....... . - tft i . r ' ft Xev Bet,. N. qTMiy 19.1812. U EOTCHT CI iixxxu leva vo. I. ' or r- Metta veryTMiday 8 p. m.. ow.Gm Co'a office. Middle St. . H. Hudiaoo, C C J. H. i3mith. trf R. nd S. VWtint tarofbei ua UMred of efcet- OUT IE KUMU SO. L UIGSr t mUUfm iMtt Sa4. w t Wetaedf a!W'ila Mck moaU Jh Kalgkta. Barapajr comer Broa t art H-x atrwbt at t:10 oUmI J. K. Wills, President; R. J. Diaoaway, Secretary; 1. D. McCoy. Financial Sec- oniiz, tu xiw uintraitnm Loet Watch. PateiU Secured. The Peoples Bank. AT Willi Co. -Shirt. Miootea Board of Alderm n. New Bern Banning & Trust Co. BDSKSSilMSi" NOTICES IJMTH18. COLUMN LESS -THAN ONE MONTH MUST BE PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. "BUSINESS Opp's or Patents"-Pat enta secured or fee returned. Send sketch for free report as to patent abil ity: Guide book and litt of inventions wanted tent free. One million dollars offered for one invention. Patents ad vertised free. -Victor J. Evans & Co., 946, Washington, D. C. LOST Between New Bern and River dale on the N -S Railroad an open face Silver Watch. 17 jewels S. B & B No. 4,465, movement No. 1,486,623, Illinois make. Finder return to Richard Whit. ty, 51 Johnson street, New Bern, and get reward. TENDER Beef is a necessity tor per fect digestion. In this you can rest as sured of tenderness and every othtrre quirement that is essential to gooi health by giving me your business. My meats are perfect in every particular, Anything you want today ? A. Castet phone 289, the Sanitary Market. PARIS Green. Paris Green Sprays for killing potato bugs, tobacco worms &c at J. C. Whitty & Co'a. Phone 98. FANCY Tomatoes Cukes, Egg Plants. Pine Apples, Oranges, Apples and Ba nanas at H. E. Royall's. PEANUTS for planting, orders immediately, as late. -Burros ft Co. Send us your it is getting PINE lot Ducks, Geese, growo and spring Chickens, F F V and country Harm, fresh Eggs and Butter, Pied moot, Old Mill and Sovereign Cigar ettea, Seed Corn, Seed Potatoes, Seed Peanuts, Coal and Pine Tar. Crab nete Liu rreservars sod Boat LJghta, also a nice lot of Black Walnuts. -B 8 Da venport. THAT'S the truth, we have the finest lot of chickens ever offered for the money, and a nice quantity of fresh eggs, country hams, should, lard Swift's Prkle chipped beef, salad dress ing, tripe and jello to put in pies. Yours for cash only. J. A. Ringgold, 88 George St. phone 533 HOUSE for rent with Beverage con nectiona, good location, price (11. SO pe month. Apply to Miss Annie Justice, 83 East Front street, phone 889. BREAD for toasting and drafting pur peeea. Two loaves for 5 cents at Ka fat's Bakery. LET w have your orders for Lard 11, 12 aad 14c, Floor Sfc lb; Romford Powders tbt lb; Chip Beef 40c lb; B Baeoa sliced est ear slicing machine, the very flaest Beet obtainable, proper ty cored; OatsaeaJ In tins. ISc, 2 for 26c evaporated Peaches l&e lb. H. C, Armstrong. FURNISHED Room at MoreheU City ew Railroad street Come and ee address PO Bos 164. M or ahead City, N. C FOR RENT-PoaeaaaJoo give after Jssm 1st, res id an ce No. 14 Matcmlf Br water, ag MS im an soooera eonven- aastee, I rooaaa. Apply to 8. W, Willi, MMMtOeafreX. tTEAWBt&JUES, Ore. Paaa, Btrmg Wisji, CoesMbtra, 8qaaah, new wfclta PoUtoea.pijc OcioaA Radish, TW aa, La Usee. -New Bern Prodeee Ca in. ICC Creasi 8a at Mr Sorter a. ITAiLt Mawttta for asU delivered at Ml per road.-E K Harper. DOKT fereUawUM Deff.'sluh Oia MM for aJ sklsj IrcNblea, daadreff s larUsg relUved tyaoespptf atlosj sd eerad by aaing ewes) a vtafc. Miaraetlea goaraateaa r ajooey; re- rc4e4.