4 f, ,. i t Safe I lWattMt fEOara ho. a. .y . BTsreeuiB,'-.:- KDiToa and pRorwaroa -, CBscaurTte bxatssH' fta Tnf U MnM .. B year. Mt ta MTU",, fc itbtr earriar ki th ttr .M MS Satan at ta CC.U IMMlxlMt . JLHD C3ULYBW OOPW-'ll New Bern, IT. a Jane 12, m TO COMMEMORATE NEW '. BEBSIA.K8. .f- , . . , . J ' The recent unveiling in Baleigh of monuments to notable North . Carolinians, newdead, has had a ' sUmatatlnf effeetv and aroused ; - patriotic feelings among the peo 1 pie. Both local and national hla ' 'tory U bast -perpetuated - through the visible sip, .' noaument or building that records the dead to all coming generations, or the men ana women rno nave pwou -, for great thing, and thereby ae "ooaiplished great good for state or . nation, in their generation, which also has its enduring effect for good upon future generations. r(i Capitol Square In Baleigh is be- v,' coming with each monument erec ' - td therein, more valuable place . for ever North Carolinian to visit, 1 both for historical and . patriotic ' reasous. It makes the Capitol City , of North Carolina more noted in the eyes of outside visitors to this Bute, attracting them and Impi ti ling upon them history, that every monument is certain to call parti cular attention to. These monu ments at Baleigh every North . Carolinian feels a personal inter est in, and takes pride in lookiug around the square " New Bern has had her notable citizens, that. have contributed to - North Carolina history. Nothing ' worthy marks in bronse or stone, in public piaoes heir deeds. Why should not there be erected in this city a monument, in some public place, to Gaston, Stanly, Badger, . Hawks, or others whose records -,. are familiar to all students of North Carolina history! It would have an Inspiring effect, locally, specially on the youth of this gen- oration, and through a contribu tion by all the people, there would be arouseda patriotic feeling that :. would do good. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C A S T O'R I A Earth's noblest thing, a woman per fectedLowell. . Htwt TWsr Ws -.offer . One Hundred Dollars Beward tor any ease of Catarrh thai eannot be eared by Hall's Catarrh Cure. . F. p. CHENEY CO., Tole do, 0. . v We, the nnderaignad, have known " P. X Cheney for the last 15 years, - and believe him perfectly honorable in all hnsbeas transaetions and fin- h aBcially able to' carry out !any Wi- v gations made by his stin. .' r r , Waldino, Kinnan ft MABVIN, . Wholesale Drngglsta, Toledo, O, : ; Hall's Catarrh ure is taken In ' i tarnally, aoting 'direetly 'upon the ";' blood and ; maeoua). surf sees of th ayrtem. '.eatimeauals absent . tree Price 75. per kettle.- Sold by all 4 Drnggist. - v ' ; 7, Taka Haifa Faauly Pills foe eoa .". stipatlon. - -. - . ' . - " jti- . . I' ' v . ,. J: eTheglaaiof fashion and the mold of v if fomv -t t V - The observed of all obaenrere. lt V- -Sbakespaara. , II .1111 f , , ' :- : . A sprained ankle nay aa a role be . eared in from three ta four daws by ap plying Chamberlain's Liniment and ob serving the direction with each bottle. . For sal by all dealers. ,. ir : Many a man i max in he I a' great .'financier until be trie te discount a notv'':i'?!iV;t;-J-.' " : i '':'";;"f -." r ' k... J cv fromft u'.tt from CACrCACII ry aci rLAcrr jzovzia, .lATir c:: ::t:c:? of tu :"3, ' rLA.::- Tn:i oi tb . 