. - . .- -.. , . ---vr ts'fW' JY; ' ii4'' .''Lf.rrv; .. -V 7 PArLI WITH circulation estabusued: - - - '. ' ' 1878. A r ''IWot CAKOUlO;1 TUESDAY lIONnMAtiZ'Hi THIRTY-FIRST YEAR --, IHiPIl! mm NEW BERN BANKING , , AND - ' v . ; - TRUST COM WW ED ll EWS1 BUTi HOT BEGGHIG iii i ran Satisfactory Service. -' V 9. v "A 5& i 'BiYOUiWlB m ERSON3 who have idle money, ,feitfcr wtefritd at home or io bank, should consider the advif Vijbiliiy of setting their money Immedia ely tc.i JterMt.be uinf twi-ajW fwtlfjcatM -of Depoi , issued by thii bank yield in8tatthe rate of 4 per tent per nnum, and tfaeapHai; aarplae mad r oaroei l& L ot the bank afford unquestioned security for all ide-: ipoelta. We eordially invite an interview concernkif tite handling of interest-bearing deposits. - vJWIS ALSO INVITE ACCOUNTS SUBJECT TO CHECK. ' ft If 3 SHIRT WAISTS AND SKIRTS OF UNUSUAL QUALITY We have a new lot of Shirt Waists that will please you to see, and at prices you will like to pay. Excellent values in Serge, Voile, Panama and Fancy weave Skirts, skill fully tailored in the newest designs. : i Underwear Hosiery Separate Garments t In Silk and Cotton, and Union Suits in a big light weight lisle in a variety material. They a good selection of col are nice light weight, ore. . . J. M. MITCHELL & CO. fHONE 288 61 POLLOCK ST. Dollars; Sued . Bake Bryan , For Damage J a tbe ouas' or, f -000 for Kiillng ' His ;JBo ;J.asi Chrislmas Nightly ' . In the cae of t. P. At ry i. Baker Bryan,, in which Mr. Aery at sutog BrTaff ftr $25.O0Odamaeei for ihootin and Jti!Kpjr hir.; wrrftmt-Uitfmt as night. ' the lury yeaferday wa- di4.tbe plaintiff daroa gr in the oumof $3.000. ' ;. ? ' The eircumstances in this ease were rathet unuudal. The killing of young William Avery on lat Chnstmaa mgbt by Baker Bryan ar.d the substquent trial and acquittal of the man who - did the killing, i a doubtless familiar to every citizen of Craven county, being as it was one of the groin eit miscarti ages of )usi ice ever perpetrated in the State. Mr Avery wai urged by his friends to sue Bryan and steps were at once taken toward this end. The sheriff attached considerable property belonging to Bryan and this is now in his hands and will doub less be disposed of and the proceeds of the sale turned over to Mr. Avery at an early date. Don't fail to attend our cloth ing and shoe sale, beginning Monday May 6th. J. J. Baxter. '' The place to buy your Spring or Summer' Suit at prices " wiihjn reason. I absolutely guarantee jatisfact'oo. New., line l samples just received. ' Call and inspect my ttoclu; 103 .Middle Bt. KeBrn,U.(V Local Institution Purchases Bonds. The New Bern Banking &Trust fm piny were the successful bidders', for $30,00 worth of Wayne county drainage bonds and which were sold a few days ago. - There were two b aders in trie (kid; the New Bern Banking & Truft Company and a Chicago firm. The bid of the Iccil institution was si ghtly above the premium and the bonds were wld to them- The sb lity snd progres niveneaa of the officers and directors of this Institution places it in the front ranks of banking houses and gives ihe public the utmost ' confidence in their strength.- 1 Fatfcw 'Diea Taen xMother," if.' V . -.v--i' . - .v.-i "r-l: vr-. TbjiLCbrarea, In Fftmlne pis-- j ,!Wasi'tigtoo..lfay 6ASvid pietare of the hprior of the Chineee famine was given i Ed Cross report from .Cha Ws W.ifsrvey.xf'TienUio, prepared at theHMsUtst of Minister Calhoun, " "The frioe section is a land where iW ej3tildrn aeen at playV Hajrvey declared ffThera ia io" graLji ineaC veget ables or foodstuff s of any kind no biog except the bar of trees, roots, dried grias, wiid garlic ani the like. "On the first morning put , of Qhing kiahgpu I met It man poshing i wheel barrow containing fiat basket; in which were hcdlled the starving forms of his wife and child. . Beside tbem were a few charrtd jtlecea of . wood which be hoped to exchange in the city '"In all my visits amona these starv ing peasants there were no begging, no tea-, no emotion? , They have not learned to beg. We found aeveraf homes, in which only one child wag left the last of the fsmfly. Workers: in the famine districts said it was usual for the fathers to die first, the mothers seeped, : then the - eldest child and the youngest last