Children Cry for Fletcher's L The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which haa been In use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Caatorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It - contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Uarcotlo substance. Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fcverlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTOR I A ALWAYS (Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have In Use For Over 30 Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY, T ' MUHHKT TKCIT, NSW YOBK CITY. &ssiri'Ji Physicians Advise Jhe use of a c,Todlaxative, to keep the bowels open and prevent the poisons of undigested food from k.rltlnglnto your system. The latest product of science is VHLVO Laxative Liver Syrup, purely vegetable, genii reliable and of a pie saiit, aromatic, taste. Volvo acts on the liver, as well as on th Stomach and bowels, and is of the greatest possible ellici v in constipation, indigestion, biliousness, sick headache, fevcrislmess, colic.llatulence, ir Try VF t I (Si km NORFOLK SCUTHERH MUROM ROUTE OF THE "NIGHT l.XPRESS" Schedule Effective March 3. 1912 Tne following schedule litfiiri'S pub lished as information ONLY suid not guaranteed. TRAINS LEAVE NEW KERN NORTH AND WEST HOUND 12:30 am, Daily-Niht Express l'ull- man Sleeping Car for Norfolk. 9:26 a m, Darly for Norfolk, connects for all points North and West, Parlor car M'rvire between Wash ington anil Norfolk. 1:15 pm, Daily except Sunday for Washington, lielhaven, Creenville Wilson anil Kaleigh. I'arlor car betwe- n Washington ami Ksleigh. 4:10 am, Daily-Night Express for Goldsboro. 9:10 a m, Daily for (lolilslmro. 6:85 P rn, Daily for dolilnlxiro. EAST HOUND Daily for IteauforU " lleanfort 920 a m. 6:35 p m, 9:(V a m. Daily except Sunilay for Oriental. 6:45 p m, Daily for Oriental, r'or further in forma1 ion or reservation of Pullman Sleeping ( Hr space, apply ti T. H. Bennett, T. A., New Bern, N. C. W. W. CROXTON W. R. HUDSON, G i. A. Gen'l SupL Norfolk. Vb Lake Drummond CanaJ & Watei Co. Lake Drummond Transportation Co. Lake Drummond Towing Co. Dismal Swamp Canal Am Inland Route, Protected from Storm. Nine Peat of Water Minimum Depth A I Way. f Quick Transit for Traffic. Prompt Tesrlng and Fraight Movement For to la, towing and freight rata apply at offioa in Ba s board bank RuiM ki aad at Deep Creek I-ork, Va. . H K. King, Prat. i. A. MilUn, Siy J. B. EiXttr, J. T. WMrthunt, Traffic Hinigir Norfolk Ome BU Phone CZi. Very Serious h l vrf aHooa matter to eafc tW amt) Aadkatta and kava , Hat jtonf M flvr yao. res? this) Ho serf JTM ia twytof to b ssjrafiat t yra the fimrtajs ,. E!JCK-Dr?AUGIlT liter lVIBdne v The ffntiff of (hi tAA, r!l t1 nwdKjiM, for orwilpatkwi, I. J (HiMi and live troobU, la Hmt. lr wrtablhibod. It Aoea frt Imitate r Kf fndk fcita, It to twttov tr ft r'r.ra, of it wextld pr 0, ( V live fjvw-le-f, srilh a U'r s f an t'l -? a t t ! 1. and has been made under nu per sonal supervision stnee Its Infancy. Allow no one to deceive you In this. Always Bought LAXATIVE LIVER SYRUP SOlJIHtRHHH' DIRECT LINE TO ALL POINTS W SOUTH-EAST. WEST. Vcrj Low Round Tr ip Rates to all Principal Resorts. Through Pullman to Atlanta, leaves Kaleigh 4 :05 pm, arrives Atlanta 6:36 p m, making close connection for and arriving Montgomery following day af ter leaving Raleigh 11:00 a m, Mobilt 1:12 p m. New Orleans 8:30 p m, Birm ingham 12:15 noon, Memphis 8:05 p m, Kansas City 11:20 a m, eecond day and connecting for all other points. Thir car also makes clotte connection atSrJis bnry for SU Louis and other Westerr points. Through Pullman to Washington lea ves Raleigh 6:50 p m, arrives Washing on 8:53 a m, Baltimore 10:02 a m, Phila delphia 12:23 noon, New York 2:81 