i'CF SGRPLUSvHfD IKIED : ?. "HTfHORisTo tim THE NATIONAL BANK OF NEW BERNE, N. C. STANDS FIRST among the banks of the City THIRD among the National Banks of the State And as it has Surplus and Undivided Profits amounting to $10,000 and Capital amounting to 1100,000, it has a place on the National Bank Roll of Honor, which includes only banks having Surplus and Undivided Profit equal to or exceeding their Capital stock. 4 o1 INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. You will look good while before you find a batter medicine for cough and eoldt than Chamberlian' Cough Reme- rfv. It not only give relief it cures. Try it when you have cough or cold. and you r certain to be pleued with the prompt cure which it will effect. tor sale by all dealer. President Joeph P. Smith denied charges of cornrotrciallam gainat the Mormon Church. SAVED BY HIS WIFE. She's a wise woman who know just what to do when her husband' life it in danger, but Mrs, R J Flint, Brain tree. Vt. is of that kind. "She insisted on thy using Dr. King' New Discov ery,' writes Mr. F. "for dreadful cough, wnen 1 was so weak my mends all thought that 1 had only short time to live, and It completely cured me." A quick cure for cough nd cold, it' the most safe and ' reliable medicine for many throat and luntf,troub grip, hrnrirhitia ernUD. whonnincr eooirn. quinliy, tonsilitis, hemorrhage. A trial . !)l 1 ! -! . 1 a V win ; convince you. ouci ana fi.uu. Uosrauteed by all Druggist. The Senate agreed to consider the Stw Tariff Revision bill by week of (I r ' April 10. A LOG ON THE TRACK ot lb fait xDr ntna Mrkms troo - bl bad If sot removed, o do lo , of apMUt. It ddi lack of vitality km f trtoftk sod arva wtakoaa. 1 " poctltt fail taka Electric Bittr . qoJeklf to ovareotn th mob by ton - .tog ap Um stomach od raring id in . ttigwtkm. HicfcMl HMabeimtri of Un . ei, hb., bad sick wr thr C bat six beitlM bf E'eeUle Bit Dt krm rufbt bl ft ttatn. . 7b7 hv kip4 tbotwand. Thy W wm Mom, trof Mrrv, good dig . " Urn, Only eta, at aH PtaggUU. . - Th Et. 0ir Wt aar Uetfiphl allapa-4 aaor tb wtbt of U4 r - east flrod. - ' ' . ". SAVES LEO Of BOY. "It imed that my 14-yr old boy woo Id have to loaa bi leg, oa aeeooni. of aa ugly uler tud by a bad bralM." wrot D. F. Howard, Aquon. N. C "AH rerodi and docutti treat meot failed till tried BnetfUo' Arniea Slv. od cared him wl;h on box." Cur barn, boil, klo. rup tion, pi)). 25e at alt druggists. , . ' Satoonk' pr wbo aold Kqucr t iub- MqoMt inurdertr may b held rctpoo Iblav " ' ' , " V''..-' ' " c!:y 'ir.':'y Pi!! toateiaaeTto - ewea in Miut-ta Or omp 1W fct KACKACHZ, CtSVUATItU, COMQE4TJOH r itrri, lit? UMUktvon ti am l UtDDSJt a4 aH wytrg CRINARt iZiEOUIJtWTlM. A poaJrtv bona M M1PPL1 AOSO M iLUtRtt If a man has sense, his dollars will take care of themselves. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C A STO R I A The beauly that is on'y skin deep is hctler than the kind that lubs off. WHY HE WAS LATE. "What made you so late?'' ''I mH Smitht-on." "Well, that is no reason whv y' u should be an hour late getting home to supper. " "I know, hut I aikod him how he was feeline, and he insisted on telling me b ut his stomach trouble " Did you ti h;m to teke Chamber lain's TablU?" "Sure, that is what he needs," Sold ry all dealers. OLD DOMINION LINE Delightful Short Sea Trips To NEW YORK AND ALL POINTS NORTH AND EAST Affording Pleasure and Rest. Norfolk to Hew York and Return (30 Days) $14.00 First class tickets include Meals anrl Berth on elegantly appoint d ex press steamers Hot or Cold Sea Water Baths can bo procured on Steamer without charge. Steamers are all equipped with the United Wireless Telegraph System. STEAMERS SAIL FROM NORFOLK EVERY WEEK DAY AT 7 P.M. Tickets and Stateroom Reservations, Company's Wharf, Foot of Church St., Noifolk, Va. Ask your local ticket apent . regarding through tickets Send for Illustrated Pamphlet Desk J. W. H. LANDON. General Agent , Norfolk, Va. Cen. J. J. BROWN, Pass. Agent. New York. Flrretta Whaley, who, when but 16 yr