4'- - ' . -' V'. . V4- , fir PAPER WITH ESTABUSEED . IN 1878 KNOWN CIRCULATION 1 ; .v1 ' , SJ Ll... .J. , 1 V NUMBER 47 J'J 1 K " NEW BERnHnORTH; CAROLINA SATURDAY MORNING, MAT W1Z THIRTY-FIRST YEAF; -t -- ; ! ; i i i i t i i " i f i x ; i i - 1 I I I 1 1 I,' 1 1 .1 i 1 I - V 11 II. (y NEW BERN BAM KING TRUST COMPANY NEW BERN N.C BUSINESS HABITS AT HOME. SOME rati) throw business- habita to the 'wind when 'hey go home, but the fact is that the same care and fort sight should be used in spend ing mon y i hat you use in making it and in con ducting y ur business affairs. A portion of the house hol i income should be carefully safeguarded by being deposited in a savings account with this bank, whe e the m ney will be absolutely stfe and earn a fuir rate cf interest In this way the home will be protected against any ossibl" financial difficulties, in case of sickness or loss We cordially invite savings accourits, either in the name t the husband or wife, sometimes a joint account io 'he naire of both. 4 PER CENT 'AID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. gill lib "i hi 'ii mi t i iii' 1 1 i u mil Poisonous Insects Baffled BY THE WESTBROOK 0 COMFORT AND- REST FOR THE BABY, PEACE FOR THE MOTHER ' vv STiUU)OK" BABY PROTECTOR will t 'rill; summer. (j i en for ; eit er, ' o c freni) ail'. THE Wi solves thi' i y. n s i n.l d K'ti c of safety to housatds of mo hers this It is mi ; .-i i t:sk t nit thiough the wearv hours a baby re i. :i (I l'ius!ihe flies away. It isn't quite r as nable. i ! i n h hI to fi ot, rlepr ving it of the full benefit of !');. I'.MsY I'KOTECTOR is a pa'en ed article, which ITS MANY USES i tor are many. iLservrs its purpose eq ally we I i led, en a couch, on a bl: nket or a quilt on of the poich, under ihi shade trees, or in turn- The i:s.--i of the I'm wh 'ili r h.1 Ii.'iliy ie.it;; on the llnur, Hi the oj mei house. When Imli. ii; la'-en on an nut ng the folded Protect r is ea ily car ied, and is ms ;int!y nuly to me when baby has gone to Blumber!and and peacefully rests on as f , I hick blanket. AN AP"EiL TO REASON. We beicve the WKTIiKOOK HABY PROTECTOR supplies a 1. ng felt net (I We believe that loving, thoughtful mothers everywhere, having i ;.l tin- .. I, will realize th absolute need of eff-dually protec t ing thi-ir biliii'h fr.iu the o'len fatal touch of iha dangerous house fly anil oilier i i ea e he rmi insects. Ketn- mil r. th i' a f o ih your house may be thoroughly rcreened, the s ole Ily t ai . H'.iks in Mini I yhu .n the tender, moist lips of your baby muy hav.- ((.no' ilnc- !y from a nirk room; may be laden with Cholera ln'anlom. I w t'i,e i;. ihih of Typhoid Eever, Diphtheria or Tubercu losis. T ike no i h.inceH. Do not expose your baby to n edless danger. ' HUGE $2.25 AND $3.00. J. M. MITCHELL & CO. 61 POLLOCK ST. PHONE 288 TEXAS RANGERS JAD NERVE Two of Them Threaten to Arrest the Whole Mexican Reb el Army. Fabens, Texi( May 24th. -Details re ceived yesterday show 'that the cool judgment of the United States army lieutenant and the aggressive stand of two Texas rangers in the face of iOO Mexican rebels advancing on the Amer ican boundary line probably prevented serious complications when troop B, fourth United Sta'es cavalry, the band of liberal soldierB across the border here Wednesday. " Death to thesi," ci ied the Mex'cans as th y charged forward to a wagon i o;:d where Lieutenant C. A. Daugher ty and 35 men of troop B. had stationed themselves, their rill s pointed toward Mexico. C E. Weba.er and Charles Moore, of the Texas rangers, who I ave been accompanying ibe American troops cn their bolder patrol spurred forward. ' ' If you dare come across this wagon road we'll trrest your whole army. This road is the boundary line," shout ed Webster in Spanish to the advanc- i ig rebels, who formed into a fighting line. Webster demanded at the same time that the rebels send out their chiefs for parley. Colonels Jofe Cor-, dove and Charles Rustamente, in com mand of the rebels, who were moving on Giudaloupe, dismounted and came forward. Lieu Un ant Dougherty defined what he believed to be the American line and the rebel leaders turned their troois and headed eaatwar i towa d Giudal NATIONAL EXPOSITION