-F. . Duffy. j CCUNTRT Smoked fUsae, fmsi Eggi set Patawt riosw, Meadswt' Meal end . ftew Garo pVMs now at M. f. Via- , ' sawts, Vwit Froeit tr t Pkvl7. rtCSSlNO CLUkWfl, D. PA IK CR n Crttm stool fnUa4'i tVOtae .eirened, ra(fr4 stnd pnaasd. Ladies ektrt. prmii a atMrtaJly. is ib.:: caily j.:,. jl CURRENI1KVENT3 CLUB MEpTS, Jhe Corrtmt Eretita ClobVW a poet kUrMUna meetta with Mrs. f oha Tull BolHtUr Friday afteraooa a her home on East Front street. Toe following Jnstrnctie, aa weJlaa icUrreting papers were read Ke port (egaidwg Legal Status of Wo n" y Mrs. Bredbam. "A School System Built on Play" by Mrs. Simp oo, "My Day Fete at the Norms' Commence meat by Mrs. Hotlnter. The hostess serre 1 delicious refresh ments ani the Club ar)J arned to meet with Mrs, George Speight, Those present were: Mrs. Nat Street, Mr. John Joihs. Mrs. Lany Moore, Mrs. Raynor Jones, Mrs. C l. Bradham, Mrs. Samuel Dill, Mrs. Her t ert Simpson, Mrs, J. P. C. Davia. Mrs. Hughes Holland, Mrs. John Cox, Mrs, Herbert Lupton. Mrs. H. B Cra ven, Mrs. William Baxter, Mrs B. E. Moore, Muses Sallie Justice, Anna Banff, Nina Basnieht, Mattie Jerkirs, Mamie Meeke and Lizette Hanff. THE UHIQKCENJRftL WAY. "Cincinnati, 0.,1912. Dear Sir, Inclosed you wll find check for $3.57 and receipt for the 1912 payment on jour insurance, the dividend this year exceeds the annual payment by 13.57. THE UNION CENTRAL LIFE IN SURANCE COMPANY." This is an ordinary life policy. It cost its owner just eleven cents in 1907, since which time the dividends nave been more than the annual payments How is this for LOW NET COST LIFE INSURANCE? Don't you want this kind? W. G. BOYD, Agent. If a man's patience is ever tried it is when he has to sit behind one of those half acre hats in church and try to see and bear the preacher. BAD STOMACHS PUT IN ORDER No Indigestion, Gas, Heartburn or Dyspepsia Five Minutes After Taking a Little Diapepsin. If what you just ate is souring on your stomach or lies like a lump of lead, refusing to digest, or you belch Gas and Eructate sour, undigested food, or have a feeling of Dizziness, Heartburn, Fullness, Nausea, Bad Taste in mouth and stomach head ache this is Indigestion. A full ease of Papo's Diapepsin costs only 50 cents, and will thor oughly cure your out-of-order stom ach and leave sufficient about the house in case some one else in the family may suffer from, stomach trouble or Indigestion. Ask your pharmacist to show you the formula plainly printed on those 50-cent eases, then yeu will under stand why Dyspeptic trouble of all kinds must go, and why Dinpepdin always relieves sour, out-of-order stomachs or Indigestion in five min utes. Diapepsin is hnrmlcss and tastes like candy, though each dose contains power sufficient to digest and prepare for assimilation into the blood all the food you eat; besidos, it makes you go to the table with a healthy appetite; but, what will please yon most is that you will foe) that your stomach and intestines are clean and fresh, and you will not need to resort to laiatives or livr pills for Biliousness or Constipation Thin city will have many rinHpui cranks, ajs some people will coll them, but you will bo cranky about this rtplendid tomarh preparation, too, if you ever try a little for indi gestion or Gastritis:, or any other Stomach misery. Get nome Fape'e DiApeptiin oow, thin minute, and fore.veT rid yourself of Stomach Trouble and Indigestion. Moving Hcturti and Vaude ville, ifternooo ind night, it Til Atheiiiv ' ' The BUU LVpertoeet ttcVM 14 preee Xeoador for pevroeol of debti wed to Um rsUroAda. Yoq feceire Two-for-Oat mm 1 1 " efDcej ttery nlkm will rr.4 It' add! tJoe) ef OM iralUxa of Pore Ui Oil, trwbr making twe geDoM ef ton Utm Oil PaUt .' -,.. , lour big winUextreinvfyeatle- Ie(OTj tinea jemr ell H pum. II wi I coat jroaj morT, (ac joe riare fwot yrmf fint at aalnt VV d four Tara Oil, t oij J , V,ia TOO TST IT. mrw .v 8E:aTTriss,.:Sj'0Bjs: Tomorrow, May EXa, is Mecklenburg 01 and all of Us local Unas will ob. aervet as a heM-Airy.