fflBEMOIlllllll SwliIljfcoA n to mr Mt Hntw.jMm) beiieiaeV M- MM WWli k mmn. KKTOB AMD FROPRIwTOB niMunwi liwii ItirliMnM MM (.N JU Mt tm advaace. . .. K7 earrier to U etty A4vrtteUa ratoe hnliM aUcatloa . on an- Katare4 at tbe Postoffloe, New Bora ft. C aa Mcead-cUM matter. pFTICIXL PAPBR OV NEW BERN AND CRAVEN COONTT. New Bern, N. C. May 4, 1912. "SWAT" AND "CLEAN UP." Never before this time has there been so much written published and talked on public health and sanitary matters. Particularly at this spring time has there been the general cry of "swat the fly," and this with an intensity of ex clamation that arouses nearly every one to action. Those in sects the fly and mwquito, are now held as responsible for the greater part of all human pbysi cal ills that lead to severe sickness and death. At the basis for sani tation comes cleanliness, simple and easy it would appear to just keep cleanly, both as to premises and person, surely for the pleas ant sensation and agreeableness of it, if there was not everything in volved in this being and keeping down filth, in having no rubbish heaps, in having fresh and care fully kept yards, alleys and street1-. If every one would not merely "clean up," but keep so, there would not be the after cry of "swat the fly," and the ever present fear of malaria when a mosquito is heard. Like as in every thing else, it is the simple prevention that means everything, that starts in cleanliness, in care fulness, in giving heed to the things at hand, which saves the fearful toll in money and life, when cleanliness id not observed, aud the ills that follow from neg lect must be paid for at a terrible cost CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tbi Kind Yea Hare Always Bought Bear the Signature r Better nitfht dreamer. worker than a day Catarrh Cannot he Cured, with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the dis ease. Catarrh ia a blood or consti tutional disease, and in order to on re it yon must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure ia taken inter nally, and act directly on the blood and moooua surface. Ball's Catarrb Cars is not a qnaok medicine. It was prescribed by on of the best phy sicians in this Country for years and is a regular prescription. It is eon posed of the best tonics known, com bined with the bast blood purifiers acting directly on the mnooos sur faces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in earing ca tarrh. Send for testimonials free F. J. CHXNIY 4 CO.,Props, T Tolado, 0 . Bold by druggists, pries 76a. aka Hair family pills for aon atipatioa. No'btng pi a grandmother n.ore tbaa to bars a look It man say sbs doesn't Post appetite is a sore sign of Cm paired digewtiat. A few doses of Chsm berieta'a Htomaca and Urer Tablets will etreogtbea year dltreoUoa and Im prvrsfoar appetite. Thousands bavs bees beneBtUd by taking the Tablets. -Boid by ail Dealers. A wooiaa never forgets her first lore -nor forgirsa herself If she snsrriee si. WOMEN fare U l&dr tpWoai, Uinly yraut U4 Vwierfal comdltt is J cdrttln rftrtii of Cltmw J visAa'f tit, trta tvkooi. dni ill trattU ti tootiwr m4 H ti inZsltt jtxrt, litn b M ti'rr tr r t- 1 1 WOMAN'S tfTlIAijSii 3 P$i TV Imrdoaa mass has to eerr? throat lite are smot kt As? sai to , lijhtooed if akewill turn to Dr. Piefve'a favorite Pf tuiiniua. . A sooduag and ' ttfcngtfeealiig orvioo -ttbdiaf aerroaa x'itmbtlity, proetretkm, hysteria, bo4 Bashes aad the saaaf sypeoeas which star be oaosod by dutrsMiafUli oinwliar to wooms). For thaea " ernUias-ihme, paias or distress wad far the aeraage Bents sad faregalaritiee the 44 Favorite Prescription M bat hd essay thnm ds ei teetioMmiela from people tiriaf ia mrt pert , of Aswrioa. AaotW iaspottaat thiaf to every will that this medicine is ssede from e&oient anertiniool roots, without the use of aloohol, aareottee, or any iaiarioos areata. - Full bat of iagrwdi- snu fives oa bottio-wrapper aad swora t& by Or. R. V. Pierce wbo is President i:.i. itj i c.