of all- showing the, existence Of affection and self-sacrifice even junder these condi tions." v . The American Red Crors hss forward ed to the relief committee in China over $160,000 since January 1. More funds are now needed, Thousands -are dy ing daily.' At present the ' committee is feeding 900,000 peasants. Lawn Mowers "Philadel phia," synonym of quality. Price from $3.75 to $20.00. Basnieht Hdw. Co., 67 S. Front St. Underwood In Forsyth. Wirtftnn-Sal m, Mry 6. -Special. H, G. Chathnm, former chairman of the Democratic State Executive Commit tee, and Attorney A. F. Ssms, who are ooklng after Mr. Underwood's inUr ests in Forsyth county, snneunced Sat urday afternoon that the membership in the Winston Salem Underwood Club had climbed to 200 including some of tl.e' best known and most influential men in this section and that the membership is increasing eteadily every day. The local manager expressed their gratifi cation at ihe rspld growth of sentiment lb this city in favor of the Alabamian. No canvas wh'evrhu been mide . - PROVIDE S420.000 Urgently Needed By Army To Feed Flood Refugees In Valley. Washington, May 6. The failure of Congress to pass the resolution appro priating $420,000 for the relief of the A tod sufferers along the Mississippi river, has caused the army to instruct Major Normnyle, in charge of the iork Memphit to cease making contracts for supplies," and prompted ' the ' American National Red Cross Society to issue a t econd urgent appeal for funda to take t wcure membert,' the n aires beisg f. r UP H of relief when the army the mo nart of those neoole who are liwpt. , urgeq w acuoo. toe aonse pas interesfe t in the eandidscy of Mr, Un derwood'to the extent, that they votia- arlly aked to be t moiled aa members, ted Ibe relief resolutions, hot the meas ure still lacks the sanetioa -of the Sen late. When tbe money is mada.atail- able. 17,000 of it will bo lift, ba'ance going to the commissary department to reimburse it for furds -alrerdy speot from iU tegtihr sppropriaUoo. ' While Congress baa been; naked for only 1420,000 It was declared ; by com missioner General Sharp of the army, that probably $7G0,00Q would bo beeded to take ear of tbe eltoetion.; Tbe do- mmtttt'o Brt aetimatw was based on early meager report. ' . . . ; Folly 16u00p pertoM are now' being fed daily oo 'anmy raUona. .The .flrti flood Is juat onterins the IjOUlsUna dis trkt and another is oa its way down tbe river. In Looiilana atone during . the Tbe World WlitlCM Ruah, i Washington, MJ, Wlretoe rp orators, on oessa golog ' steamslilpe throughout the world will be compelled to atop air commercial business and listen at stated intervals,! f ethers every & or 60 minutes, calls of distress from other craft, if . the fecemmendatlons of the American dek galea lo the loternational RalUi Commoolcatkm Coogresai l Lon- doa in J one, are favorably acted upon These delegates art now meeting.' io Wwhinctoafo msn out recommtnda- tione. - Tbe dekgatu are aso said -to . l od of 1882. 23t0O0 was spent, favor the ptaa advanced io Confreaa to 1 pret or ndition if moon more eerioos compel tno Wg linerv to carry :to and tbero are mora people now to take Beautiful Dance, Givfn by Mr.jand Mrs. George tratton, C4r- ' rent Event Club Enter- - tainment, I One of the handsomest private danc es ever given in New Bern waa given in Stanley Ball Friday evening frominine until one o'clock by Mr.jand Mrs. Geo. Stratton. Mirses Mary Oliver and Mary Bryan complimentary to Miss Julit Cartia Rnem, of Tarbbro, and Mias Hannah Corn table, of Charlotte, N. C. The: decorations were particularly beautiful Ropes of smilax were festooned around the wall of the entire hall jand caught at interval with' wall pocpets of roses, while interspersed were hand some flags. ' ! . The orchestra waa screened lhipd a bank of palms and roses, and the pinch table was attractively decorated with rcses and peonies; Io the receiving party were Mr. and Mrs' Stratton, the latter beautifully gowned in abir messsline, Miss Oliver in grey crepe le chine, Mis Bryan in Black silk Miss Rbem in white silk de cbioe, Mini Conttable in pink crepe me teor and Uf. and Mrs. Edward Mead ows. Mrs. Meadows wearing black silk. ' Punch and sandwiches were served during and after the dance. Mr. Albert Willis led