: - - . - - - - t.-: ""V - N .1 ill m imjool rt,"h4 overy Sb te bmt wi ... .. FBOKB 1KX f. . nirni, dttoh ajtd PBOCKIVTOm MTMllltOWM.; HA SJSm fwi, Ml Saee..,..' IM . twttn wj eexta 1 e y JH ASvartlaUs setae IlliliM - Jteteret M tlM nmfcli Hew Ban . Ci ka eaaaaeVeleaa " r'trmiLrim or mw - AND CRAVEN OOUHTT. MRM ew Bern, N. 0. May 31, 1912. IITEFFIOACY OF TBUST BE JJEA.DING. If any reader will note carefully the proceedings in the Watere Pieree suit by the government, specially that part in which John D. Rockefeller gives his testimo ny, it will be seen how little was actually done in the so-called dis solution of the Standard Oil Com pany through the efforts of the government In its suit against that corporation. It was a beheadiug like unto that of the mythological Hydra, for Standard Oil instead of a single company, is now many, with the same old men, crafiy in finance, experienced in law eva sion, with greater profits pouring ' into their pockets. So far as the government for the people victory in the dissolution ef Standard Oil, it was purely im aginary. That Standard Oil was in reality dissolved can !e seen in the public appearance on the court stand of Mr. Rockefeller, who feels immune from punishment, aud .who in all the years of Standard Oil, as the president of the one corporation could never be found or brought to testify in court. There is something more than just trust beheading and trust dissolu tion demanded. Standard Oil per John D. Rockefeller can laugh at the government in its efforts to make the dissolution of this great oorpo ration actual, not a many headed corporation each with a different name, but each head fed and nourished by the same body. If the supreme judicial power of the United States government is weak in its ability to handle sue cessfullyany corporation that vio lates the law, there must be a ju dicial remedy of some kind, or else the government itself is weak thfcfljJfeatjt hasreated. If such a condition becomes actual, there is trouble ahead for this entire country, its institutions itnd its people. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S PASTOR I A Every waiter in the Holland House, New York, walked out on a strike. CaUrra Cannot be Cured. with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as fttey cannot reach the seat of the dis ease. Catarrh la a blood or consti ationai disease, and in order to cure it yon mn it take internal remedies. Haifa Catarrh Cure la taken inter nally, and seta directly on the blood and mucous arfaeee. HaH's Catarrh Cora la not a quack medicine. It was prtaeribad by on of the beat pby eifiUna in this eooatry for years and is a rafuUr praaeription. It is coa poasd of taa bast tonioa known, eota- Waed witk the bast blood purifiers, acting dlraetly oa tha maeona tar faeaa, Tha parfaet aombination of tk) two ingradiaata is what prodacaa ask wonderful raanlU in earing ea Urra. aad for taatimoniala fraa. F. J. CHIKXT CO. Propa, ; ToUdo, O , Bold by drnggUto, prlea 75. Taka tlairs faadly pUla for aoa ftJpatle. Tba Fadaral ClrcaitCoart Judges In Nw Tort daaiad tba motloa for an u iomctiom U isatraia tba Brailliaa aof as vtiargaataatloa coatbiaa from part- taf frtta aoffas U Naw York tey.Kidnoy Pills Yai M aero) wtoa m siawtri : CM praaapt ssaal ftwat JBACXACH1, KttXTT tmi StAOTM TftOUBtB, crxrrt, tttfLAM u atiom i '' rULCDSA mU afl aastayteg UUfWAM iritam-AJtmxa. a r"w w ta lilDDLl A0D stLDSXLf rrcrtt a4 he Womkm. ?