-- r . - 7. unuaiuit rartooaanuiefiua ttngSfirSioieads amUJoweliol' IVora(csDit5ire8onfheetfl lttssawlfcstlontalnsnrittarl t)pitim .Morphine nm'MiuctaL! NOT NARCOTIC. fcnrfJi Jaw" j&xJbitm jS iittSrm fitturn -liiiiirtm. J t&r-iSrJ- IHtjiemiHrrr. Aperfecl Remedy foiCons; Worms ,1 ci;vulsions.revFnsit ncsaondl-OSS OF Sleep JucShsIc Si$wtiirc of NEW -YORK. V II Exact Copy of Wrapper. .'' so,iii rwve Physicians Advise fte nse of a g xxlbxative, to keep the bowels open and prevent the poisons of undlgesttrf food from tinglntu youi system. The latest product of science ir VELVO Laxative Liver Syrup, purely vegetable, Oenue reliable and of a pie sant, aromutic taste. Siomscii and bowels, and is of the greatest biliousness, sick head;-clip, feverishness, colic.tlatulence. Mr . uy - . vr I IT la if SOUTHERN RAILWAY 1 i DIRECT LINK TO ALL POINTS NORTH. SOUTJUIIST, WEST. Very Low Round Trip RatwTtoall Principal lltsoits. Through Pullman to Atlanta, leaves Raleigh 4:05 p m, arrives Atlanta 6:36 p m, making close connection for and arriving Montgomery following day af ter leaving Raleigh 11:00 a m, Mobile 4:12 p m. New Orleans 8:30 p m, Birm ingham 12:15 noon, Memphis 8:05 p m, Kansas City 11:20 a m, second day and connecting for all other points. This car also makes close connection atSr.lis bnry for St. Ixwis and other Western points Through Pullman to Washington lea ve Raleigh 6:60 p m, arrives Waahing- on 8:63 am, Baltimore 10:02 a m, Phila delphia 12:23 noon, New York 2:31 pro, This car makes close connection at Wash ington for Pittsburg, Chicago and all poInU North and West and at Greens boro for Through Tourist Sleeper for California point and for all Florida Mint, Through Parlor Cor for AaheviUe leaves Goldsboro at 6:45 a m, Raleigh 8:86 a m, arrive AsheviUe 7:40 p m, making close connection with the Caro lina Special and arriving Cincinnati 10 ro, following day after leaving Rat sigh, with dose connection for all points North and Noith-West. Pullman for Winston-Salem leave Raleigh 2 J a in, arrives Ureanaboro 640 a m, making close connection at 3renBboro for all points North. South, Kat and West This car is handled en train No. Ill leaving Goklsboro at 106 p m. If yon desire any information, nleaae ealL W are here to furnish Informa tion a wU as to Mil ticket. " a F. CARY, J. O. JONES, G. P. A. T. P. A. Washiagbm, D. C Raleigh, N. G For Women Who Care Of eonrae yt bm an antiseptic In yow faaslly aa4 la the ear of your own per torn, and von want the In. ; . iMloaJof what you have boe nalng . ajca. a liquid or tablet antUrpttna ta peroilde, won't yoa pleaee try PaitiM , a eoacMtratod aotletpile powder to t JlMolved iawaur aa needed, .y . Parti n ia inor erononitcai, anon Wanlnr, nor germicidal and amir. ealLif than aayihlng yoa avet need. ANTISEPTIC so tho toJlrt to otoan and white! ; he t0i, Tmto terUr and ww eeray. Sa dllfwt the irunith.dontroj Otwuts frrtio, uri'l purify the brvalb. To krp rtlfl-Ul twlb and brlJork elaa and txtorlp. To rpmors alwtiov frmn the trth n4 ptirlfy trrli fir mtiklnir. Tnrrdlrte pvrnpir tion ukirl I y vnf bathing, A m mrllrfTial ntrrnt f(ir V' 4rnttwtit f'f ff-mlntn 111 w br p1!j tKrrh, iiiflammatitn aot tilp Hi) fioihlnjj' pual hn flnn, i I tiin, For rn yr the l.t n i J'iniito W"L (. haa l-n v.