'jy.ri 3. A f l at n ! f r : . ' r. ri: 'J . L v;i:::i ycu yavii accod mmm- In the Jay time, ana feel dull, l&zy and discouraged, you have every, symptom of a torpid Urer. i'"' '-r-j Simmons Red Z liver Reg ulator (TJbefowder Form) is a fine' tonio ior ft disordered liver. It acts promptly; . The bilious impurities which have interfered with the free action of the liver are driven but the stomach is cleansed and strengthened so that 'it can more thoroughly digest food. The bowels are purified and a regular habit re-established. It. is a splendid medicine for the whole system, Promotes a feeling x! energy, mental activity and cheerful spirits. Beat by Dsslara Pifa hif Mdos. tU j I M, Ml M M. W. Ml t & mm CO, taps, St Latfs, I GREATLY REDUCED RATES TO rNorfolk, Va., World Wide Baraca Fhilathea Union. Norfolk Southern Rtilroad offer the mott convenient tnd beit route to the Baraca ' d Pbilathea classes atteoding the World Wide Union in Norfolk. ' From Rates Go'diboro $6 40 . Kipston S 40 Washington 4 20 .New Bern 6 40 .' Tick U sold June 19 to 22nd; good to return- until July 3rd. for pai ticulars and arrangementu for large parties, call upon nearest ticket agent, Norfolk Southern Railroad. W. W. CROXTON, G. P. A. Norfolk, Va. Gratitude always finds a place whfrd it can bide iuelf from s'ght. roiCTMDWPnxi POM HBUMM1SM KIBNBva NB SLAOOC. A man needs two vacations to get over one, Mrs Lela Love, wife of Wiley Love, a farmer living nrar (3nvena, Ga , says: "I have taken Foley Kidney . nils and find them to be all yon claim for them. They give me almost instant relief when my kidneys were sluggish and in active. I can cheerfully recommer d them to all sufferer from kidney trou bles. "-Sold by all Dealera. A girl will trust ber love letters un der her pillow at night, but for her ring! tine wants an abrolutely safe place like an old shoe. STOMACH TROUBLES. Manv remarkable cures of etcmach troubles have been effe;led by Cbamb- i Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets On man who had spent over two thou sand dollars for medicine and treatment was cured by a few boxes pf these lab- lets, f rice, Zo cents, Samples ire at all drug stores. An idler is a watch that wants both hands. As useless if it goes as if it stands. Cowper. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR! A A young roan seldom . kisses a girl against her will, hut it's up to her to make him think that he does. t A CARD. -This is to certify that Foley's Honey and X,r Compound does not contain anv oDiates. anv habit foiminff drugs. or any ins redien' that could possibly barm its users.; ; On the con trary. it great - healing and aoothing qualities make it a real remeJy for cough, cold and irritations of the. throat, cbest and lungs. The genuine is in m yellow prk bt. Ack for Foley's Honey -and Tar Compound and accpt no sutwtitute. For sal by all Dealers. - J! , . ) II II II ll I .- , .: First Crade or Clerical v JJCxaffllnatlorj. ,The United States Civil Service Com mission announces 'an examination at New Bern on June 22. to . secure eligi ble from which to mab eertificat I d to fill S vacancy in the position of De puty Collector and Inspector 'at'r $800 per annum in ;; tho i Custom Service at New Bern, N. C, and vacancies In first-grade, or clerical,; positions in the Custom Service, in the positions of de puty collector, clerkstorekeeper, gan ger, and etorekeeper-gauger la the In ternal-Revenue -Service, in the position of office deputy marshal, and In b' her first-grsde and clerical . positions' tht require similar qualift ration, -vas they may occur the United States i lassi fld service in the ; city' named or itx vicinity. , . " ' : ; ' For application Form ".1371. address the secretary of the board of exaoiinere at the post office at tha p!uce namtd above, or the diatrii t HJ'cretary. Mo f r: !ntin Will Is accept J cnli p ft'-yn'.' rspcutej, I fi'e 1 in co" ' f n ' (.".a ." ' . 