-.'. , III M I 'I I '-;ANKOUNCE!,IENTS. TOTkt DELdCIUTiefVOTERS C ;- CRAVEN CQUNfT: - .4 1- A. "V-- - -; , 7 t kereby aoAottoce' say self a caad) date for the offiae of Register uf Deed, subject to Ibe Paanocret it Prima ry July 2nl K nomiait4 ndWcU4. 1 pledge tar mI f to dischtra the dotlek of sett offli U UH"bat of my ; abttlt j, wiik iBfaOWUi"'f .eoniaiuih corps af fieri - ? j : k I m wifoftnoito la being bHod. bat I nust have something by which I calk make ae fconwt living, and I appal to my fallow voters of Cravei Couo'y to come to my assistance , and ' help Me make a li -ing and educate my boy. I thank you all in adv&nee far any assistance jou ay render me. Re member ibat one of ibe greatest U. S. Senators of to day is a blind man. ' Youra truly, s J. C. JOHNSON, i TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF CRAVEN COUNTY. I wish to announce my candidacy fee Sheriff of Craven county, subject to he will of the people to he expressed at the Democratic primary on Tuesday, July 2nd, 1912. If elected I will di9 charge my duties faithfully. Yoors Respectfully F. S ERNUL. ' TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF CRAVEN COUNTY. In response to the solicitation of many friends I have determined to again be a candidate before the party primary to be held July 2nd, next, for the office of Sheriff, I feel very grate-1 ful for past favors arid hope that my administration of the Sheriff's office has your approval. If re-elected promise to give you as faithful service in the future aa I have in the past. Your obedient servant, J. W. BIDDLE. TO THE DEMO RATIC VOTERS OF CRAVEN COUNTY. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Clerk of the Superior Court of Craven county, subject to the Democratic primary to beheld July 2nd. If nominated and elected I pledge my' St-If to discharge the duties of Buch of fice to the best of my ability. Very respectfully. W. B. FLANNER. TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF CRAVEN COUNTY. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Craven coun ty. subject to the Democratic primary which will be held Julythe 2nd, if nomi nated and elected I hereby pledge my self to diRChurge the duties of said office to the best of my ability. Respectfully, R. B. LANE. TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF CRAVEN COUNTY. 1 hereby respectfully announce my candidacy for re-nomination to the ofie of Treasurer of Craven County, subject to the action of the Democratic Voters at the Primary on July 2nd, 1912. If re-nominated and elected to the offico of Treasurer I pledge to the people the nam- courteous attention I huve hr tofore endeavored to give to all, Hmi Ihn Fame fi Iclity to the tnist reposed in me as the custodian of the people's money. Respectfully submitted. B. B. HURST. TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF CRAVEN COUNTY. I wmh to announce my candidacy for the office f Reguter of Deeds for Craven County, Subject to the will of the people to be exprrswdat the Demo cratic Primary on Iueaday, July 2, 1912. Sipce hohling the sbove office, I have endeavored,' s the servant of the peo ple, to render efficient and faithful ser vice to all. If re elected, 1 shall contin ue to do my very beat in the diacharg of tho duties of the office. I wihh to thapk my friends for their almost undivided