pm. This car makes close connection at Wash rngton for Pittsburg, Chicago "nd all points North and West and at Greens boro for Through Tourist Sleeper foi California points and for all Florid i points. Through Psrlor Car for Ashevill. j leaves Gotdsboro at 6:45 a m, Raleigt 1 4:35 a m, arrives Asheville 7:40 p m, making close connection with the Caro- ina Special and arriving Cincinnati 1 a m, following day after leaving Raj sigh, with close connection for all point North and North-West Pullman for Winston-Salem leave Raleigh 2:30 a m, arrives Greenabort 6:30 a m, making close connection at jreondboro for all points North, South, East and West This car ia handled On train No. Ill leaving Goldsboro al 10:45 p m. If you desire any information, pleat call. We are here to furnish Informa tion as well at to sell tickets. H. F. CARY. J. O. JONES, CI P A TP A Washington, D. C Raleigh, Wc The man who hrtltktea may win by a etching others k. Never r-jtsfferat ynur faults; joor frl-tvia will attend to that. UNITED CONFEDERATE VETERANS REUNION IfsvcoD, (J., Ei lrv reel j Lov Fr VI Korrolk-Sofllhrr Kall-ray Ticket, on Uajr ft, , S ' 7,8, litis. ; Norfolk, , 11 M ' WMhrnftaf. ' , . 19 10 Now Born r , 10 40 ; lUatifoft .' : (flrto Klnato J"... 71' Wiiw s IS da tt la Mova fro port ion f rtm othar tUUoM. -final limit llty 16, 1911 Uk t () ri"ibd With PrclJ Af "nt and !t)txl jvymfit of ft fly fpnia wHn ev Hr.iff, (o Job t. i! t j'r.t 1. J ftntirr a'kiwad, A C'r ' (! t V 1 i f,.irr stir. !. I.. I -. vr.'V,-. (: ; Trtl Ding C hltdra. ' -" Soma belt brought oat in tha Teu Book of th Playground and Kecr, tioa. AatoctaUoo of America Are .of much mora thai paaaiiig iutereat. Dur ing 1111. f J,70,00ft ware expended la thl. country .for establishment and fitting up of public playground. Vfor than 1,500 inch grounds are mala talaad. : Nineteen dtVea have author ised the Issuing of bonds to the ex tent of $if00,O0 for playground pur poses ; and In' IS cltlea acreage to the' Talue of 1118,000 haa been given In aid of the cause. So aystematlied haa become this "playground work" and so great and rapid Its extension that special schools or classes have been instituted In upward of 60 cities for training of competent Instructors and nja.nasers. "As the twig is bent the tree Is Inclined." The practical spirit of the times seeks to prevent the bending of the twig of childhood, so that the tree of citizenship may grow as straight and strong as possible. Trade In Human Hair. A little while ago mention was made of the stir caused in the Euro pean hair markets by the Chinese edict abolishing the pigtail. It was prophesied that the importation of vast numbers of Chinese pigtails would cause a slump, but there has as yet been little effect on the prices of hair in Prance. The annual hair fair opened at Limoges on December 29, and prices were on a level with those of recent years. A Paris merchant bought nearly two hundred pounds weight at an average price of between $10 and $11 a pound. This was not an exceptional average, as the eight tenths of ton of hair which was the estimated weight of the whole market was priced at this figure. Bids of from $60 to $70 a pound were made for white hair, and of rather less for the rarer qualities of red hair. This hair fair at Limoges is the most im portant in western Europe, and is at tended by dealers from every capita) In the world. Fall Fatal for Both. Two steeple jacks, who were work ing on the top of the North Broad Street Presbyterian Church, at Phil adelphia, were hurled to death last week, under tragic cirrumstances. One of the men, who waa working on the high steeple of the church, sud denly slipped and started to slide down the steeple incline. As he rushed past the other, who waa stand lng on the ledge, the latter