-.: i t n..a-.i lUs. MoascLL. Dr. PUrce' GOOD NEWS Oh, he has returned! Who is that? Why. old man Economy, with the nobbieBt line of spring snd summer samples, I most ever seer, at prices way down yonder, He is very jubilant over his patronage of last season and takes this means or expressing nis ep- ' I preciation to the general public for the same. The tools at Sawyer's are Beem- ingly trying to outdo one another. "You may be sharp," raid the thread to the needle, "but I notice you ate al ways getting it in the eye." "Oh. I don't know," answered the needle. I notice th it whenever you get in a hole I have to pull you through." "Hush up you two," cried the thimble, "If it waa't for my PUSH you would neither of you get along." Then the scissors cut in. And they are busy too, doing the right thinff by all customers. Economy is stopping for the season with R. SAWYER, The Merchant Tailor. 61 South front St., New Bern, N, C. One interested listener an orator has in himself. FOLEY. KIDNEY PILLS POH RHEUMATISM KIDNEYS AND OLADBEtt The fiat hunter is handicappep by no game laws. Mrs. Rose A. Freerran, Clifford, Va , says they have long used Foley's Remedies and want to say a good word for them. She writes! "Foley Kidney Pills cured my husband of a Ion stand ing kidney trouble, after he had taken other medicines without relief. We would not he without Foley & Go's medicines in our house for many times their cost. " His satanic majesty loves to fish in troubled waters. ONLY A FIRE HERO. but the crowd cheered, as, with burned hunda, he held up a email round box, "Kellowcf" he shouted, "this Hucklen's Arnica Salve I hold, has every th ng beat for burns." Right ! also for boilB, ulcers, sores, pimples, eczema, cuts, sprains, bruises. t urest pile cure. It subdues inflammation, kills pain. Only 25 cents at all drugtrints. You may hae noticed that a kicker is usually headstrong also- Vaudeville at The Athens, Thurs., Fri., Sat Singing, Talk ing and Piano selections. Every young wiiow and every spin ster imagines that it is up to a bachelor to cxpl tin. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER S CASTORI A Whether a thing is right or wrong may depend upon who dues it you or the other fellow. FLAGGED TRAIN WITH SHIRT. Tearing his shirt from bl back an Ohio man flagged train and saved It from a wreck, but H. T. AUloo, Ral eigh, N. C, once prevented a wrack with Electric Bitters. ' I was in a tsr rible Dl'Bht when I beets to use them." bs writes, "my stomach, bead, back and I kidneys were ail badly affected aod my lirsr eras in bad condition, but four not- ties or Electric Bitter mads me feel like a new man," A trial will convince tou of their matchless merit for any tomach, Mver or kidney trouble. Trice SO cents at all drnggisU. It is rumo'-rd that Jim Jeffries is thinking of challenging Jack Johnson, but the gate receipts for such so event sjooldo't pay trstolng axpenoes.2 jai ttfW M BenM canaaH nv fhan maHsm ( the muscle of the back, for which yes will find nothing bettsr thts Chsmberisio's Molroeet,-r or sal by all Oealer. ' . ' , Nstwral PrebaHlKy. , J. Idaai B4, wbo waa th "wit ol eagreea' tot arreral Urnu, kept Ut Cklctgo iewelera' aaaoelaUo la - ag proar wbaa U apnke) of "kapplnaaa at tnw anaoal aiqtMt "Bom peopW (uT Mt good la aajrUilng, but li U kiwsya inert,- U tall, r'hy out la my ilatiict tnart oa ag Ibara waa rMI a Mr. Day, Tba graffibleta m Clala4 that H was a tost ot line, b caaaa a,Wtk bad bn Uxt io mak g tr. but thoea who taa ta tan.hina at! the time nggetted that probably It Wooldnt b long WfeM tbuw wtruld Vt enough tmjt around laaaa p for tba s Wetf t. 