- t a ir & 1if ir fm ipfitt to It j f i i ' '-'f c)r ' - r ' I f-r-n;'. I J ' . i r t i , w a- aw . " tor Ir, fmts and Chn.!f en." ' Tha . Kind T Ycu Have s uounni For Thirty Years Velvo acts on the aver, as well as on th possible efficvv in constipation, indigestion. LIVER SYOUP SOUTHERN- RAILWAY OIIThKUN KAIITil SCtttOULl) M. & Thea fgnrai are publlsho r lutorntatJon an are uot guarat IQ. 1 Laave Ooldsboro. N. C. 8. a. BL ChMghv trait, wtta cba ear to AahanUa, eonnectlat i Bait Durhun, tor Oxford, Haa tarao. Keyanila and Rlcimoq -at Daltaralty for Chapel Hill at Greensboro for Char lotted law au isaau aouib, aisu tor U rill a, Lynehbarg, Chariot tesvili Washington, aad all a)tal Ut Lerta Uoloaboro, Ml tor Orssnitboro. bandlef throug Pnllmaa tUlalgn, to Atlanta, oo wstt) M Greens boro for a taint aorta, aonta aao woat NO Ill-Leave Goldsboro lff.46 pfc lor Qreeasboro, kindle poiuu Raleigh , to Qraanaboro, i aoota at Qraoaaboro for Cha lotto, AUanU , Him Orioaju AshevUl,. KaoxTlUo, alao tfc Oaarfllo.' tne&bat, Caarlox toarUlo, Wah1roa,' a4 " potato ra. or fartaet tatannasUt aal, trHttaen tlekac aaaat or adlroa U H. r. CART, . rx Ckaorat Pmaooagor 4st ; ; WaaUlagto, a t : W. h! PAENKU; , " ' rravotiag laaeeagaf gaat ' ' KaleUh, M f A wnut Ke wan yoo i vote for him would U iawil d If )a oanttd bias t foto fory,: ,V x ' '- Mr, R. Brant. 11.115 PW. ttrei. Parkersbttrv, W. Va,, had in a'.t- k M latrlppo whwa left her a lad k "et troable, and she nnre4 mu-a eere pall and bock erne. Then she heard of roiff a-Moe fill ano ni; "Arur tsinri them a short time lr pia left my lark aod I am araia l to do any Hnesework. Kole K.Kln rillhlpd eve wodrfully.'-ror UU by ail Deal- era, . ' : Main tand y. , - - , Wr. Oraonrry If kv to ecoi mi 1 urpo you'll proceed to gttt up the motor rt OrSmsrryl should ay act We'll have to do It la some wty t!.t out aelghtKir esrt't s?r Iuck. t of MlT itutr Use I lar LAXATIVE TjeGLOW ". s ; tf the . T . RUBIES : FRANCIS PERKY -, . EILIOTT 1; UUitrttifl if ;; : ,-' RAY-' WAITERS -(Continued from Pago Two - ' : r. . .- 1 r " crack under the radiator." I Cnongat 1 eould make It K I were alone! . - . WUkes coughed again. I winced there was evidently more! .1: Tea, air," 4a murmured, as I cut a quick -glance upward. "He did aar further that If you weren't aatiaflaa, though, and would prefer anotaor trial'' ' - - "Ehr .1 bounded out of the chair. "What'a that? Oh, dash it, yes I would, by Jove!" 'very good, sir." Wilkes looked re lieved, himself. "In that case, he Said, he. was willing to experiment again that was his word experi ment. He said he wouldn't detain you here on his account, but ho would have, to ask you to stay another day or two while he made his observa tions." It was a devilish cold shoulder, out had no choice. Fact was, by Jove, was So Jolly glad for that chance, and foe ..being trusted again by Blu ings, even In this half-hearted way, that f just' ground my pride under my hee.1 why, dash It, 1 would hare ground anything under my heel for her! I was as happy as a bird, and life was again one grand, sweet what's-lts-name. And then I Just flopped dowa upon a divan and lay there panting nao a what's-lts-name reaction, you. know. So he had known! He had known when he let me come to Wolhurat, and had waited for the moment when he would have me under his roof and be able utterly to confound me. Tata, then, explained his mental condition, his . relapse to drink again his mad ness on the subject of pajamaa. If was awful! CHAPTER XXIt. I 8 peak to Her Father. "So glad to see you here, my boy,' the Judge was saying. And his little round face beamed at mo across the library table. I'had encountered him In the hall Just aa I ha descended U rejoin the girls la the living-room. Forthwith, he elbowed me Into the 11 brary. "Know from Jack how glad you al ways are to escape girls," ho re marked cheerily as he produced