V 4 fi led immu ;Sra'Ben;'Vi a April 18. 1M3. u::e c: (txxzxu loscj la. ji i. or. r- Meett every Tneedtiy 8 p. in., fiver Cu Go' office, Kiddle St H. Hardison, C C i fl. Smith.' K.. of B. and & - Vialting brothera art assured of a che?- Uefa wekoaae. ? : - - CSATII. L0DG1 HO. 1.01QH.' OF ASXOJ(I-t Jni ead k Wednesday wig a ac moata Kalfnts Harmonr HaO, corner Broe aa B.-eock atreota at T:iO e'etoo) J. K. Wills, President; R. J. Disosway, Secretary; J. D. McCoy, Financial Sec-j vnvi. to nw iBTuiumiTk S Lipman Hata. Wanted Agents. W Q Boyd, Ageut For Rent Residence, For Sale Stable Manor. J B Wataoo Drum Sides. J M Mitchell & Co. -Dry Goods. New Bern Banking & Trust Co. BUSINESS LOCALS : NOTICES IN THIS COLUMN LESS THAN ONE MONTH MUST BE PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. STABLE Manure for sale delivered at 60c per load. E E. Harper. FOR RENT Residence No. 25 Pollock street Apply to Ellis Coal Yard, DON'T fail to read I offer you today 150 Drum Sides, they are fine, don't fail to get a aide. Also just received a limited supply of snapping turtles, they will be dressed to your order, they are nice, fish stock all 0 K, chicken supply line, in fact my market is the best in the city. J B Watson, Market K:ng. Phone 142. PROFITABLE employment handling guaranteed electrical invention that re duces light bills. Steady work right parties. Write General Agent, Handy Light Co. Box 162, Winston, Salem, N. C. YOUNG Striog Btans and Tomatoes today at H E Royall's. FINE lot of turkeys, Plymouth Rock, Black Minorca and Brown Leghorn Chickens, N C, and F F V and Picnic Hams, Pine and Coal Tar, Shad, Mul let and drag netting, seed Corn, seed Peanuts and garden aeed, Piedmont, Old Mill and Turkish Cigarettes, phone 146.- B B Davenport. 1 HAVE today fresh from the smoke house some of the beat sausage that meat and experience can produce at 16 cents per pound. Phone your orders early as they go fast. A. Castet, phone 239. ALONZO'S Pressing Club presses for leas. No. 26 Craven street. Phone 284. Quick attention. WANTED A young man to work at the Wootten Studio. Permanent em ployment for the right person. WANTED White boyt and girls to make baskets, piecework, steady wark era, good wages. Apply at South Side Manufacturing Co., Inc. at Union Point, CALL at No. 83 George street, I have just received a fine lot of Chickens and Eggs and good home-made Lard. I al so carry a line of choice fresh Grocer tea J. A. Ringgold. IF you want Beef that is tender end Juicy try my stock today. Nice lot of fresh pig Hama also. My Hamburger Steak is ojm quailed aod only 16c pet pound. -A. Ceatet. pbooe 239. ICE Cream 8oda at MeSorleya. NOW ia a feed time te boy. pare Hog Lard at 111 eta, caa't stay at this price bag as It b tote no every day; Gran plated aogat il act a bad purchase at Het vfy finest batter at 88 and 40 eta 1 pet peoed. Flow to 4 eta per pound, Maadewa' MeeJ ZttU per peck, can ted Ok re, 8pia he, Cora, Lima Beans, reeapkJa, Boer Kraut and otW things a aaaitrsaa le mention are all see ataablt geoda and at the right price. & C. ArteelrOnc. f K have Park A Pollard's Orlttee, Chirk Food jfer rooeg chick?) 