grasped him, but was unable to check his mo mentum and was also dragged from hlB perch. When a passerby who had witnessed their terrible fall reached their bodieflj he found the hand of one clutching the overalls of the oth er, whose life he had vainly attempt ed to s.ave. Measuring a River's Flow. In its work of stream gauging measuring the flow and volume or riv era by up-to-date methods the United States Geological Survey co-operated during the past fiscal year with thir teen states, the states contributing over $49,000 and the survey doing the work. The geological survey also co operated In this work with the reclam atlon service, the office of Indian af fairs and the forest service. Ninety six gauging stations were maintained In co-operation with the reclamation service 13 In co-operation with the In dian office and 194 in co-oieration with the forest service on Htreams draining national forests. In all, 1. 105 gauging stations were In oieratlon at the close of the last fiscal year. Remedy for 8nake Bite. There Is no known antldoto for the bite of the AuBtyallan tlgor-snake. Per sona bitten by this reptile die almost Instantly, and the government has a standing reward offered for anyone who will discover a remedy. Some few years ago a man actually discov ered an efficacious antidote. To prove Its value he allowed himself to be bitten repeatedly by snukes In full possession of the power to kill. One day he gave an exhibition before sotno government officials, but could not re collect what be had done with his' an tidote, and be died shortly after from the effects of the snake-bltea, his e cret perishing with him. Btovta of Our Qrsat-Grsnddaddlss. The stove of a hundred or ao years ago war not thing to be lightly paaaod over by the human vfsloa V tboy wero all Ilk thoa advertised 1b a New York papor of th Urn ia lbs term. "A few rtramidal Store, shaped a early follow: Btandlni Lx fat U Inch big b, with Hoo t feet, tb boat of Oenerml Waahlngton oa top, tbf trmi of Um United flute on ck id. with rfulaUn( door Ta whol molded, omamsnted and tnlshed la ft KUtteriy ity!; fortnlai a Wat for eoal or wood approprlt for. church, publio of- Ooaa, hail or lar stora. ' Mmlnown of 014 Horn. . Aft lmportaat jrchaKi logical 41 totarr bar ba md it Dtiadlal, wbr th rnalh of andtut Roma building bav txxsa foood oa tha a hora ta tba locilitirkiiowa aa 8t Aponinar. Tha nlni bar bea Ue UfUd aa Velofiglnf to Bowaa , wtlii whldh aollct4 U actghbortof all! tra aa4 wr aaed aa ft fbaotaJa. lba adlaceet ramala of tv Koto a vfll btr bra HaotlflM aa (h fa nona Tllla af tblo riawua, Ocwv'i trtontl Cicero ocoatloaally visit 4 lb fORTUNEI IN FACE.V Th't' oftfl fnnrh Un'h Iri t,a asy ' r f ra bT f iftiina," h'tl ftt Slid vh'r r.iml', skin et o f rei, ,'itft e, rw '! Mmlli r!ife" It, ir.a t l-od I t 'k M lhn all. r,, s . ra f ir Kief's ftw i l' t r f t ' a ! t I'l 'r J,f t e-ri. ,' ffl'S t '' "-avr A T nc-4 ,-,-ar titan' law an fwieot I only weobey tkern, bat discs follow dlaobacl xaoa. Go atxaigbx tq Natar for the Oore, to the forest i there are atyaterica tbea km erf which we can iacfaeas for -roa. Take the bark of b Wila-oUrry tree, with asaadrak root. Ongoa grape foot, atone root, queea'a root, btoodros and goldea aeal root, aaake a aoiaatiae, glyoerie rxtraot of thea, with just the tight proportion, and yon have v ,: '- -, -f DOCTOR PIERCED GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY. It took Dr. Pieroe, with the assist a of two learned ehemiata aad pharma cists, asaey saoatha of hard work wmeriateatfoj to Dcrfeet nut vegetable alterative and toaie extract of the greatest eficieacy. ' Ma. C W. Pawlby, of Mfllville, Calif, writes : "I wish to tell yon that I have used your ' Golden Medical Discovery' in my family for twenty years. We