1' V Children Cry fcr Hotelier's if The Kind Yoa Have Always Booaht, and which hu bees ' ' . - ' xt.a haa been made under hi per tO 8onol supervision since its infancy.- - VtUSyZV-CUcU'U Allow no one to deceive you In this. An Counterfeits, Imitations and "JuBtas-ffooa " are nut Experiments that trifle with ana enannger me peaitn ox Infants and Children Experience against Experiment, What is CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless snbstitnte for Castor OH, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, MorpMne nor other If arcotio substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it has been f 1 constant mo for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind' Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach ard Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of of; tho Opera y3 The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years TNI CENTAUR noNPnNV. TT MUBBOV STBCCT. NEW TOBK CITT. sieians Advise Bm use of ft f.KxHaxative, ti l;rcp the bowels open and prevent the poisons of undlgestx food from fe. tintinti youl sy.,tn.i. Tfie latest priKtct a : C11.,C is VULVO Laxative Liver Syrup, purely vecetable, genu reliable aiU t.i a '.; m-i.iratic taste. Velvo acts on the liver, as well as on tN storaacii anJ towel.., al,d j-;u u,e greatest posril.le e'flifvv in constipation, Indigestion. Kuousnsss, siik lu-r.-i cliu, tovorisliness. cobc.flatuler.ee. e . Trv VF I m nn SOOMBHMUIW DIRECT LINK TO A I.I. POINTS NORTH. S3IIIJU?a WEST. Very Low Kounil Trip l!atcs to nil Principal Resorts Through I'tillmnn to Atlanta, leaves Raleili 4:ii."ip m, arrives Atlanta b:S5 p m, making close connection f ir and arriving Montgomery lOllnwini; day af ter U'aviiitf Raleigh 1 1 :0i a in, Mobile 4:12 p in, New Orleans HMO p m, Birm ingham 12:1") noon, Men, phis H:(5 p m, K&nnas City 11:21) u m, n'dmil rlay anil connecting for all oilier points. This car also mikev, rl.ise icnnc i lion atSr lis bnry for SL I.oue. anil other Wetern poinU. Through Pullman to Wuhinpfton lea ei Ralaigh t):.r() p m, ai rives Wiuilung on 8:63 arn, Ballirniive !" "H a m, Phila delphia 12-2:1 no.in. New Y ir 2.:il run. Thli car makes clone com;e linn .it Waah- j ington for PittHburf, t he iio :nnl all ; points North end Went ami ut (Ireens-j boro for Throngh 'lmnist Sii'"per fori California, xiii Is and f.,r n II 1'lornla oointa. Through P.rlor Cir "for Aihevdlp leavea Golit-.linru at 0 l.'i a m. Kaeij;h $J2b m, nrnves Wn-v .ile 7.t'l p m, making clo) connerti,,, i w.Ui Ihe Laro U4rlal and arriving ('innnnuli 10 m, folfting day after leaving Ual igh, with cl connection for all point Nortli and Noith Wet Pullman for Winntnn Saloin loavrt Raleigh 2uV) a n!. inn-i irernnlHro 630 a m, making rlo:.e rnnnrction at jmtnbhorn for ul! pun'' VirWi, South, Bant and Went. r.ir in liandlerl on train No 111 )nvinj: (iul li.Uiro at 1045 p m.; If ycrtJ delri- any infummtinn, jileniM call. We ar here in fnnmh informa tion M well to ti" ki. H. V. CARY, i. O. JON KM. o. r. a. t. r. a. Wahington, I. (',. R neijrh, N C LAXATIVE LIVER SYRUP SOUTHERN RAILWAY BOlTnBRS RAXWil ICIXDULXi N. B. Tboaa Bguraa ara publlih "j Information ao im uot (uam 'O II Leave Ooldiboro. H. C, t. a. to., througb trail, wllb cba car to Aibevilla, conuoctlug . Kaai Durhun. tor Oaford, Hai Icraoa. Keytvllla and RJcaoio. - at Dalveralty for Chapel Hlli at (ireonaboro for Charlotte an ail puiau 1011111, alio for D villa, Lynohbarg, Cbarlottorll) WaaUnctoa, aa at) a!ai NO US LtTt Uoldabaro, LM ft tor Oraeniiboro, handlaa Uiroug Pullman Raleigh, to Atlanta, co mttU at Qreaniboro tor a valuta