cig ars. "Don't blame you at all la fact, do you know It refreshes me to Had' Don't know what dashed thing tt refreshed him to find, for I never caught It For just then through the doorway there floated, from across the hall, a bar of music the laugh of the dearest girl in the world I I strained for another bar. ''Hah!" ejaculated the Judge, pao lng with questioning uplift of cigar. "The silly cackle of the girl tt disturbs you. Yes, it does I can it youJook disturbed." And, dash tt, he. insisted upon closing the door. "You mustn't let them bother yoa while .you are here," bo urged pli antly; "you must Just gd ahead and o the thing you want to do." By Jovo, there aeomod little oppor tunity for It! "Thanks awfully," I murmured feebly. ..The Judge proceeded genially: "Of course we all understand that yoa Just earn up to WolhurstAO plait Jack." Then hU face clouded, "Mia! Sorry to lea ra that ho cam homo with another " hi eyea rolled through circle "er is ant feeling Just at It'a tod bad, for I wanted aome on to take yoa aver the neighborhood fa teresting landmarks, yoa know, rem iniscent of Major Aadro and Washing ton bring." ' - "CharmedFin aar," I chirped up. Jolly 1H. though, for I want pressed; dldnt know who the other fellow waa, but 1 had imi IrvUg ta London ecores of times. - Not h aotch on John Drew to my thinking) , . "And now, let's l," said too Judga, 1 wonder who w can get ta tak you!" Hid flngra drummed together thoughtfully,- rUm, of eour, there 1 Francis r,. mi heart took a Jolly loop Wbut- Francis la Impossible quit Impossible!" - 4 , "By Jovo, bo!" I ejaculated oageriy, and I eem up la my chair Uk a gav snlsed whafs-lts-asuj. "Just the thing bo dnghted, yoa know." ' , Ho smiled grimly. ."Natural yoa hould-.ssy that, buf " H expeo- torated with dellberslioa, glowering at me aa ha did It "No, sir!, lit head shook with decision. "Wouldn't do I wouldn't think of trotting yoa with Franola," a Dnlfbed shortly. "Of. Just -a gasp, yoq know; aad my Jolly chts stung as from a dash of flnry what's-ttasme asuce. Bo he kne about the pJms, tobl I half ros from my chair. '"I I assur you. air" b(ia rJf- Ills rursy shrug enra me. , Bo, jut hsve to fill it, gt tp. Th oaly tti!' f . " enitona Sl.n'st Is tfte sfnry . : v'. and 1 Jut know U r -.- r t 'tti in, "O ou!4 tTr sry cf I!" Vr J.v. I thoi.t'.t tht f, .- i "'T t ' '., t t f'f n. It " "! I : i f I ' ii f t 1 si. A 1 ' ' t the ". y ''! : I I to I 1 r -ry J..4, r.i-l t:.;ir i UuLel to U front of U cttir. "How dv I c&a how ' H aodded. "And so I feel Justified la talking to you frankly not that 1 want to prejudice yoa against rraa ds, yoa understand, but just because" his head wagged aoberly "FraacU woat dol", Aad he looked aV m ataadlly. ; - , . ' v ' ' Something Ilk a aharp peta atrack through me. . Agala and this tlm from ar owa faUr! I Just sat there klad of frosea, yoa know, oxoopt that I eould feel the smile slowly loosea tng la my fao. r H moved to a aeat aiv-.L-irvv!; ',' "I aoat Ilk .to teem to b dla paraglng my owa flesh anOlood, Mr. Llghtnat" ho proceeded gravely,, "but the'truU la Francis la the only oao' of my children at gtva;m aay; anxiety." v., "Oh! I fait myself shrink tog the,' my knee alantlng away irom aim. My dashd moaodo hung limp. -:: : Ha angld closer. "Jaok'a drinking bad that I admit, hut porhapa h'm he com by. tt aaturaliy; atlU Jack hae never forgotten that he la a genUeman the aoa of' a geaUeman aad has never been what you would call fast, but " Hla cheat lilted under a deep breath "but Francla whwl", Fast Francesr' It faltered tremu lously