support In the paat,' and desire to thank them in advance for I heir patronage at tba coming Prirn,.ry. Yours respectfully, STEPHEN H FOWLER. TO THE DEUOCIUTIC VOTERS OF .CUAVEN COUNTY. Realiiing that No. 2 Township has not been represented in this rapacity for ssvaral years and at lb rrqoest of a large number of voters I hereby aa noooa. myaalf s candid.ta for Commla- sionar from that Township . abject ta tha action ef the D.mocraUe primary to be held oo July 2nd. . RMDMtfulry, W. UOLTON. ta the Democratic voters or ; i ; : iHxm countt. ' v t b.tby snooaoc iy.ilf as a taodf dU fit Rapraatn's iVs from Ka. 1 Towsablp, Cr.vrti - eottmy aubjvet to the aetioa of tba Damocrails pt Unary U be aaU oa Joly ear), ; - -.J ' featptctfalfy.;- 'v .V"". a A WUITfOBD, TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS Of V CKAVEM COUNTY. :. er) .Try,-. rtifMlf a rsndid.t. HIE Fir O 5 J.SECEIEE Easy NVay to Preserve Natural : :: v jColor of the Hair and :. - Make It 6roWar AhanrJeas rsmadr. mada from eom. mon garden aaga, qukkly reataraa gray naur u param cowc . iom even 01 u hair, to pravmt it from losing its color and histre. ia luat aa imnortant aa to cars for teeth to kaeo them, from dis coloring Why spend money for cob. manes ana creams to improve tba. com plexion and yet neglect your hair, when gray bait is area mora conapicooos and suggestive of aga than wrinkles or a poor complexion T Of the two, it la easier to preserve the natural color and beauty jot the hair than it is to hare a cood (complexion. - All thht is necessary is tha occasional use of Wyeth's Saga and Sulphur Hair Remedy, a preparation of common gar den Sage and Sulphur, combined with other valuable remedies for dry, harsh, faded hair, dandruff, itching acalp ana falling hair. After a few applications of this simple, harmless remedy, your hair wiH gradually be restored to its natural 'color, in a short, time the dan druff 'will be removed, and your hair wilt no singer come out but will start to grow as Nature intended it ahould. Don't , neglect your hair, for it goes further than anything else to make or mar your good looks. You can buy this remedy at any drust store for fifty cents a bottle, and your drug gist will give your money back it you are not' satisfied after using. Pur chase a bottle today. You will never regret it when you realize the differ enco it will make in your appearance. Special Agent, F. S. Duffy VERY LCW ROUND TRIP FIRES Via Southern Bail way to Ashsville N. C, Account Shrine Meeting. Tickets on sale June 9, 10, 11, with final return limit to reach original start ing point not later than midnight June 15, 1912. For complete information as to rates, schedules, etc., ask your nearest agenr. or write, J. 0. JONES, Trav. Pass. Agt. Raleigh, N. C. A girl isn't half as humiliated to mske her own dresses as she is to wear them. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A He laughs best over liis clothes when they are least summer PORTO RICO'S NEW WONDER ' From far away Porto Rico come re ports of a worderlulnew discovery tha1 is believed will vastly benefit the peo ple, Ramon T Marchan, of Barce (oneta, writes "Dr. King's New Die fcovery ia doing splenaid work here. It cured me about five times of terrible (jughs and colds, and alio my broth of a severe cold in his chest and m r than 20 others, who used it on rov aa vice. We h pa this great medicine will