V f.. J fr- . t m. ni nvnnnininnii ikd; .ULU UUliillllUll UilL: Trips To , NEW YORK. AND ALL POINTS NORTH AND EAST. Affording Pleasure aod Best. : Norfolk to Kew York and Return (30 Days) $14.00 - First claas tickets include Meals nd Berth oo elegantly appointed ex--nress ateamera. Hot or Cold Sea Water Baths can be procured on Steamer without ' charge. Steamers sre all equipped with the United.Wireless Telegraph System. STEAMERS SAIL FROM NORFOLK EVERT WEEK DAT AT 7 P. M. Tickets and Stateroom Keservatione, Company's Wharf, FootofChuch St , Noi folk, Va. Ask your local ticket agent regarding through ticket. Send for Illustrated Pamphlet Desk J. W. H. LAN DON, J.J.BROWN, Oeneral-Agent . Norfolk, Va. Gen. Paaa, Agent. New York. nGlow of the v ' : . RUBIES By FRANCIS PERJLY ELLIOTT Illuitrmtitui fy RAY WALTERS We Are Shnwinn IIU IIIW WIIWMIIIM ii v " the latest and mostJ date line of select Hats in Straws and Felts. We have the exclusive agency for the ce'eb ated Gold Bond and Manhattan Hata, which are considered among the best. Our line of clothing ia care fully selected of the best grades of Worsteds and S-hervoits, made up in the very latest styles. Come down and look them Sam Lipman tt. Block New Bern, N. C. I BECII1G IIU, MY 61 We will give 20 per cent reduction on all clothing and 1 0 per cent on all Mens, Ladies and Childrens Oxfords. We are overstocked and these goods must be sold. J. J. BAXTER tutmckt- Wll to UIMaiia Coasaaa) (Continued from Page Two) ELKS TEMPLE DEP'T STORE MEAL 1 A. LMB6UC many tnlghis now as "there used to be?" I almost laughed at the child-like question but I didn't! Dash It, no, I wouldn't have done so for the world. Just looked at her seriously and an swered her in kind: "Perfectly sure of It, don't you know!" And, by Jove, I was! Knew If there had been any change, some newspaper-reading chap at the club would have mentioned it that was safe; es pecially one silly ass who was always reading of some Jolly comet that was coming. He would know about the nights. "Yes Oh, yes, there are just as many!" I affirmed positively, and add ed quickly: "More, you know!" For suddenly I remembered It was leap year, and I knew there was some Jolly rhyme about leap-year gives us one day more so, of course, there'd be another night! "You don't know how glad I am to hear you say that," she said musingly. "There are Just as many knights, you mean, but the conditions have changed the man is changed Is that it?" I should Bay the man was changed! "Oh, dash it, yes!'- I blurted.- By Jove, I hoped there wouldn't be an other change. "You mean" with a little, chal lenging, puzzled smile, she leaned for ward, her elbow resting upon her knee like a sculptured, Qrecian pillar; her flower-like curving fingers supporting her chin like a Corinthian what's-lts-name, you know, the sort of thing the ancient what-you-call-'ems always added to top oft their stunning mar ble columns you know! well, like that "you mean we may find knights, not only in the field, but in the shops, upon the streets even in the slums; or in the hospitals, in the church or upon the bench that is your idea?" It wasn't my idea at all I should say not! Who wanted to spend nights prowling around that way? Why why, It wasn't respectable, dash It! Besides, that sort of thing excursion- lug about seeing things was devilish tireBome, if you asked me. I never did do it, even abroad, where you meet Americans, Jolly bored and