have had i doctor called la but once daring that time. I have a family of ten chil dren, all well and hearty, for which, ti a great extent, we owe thanks to yon and your 'Golden Medical Discovery ' and 'fellets,' which we use when sick." Dr. Pieroe'a Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate Stomach, liver and bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules. C W Pawxey, Esft, 8teamer Turns Turtle. An exciting story waa told at an in quiry at Caxton hall, recently into the loss of the steamer Eastern Counties, which turned turtle about four miles south of the Spurn Lightship, several lives being lost. It waa stated that there was a large deck cargv and that the steamer was unsteady. Off the Humber she took a pronounced list. The master ordered the engines to be slowed, called all hands on detk, or dered everyone to take lifebelts, and sounded the whistle as a signal of dis tress. The helm was starboarded with the Idea of beaching the vessel on the to only 22,000 candlepower per square south shore, but she turned right over j centimeter. The intrinsic brightness and floated bottom up. Some of those 0f Vega is, according to this calcula on board climbed over the port rair tion, nineteen times that of the sun. and got on the bottom of. the Bhip as she turned turtle. Old Problems Revived. It has been said that the backbone of a nation is its middle class. Frank Frost Abbott, professor of Latin lan guage and literature at Princeton uni versity, seems to go on this assump tion In his "The Common Peoplo of Ancient Rome." For instead of trac ing the progress of a few leading fig ures in his lr story he seeks to put be fore his readers the every day life of the ordinary citizenB of the Roman empire. Some of his subjects for dis cussion are as modern as "The High Cost of Living." He shows that there is a striking similarity between many of the problems of the people of Rome and of this country t$lay. Child Gave Life for Sister. Louis Brown, a motherless boy of six years, lost his life in a recent fire at New York, because he stayed by the side of his four-year-old sister Helen, and shielded her from the the smoke and flames. A fireman searching through the burning build ing found the two children uncon scious and clasped in each other's arms beneath a bed. The boy had wrapped his jacket about the little girl's head to protect her. She had tucked her head down on his breast and locked arms about his waist. Hel en's condition Is serious. The chil dren had been forgotten In the gen eral scramble for safety. Sola Topi. Our correspondent at the durbar made mention In a recent letter of a 'Bolar" helmet. A Manchester Guard ian contributor points out that the word has no connection whatever with the sun. "Sola" Is the Hindu and llengn.ll name for the tall leguminous swamp plant known to botanists as Aeschynomene aspera, the stems of which furnish the pith, otherwise upongewood, which is made up Into tlio helmetB worn by Europeans in the tropics. Hence "sola topi" Is not to be translated verbally as "sun hel met," although the confusion is nat ural enough, considering how precise la the translation )n fact CASTOR I A For InfunU aad Children. hi Kind Yoa Han Always Bought Bear tha Signator of Th Cockroach and Consumption. Kviharlmartts riava taMA msrla whtr.h tend to ahow that tba mmon cock - v. i. .v.i. k witk It face to bring about th touring of milk, to infect food and milk with In teUnal bacilli, to transmit tba ooa tumptloa bacillua, and to tpread and transmit other (rma , and molds. Th facta, Ubaa la oooJvocUoa wltb tb Ufa habit of tba Uaoct, load (o tba ooacluaioa that tha cockroach ia abl to, and auy poatlbbr, play a mal part lBtha ipmdlaf of eotv tumptloa and la tba tiaAtmlaatoa'of put producing otYaaiaaui