or'.b. aontk aad wart 111 Leavea Uoldaboro 10.46 p l (or Qraeaaboro, baodlaa pulbui Halelch , to Qraenabore, am aacts at Qreanaboro lor Ckaj letu, AUanu , New Orleaik Aibevllle, KnoTTlUe, alao ts Oanvllla, Ljrnchbata. Okarta t iville, Waaalagtom, x4 a volnta Bisrtta, ter fartaer intonsatUk aa am vmtbera ticket agaat r aaMreaa tt nearatgCtH, H. V. CART, eeaarmi Paaa eager Aemi WaaUsgta. a f W. H. P ARN ELL, rravallnj fssaesgef Ageat aUlelgk. N. 0 6ASTC1USC3X Mvatcrr- W tha TLLOBTRAtlOHaBT M. Q. KETTNCR (Coprriiht. Ml, br Vm llnhavi MmtU UkJ (Contluued from Pace Two) For Women Who Care Of coiimn you i.anan n iw-pUo to ytyai family and In the enro of your nva per n, an-j you vrani inn rn M. Th girl wbo lkka ah la la tor my t Utter off than one whole affile ted with ihe real thing. Now U the Um to get rid of voir raama'lrB Yoa ran do It by apply ln ( baml'rrlain'i Dalit ft end nin I f . . i . . . . I . ! . i . . . . . . . . i jbrkiui m nun yon nave prfn nmng eeing in- pirn ireif ml caeT aIKa ai'.-h an llnnwl ,r uhli-t allioptir or ,too.-For aali by all oVa'rra. ', .' rxroxt U, wnti'l ynii pUww try Pantlna, . n ..... , a mxatrUd an'lrpti porrder to bei .,, . ,, ., dlWod In wain, aa ofcA The Slalfl Owparlmmfi ftctlon Iltlf Paxtino la awtre anunnmlmL taor rr- utkir dnnrM Wi Cuh tWein, nvir wrmUiVUl a4 Mre wa MiwM wke tho ldn ( the Wailnff lima aujUiiaf jro ever wetd, lyrMfl 1.7: 1 rrbele hrraten d ealold 6Vtnrn 8 i propfftf wnlMthf eygiMWr kOow d toerfM'to i Birt. " , ANTlSEmc Very, Serious, be ft afid leptlhi gmutoe li (h (nrt-irclMne aad klue 6j. ' J-rtdWsfprt the iaoUth.d.tr,-f i J W , dlerae grm On4 fnrttf tbr bwtn. TI kx mm medkl end be n TorTrtlCrlal tHar4bH.l?rwmlt l wrorg tm flw yw. F"r Ikla eit4 7" U Ll Jli ". . I... I line; odora ry irrvwfW WMiilwtr, , ' A tnvtlHnJ mit tnr Wt WatiTwrnt of feminine Ilia mXwrr pcri) trTB lnfUmmtl"a e4 nlirathi l. noU.Inf etjuala hot drnxii of I i.r. ,,r the IAla K. I ' vi.m Mt .. hn rDj ! it inK t'' r jvrnlaUM It l-'e .f 1 1 e r ae.f,B tt ! nt fig. fcee':n ... I '' ' '"I r-r. I "t f - , ,. '-I . ' .! Uldt'it'll'l"! . 1 THcrrcntra' ' Wat . . 1 1 1 ' The ' "'!' ef th! tJl, rifle- P r, t ml 'a ion, rrv. ' 1 ttrti! l, ka Pftiw ll f. r Hni !l III 'ft I -i couples. She knocked aTtheiF doof and introduced Raoul to them as a Prince Charming who had asked tor: hov , .1 ti a n ,i rha nt than alt-' ting on some worm-eaten "proporty," would listen to the legends of thef opera, even as, in their childhood, they had listened, to the Old .Breton tales. Those old people remembered nothing outside the opera. They bad lived there for years without number. Past managements had forgotten ttiem; palace revolutions bad taken no notice of them; the history of France had run Its course unknown to them; and nobody recollected their existence. The precious days sped In this way; and Raoul and Christine, by af fecting excessive interest in. outside matters, strove awkwardly to bide from each other the one thought of their hearts. One fact was certain, that Christine, who Mintll then had shown herself the stronger of the two, became suddenly Inexpressibly nervous. When on their expeditions, she would start running without rea son or else suddenly stop; and her hand, turning Fco-celd In a moment, would hold te young man back. Sometimes her eyes seemed to pur sue Imaginary shadows. She cried, "This way," and 'This way," and "This way," laughing a breathless laugh that often ended In tears. Then Raoul tried to speak, to question her, in spite of his promises. But, even before he had worded his question. she answered feverishly: "Nothing ... I swear