IE17 fiERM DAILY JOURNAL J-lllMd ever 4M.J la tlM e- few Han Say, searae MlUliafc M- - ' v.-., raomi na i. ' ' ' OkAMJH U STaYUS, DITOR ASV PBOFRIBTOK natCRIFTlOM &ATKSI M XSS ! MTU .. .. ...... , l.S -'a fear, et la Utum,, .. .et aathlr fry t&rrUr is the city M " "AArertiatas. rates lurnlaaaU sn an BntereS at tk Poetoffloe, New Ban I. C ea eeconil-claaa matter. rfT7LAX PAPER OF NEW BEIU AND CRAVEN OOONTT. hew Bern, N. C May 14, 1912. KEUSE E1VER IMPROVE MENT ASSOCIATION. The Kiustoo Fiee Press gets the point, as to the need of municipal ownership of river front, so as to have a basis to offer transportation companies that cau do business on the water, and thus establish a competitive schedule for business. In noting the Journal's editorial on "bottled up by Railroads," the Free Press very ably says: "The "bottiing up" of any growing community is a matter of regret to its inhabitants as also to those who wish it well in its material tffjrts. But the failure of New Bern to take advantage of it splendid wa er facilities is unfori unste for all the towns that lie along the navigable portions of the Neuse an.1 Trent rivers. Should New Bern, at the confluence of the rivers and only a short, distance from the inland canal and the ocean, utilize her water front, other communities, situated farther up the streams, would soon take advantage of water traffi: and, in the long run an excellent service would be built up. Re ferring to our own river, it would be an excellent idea for those towns situated on the Neuse to form a "Neuse It ver Improvement Association" aDd see if we can't develop river navigation to the point that it will become an imp .1 -tant factor in the growth of this sec tion." Co-operation in the suggested "Neuse River Improvement Asso ciation" is all right as far as it would go, if each city was making the local fight to own some river front property for itself. New Bern's failure to take an active part, to actually have dock and wharf property, weakens the force of the project for all the cities in this section. If New Bern cannot aee the importance of the munici pal ownership plan, and avail its elf, how are the smaller cities, less advautageously situated to take up the plant If the Neuse and Trent rivers mean anything of commer cial benefit, if the Inland Water way has anything for the future, JSew Bern to have the trade and commercial benefits possible from these, must have its own munici pal docks and wharves. Catarrh Cannot be Cured, with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the dia- - tfcss. Catarrh is a blood or consti- nn..t Al 1 : J l it 70a mutrt take internal remedies. Ball's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- Vafl-a ..J ... A, ...1 I. .... il, V.1....J wwaiy pun mvm ui i ni 1 1 j uu iut muuu tad mucous surface. Ball's Catarrh - van U not a quack medicine. It was n 1 1 1 . 11.. 1 . l 'atdsns in this conn try for years and aa m rvgiuatr yi ibci ijiuoii. 1 1 is con- ' posed of the best tonics known, com- t.!-1 J.L ,L - 1 , L 1 1 m - pun wiva uie,oeai uoou punuera mKm Jl-ll- Ik. . ' fa sea. The perfect combination of tat two Ingredients is what produces . t a . A t awea wonaeriui results in curing ca- ' tank. - Ban for testimonials fret F. 3. CHENEY A CO.,Props, 'I Toledo. 