that tha la sect la la all .probability aa actlv ajtont la tba aoqHng of Uk kapt ta kltobaaa aad lardan; and that It la andoubtadly aa lmporUat factor ta tha dlatrlbtftlon of mold to food aod to anmerou othor articl, aapactall wbaa they ara kpt la dark board aad oatlara wbara oockroaohoa abowd, ;yv ; It' awfully hard for ImmmI rtxna U forg lr ft prtu; M b freia tt t My lot wow U ta ! Ind f arguoMXit l( lb I proline Xt iSaAlef. A man way n laosi rv hi Mtv! ara. hoi ! aauanf . haa )tl tnami pvi, - - f - -' A"m aa Tar- SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N.Y. Intrinsic Light of Stars. M. Nordmann of the Observatory of Paris has made some interesting cal culations of the intrinsic light of a number of stars, based on the results he had previously attained in regard to their effective temperatures. The brightness of a star, as seen from the earth, does not depend wholly upon its size and distance. Thus M. Nord mann finds that Slrius and Vega emit light the 'brightness of which is 6, 000,000 candle power per square centi meter, while at the other end of the scale the light of Aldebaran amounts if Vega were of the same size as Aide- baran and at the same distance from the earth, the former would appear to us over latter. 2C0 times as bright as the fOLEY KIDNEY TILLS rOBRMEUUATISM KIDMCYS AMD BLADDKtf i She Just look at the trouble money can get you into. He Yes, but look at : the trouble it can get you out of, W. T. Gill v, a prom'nent denier in Pennington Gap, Va. , waa so bothered with kidney and bladder trouble that he could not attend to business. He sayH, "I had severe pain in my back an') kid- reys and had to get up tn to tifteen timss each night. Saw t'oley Kidney Pills ftdvertined and bought two bottles, and soon felt great relief. ai;d w.s eh tirely curod No longer disturbed at night, but sleep till morning." Population by Race. The population of the world by race nn'n ,7 , -" i .! 000; Mongolian (yellow and brown), 630,000,000; Semitic (white). 65,000,-, 000; Negro (black), lj0.000.000; Ma-1 lay (brown), 35,000,000; American In- dian (red), 15,000,000. This latter va riety includes every variety of the red man in all parts of the earth, the actual number of Indians in North America being much Ibbb than a mil lion. The white race Is increasing much faster than the others, owing, probably, to Its superior intelligence and scientific knowledge of medicine and sanitation. FOR CONSTIPATION. Mr L H. Farnham, a prominent druirgrst of Spirit Lake, Iowa, says: 'Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are rerlainly the t es'. kitntr on the market for constipation. " Give tbBe tablets a trial. You are certain to find them URieeahle and leassnt in effect. Price 25 cents. frt For salo by all I c tiers. Cold Dormitories, "And what do you hear from your daughter, Mrs. Green?" anked the vis itor solicitously. "Is she well and en joying college life?" "8ho Ib quite well," responded Mrs. Green, "but the poor c illd says It haa been so dreadfully cold all winter. The dormitories at her college must be perfect loe houses, I should think. Why, do you know, Mi.rlnn writes me that luring the laat cold spell the hot-water bottle actually frote In th beadsl" Mr. S. L. SUme. Hickory, N. ('... his in the past luffrred severely wiih throat and lung trouble, and ssy, "I usd Kole-y' Hxiey and Tar Compound for this and it gav ma immediaU satis faction ard relief. It give mti pleasure- to recommend this preparation for err ! bo"r",1nM' flf.r,i??1 or ill do mi inruai ur iuh., i .nvw . til claimed for it." For sale by all dasUia, Nitur fttudsnt "Th1 bat, when vlnUr com, td ft aatur tudnt, "fold hi long sjar talnrt bla 1da, abut off hi brt Dd. ban fin, baad down from aom black corBar of ban or atuokatton, hlbornata till