-''? i Tommerro afternoon at WoUeadea Halt at 4 JO o'clock, there will be held the regular . saontMy . meeting el ths Dang hters of the Confederacy , Mr. J." 8.' HiUer'a jne w bonding a Middle street is : rapidly gearing com- pletkn after baviog eea- entirely .re modled and wiQ be occupied St an early date by Mr. Miller's furniture business. The Atlantic Fire Engine Company's bazaar which opened last . night in the new Coploa building oo Middle street. was largely-attended and proved to be a complete soecess in every way. The boys are end savoring to secure enough money in this manner lo pay their ex peiues to the Firemen's Tournament and they solicit your aid. TV re will be a met:ng of the Wc- j man's C ub Tuesday afternoon at4;30 o'clock in Griffin Auditorium for the purpose of having reports of the dele gates who attended the Federation in Winston Salem Business of importance will also come before the Club, and it is important that every member be pres ent to join in the discussion. Wednesday, May 22nd, on the Aca demy Green the Frank McEntee Past oral players will presenf'The Merchant of Venice" in the afternoon at 4:00 o'clock and the "Mid Summer Night's Dream" in the evening at 8;30 o'clock. Admission 1 50, 109, ?7c and 50c. In the event of inclement leather the plays will be given in the Griffiin Au ditorium. Custom-Home. New Bern. N. C. Collector' Of fie. Mar 17th. 1912. SUPPLIES FOR REVE NIIP. VESSELS. Healed Dranmll for niDDlrinK ship chandlery, rations, and coal to vassals of the Keveniia-Catter San ice. icsnlarlx atationed. or temporarily, at New Bern. N C and delivered on board said vessels at that place at such times and in such quantities may be required durlnar the fiscal year ending- June 80, iul will na received st this Office until 2 o'clock n. m. of Thursday. June 6. 1912, at which time and place they will be Dubiiclv oDened. Blank forma of Dronoaala for coal, ship chandlery, and rations, showing condi tions as to coal, articles of snip chandlery, and oomponent parts of rations with specifications, may be had anon application Is this umce: pro. nosnla must be submitted on theae forma. The right la reserved to reject any or all bids and to waive dereets If It is deemed for to Interests ol the Government to do so, and no contract will be put in force until Congreaa shall have made an ap propriation for the purpose. John ruddle, col lector. 1HE TABERNACLE BAPTIST. There will be services in this church this morning at 11 o'clock, and Sunday School at the usual hour, all are c dially invited to attend. Wednesday evening Mid-week pray er meeting. Friday night Choir practice, a e a PRESBYTERIAN. Preaching by the pastor. Dr. Sum- meiell at 11 a m. and 8 00 p m. 3;30p. m., Sunday school, C. L. Ives Superintendent. 7:30 p m Thursday, prayer meeting A welcome at all. services for wor shipen, strangers and visitors. a FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. The First Baptist Church Dr. E. T. Carter pastor. 11 a m. and 8 pm. preaching by the pastor. Prayer meeting every Thursday nigh Bible School at 8:00 p m classes for all. S. M. Brinson Superintendent. All are cordially invited. a a CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Sunday May. 19th Services at the Church of Christ, Hancock St, today at 11 a. m. aad 8 p m. by Rev. I. W. Rogers. 8 p. ra. -Bible School. F, U. Bowden Superintendent Prayer meeting on Thursday evening at 8 00 p m. Public cordially Invited to attend these services. SEARCHLIGHT TABERNACLE. (West near Quae Btrret) SeveflTn Day AdvenOat Omreh, me tng every 8abbath8atarday. . 10 a m-Sabbata school Reviv.l eervtcM will befta 8oaday night May 19Uu . . ' Pobtie cordially lavlted. Corae and brlns; yoT frkada, . , trv . a. ajfc aMi rasior raw ooeparo. -l 8T. CYPRlANTPf CBURCTT,. Rv. 1. 