-- ... 1 PAPER WITH - V KNOWN QRCULATION " ESTABLISHED; LN 1878 NUMBER 26 : NEW BERN NORTH CAROLINA WEDNESDAY -flORNINGr MAY lM?12. THIRTY-FIRST YEAR . T v i. - r 'i 1 : 11 -rr ''V. 'V NEW BERN BAnmriG AND TRUST COMPANY NEW BWN,NX ; o ON PAY-DAY N pay day, call t (hia bank to have your voucher cashed. We shall be pleased to ac commodate you in thie matter, and also cor diallir invite you toopen an account with the bank, either che-king or savings. If you have an ao count subject to check, you can pay rent and other ex pense by writing your own personal check. This plan will help you to nuke your money go f arthef. It will ttlways be protected against loss by fire or other cause anJ you can keep an accurate record of ymr in come and expenses. WE INVITE ACCOUNTS OF ONE DOLLAR OR MORE. FOUR PER CENT PAID ON SAVINGS. NOW 1 S THE TIME When Women Who Appreciate The Importance of Being Well Dressed Are Thinking of New Clothes For Spring and Summer. It's just tho lime when you should see the new stjles and harn whore the best values can be had. Appearance counts in (lie butle of life. It's important that you dress well. It's equally important that you get the best values possible to erure for the money you invest in clothes. DresMii.; u!l means neither more no" less than dressing simply, su'taUy and sensibly, ihe accomplishment of which is exceedingly easy when you have the light fabrics to se Itct from antl the right kind of a dealer to help you make yeiur choice and see that you get properly waited on. We are show ing everything a woman wears from Hat to Shoes. Assortments large enough. Qualities good enough and Prices low enough to please all who appreciate the value of good goods. MITCHELL & CO. J. M. 61 POLLOCK ST. PHONE 288 MAY HURRYv . TO : MEXICO Departure of "Transport Bu ford To Aid Americans on West Coast Expedited. San Francisco, April SO The trans port Bufi'rd, under orders to sail as a relief f hip for Americans in distress on the wept coast of Mexico, received supplementary orders this .evening to sa l at 9 o'clock -tonight.-- She carries 40 etilis ed men as a guard. It is understood that the Buford will put in at San Diego for a convoy. Al though no official confirmation of this inf rm il assurance could lie hid, it is supported by a dispatch from San Diego last night, stating that two of the torpedo-boat destroyers io rort there would sail under scaled ordeis within 24 hours. Robert' T. Bain will be navigating officer under command ol Qiartermas ter-Captairi Frank D. Ely. Ca.pt Herbert J. Brees, of the First Cavalry, commands the guard of 40 men. The sMp will carry a surgeon and a com plele hospital equipment. San Diego, Cal., April 30-The tor pedo biat destroyer Preble and Perry, the largest vessels of the flitilla slip prd out of the harbor to lay and went to sea with sealed orders. That thfy are bound for the west coast of Mex ico h the general belief, although na val officials decline to discuss the prob able destination of-the destroyer. SURGERY Bucks Stoves and Ranges that bake better bread with least fuel J. S. Basnight Hdw. Co. BY WIRE LESS LATEST Operator on Lonely Island Asks Surgeon Ship ' Hundreds of Miles Away How to Am putate and Then Per forms Operation on Injured Laborer. New YorlC April 80 How a laborer on Swan Wand, a lonely wireless sta tion in the Gulf, sustained a crashed foot; how the wireless operator on the island communicated with a ship 450 miles away, raised the surgeon and got him to explain the proper way to am putat ; then how the operator's associ ate performel the operation is a story told by the manager of a big shipping concern today. New Orleans physi cians described it as "'durgary by wire less." On Swan Island is a wirekss station, one of the links in the United Fruit chain to the tropica. When a laborer hurt hia foot irt a tram car accident, th -wireless ope r ator concluded an opera tion was imparative. There were no medical books at hand; and no one at the station had hacked at a fellow be ing. Then the operator had an "in-i qii-ition" He called a fellow crafts man passing 450 miles below into the Caribbean Sea. The situation was ex p'ained to the ship's physician, and de tail by detail, he explained just how the amputation should be handled. After the arteries had be?n tied and the wound dressed, the patient recovered his 3'rength and told the operator he want ed to express his thanks. At .the last accounts he was getting well. UflOERWOOISWinS Will Sue Town of PollocksvilU Several Citizens. and S versl weeks ago Petway Picket', col in d as arrested and placed i i j til a'. Pollorksvrlle. He claimed that