'W, ofi1ri, well known d-nut St llopliinli, Kv, tnl!f h1 n BrTnon f t t I ir. 1 U. 1 ,! ht: "I'i'"' fii ' I i ' - - N.Y. Evey women ia invited to write to this Institute eaj reoeivo eoafideatis sod toand medical ad rice, entirely without cost from one who makee the diseases of wosaea bii specialty. i "I dan cheerfnjly recommend your remedies, especially' your ' Favorite Proscription,' for all female disorders, writes Mbs. M. M. Morkeix,o( Bluff City, Teun., Eoute 4 During the past seven years I suffered from pains In the back ana ovaries. Tried uiny remedies but found only transient relief until I was persuaded by a friend to try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. After giving this remedy a fair trial. I found that it would do Just what it Is recommended to do. I used in all seven bottle. I cannot speak too highly of Dr. Pierce's remedies for all female derangements. Pleaaeat Pelltts regaato Zlre 111; Stoves of Our Qreat-Granddaddtea. The stoves of a hundred or so years ago were not things to be lightly passed over by the human vision If they were all like those advertised is 'a New York paper of the time in thest terms. "A few Piramldal Stoves,' shaped nearly as follows: Standing sir feet six Inches high, with lion's feet, the bust of General Washington on tol) tne arms of tne Tjnited states Ion each side, with regulating doors, .The whole molded, ornamented and jBnlshed in a masterly style; forming an elegant stove for coal or wood; appropriate for churches, public of Bees, halls or largo stores." Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A The chronic bore makes a big hjle in the busy man's day. ALL YOU NEED IS A CASCARET I No Sick Headache, Bilious Stomach, Coated Tongue or Constipated Bowels by Morning. Turn the rascals out the head ache, the biliousness, the indigestion, the sick, sour stomach and foul gases turn them out tonight and keep them out with Cnscarets. Million"-: of men and women take a Cascnret now and then and never know the misery caused by n lazy livw, clogged bowels or an upset stomach. Don't put in another day of dis tress. Let Cascarets cleanse and regulate your stomach; remove the sour, undigested and fermenting food and that misery-making gas; take the excess bile from your liver anil carry out of the system all the decomposed waste matter and poi son in (he intestines and bowels. Then you will feel great. A Cascnret. tonight will surely straighten yon out by morning. They work while you sleep. A 10-cent box from any drug store means a clenr head and cheerfulness for niolitlis. Children love to take Cas carets because they taste good never gripe or "sicken. Trie path to the poorhouse is with gold bricVs. paved Mrs. It. Brant, 11,115 Paden street, Parkersburg. W. Va,, had an sttack of lagrippe which left her a bad kidney trouble, and she suffered much seveie pain and btckarhe. Then she heard of Foley Kidney Pills and says: "After tailing them a short time the pain left my ack a d I am train able to do my housework. Foley Kidney Pills help d me Wonderfully. 'For Sals by all Deal ers. Now thst Senator Hj burn is sgtin uiewing with alarm, things in general mutt be In good condition. At The Athens, no matter whit's the weather, amusement Md comfort With th advent of her first baby bay a mother begins planning for his lr.