5. r '! c ' f ; t yam CUOM M h, mbh m ... w. ww wmmm i w pttfii. Simmon. LUm IwhM ml pm o i. U..U tuna far HiaM wk. mUl It. rite, $IM ft rWltr,J ll4. -, tT, U LL :2y Gdstonierouxi TMl: MY9TCRY Or TfiC .YttLLOVPACC:' Copyright jgti y Tie J5o66s -Afer7. Company ouTT "Tfie pocket waa empiy. And the curious thing waa that the pin r malned, stuck in tb earn place. . . f 1 Richard and Monchsxaila ' turned pale. - Thar was no longer any doubt about the witchcraft . . v . J "The ghost!'' muttered Moncharmln. ' But Richard suddenly sprang upon ' his partner. - , " (. -eta una uut jvu umm laaoaea mj pocket! Give aae back my-twenty-thousand francs! . : . Oiv m back toy twenty-thousand f rascal "On my soul," sighed Moncharmln, who was ready to swoon, "on my aoui, I swear that 4 havent got It!" : Then somebody knocked at tk door. Moncbarmln openad it anto matically, seemed hardly to foognla Merrier, his business-manager, ex changed a few words with Aim. with out knowing what a was saying and, with an unconscious movement, put the safety-pin, for which fc had no further usa, mto th bands of hia be wildered subordinate. ... CHAPTER XVIII. Th Commissary, th Vlsoount ana) the Persian. ( The first words of th commissary of polio, on entering th managers' office, were to ask after th missing ' prima donna. "Is Christina Daas her I" " Christine Daa here?" echoed Rich ard. "No. Whyr Aa for Moncharmln, he had not th strength left to utter a word. Richard repeated, or th commis sary and the compact crowd which had followed him into th office ob served an Impressive sllanc. "Why do .you aak U Chris tin Daa is her, M. 1 commlaaalieT" ''Because ahe has to be found,'' de clared the commissary of police sol emnly. "What do you mean, ah has to he found? Has ah disappeared!" "In th middle of th performaaosl" In th middle of th prformanor This Is extraordinary!" "Isn't it? And what is quit aa ex traordinary is that you ahould first learn It from m!" "Yes," sald.Rlcha.-d, taking his heed In his hands and muttering. "What Is this new buslnesT Oh, it' enough to make e man mi a A In hie resigna tion !" ... And ha pulled a few hairs Out of his mustache without even knowing what he was doing. . , : "So ae . . . so ah disappeared in tfT middl of th performance 7" ha repeated. . , - "Yes, she waa carried off inth Prison Act, , at the moment when ah was Invoking th aid of th angla; but I doubt If she was carried off by an angel." ... y "And I am sure that ah waal" , ; Everybody looked round: A young; man, pal aud trembling with ezette ment, repeated: - C';; . "I Am aura ot lU- '.. . . . , "Sur of what r naked Mlfrotd. "That Christine ; Daa waa carried off by an angel, M. 1 commUaalr. and. I can tell yon hla name.". "Aha, M. I VloomU de Chagny! So you maintain that Christine Daa waa carried off by an angel; an an gel of the opera,' no doubt?" ' ' ' "Tea, jnonsleur, by an angel of the opera; and I will tell you where a Uvea . : ; ,v when we are alon. "You are right, monsieur.' And the commissary of oUcei In viting Raoul to take chair, cleared the room of all the rest, zoeptlng th managers, . i Then -RaouJ spoket.. "v s- -"M. -1 commlsaair, th angel la called JBrik, he iites In th opera and he Is th Angel of Mualol" - The Angel of Mualol Reairyf That la very curious! :Th Angel of Music!" And. turning to th man agers, M. Ijttrold asked, "Have you an Angel of , Musio on th premises. gentlemen?" . y - , v Richard and Moncharmln shook . ;-oh," Wald be viscount, "those gen tlemen' have?" heard t of the opera gbost Well.i I am in a position to state that th opera ghost and th Angel of Musio are one and tha sam person; and, his real nam is Erik." M. Mlfrold rose and looked at Raoui attentively. '1 beg your pardon, monsieur, but is it your intention to make fun of the law? : And, if not, what is all this about the. opera ghost?" - "I say that these . gentleman hav heard ofhlm." ? , : ' - " . "'Oentlcmen, Jt appears that you know the opera ghost?.. ' Richard roee, with th remaining hairs of hip niustache in bis ban 4. ' "No, M. Commissary, no. ve do not know I ! a, but we v. ' i f at we did, for W.t: very ev, ' r I ; .b TObll( 1 113 l t t fMli' ! Hi:: il !" Ai i i ' it : : i on ' i, if lt y: i 1 f t i 1 -ii nam venlngrcarrfei offan opera inger ' and steals twenty-thousand francs is a ghost wh must hav his hands very full! If you don't mind, w will take th questions in order. Th singer first, th .twenty-thousand franca after. Com, 11. d Chagny, let us try to talk seriously You be- Uv that