0 Bold by druggists, price 75e. - ' Take Bail's family pills for eon stipatioa, - ' Frsak Beackes testified In the hear Wff f lbs Steel Treat irait la New Yo k . I l'UUl..i X.L.. . I Pc!: Kidney Pills TOSIO M AOTKMI a QUICK la) RISVLYt ON pmatft relief boss BAClAKE, tWVtt mU BLADDER TROUBLE, UIXUMATUM. CONGESTION of tU tawttaV umjuiMATtoN f e CLAJDDEX aad all aaacylsf UrINAKY t-lMVlJUUTTEt. A poeltrve boos ts tllDDLK AOED a4 ILOtKLV fzarin sad 'a women: ' WATS "mSNlBT RIOOMMtNDAf:)! ' n K n WmAbfUm St., tVWrtfli . J , la va a . tl mrK-m Ml ' fhff . i a4 ) f hivlU (tax mwmI fc mm m f . 0 II haMa 4 .-.4 , r m kitmtm mt ICW 5ALEBYLL DEALERS The Corl rt ktieoal HouM Mitwlofw tj rUfy ToWj, oU, pUnod for t ;.,) hl)rfh Work. ' rA. Fraviraa, ClfTt4,Va, f Ut , olv' 1 tll loim frvA o'H w ' ' ' "I'm ( f. w'r I ..!,, I. .... Child rcn Cry f The Kind Too Ilave Always Boagbt, and which has been ' ' In use for over SO rears, has borne the signature of AH Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless snbstitnte for Castor Oil, Pare gprlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium,- Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverislmess. For more than thirty years it has been i 1 constant u:se for the relief of Constipation. Flatulency, W ind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach ard Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THt CENTAUR COMPANY, T MURRAY STNCCT. NEW YORK CCTV. ANNOUNCEMENTS TO THE VOTERS OF COUNTY, JONES 1 hereby declare myself a candidate for the nominal ion of Register of Deeds of Jones county, subject to the will of the Dimocratic primaries of Jones Co. Respectfully, C. C SMITH. Jr. TO DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF JONES COUNTY . I hereby declare myself a randidate for the nomination of Sheriff of Jones c mnty, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries of the county. Respectfully, M. N. HARRIETT. TO DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF JONES COUNTY. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for the nomination for the ottice of Treasurer of Jones County, subject to the action of the Demo'rntK primaries. Respectfully, A. J. liANKS, ANNOUNCEMENT. Fellow citizens of Jones County. Having been incapacited for labor for the last seven years, and having spent the most of my substance in trying to regain my health, while yet feeble, I think 1 could perform thedu ies of an office as well as any other man who hat health and not in need of the oilier. while giving an office to mo would amount almost to charity. And now therefore, I announce my self as a candidate for the office of County Treasurer and call upon my frivndi all over the county to come to my support. This will ba a mull mat- Jer for e ch one, but a great favor to me, and if you Will ?lect me I promise to All the office as well as any of tha aspirants. 1 aik my fellow citizens to consider my claim, and give ma your support. 