Jot be sold in every1 drug store in Porto pico. r or inroai ana lung irouDiesit has do t oust. A trial will eoovihee yon df its merit '60c and 12 00. Tiial bo - Ue free, Guaranteed by all druggists Attention Veterans. You are hereby notified there will be meeting of New Bern Camp 1162 on Monday, June 3rd at 10 a. m. for pur pose of transiting butinesa. Also a dinner will ft given by Daughters of Confederacy. By order o( command r, S. R. STREET. JjF. CLARK, Adj't Poor appetite ia a sura sign of Im paired digestion. A law doaas of (ham Urlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will strengthen your dlgestioa and im prove your appeiiie. Thousand kava beVo benefitted by taking tho Tablets. -poia ny an ueaiart. Tha American Stats Department ft- faaded Its eourss in regard to Cuba, roiXYKroipiiif Pom aaoaaowa RiaeirvsAata iusni dov. Posa and thall aavaehaastU leg itUture are at odds ever veteaa, , (A GREAT IiUlLDINO FALLS. whaa Its found. tlao la ondsrsolaad. sad it the foundation of btailb-frood sla- (tosr-ls attacked, qaics eouapee io loW. On lh flrrt sigoa at bviwoatioa, Dr'Klog'a Naw Life Pills should be tana to lone tba aiometb sad fagnlau HvaV. ktrfny sad bow.la. PUaaant, a.sy, safe and only Zd cents st all drag I .... , v His r.oortad that lbs Taft dsUaratas t tjh1ata mv bolt ' . - ,u,VJM:m"r-'i:ul,'l"u-' !::W0MEN WsrscB of lis l!:Vtst typa. wsmta af mperior caca'.lot d1 rrfuieBent,' wtots iltctn&tTt Snj4 JatJjrncnt pr wtT;U soJ fetj ta lielr epk'or.j, l!;!.! friit lit Wonirrf J esrrtc'jTt isi cursliTt frcptr'u-i if Gsn IffUia'l S!:"-.(i LlrrrTiV I'l. Tire- ' till r--y ' ;-i i t , f I II IT I tim II .MMfcMMMMaai I I II" H j) ilj ij - I I ill iiiiiiiiiii meiMmcpOF mt yellow - pace- tf TrtE PERPUM e OF -The LADY- IN-BLACn- Illustrations' by M-G-KotztnGz Copyright tg Ay 7?e 3a6bs-Merl Company CHAPTER XI. Above the Trap-Doors. The next day he saw her at the opera. She was still wearing tha plain gold ring. She was gentle and kind to him,. She talked to blm of the plans which he was forming, of bis future, of his career. He told her that the date of the Polar expedition had been put forward and that he would leave France in three weeks, or a month at least. She suggested, almost gaily, that he must look upon the voyage with de light as a stage toward his coming fame. And when he replied that fame without love was no attraction In his eyes, ahe treated him as a child whose sorrows wre only short-lived. "How can you spesk bo lightly of haps we shall never see each other again! I may die during that expedi tion." "Or I," she said simply. She no longer smiled or jested. She seemed to be thinking of some new thing that had entered her mind for the first time. Her eyes wefe all aglow with It. "What are you thinking of, Chris tine?" "I am thinking that we shall not see each other again ..." "And . does that make you so radi ant?" i "And that, in a month, we shall have to say good-by for ever!" "Unless, Christine, we pledge our faith and wait for each other for ever." . She put her hand on his moutb. "Hush, Raoul! . . . You know 1 there is no question of that ... And we shall never be married ; that la understood!" j She seemed suddenly almost unable to contain an overpowering gaiety. She clapped her hands with childish glee. Raoul stared at her ln amaze-'' ment. "But . . - but," she continued, ! flnlrilncr nnt hap twn hnnilu to kfiinnl I !, , .in, I h,l, h a.iHrtonlv BIH In make him a present of them, "but it we cannot be married, we can . . . -we can be engaged Nobody will know but ourselves, Raoul. There have been plenty of secret marrlagea; why not a secret engagement . . . We are engaged, dear, for a month! In a month, you will go away, and I can be happy at the thought of that month all my life long!" She was enchanted with her In spiration. Then she became serious "lb.'