Mil. Chriatln Daa has been carried oS by an individual called Brik.' Do you know this par eon? Hav you seen himr , "Yea." . "Whrr "In a churchyard.'' M. Mlfrold gave e start, began to scrutinise Raoul again and said: "Of course! . . . That's where ghost usually hang out! . . . And what war you doing in that church yard?" . "Monsieur," said. RaouL "I can quit understand how absurd my re pile must seem to you. But I beg yon to believe that I am in full pos session of my faculties. The safety of th person dearest to me in the world is at stake. I should like to con vine you la a few; words, for time la pressing and every minute Is val uable. Unfortunately. If I do not tell you th strangest story that ever was from th beginning, you wl)l not be lieve me. I will tell you all I know about the opera ghost, M. Commis sary. Alaa, I do not know much! ." "Never mind, go on, go on!" ex claimed Richard and Moncharmln, nddenly Interested. Unfortunately for their hopes ol learning some detail that could put them on th track of their hoaxer, they , were soon compelled to accept th fact that M. Raoul de Chagny had completely lost his head. AU that story about Porroa-Qulree, death's heeds and enchanted violins, could only have taken birth la th disor dered brain of a youth mad with -love. It was evident, also, that M. Com mlsaary Mlfrold ahared their view; and th magistrate would certainly have cut abort the incoherent nar rative If circumstances had not tak en it upon themselves to interrupt it Th door opened and a man en tered, curiously dressed in an enor mous frock-coat and a . tall hat, at one shabby and abiny, that came down to hla ears. He went up to the commissary and spoke to him in a whisper. It waa doubtless a detective com to deliver an Important com munication. During this conversation M. Mlfrotd did not take hla eyes off RaouL At last addressing him, he said: "Monsieur, w hav talked enough Shout the ghost W wilt now talk about yourself a little. If yob) hav no objection; yon were to carry ofl Mil. Chriatln Daa tonight?" "Yes, M. I oommiasalr." "After th performance r "Yea, "M. 1 commlssafre." "All your arrangements war mad?" ; "Ye. M. I oomfhlssalre." ; carriage that brought you was to Uk you both away. v V There war fresh horses In readiness at every stag,,? , . : 1-; . That Ja true, M.' 1 commissalr," "And nevertheless your carriage, ia still outald to Rotund awaiting your order, fa It 'noWAfliX-. "Yy M'l eemmiaaali :,i ,(i: "Did . you know, that .-there were tar other carriages there, In addi tion to -yours?" ; '-' - 1 did not pay th least attention." ' "They Wer th carriages of Mile. SorellV which could not find room in the Cour de 1'Admlnlstratlon'; of Car lotta, and, of your : brother, M, le Comt d Chagny, , . " - ,"Vry likely.;. . .- "What ta, certain fa that,. though your carriage: and BoralU'a and Car lotta's are stlU there, by th Rotunda pavement, M. 1 Comt de Chagny carriage ia gone." - "This ha nothing to say to , ." "I beg your pardon. Was not M. 1 Comt opposed to your marriage with Mile, Daaer , . . "That 1 a matter that only con cerns the family." , , "You have answered my question; a waa opposed to it ,. .- . and that was why you wer carrying Christine Daa out of your brother' reach. ; WelL M. de: Chagny, allow me to inform you that your brother baa been smarter than you! It Is he who has carried off Christine Daae!" ., , "Oh, impossible!" moaned Raoul, pressing this hand to his heart. "Are you sure?" i- . "Immediately after the artist's dls sppearance, Vrhich was procured by means ahkh fee have still to ascer tain, he EuDg Into his carriage, which drove lit across Paris at a furious race.". "-,- ii a I r pnor Kaou!, Lt da you i ttfl'cua "Xi eiocEiidDi DitEriS THE III - - ' V . . 