1 am yours very truly, SAMUEL S. HARRIETT. I'ollorkivllle, N. C. Pes. l 1912. Tha eslrucion of l lnc intra "Jaeiaon mr pool" cues was trail (ltd to at tha tl Trout trial, to New BILL10U8NEM AND CONSTIPA TION. For yeara 1 wri troublH withbilioua om ao1 constipation, abich made lilt dilatable for me My epptl( failed me. i ki my otual force ami titthi t Papain pre) erattoA sad cathsrlies orm m tm mstieia worse. I do not knn wrwre I ohouM hate bn today had I not irUd Cbmrtlem'e Sletrech an Liver TableU Tbe lableia reliefs Ira tU feeling steMe, atrenglhesthsdigt Ue funeiUmvpurify tbe Skomach, bv. r and blood, be ping the system to do l a work sstoralir Uaa Kos . rrrTTa, B rmbif haw. Ala. Abm Ubieta are for sals bf all deeJ-r., , . .. A Hew York woowa eeht her eoa (ratnlatioM U bar t'lrofred bMUd wbea be aiarrUd igs'ia. - See shoot as deat Ivt rfgrsU to the new wife It woo Id ettfpria la iftftw nf Oh treat eowl ie heirtf o- by Caarn riaa's TabMs. lHra DnBy. w NewrrgJe 1. N. Uririi. "M wife b bn ei n CbairbrUln ' Tl lets ad 5"wU thn vrf efT.etoal rx d riff hf lot f f ed. ' If y ! enf trmitile el'h ynir t'm'h nrN U give thm a triaL Ft. tale by s (eair. , , s o r FI o t c h c r'o ana uas oeen maae under his pr eonbl fcupervlsloa elnce Its infancy. Allow no one to deceive yon in this Signature of You w' II never learn a ihin? well if youbegii lyjthiiking you know all about i: it. Poor appetite is a sura 'rn of im naired digestion. A few doses of ("him berlain's Sfomach and Liver Tabl i will strengthen your digestion and ;r . prove your appetite. Thousands haveH hen benen t" ' taking the Tablet -S Id by all Dealers. The House Committee on Apricultu-e filed a favorable report on. the Le r a t. QUICK RELIEF FOR RHEUMATISM George W. Koons, Lawton, Mich., says: "Br Detchon's Relief for Rhhumatism has given my wife won darlul benefit for rheumatism. She could not lift hand or foot, had to bt lifted for two months. She began the us of the remedy and improved rapidly. On Monday she could not move and or Wednesday Bhe got up, dressed herself and walked out for bretkfast," Sold by Uradham Drug Co. Money sometimes talks when ycu want to keep it quiet. J. V, Jordan, a well known d-ntis f Hopkinsville, Ky . recently had ai operation for h;s kidney trouble, bii' h" Rays; "Ih first real relief I got was after la'ung Foley Kidney Pills. Thry ceased the terrible pair, in my back anr accomplished more good than anvthine 1 ha1 tried I gladly reccommend them.' Sold by all Dealer. The S. o ite Titanic inquiry i sum d. For a burn or icald apply Chamber Uin's alvr. It will allay the pain al mist in tantly and qu'cklr -el the ir jured parts. For sile by all dealers. Po lies may be all right aa a gamt . bu. not as a business. A GREAT BUILDING FALLS. when Its foundatian is undermined, at d if the foundation of health ftod dlges tion Is attacked, quick coliapae fol to m in nrsi signs 01 moigeailon Dr King's New Life Pills should b. taken to tone the stomach and regulst liver, kidneys end bowels. Plraasnt, easy, aafe and only 25 eeafi at all drug gists. Governor Foae car so red the M stcbuaetu Senator for rejecting t bill permitting votvrt to. expreas Ihei preference for United Statea Senators. John R Statoti, Joycf, Ky., bad au eaeeptlonslly severe attack of whoop ing cough. He eats; "If it bad aot net been for Foley's Boest and Tar Compound I would bare been rotnpMUd to qur wora. instead, 1 nsrer an tea d day. sad Foley 'a Uoney and Tar O -imand gave me Instant relief sad Is lbs niy cough mulleins ws aver Med." .'ontalns bo opiates. For sals by sQ lealera. . - Gea. Behnstt S. Yosnr. f LmIsvIIU Kyi, was slectad ommasdsMn chief f lbs UnlKd 8ates ConfederaU Ve terana al tbs rr-unl m at If aeon, C . .WOMEN ' Women f Kit liijlieit type, wosies of roperior irlucatjoa is J rtfiDemtnt, wtoii i'ltct nsmftil toj jnrfjmerst fin weljl.t tni force to tlrir opr.Iona, I';!.! praut tKt wor.Jrrful corTtctir thj coratire f rc?cr1t of O.