- auguVatlon M Pretldent, Fnt a barn or scald apply (htambef urn s Hsivc. it will anav toe pem eij meal lof tanl'y snd quickly, heal the In jures pans. For tils by all dealers. Be Sure you're Tight (be -don't loss your bead, ;- r , "1 asy for a very 7inf man te rsM bit sjsbroas than It il lot bin to raise a fniistacba. . , - , - .- FOlEY.KlDIlEYPnW roaaHtvmATWM iutMiaAMa auumu Wtitn a woman dtecovm'that "all - thing to , If intfrr toiitxt ten. If er Infftv Mn , rMuU will be Wn i you. 'int-vn:z co? mi i -. t t:: wmmmmm emmmmm by FRANCIS PERKT ELLIOTT ILLUSTRATIONS AT MYWfaks Vm a damned " He raised his arm and dropped it. "Well, never mind what," he fin ished with a lift of the shoulders. "But I want to say something. It's about what I offered you for those ttones. The price the amount I earned wasn't even a decent gamble; but it was all I could go, and oh, I wanted one so badly, Dicky! And now you've made me feel like a dog. And I can't take your gift, old chap, any more than I could afford to offer you the real value of one of these beautiful stones. Here." And he passed them back to me. "I know each of them to be worth anywhere from forty to fifty thousand dollars," he said quietly. 'They're the kind the crowned heads bcoop for Jewels of state." I nodded, and, getting up carelessly, I strolled to a window. "Devilish lovely night," I said, pok ing my head out. And It was. Stars overhead and all that sort of thing, and lots of them below, too I could hear them singing over on Broadway. "All right, old chap; then here they go Into the street," I said. "If my friend can't have 'em, then no jolly drowned heads shall. That's flaU" Billings started forward with a reg ular scream. I waved him back. "Don't come any nearer, old chap," I said, holding my arm out of the window, "or, dash me, I'll drop them Instantly. Six sto ries, you know stone flagging be low." "But, Dicky" "If you don't say you'll take 'em, time I count three, I'll give "em a toss, by Jove! One!" "Here, Dicky! Don't be a" "Two!" I iounted. No bluff, you know; I meant jolly well to do it. Just one word one second, Dicky!" he yelled. "Let me off with one, then. Dicky! Dicky, old chap I I Be a good sportsman!" 1 I hesitated. Dash It, one hates to I take an advantage. BllllcgB stretched out his arm ap- ! peallngly. "Do, old chap!" he plead- i ed. "Give me just one one only!" Hid hflnil thnnt lilra a nnivi.rinn ' what's-lts-name leaf. I yielded reluctantly. "Oh, weil, then, call It off with one," 1 said. And with a sigh I tossed him one of the rubles and dropped the other In tbe pocket of my Bmoktng-jacket. Hillings wiped his forehead, and then he thanked me and wiped his eyes. "So good of yo'u to give In, old chap," he snuffled. "Never will forget you for it!" "Oh, I say, chuck It, you know!" I protested. "Whole family will thank you," he went on In his handkerchief. "Prince ly magnanimity and all that sort or thing you'll Just have to come up for the week end with me this " "I will!" I reached forward eagerly and Insisted on shaking hands. l)y Jove, what luck! And Billings looked regularly over come. All be could do was just shake his head and pump my arm. Why, daBh it, this seemed to affect blm more even than giving in about the ruby. It was the first time I had ever accepted his invitation, you know. "Tell you what, old chap," he said, at soon at he could speak. "I'm go ing to tell you what to do with that other ttone. You tave that tor her." "Her!" By Jove, I wat so startled I lost the grip on my monocle. Bill ings nodded emphatically. "Yes, sir for her; she'll be along one of these days." "By Jove, youvkBow!" I was almost dlszy with a sudden Idea. I fished out the Jewel and held It before my gltst, tqutnttng doubtfully at It. I wondered If It was good enough for "her." "I say, Billings," murmured thoughtfully. "Blondes or brunettes, you know which wear rubleeT' "Both!"