'J ii " .Gives .'Color, Lustre to Hded tand Cray Halr-Oandruff Quickly" Removed, : For generations Sage and Sulphur have 'been used for nair and scalp troubles. : Almost everyone know th value of such a combination for keeping the hair a good even color, for curing lahdruflf, itching scalp and falling hair, ind for promoting the growth of the lair. Years ago the only way to get i Hair Tonie of this kind waa to make t in the home, which waa troublesome iud not always satisfactory. Nowa days, almost any up-to-date druggist Aa supply ma patrons witn a ready-to- bus iiruuuci, aKiiiiuiiy prepares to per. ectlv eouiDDed laboratories. - An ' ideal preparation of this sort s Wyeth's Sajje and Sulphur Hair ttamedy, ip which Sage and Sulphur ire comDinea witn other valuable rente lies for acalp troubles and -thin, weak hair that ia losing its color or coming jut After using this remedy for a :ew oays, you win notice the color gradually coming back, your scalp will feel better. . the dandruff will soon be Tone, and in less than a month's time there will bo a wonderful difference in vonr hair. Don't neglect your hair if it is full of dandruff, losing its color or com ing out Get a fifty cent bottle of Wyeth's Saga and Sulphur from your druggist, and see what n few days treatment will do for you. All drug gists aell it, under guarantee that the. money will be refunded if the remedy is not exactly aa represented. Special Agent, F. S. Duffy SPECIALJMIN TO Morchead-Tlj -Thc-Sea Saturday, June 15, Opening Danoe Atlautic Hotel. Schedule Round Tiip Lv. Goldsborq 4:00 p m 1 26 " Lngrange 4:27 " 1-25 " Kiiuton 4:BB " 1 00 " Dover 5:15 " 1 OH ' " Wahirgton 3:50 " 1 0(i ' New Bern 6:10 " - 76 " Newpor. 7:05 " 80 Ar. Mor head 7:25 " Special train will leave Beaufort at 11:15 p m, leaves A lantic Hot. 1 11:25 p m, leaves Moiehead Cily alatif.n 11: p m, and arrive New Bern at 12:25 a m in time 'o connect with Ko. 16 foi Washington. Fur particulars ask your agent. W. W. CROXlON G P. A. Norfolk, Va. What's your specialty viewing with alarm or pointing wiih pride. FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS VON BAOKAOtiJ KIONCVS AND BLAOOft Lo s of unemployed men would ra1 hei find fault than And work.' WILLIAMS' KIDNEY PILLS Have you neglected your Kidneys! Have you overworked your nervous ay tern and caused trouble with your kid neya and bladder? Have you pains It loins, aide, back, groins and bladder t Have you a flabby appearance of the face, especially under the eyesT Too f re quent a desire to pass unneT If so, Wil liams' Kidney Pills will cure you-al Druggist, Price 50c. Williams' M T(t Co., Prop., Cleveland, O. Eighth Senatorial Democratic Convention. NticM hereby -given that at a meeting of the Senatorial Executive Committee held at New Bern,'; N. C., odey, the Eighth Sena to ial D. mo cratio Convention ia called to meet tt New Bern, N. C. on Friday. June 14tb, 1912, at 12 M. o'c'ock, at thecourt house,' t the purpose of nominating ' two Senators, and for aoch other bual ness as mayeome before said Conven tion. ::t;:" ; ': v J.-V .-District papers pleas copy. ' ' -1 hi 29 h d ty of May, 1912. -- THOSO. WARREN, Chairman Otmoeratic Exicutive V m JToujmittee for the Eighth Sen---..vl atonal District - - "" GEO. P. CAM FIELD, V., . t ""J -Secretary. 's.''. ' s ,1 " y . rrrrr; -;c (Lots of pople stir up strife ty preaching harmony. 1 a, i' ' ' a ', 1 I 5:00 p. ra. and 8.-00 p. lo. entertainments at The Athens.: , 'But a bird in hand doesn't annoy the early worm. ' VOI.IEN , V'cmen of lL.e Lr1iet tyi 1 women cf srperiar edac&t'ci t i ttVarzetl, utose 'ilszttz. ',' f - u ' v r -, r , f ((" PLOIY ELEC- - TIQfl NOTICE Bequirments of Candidates Beek- ing Democratie Nominal ion June 22bd. -. By order of the Craven County Demo eratic Executive Commiitee end in ae eordanc with ' law, notice is hereby given that a primary election for choos ing Democratic nominees for county of fleer and flout of Representatives will h held at the usual poTng places io Craven county Tu slay, 2nd day of July 1912, fiom 6 o'clock a, m. to 7 o'clock p.1n. . The following named Democrat! have been appointed managers for bolding the primary, vis: Maple Cv press E. F. Adtm, J. W rhjff and Marvin Abridge. 