.?," she said, "la a happiness that will harm no one." Raoul Jumped at the Idea Ho bowed to Christina and said: "Mademoiselle. I have tho honor to ask for your band," "Why, you have both of thrm al ready, my dear betrothed' . . . Oh, Raoul. how happy ' PhriH he! . . . Wo must ploy at be.ti en gaged all day long." It was tho prettied gnmo In Dip world and they enjoyod It like Hio IverytMnft .That la Undtr0raun6 ta. , , lenna U Mlm. . r . eaOdraV thaC tsar Vara. Oh, las wonderful scbaa they toads to sack Oior sod the aUraat tows U st fthaagait They played l kearU as othsr chUdars miehi play at salt; only, ss It was really Dblr two scans that tn.y funff to and fro, tfc.y ksd to be vry, very aanSy to ealrS thtsj. eci ttrna, withost surtlns: 4hm, Oos day, about a ftf the ftm. bo sua, ttAonl's bort was bad if hurt snt ha Stopped pLylng at wV Urt4 th wild wordtt - ' 1 tUnt go to ih Norlfc rtdal Christina, to, th nor, inflows i, h4 sot 4am4 el iu'S p"d It, aix!4oiy Sltrr4 the ee(r cf 16 a rwa an4 rprrrl4 rif llllerlf. ih d)4 ar S Wnr4 In r;i'f t H.oiils rern.fk an 4 wt tr.VT.t bi. ' Tl ' t.r; '4 !a tha f'rrtiw, lit t' n t'.'-cn'm jlr-i'f tftnrt, her. p 't i' 1 ft i " tf t- i-'k ! ' ?, n !-.:' 1 a. I ', i ' i ; ; I - 1 1 t 1 I ' : i . . - i who told him that Christina had gone away for two days. She had left at five o'clock the day before. Raoul was distracted. He hated Mamma Valerius for giving him Sucb news as that with such stupefying calmness. He tried to sound her, but the old lady obviously knew nothing. Christine returned on the following day. She returned In triumph. Bne renewed her extraordinary success of the gala performance. Since the ad venture of the "toad," Carlotta had not been able to appear on the stage. The terror of a fresh "co-ack" tilled her heart and deprived her of all her power of singing; and the theater that had witnessed her Incomprehen sible disgrace had become odious to her. She contrived to cancel her con tract. Daae was offered the- .vacant Place f.or tbf tlme; reeetradfhaa- ders of applause ln the Julye The viscount, who, of course, was present, was the only one to Buffer on hearing the thousand echoes of this fresh triumph; for Christine still wore her plain gold ring. A distant voice whispered ln the young man'a I "ear: I "She is wearing the ring again to ( night; and you did not give It to her. She' gave her soul again tonight and did not give it to you. . . . If she will not tell you what she has been doing the past two days . . . you must go and ask Erik!" He ran behind the scenes and placed himself ln her way. She 8aw him for her eyes were looking for him. She said: "Quick! Quick! . . . Cornel" And she dragged him to her dress-iDg-room. Raoul at once threw himself on his knees before her. He swore to her that he would go and he entreated her never again to withhold a single hour of the ideal happiness which she had promised him. She let her tears flow. They kissed like a despairing brother and sister who have been "mitten with a common loss and who mBet t0 m0U B dliad Pent. , I uie youug mini s sou ana uraia em i brace, seemed to listen to something, j and, With a quick gesture, pointed to the door. When he was on the i threshold, she said, ln so low a voice I that the viscount guessed rather than j heard her words: I "Tomorrow, my dear betrothed! And be happy, Raoul; I sang for you tonight!" 