Whether mosquitoes bite or not th?y are carriers of disease germs vVe can help keep them out of your house. J. S. Basnight Hdw. Co. To Be Held in Knoxville, Tenn., September and October, 1913 ' Will Be of Great Interest to the Whole United 8 1 ates Ex posi tion Resolutions. Washington, D. C, May 24 -An ex position of national scep, the purposo of which ia to promote the conserva tion of our natural res urces, is to be he! I in Knoxville, Tennessee in Sep tember and October, 1913 It is to be known as the National Conservation Exposition, and while it is to be open to all parts of the country, its special field will be the development of the Southern states. An advisory board of leaders in tl e various B anches of con aervat on work, with Gifford Pit chot at it head, has been formed at part of the expos itim ccmpany's organization, and ii now at wtrk rrmulatug d taut a plans frr the exhibits. Each depart ment of conservation is represented on this board by one or more experts io that field. The conservation exposition is an out gtowth of the Appalachian Exposition, which has been he'd at Knoxvil'e for the past two years. .During that time an exposition plant aid tquipmenthae been built up which will nerve as a valuable nuclieus aiound which the na tional fair is to be built. This plant comprises a park of one hundred acres, in which are two artificial lakes and several excellent buildings. 1 his and all other property of the Appalachian Exposition Company has been taken over by the National Conservation Ex position Company, wh ch has made ap plication for a charter providing for a -capital stock of one million dollars, De,th of J T Hall Last uight at 10:15 J. Thomas Hall died at his h mie on South Front stieet afttr eve' al months illness. Mr. Hall was a will known citizen, and followed the profession of gur.smilh He is sur vived by his wif a daughter, Mrs. Percy Ashfont, son, Chas. H. Hall ar.d brother Mr. John Hall. The funeral serv cea will be held at Centenary Method st Church tcday at 6 p. m, 3F-0-"U"-3Sr-I3 V Thr- blace to buy your Spring or Summer Suit at prices within r asnn. 1 absolutely guarantee aausfact'on. New line nf samples just received. Call lod biped my stock. F. M. mm, .tatiant Jailor, . 103 Middla 8V, New Bern, N. C Wool Bill In Senate. Waohingion, May 24. The senate fino cocom ni te aulhormd Senator Smoot to adversely report the house wool bill tar fT revision bill and announce that a substitute measure would be framed. The Ariz ina leg sla ure, in a petition to the senate urged the aboli tion of the commerce court Th house resumed connl ieralion of the Panama canal adminUtr ition bill. Charges of ofTicial misconduct by R. G Valentine.Indiaa commmnioner were renewed before the interior depai tmet.t txpenditure committee. PILEI CURED IN 6 TO U DAYS Your druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to core any case of Itching. Wind, Bleeding or Pro truding Pilesin 6 to 14 daya. 60c Attention Veterans. You are hereby notified there ill be a meel ing of New Bern C;;mp 1162 on Mi nday, June Jrd at lU.a. m. for pur pose of trtnsKCiiig Imlr.ei-B. Alcoa dinner will Le given by Daughters of C'-nfederacy. Hy order of commander, S. R. STREET. J. F. CLARK, Arij't. HOUSES FOR RENT. Residence No. 2f Pollock street, poa setsion given at ence; aUo No. 261.pos session given May 24th. Apply to ELLIS COAL & WOOD YARD, Confirmation Service. American Conliul Meets Trajlc End. V mnkfort On-M .In, Germtnt, May 24.-UmUd State Ontal General Frank D. HIH, of Minnesota, was atll4 yeeterday by fating over a hutel stair eaae raMlng. He waa foond Io the eor- i ridor with a broken skull It Is asiuov d that the iectdnt"wws. eatmd by spell of gW lirifss. i tbj: I- A AJL JL unqMo I THE PRDP0RT10H OF SURPLUS B PROFITS 10 CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK OF NEW BERNEi N. C STANDS FIRST among the banks of the". City THIRD among the National Banks'of ; . the State , .' -I ... ,.-'' .'.' Am! ss it ttS iarptoe snt , UndWlVI froflt anvmttn to (19&,or0 and CHUI aWtintinK Is linO.OOO, UUl 4as oa the National Batik Roll of Hoonf, skicri inrluoVs pfttf banks fctvlng Surjlus ar.4 UnIlvk)e't rr.r.t tit In or tr4ng tn Capital $lvk. - - Ci I ' Call u4 up and let ui figure with you ior your screen wants. , J. S. Basnight Hdw. CO' jY-f.