-rv bfr!.i'a' 5' -s;1) i- I I Irrr Ti- Tin. tlUr "7 i t "! -.' 1 bir FMMPTS PHD DY TO J cTOTT QOJyr6W . . ' V strained. 'VhV T otD.Ilt hltnUno . hln. r - Z " r ' -butThat'wa'; XiFZTS. int flrfmitrttl togt Something- "Just good-byr he' repeated with elaborate gentleneaa. Then, straight 1 Truat You've Not Been Gettina Into Trouble, Mr. Lightnutl" , , No offense, I hope, if wo let ening it go at that I mean, I guess yu won't miss it 11 we don't shake hands?" I glanced at the gloves he was drawing on. "Oh, dash It, no!" I responded ab sently, and my eyes coasted up tha slope again then dropped back dis appointedly, for she had dlsappearod within the pavilion. His helmet tossed as he looked back. "I guess we all've got our little prejudices," he remarked sententious ly; "I know I have! I'm from the south!" And without another word, Mr. O'Keefe presented his broad bfick to us, and swinging his stick carelessly, sauntered down the drive. "What the deuce!" 1 exclaimed, looking after him. "I say, Jenkins, what did he mean?" Jenkins' face expressed mild re proach and surprise. "Can it possibly matter, air?" he questioned wearily. "Persons of ti that sort, you know, air?" "Jove!" I uttered, relieved. Jenkins' coldly elevated brows clla missed the matter from further con sideration. He lifted the parcel with a slight gesture of inquiry. I had already come to a decision about it: I would send it to Hillings! Perhaps the retrieving of the pajamas would have a soothing effect upon his poor mind! I gave Jenkins instructions. "M'm! Of course, manage to speak wilh him alone," I cautioned, having thought ol Judge Billings; "and don't forget lUa message." "Certainly, sir," said Jenkins atten tively. "I'm JuBt to say: 'Mr. Light nut's compliments, sir, and ho e-.vh you'll know what to do wltb these'" I nodded. "Exactly, and I'll wait here but, oh, hurry, dash it!" And I looked longingly at the pavilion and He did hurry! By Jove, be was back almost immediately and looking a bit ratUed. "Tea, air!" he coughed ss 1 screwed my glass inquiringly "1 got there lust as the Judge went Into his room across tbe corridor, and Mr. ... v . y" said I waa from you. I gave him '.ha package and the meaaage and he too It over In a corner; and then in stout a minute I beard him chuck It some- There and say some long word, lie came back to me.Jooklng kinder irrl- Urd.WUh "? eyM ,nappln " Ob! I uttered nervously. hr, what did be say, JWnsT Jenkins sighed. "Oh. well. sir. nolo- Ing as you Bight aay was anything. really; bo Jerks out kinder crossly: miii.. a k. jt At. TeU Mr. Llgbtnut, ( say ons thing st a Urns, and giro htm this!' - On tbs scrap of 'paper I clutched out of Jenkins' band wss a eracy scrawl of Jusfa haif-doien words: I'm a biped.' not a esnUpeds! I squinted through the dashed thing twtos, j-Mte-Mttlat of It- I even tried It btekwardi -Jotst-1 muttered porptsxediy. "it's (f 1 ,'.:. a Jklnr jbouUi Hi btsaed snd rt Used. fU-m, , wbat .thought, plr,-, he responds tobtrtr., "Tbt demon rum, slrl CHAmR XXV, Vr, ; l Ivtr I find Msnl ' . 