It Is nothing." Once, when they were passing be fore an open trapdoor on the stage, Raoul stopped over the dark cavity. You have shown me over the up per part of your empire, Christine, but there are strange stories told of the lower part. Shall we go downT" She caught him in her arms, as though she feared to see him disap pear down the black hole, and, in a trembling voice, whispered: Never! ... I will not have you go there! . . . Besides, its not mine . . . everything that is underground belongs to him!" Raoul looked her In the eyes and said roughly: 'So he lives down there, does hef 'I never said so. . . . Who told you a thing like thatT Come awayl I sometimes wonder If you are qulto sane, Raoul. . . . You always take things In such an Impossible way. . . . Come along! Come!" And sho literally dragged him away, for he was obstinate and want ed to remain by the trap-door; that bole attracted him. Suddenly, the trap-door waa closed and so quickly that they did not even see the hand that worked it; and they romalned qulto dazed. "Perhaps he waa there," Raoul said. at last. the shrugged hor shoulders, but did not seem easy. "No, no, It was the trap-door-ehut' tors.' They must do something, you know. . . . They open and shut the trap-doors without any particular reason, . . . It's like the 'door- shutters': they must spend ttfllr Urn somehow." "Bat suppose It were he, ChrtitlneT" "No, no! He has ahut himself op, he Is working." "Oh, really! He's working. Is bar "Yea, be can't open and shut tho trnp-doors and work at the aame time." Bho shivered. "What Is he working etr "Oh, something terrible! . . But It's aU the better for us. , . When he's working at that, be sees nothing; be does not oat, drink, or breath for days aad Bights at a time ... be becomes .a Bring dead man and baa no time to amuse himself with the trap-doors," She shivered again. Bho was still holding huu In ber arms. Thau she sighed and tald.-ta bar tuns "Suppose It were half.. "Are you afraid of blmT "No, no, of oourao not," she said. For all that, on tho Bait day and the, following days,, Christine waa oareful to avoid the trap-doors. Mar agHstioa only Increased as tha bours passed. . At last, one afteroooa. ah arrived very late, with . her fac to desperately pal and bar eyee eo da peratM red, that Baoul resolved to go to ell lengths, Including that walcb be foreshadowed waen b blurted oat that be -would not go oe. U NorU role MpedlUoa unless lb tnl told blm th iMrt of the, ma's voice. . "lfufthl Huftl, in heaven's namal Buppoa b beard yon,, yon taforto nat IUmhiII"' -V ' - And Christine's eye etered wildly ai veryihJQg Iron ad ber. -s .- . , - "I will remove yen from bis power, Christine, 1 swear It And yon ball oot think of blm no nor." , . -In It pOeslWer. . Vy 6b allowed -herself .this donht, whih was an fxytirarmtit, while dressing the young man up to lb topmott floor ef the lbter, far, Very far Trtim the inclors. "I ehall hii!e yon la eom unknown romer til the world, where be ratv not t'tn t) 1' ' V fur yrm. Y"i will be safe: and tlx-n I '-' ri sway , , , S r'H lnvo c 'l lieirr i i r f 1 I 1 . And ah Irtmd h!A tfl tovu j it' mimic it. ' -' - lr J ' Ha hait a diflaaltv la fallowing bar. V Thar warn noon, nnder tb very root, ) in the Baue of Umbor-wortu They nllpped throngh Ua buttresses, th rafters, the Joists; tkey ran from beasa to beam as they mlgat havs run, trom.tr to- tree In n forest. . v- And, despit U ear Which ahs took to look behind ber at every mo ment, ah tailed , to se a shadow which followed her like r her own shadow, which stopped when shs stopped. Which suited