1 He returned the next day. But i thoBe two days of absence had broken I the charm of their delightful make 1 believe. They looked at each other. I In the dressing room, with their sad i eyes, without exchanging a word. FU....' had to restrain himself not to cry out: "I am Jealous! I am Jealous! I am Jealous!" Rut she beard blm ail the same. Then uoe said: "Come for a walk, dear. The air will do you good." Raoul thought that .be would pro pose a stroll ln the country, far from that building which be detested aa a prison whose Jailer he 'could feel walking within the walls . . . the Jailer Krlk. . . . nut .ha took him ' to the rttage and made blm lit oa the : wooden curb of a well, in the doubt ' till pence and coolne.. of a first aoene I set for the evening's performance. On anotbea day, sha wandere4 with i him, band In hand, along tha daeerv ; ed paths of a garden wboee creeper ; had been cut out by a decorator's , skillful hands. It was as tbougl its ! rot! sky, Us real flovare, US rati j earth ware forbidden bar lor alt UflSe and tba condemned to braatka so ! other air ttaa that of Iks tkaatsr. An occasional fireman peaked, watch ing ovar their melancholy IdyU (rota afar. And sks would drag aba) ' Ms j above the clouds, la tba kwfnigeeiH disorder of tks grid, where sks loved 'to make htm (I44y by ruBaing-ta front of ktaa a long tha frmfl krtdg, among tha tkoaaa4s ot yep fteV ena4 to the pulleys, tks wiaduaaea, tks rollars, ta Us midst of a regular forest of yards and maata. M'h ktut4, ska said, witk aa aOorabta potit of kaf tfps: , i. . ,"To, a sailor I ' . ' : - nd tks thay rat ore 4 to'Urra trma, that Is ts say, ( toma paaaaga that )-4 Uata to Ua Utile girls' Sana tngachoo), vhera krals katwaaa all ssd tas wars pfacUctbg Utr alaps. la tba fcopa ef baoomtnt graat 4ticr Wis Say, "cover witk Olawwmita." kfaahwhllat' CkrUrUha gav tb.ta Swts lU4 ' ftfce took. h Ira to tHa wwdroba and property rooms, took klm all vt hr nipira, wblck ss artindal, km i rt eov.rtng sMifa "rt.-. frmn tha grrninil tint a tb t& and lanot.iua, ty aa sry ef T jris ': troH amoti ihm l! a v ; " ;'r qorfl, MKmntlm tha th.lr al'ttrt dow 1 h wnrtthoji. Jtlfing arntd. t Hrr n th. lo ihm r1' '" th.t ar. 1 1 f! 'I. tir.r'.. Trier. f lrh' !;.'. id U( r'ir.ff ho ie"! ry 't ! f '' -'K t: r c-. r ., A'-l t 1 l's:'i io n I - T i -.!-. r r ' ' ' 'Mi t f DfflBOB FOR IT '-Yc AreShow's The Way Out . There can be no j ot reason why ar y reader of ihk.arUl. eot.tu.ua lo suffer tba torture of an aching back, tho ao aoyase of urinary disorder , t he dan gars ei aariooa kidaey ills wbn rel et is so sear at band and the moat posit ive proof given that th... ill. can be curd. ! The following is convincing proof : an. Jl. Cameron, uton, in. ij , stjs: "The great benefit I obuitet f om Doao's Kidney Pill, ju t fie. me in r, c omending them. A dull, nagging back ache, accompanied by sharp twinges through my loits toibered me for a considerable length of lime. I could hardly stoop or lift and was unsble to obtan my pioper rest. I had no ener gy or ambition and was caused aridi l icnal annoyance by the kidmy secre lions. Having D ian'e Kidney Pilla re commended to me, I piocureii a I ox, and after taking the conienls the pain in my bark ceastd br.d the dffi.