'Vanceboro O P Whit ford, Harold Butler and Her ry Buck. ' Truitts-N TFulcber. Cicero G skins and W. H Dunn Biidgeton-S W Brooks, E. i, Bay lias and Sam Dunham. Taylor's Store E C Taylor, J. H. Elliott and f B Becton, Lee's Farm T E Haywood, J B Wil liarrs and 1. S. Mitchell. Tfaurman-H C Wood, J A Miller and Alex Haidison. First Ward -J B Hill, F Gaakill and H H looker. Second Ward-Walter Duffy, M Dia os way and C. K. Hancock. Third Ward-Geo. B Wattr. G L Clark and J U McCoy. Fourth Ward-L. 8. Wood. Al. x Mc Lacklan and J F Henderson. . Bern Precinct J R Mcnilt, J T Agent and E L ?mith. Tiadale's W F Crockett, J T Si.ute and W M Thomas. Gum Now- J E Wilcox, M M Shute ind B B Sco't. Fort Bari.w 1' LS Harper. Luther Sermons and Geo. W I'aUner. Dover J S Woolen, L II Whitehead and W O White. Cove City J S Robinson, W Ii Jones and W T McCoy. Jaaptr W G U L-me. J E Wtthei i (fton and W C Lvi. Pleasant H ii: J b French, E A Houee and Daniel Lsn , Each cand dale desiring to enter the p imary shall aubtenbe to a pledge that be will abide by the result of th pi im ary election and support the t-uccetsful candidate or candidates i host n in said prfmny el ction aid de osit the same with ten dollar j wi h S. II. L'ine.cliair man, New Birn. N. C, n o beftre the hour f 12 o'clock, n i ImVht, Fat urd iy, 22 id day of June, 1912, in ac cordance with t beg u lea of the State Democratic Executive C. mrr.ittee and the Special Act pioviding lor a prim a--y ii Craven county. Thin 25 h day of May. 1912. S H LANE, Cl.a.iman of Cia ven County DemocrjtH Executive Com miltei'. R. A. NUNN, Secretary, Some marritd couples can pa'ch op a quart .'I until it looks as good aa new. a rnrrNri i A MO I uniH For Infants and Children. ! Be Kind Yen Have Always Bought Bearatb. Signature of Wiaf7T''C fin. nf ihft nnnarrinnMlila nnlilirnl in is lb acceptance of a small bribe. Each aar f 6ur livrs has it j vs. Old people should be hrppv. and h y will be if Cbamberlatn a Tubiets are taken to strengthen the riigention and keep the bowels regular. There tabUts are mild and gentle in th-ir action ai d especia ly suitable for people of middle age sna oiaer. r or.esie oy an aeurers TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF CRAVEN COUNTY. We, I he undersigned, members of the Board of 'Commissioner, hereby an nounce our candidacy for re-election feutjeet to the approval of tha Demo- rstie primary to be held July, 2, 1912. Reference la hereby made to the re port of i he Board to th Board of mag istrate of this 'date, and the policy of our board of operating ti e roeclilncry olilhe county within, the limits of the tax levy. , ., . "gf-'i ; . Bespectfully,' , C. D. BRAnHAMfei:'; . " - B: 2. R. DAVIS, , ; . . . . . H.T. WHITE, r.V . .. J, D. WILLIAMS, &fv- r N. Mr LANCASTE.R.V . ' ' TO TBE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF CRAVEN COUNTY," VVv hi the r quest of av number of!: my friends. I hereby anncunce myself a candidate for the office of Constable in Eight Township sub j -ret to th ae i ! of the Democratic primary to b I 1 on July 2nd." I have fl'led the po n of deputy sheriff in this uity, i am fully acquaiiited wi h.lhe du i of a constable. If elected I prom to nil the ones to tha beBt of my - : Reepectfully, ' 1. II. RUSSELL." j tii: r c n i c; i VOTERS OF NTY. v i : ANNOUNCEMENTS, t ; ; r, y- " -:s vvfc TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF . y p":: CRAVEN COONTTf &r0 I hereby annourc myself a iaadt date for tbeeffle of Register of Deeds, subject to the Democrat ie Prima ry ea u July Sol If nomlaatei and elect), ' I p'edg myself to diacbarg the duti -of said office to th best of my ability, i ; with the assistance of a competent corps of clerks. 