ars old, eloped with Rev. Jere K Conk, visited at Hempstead, L. I., her grandmother, with whom Bhe formerly lived. Do not drug along with a kidney ail ment that sp your strength, causes terrible iackarhes, sleeplesaness, rerv-'lUsn-fs, a1 d Iofs of appetite. Take rV lev' Kidnev Pills. Thev ouicklv cur all kidney and bladder ailmentJ. For s ilh by all Dealers. The American Cotton Manufa'jr- era Association, in sees on at W shing ton adopted resolutions favoring a re duction in cert an schedules of th tariff o i cotton. UNITED CONFEDERATE VETERANS REUNION Macon, G i., M ty 7, S, and P, 1912, Very Low Round Trip Fares Via Southern Ittiihray. Account the ahove occasion I he South ern Railway will sell v ty low round trip tickets to Macon, Ga., and return as follows: ROUND TRIP $ 9 25 9 3") 8 ro 50 8 75 9 15 H 50 8 50 from all FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS (Of! KHUUMATISU KIONttS AMD SUkUOM Iove would laat linger if it really wre blind. Children 'Ory.', , ' FOR FLETCHCR'Sv .. ' CASTORI A Macy are called bat few want to gel Dont be wrprlaad If you ! an at Uk of rbttmatini tbl spring. Jui mb tK affaKd Mritf .fraly mUh ChamberUta'a Mnlmfik end tt will tooa disappear, rU ld by all (kaWra. . For rheumatism you wilt find nothing oetufr 4hao Chamberlain's - Unimeot Try ft and see how quickly it fire re lief, i For tale by alt dealers. An adTtrte report on the House Steel Tarif Revision bill wa admitted to 0e Seoa(t Finance Comraltie, ' t '.. , . ..... . ' u;- FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS for baokaohs, Kioajcra amo SkAopaa -Why la It that a reformer seldom be- i r I mm . , " v gun on nimaeu ( , - , vjv.r- T-- - ' lin vjvii, dmutui via, 11 w h iw ba estaped eonaamptioa ana - regained bl bfalth, that he write ahdul it for th benefit of other, "1 bad ugh hicn bang oo for two yean wne I beti) am F'ily'i Hony and Tar Oomrnond. I kept 01 until lb eootb finally Wt tnm and 1 gln4 In weight from 113 to 185 pound. la two rear 1 bar rrwn strong and healthy, ail from th ova of Fotrr'a Hona ami Tar CorDtAiind, which erd me. "For sale by air Dealer. . - v.' K.aaaMaaaaaai'' i - On to it nils almtelf by frvttknea, but on aurely duboaon hlmi( if dupUClU--VkmriI IUubs tytwsrdt, a klnmnn of Pid- ny Allan, baa ben rrtd far btlp- mg the atlaw U eld taptnt. Ak Ruef, iletd pnlitSral boe t Pan Franeiec. ww air.g a term In Rat Quentia pnitntiry, bgafi t a. Hf artlda whlrh "i l vmxititut eomplau rrpoa b -t'r la trim Who Wr nnt ronirt . QUICK "RELIEF FOR Rlliuram. Georg W, Knona,' Ijiwtoft, IlirK, iy: "Vk Dkt itos'i Rojrr ro flsri HATi'm bat t'tvpft my wif wo- darfut benefit fr rhumBUm, ,h Cmild hot lift band or foot, b4 to J- HfUvl fit two morUm. F!i U-i:m the u -f tl'O mady and mrrotM raj-l.-Hy. On Mimilay H tonM nr-t mot n 1 tin Her Aeoerrtt War Unaur Whan She Would Hav Mad Them Most Certain, man l of your own class and asso ciations. Wo will fear no more low marriages." , . - - She bad known It before, but It waa hard to Bear th MDteoco embodied in words. Emily Told4 ber hand over the paper-In Ber lap andlb. pleas ant, breakfast room darkened . before her,' ' Mr, Ffrench continued speaklag of Dick, unboard. '. - . - When th long meal was ended nd. her uncle withdrew tov meet Bailey la th library. Emily: capd Otttdoors. Tber. was a quaint summef ; bouM part waydown th park, an ancient whit pavilion staodlng, bealde U brook that gurgled by' oa IU way to th Uodaon, ,wbr-la-ydung girt often ; passad bar borfra. " , Bbe went tbar now, carrying ber MtU work basket And th newspaper ooslaJnlnf the plctvjr of Leetrang e, 1 . . . -n Will S It," tU ber thonghU "Perhap I way find bntter one this do hot show bis faMbnt I will bat tils now, t It may b sv kmg Um before t m him," ' r Bot-Sb Sat wttb th mbrolt1Ty dors 1ft her hand,' i)erthel, rllhoat Wttlng th rprlnU Ltran;a would return to th factory, tit BSTaf 4mbA, and all would convlnu as b fure, icp that h tnit not aa birn. If would ndrtand that It B1 poaalhle f(r SBythhig ! Jo bap pen, at ! fur many yr. I'hi". rtf i it'll mirrloft " Th grxti and gnlil hnnXf tt the mrn!ritf l.sirt J.