tired, doing all sorts of rum places no one else ever thinks of, don't you know. And as for a bench! Well, it was like her. In her Innocence of the world, not to know how downright vulgar that would be. I had seen couples sitting evenings In the park and I knew! But I answered tactfully: "I don't mean thotie places so much, don't you know I think we can find lots Jollier and better nights else where." And I closed my free ejie and beamed at her through my glass. "Don't have to go so far, you know; under one's own roof, or er some one else's roof, for Instance why not here?" I Jerked my head toward the old stone pile behind us. "Oh!" her eyebrows lifted at me "so you've thought of that, too?" A GREAT RECORD nartTte Duplicate It Id New -Bern. - : Scores of r. preventative citisena of New Bern are testifying for Doao's Kidney Pi I. Such a record of local en doromant it unrquilled in modern timer. Thta public atalernrnt made by a citizen is tut ona of the many that have-preceded it and .he hundreds that will follow. Read it: Mrs. C. Pennington, 27 E. Front St, New Una. N. C, says; "I suffered intense y from backache" and sharp, shooting rains a toss my loins. Oftm I a at to lams thst I could hardly rtraip;huri after stooping. I knew that my k dneys were disorder- e for (he kidr.ey srcelK ns looked un i alural, I used just one brk of Doan's Ki Inpy Pills that I (;ot from the Brad ham Drug Co ai d this was suffi lent to dispose of my arhej i nd pains. Doan's Kidnty P. lis tave been of g eater ben efit to me than i-ny oih r kidney n edi cin I have ever taken." (Statement given Januaiy 24, 1908 ) RE-ENDORSEMENT. Mrs. Pennington was interviewed on Nov(m'nr28 h, 1910 and she said: "I can Btill recommend Doan a Kidney Piil', for they gave me r eimanent re lief. You may continue to publish my former et dorseinent of this remedy." or sale Dj all d&Ui frloe i nta.. Foster Mllburn Co., Buffalo lew York. aole agent fur tbe Ualts states. Remember ths aaroe Doa.a'i-ab ike no other. NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILRQAO ROUTE OF THE "NIGHT EXPRESS" Schedule Effective March 3. 1912 Tne following schedule figures pub- VI X'USr-fes-f. TBI KJ re if "The Latest W r TMng in stoves t VJ ( For a midnight supper, as for any other meal at any V other time, the very latest thing in stove the best that stove-artists can do is a New PerSet ion c'j:wijijiirasn Oil Cook-stove ll concentrates the heat when you want it ard where you want it It is as auick u gas, it adier ana handier than coal, cheaper than It Burns Oil JVo Ashes It Concen trates Heat JVo rVosfe It Is Handy JVo Dirt It Is Ready JVo Delay electricity. The New Perfection Stove has long, enameled, turquoise-blue cbiau.eyi. It is handsomely fuishsd in nickel, with csUnet top, drop shelves, towel u t, etc. Made v. ah 1 , 2 or 3 bursars. All dealers carry the New FVrfecricei Stove. F ee Cooit-Book with every stove. Ceok-Book also gi 'en to nnyone sending J coals to cover NEWARK, N. J. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorporated In New Jersey) BALTIMORE. MD. Legal Notices NOTICE OF SALE. By vtrtaa of ths aothority conferred upon tha nnderaiarnad by a certain contract entered into between 1 U Hahn and Joshua W. Smith for the tvarebaas) of a lot of land hereinafter described 1b which as id contract the title to the aaid land waa retained by tha said i, L. Hahn. until the pur chase money therefore was paid in full, and de fault bavins bean made in the 'payment of aaid purchase money at the time specified fur its pay ment. and the aaid i L. Hahn being fully em- pvwotw u Lase possession or said Una upon such default andtoaell the same at public or private's le. Now-therefore. tn compliance with the terms and stipulations of said contract as aforesaid, the und reigned will expose to sale and sell for cash at public vendue to the highest bidder at the court house door in the city uf New Bern County of Craven, North Carolina, at 12 o'clock II.. on Satdrday the 1st day of June It) 2. the following described real estate, lying and being aitnate in the city of New Bern, bounded and des cribed as follows, to wit: The northern half of lot Number ('Jul nire'y according to the plan of "ReiiPHBteinville" as plotted and recorded in the public recurds in of fice of Register or Deeds for said Craven county in Book No, 105-Folios66 a 57. This 1st day of May. 1912. J. L. HAHN. Owner. lished aa information not guaranteed. ONLY and are . - TRAINS LEAVE NEW KERN NORTH AND WEST ROUND 12:30 a m, Daily-Night Express Pull man Sleeping Car for Norfolk. 9:2f a m, Daily for Norfolk, connects for all points North and West, Parlor car pervice between Wash ington and Norfolk 1:4G p m, Daily except Sunday for Washington, Helhaven, Greenville Wilson and Raleigh. Parlor car between Washington and Raleigh. 4:10 a m. Daily Night Express for Goldsboro. 9:10 a m. Daily for Goldsboro. 5:1(5 p m, Daily for Goldsboro. C. C. STEWART'S SHIP YARD T? STATE AGIiNTO Fulton Self Sparking Engines TROUBLE PROOF III "Poor Pallowl- si - Pains All Over I , "You are welcome," ujn Mn Nort Quffey, ef Broken' Arrow, Okla., "to ute my letter in any way you want to. If it will Induct tome suffering woman to try CirduL' 1 had: paint all over, and suffered with an abscess. . Threw phy sldani tailed to relieve trie. Since taking CarduL I am in better health than ever before, and that means much to roe, because I suffered many years with womanly troubles, of different kinds; . What other treatmectt I tried, helped me fotU'lew days only." - -. TAKE ii' Vom Thd'.. ErfsToruc Don! wait, until yon are taken down sick, before Injf care of younclL The small aches and paint, and other symptoms of womanly weakncsl and disease, always mean worr.e to follow, Unless firefl quick trcaLT.rr.t, Yc; ucn.U always keep CarJui U. !y, Ifjo il- t ' f r;- 'ck t-4 f-rr-vrrt tr' f i! c'vr. ' v - ' -1 f - v $y ' EAST BOUND 9:20 a m, r:;-'6 p m, ':50 a m. for Daily for lieaufort. " " Keaufort. Daily except Sunday Oriental. 5:45 p m, Daily for Oriental. For further in formation or reservation if Pullman Sleeping Car space, apply t r. II. Bennett, T. A., New Bern, '. C. N. W. CROXTON W. R. HUDSON. G. P. A. Giin'l Supt Norfolk. Va. DEPENDABLE NO COIL BUILT TO LAS'! A LIFE TIME RELIABLE NO BATTERIES EASY TO START Agent for Fric'ior'ess Metal Company. All kinds of gasboai supplies and rep lirs a specialty. C. C. STEWART MORTGAGE SALE. Pursuant to the power of sale contained in t- certain chattel mortgaKe exjcuteii by Solomon J, Spencer and Hannah Spencer, hia wife to Joseph L. Hahn. bearing date of September 2 1 at. 1910. ard recorded in the public records in office of RejrhUerof Deeds for Craven county. North Carolina, in Book No. 67 -Folio f36. The undersigned will ofTnr for sak and sell to the highest bidder, for cash, at the court house door in said Craven county, on Saturday the lit day of June. 1912. at