- He said It with s kind or Jaw snap. "They wear anytUne in the Jewel line they can freeie on to." "But which" "Th worstT Blondes, my boy blondes, every time;, especially those going around la black." Billing! tpok gloomily. "Let ao tU you, my boy and I know-dont rou tr bav any thing to do with, ft blonds If tbs's in black, especially black silk bear r By Jots, bis uplifted Bngsr and Sere way of (tying It gtv 8 r ular tnrm, you know. .But then' there wta th ruby, st4 t'tu thinking th r?, . v '-"Pwrfcapg t four of tbsnr fa' a PTMsUt," I muttered, "Wttk something It to help out ' They might da" H Thsy: might," sld Billings U ' a too ot aoaraa aarcaaai, hay aalgbl ooghlg awska, tt www take ait leeJ oo for a wnlTl X" I taa ttlaataa to gt U ataa gal. t aklvto,. m mA wia, m w vaaiieJwa4 'aaawwiri "MeaaUna,1 "We it b ti - A ad yuat - : anddealy waa twUod wllk a barfoctlr ripping idea that ' Chocked . a long yawa rtgkt la U middle tod aNnoet brokt my Jaw'.' for t ta bow I could do aomethlng fcsodaottkt that would tvea p wtlb Dllllngi la a way for tbe rohy be wouldn't take. . -Tll oa Wbst, aid thsp," 1 aAit tupping b Ira no th shooiiief, you art fXng to bar tbem toBltMl'- Urn.' "nnhlMiT I tll yoa t woal take s6otRr " - . . r,ub" I 1rUt4 eomwnptn- 0'!'y "ItiiWa nothlrr! fitefhlpg ho" nr .;ng woi" WMa. dsafe It!" ... I aw le woiiM rev.r g-t-e It. f " J ' - t -'tis h... teKttty- Kiir, 1 rmm ' ' ,: V:. 'wr I big ttarea at K a waua, uai t'f 1,7??: i..mf. t1'- "aald BUllngt, yawtlBg,1 tba oor af tny tpartaew opetmg rwwi. ... M .V., A" i 4..r i r. i s f i tata the aster corridor wat ttaadloa "eSS ! t Uw ti,, at I rang for Vanktat 1 a)ar. Way, gttb it, it wai "I Wat 8o Startled I Lost the Grip on My Monocle." clever of you, old chap! How thun dering timely, too!" He held them up singly, studying their outlines critically. "And see here, Dicky why, great Thomas cats!" His eyes turned on mo wonderingly. "Never noticed it be fore did you? Bub I do believe they are Just my size!" His size! By Jove, I had forgotten all about the item of size! I just col lapsed into a chair as he said good nignt, and sat there blinking in a regular stupefaction of horror as his door closed behind him. For he was devilish sensitive about his bulk, and I dared not say a word, CHAPTER X. A Nocturnal Intrusion, "Oh, know!' but I say, It's impossible, you ' And I stared at Jenkins In credulously. He grinned foolishly. "I know, sir; but he's In 'em, Just the same, and 1 muBt say they do fit lovely just easy, like." "By Jove!" I gasped helplessly "Then the jolly things must be made of rubber, that's all! Why, look here, he weighs over three hundred pounds, you know!" Jenkins' head wagged sagaciously. "1 think that's how It Is, sir; It's won derful what they do with rubber now; my brother wears a rubber cloth band age that ain't no bigger 'round than my arm when It's off of him, and he " "Dare say," I said sleepily as I fell back upon my pillow. "Good night. Jenkins; hope you'll get enough sleep to malic up for the other night. JonkinR sighed as he punched out the llfcht. "Thank you, sir and good night," he murmured. How long I slept I cannot tell, as they fay In stories, you know; but 1 was brought jolly wide