-'V'.' ' There will be confirmat'on service at Chester B'Nai Sholom Temple on Sun day May 26th, 1912 at 10:30 a. m. Confirmanta. Frederick Cohn, Adolph HaSn, Hat !ie May Cohn, Esther Louise Marks. Order of Confirmation Service. "O Sing Unto the Lord" Williams) Chorus, Addreas to Confirmanta. "rather See Tby COiWien" (Muss) Chorus. Opmirg Prayer V?atUe May Cohen. Taking Out the Scrolls Benedict km Adolph Hahn. Reading Fiotn the Scrolls. Reading Fiom the Proph.U-Esther , Loaiss Marks. Replacing the Scrolls The Lesson of the rey-Hattis M.y Cthso. "Ths Vow of Faith" (ainsbsr ' Chorus. Confession of Fslth-Adolph Rahn. "Who is Liks Thstf (ProsUch-Cborm 6er ok a. .. Om Sweet Solemn Tboogbt"-80I0, Floral Offering Eat br Lou la- Marks and Class.' Closing Prsysft-Frtderlck Cokn, Blsesiitf tb Conflnnanls.' "Fear ys B it O Iitar--8ol. , Bsnsdklion. ' Over the Result of the Virginia Primary. Wilson. Delegates Throw Him Down. Special to Journal Washington; D. C, May 24. -The Washington Herald today tarries the following special, from Norfolk, Va: Woodrow Wflson while appareiitly the choice of the delegates of the Vii ginia D( mocratic convention was beaten tooth and toe nail tonight by bis owa delena tes, who accepted the terms of a reso lution adopted by an overwhelming vote which practically plaoes the control of the twenty-four votes from Virginia in the hands of sixteen delegates who are opposed to the New-Jersey governor, The Wilson delegates seeing it was hopelers to eeoure an instructed delega tion, accepted M amendment which gave the New Jersey roan eight in structed delegates, but who after first bal'ot at the national convention will be bound to the unit ru(e jlf, the remaining two thirds aixteen delegates decide to east the entire Virginia rate for some other candidate. Sixteen of the twen ty-four delegates elected are opposed to Woodrow Wilson first last and a I time. These sixteen, delegates will control the entire Virginia delegation aft- the fir tbs lot,st Bait more, Wi son can get more than eight of the twenty four votes and after the first ballot, if he fails to receive the nomination the entire Virginia delegation will be lost to him. Underwood headquarters in Wash ington is high y gratified over the Virginia result as above indicates. Wiih the success of Mr. Underwood in Vir ginia he has won his seventh victory in succession. With the exception of Ala hama, his horre state, he has contest! d with Gov. Wilson in six states, three of which Florida, Georgia and Mississippi. declared outright for Mr, Underwood, and in three, South Carolina, T n e s-e and Virginia, although they had been making a long and persistent fight, The Wileon forces were unsuccessful in se curing instructions. . Mr. Underwood has not acted sore In a single state of b s campaign. His next victory will bt in th sia'e of North Carolina where it is expected he will secure sn Instructed delegation at the State convention wh ch meets in Raleigh on June 8,b. He has made a clean and high class campaign in North Carolina and has avoided personalities 'and appeals U p ejidicies. . His friends have relied solely upon the strength of . his own candidacy, and not apon the weaknes of hi j principal oft paste t he has be without the powerful InSuenee of the 'eading Democratic organ ef the stale and he has had aligned agamst blm the en' ire strength ef the ebsinaan of the State Democrat! committee, and of tbs national committeemen frem North Carolina. They have never failed to aiecs an opportunity to discredit Mr, Uo derwood and his canpatgnt Despite these conditions Mr. Underwood baa steadily grown and his Meads tbrcugk- out the North Carolina botleva that he wsi successful in farrrtng the Stats in ths primsries on ths 18th instant. They feel certain that be will , sscurs from ths several coanty ooayeailoos on May 25th, delegations, to. the congressional conventions sad to-th. Stats soovea tion, Uisfsrlbsr bolisTtd tost Un derwood delegates .will be cbosoa by the eoogrestioaal aoatowtioa sad that tbs four delegates frasa tbs stale al . rrteca Awardi4 tsat Right. - List night was a