the j tiUwRS in a very unsanitary condition a'i'l that he was no given euough cov ering lo prote t him from the cold ai.d 'that his .ihj sli-fcl end mortal anguirh was very irreat. Pickett haB therefore filed mil tigninst the town of Pollocks -i le and Mexrrs. T. A Bell. Harry Brai', Wade Benders and M. J. L"ary for d un iijes in the sum of $3 0!M) from each of the defend in's. The gentle men nam-d ansinted in mikii g the ar reHt and placing th; pla ni.fT i:i j.iil. The Shop That's Different. The Morgue Sh p Docks Ilslifax, April 30. -Whilo the church hells tollid ttm cahlo ship Mackay-Ben-nett Hleaired inlo the harlior wi'.h'.flKgR at half nmht bearing the bodies of tin victim.) of the Titanic dUmer at 9 o' clerk. 3. M. Kassdalc, the Amer.cin consul general 1 d the Americans en th pier. The c ffi is bearing the, d'd were pi! d on tl.e deck. Vaudeville at The Athens, Mun Tues., Wed. The Wills Com edy Company. Mairled. Yesterdiy afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the Methodist parsonage by Rev, J B. Hurley,' Mi-s Giaoe Lane ad Mr'. L slie Broome. Mr. and Mrs. Hraome left o.i tie cvjning train for Wilmington, PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS Your druggist will refund money PAZU OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itching. Blind, Bleeding or Pro truding Pilesin 6 to 14 days. 60c. Died. Mjis Julia C. Irvin aged 72 years S months at the residence of Mr. John C. Hill No. 71 Hancock St. The Fun eral lervices will ba held at Christ Ou ch at 4 p. in. this afternoon con ducted by th Rev. R. F. Huske. The interment will be made in Cedar Grove cemetery. IIMPORTAIJMI 96,000 Candle Power of light shining forth each night in New Bern from the Gas Arc . , - - Lamps that have been1 installed during the. past 21-2 years.- This ; ;:cqual3 the light oi 6000 Blec? ; iric. Camps joilb Qndlt PoWr :; er. each.- . -,. - - ' ' . . i 4 . '. L'ght your store . with s Gas - if J . t , ' - . . . . . - you want the best light. ; . SEE: US ; AT- ONCE ABOUT '. YOUR LinrTUTr." Ice Cream Frtezers that freeze cream faster and make mixture better "ALASKA" at Basnight Hdw. Co. Under Serious Charge. ICugene Wa'ker, rolorod mat arreted yesterday morning by Chief of Paliece Lupton on a warrant charging him Iih a criminal aisult upon Lnn.' Peyton, led. , lie -win takrn before ih Mayor yeaterday aftainoon but waived a piebmlniry htaring nd waa txaml over to he JunsWrotf Superior Cnri . . . ... f i witi.oul bonl. . If the dtf ndot l pro J ven guilty n will cither so Id ihatlec trie itulr cr to tot pfnoltenil rr for ; tixig term, s . . .' '" . The Shop That'i Different.-: i . ii I. i . '" - " ' ; Mom Day-City - BeaalltDl dob Thura ; -t. ' ay May 2a4 . . : Pr'a for the prettlMt n4 will ba awarded at. the Qua Co. offlct Thurt int. Uiv 2nd, at 80 p. m : lUr will b recptd any lima from, 4:30 until 6 'tloe. i Ica-ereart and aka will t ervrd from t until 10 P. Corns anif bring fmtt 'rom" and hi vt a good lima with t. rtws will U c(Tr ed at auction at 8 a'clrffk. The Shop That's Different. REPORT OF THE COXDIT10H Northern. Democrats '. -it- port Alabamian. Bj ly to Bup May 8th Underwood Will lave 84 Southern Delegates. Washington, April 30 j-Tbe Under wood campaign headquarters have re ceived numerous report indicating that by May 8 h, when three ipore Southern states have held their presidential pri- mariep, the Underwood j column will stand like thia: i Alabama 24, Florida IB, Georgia 28, Misslppi 20.' Total 84. Reports from North Carolina are al most aa encouraging, and. if Mr. Under wood carries that atate he will go into the convention with aoatl ern delegates numbering over 100, Should the south puq forward its candidate backed with 1.00 delegates, the democrats of the Borth and west wi:I accept him. Mr. Bryan will ac cept htm, or be chargeablo with the basest ingratitude. If the south was willing to go down in defeat three times with Mr. Bryan, even Bryan must forget his selfishness and be wil ling to go forward to victory with the new leader, who has won bia spurs in sixteen years of conflict,' PILES! PILES! PILES! Williams' Indian Pile i Ointment will cure Blind, Bleeding and Itching Piles. It absorbs the tumors, allays itching at once, acta aa a poultice, givea instant relief. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment is prepared for Piles and itching of the private parts, Sole by diuggists, malt 50c and 1.00. Williams' M'f'g. Co. Props., Cleveland, O. ; The AUen Trial In 'Progress. Wvthevile, April 30. The town was In gala attire today during the Allen trial with moving picture show, street carnival, revival ta entertain thousands of visitors. There waa no sign of dis order ttnugh there was armed detect ives on guard. Judge Walter R. Sap les is presiding. The t chief witness for the state is Dexter .Goad, clerk o I Hillsvi le court. The court was quick in getting down to action today. Judge. Staple raadn no opining statement but commands i opening proceedings. J. C. Wyaor, senoir counsel fortheata e announced Floyd Allen to be tried nist on the charge of killing common-wealth at torney William M. Foster Allen has five lawyers to represent him. Water Coolers from $1 50 to $4.50 at Basnight Hdw Co., Phone 99. OF THE BAKK OF D0TSB at Dover, la the State of Xarth Car Una, at tho Claw at Basinets, April I8.hr 1912 BE80UBCES Loans and discount a $ 20,667 88 OvordrafU, secured and no- Banking houses, - 1,004 06 Furniture and ' datoroa t " 1.018 91 2,022 W Due from banka and bank-- i Caab itema ; 700 00 86 00 Gold coin. . .. . 8llvor cola, Including au ml- . ' nor fo'ui cormcy : V ?S 01 National bank aotaa anl olh j rU. & Aotaa . ..; - 1,810 On Taaea th Cake. Senator Simmon wa talking abou,) a boom. "I congratulated biro, upon hi boom" said the Senator laughing, and he ap peared astonlibod that 1 krew anything of it But 1 told him that I had a keen nosa for boom, even for little ones. 1 explained that I waa like the New Bern urchin. ' "A New Bern urchin used to call on a certain old lady every Saturday after noon, am) aba would give bins a piece of coco in at layer cake. But om 8atordsy aa b expected tompat j for tea, th decided nai to Out tha ak and there. for aoee was offered ta tha urchin. "Haaatd plalotlval, aa tha tuna cataa for htoa ta got i "I hslalv I small teoeoaaut Isyar ektrM '1 Th old laby laoghad. wtot to tha cupboard, and cot bin a vary Uay alien. Wh a aba gave It to bba, ba thanked heraadaahti i "But It ma atranga that I cool I nail aock a little piece, tfoeea't lt."- Oatrolt rr Prase, Sdaday April T8.- Total 1 r Steamif Sink; Itvcntv fir Drown, CotufsnMnopl. April 81. The tamr T blonglrg l th lUd ji-Jsciud tins stiurk a mil e fT th C'isftof Asia Minor )tarHay fir n'K.n, l'li oii'ik fcith tf Hit ier'ir. i uty filial ri K.nrt. 1 tx re fr ihien hunlr H pimrnr'ti "H til 'tip hi(h rorrio-l f uroj.t n mi n, 130.880 00 Capital stock .. .. .. .. ' .$00046 Undivided pronta, leaaikar- ifeat,. ipaaaea and latag ' paid ..ll; : 1,88? 10 Urns Certiflcataa of Dcpoatt 00 Deposit subject to Cheek 17.427 X Total "- t0.W0 STATE tV NOTITI! CATIOUSA BS ,'CHAVEM COUNTT, I. W. !L Catrm, fs.hirr of U a biT nsmd bank, fin sitlcmtilf or t!m th ahov slomat I trti t th t,t tif my knoloit and b ltf. W. II. CATf' fa V THE VALUE OF SAVING IS GREAT when the money saved is deposited with a strong bank where it earns interest, is safe, and is added to with regularity Open a savings account with the Peoples Bank which safeguaid9 your funds by reason of the conservative mannf r in which its affairs are conducted, makes them grow h.y credi in; 4 per cent interest per annum and invites d posits of One Dollar or more. Efficient and courteous treatment characterizes the service which our patrons receive. jEMfi aorrwumiis New Spring Clothing Wi have just ivocivrd our new Spring Clolhinf; and in vite the public to cull and examine our lines. We carry nothing hut till wool guaran teed clolliiiiK and our prices ate lower than oilier people will charge jou lor cotton mixed goods. We can sell you a Tailor made to measiwe suit for Icrs than other people will ehaige you for stock goods of same grade. See us and save money J. J. Baxter I'.lks Temple, Kept. Store BATES-STREET SHIRTS -OF- HOB ILL DRESSED This is surely The Shirt Shop, you'll see new patterns and coloring in great; variety. We really consider them the: smartest line ever offered. Variety is; only part of our shirt story. The whole ; story in a nutshell--The best shirt made south of anywhere-Bates-Street $1.50,-" $2.00, $2.50 and upward. . T. Willis Co. ' THE SHOP THAI'S DIFFERENT. ' rt PHONE 19 - - 59 POLLOCK ST. A T .NOTICE. Na. 1 Red Heart i SkJaglea, aad all klnde of SUnglrt head. La tha, 1 Mala, a good, alee aod gentle wk Horse.' All thla for Waa, lima a spec ialty; Robber Rooftnf. good Palms at 00 mU per gstlae. WU1 aell II aH for lea. Rooms fumili4 er aeforalahed (urllgai hookping.-Fa Ulg Hill the Old Reliable Shingle Use, ofnc goolh front etjrest, fhone Jrwte, for all klru!, vt Hhinglee. c CarlAsptctor to tKiv 12,800 from , Railroad Corcptpj, J RUt April TA-1U Jiry la tU j re of J. A. TV t N cKt fn a Hi-t : q t'atf n'l.tt ;fa!k-r.lt,'fi ri!y ; r f..-r VJ'1 '!.- r 1 1 ;s f.t ...r k ' ? f r " I i '' '';.: J ! .'1.- .-.' t n. a. 3. K. ti v.