-r Ub th hrnory fif tt.sit fit h or awnfiy tr.oralng, h b t.l to aaMir in from br tb tk . ba'o-l !! ifiv to i'-sr- AkI ha A HEALINQ SALVE FOR BURNS, CHAl'PED HANDS AND SORE NIPPLES. As a healing ailre for burns, aorra. s ire nipples and chapped hands Charon e Iain's Salve is moat excellent. It al lay the pain of a burn almost instant- y, and unless the injury is very tevere hs la th psrts without lesving a scar. Price 25 cents. For sl by all Dealers. Thie persons ware killed and 1R in jure 1 some perhtp fatally, when a freight train struck' a Chicago street car.. FROM Goldsl co Henderpon Chapel Hilt Burlington Selma Oxford Raleigh Durham Rates in name propoilion other stations. Tickets will be on sul May B, fi, 7, and 8, with final retui n Unit May 15, or if you prefer to atay I nger, ly depositing your ticket rind p ying a fee of fifty centryou can h.vc linal limit txt-ndid until June oih, 1912. Liberal stop-overs will nlwi be per mitted on these ticke's F ,r detailul Inform it i n apply to an) Southern KhiI way" agent or the undersigned. J, O. JONES, T. P. A. Raleigh, N. C. HARDWARE AND Building Ma terial Paints, Oils AND Varnishes American Field Fence 1 1 lew stara, I. . PROFFSSIOKAL CARDS A girl gets a very fine figure think i- g Don't tax your friends ove much when you try to make a touch. Charles Rite. Alletv.lle. waseruebad by an elevator, which he forgot to qoo- trol tocaut b was Joking with a boy. ' " lira. J. Is 8tam. Hickory. N. C. has to th past suffrted aeverety wDh tbrnat and lun Iroabl. and s. ! oatd Foley's lkmy and Tar Compoocd Tor tnis ant it gar me inmeOMt istia fae'loa aid relief. It give m pleasure In reeommaml this preparation for sore thro', toarseri . f any pfottiem of ih thrwat r lonss,-1 know it will do ail claimed for - tt" for sal by aH dealers 0lr .- , 11 Calbrnllh P. Rutgers, 1 MsryUnd aviator, u kitted la fall af Lorf tleach. CsJ. . V '- tie g t f 1 I. b!i 1 ; i : WOMEN- Worara of the t'jbtit type, womm ef inferior educsllosi l rtflnrT.rnt, Vhow diKcn'-'-1 ind juJfmeat ir wri.U ?A forte la l!ifir opinion, t:."y iri cf C " h!i ar I liftr 1 a Jt ft-,:- i:,; wrmdcnui $ni thrslite rrrptrtif 1 1 1,'t. Tl.rf.--H!.rr?.ry-- t W. T. Gllly, a promneqt dealer in Pennington Gap, Va., waa so loth red f ith kidney and bladder treble that he ennld not atterd to busioa. He says, "I bad aaver pain in my back and kid neys and bad o git up ten to fiftien tjme each olghu Saw Foley Kidfy Fills advertised and bought two bottles, and soon felt great relief, and was en- ti'ely cored. Nr. longer dlsturbtd at algbt, but sleep till morning. - Blaming trs snspanslon of coal min Irg, tb Lhlgh Valley Railroad Com' pany laid off many men. - ' TV Ueaal ftsmilt. "Tt, Cbartl la as brav aa a stack of Uona. " Dld yo bear about his dar lag potlcatean t srreat hlr "Not Oe, whst happened r "II waa arrst4"-Clvland Flala DeeJav. K. M. SimmoiiH, A. D. Ward, SIMMONS AND WARD AfTOltNKYS AND (UNSKLLORt AT LAW mm mun. i. c, OfTice Rooms 401-2-3 Elks Hui cling Prnrtice in the rountiea of Craven, Duplin, Jones, Ienoir, Onslow, Cart eret, Pamlico and" Wukc, in the Su preme and Federul 0)iirta, and where ever services are desired. DR. H. M. BOHB S GOr.IPAflY I' -: DEALERS IN. . mm ' s ' Timothy and pea-vine Hay, Com, Oat, . Cracked Com. :Corn Meat, G Meal, fleet Pulp. DrafuShipstuff, Hulls, llfammondDairy Feed, RP. Oata, Burt Oati, Hye, Soy Deans and Field Peas. ' ', -r ' ! WANT TO BUY YOUR, I FIELD PEAS. DISEASES OF THE ye, ar, Nose and Jtiroat AND General Surgery orfle In Elks Temple- Next Dr. U A Caton, New Bern, N. C R. A. NUNN ATTORNEY AT LAW Praettc In th eoonlies f Crav Cartsrel, Pamlico' Jones and One low and In th 8uu 6uprtn and Federal Court, i ... Ms H. 10 era Kris'. v tstssKea Da. IT. r Hew Isr. M. t. v " tJtftnitsict n lb m -J I .n r f ) Mi a. , Uittima , Wo - mi lyl t Up, r. . ' C-. f-ZTlM a4 k YfOUZH. - ' i i i rrrvwtoMta Aa. :.f ft '1 I FOflfo. lV AT, t T"' W' r,rm lt . (" " '"! ,4 l ( of I I I Mlt