from my lips; my cigar dropped with a aoft thud. ' His eyea widened. "Oh, yoa (right. fully!" And ho tendered me another cigar, and I Bad to light It he mad met "Of course, the mistake wa la aver sendina Francla away to achoot mil Minmjm iim uuui, r. uwr nut, especially when the aoma Ufa Juts been too cloistered. I think th reaction waa too much for on o green aad inexperienced aa Franda. And extraragiance my!" He lilted his aandar "I thought Jack waa bad enough at Cambridge with a thou- and-dollar anartment on the 'Gold Coaat' aa you call tt and: by George; ' yoa Harvard men have got the right nam for It! but Francts.beat that la on term's drain oa me for -poket loss and" j. "Pokert" I moUtened my lip. Then brightened, for perhaps he meant bridge and that waa good form, foi ther waa my Aunt Julia, who lived by it fact! But hla head shook impa tiently when . I suggested that he meant this. "Bridge!" he exploded. "Why, Fran cis doesnt know bridge from casino 1 Poker, I tell you, and faro end all tha rest The clucking! Was dons nightly at a certain or plub, th e tabllahmant of a gentleman by th name of McOlnty 'Spot' MeOwty oh, yon know the place, thenT" I faced him earnestly. Judg Billings, do I understand you that la. It can't be that you ar apeaav lng of or Frances?" I stammered Incredulously. "I mean your Frances -surely yon are aot!" I Just am!" Hla Jaw aet with a snap. Just wno in tauung aoow and nobody else, young maal I mean my Franela Francis Leslie Byilhgf whoeUa c;'-'d I meaar Jiasjamat no atai KUNtuiumu.i A GREAT RECORD Hard to Duplicate It Io New Bern. Beores of representative cl.isen of New Bern ar testifying for Dom's Kidney Pi.la. Such a record of local an- loraemeot Is unequalled in modern imea. This public atatement madeibv eltlsea ta bat one of the many that lav preceded it and the hundd thai Ul follow. Read H: Mr. C Ponnlngtoo, 27 E. Front St, Maw Bera, N. C, aaya; "I su (fared intense y from backacho ad, sharp,' shooting pains eeroa rny olna, ;. Ofua .1 a so hoi ttmtl uld hardly ktraighten after stooping. ( know that msy kidney war disorder d for the kidney secret It ns looked a- atvraL I used just oo box of Doaa's CI aoejr, PIU that I got from tbo Brad- ham Drug Co. ar d this was sufBlsmt to IlspoM of my sc&e- and paioa, Doaa's Kidney P.Ila hay boea of gratrbe- flt to m than any other kidney kaodt- emolaavtayer takoa.".... ' ,. (Stetomoai ttfa Jsnuaiy 14, 1908.) .' '..rf"i RE-EN DORSEM ENT; :! . Mra.' Pealngloa wa loUrylewed oa MortmberZSia, 1910 and ah aid: 'l aa atill recommend Djaa's Kidney Pills, for they far ma permaaettt r hf. Too may eootiss to pttblUh my former aodoreement of this rtnsedy." : faff aal by all ir. fne Mats. Footer- Mflbara Oai. Bafal few Terk, oU agwats tf th Caite. Keel ssa her t -ko he other. :, Doaa' V- flffurstlvaly SpeaWIna. , ," ' "Aad what ta U diplomatic eerpaf . "Th diplomatic core," r spiled th aiaa who takes a pun ssrtousLy, "is kal U weaker aattoa I perm II tM to recalvo arter U strongsr oa g(j through aUng th a;;!." It wouM snrprla yi o la sn'rw tt the Crest pi H.at is rir? doia 1 j i htro ixrm I Tel lets. I r me I'"wny. el Kt,-r j.i-.r-i-.n, N H., . "' ,e t - . I stir ,r t I r y ; I -I I.! I I ( I o i ! l I ill' l;. t Very ' l and l u i t - I. If y I ve toll h yiMir efosi.is. i r bow- ni a t: i i. r St I y all r.t rrar.f r. t I I- ' A f t t t ' f lr I-.. .0 TASTE : ::i ti:e r.:ouni, Diziiuess, and a -general "no account feeling is aatjre aign of a torpid 1 liver. t!The emedjr is Siounona Red Z Liver Beg ulator (The Powder Form)'. iLexercises its ereatesi re storative