the cotiliian, introducing many lovely figures. The leap year idea wub carried! out by the girls filling tbe cards amid much merriment. Among those present were Mr. Rodmau Guion, with Miss Han nah Constable. Mr. George Atmore, with Miss Julia Curtis Rhem. Mr. Douglas Creech, with Mias Mao ri ie Baxter. Mr. Philip Doremus, with Miss Bes sie Hollister. Mr. Jesse Claypoole, with Miss Sara Congden. Mr. Mitchell Rountree, with Mist Mamie Hunter Richardson. Dr. Ernest Dunn, with Miss Isabel Simmons. Dr. Jcveph Patterson, -with Miss Ma ry Nixon. Mr Bayard Whitehurst, with Miss Myrtle D. sob way. Mr. Wallace Smith, with Mias Carita Wallace. Mr, Monroe Howell, with Miss Mary Louise Jones. Mr. George Holland, with Miss Lila May Willis. . Mr. Feldman, with Miss Mildred Ball. Mr. Seymour Hancock, with Miss Ulnime Hussey, of Elisabeth City. , Mr. A, K. Wilier, with Mils Irene Peck. Mr, Albert Willis, with Miss Marga- . .1 ii fl n 1. u . . Mr. j'jaa Hoiuuio, with Bis Sara Richardson. Mr. Adolpb Nunn, with Mis Newell, of Rocky Mount. Mr. Jack Hughes, with Miss Mary Hollialer.. . , ! - Mr. Tborburo Bennett, itb Mias Ka ra Stewart. - i Mr. George Wood, with Mrs Seymour uaoeocK. -- . , ' Mr. George WiUia. with Miae Mary Loulae Wateral ' . Mr.' Hugh Taylor with Mias Insa W0- Mr. -John 'Bag. with Viaa Milod e.- . .. I.- ' " . .Mr. WalUr Saabtirne, wlih Mias Lau ra Irea. ' . - ' V ' Mr., rranV. Jones.. with Mies Blades. V. YY: . t Mr. WlllUm Blades. withMleo M da Hsoeock,C v- 1' Mr. Joseph HermsB, with Mieo Ela- Raansta, f RaltlmAM--'- ' t J The constantly increasing number of people in New" Bern and Craven County favoring this bank with their pat ronage is due to tbe following facts; It extends polite and efficient banking service to all de positors whether their accounts are large or small. It affords unquestioned safety for funds. It is always glad to advise depositors in regard to busi ness, financial and investment matters. It pays savings depositors a substantial return on money 4 per cent their 1 .' mmm iiiiiiiiiiniiiHir '.vV.' : - M ;f ppiON pri!i?.PiJS tii;.i::;,",:ED v : V rnlirilw IU uni.u.' a "'-"A ' 1 - THE -NATIONAL llAf;:: OFiNEVr BERNE, tf C STAKDS ' RRST ' among thef banks of iKe City THIRD among the National 0an!:s of ' ;V'3 . "'thc'Statc.' AiHI as It baa ?rvloe and UrtfiuUl I'r-.fifj smouT''r g to I'.' - C) I'sJ amounting in l"O,0nfl. It hs a fl'- ti V ! 1 V I rf Honor, hkh jwl.n! (mly -. tiel"g f ,r; ! . .- l'i,.iPi ! t't'rlt lll to ft We-ling thif C. ItaJI t'.k. . : iesro of. . 1 . r. IJf HUG S SHOE BEGil MOW, MAT 6TH. Sjari Capita .all- V r 'Cables :::jfr to Europe 4 wTv : The NeT7 Cable Letters. .' . I n T f-T f Tr "i-7 " " r f ll A - X t,.kli.y 'Wikij i..w,a li.w V -:. Atlantic for 11.59, ' 1 ! i v price at tf 1 1 V We will give 20 per cent reduction on all clothing and 1 0 per cent on all Mens, Ladies and Childrens Oxfords. We are overstocked and these goods must be sold. BAXTER ELKS TEMPLE DEFT STORE TRIANGLE 5 PLY COLLARS "Ilie. Collars ot Quality," 15c Each, Two For 25c inci - The PAGER is 2 1 -4 front 2 back and is a close fitting collar. PLAZA is the low turned down collar for Summer-time wear. Y Soft collars, sizes from 12 up, Jsizes in all shapes. Suiiimeime-Collarime 1-4 be BennetV of Baltlmor Mr. Geo Roberta, with Mlao Sosan 7Mt adMrChf:Pblt,'Mr aad Mrs F Howard Ban yer; Mr and Mrs Vernon Blades, .fir.and Jin Richard Du fTy, M r eri M rs Csrri ej' Varruw, Mr and Mrs Wlill.m Ou-wv. Mr and Mr Thomas Iljman, Vt or 4 Mrs Robeit t)u Vat Jones. Mr and Mr James Ws tors. Mr and Mrs Howard Wallace; ot Dartfnrd. rnn, ar4 Miae Eolalia vyil lie, Jooge and Mrs Owen Guion, Mr and Mr Jihn Dvnn,' IV and Mrs Lewt.r Dttfy,MrJrd Mrs Gui-m Iura, kU Corbott, of llMiUrstn, M'dane Kfh rt Mti, Jsmea MiUhnll, Chss Trx-im , Ch Buf')rd, JUI Irxuioo, of Chr l.i(t. Mrs Mary Cealon, John C-t, Urs l'.rj l)ti. '.;'- l V. Itpliorra AUn'ir,, ftadle II"I I r, l'rj H-n lten, klal .I Chadi k. !;rtm U 'tk, - j Mi n I cry l;..r., KamoliHis f. n v .t r-'t'-i.r ti, Aitrt rti, ("", i.'i -.. -'i ' i n, Jfuhtm llnora, fif r . 3 H V''r, II lo t and t-l vi in. !- -.-I, ,.r -rf mm aV - WMs Co. Tttp ctfno tii4tcj ntcrrorwT -: i.'lsib dltVi .Juniv vti ibnwiii pudNE :i9 'rc-a : & pollock sl i - fl t -.v '"T: A". . S '' ' I Jsas- ; .-'A. 11 if :irrrcT r ; r