-uliy wi h the kidn y secretions were r m iv ed. Doan's Kidney Pills are certainly K T a relinble kidney remedy." For aala or ail 4aj.. Prlo i janta Foatr- Mllburn Co., Hh(Ir. law York, sole scants tor th. Halts. taua. Remember th. ium-Dui'i i k no oth.r A IcuHVille (Ky )ir.an told th. P dire that his son hal been Un -hed. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tha Signature Sate of Land For Taxes. Saturday, June 1st 1912, I will ofTer for s .e a' the pist office, in Bridgetun, the following town lots to satisfy the amount of taxes due on tl.em to the town of B'idpeton 3 W Brook i2J acre il HI ' 2 31 T. W. MOORK, 1 fcX Colleetnr. FLAGGED TRAIN WITH SHIRT. Tearing Iih Hbiit from bin back an Ohio man flaugiria train and taveil ii fn m a wreck, but II. T. Alston, Ral eigh, N. once prevented a wrerk with Electiic Bitter. " 1 was in a ter rible pi g it. hn 1 tiean lo UHe I hem, " he wreg, "my toina h, hend, baek nnii id'ieyg were nil hud y ulTerle I and n y liver was in l)Hd condition, but four hoi ties of Electric Bitter-, made me feel like a tie man." A trial willconvuue you of th ir maU hie s m rit fo- any nt rnsch, liver or k dney trouble. I'm e 50 reDts at all el i u n i .-1 1 . Deti ctives were tn(jnK''d f' r t In- I 'n ted Brethren annual c nfer. nce at York, Pa. John R S'ati n, Jnjc ', Ky., hiet an . exrept onnlly seveie HitHck of hoi p ; ng couth He have; "if it hid not nit I een for F. !' Hotev and 'I ar j. Compound 1 would hnv.- I een con p lied to qui' Work. lame. id, I r.ever i. i s d t day, and Fo'ey'H Honey ami Tar rn I pound gave me instant re ief tuiil i ihe only cuueh merli'ine we evt-r ned ", Contains no opiates For sale le all dealers. The Serial rijectel the ("tiinniirei , mbtiiute for the HuUie Detnoeratic iron qJ steel tar.ff bill. i feiEY Kidney Piu,ak MartHtOMATlOU KIONCY8ANO SLAOUIN i TfM Anie kaN lime it Forei n Mn .1 n B,rd was e'raradof the charge i f ritravaanre by ta Northern Bxp'irit convention at rjet Moines, Ioaa. ONLY A PIKE HERO. hut Ike crowd eh-erd, ., wi h horn A hi"d. Ym bld up s utiall r.-und b , ' Ftllow.1" hesheoled, "this Rurklcn s Arnica Snl I boll, hx every th n bent fo- burn.." RUhi ! .Irto for tM.ilM. ulrirr, -rr.. iilmuU.. ersema. cut. raum, . , . - . I I ..... I. A OMiiM.. r ari'Hi iiirui.. n puimh-p Inflamm.tion. kill, p.m Only '.finn'r. at all diuxveiti. CapC Roatron, af the .termer t'r- D.lhla. was voted a mel.l by th S-n (le for bis part lo r.MuIng thf Tilimr Mrvivur.. Tor a bajrn ar acaM spp'y Ch.mUi law's Salve. It will ali.y the pon l nriat laatsatly and qu'c.lr heal n In Jured partai For til by all M aloi .. iMn 0. RV.fHrtilf1d In N. w f dik lit ik kawiag ol th ch.r.f "f ikt Pa f actios of tba Wat ar 'l re ()U CoatpM f, la whlth k I. aUegt t b .1 tka nil king toagkt riU u stsiml lata' tka aeanpsay, QUICK BElitr f OR rorfa.W. Kaenai Uwtoft, Mlek., HjfH "01 DtTdtoKs BkUkr.ros BHrtmaTtSsl ta alvaM. wlf Won der fl baaafit for rbaoeMtUm. 