effect in the li4er, jii it if effective in the stomach andbbwela. Indigestion, con stipation and their attendant evils disappear before its pow erful, regulating influence. Try its wholesome purifying properties. It will give you a good appetite, sound digestion and make you feel well.' M ar (Mtrt. Prio tares packan, tlo, Atklartha M with (lit Bal ZthUbt. If M rMmt ft It rtmlt to u, w wlU'Mn4U-ky Mil, fUtpM4. SimBann Llrar Kenilatur la pol M Hqol4 torm far th who prefer tt. rficsT.fl fU kMlU. look Mr ihtfUi Ubel. ilLZmlhlCJ,rYoPStLwU,Ms. KORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD ROUTE OF THE MNIGHT EXPRESS" Schedule Effective March. 3. 1912 Tne following schedule figures pub- Ushed as information ONLY and are rMt "guaranteed. TRAINS LEAVE NEW BERN NORTH AND WEST BOUND 12:30 a m, Daily-Night Express Pull man bleeping Car for Norfolk. 925 am. Daily for Norfolk, connects for all points North and West Parlor car service between Wash ington and Norfolk. 1:46 pm, Daily except Sunday, for Washington, Belhaven, Greenville Wilson and Raleigh. Parlor car between Washington and Raleigh, 4:10 a m, Daily-Night Express for Goldsboro. 9:10 am. Daily for Goldsboro. 6:35 p m, Daily' for Goldsboro. , EAST BOUND 920 a m. Daily for Beaufort. 636 p or, " " Beaufort. 9:60 a m, Daily except Sunday for Oriental. 6:46 p m, Daily for Oriental. ; For further information or reservation of Pullman Sleeping Car space, apply t) T. H. Bennett T. A., New Bern, N. W. C W. CROXTON W. R. H UDSON, G P. A. Gen 'I Supt. Norfolk, Va. A man seems to be afraid his family might get aome of bis devotion that be longs to his party. A. woman doesn't think her toilet is complete unless she haa a dab of pow der on her nose. Mr. Rose A. Freerran, Cliffuid.Va , ays tney have long used Foley s Kemeows and want io say a good wojo for thorn. Hh writes: "roley Hkwey Pilla cored my husband of a U ni aUnd- Inf kidney trouble, after he bad taken other medleine without relief. We would not bo without Foley Co' saedlcinee in our boose for many timea their Remarkable eriaa of Crimea. A oaoarmod native, according ta to Pretoria. (Booth Africa) sAwspa aorg, has surrendered to th polio, after a seiiea -. of fiendish crime. Quarreling With hi faUowa, to set shoot two doaea bat aught aad fled to th hill, pursued by hundreds pf Ma from his . owa district - They could aoti captor him, a4 ha ro taraod by stealth to his kraal, aeUed two children of the ansa with, whom Io had Bret quarreled, - aad dashed their beads agalast a rock th to sight of two other children, whoa ha bad retara to their father aad MUu vbhtttsratdMoft.y- , .!.;; rOOaVatSWUMtOat tUOMSlOAatO BJ4JSeOSI AA-. ': Oemeoetretlwa. ' i ;.';. ttreet f oder-'Er rare, gents; wow's yer che woe the grit-, per aooorta dicahuary.-Iodoa Paaca, " '. i ' , f : The? rever wa a tlm whe yq U srpfsris.t'd ih real meri s of (- aria in' Cotrgb Rrmady bhw than SOW. Ihis Is (Sows by the liH-raaea In SaJee sad voluniey leatlmonisle fiom per tnrs who bsve kweo ruied by It. ti you or your rhl drn sre IronUM wlifc e mniih er cold elve It a tHel sod be enm er'i'K-iiteil with Its good qua HWs, lor Sile ry all doairr. f fVaitlnfl,r,ar Him. ' , . "Itt, tnura.'' as I J I'ootk Pte S he twlrd sa sntmun leaf throng1 til ti!tmit)ole. T stn s srrt lover f t' t rtuisn''r. I ' t C - I : It t a r tt: 1 I Legal Notices - MORTGAGE SALE. to Mm several kale eartstaesba Korttnwfa . BeitMM aa tim, WUto (, KCiaeiaawe-4 to Cm Onatr. H. Cm Bm Me. lit a mililij I III, fl l H mTmt II Tnu HtlaBetekeOoBftaiiaae to Hew ta V tita.)lMilt Orvmm Caaatr. iattohth