9 row hag feed te ataha the grew, Dry Mask, aaeka hena lay, Boae MeaL Blood MeaL Oiiaed Meat Scrap, Ground Oys te SheOa at i. C. Wklny A Ca. Phone A ItXTT taOoa g s aalted boa bot weua teak, gooe aa aev tot sale at keif price at Ctfer! Bakery. . . DOMT Beretch-Uee Daffy's Iteh Olot aaeet fee al akta UooLUe, dandrgl? eee ittfcteg seat rtlieved by oee spyll eetks) aad tared by eeJag Once a week. fetkfa4tktaraatee4 of tsoaey re fedd.r. 8, Deffy. V, '.... mONC lZt, Ntw Bera Predeee Ce paey for Kale, . , ;; COUNtaT tmi items; fr-1. tn, ' Bet Patent Flour, If dowe Mel eed w Crri-a fWW now at N, F. Vln ent'a, rWrtjth. Frl ttrt rVmef7. - rnriNE yetsr ar.ts te i A P.irrg-M t f fr5 Crtxailrt, ret; Mts'i , ft n J st ?T x fi ( ! trt. I'! V :5 v Li J Li ITfibbhiy; Bakipg Ppwder rriailo frpm Royal C rajpo Crcjam .of Tartar NO ALUM, N0( tlMBpHOSPHATE 1' cotton BBPOKTED BY J. R. BALL COTTON BEOKER NEW BERN, ' N. C. LONG DISTANCE PHONE NO. 16. Hew York Gotten, April W. Open May 1134 High Low Close 1139 1132 1159 1152 1146 1162 July 1143 Oct. 1159. 1167 U56 1162 Port receipts, 12,896 ba'es. Llrerpoel Cettta Market Opening. 632 625 Closing 636 Oct. Nov. May. Jun 625 Hew Bern Market Middling Hi Strict Middling 11 1 Good Middling 11J Sales 25 bales New vaudeville at The Athens tomorrow Webb and Webb-r Singing, dancing and comedy transformations. Damaging evidence against Mr?. Grace was given at her preliminary trial. Don't Be Afraid Eat What You Want Eat what you want when you want it and "Digestit.,, Two or three tab lets after meaU digests all the food, prevents distress, relieves indigestion instantly. Brown's Digestit is a little tablet easy to swallow, absolutely harm less. It has relieved thousands and is guaranteed to please you, if not your money refuoded-50c. at the Davis Phar macy. wm How much does it cost you each year tojbe sarcastic? kt TUa Al,0 mottof ... ..... What S the Weather, amusement And rnmfnrt It is human nature to blame others for most of our meanncsi. WILLIAMS' KIDNEY PILLS Hsve you neglected your Kidneys? Have you overworked your nervous ays tern and caused trouble with your kid neys and bladder? Hive you pains in loins, side, back, groins and bladder? Have you a flabby appearance of the face, especially under the eyes? Too fre quent a desire to pass urine? If so, Wil liams' Kidney Pills will cure you-at Druggist, Price 60c Williams' M'f'g. Co., Prop., Cleveland, O. Roosevelt will make a tbort speeeh at Salisbury when he passes through the SUte next Monday. - Hive you fa inexhaust ible upplj of hot water il yoar, house? v It is not luxarjr but an absolute m cessitr to have hot . water when yoV want k..' A. ' Xn Independent Wa fer Ilcatcr cart be attached to any ordinary . kitchen boilei light the gas burn er under h .and in - fifteen mtnutea you have b6t water enough for a bath. The cost for the gas will be only two or three crnts. Ti c hftlcr for.t $15.00 n$ta'I- i cd. r " T Cf t t.rr. 7 MARKET 01? II - L . - A L m -Sr. SHORT PASSING EVENTS The regular prayer meeting service m ill be fee held'at Centenary Methodist church tonight at 8 o'clock. The music department of the Wo man's Club will not meet this afternoon as heretofore announced Notice ox poaponed meeting will be given later. The gunboat Elfrieda returned at 1 :80 o'clock yesterday afternoon from Pam lico and" Albemarle Sounds where she has been during the past few weeks en' forcing the State fish laws. The Current Events Club will meet Kridsy afternoon at 4:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Clyde Eby. Every mem ber is urged to attend as matters of im portance are to be discussed. While in conversation yenterday with one of Craven county's mostsuccersful farmers be informed the writer that the prospects just at this time for a good crop was very encotraging. A partial eclipse