again when ahe did and which Bad no mors noise than a well-eondBcted shadow should. As for Raoul,' be saw nothing- either; lor, when h had Chris tin la front of him, nothing Interest ed him that happened behind. CHAPTER XII. . Apollo' Lyra. In this way, they reached the roof. Christine tripped over it as Hghtly as a swallow. Their eyes swept th empty space between the three domes and th triangular pediment She breathed freely over Paris, the whole valley of which was seen at work be low. She called Raoul to come quit? close to her and they walked side by side along the zinc streets, in the leaden avenaes; they looked at theli twin shapes In the huge tanks, full of stagnant water, where, in the hot weather, the little boys of the ballet, a score or so, learn to swim and dive. The shadow had followed behind them, clinging to their steps; and the two children little suspected its pres. ence when they at last sat down, trustingly, under the mighty protec tion of Apollo, who, with a great bronze gesture, lifted his huge lyre to the heart of a crimson sky. It was a gorgeous spring-evening. Clouds, which had Just received their gossamer robe of gold andxrarple from the setting sun, datfted Blowly by; and Christine said to Raoul: "Soon we shall go' farther and fast er than the clouds, to the end of the world, and then you will leave me, Raoul. But, If, when the moment comes for you to take me away, I re fuse to go with you well you must carry me off by force!" "Are you afraid that you will change your mind, Christine?" ' l don't know," she said, shaking her head in an odd fashion. "He is a demon!" And she shivered and nes tled in his arms with a moan. "1 am afraid now of going back to live with him ... in the ground!" What compels you to go back, Christine T" If I do not go back to him, terrible misfortunes may happen! . . . But I can't do it, I can't do It! . . . A BAD LIVER robe'yon of energy, stragtheod -.-.-.! nmhsrioa, , To- rid. -yourself- the horde, tab SIM MONO RED Qis, - . LIVER REGULATOR . - ' , (THE FOWDKB fOUf) - V' It is a fine strengthening medicine for a torpid liver. The weakened . organ responds promptly to its powerful reviving influence. It correct! the stomach and digestion. Parifiea and regulate the bowela. Drives oot that languid- half -sick feeling, makes yon feel bright, vigoroua and cheerful. Try it. J ote my nnm . wioa. lAmmm pomo. et.aa. Art K Ow (mate, wltk Ibi M Z tit, label. II jom iumi (M to MH Mm w Mrf ly mair ottptU. Manna, Lifer Kwolalor I, pM ,1a, to u hn toe tt III wW mlu tk Plica, U Pf fcottla. Lvot In th. Z lalMl. 4. h. ?eilin a CO., mors.. v. loins, mo. beautiful as the voice of an angel. I had never got the Angel of Music whom my poor father had promised to send me as soon as be was dead. I really think that Mamma Valerius was a little bit to blame. 1 told ber about It; and she at onco said, 'It must be the angel; at any rate, you can do no harm by asking him.' I did so; and the man's voice replied that, yea, it was the angel's voice, the voice which I was expecting and which my fattier had promised me. From that time Onward, ine voice ana i became great friends. It asked leave to give me lessons every day. I agreed and never failed to keep the appointment which It gave me in my dressing room. Tou have no idea, though you have heard the voice, of what those lessons were like." "No, I have no idea," Raid Raoul. "What was your accompaniment?" "We'were accompanied hy a muulc which I doiot know; It was behind the wall and wonderfully accurate. The voice seemed to understand mine exactly, to know precisely where my father