the hour of 12 oVl.ckM.. all the following described personal property, to wit; One frame one-story dwelling houne located on the land of J. L. Hahn on lot No. on the north side of Broad street in the plan of Kcivene tein ville. formerly occupied by raid So It mon J. Spencer and wife, and bearing th'i Number 204. Also one frame building attached to the above, and known as the kitchin or shop belonging to said Spencer and wife. This 1st day of May 1912. JOSEPH L. HAHN. Mortgagee. NEW BERN. N. C , FOOT CRAVEN ST. Office Phone 122 P. 0 Box 642 Residence Phone 45 I J FLAGGED TiUIN WII'H SHIRT. Ti arine hw nhitt from his back an Ohio man flu(fi'd a train and nave.i it l'r m a wreck, Lut H. T. Alston, Kal e&h, N. C, onci) prevented a wreck with Electric Uitierv. ' 1 was in a ter rible pI'Rlit hni I began to use tliem," he writes, "my stoma h, head, back and sid'ieys were all bhd y (.ffecled and my liver whs in bud condition, but four boi tie of Eleclr'c lliltort made me feel liko a new man." A trial will convince .ou of thir mairh'exs m-rit for any umach, liver or kidney trouble. Price 50 cente at all diu-gii.t. FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS rONRHCUMATiaa KIDNKTa AMD aHABD(4l Physicians Advise ihe use of 1 t'wd'wtlve, t- !-:' tlie towels (-in .::id prevent the poisons of unJIgesast; ood (roro k' tinnlnto youi s le:: . The latest product o( kuk N i l Vo La .i'i l.ivcr Syrup, purely vtt;eUIle, f.eiii reliable and of a pie sant, ai. .itiIi. lustc t:i . nti on the liver, as well an on Us) oraacli and bowels, and I (if ilie K''atct j uv.il l. elrkai y In constipation, InJIgestlon, riiluusness, sick head.-clie, I veri Jmess, colic, lUlultnse, 4 - Try VF I NOTICE OF SALE. By virtue of the authority conferred upon the undermgn d by a certain contract entered into between J. L. Hahn and Terry Oo etlf. fr the purchase of a lot of land hereinafter ileHcribed in which said rontract the title to the naul land waa retained by the said J. L. Hahn. until the purchase-money therefore was paid in full; and default having betn made in the payment of said purchase-money at the time ppucilicd for its' payment, and the said J. L. Hahn being fully empowered to take posuesion of said land upon such default and to sell the B.ime at public or private sale. Now therefore, in complience withthe terms and stipulations of said contract a.'i Hfiro-nn(, the underaignod will exfHinu to sale, and nell for cash at public vendue to the hiuhc-H biH.I. r at the court house door in the city of New It. 1 1.. Coun ty of Craven, North Carolina, at 2 uYlnrk M.. on Saturday the 1st day of June 1912. the fullnw ing described real estate lying ami lu'iir; situate in the city of New Bdrn, bounded ami b-Mc ribd as follo'Vtt to wit; Eieginning at the north westi-rn r..rn.T of lut No. 110, according to the plan of ' lieicim t rio ville" as plotted and recorded in the i.ulili.- re cords in office of Kegutur uf li-nf.r - rn-l ("ra ven County in Book No. 10ft Kulum r.i, f.f. and I running westwanlly along the b-hiI h m hm-if ! Keixantteln Alley forty-tUe UM f.