of the sun occurred at an early hour yesterday morning but owing to the fact that heavy clouds overshadowed the sky New Bern peo pie did not get a view of this solar phe nomenon There will be a musical recital on Friday night at 8:15 o'clock in the Grif fin auditorium hy the pupils of the New Bent-High School. The public is cordi ally invited ' to attend. No admission will be charged. During the past few months the plant of the New Bern Ice Co. has bee n undergoing extensive repairj, yester day the work was con.pleted and steam put into the boilers. Tod iy. at noon the new whistle will be tested. Since the last tetm of Federal court in this city last October, U. S. Coin raissioner Chas. B. Hill has bound over to the April term of Federal court six taen cases in which the defendants are charged with retailing and distilling. Two boys while riding their wheels at a rapid gate came into collssion yes terday at the corner of Ciaven and J hrBon' streets and' were thrown to tha pavement. Besides one broken wheel, the smaller boy received some painful bruises. A one week term of Craven county oupenor i,oun ior me irmi or civn c , convene in thi, cjty on May 6th with Judge M. H. Justice pre Biding. On June 10th none week term lor trie iriai 01 criminal esses win oe held. Wsyne Black, colored, of Maysville, wis arrested Tuesday by Deputy Mar shal Samuel Lilly, on a warrant charg ing him retailing liquor without gov ernment license. He was given a hear ing before U. S. Commissioner Hargett of Maysville, and probable cause being found be was bound over to the next term of Federal court under a bond of (300. Yesterday he secured bend and was released. - When a parson gets something for nothing it rarelly aver fulfl.lsall prom iscs. Such, is the ease with the fre seeds being sent to Ibis section by Con' gressmen. A few weeks ago a Iocs gentleman who delights In raising, bis own vegetables, received several pack age of these aead and at once planted them. -Up to the present time they bara failed to "sprout", and from all indications never wilL That old chair need a coat of China: Lac to xnalce it yointj " agait-B. IV S. specialties for the best housed keepers. J. S. Basnjght Hdw Co. - : . !' :v. r.N -Th' llaeoln Memorial CommlaaieB derided te reeonmead te Congress the design' submitted bfi Henry Becea, a New Vorh arehitaet.. ' . I r ' i ' . "v .- -' f' y " .''' " .to Com t coia m exi aT r' ' Take Jj(xATlVg BR0MO,Qemme Tablets. : Druggists refund money if It fslts to ur4 . E. W. GROVE'S elgna ture It ea each bet. SU. ' " ! The toppof tr ef Oscar Underwood wilt be tn tomptet tootrot of the Ala : bama 3 lata Derno Iritis Corivenlioa. - U Moving Ticturrs and -VauJc-aftcrnooa end r.'.t, t Thf .- ; i Many a ynurig man'i li.U it In in I'irrwiU ih kiiil Ulllo'.ii I,t '( "tit, - It th- run .. ";t a re : "i -.5 in I :f t 1 ' '; ! . (' v THE REALf fceautifaf Reception Given by Hjrt , HnghLovick. Canterbury . . . Club' Eoterttuued. Among the several functions of the past Lenten season was (he teaotif ul reception given by Mrs. Hugh Lovick in honor of her sister, Miss Belle Pea cud, of Raleigh, Tuesday afternoon at ber borne on Middle street Her home was a veritable bower of Spring flower, the trailing jessamine and dog-wood blossoms being artistical ly and profusely used as decoration in all the room and the mantles were banked with the lovely blossoms. The door was opened and the card tray was presented by Master Lovick Smiih and the guests were greeted