had left off teaching me. in a (TO BE lONTINUfciD.) FOLEY RIDNEY PILLS Fob Baokac: j Kidneys ako Bladimtk SUMMER EXCURSION FARES Sow in Effect to Beaufort and Morehead City. The seashore season is now open ano Summer Excursion tickets are on sale at all stations to Morehead Ci'y, N. C, and Beaufort. N. C. good to return until October 31s. Get complete information from any ticket agent. W. W. CROXTON. G. A. Norfolk, Vs. Courts were criticised by the United Presbyterian assembly at Seattle, Was) , Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Love recognizes the frigid mitt when it ge s the shake. Just aa sure aa a pirl inhcritn a money she grows mighty pretty. ittle J. W. Jordan, well known d-ntVi of Hopkinsville, Ky , recently had an operation for h b kidney ttmiblt'. but he Bays; "The first real relu-f 1 yot was after taking Foley Kidney I'illa. Thi y c-aaed the terrible pair, in my hnrk un.t accomplished more good than ntbinir I had Tied I glad'y reccominend them. " Sold by all Dealers. H A Wap goner, Alvon, W. Vs., says tnat rotey Money and Tar Compound is the bc&t medicine for coughs and colds he has ever knoen. He says: "h)very man and woman tells me it is tho best they have ever used, and who evor has uied it once alwaya cimes iiack for it arain." There are no opi a i in Foley's Honey and Tar Com o und and it is aafest for children. K.,r Hjle by all Dealers. WEEK END AND SUNDAY know one ought to be sorry for peo- Bates to Morehead City atid Beau pie wno live underground. . . But he Is too horrible! And yet the time Is at hand; I have only a day left; and. If I do not go, he will come and fetch me with his voice. And he will drag me with him, underground. and go. on his knees before me, with his death's head. And be will tell me hat he loves me! And he will ctyl Oh, those tears, Raoul, those tears in the. two black eye-sockets of tho death's head! I cannot see those tears flow again!" She wrung her hands in anguish. while Raoul pressed her to his heart. "No, no, you shall never again .hear him tell you that he loves you! You shall not see his tears! Let us fly, Christine, let us fly at once!" And he tried to drag ber away. then and there. But ahe stopped Mm. "No, no," she said, shaking ber head sadly. "Not now! ... It Would be too cruet ... let him hear me sing tomorrow evening , . and then he will go away. You must come snd fetch me In my dressing room at midnight exactly. He will then be waiting tor me in the dining room by the lake ... we shall be free and yon shall take ma away. . . . You must promise m that, Raoul. even if I refuse; for I feel that, if t go back this time, I shall perhaps never return." - And ah gav n sigh to which It seemed toller that another sigh, be hind bar, replied. "Didn't yon arr Her teeth chattered. "No." said Raoul, 1 heard noth ing." "It 1 too tsnibl," sb confessed, "to be always trembling Uk this! . . , Andryet w. ran no danger her; w are at borne, la th sky, in th open air, in th light ' Th sun Is flaming; and nlght-btrda cannot bear to look at lbs sun. fort, N. C. Sunday Excursion Tickets now on sale, and We-k End Fare's will become eff- cttve Saturday, June int. For specific rates ami complete infor rna ion apply to any Agent of the Nor folk Southern Hy. Mrs. Rose A. Frren an, Clifford, Va says they have long u-t J r ol-y ReratditB anrl want o say good word for them. She wnte: "F.'lev Kidney Pills cured my rmbund cf a li.n utand i e kidney (rouble, after lit- had tuk-n other medicines will out relief. We would not be i'h"Ut Fol-y & Co's medicines in our house for many tunes their cost." Figuratively Speaking, "And what Is th diplomatic corps T "The diplomatic cor," replied th man wbo takes a pun seriously, "la what the Weaker nation Is permitted to receive after th stronger en get through eaUnc th apnl." Legal Notices NOTICE OP SAIJ3. Br rirta, rf the authority andaniinwd bj a certain cnt-.