-et, thence southwardly parallel with Carroll nirvvl to the northern line of lut No, 111, thence caHwanlly along said northern lino to the wewt- rn line uf lot N't. 110; thence northwardly along "ani wist- ern line to the point of U'trinning n Kt i. n.xtein Alley. It being the eajtern irtion of lut Nu. one hundrrd-nlne iltf) u.mim nnid h.t. The dwelling house upon aaid land IxTirmK I ! nnni- ber thirty-aeven (37) arronlmg In tin p.iMlal enumeration -if huu'ws by city of N. w lit-rn Thia lat day uf May IlU'A J, I.. HAHN. Uwder. nn rn LAXATIVE LIVER SYRUP execu roirs NoricK . Ih. ab sodded trtraij "jou neaa la to libra 17 tbtrar I irlnkad aaaent Tn library auited me ail rtfbtt - "Joan m." Mid to aa oddly obered foiet, "I looked It u I passed thrauga, and tu lookiDf ao truabed, 0 won. and tired, you know Md'luat oomo from up stalra; ad yet h faoed m brtr fy and Diliiaf ?y vit abook , Mr kaad "Vx laaiowl" : 1 alared putsled, dottt fvt kaow OITband, ttaah tne If I ton Id av wkat the Jutfie hd to do wttk er otfalBsa lofatier wfcr. I fcaalbtaow approval of tnf iult. Tkea I lffiannbered Uat the, of txmraaj, didn't know that fat Probabt wbat aba hd ta berdaar little mind w that h rt(nt ba kold Ing tbe llbrarr and ke would, tf k onttnoed to tblnk ke waa truer; for i ksd k-rd Mm k artnavrted toj work aU olgbtv Dut U, tbara wera ; dotma and don of other plare we -eould fvwaill, ! ahnuld luat rt 1 t tad l'it bni torvtrd to fuiio't this to her wbn I saw she wee aning to speak. Ho I wsltol, smiling at bur ti Urir. , "Ari abii t Arthur she fc'tan. and I -.:t fi's-T a fa'nf'it s'ab :ia ti r r s " a - r ' ' It t 1 ; !-n -' r" C - Is e . -a I f 1 j -i PORTO RICO'S NEW WONDER. From far away P.irto Rico come re port of a wnrderfulnew discovery that ia believed wil vastly brneflt the pro- le, Ramon T Msrrhan, or uarce. intvata. wrilea "Dr. Klna'a N 1) every la doing epietvitd work here. It urod roe about Ave tlmei of. tmrible emgha and eold. and a'a my broth-" if a svre cold in Ms ertfat ana rr. r tbn 2D others, ahiuaed It on my ad v ee. W h pe this grsat medicine will ret bo told in every diug atore in Porto Rl-o." For throat aod lung trochlea it na no i quel A (rial willcoov ace yoa f It m-r.t BOc and 11.00. T.lal bt le free. Guaraat rod by all draggtata. Children 0x7 . r0 FLETCHER'S - CfASTORIA Raleigh, N. C, May Id -lho (Jrand Lodge of Odd Fell' ws icrsped the appropriation to the Orphans' humeflve thousand, or thirty crni" p-r capita. The former donation wua fulren iliou aandt There was a lare sitpiulunce at adjourt rornt. Mrs. R. Brant, 11,116 Pad. n strret, Pa'ketaburg, W. Vs., hi an nt'ack of lagrippe wbiW left hr a hud kidney trout le, and aha suffered mu h severx psio and bckaha. Then sh.- hrard of Foley Kidney 1'il's and sa.: "tAfiar taidr.g them a abott lime the pain left my back and 1 am arain able to do mr houaewerk. Foley K dney Hillahnipsd me wocxWfully. '-For Sale bj all Deal a. Preaident Tafl a!gned the Incrraasd penaion bill paaaed by tbe House. Tb bill tarrta an Increeee of S6.00t 00. Children Cry TOR FLETCHER'S CAST.ORI A IF YOU WANT I . a Legal Notices MORTGAGE SALE. I'ur.usDt tn the pnwat of aals eontalaaj In a Wrts;f fron giavasrr Whlls ad F.l.s . Wkiu In 1.. )l. Caaswo. rassardad la taa raawds of dasals In Cravsv Ooaatji. N. C In Book Na 170 on paatv rM, lh laad Uiarvla Ssicrlhsd srtll pa aokl al puMI uotrrr f or aaab at It o'clock at. oa iaas IMS. lilt at tka Ooaft ksa ta Nn B ra 4 arrlke) as folia oa le Oranw Ooaatj. la iLatkUi biwaatilax aad la Ika Was Dtvtasoa. batae ax Ko. sx dssraaf. Bojmatne at s aUka. us) H 1!. L H sobs tn MM cms ef kst Wo a. tbaa Kb aaU Um of lot of vial sat N. Tt, W. US ansaa as a saka. thoci ft. 17. W. s (-7 aokaa. ttvaa M. Tt, . Ik sates, aroaoa ska 1M Raa af asisl lot Mo, aats to tKs aeianlne. U H. CAMNON. ktarteawoa. n,ls