awake by a light that shone through the bed room's open door. For If there's one thing will wake me quicker than everything else It's a light In the room at night. Fact is, I alwayB want It at black as tbe what's-lts name cave, or elHe I can t sleep. And this .lght came from the small electric stand on the writing desk. I could tell that by the way It shone. And Just then the little silver gong In there chimed three. Jolly , rum hour for anybody to be ub unlets they were having some fun or were' sick, so i raiseu my uwnu ana qkuu i i . . . i i . . i . . softly: "Jenkins er llllllngsl" No answer. Reluctantly I swung out and stepped within ths next room. Not a soul there, by Joval Then I movod over to Dllllnit' door, which was wide open for cool D Cm, Ilka my own. I could not tes U shadowed alcove In which U bad was placed, and so I stood there beal tatlDR, hatlnc awfully to risk the pos sibility of disturbing hlnC don't you know. And just then my eyes, rang ing aloeplly across the room toward the private ball, were startled by tfie apparition or an open doorway.. flurtlod. all tight! And yet. by Jove, I was In such a Jolly fog, I Just stood there, nodding and batting tt tt for a full mlnuU before I could take It In. "What L call devilish queer," I de cided. I walked over and stuck mt ba4 out Into the dark. baQ. , . -Billings! Jebkiaa! I vbtiMraeV By Jove, not a word I Everything aa Silent, as the tomb! , ' t dldnt Uke U a bit eo myitarkrat, yon know. Hesldee, gash It, tag Ulng was getting b ail wsked apt I Just knaw U one I got actt4 aba tor , laaaiMl Mni tr9 f an kAlgl ftf th tmr --a - " fl - . I aet aOI tUadlcg, tt wta aottag. : Tbaa tu4 tntf tba broad atraat of Bgst r tba aorrldor wldeaed der U4 ln ' eulea of a tmbaniag braaaa, aj4 CM door twung open vlu a baag. ' : , And tbna 1 beard my name apolea. -ITy Jove, I bad Wa Handing tAart wlik my mntita open, bobbing ay bead liltt a silly dodo; but, givt yoa 1 Sni tA word. I wst toddenly wldt avaka tvs k viht inri w , m tim i . Awy dowa Ue eorrldor, if, U.t I mail thute, a inea wt standing. f4- ' Ing a framed placard,. Kothlng rr-i tlariy reitiarkaMo In thln.'eut as the ' (wr brfd be t'iraed Hi k4 I sharply ir.i ctj1atd: . "Iwn.n-t'f Now, Uil Will ate ' , .-- ' ( I "it OLD IMIiflLI 'NEW YORK AND AIL POINTS NORTH AND EAST Affording Pleasure tod Itest. Norfolk to New York and Return (30 Cays) $14.00 First class tickets include Meals and Berth on elegantly appointed ex press steamers. Hot or Cold Sea Water Baths can be procured on Steamer without charge. Steamers are all equipped with the United Wireless Telegraph System. STEAMERS SAIL FROM NORFOLK LVERY WEEK DAY AT 7 P. M. Tickets and Stateroom Kefervatione, Company's Wharf, Foot of Church St, Noifolk, Va. Ask your local ticket agent regarding through tickets. Send for Illustrated Pamphlet Desk J. W. H. LANDON. j. j. hroWN. General Agent , Norfolk, Va. Gen. Tass. Agent. New York. UNITED CONFEDERATE I VETERANS REUNION Macon, Ga., Extremely Low Fares Via Norfolk-Southern Railway Tickets on Sale May 5, 6, 7, 8, 1912 Norfolk $ 11 95 Washington 10 40 New Bern 10 40 Beaufort 11 HO Kinston 9 75 Wilson 9 25 Rates in same proportion from other stations. Final limit May 15, 1912, unless tick et ia deposited with Special Agent and upon payment of fifty centB when ex tension to June 5, will be granted. Stopovers allowed. Ask Agents for detailed information, B. L. BUGG, W. W. CROXTON, Traffic Mgr. G. P. A, NORFOLK, VA. If a man mtis' climb h ' from where he n iw stun Is, muht start Children Cry FOR FLETCHER S C ASTO R I A Many an Id srtth r doesn't- as si y gmcer