1 trait you're dot beea getting into trovblsv Mr. Ugbtavtl - 1 ; , .Her lovely eyes were dinting witfc aa,'acblaf as Uay bung tbsrt below sslue eyea, bluer tbaa tbe lludarm st' our feet; yet be(waa tbs Jolly tip ples that played across tho pools Ol trutk I could gllmp far dova into dptbi that were the moot devilishly Biraoclng, drkiy, dpiy, beautUuiiy oh, yon fcrwurf i - Why. by Jova, I almfxrt tooli a erfrtv for right Into tbcmf Only rusht Jut in time, you know; stralxhlpnarl right on the er r , h r-in1 fn- j r-'lh (p, )a !r tll'l I:a I p' it f ' 1 ! ! I And when he retired, I was oh, so re-v lleved ! Anil altA nlsan. k hnil. I ' " -u, ner eyes IlfUng upward. f I-w-'wer.'you.tboughT" I1 aeteil7 Sad Slipping to a rustic chair beside her. looked her affectionatery In the eye. Vot sU her air of cnaffl , kne a was a current ot anxiety for me the darling! I screwed my glasa at her tenderly. "What would you have done?" I said softly, "If he had er lugged me off, you know?" "Can you ask?" What a reproachful aide-glance she shot me through the meshes of her silken what-yoa-call-'ems! "Why, of course, I should have drawn my good excalibar and run him thr-r-rough and thr-r-r-ough!" By Jove, how she said It! And she Illustrated with tbe etemless rose dash it, no; the roselesa stem! Bhe was superb looked like the Jolly fencing girl; only a dashed sight mora stunning, don't you know! And her excalibar, .too! Didn't know what a Jolly excalibar was, but guessed It was some delightfully mysterious but dead, ly feminine thing some kind Of sub merged hat-pin-sort-of-thing, you know that sort, dash it! Yet she would have drawn it and her good one, too, she said! "Jove!" I said feelingly. "Would . you, really?" And I almost took her band and again remembered tha win- dows! So i just Bnot ner a loou Her glnrlniiR eves nnnrklad "Thnt , Is, I would if I had one," she Bald '' smiling; "but I'm afraid poor Arthur lost the last and onjy one. Sad, Isn't i It?" "Oh!" I Just felt my Jolly heart sink like what's-its-name. Who the deuce was "poor Arthur?" This must be another 1 some other thundering chap who bad been engaged to her. And what a rotten, careless beggar, too, to have lost it that is, if he really had! Of course, he would say so, anyhow. And how tbe deuce did he get it, in the first place did she give it to him or did he By Jove, how I should have liked to punch Arthur's head! Always did bate a chap with that name! I flushed guiltily, but she did not see. For the moment, she was looking off dream ily across the valley. "I wonder," she said pensively, "why It Is one can never find another man like Arthur. Do you suppose it is because he was the ideal?" i For an instant, I swallowed hard then I plucked up bravely, or tried to, don't you know. "Jolly likely!" I chirped. Then Kloomlly: "Oh, I say, you know, was be your ideal?" "Always!" the blue eyes Hp' wistfully "I suppose it's because he was my first loe; I found him so brave, so noble-mannered, you know so simple!" Simple! Dash simple people never could stand them! Thing I admired was brains! Aloud I said gently- al most humbly: "So glad you like him, don't