MarkMa.lUw EXECUTION SALE. C. Eiecotlon W. Qreeo vs Jacob Orota rSrosaaas) ksaegiiiiais la ear aauafshaaa 0t aVaporiaai CWt of Ora aasaot. I Ut asal taUio kiak aU4a laosaakat taaieawt Isaaao -ar la taya M a( tu aW. M. m J.ae ioaa. ISU a4 If o-aaxai at The best fence The best itoveTbe bst paint rittj-' burst. Is ibe Fcnce-rBuck'i is the Stove B-XS. U the rtnft nd we carry complete itock ind ' wUl mike the 'price right. V. V';''vv''V'"' 15. BASHIGHT HARDWARE GO: KFV,' H F.T.N, 't. C. rnosE n' 7 a ri!rsT 8T. Tksrt oaraia M s aaVvaaf tt ksaai aHsasae kt sa r ef Mavav aW. Oiaase) eseste. H. C. kasae as aaasay M ks (.Waslilsa eaat Mas s Ore W ana Csuw kaaatt Has roc last aass k a asr ksle k4sa aY aawaaa) af kst Maa istla Saas SMT tl Vrm V", balBas at eke esoass a eaaref ttfakavm'ssaaatlaa sasM 1st ieavw Da) I, kaalsaat'a) eaal Iseskal omssfvW1 (roaaai aaa el fas ke ) kokaavk' rr - ssrf ao osll aWkavak's Baa) ts Maaxait trsa le tka tsaok 1st, fkavaaaa aaalassi V le Mta k.eara'aMaetoaWkasleaaiaV.- ' ' v . , ;w. aiDou. V twit Malk, ltl, ' Havvlrur thin day tjutlifirxl a ihr Y.w aMsLavLa of Vrry 8. (k, ilTtnrl. !( County. N. (.. tim l to imtify all irn t-UUnt alaTKinat tha v.tt of unl iler.-i h.btt thakfn to tbaa undnTaiin.! at hia eltjr of New IJrn. N. (,'., on or iff,. not )cj Will bir of th(r rav-.ivevrjr. All akaid ajaitjllev Will i)ltei mlir linin(!i.U .l)fm it to irw. urKlarpigtwi Th h lay f April. 1012. JOHN T. IIOl l.lSTKIi. F.XtatrutoT Of atata lf ltfC ' M ( ' I . (1 1 Cej aad . 1 toax- tha 27th tlnd in inHc-htnd to AOMlNISTRATOIt'S Nlirii'K. Havlaa dulr qualifUd as Adaiinl.trslnr or tbo reuu of William W. Praoorft. ,l-a-l, late of Ossm tMintr. all pas sons havlna rlsim, aaslnat aaid aartata ara sjoUflod to praoanl thrtn Ut tha aaftaroaa-nafl for panat duly autKanllratoi Id Na Bon. N. C . baTon tho ilk rfsf i.f April. ISU. or tkis aotlxoarlll b plaawl In har at ra avorr. AU Ws Sra hadohaad tn (ha aa4-.u ara raqoirsa) to anaa Ifrinadlato tranaal to ana. W. M. PHFWXrTT. A Imtnlstrstor A rll ktk. HI!. IMPORTANT LAND HALF;. At Its'aloak sane lalanlar Mar auk 111 at tka saai t kaaaaa daaar ra Now Harm. Cravoa Co. I W aall ks Usa karkaart karlaW aar ootlro latoraa as tka saasiwtt saanaar Oskcws aad Caatar Ivtau kotaar SM k&if loUiaat sakiort ka a Ufa aauaa SHi'Hid ka kaaajM Ike lsn ty us ataa aa atk satravst samtalmMaj laVaaraa of taaskaraal lass) ka aaaaava) kaarasMe, Craaoe faatatr vwar Oaova Wars Was' eaka, Taraaa aaa half ao all aaaaY Tliss IS.AAC tt. IM MkVfW Mr. Mo. satrnt M. MORTGAGE ALF. aaaaal ks tka koeos as aaarlavsei eaad, esssirtse kv IMM Byiasaars asai Lata Bilsasea, arta Ha ta tk at aaal Aki akaakUae OwsaaMay la Mavavataaal raw sal kitaasoiama leeh kj lea aatksa ef aVt-vlat of taoaVi far saval OaM swto e koat r la 0 eiaai as Tas as lis Is n 4 aator for aaks aavt saa e tka) kiefcaa kaaaa. faf eaat easv to Hoar aara, M, Cea ds tl Btae. ton. tk kaaar ef II 'saaak H. toe faaaltaaW$taa vataaaHafaaal f&109&ft taValtkj A a aa wai ta ai kst as eaaoal af k4 Irkat as4 WaataTgf aattvaavsaf la taaf ttty Mat aWvaW fcaaTlTa, faay aod aaa sfarmki, toslrieka! at s Oalet M tm ffftt tavkVal IM'fcaaTakSatal afJaWslaf ajsf ftdaVfJeat sTavM) Jf t)F ill pa Is aaal faalae at (as ar aa tk aa)a aaa of ktoraas SOasa ks aaa aae aa? kat Ha, SM I faat aaot aa row ad W Ka. f Ua. f oath sV W.i !. V a f k4 'x. f-a ' f-i aV-s r-.. 1 a . - J t i r ' .

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