4 r I am nnfortuoate in being blind. . hot I must bsve something by which I can make an benest living, and I appeal td my fe low voters of Craven County t come to my assistance, and help make a living and educate my boy". I thank you all in advance . for any assistance you msy render me,' Re member that one of the greateat U. 3. Senators of to day is a blind man. Youis truly. J. C. JOHNSON. TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS Of CRAV-EN COUNIY. I wih to ani.ounre my candidacy for Shi-riff of Caven county, subject to be ill of the pl to he expressed at the D mncrutic pi imary on Tuesdsy, July 2nd, 1912. If elected I will dis charge my dutiett fail h fully. Yours Kepectful'y F. S ERNUL. TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF CRAVEN ( OUNTY. In response to the solicitation of many friends I have determined to again be a candidate before the party primary to be beld July 2nd, next, for the office of Sheriff. I feel very grate ful for past favora and hepe that my administration of the Sheriff's office has your approval. If re-elected I promise to give you as faithful service io the future as I have in the past. Your obedient servant, J. W. BIDDLE. TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF CltAVEN COUN1Y. I hereby announce myerlf a CRndidate lor tbe i ffice of Clerk of the Superior Court of Craven county, Bubject to the D. mocra' if p imary to beheld July 2nd. tin m.nated and elected I pit dee my self to discharge the duties of such of fice to the beal of my i biii'y. Very respectfully. W. B FLANNER. TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF CRAVEN COUNTY. 1 hereby announce mys If a candidate for the office of Sheiiff o' Craven coun ty, aubject to lie Democratic primary bi. h will b; h Id July the 2nd, if nomi natrd and elected 1 hereby pledge my elf to hcharge the duties of said office to th'j best of my ability. Reepectful'y, R. B LANS. 101 E DEMOCRAT IC VOTER: OF RAVEN COUNTY. I hereby respectfully anrrunce.my candidacy for re-nomination to the office of Treasurer of Craven County, subject to the action of the Democratie Voters at the Primary on July 2nd, 1912. If re-nominated, and elected to the office of Treasurer I p'edge to the peop'e the same courteoui att ntion I have heretofore endeavored lo give lo all, and the same fidelity to the tust reposed in me as tbe custodian of th people's money. R spectfully submitted, B. B." HURST. TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF CRAVEN COUNTY. I wish to announce my candidacy for the off! ;e of Register of Deeds for Craven County, subject to the will of the people to he exprf ssedat the Demo cratic Primai v on Tuesday, July 2, 1912. r Since hoi 'i"g the above ffice, I have endeavored, as the servant of the peo ple, to re'ider rOicient and faithful ser vice to all, If to elected, I shall contin ue to do my very best in th discharge of tho duties of the office. I wish to thank my f need for their aim st undivided support in toe 'past, atd desire to thank them in advanc for I heir patronage at the coming Pr!mry. . : y Yours respectfully,-,; STEPHEN H. FOWLER. . - ... vii i ii, i -i jifflta':j! TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF ? ' CRAVEN COUNTY.' -1' Realixlng that No. 2 township has n' t been represented in this capacity ; for ssveral years and at t he request af i' " tt?uoci myself a candidate jf or Coif mis- , sioher from that Township eurject to the action of the Democratie primary to be held on July 2nd.1- - ,v , s ' Reepectfully." -i - " ' , , ' ' T, W. MOLTON. TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF -' . ' CRAVEN COUNTY, t -I hereby annouhce myself as a eaodi-; data for Repreaea a'lve from No.. 1 - Townsliip; Craven county subject to r the action of. lb Democratic primary ; to b held on July 2nd. , ; ; ' -: v "Respectfully, G. A. WHITrORD. TO THE DEMOCRATIC VO: CF - CRAVEN COUNTY. I here1 y an" w,irs r "fa f rt' !i 'if' ' r if ' ' ' i " -"r 4. 4k v i

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