towtoMeweadtotae W4 Dlvktoa. tote tot VdMttmal, .. Beeiaato at a stoke, eal M. R, B at sT paim IfeflwMra bN. t the wtU etidkMat tot ef mM lot M. ft, W. US soln to a eUka. tbw &P.W.M-Tatoj, theSH. TS. W.USeel aieaedwbhitebMS at said tot No. OMtotb L. H. CANNON. MortcacM. TM IUt ISth. EXECUTION SALE. C. W. Green ) vs V Execution Jacob Green ) -Parraaot to aa Execution in mr hands from tto) Superiat Court at Cravra eaauty. I will Mil U ta hlcllMt kiddar for eamh at tkm cart hatuo doqr to thaeitr of New Ban, N. C. aa Uoaday Jona lOtb. 1S11 at 12 o'clock M. to aatiafr cald oxoeutlon the follow ins ducrtbad real aetata; ;That eartaln lot or parcel of land eitumU in tha aity of Now Barn. Cravaa county. N. C bain una eoDvarad to Charlotta and Naacy Qracn by soaCarMy aboat tha year 1881 and bains a cer- taia place ar panat of M Ne. S38 in laid city of New Barn, towlnains at tha waatarn corner of Mra. Browa't part of tht aame lot (now Ella IMCIiardaon'a ana ranain wastwardl alon- Ojlaa "treat 42 feat to Allan Kubank'a eastern eolbMr of aaid lot, thanca 196 fart waetwardir aJMtaWai-aaid Kabank'a Una to a Stulbarry tne H fna necK Una, Uwnca cutwardr to lira. Brown's Una to the besinnbut. i. W. BIDDLK. . . Sheriff. Bar 4th. 19Q. . -Love is Hind and that why many a man falls in woman who is a sight. may explain love with b FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS For Baokaohb Kioaifva Ato Biaddbb You will never learn a thing well if jou begin by thinking you know all about it it HA Wair goner, Alvon, W. Va., says that Foley's Honey and Tar Compound is the best medicine for coughs and cola ho haa ever known. He says f'hivery man and woman tells me it is the, beat they have ever used, and who ever raa used it once always comes back for it again." There are no opi a as in Foley's Honey and Tar Com pet)nd and it Is safest for children. -For Sale by all Dealers. t Outlook Promising. On Sixth avenue, New York, two young women walked behind her, con versing audibly abov the roar of the olevated. . : "And how ar you liking your hus band T asked one. v "Ob, he'a steady," returned the oth- arj "ho doa't drink, ho stays home nights, and 1 kind o think I'm going to Ilk him." Bow fortunate 1 thought th woman. ONLY A FIRE HERO. but the crowd cheered, as, wrh burned hands, h held up a small round box vrows!" he snouted, "this Bucklen's Arnica Salvo I hold, baa everyth n beat for burn. Right I also for boila, uiceis, snrea. oirnDba, ecxwns, cuts, sprains, brqtses. f orest pile core, tt surxiues inflammation, kills pain. Only 25 eente at all druggists. One of Nature's Noblemen. (Money dont sefM to have spoiled atr. winaoraoa a bit" . 1 know It. H' Just th same as wi Last night htm and hla wife com over to play bridge with ary hue band aad L and ho Dover done a thing to show that ho didn't think folks that hadn't money was Just asaood-aa any body, aa long as they was reflned." Jadg. ' John R. StaUn, Joyce, Ry., bad an aeeptionany severe attack or wnoop mroooga. He says; "if it bsd not aet race) for Foley Hooey and Tar Compooad I would hav boon cooip-lled to quit work. leeteed, 1 aever nild a ear. aad rokry's Hooey and Tar ucta poono gar see lottaot roller aal te the Only foot h saedtrio w vr used. coftataa do opiate, ror aai oy dealera. , , Wanted fa and Oa It , jfeirs Is a story that wtU bo a pleas. i BT to a tn Aaaertoaa as U will bo btKtkioas to Buropeaa. - Arthur Csnaao tails tt of Joseph fats la U iw-ofurs Wort, it la about Mr. ranf teyaatos) of Loaaoft.4 , ,11 looked arsvad tha streets a btt, and fooad th oaee ha wlaaed, th