8. Taytof, D 0.. Etor. . (Sunday a.ir Aaeesjaeoav) ; ,' 8rvlea at 11 a m, and I p n, Mora Int aobJeat-.'A Oood af WiUe." Kveeleg aabV-"Tbe Voice el UxL" I f .-8orlmy Bclsool . ' ,; ; ' SajrvkM Wadneaday V(l m. All im eatttUlly avlt4 .; . : . 8T PETER'S CBURCfl a St, Patara A M Ztoa aarda, Revj R 'Sawyer Aeiliif Psator,;' a J y , U . Presa'uu. 'Sobi4t;'The IUfkJaJ Gt. --lpa.fkmday fkhoei ' p m.-UM Keetret. w lJ IKi ChrlatUa E.lavor.- ', f aPraMfctof.,,Wewes,' R laUonakia With 04.M "' . ' - Tea publie eordlal! lat!t4 , ' ' '" , : t.t cudi coiiM est ir , Take LAXATIVE rROMO QInfria Tablet. Dn)jci, rf ;-1 rr-r-'y if it fall lo Wri. i. W, (.u itt. J a t a Ur bM ivd U. f-. i Tn- conoH;r.URKEf yiiy.iratew'Xiiiiii - - 6. T4TLQ3 -ft SDH - CXWTOH BEOKEBS LONGr DISTANCE PHONE NO. 80. . lew Terk TettesL ' ' ' Mar 18. , Open High Low Close Jany 1141 1142 1132 1132 July 1126 .1126 1113 1113 -Octt ;il38 1138 1125 1128 : New York Spots 11J ' Sales, , 105 Market quiet, 15 pointi advance, Uverpeef CetUa Market Opening, Closing Jan Feb. 620 626 624 Receipts 11. 8 JO 620 628 624 May June. Sept. Oct Sales 7.000; lew' Bert Karad Middling, He Strict "Middling, , 11 Good Middling; 11 7-16 Sales, None. Lawn Mowers "Philadel phia," synonym of quality. Price from $3.75 to $2000. Basnight Hdw. Co , 67 S. Front St. " Co'onel Roosevelt in an Ohio speech charged the Tuft followers wkh trying to steal the delegates from the state of Washington. HOUSES FOR RENT. awasr. aw Residence No. 25 Pollock street, pos session given at once; afco No. 25J. pos session given May 24th. Apply to ELLIS COAL & WOOD Y A R ( Some people think before they speaP, but many never think ut all before or after they spta't. GIRL ALWAYS Wl.l Tells How She Became Strong and Vigorous. ' "When I see pale, puny children on the street I always wonder what their parents are doing, if anything, to build' up their strength," said a well dressed man the other day. Mary Lang, of Altooni, Pa., w im one such child. .Her story is told in one of her own le ten, ''Ever since child hoid," she 8ye, ''I have been wcnk and delicate and my blood has hern thin and poor. Msny different forms of treatment did me no gord hut last spring I took Vinol and n w I am eo much stronger and better that I want you to know it. 1 don't know when 1 have felt so well an i vigorous as I have ince taking Vinol." We only wish th it every weak, run down sickly person would real zeih t Vmo! Is the one best remeriy to ( nrlch the blood, build up the body and put the glow of health in paid cheek, -'Your money back If you are not pleaeu" is the way we sell Vinol, so you can ape we believe In It. F. S. Duffy, Drug gist, New Bern, N. C. The Panama Canal bill la the Uoase, was dvbnted Water Coolers from $1 10 to $4.50 at Basnight Hdw. Co., ?hohe$9. tell dieJSummer s tale and let us . supply; all you heed for the tell- -. . J; O J, Baxter r JaaaVvtB'S. ,H ..... a; . I mSEVER TOO COTs f - i O or too cold for the liOTCLE.V.,Wc We thetn;t : cornplete line in the; different thirrs pnd sizct. Let ua ihow you the new THFm?03 CARAFE arid the Quart and Pint Jars. .. il -ri- -ir:-;,- t moderate, beginning at$1.00 lor ' :4 At McDaiiielsCashGroctrj ? 41 Middle St: ' . - Fresh large Prunes. Evapi Peaches and Apples, Seed- j . , , - i ed Raisins, Walter Bakers Chocolate 18c, Walter Bak ers Cocoa 10 and 23c, Seeded Cocoanut 5 and 10c Plain and Stuffed Olives, Columbia River Salmon. Don't Uneeda Good Broom? YOURSIORCASH ONLY ,,. . t J. L. McDaniel 41 Middle St. Phone 91 ICE CREAM MADE BY MRS. BARRINGTON, AT DAVIS PHARMACY PHONE K can do no better than to place your orders with us. We carry the best and make the lowest possible prices. A trial ordei will prove to your satisfaction we can save you money. H. C. Aipi Phone 174 Middle St. HENRTS Prescriptions from all physicians, Quickly and Ac- curatel" filled. Also a full line of Chojre Toilet articles. Pharmacy PHONB 17i HARDWARE! Ajn Building Ma icriql Paints, Oils AND , Varnishes j American i Field Fence L-lH.: S?.!.'