you know did like, I mean!" "Did like? I do Btlll!" her tone lifted in earnest protest "I love to think of brave, dear Arthur and his knlgbtB so few, anS yet so full ot loyc of gallantry and drlng! So hla nights were like that! By Jove, I was devilish glad then that they had been so few that waa some comfort, dash it! I wondered If the beggar was dead. But what difference did it make now, after all? Bhe waa mine now and she knew I knew It; that waa why this sweet. Ingenuous child waa laying bare to me her past the dgrung Heall , oncnt not let h ..NW them now," f urged BOOln,ngly. AuA nMdiMi of the win- dowi , nltehe(J a We, blt airpart and f(M aud m and I will yet see aa good nights as (hey ,Taf WWfc. , (pok, w,u MVTV1C UDon't you think so?" I added, softly. 8n, hod dont ttol kops io! ..,, ,lng,red dubiously orar 1L .- ..,,. fh whlu ,fcJ looking away again, tbs wbll band put back the fleecy, golden wnat-you-call-lt that was snuggling to bar eyes. I looked st Us goddess llke forearm, bared to abort tfts sV j bow, where tt slipped from sight an- I IkA mil At alava aait thnnabt of .l.. nlht la ..... M md m tMl o, kr bioepa, toat l - ott untt , .. , -, -Tott onn taowr , wtu; 'm rsproack., "ph. I tar, ym J, You know yott ; kaov yw koowr, . JoT4 u,.t aed rstaer but 1 knew she kaew t kaew ake knew ttsi . s - - ' ' 8bt looked at Be, side is, kef leader foreflngsr prssslag tfis bail parted tips slowly shaping la a eorra Then kef UUle teeth Baabed. Ilke-HTegular Jolly pearl setting la the frsogeat. sweetest strdlel Sad Ik as her glorious arm and wrist- arched suddsoly toward Ws y .' ' Tesl" she said eoatrKsIy, sal writ tbs moat dsllgbtful, kindest loflectioa and laugb-sucb a laugh i-a laugh gurgling "melodious ob. dash It, ra; I mean Just thatl ilk the Bute totes Iiuths ovarturs to waat'shls eme that aorti . "Thut's tns wsr I kivs to br man talk!" she said warmly. '1 lain It !) a Amr1rti to stand Up for Ml 00 plana, Miown llirtaa pel AM f:r.l'y, but vr!!)! s I"Ta!jr :r.Il. 'a v, 1 : p a- for tnnj f tt I bail 1 ': n n.! -r t.a so. I 1;' !-! I ! t ) ' T na. I I. r A r i t ' t II i i. f r t . an 1. r r '' '' I it' KOEFOgSOiTKBS EAlLRQADSQTjJJg Gdacatiooal Touts to'Wathiugton, I J). 0.,'June 10th to 15lb, via Norfolk Southern Railroad. Very Cheap Fare Iuclud log all Expenses. .:,.-a ;mI ; operate a Parsonall Conducted Tour : frcm sUtions in Nor.h C r.'Iina to! Washington. D. C, via Norf, Ik and N. j 4 W. S B. Co . June 10th The purpose of the Tour is ' Educa tional" and a prominent eduea'or from tie principal points on its lines will as sist the Norfolk-Southern Railroad and will be in personal share throughout tbe trip. Rates from principal points Raleigh $ 24 00 N Wilson 23 40 I) Farm vi lie 23 4U I) Greenville 23 40 I) Washington : 3 US 1) Godsboro 23 8!"i N Kinston 23 85 N New Bern 24 9f I) Btaufort 2ti r.f 1) Oriental 2", 95 1) Fayetteville 27 k'O N Lillington 25 M) N No e "N" Tickets so d for Expresb" trains Nos. 5 -16, Junt "Nifjht Kllh. Note "D" Ticke s sold fur day ir tins June 10th. Rates in same rro;o-iion from inter media e stations. The above raie iscluiles Railro d an I Steamer fare, all meal-i, hoiel aci om modationa, side trips to Virginia H. a. h. Navy Yard at Norfolk. Mt Veinonand Arlington in Wa hingto -, .siht