rlghti sttuaUoa sad right alao. : ; Uk It," hO Bald to ttO WBr, t fBt ttat IS aot atotaary. To wbota wut yea refer jmI To your o lidtorr - J . , . ' 1 hsveat any," ' '. " ;: t - -But frleais of rowrs ta Loadoar fl fam hero yesterday, haven't got -qu4nted with anybody ya Hero' t' e raaul laoasy (or tha trst'sta month. Tsk It or laara.lt" -,: "Hut woat tomorrow bo toor aatio (artory for coning to a BtUratt Thst's ene day too lata. 1 want tha ofHc KijAkj, now." - . ' il rot hU eSoo, 4 t " ; Children Ory i C A V O R I A rittf yt.ut.g pef.l w i are 't Insane evea r i ?9, itegdl -Notices ' '' ' "' 'tt 'BasaasjaaaaBBW'" ' . " " ' - NOTICB OF SALE. C ' vMaret ta eataarity aaaiarraa BMto certain ooetrart antorad into : J. U Balm end iaahoa W. Satith far tee . ' afe totef land tiralaiftoi llinilj.ira - whine seal eoatreet the title to tha aaid toad waa ' Iw tkeaaM J.U.Baa. nntU tto aanv- - oraa.aid to fnIL aadea. . ' faaaaeviacl anuda to tbe'paraMnt af aaid ' at the tfana peeined for itonax ' ant aad tha aaid Jf- L. Hh beioa fully as. Sowed ta take eonpaaaioa of aaid toad aaoa -'-r ' BehdefMlt and to mb the aame at pnbua ar ' private'aala. Now-thnafora. in complianec with )m turns '',' andstipalations of aaid contract aa afcraaald, v ; the and reicned will expoee ta aale and aeil far ' ' t eaahatpabllcveodae to the hichert beddarat ' tha court house door in the city of New Bera. County of Craven. North Carolina, at 12 o'clock . - , " M.. on Saturday the 1st da of June 191. tha ' -foUowina deaeribed real estate, lying and bains; sitnate in the city of New Bern, bounded and dan. crtbsd as follows, to wit; The northern half of lot Number (90) aire' ' aeoordinc to the plan of "KeizensteinviUa" as ' plotted and recorded In the public records in of-. ' Oos of Beaister ol Deals for said Craven eountf la Book No, 106-Folios 16. a 67. This 1st day of Hay. 1912. J. L. HAHN. Owner. AlORTGAGE sale. Pursuant to the power of sale contained in tks certain chattel nrartaage executed by Solomon i. Spencer and Hannah Spencer, his wife to Joseph L, Hahn. bearing date of September 21st. 1910, and recorded in the public records in office of Reaisterof Deeds for Craven county. North Carolina. In Book No. 67-Folio 536. The undersigned will offer for salo and sell to tha highest bidder, for cash, at the oourt house door in said Craven county, on Saturday the 1st day of June. 1912, at the hour of 12 o'clock If., all tha following described personal property, to wit; One frame one-story dwelling house located on the land of J. L. Hahn on lot No. on the north Side of Broad street in the plan of Reivenetein- ville. formerly occupied by said Solomon J. Spencer and wife, and bearing the Number 04. Also one frame building attached to the above. and known as the kitchin or shop belonging to said Spencer and wife. This 1st day of Hay 1912. JOSEPH L. HAHN, Mortgagee. NOTICE OF SALE. By virtue of the authority conferred upon tha undersign' d by a certain contract entered into between J. L. Hahn and Terry Colette, for tha pui chase of a lot of land hereinafter described in which said contract the title to the said land waa retained by the said J. L. Hahn. until the purchase-money therefore was paid In full; and default having been made in the payment of aaid purehase-mAney at the time specified for its payment, and the said J. L. Hahn being fully empowered to take possession of said land upon such default and to sell the same at public or private sale. Now-therefore. in compliance with the terms and stipulations of said contract as aforesaid, the undersigned will