prior la March b tMftio to waa up. linrda and anakpa hlbornat utv Jrrrouad. rroc blbtraaU hi tb froMft,ntt4 at tb botton of tb4r poeda. It BOtbtnx to tbsm that t&7 frM tltT. A frog to ttff rroM la rbruarr that roa om14 brk hla Ilk ft aod. crtokar "UI thaw oat U ft nm Vtnl u Bbtppor.fta Toi pi. --'.. -RaU s4 ale floOt Wbr.U Thaf coin tadoot. rbf Ulr eold id ftbd ftwfa o4 Ur tak p tbatr quariar Is or sic varm. tBvbtd boa. Tr It jolly planly to Mt, ft) Brt, tM ftlaaH. Dlsrdof March vlad. Th mu saoft inakM ft dlffcTMo tft Um rsU aad lc, that, bll air art7'ri aad (l1n( ta marfla;, Uy marry aad 1 la mafrlc mora tbaa Tr ta our eomfortabl bov, r trt at our alp" and eft omr food tlttara lht ta Wetf t ftwrnhsT Would trmtefrit ft rt XrXjflC - j OLD CUSTOM IS C0M1NQ BACK .: - FanMonabio EngUahmon As Carrying nufJ-boxe Now and Dip Inu Them. The old family doctor la tha 'tot. Who had boon in London aad seen Blr Benjamin Brodie, used to toll stories: about hla distinguished colleague and point them by taking anuff. Whan he entered the bedroom of a patient hla beard and cloth ea were redolent of anuff; be would brush it off hla flow ered waistcoat We now read of a re turn to snuffing in England; that a anuff club haa been established In Leeds; that motoring favora the prac tice because the motorist cannot In the open enjoy a cigar. We also read, Philip Hale writes in the Boston Herald, that snuff Is bad for the nerves, and that the modern brands deteriorate quickly; that snuff . . . ,t .. .. . . is also bad for the digestion and for the nose, since It is sometimes adul terated with lime. Oeorge IV. s snuff was sold for 400, and how long did the fragrance of it last? In many ways ths taking of snuff was a fine, courtly old habit. It ac centuated an epigram; it served as an answer when speech failed; it gave weighty Importance to a trilling ob servation. James I. did not Inveigh against it in his "Counterblast to To bacco." What more royal prtVnt to an actor or violinist than a gold snuff box lncrusted with diamonds and tilled with ducats or louls d'or? Then there were the snuffboxes with lids ex quisitely painted, with the portrait of some frail beauty, or Inscribed with a ribald motto! If the practice is revived, should the pinch be taken with the left hand or the right? Some one objected to Richard Mansfield's Beau Brummel Lecause the comedian took snuff witb the right. DELICATE BUT KEEN THRUST English Lawyer's Method of Handling Witness So aa to Discredit Him With Jury. Said John B. Curtis, the well known awyer and president of the Indiana Society of New York, speaking about the recent heckling of Detective Burns when he was on the witness stand in a menorable case: "I'm afraid that sometimes we get a little too personal and severe with witnesses. How much better was the handling of a famouB detective who was testifying In a Lou don court. It was a divorce case and Mr. Frank Lockwood was the opposing counsel. The detective witness came to the stand dressed in black broad cloth, wore a gold fob and seals and looked much more like a respectable '..,,o . ., ,,, momhor middle aged solicitor than a member of the police force. The man's tes timony was likely to be damaging to his client, so Mr. Ickwood began his cross-examination very gently and was excessively polite. "'I believe you are John Blank of 'he firm of Blank & Co., the eminent detectives?' " 'Yes, sir.' said the witness, 'I rep resent that firm.' "'And I presume,' continued the conns tl, 'that in (he course of your duties as a detective you have, at times, to assume many disguises?" " 'Yes, sir.' "'Then,' Bald Lockwood. smiling, "will you have the goodness to tell the court just what you are disguised as now T " Hcwells Exclusive. When IlowellB was a cub reportet fn his Ohio youth