s. rnK tiip in Washington and s alerooin an-i stateroom berth between Norfolk ntul Washington. For illustrate I broWet ami conijp'ut. information ajiply to Mr. li. it. Crim n New Bern, N. C, Miss Nina Basni. bt. New Bern, N C, vr any ticket nt Norf Ik Soushern Railroad or i;nlcit;li. Chariot e & Sou hern Ry. w. w. crux ion, ;. r. a QThe River and Harbor Appropri:,t "i Odl wa - pasei by the .Senate. There I ever was a time when i iipl, apprecial- d lb - el nieii s of h inl. erlain's Cougli R-m dy more than ioiv. Ihu is shown by llie lncn-.-nc in sale; aid voluntary lesiimnniulH fioni per hois who have heen cuied by it. I ' you or your (hi dr n ar' t rotit-'cd wnl a counh r r cold ive it a trial and l dime acqubintcd with i s goo. I iu i' ie". For Bale by all dca'ers. The f, ur Kansas deleL'a'e.-i nt la- k weie inslruct-d lor Rot at v -ll. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA I.ove is I lind ai.d that nwy why ma-iy a man MIh in to . t woman who is a bi ht. In n II) a Dr J. T. R. Neal, Prop ". R M.r,l, Drii( Co., C,r envillt', S. ('., wi i ch r c-tf i Hi-, ' 1 have b en a prHrticini; hy sicia i an I oruK Rt In o cr 3f yr-ai wl hue will a d u'mi stercd mam i'ln-y medirii ei bm nc i f I , , iir: r on-y ivirinev r I 1 1 i li- v ar run r i i o any I ever line I and i' i c the r n.- it pHimn n'. ri li.-f." Fir sak li dialerd. I New Bern Markets j RETAIL PRICES. Corn, per bui-bel. Hominy, per buh. Meal, per bnah, OaU, per bush. Will stufT, per 101 lbs. Holla. Field peer, ptr hush. Hay, per ton, (firn -thj .) :) '.in r l sr M l .")ii 2'J no rRlCES PAU) BY LOCAL I iK AI.KI Potatoea, (Irish.) " (3i ei.) per buh. N. C. bcoo, per poui.d, Batta, per poui d, SboulJeia. per pound, PoulUy r sr-h, Ggg. per dot. tieeeaasvpar pourd, Tallow, per pound, Hides, pr pound, $ 4 HI 41 (( r-d HVrl 17 17J 12. ZrU, 35 17 2fi 5 8 Now is tbs tlm l gt rid of y hi rheama Ism. Yost -an do it by stii tag Chamberlain's Liniment and rraaa aloc tbe parts freely ei each a, plica Ion. For sets by all Wb ra. LfMIs aesuee eapor4lbllltlss. ta bUdrso at Play . sad Other Sketches," by Rosa U. Bradley, we are latroduoed to tbo tunny UttlsaBaaqus boys sad girts, playing bid and seek (laioa UU Into the. summer bights, says tbs Lohdoa Queea, It seems that ths Bssqas lads kave ta learn lYsnck twice overt they ars taught la school lbs first tin, but suck ts their patlo tie Jadepeodeaca (or U tt tbs lias ol Wait reeltUhcT)vthat they Soee wbat tbey bars learaed. sad the peaaliy of Ibis "dettberat font Alfulneaa" Is that la their conscript days tbey bavs the mortification sod palo of Warning t til over again! Out, pleasure seskers it tbs young aaUves may be, tbers are dudes also for even babes to pr form. It ay sm Incredlbls that a little barakegnd boy of I or f should be the tniu.l Umpliabter of ths dla trlri. yt to II la, and It W far mors ss faundlr.g to r'd of S "railway offlclaj" cf 4 nr I, ho may be een "poatad b; a a minute tl.Air on ths platform t " ' s s t'i fag. which It la bis l ti a ' . n s train sp- ' - ' 'r M a Gf-Tt'r to ' ' ' ! RAILWAY sOLTalBJI IlA'l rTAl 8CHKDULU N. BTheaa-BBure. . publlsbaS or lnforrosfon sui r. t0l u.r. d 1 "u r WO. 11-Leave Goldaboio N. C. 0.4 a m., troiith truii. un lDau car to Asbevllle, connecting al Ens; Diirlu.m. r.r Oxford, ilea leraoa, Koysvlile and I'lriuions -a; fTulvertliy for Chapel Hill; at Greensboro for Charlotte and A i-v.lkU I...L, also .il . b rUl. LjucbL-uig. Charloiteavilla Vaih.'ostou. ad aJ pelat tare -- LiVii. liobuboro, 1.04 sa for (irs?ii.