in the hall by Mrs. Francis Stringer Duffy' in white mull and Mrs. Charles Buford in white lace. The hostess, wearing a white lace robe with touch of green, received her guests in. the parlor, assisted by the guest of honor, exquisitely gowned in a Parisian robe, and Mis. Rosa Smith in i black lace. Mrs. Thomas Carrawsy in white crepe meteor invited the guests into the library where refreshing punch as senatd by Mrs, Charles Stith and Mrs. Fred Smith, wearing white mulls. Miss Margaret Bryan gowned in a lovely white net led lha way to the di ning room where an ice course was served by Mrs. Henry R. Bryan, Jr., in a white marquisette, Miss Mary L. Waters, in gold colored measaline. and Miss Mary Stith in white lingerie fror-k The dining room was particularly at tractive in the decoration and many lighted candles', the center piece of the table ci misted . of a handsome t h rry lace piece and bowl of red'poppies. At 6:30 o'clock the receiving party was served a delicious two ecu sa lunch eon. CANTERBURY CLUB ENTER TAINED. Mrs. Robert NixonHelightfulIy enter tainrd the Canterbury Club at ihnr regular meeting, Tuefday afternocn at her home en Craven street. Mrs. Charlei Ives, in a moRt inier- esting manner read aad interpreted the poem "Saul" from Browning. A most refreshing ice course was served at the close. Those present were: Mesdames Cha. Hollister, Robt. D iVal Jonea. William Dunn, James Mitch) I1, Monroe Howell, John Dunn, John Tull Hollister, .1 B Hurley, William B ades, Charle3 lvea, Misnea Janet Hollister, Bessie Sum merell, Mabel Chsdwirk, Mary Oliver, Mary Hen lren, Sadi; Hollijti-r and Ka tie Styron. Phone 99 and let as figure on your Screen doors and windows. J. S. Kasnight Hdw. Co. The smaller the bribe the gtea'er dis grace. NOTICE. Na. 1 R d Hart-6x20 Shirglfs, and all kinds of St ingles on hand. Lathes, 1 Mule, a good, n ee ar.d gentle work Horse, All this for less. L me a spec ialty; Rubber Roofing, good Paints at 60 cents per gallon. Will sell it ill for less. Rooms furnished or unfurni bed for light bousek p ng. - See Big Hill the Old Rsllible Shingle Mn, efflce 16S. South Front stre. J'hone 66H residence, for all kinds of Hi bt;U a. ' All by (fought, way-ft to tepafially cuy for ottr nUxVU OuxUrest la you does Dot cease wilV the salt of the Kodak. -V Kodaks;? $5.00 lo 51 1 1.00 e'rov.T.:ds 1.00 6 v r12X0 J. O. Baxter OPTOMETRIST and MIU OPTICIAN J i V- .a. . m . ' " 5 ! At McDankls Cash Grocery .Qneen Olives, large jar Stuffed Olives 26c 25c " " smair jar 10c Lemon CUog Peaches 25o GoodMd. Yellow Peaches 18o Fancy Large Prunes 13c Fancy Evap. Peaches 15c Fresh Shredded Cocoaonfc per pkg. 5 and 10c Tooth Picks, per box 6c Fresh Lot Blue Valley Butter, per lb. 40c YOURS FOR CASH ONLY J. L. 41 Middle St. JPtnma.Al Nyal's Hut Springs Remedy NYAL'S Hot Springs Blood Rem edy, purifies the blood, a combina tion of standard remedies that is guarnteed free from harmful in gredients It's highly recommend ed for scrofula, boils, p mples, salt rheum, tetter eczemaand for such other afflictions caused by an im poverished condition of the biood. It's an efficient and reliable rem edy ON SALE AT DAVIS PHARMACY PHONE U - - ' us have your orders for the following: Clicquot Club Gingerale Welch's Grape Juice Duffy's Apple Juice Cherry Smash Pineapple Juice H. C. AUONfi Phone 174 Middle St. Why Not Build A Home This Year and let 1912 mark the beginingot our fortune and a new life? Nothing on earth gives a family atanding in a community like thf ownership of a nice, comfortablt. home. The winter is a good tlmf to perfect all the little detail and we've a good, warm office and lots of time at your disposal to help you select a'auitable plan and talk over the kind of materj lal you will need. .. Contain and left figure it out together.