he was sent by hit paper to the state capital to reixirl very tense and very bitter legislative proceedings there. When he arrived late In the afternoon the session hat) turned Into a riot, with need of ambu lances to carry off the disabled mem bers and militia to Bit on those stir In the ring Ai the legislative pro ceedlngs were Interrupted by tin grand shindy, and as they were nol likely to be resumed for some days Howells. having no legislative pro ceedlngs to report, as Instructed strolled off behind the Capitol and watched a very lovely sunset, writing a charming description of it. which h filed early at the telegraph office, wltl the note to hit managing editor that there being no legislative proceed Ings, he sent Instead tha sunset "copy." Krehblal knows, for Henrj waa there. . In Dlffsrsnt Rol. "Thousands of Americana have texn tb aallow. loot bardd Anton lnf at work In hi modaat pfttary or on th Obrammrgau atag a th ontrai fifur la tb 'Paaalon Play,'" aay a letter from Munich, quoted In th New Tork Tribune, "but w. who rUlted tb place recently. In the wrong year and tbo more than wrong aoa, aw blra la a aw aad human' ly InierostUg ro:e. Id a rough, heary coat, blgb woolen legging, fur cap aad old fashioned wool mittens, b sat oi ld. In front of btia t a little girl snuffled tightly Id hry wrap. Her ItUw gVod baad war oa tb vbaal aad aba probably thought that aba waa ftiraettag tba conraa of tba led. tt facial ai praaaloa may b Uk M aa ft (uld Lang waa baring a bet ter tiaa than wtea ara aaw aim oa Ux elbrald paaaaot ataga" "A Park playarngbt aWMt bar a bard lira af I," ekj Um aalbor, "WbtT" akJ tad Bteecr. "Qa'a baadWafp B eaa't at aU bla orilcal ideaa by aooptu tUta fraai Um frMMKWaaliliigtoft 84ar. rrnbaMy tber la aotblnf aaort rAie Usaa tba lb Inn ara get for taa- n ;) Isrl'Jca try In t ;. , f-'.:-a t-.,l Legal Notices1 MORTGAGE SALE. f 1 1 taa mi of wis Moulaad as that oertaia Bvartaatr owd, asacatad bj Prix I Brtaaea ana Uila Bnun sis vile u tha Ma tes! Ail Baatia C aipaar (a corporation) neat dad la Um public raoad ia lb uffiea af KrcaWar of Daaos for aatd Ciwtco county u book No. lava-folia S87, Tha oadaraifned anil otter tor aia and aU to IfWhitraaat bidder, fur cask at lh court booao door in New Bern, N. C . on Saturday the ttta day of Mar. 1912. at the hour of 12 o'clock at tha . following described property, to-wil; All that certain lot or parcel of land lying and beine situate in tha city uf New Bern, count and state aforesaid, be ginping- at a point 104 fast from the northeast corner uf North and Murray streets and running S2 feet north on the east aid of aaii Murray street to corner of lot No. 40; thence 1U2 feet east to rear of lot No. 29; thence ZZ Z " corner ic No, 3H; thence 1U2 feet alonit Curtie. line west- war Jly to the beginning. Ki ference is hereby mate for further dtsiription to deed recorded in too i26, folui 692 of laid puUu: records. This !6tb day of April THE MUTUAL AID BANKINCCO. liy J. 11. HSUEK. Cashier. B. O UAKA. Attorjey. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Having duly qualified aa hxecutor of the estats of Richard A. RusmII. doceaaod. late of C'ravan County, all persona having claima against Said estate are noti.ied to present th-m tu the under aigned for payment duly authenticated in New Bern. N. C. before the 27th day of March. 1918. or this notice will be piead in bar of recovery. All who are indebted to the estate are required to make immediate payment to m. J. W. LANK, Kxetutjr. March 27. 1912 EXECUTORS NOTICE. aa. , All persons having HaimsHi'ninat the estate of Uancy Moore, deceased, are notified to present them to the undersigned for payment duly au thenticated in New Bern. N. ('.. before the 15th day of March. 