-t . iiL rwJ batwaes J I llahn and Jual.ua W. Km. in f. tl porch, of a lot at land herttmaf Wr -liwibui in Which Mid contract the till u the e-H Ui d wum NUinwl br UiaaajdJ. U llahD. ui.t.l ti,.- i.ur- ehaM money therefor? wap r.aid in f i.u. an ) d.-- faolt havrn been mad, ia (Lc'rasm-ni of said pure ha a, money at the tfine m- c.ti.-. for itn p,y ment. and the aaid J-U Hhn w in I u'.ly rm POWered to take poaser.t.m of .Hid upon och default and to sell the ur.i- at luijiie or privau'anle. Now-therefor, in compliancy and stipulation, of said contra the und rsife-ned will expose to caah at public vendue to th.- I, the court hnue door in th.- rit v County of Craven, North ( ar tt.. on Saturday the 1st da, . f following described r.-al i-lal situate in the city of New H.-ro. crlbed aa followR. to wit; Thenorthern fialf of l.,i N j, accjrdina to the plan of "K plotted and ri-corde ! in tlo- i : lice of l.-Kitit.T ol lie.- is f.,r t in Hook No. Kir. -Kobe m; a T 1st dayof May 191J . r with tlto term, c as aruicaid. .-in.l -ell for l-.-l l.,.ioer at li.-rn .lock . the h-mil -I lit s- of nly .). I.. II. I: MOKTGACK S1.K Pursuant to tho pnw. r of t;;i. r certain chattel mortn,r x..-iii.' Spencer and Hannnh Sj rM -i . In L, Hahn, hearinf? dntc of ShI"h and recorded in the piitdic ( Register of IrpetU for Crnvm Carolina, in Uouk No. i7 - Ki!i Vi The underHiirnol will (!ivr fur the highest bitltlcr. for cash. t door in Raid Craven county, mi S dayof June. i;l2,iit the hour all the following descrihed ei ;.n wit; One frame one-ptory dwelling I the land of J. L. Halm on li N., wide of Rroad Htieet in tho elan ville. formerly occupied hv Spencer and wife, awl In nrin- Also one frame building ;itl:i , and known as the kill hill ,' - li aaid Spencer ami wife. This 1st day of May 1:112. 1 in I1- m-n J. ,l.,f.-,h . ill III. Ili.-e of North :iti i xll to 'lit In UMO I he 1st . - 1 . 1 M.. i. i-i-i ly. to fipl.'il:-i-.i'i J. :'ut. .il.. V.-. li intr to .. 1I.M1N. Mi, i li.aue NOl'ICE OK SAI.K Bv virtue of Hi underniKiiid by a between purchnxe JL L. llahn ami ! i-f a lul of lan aiillinrit v i o rtam cool 1 -l . i I I W1LLIAM8' KIDNEY PILLS ilavs you negleeted your Kidneys! Have yoa overworked your nervous sys tern and caused trouble with your kid ney and bkdderT Hsv you pains in roina, tide, back, groins and bladder? Have yoa a flabby appearance of the face, especially under the eye? Too f re quent a desire to pass urine? If eo, Wil liami' Kidney Pills will cure you-at Druggist. Pries GOe. Williams' M'l'g. Co., Propa., Cleveland, 0. Nothing aurpriies some people more than the antica of an alarm clock. One of Nature' Noblemen. "Money dont aeenr to have spolle Mr. Wlnkerson a bit." 1 know IL He's Just the same ss ever. Last nlgbt blm and hli wife come over to play bridge wlrii my hus band and I, and he rn-ycr donn a thing to show that be didn't think folks that hadnt money waa Just as i.noil any body, aa long as Uiey wan keOned." iuig. It would surprise yi'U In know i.f tin grett good that ia beiliu lo hy ' him berlan a Tablet a. lanun li.mncy ul Nevheig Junction, N II . untci, "M wife baa been uainir Chnn Ki-rlHin's Tali lta and Und Ihrm very tictu.il and doing her lot i oT good." If y u hove ny trouble mith your at- itik-ii or bow el g va thra a trial. For Kile hy all