8ka muVl rt lift hand or foot, kd to be bfM for rwa otoatha.; She bf aa tka a ft Oi fifdy sod lmproT4 rapidly. Oa Kmvdaf sba coaJd aot move ana) ee ft'lHada sha get sp. 4rA krU .rl -: eg I fuf break fast," Sold by Bra lham Dntg Ca. "'',x Il tp.i4 tfcal. If Getal (MWSwoaid rvrcenrsa tba W.irc.ft fcrigrrM I'rM afad.rs wco'd ti. KOBFQLK SOUTHERN FJULEOAD Educational Touts to Washington, D. C., June lU'.h to 15th, via Norfolk Houtlitru lUilroad. Very 'ht-aji Fari1 Includ ing all ll pptisee. Th' Norfo k-S-.uthfin Hsilroad will 7""te a ,e H""J"' ""JuctfO lour from "t ,t on3 ln N 'rtl' Carolina to i'. i , via .oriin ana n. it'th. 'l our is ' Educa- Thf puru'ist- uf th- ion ." and ; pr n:::ier,t i-.luea'or from I tne n i-ip .1 pm t-o i its lines will as ! eiel 'he Norfolk "'ou'litTn Railroad and j will be m personal i -haiye throughout : the t ip. Rates from p iin ip:il points. Raleig i f 24 (10 N Wil u!i 2:1 40 I) F..1 )n Hie id:! -M I) Creel'.v.l,,. x 411 D Wnshi k'on ', :t :i"i D Co dshoro hj N Ki-.sto i Z H5 N New I'.ein 24 ;f) D s B an furt 't' ,r,5 D Crie t.il 2; 9ri I) Fay tii- il'e 27 "(1 N I.illinninii XI N No e '-N" I j, K, is o ii lor "Night KxpreV trail,., ..,s ." !''.. .lunelOlh. No'e "!" 'i i, l.i '; soi.i for ilay ira ns June Mill. Kates in same mj n -1 ii n from inter media e stations. 'i he all eia j- elu s Kailro d and St. aiiiei- fi re, all i. eah. ho el acc-om-midatiepis, i nie tnjs to Virginia Beach, Navy aid at Noiioll.. Ml Veimmand Ar'ing on in V;i Innc.io;', si;ht seeing t i) in Wai-liiiii'ion ami s'nteroom and stateronm berth luiueeii Norfolk and Wushii i;t". lor illustrate i l.i ii'lot and complete informal ion app'.v to Mr. II. 1!. Craven, New Bern, N. C ..Miss Nina Basniht, New Bern, N ('.. or any lieket a(r,t Norf Ik Southern Uailmad or Raleigh, ('harlot e it Son hern Uy. w. vv. cki'X ion, ;. r. a. iflFCLI mm RAILROAD ROUTe: oi.' tiik "Nunir txrRKss" Schedule ffer;!ivo fV"; ' r.li. 3. 1912 'I'lll- follow ! linhed a.i into not guarant-.-: : In lie Lauren pllb MM.Y mid are '1 RAINS i i :a !. r N( '!( I II AND !. I!:;ill a m. r,t.: KVV HKKN r iiHijNi) I I press I'ull !..i Norfolk. ; 'oik, ronnecH :h and West, oel ween Wah- :. in, h.elv for all pi i; I urlor ear . itiL ton a 'III a 1 1 ilk '.,-ept p in, I l.oly e VVasliiiiL ( a. la V ilaon ..ii'! li; 1 1 1 1 l ; i y for , ( Ii een ille I'lnlor ear h.l lial.'iuh. ! reH for Let v. i W ; 1 in a in, ILiil -.l.ol'e Uai! II. Ill i-:.: Cel. H:l(l a in, l in, I, ol 1 1,. I i: 'I a in, iLoo, i . i irt. o, I ''in. lay for i't I .1 ' - ei . Mien apply of I I . il I 1 1 1 li liri'SUN. ..ve.'l -'opt c Diiiiiicn in.1! & Water i- . jLrtkc Ditiiuiiiond 1 1 ansporlalion Co. Lakt Drtinimoiid l owing Co. Dismal Swamp Canal An Inland Kent.-, I'lelei ted from Storm. Nine Foot of Veili'i M ii iinn.ii Hepth Alw i. . (Julck Tranhi! for I r.i'li . Prompt Toin and Fr ipht Movi'ment. For tollf", towing and freight rate, apply nt u'lliee in .' i r.tMiard Hank Build itig mid at le -p ( Viek l.-k, Va M. K. King, Pre. J. A. Mitten, Sey J. H Caxler, Supt. J I. Vrluleliursl, Itaffic MnnSQSf. Norfolk Ollire lu l I'hona 62'.. feaJtaSsBisanaMa4 ' -ax mmmmrn IxnilTKaOATAND IUKG TROUtJUS CUABAKTCeO SATSFACTOftr Of? money BertNorn. ' .vl'afOVt SS VIA 1 pmM , t - iS Tit.trt M.naj - 'OiH'' ' CowviwawveAe.- (MWM M'k Mf rl-t tH fbnf M'.i- f LUmf , f ' 1 i i L v f'r th o, K"'r f lls ofl (vfl fnuntr, nl j"t ff tir In ht Jintr'-rrsM- t rii! a-jr l'i t hvl rn J,' if r M"t a fk lak (Mart 1 H, I . . J k . 1 t . ti :!!lt'1

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