fealnra' algbt Itlhs Atlantis Firs Co'a Coontry Store nd Bitaar. One of the largest crowds sines iHs Ott Uf oKied Sttsaded snd every body f their money's worth and mote too, RUve Bombay lis. better known as 6uy B 8tsve," woa ths t-fA00 outfit consisting of a Pi. 00 lelt of clothes, $".,0) bat. $3.00, vest, dona ted by AlUrt J. Willis Co., 13.00 pair We donsteil by Terry Owens Shoe Co, 8 eve was so chock full ef smils that svsty Order (hat went Is the kltrh m was shlpetertf'i. Mr, Lot Fmlth who is rntin.rtw) with the Natl-tnsl IJinilCo, vc.n the hindxxrte ihl irt.pn Hog vnln. i st C0 00. donald t J () lUit.r, p.. .ir. Tha O urv 1 1 f lr r ll t Mnl7 1 sm! to :45 p. rn. sod 8:00 p. la entcrttinmeaU it The 'Athens. ! from Shadow of Tie Electric Chair. Raleigh, N, C, May 84,-Gtorgs W Ilk Ins, a Nssn eosniy negro, on?.r sentence of death today for wife mur der, was granted a rtpfivs a few hou before the time fof electrocutes, Roput able slUrooya, ths Governor iy, re prS4nUd to blm that they have good grounds for iuHvs clesiewy, and that a rsprlcvs was neceasary for ihm tebsvs time to al, mil their (rounds. The repi leva la granted tlit June 7th wgv are wiun wesyuawswa ) Although eontestmg ; with Oovwmof Harmon In Ohio Gas sraor WUsoft w'si dlsalrously defaaled and las will aat re-1 s hsaalngls vote fuKa that Butekt tLo Baltiaora cjavenMoa, -1 v PAsULKK B. ANDIRSOK. Improve your laWn and prof feet your flowers with flowcj guards. s Fdt. salr;by J.' 9. Basnight Hdw. Co. - I . , i ii i tm us. wa ' . -' ... ... . Troxrss Est Best Seal. Washington, Ut ti.A a rssut 4f reports of dangsr to American Nvis and prjprty U Cubs, tbs Navy Db- ertmaal at the rrq't of the St a Department,. l ordered ths aaval transport fralrie Io tn!rk tOQ marines st I'hiladelnhia, snd proceed tmmadiat lysoibs UuiUl Satas aval ataUea at Coantanavo to join tbs gustoal tl A .- lit- . - t i m .on nu nuaTiin, . . . i llavava. May 84. -A report bks rchd bars that 0nTaI Evaristo EiUn'jS aid Genwal lvrmt, Icaivre f f tha liior,jfH Df g to; bav snt en.; sari! kj the Camp of th Somman t -r of tli irovernrr ml trn; i nr G lar namo Ut treat fr r t" cf '. j in THE VALUE OF H SAVINGS T. A promineat financier who has given much time and thought to the study of economics, in speaking of the value of ft Savings Account, said: "The first thing every man should arrange for is to put aside regularly each week a fixed portion of his income, whether five per cent, ten per cent or more, according to circumstance aa an emergency fund aud then live on the balance," This bank encourages the habit of thrift by in v it ing small as well as large accounts and paying the . depositor 4 per., cent iuterest on his savings. ..'.s....A."-t6 ivS. j.t?: 1 mm il3 V S3 IP- iinflppiiMiiP. M ITTiiST 11 III l I uu?M;iaiaMli Clf ill m Ml Mi RFRI R Mm nAY MAY filH 111 WUWII1I1IIIW I III III wiiivi I r We will give 20 per cent reduction on all clothing and 1 0 per cent on all Mens, Ladies and Childrens Oxfords. We are overstocked and these goods must be sol J. J. BAXTER ELKS TEMPLE DFPT STORK 1 Notice io Cui'tlcrs. I finT a 'a'SS s'rrir cf s'l V r 1 , e, i ) j., , k r ' "i f r ! BATES-STREET SHIRT , .FOR WELL . PRESSED MEN. A sage qao(ea UmertOB as saying, "A shirt that fits lends a peace and poise which pedigree cannot give." Whether the gentleman of Concord said this or not, aU men recognise It as n neon troTerti bio truth. Aa we dress bettor, we meet better people. As wemrft tatter jeople, it is needful that our clothiuf meet the requirements. The Hates-Street Shirts are now hearalded throughout this laud as the HHST .shirt manufactured and sold oa the market. 8eaaona most favored shades in Stripe, Yale 1(1 uo, French Grey. Hello, Indian Tan, with the Blues leading the bunch at ll fvO the shirt and the color guaranteed or a new ohirt Abso lately tub proof. $1.50, $20,' $2.50 And Upwards THE SHOP THATS DIFFERENT & IT. fillis Co. tlAlTERS AND HABERDASHERS V, JAILORS. 59 P0aOCKt ST. PHONE. 19;" TiS ful.urt ' ..t ll r V. i. i!"'' 'r 1 r I I !-- t!.n ii I f r r.f r.t a f I t ar' ia l:, t, .si -a 'T V - ..' -, -- ' ; . ' . ' ; . i f. ; , IS j ' - 4 - - ' 11 .'ip."'.l ' I ''.;lt-i'jl'.-tl l,t jri'l will fut r m I i- t if ; , I rirrrry