Dealers, FOIITRIDIPIILS roai SMauaMaTisa womsvs o niAooct A man may essress opinions in hia wife's prt-seore but whu'a the use? There rever waa a time when pe-j l-aiprt?rit- d Ihe real merit of Cli-mh erlain Cough Rxiwdy more than now. Thi is ihoso by lb Increiue in rhIi and voluntary leitianoniala fiom ivr ton who have been cured by it. II you or your cbi dr.n are trouhled wu. a cotifrh or fold give it a trial and I--c me acquainted with ita good qua ilien, Kor sale by all dealers. oolrio f ; to sal... : l.iul.. i U.y of , ohr -f Ju . I. in in whii h Raid rontract th.- Iill, was retained hy the ini.l .1. I,. purchae-iii(mi-y (tu'refni c w as default having bi-en ina lo ui wiid purchuBc-moncy at ih, tin., payment, and the aaid .! . 1.. 11 empowered to lake .o-.-.. . auch default and to i. -ll ll.,' : , private aale. Now therefore, in i-i,n.,'i, n.- and utipulation.s of naiil underHiitnad will erpojn at public vendue to tin court houte door in tin ty of Craven. N.-rth tl; on Saturday the 1st .1 u inff described real eslal in the cily of New Hen as follo-v to wil; Beginning at the nortlnv.-il No. 110. according to the i!an villu" an iilotted and rei-oiihd i cordB in om,:e of Ki-KiHtei of I van County in Book No. In:, I running wentwanlly alooit tl Keixenatein Alley rVnty-fi,,-aouthwardly parail, 1 with t rn northern line of lot No. 111. alonfr said northern Inn- l.i, lot No. 110; thc-iro norlliwiini; ern line to the point of I , iu. Alley. It b init the nit. i n one hundreij-nini- il'-:i' o; dwelling homo- upon nai.I tier thirty -seven (37 1 a enuineralion .if hniiKen by 1'his li.t day of May 11)1 o Ihe . i into . i tl.e riiied I I .ml i! Ihe :.nd jf - itK illy t om Ihe i s h l In-m-M .. KXt-;t:u roiv it.!' GoodnrfS i gi ne rally too aure about itself to be a safe bet. Scientists say that flies and I'nav nwr .mosquitoes are germ bearera. Mm by daylight . . . It must nnt th. nrrfliilinn . . . On, U first Um ' ' , r . . . i thought tnat h by screening your home " " 'aeainst the pesi? J. S. Bas- T ll I MV4 VwM wmtj iifr . and at lb aspect which this Strang night Hdw. Co. oonlldenc was Using. . " I . . , , . . neoans I saa sn nnni I ak.M L... t. iv.r. u ihr- ar.H if tber be labor that labor it I, !. AotUn. be nwful! I saw blm I was going Advlct U S Friend. The young man was about to h-i married. "Praise your wife's grace and beauty constantly," a4vlaed one friend. "But don't overdo U," counseled as other. "She may conclude that she bas thrown herself away on you, and want In go on tb stags. " Having thiHilay no i I Uate of l'eri-y Co I ljuunty. N. C. tbri i I rljtim i acrBin it tl hlhlt Uieni bi til - On p ty of New ll-rn, N, i dayaf April, ll'l I. or I bur of their r. i -.v.-ri . aaid estate will pl,-a - U th iimlnriitii.-t. 1 , This time, Baoul & ChrtsUn torned roond at Ul ttne4tni Thar is some on in pals," said Raoul, ' 'Par bap son on baa been hurt. Did yon hrr?-, . 1 eabl say," Chrlstla eonfaawed. "Kvan vaefl n u not tnar. mr ars T""r ar rail of bis sigks.. suu; tt yon hrd " -. . Tby stood sni looked around thetn. Tber werw )ult alone) on th lmmnes t4 roofc They nat down again and Raoul said: . Tell n how yon ha him Bret" ' ' 1 bad heard hisa for tbre montbl Without seeing him.. Tfc Brt Um I beard It, I tbmifbt, a roe did, that that adorable vote was singing tn an outer room. 1 vent out asd looked varywbere; but, as yon know, Fsoul, taf dreing room Is vrry mnch by itRolfi snd I could wt tnl Ue voice titide my room, wkres tt went on steadily Inld9. A"4 It not o!y ng. but It spoke to m r4 anwret my Ooentlona, Ilk a rl trin' Votr, Tllh LM d!--.-f.. I" t. v .- ..