- " Tolsoii Lumber's Ufa 129 fcTroat'ot, it ' NEW BURN," ;4 r ' KC a-; a J lUdt from port distilled , filtered ;wiifc- .s NBW'BBRN : icb Co. It Jl 23 Hrltrah BU rbone,M A WATCH ( Int-rvkd to tll yoe the time of ty. UnUss H di-l Y,ti e'coretTy H lswnrethn vitli'i, f.r It Is I ks the man Mry rro Km tr.'y f of tvlr'y '1 ''' t "1 i p in t s! H 1 : '.I' .r ' I 'I if io V H ' ix a ' i' r r.r W a Arnveil Just to I3.:IEE :FE3PSHII0S ;CF. SURPLUS AND ONDHlltD m ' PROFITS TO CAPITAL THE NATIONAL BANK OF NEW BERNE, N, C. STANDS FIRST among the banks of the City THIRD among the National Banks of the State And as it has Surplus and Undivided Profits amounting to JlOf.,000 and Capital amounting to 100,000, it has a place on the National Bank Roll of Honor, which includes only banks having Surplus and Undivided Profits equal to or exceeding their Capital stock. 4 PER CENT T SAFE DEPOSIT I ' I II. Block ' New Bern, N. C g F-O-XJ-KT-P I The place to buy your Spring or Summer Suit at prices within reason. I absolutely guarantee satisfact-on. New line nf samples just received. Call and inspect my stock. F. HI. CH AD WICK, mmmmummwKBmmmmwBMammma "V XS WTfWW W. G. BOYD, Agent Real Estate, General Insurance. Surety Bunds. OLD DOMINI NEW YORK AND ALL POINTS NORTH AND EAST AiToiding Pleasure and Krst. Norfolk- lo New York and Return (30 Days) $14.00 i Pint class tickets Include Meals and Herlhon i Iok'"1' ' np'int d ex preas steamers Hot or Cold Ses Water Baths can be procured on St'nm-r without charge. Steamers are all equipped with the United Wire lea Te'e(,'rnph Syntem. aTBAMUS BAIL FIOM NORFOLK iVERY WEEK DAY AT 7 P M. , Tickets and Btatcroom Reservations, Company's Wharf, Knot of Church 81, Not folk. Vs. Ask your roeal tlrket agent regardinK through ticketv Send for Illustrated Pamphlet Dek J. W. II. LANDON. J. J. BROWN, General Agent.; Norfolk, Va. Gen. raaa. Airmt. New York. ss"saBlsWlas1aBHHBIMlPBBBMBiBiMss YOU HAVE All WATCnED ; , TIIE NAME.. tr -m. In this paper, wtkh h the nimr of the Best Young Men'a Goihe? mide for $17, ; None' cheaper, none higher in prlceV' V f ' S. Copioh & Son ExcluUre AgfDts Ms Tor Sale. BOXES FOR RENT. We Are Showing a very select line of Sum mer Hats, the lutest of styles and the best i f qualities, in St aw hml Kel's, including; th celebrat ed brands, ( In el Bund, Manhattan and o hers Our line of clothing is sol. ctcil from the best fabrics m noy can buy. mc.ilo up in the latest styles and colors at very reasonable prices. We cordial y invite you to look over our slock, which puts you under no obliga tion o buy whatsoever. Sam Lipman Merchant Tailor, Kt:i Mul. lie Ht. New Horn. N. ()'. HORSE SENSE. '(iu iii'-uic your l inm anil lui nil lire. w by not our alti-ulili- li T-- in mull ? I i'-s ;i li u s i n p s s i 1 1 K iv 1 1 i,i it , anil tin l'peiisc inviihi-il is bs I h:iu a t w o cnit poMtno vtnin p a ilay. LINE Delightful Slort Sea Tiips To Interior Woodwork -' and Fornlturo - lWe U'rd wtlh k earaWa gloeii, Weert lornref than sny other tt UhvMorxy Wk If K resist rWo'l do all tUlm, ' - . - - - - 0fijanize I kFor Floors II Qnsldir Hdw. V - 1 r S 4 I I

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