will inform yuu. Moving Pictures and Vaude ville, afternoon and nighMt The Athens. A woman's miMi-inj; tense of hum r my account for some of her funny antirs. BIU.IOIISNK-S ANO t'.ONS'l I PA '1 ION. For years I was Imuliled wild bill, us neHH and roimlipulion, winch made lilt, miserable lor me My Hptile failed me. I lobt my uhuhI force and vitulity. Pepsin pre umtiotiH und cnlh irti.'H only made mat I ei s worxe. I dn nn know where 1 nhould have l.ci n t. day I'xd I not tried ('hamhei lhin' S'on Hi h nml Liver Tablets The lahleiH relieve the ill feeling at once, stri niji lien Uih dige live fundi.. n, purify ilu- Htonntrh, liver and hloorl, relpinir t'ie i-yuiem to ii Ha work naturally M us. Rosa Inns, Birmingham, AU. Th ! t h I ! i h are for sale ly all denl"in We nomntimen w wier if pciet huve doen't feel sorry fur mi p'e h nothing but money. A GRF.AT liULMNG KALI S when its founds! n undern in il, srd if the foundation cf hca th immI 1 tton i etlarkrd, iinr' ridlini' ful 1 wn. On th- llrxl khr of indigelii n, I) KiiiK' N-w Life I'iUs flu. old ( t iken to ton th Hlomafh and r 'lh In 1 1 Jiver, kldnt-yn anil huw. In. I ihkhiiI, safe and only 'A renin stall (IriiK ey !g t It takes a womn lo tell ot er wonii n how she trusts her hunt end, j mt if she really did. Now is the time to git rid of your, rheums' ism Von an tU it ty 'iiy I Injf Chamber l in' I.'nmwit and mars ; aging the ptiU frr ly ni erh plira : Ikon. For selj hy ah di ah r It's usually much nior for mun a funl friends to get th hen I of him th n It It for his eoitmirs. Foloy ICidnoy Pills VORIO M AOTIOM QUICK IN MltULTt Otra Bfwopt reUet from BACKACHE, klDUKt and BLADDER TROUBLE, kitEUUATISM, CON0EST1ON of tbe krCHTTt, INTLAMMATION of t)e BUO)DUt aod aU eaoortng URINARY UXJKOULAXJTIES. A eooJtlve booai WIDDLB AOBD tod KLDIRLT HortM aa4 lot WOMEN. tun MMMgaT MOOMMgaaAtioai T V IT01 fM H pM fm9t NlfnutMl iwi i kn UiMMlwJ all MMa4tefcil ft. 1 kBKlr TmlMV H ijMtf PUk ttm - Uma f ; rgia f rm aeee mt . 4- , nn Af C tV At f hPAtCDC u uiau a a iw 1bnM.nn ovtn aa vgaaa ' tircRicnct ! Mtrv T " J Delightful Short Set Trips To HARDWARE AND Building Ma terial Paints, Oils AND Varnishes American Field Fence l W. SMALLWOOD. BURRUS & COMPANY DEALERS IN Timothy and pea-vine Hay, Corn, Oats, Cracked Corn, Corn Meal, C. S Meal, Reet Pulp, Bran, Shipstuff, Hulls, Hammond Dairy Feed, R. P. Oats, Burt Oats, Rye, Soy Beans and Field Peas. WANT TO BUY YOUR KIFLD PEAS. SEND US YOUR ORDKRS 8 31 .'U Mi. Idle Mt. I'limie New Bern , LSI N.O. 1 PROFFSSIONAL CASDS K. M. Simmon, A 0 Ward, j SIMMONS AND WARD lAITniiNMS AMI MT.W LI OKP i t Lin tW HKKN. PL : Olliro Itiximx 4ol-'J-: I-.IIib Moulding Prartiei' n lliiilin, eret, I'niiilici preine and h ' the mi i; : i. h , I .ennir, t h find Wall', diTnl C.iurtn, of ( raven, lcv.-, Cart- in the Su- and where ever servirea are desired. BP. P. I ai HISKASKS OK THK ye, far, Nose aod Throat AND General Surgery OfTir In Klkn Ti-mr.p Noxt hr. G A v itxi, ifw nrrn, it, t . R. A. NUN IS! ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice In tho counties of Craven, Carteret, Pamlico Jnnrs and Onalow ind In the RtaU Huprvme and KUrl CoorU. . 0te Ne. BO Crtvee ttraot. Tiliksi Na. 91. New bars, N. C Lakf Dmmmond Caxal & Wttff Co. Lake Dnimmond Trampoflatioa Co. JUke Dnimmond Tow inn Co. Dismal Swamp Canal Aa I n'aad Route, Protected frota 8torm. Niftt faat af Watar Utntmota Drpta ; Tea ki and freight MoraiaaAt. . V . ' - . t . . , - for Wis, towing and freight ratat rf7 at affica to ftoabeard Bank Build' ng ard it ITp Creek Locl Va.', - ti. K. ripj, frtt," t I. VMtn, liy US COMPANY ! r