expose to sale, and sell for cash at public vendue to the highest bi'Mer at the court house door in the city of New Bern, Coun ty of Craven. North Carolina, at Yi o'clock M.. on Saturday the 1st day of June 1812. the follow- ing described real estate lying ami being situate in the city of New Bern, bounded and described as follows to wit: Beginning at the northwestern corner of let No. 110. according to the plan of "Reizensterin. Title" as plotted and recorded in the public re cord! in office of Register of Deeds for said Cra ven County in Book No, iOG-Folitw Ml & 57. and running westwardly along the southern line of Raiaeastein Alley forty-five (45) feet; thence southwardly parallel with Cap-oil atr-et to the northern line of lot No. Ill; thence eastwardly along aaid northern line to the western line of lot No. 110: thence northwardly along said west ern line to the point of beginning on Reixenstein Alley. It being the eastern portion of lot No. one hundred-nine (109) upon ssid plot. The dwelling house upon said land bearing the num ber thirty -seven (87) according to I he postal enumeration of houses by said city of New Bern This Ut day of Msy 1912. J. L. HAHN. Owner. . j EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Having this day qualified aa the Executor of ike estate of Percy 8. Odi. deceased, 1st, of Cravaa Couaty. N. C this la to notify all persons bavin claims against tha e itate of said deceased tn ex hibit them to taw anderaia-nd at hla office la the city of New Bern. N, C on or before the t7U dayof April, 1911, or this notice will be plead la tor of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the udenigned. This 27th day of April. 1911. JOHN T. HOl.l.lHl ER. Execator of estate of Percy 8 Obi ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Hart a daly aaaiifted as Administrator of th estate ef WUIkua W. PreaeHr, deeaavd, late of Crave Oswaty, all pirssa asvlne cat una ears mot re aoUAed to present fbem to the for payment duty authenticated to New Bern. N. C , eWors the Ma day of A aril. 19U.ST tbwneUeowUI he plead to bar af re. eerwy. AS who an Indebted to the estate are lauaHod to make toi mod lata aayawal to see. W. N. rBXSCVTT. Admtalatrator. Aprfl Ma, DU. .. . , n a, IMPORTANT LAND 8 ale. ' """ e , At tte'etotk nao Baterder May kUh ITl a4 ISa eawrt awawa ese ta New Bern. CravwaOa, I VwR Mswl wa) wabd) WBJawerwrt wMawBji' awtp 4asdLa Sab4Bv"wBt Iw) tskwl rffWBJaaTla? OdTbast Qtrft awaa ,Olosva ahawaw twtaoeae aea! I I i Isahjirt to f o latsto, BjaaBfsJMsd) ha) akssjk) tips pweMjwafa BJMJk. BaWay wA0 djdj ' J artaset esatornto ISSeera of tawtovwl toad to Seswad tow seals. Cretojo aiealy near Ossiis WWtaw vsa, Teeata saw half raS avanV, THto . tiiswaasiV v -"i ---w atoasw . maac it Sstrrn. 4 ' W MetoateVfwH, Mew Sera, M.O. " ,- 1 .". ".' " ' "" ' - ' J MORTGAGE thir,- , '. - :t if I-, bum ut to the pew ef tots 'eswt.'aad la rhaS oertole aeerue. a Ared, - f Prtoee aWtaaseeaad Lak I rexwe. I a) wUe to the Hsv aaal AM RajisMie Oerr I eei aaiei lei) rarer 4 Is the reklle reeaveia to the erVe .af Rrlet af Oeade far eeid CranS rswoiy to swast He. I, tn, Tae etread 0I eTer fee sal and eefl to tke rM UAiee, tm aaaw e saw rt twneee Ve aa New ra, M. C. aa relerAar lae t' dv af . P . S4 tka knitl II eVmvk at. tKe f-..-- e-a a..e-;t4 ee-ar.'s wit; ' ' AS t- eeteta e aV s'ee1 dkhtli S- t M" esthete fee tK, w' M r'W T et. , en-t . -e e' t h., t-r , at a I ' ; I ' t T'm 1H m ' m i mf , ' M n"A f.- . ' , ! H -.. e. ta . . t ,1 e. I I- ' . 'Si- v - X"

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