.LLV.GD1 i man with A THERMOS new HIUVU15 M Kl X I.BATTLE WITH FLIES ' Tt.iiL .m 1 neann omciais are convinced buzzing inBcet causes much disease. FLY SEASON IS OPEN, PUT IN YOUR SCREENS DoctorB say the common house fly carries HKI.OiM) (fern s around with it. We have just received a carload of Window Sere, ns and Screen Doors. Measurements taken, prompt delivery and Imsiness appreciated. Call us for information. Phone 147 GASKIIi HDW. & MILL SUPPLY CO. PHONE 147 OLD DOMINION NEW YORK AND ALL POINTS NORTH AND EAST Affording Pleasure and Itcst. Norfolk to Now Yoik and Return (30 Bays) $14.uf First class tickets include Meals i nd Iierth on elecant'y appoint' d ex oress eteamers. Hot or Cold Sea Water Baths can be procured on Steamer without charge. Steamers are all equipped with the United Wireless To'curnph System. STEAMERS SAIL FROM NORFOLK EVERY WEEK DAY AT 7 P. M. Tickets and Stateroom denervations. Company's Wharf, Knot of Church St., Noifolk, Va. Ask your local ticktt agent rpRardini; throuRh tickets. Send for Illustrated Pamphlet Desk J. W. H. LAN DON, J. j RROWN, General Agent , Norfolk, Va. On. Pass Agent New York. 6 FOR IOC. 4DG POUND. LS. 42 Middle St. Phone 25 I CARDS f. M. Simmons, A. O. Ward. SIMMONS UND WARD . A rrORNKYS AND COUNSKLIX)Bf 11' LAW IW aiBR, I. 0, Office Room 401-2-3 Elks Building Practice In the counties of Craver, Duplin, Jones, Lenoir, Onslow, Cart tret, Pamlico and Wake, In the Su pre me and Federal CourU, and wher ever eerrieee are desired. DR. 1 1 DISEASES OF THE ye, Ear, Nose and Throal AND : General Sorgery OfBee ra EOti Temple Next Dr. U. A Caton, New Bern, N. C. R. A. NUNN ATTORNEY 'AT LAW y JYaetiea hi Um eooatlee ef Cretan, CaiWet, PaaiUoar Jooea aad Onafcm tnd m Um SUU Supreeee and redrl Otice Ra. U tttn llree. v ' ka. IT. e era, k. I , Sate ol Und For Ttxet. ' it'-' 'i j- - -i V'' ' Ralordty, Jsae Iftltlt, t offer f at the at efflce ta BrWf etoa, the folk)Hr Urva Wu U aattify It emounl of ttiea dd 09 thea 10 tVe Un ef BrWielo. , ' , . ' -T' ' " GRANT 5 GO i w a Mr, I Iota wltkeea- H We Are Siiowinj , the lau-st and most up to date line of rlrct Hats in Strawt and Fe u. Vi e hf.ve ttve exclusive agency for the celebrated Gold Bond and Manhattan Hata, which' are considered among the best. Our line 1 f rtlhntr ta idmJ fully selected uf the best grade' of Worsteds und Shervoits, mad up in the very la est styles. Come dmvn and I, ok them over. Sam Lipman B. Block New Bern. N. C. AND SAVE HEALTH I H 73 MIDDLE S'' Delightful Short Sea I Trips To Hby M Fuid A Dome this Year and let 1H12 n.ark the begininprof jour fortune Mid a new lifeT Nothing on cailh (jives a family sianding in a -nn:ii:iuiity like the owncrsh p of a nii e, i-omfoi table hem'?. '1 he winter is a good time to perfect nil t lie little detaili and we've a good, warm office and o s (f liriie .it your disposal to help you si lei i a suitable plan and talk over the kind of mater ial you ill r.oed. Come in and let's figure it o it together. Tolson LumbEr & Mfo Co. I 123 V. Front St. NEW UKKN. N. C. e e C 13 e Made from pure distilled filtered watff. NEW BERN ICE CO. 10 21-23 Grifiith HU Phone 38 an nn I ill rrrnl nm - biiMH - rttu; IMU LI 100 per cnK purity mixed fel T for youog und old chicks, for grow trtff anrt ftmltunlntv. WhiLlI MM. a i ffBlsP l)H J II Will I U J U'V1', Vi pMy hlmtuff. mill fffda for cowl tnd - hnraca, N. (J. PraouU for plautfof. Bend u your orden ror Boy teftoa And Field Pea. , y: Ship d your aurplui Boy Beam tod Fklt rcae - - CLOSE rR ICES FOR CASH , ir mMb co:.t;:; 1 ! ton ir t 'ry t 1 i r ( U;k. M II AH1. I'llntl (At '11 18 ' 'V I - V s T srrM 151 ISt At TLs t ' "'i viz rx; r v ' r