-rifi-ii. HHii.He lUi'oii.L ruiima.i lUie'ttb. io Ailanta, cos Srjta tl Oi-cenat.oro for ad l-MMi nir-'b aonlh aau '(. II! -Leaves C, .l.lsboro 10 45 p it for 'ill':-;. si,,,. , a..., - l(ale:i;h . to lrfnhoro coo Jc'a at Ci. -i:ti-,r. r. r t'ha. lotts A'.it.ritu , Nt Or1 .-ti.-viP.- ki,rv..ill alao tor fanvllle, Lnchbuia Cbarlev t vi lie. Vv'nalilniitos j; -"ititf tertt. further liiformati v, aa a 'I'Vri lie1;!-! )',rn: or a.1ra tk ileitis.; a, H. F. CARY, (!iinii, i'aaafliigor fat WhLiilUtoB. D. O. w. II. I'AUNF.LL, riiii:: 1'L'sHeiiirtsr Aneal Itnl-U-.h. N (1 SSyfHEfljJilLUffl niKKCT LINK To ALL POINTS 1 Bill, SOUTH. FUST, WEST. "fry Low Knn ml Tii L'utes to all I'i i i n l : i I L'csnrbs. riiromtli I'lilloan to Atlanta, leaves ' i ilcij'Ji -1 ;t p in . .-rnves Atlanta 6:35 ,i in, iria!;nii; i-lu ir c iierlion for and irriviiiH M"ini;"iiii'ry follnwinn day af-i-r leaviii); li.ili'i.j;li 1 1 :llil a m, Mobile I I:.! in. New tli li-ans S::iil p m, Birm-n.'hit-n 1:' l.'i noun, M m .1 1 in X:0f p m, :in'-.n(i!v II "''lain, frconil day and 'onii'-i tinj: for nil oilier points. This 'r !-- mi rl i-onnerlion atSr.lis n ry for Si. I.oiiei an I other Western oints. Ilii'.iil'li I'ullinan to Wanhi-ipton lea ' 'i i I i i i ;li ir.-rr'i p in, arrives Waahing n .:.'i:! a in, I !ali nuore 111.02 a m, Phila- Iclplna I ::.:':( eoon, New York 2:31 p m. i In-, m ihe - rlo ,e ;-onnei-tion at Wash- j Kb'., for rui-iluuy, ('tueai;o and all nmili N n t li an. I Went anil at (ireena- ioio lor lliiouirh Tourist Sleeper for 'aliioini.i j .i 1 1 1 1 1 m anil for all Florida i niiH. ITi 1 1 ol r;li I'.rlor Car for Asheville '"i""1 Colli lioio al i'i :1a u m, Raleigh C3."i a in, arrives Asln-ville 7:111 p m, nak;n;; eio e i onnei lion with the t aro iaa Sjiei-i il an. I arri'. iin: Cincinnati 10 in. foil ..'.vi;: .l,y alter leaving Ral a-1 1. wi'h .os,. i on ner I ion for all points v.i lli and i ih et. I ruilni .n f..r ' inston-Salrni leave! ! -!i 2 ' a in. arrives (ireeimboro a 'li. ii.-i'm i' i lo.e i rinneetlnn at ,r. en I f.ii ail oiril" V'ortll, South, !a-i ai il W. t I his ear is handled ei Iron No 111 . -avion lolclslioro at ll. lo p e . If voi iIi-t re any information, please all. We an- I. em to iiirtnsh infnrma imi as ,vi !l to s.-ll tieketH. I. I'. CARV, J. O. JONES, C. P. A T. p. A. Vanhineton. ll C Ralfigb. N C. ':ik' Drtimmi pi (,.ina! & Water l. ake Drunimunii Transportation Co. Lake Drummond Towing Co Dismal Swamp Canal n Inland Route, I'roteeted from Storm. Jina'KiM't of Water Minimum Detb Always. Quick Tranalt for Traffic, Prompt Towing Sod Freight Movement. For tolls, towing ami freight ratee pply at oTko in SeaUard Bank Build ng.snd at Deep Cnek l-ock, Va. a. K. King, Prcr. J. . Mitten, liy I. U. Baxter, Supt. I I Whitehurit, Traffic MtnigK. Korfotk Office Bell Hxmo 62.. umB&EfflaSS JiMmTHSO.'.T.'.'Dll'. "il '5 GUABANtttO satma: JOf jaa rtri'Jr-atWaty ft p a H n jj. "Ar'l l.o la the rtlpUnnn! to f"T I ' a ' rt ra," rr; '' 1 !t

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