1913. or this notice will he plead in bar of recovery. All who are indebted to the estate are required to make immediate payment to me. A. F. ItANtiKltT. Duly qualified Executor of llaney Moore, deceased. This Mar, h 11th. 1912. MORTGAGE SAM mm Pursuant to the powor nf nnlo contained inha certain mortgage deed cxrcutrd liy Samuel E. Anderson and Annie M. Aniii'nion, his wife, to D. H, Stullinufi, t earing date of March Bth. 1911, and recorded in the pul.lir worda in otlicc of Re ginter of deeds for Craven c otiiity, in Hook No. 184 - Folio 119, the undersigned will olTer tor aal and sell to the higheat tiiddcr for i ash at tha court house door in Now Hern, N, il.m on Mondny the 22nd day of April. 19K nt the hour of 12 o'clock, all the following di-acrihcd real i'ntteaa conveyed in Raid moriKHc tu wit: AH that certain tract -r inrrH of land in the 7th townxhip. Craven county. Norih Carolina, on the south aide of Trent Kivcr. nur th- city of N-w Bern N. C beginning n the wsuth Hide of Bryan 8trtet (as deRcriU'd nrnt laid ntT in the plot of land called "Columbia" which naid plot ia recorded in the lit KifiUi ollice for the Raid Craven county in Book 11 I-'oht;s and 293 four hundred (1KD) eighty fct from a Htonr on the south aide of (he Beaufort Boafl. which fwid ntone ia HHIi from the foot of Clermont Bridge, over Trent Kiver aforeHHid; then runnouth 78 fc 210 feet; then south 12 W. "Jilt feet; then north 78 west 12 10 feet; then north IJ. K. to the IwKinmnff. Said lot beaiintc the numU'r Illi tM- i'i) upon ald plot or plan, and being the sauie land conveyed by Henry R. Bryan et aln, ti Henry W. Ander wn by dl dated Decern b'r fith, lHli.'i, recorded in naitl public recorda in Bok Nu. 120. - Folios 143 and 114. and inherited hy said Samuel K. Anderson as son anil sole-heir-at law uf said Henry W, Anderson, now dereaet-d. Also another tract or parcel uf land In the 7th townnhip, said state and county. iyinK and being ttituated on Williams street in the plan of "Craya v ill-. " as plotted and recorded in nan! puhlic re curds in Book Nu. 112 KoIioh U and 14 f. and Urin(( the number eiifhty-tive (b.r ) upon aid plot .it plan. It being thetutme lund conveved ty K.H. ind J. A. Meadows Co.. to Klizubt th Anderson by deed dated June 24th. IH'. H. reronlefj in raid pub lic recoidsln Bcn.k No. )'i roiio 'rt, and in huritod by said Samuel K. AntWrtiun mn on mod sole heir-st-la w of Kaid Klizabeth Arniernon. now decsaaxed. The deHrriptionit in all of which said deeds are hereby refvrTtKl to and made a pa hereof. This 14th day of March A.D.. 1! Ii L. H. 81 AM.INCS. Mur tgago' Senator Willidms, in tin' Sinatp, at tacked as extravagant the military ex penditures in the Army Ajiprnpriatloo bill. It's (i.fticult fur a man to practica ecunuruy anu uu (upiiisr bi irie same rime. ' SOUTHERN DAT! WAV lVil.unefiA IOCTbIKH BA'Xff AI SCHIUCLkA M. a Thea Igursi ar pudiished tor InformaUoa an are uot insraav a H 1 Ooldsboro, N. C 1.41 ear la Asbeville, conaocitng at Eaat Dnrhun. fur Oxford. Ilaav deraoa, KyrllU and RIckmODft aa DaJraraitT for Cbaaal Hint at Graambaro for CharWrtte aal aei lAtaia KJUUi. auau Hla, LtTBobbarg. Cbarlottaafiil WaabJagtoa. aad alt ia Ut-Lat Oolrtaboro, l.t aa. for Qraaxutboro. baadlei ihroagk rallmaa Ralaigb, to Atlaatft, fteft gsft ai Oraeaabora fof all bsararhi ftartb, aoatft aad vaaii HO. lll-Loara Goldabora 10.0 p i tot Oraaaaborav ftt4ja pawasa RaUlgb ; to Oraaajkofa, ftwft oat 4 Oreeaabara for Char - lattft. AtUftU i Krw OrWai. .Aabatina, uorrlUa, ftlaa.fw ., , Daattlla, leTftcAbat, .' Caartat- f loaMna, WaaUftgtaa, Ud a3 point ftTtf ; . t, Par farther laror-aalis-e aa M loaihara tick agMt ar adlrae c rdr'ir: , -- u.- r. cart .- .,;:;' - , Ctaaral raassa gr AtV f ' tTss'.'-r'r a, r. r, W. It. TAT ' t

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