- Dr. 1. 1. R- Nei, Crop.. Riverrisl Drag Co.. Greenville, a C wrtve tbavebrena ptucilong tihy siclan and tfrusgtst for er 80 yr and bar sold and administered oiaey kidney medicine bat earn , to uoel Foley Kidney Hue. Tbry are eup rio te any 1 vr need and tU the uulrk eet permanent relief," ft sal by a da tern, - ' A weman la willing to Ui $ man bar lb last wort If it eo.net to the fort ef no apology." V; f rTw--v ; Ohlldron Ory ' ' rOR f LETCHER'S : CASTORIA A f r-ft always ha th advanUg of hipg nnthing np-H of b.itn thai he f n't mak f-'f rm. t BILLIOUSNE38 AMD CON 3 H PA T10N. For years I waa troubled with billou nrse aad eonatlption, nhlcn made lite miserable f or ate . My sppetlte failed me. 1 lost any nnal fotee and vitality. Pepela preparations sad eathsrties only mad matter worn, I do not know where I should have been today had I not uied Cbaaobrala'a Stomach and Liver Tablets. Th tablets relieve th lit feha; tone, strengthen the diges tive function, purify th stomach, Uvr and hloed, blpia( Ih yten lo do H erk n tors lly Mas. Boca Potts. Birmingham, Ale. Thee Ubtets ar for sal by l danler. UH1 "What U yon think at this old World, anyway r "I Mat tlo to thinlL Sli chrV Aran, news rent and th grocery falll Uk p afl y spaiw ttaasl" vIUmOs Consatstlon. Mr, R. Brnxt, 11.111 Pde strt.i, Paikti4ff. W. Va., bed aa attack ol legrlppd whh kafl her n bed kidney iroolK and h suffer) tnneh severe Ml a and berks. .Then he heard Ol toby Kidnef Pilt sad aayal ''Aftet Ukina them short tiMth4Mln left any bach and I am seals able t do tn n-HMwark. PeWy Ktdivey Pill blpd rn we4TrttUy.'rr UU hy nil Deal. Uttlng- dWa bnekst tat smpty H. 4 groetng tM With 4rnwlng oth!ng pp. Cowper. .., t.ii.- Ki eeulo ol . Jilll of 1. , i( 111 ..I to ine.it . I'll!. I.. :.ed. ADM I NIS I K A l l i' Nn ; i flavins duly iii!ili.-. n- A - UU of William VS. I',.-, ...I .,,., Crayen County, nil m rr-o.i. lo. n .., aaid eetala ate no: ifl.il l..: ui andraiaried for payment !.,!) H.,i .. N Barn. N. t: . b--l..re th-- .Hi -i:,, ' A. ISIS, or thin notice will lie i.-h I o i tl OTarr. Allwhnare loilel.ti.) i,( t. ,.. t,, rqulrd to make Irr.medmlr jmyn ert t., ,,11-, W. M. I KUt (II 1. AilnnnlHl r,t..r. April Wh. IBI2. Ihe of nr.. t Ihe I in MOKir.ACK l.i: l i ii ...,u , li i a Y. bit. f .lo4a .o piira - .1.1 at M uii J no r II . rn nV in Kin lit h lalmr lot Para lant In Ih" nwer n,' - ,! Mortawe from Rtepile Wl ii. to 1 M. Cannon. renrlo. In th la Craxn Conntr. N. C. In ll--k BX, tM lud IWrrln de-'rll. -I . 111 puUU oalery for ca.h 1 1 - , k ItokUII at Dm Court II ,u ,., N. aartkad a foUoa In Cinn ( :iU.i , township, and m th W. .1 li, Ma. Uteraof. BewlBnlw at a auka. an-1 N 17. I:, tl 1.7 reilaa tn Uat e H nm of kit Nn. t. then with uidlinvaf MWia.ldlnl N. TV W. IK) re-tx u a niVe. tha B. II. W. 14 t 7 polM. then N. H MI palaa. raad aith tha Ihwa cf aai.1 l.,i No. anUtka bnjtanlna-. I . H.CNKfnt, i MoTUa.n. Thai Mar 101 a. ItlL EXEtUTKlN SAI.F, C. W. Green ) va t-'.xvr ilii n JebQr.n ) '. fi ml It aa Rat!aa tn nj kind tiom UananW 0afffOri evuntr. I will nail t Um katlMst bkMar ff m at th M art Sou ' aW la Um tHv ( Hrm KWa, N. Ok aa Meadar Je lata, ttu H tl 9'tmtM M, la ettlafr aaat anaratiaa tat tolkan( 4nrr!b4 laal Utn ' Tfcal aartaia K ataatMlaf lead aHaaa bt tea -tv at HW , Ca aaarty, N. C at eanw mm 1 1 la CaarMte and Nanr Urvn bf a Car akaal Um r (art and bln rer taka tan at paeMt aflat ft SB tn aaH .Hr nf Waw r, kartnainS thwwWrn nrt Mr. Pnrwn'a part a tM atm H (anw FMm Biebniitaan'a, aa narn -J,M(lf aWtif Oim nmt tt fat aa AlUa rul,.,,-, nM nf at lot. Ume a; f.. . , 4, ., f ."'- , I 3