A if,1 - i" I t & y 'i Tin ek:i e!.iiivjoi!e::.il daoth rurr r the yesr Mt kwur, Jrarui bnUauin, V, v ..... , HOKl HO. S.'Jw - OUUU I STBTYMHa," t- U es hM to Mmm year, at to '!..'" SUatolv T carrWr to Of eltr 4.M M Avrtiaia fates furatahed IWUaL ... i it,' ' 1 7 i - Bater at taa ostaoe, Nsw Bm .Cm cua-olaaa aaattar. PAPBS OF NSW BBBM h.w Bern, N. C. July 10, WU. . ;X MAN WHO KNOWS. College men generally are much elated over the, nomination of Woodroir Wilson for the Presiden cy. They say it 1h a' token that scholarship is being more and more recognirtid. . Speaking of "Wilson in this oon oeetion Dr. JB. 'Ju Alflerman, pres ident of the University t)f Virgin ia, characterizes the, Pemocratic nominee as "a man who knows things before he does them, rather than acting first and thinking af terward. " Dr. J. Alphonso Smith, a pro fessor in the same institution, is of the opinion that Wilson's nom . ination means; that "the people are coming to appreciate that mod era education is not theoretical only but practical and efficient The time was, " he says, " when .the people looked upon scholar ship as impractical and the schol ar as a.mere theorizer. Now they realize that there is nothing be tween scholarship and efficiency. ': The world moves and it always has been moving. And it is really a little singular that men who have made a study of its progress, men who have searched for the sources of its progress especially as affected by governmental forms, should have been regarded as dis qualified for active participation in the very line of work requiring that sort of knowledge. How much better qualified for instance must Wood row Wilson be than Champ Clark for administer ing affairs of govern meat. It is true that Clark has been in Con gress a long while and no doubt .is well posted on the routine of the" House of Representatives. And thus he is a man who knows things" but are things he knows what he ought to know to enable him to exercise the exalted and difficult duties of President of a .country with ninety millions of people of almost unlimited diver sity of racial extraction and politi cal belief f Is not a man like Wilson whose works on government are recog nized as authority in this and oth- - er countries, much more likely to have the necessary qualifications, more especially if in executive po sitions he has shown that he is ef fective as well as informed f The perplexing problems grow ing out of the fitting of a demo crati6 form Of government to a cos mopolitaii population such as that of the United States can best be solved by a moil, Jike Wilson, one who knows andvbases his - aets on' his knowledge father than by a man whose 4' chief claim to atten tion Is that belhaa been a faithful' party man and has served a long 1 term in Congress. The scholar in politics " has come to stay. It is merely a case of the public preferring to rely on a man who knows. - -'..' i J,-, . K T. v Boy it now. ' .Chamberlain's Colie, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is al most certain to be needed before the summer is over. Buy it, bow and be .. prepared for auch an emergency. For aalsbj all dealers, . . j- 11 '" , ''.'' ' A wise man compliments a woman I before asking atavor of hef. s - 7omea' ef tie Ugliest type, womea cf ntperior edocatioa and rcflaenct, tutpie ; disceniment tzl . jiizstezX fire weight and (zrc U tlclr opinions, highly fri!:s tLs wes'erfd corrective tzl cz.'1t f rrerties of Chaa- !ti Liver Tab l lis cr-y ttajfi , f.-:i ci!!iaod, 3 i .n, tere A DAD LIVnxobyt,3oerujr7,streiJUii,d ... amlmvia. lo nd youiif oi ,tue buidoa, tkm LIVCH RC GU LA TO H I ' v CTHl rOWDKB FOR) v.---"- It M a fine strengthening medicine for a torpid liver. The weakened , Or the mt tbatJaaKuid hall-sick ieeUntF. rarespoBCU promptly to its powerful revinnir infiuence. It eorredis stomach and digeBtioa. ; Funea sod reftulates the bowels. Urivtl i fcsi(, "5y': ssts wr iiilsi 1,'" Wiiia, m wn , t cijV-'; f , Afcrtfcrito. wtrt tk Bi C Ik ttkt. llmslliliia,ilHR'i zciun CO., SUMMER EXCURSION FARES Now in Effect to Beaufort and Morehead City. , Tte aaashor season is now open and Summer HhMursion tickets are oa sale at aa statloM to Morehead Oity, N. t, and laxofert. N. C, good to return aott Ooiobew 81st. Set ctk&piate information rram any ticket agent. W. W. CEOXTON, G. P. A Norfolk,. Va. OccttBionully a man marries a girl-in order to get ber off his mind. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Every time you tell jour troubles you are wasti ng the other fellow's time. J100 REWARD $100 The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn ihat there is at least one dreaded disease tnat science nas been able to cure in all its stages, and tbat 14 Catarrh, Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a oonsiitutlonai disease, requires a con stitutional treatment, Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting direct ly upon the blood end mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the Eounasuon 01. ue aisease, sna giving tfu patient strength by building up the oeostttution and assisting eature in do- ig its work. The proprietors have so Suon ratth In its curative powers that ey offer One Hundred Dollars for any ease that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials, F. J. CHENEY & CO .Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75e. Tuke Hall's Family Pills for on- atipatioa. The crowning glory of tbe modern ( woman is possible a few strands of her owo and: lot of bargain-counter hair. A GIRL'S WILD MIDNIGHT RIDE. c.i i ai.- ..'1.111. i L!L irSHi."21 5V JZ' :rT. Z.. 'r' are often saved bv Dr. Kino's No. -Discovery in curing lung trouble, colds and coughs, which might htrve ended in. consumption or pneumonia. "It cured me of a dreadful couch and lung dis- ease," writes W..R. Patterson, WellH niKfu, icjb) mu iwr ui uur iamiiwi had died with eotisumption, and I fesinedj 8 pounds. Nothing so sure and safe: for nil throad and lung troubles. Price Hie and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guar anteed by ell Druggists. When a man is in love he can even appreciate the music of a hand organ. iLEY; KIDNEY PIUS rOH BAOKAOHk KlONBTS AMD BUkOOSN Many a man's bad luck is due to tbe fact that he has neither inherited abil ity nor acquired innuatry. . HELP FOR THOSE WHO HAVE STOMACH TROUBLfe,' . ' After doctorin? for shout" twelve years for a bad stdinach trouble, "arid spending nearly Ave hundred dollars for medielne and doctors' fees, I purch ased my, wile one pox or. unamberiain s Stomach and Liver Tablets, which did her so much good that she continued 10 use tr em and I hey have done her more go d than allot the medicinrl bought before. 8muel B yer. Folsom. lowai This medieine is for sale by fcU dealers. samples rres. Ignorarce ia bliss when a man baa more money than he knows what to do With. . -r r. ''-' .: Dysentery is always sedpus and of tea a dangerous disease, but - it can be cured. Chamberlain's CoHc, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has cured it ev en when malignant and epidemic For sale by all dcelafs,-7;-H- Hi :s i---'' MOTICS. On acconnt of 'change of schedules by Beilro ad Company tbers bas been efaanges in the time of closing some of the malls at;.this omeet.; ; Bekwle a somplete list of all malla' leaving this office and the .last minute at ahichmail may be deposited in the postoffice for dispatch ;Waj' ame;5i:,4t ' Bauort--Clo8es 8!0a.ul otOSpv in. frWgeWitloMslOOa m.JUelhavea, Washington and Raleigh, ;.' Closes 1:15 p. tt; ' Ooldsboro, 80 a. m. 0rfMp; m. Norfolk; 8:40 ; A nw-1; Night i express trains 9:00 p m, Oriental 90 s, m. 5:16 p. m. (Sunday 6:25 p. m.) Wilming ton, ,05 a, m, Whitford,l:00 p. m. (Taesi-'and Sat'oaly) . rS'lt BASNKSHT, " .' f ' r.,-. i ' PCSriASTEX.:1'. 'Srf'j '; 1 .." ('Jicx f.zlief for 8:::Atj:r.5." " George W. Eoons, Lawton lll h., iays".; ,"DbV Detchon's Eeliff fob Rheumatism has given my wife won derful benefit for rheumatism. ' X'ie could not lift hand or foot, hr I to re lifted for two montlis. She 1 i C ? ub" of t''e re-ne.'y and in,p- v.- lr- ' . Or Mmiu.iy J f ... ' ! r tl j i. 'i a- It It',;-' ." - makes voa leeMjriirhl. iriaortrtis..- MonM nr. Lowta. ato. - ; Natural Probablttty. : r i k i, Adam Bsda, who was the "wlfl ot eongress- for several tjrms. apt tha Chicago Jewelers' associatloa tn al aproar when he spoke el "happiness at tbe annual banquet tBou people cant as good la aaythmg, hat it J always thsra," he aald. "Whrr oat ft mi diatrlot a abort 4a aev thare wai an aproar bscaase . Kiss week ma fled a Mr. Day. The grumblers eom- plalued that It was a toss of Omebsvb csuse a week had beea lest to'ttaks r Day. Bat those who oam, at the sunshine all the time segsseUt thai probably It wouldn't he- long aetors there would be enough Days aroa&4 ( make; ap for the lost Week.". $100 PER PLATE. was paid at a banquet td Henri Clay, in New Orleans in 1842. M-ghty eostly for those with stomach trouble or iodl gestion. Today people every where use Ur. King's New Ufa-' fills It these troubles as well as jr,. kidney and bowel aisorders. Kssy. safe, sure. Un iy 26 cts. at all Drurgista. There is spt to be a little truth and a great deal that isn't true in both sides af a story.' roiCTRTOWPlIlS ram bmokaohb swsni A womsn may not realise that she hss a good figure until other wsmen be gin to find fault with 5:00 p. m. and 8:00 pu eBiertainments at tbe Athens. A woman's complexion can always be adapted to any color scheme. Durinir the summer months . mothers of young children should watch for any unnatural looseness 01 me bowels. WJien given prompt attention : at this time serious trouble may be avoided Chamberlain's Colic. Cboleia and Diar rhoes Remedy ean always be depended Ujpon. f jr sale by all dealers. One of Natarwe Nebtemea. "Haiin Annt mm fn lt nun si wiw . ". n know It Hal loat the sense as -Uet night ana aa4 kla wife ,Oam Over to play bridge With Wf htt !band and I, and he never done a thing to show that be dldat think. folk that hadn't money was Just aa good as any fcodr, as long as they was tfeaaea. fyg A HERO IN A LIGHTHOUSE. . For veers J. L Donahue. So. Haven, Mich., a civil-war captain, as a light house keeper, averted awful wreck, but a aueer fact is. he might have been a wreck, himself, if Electric Sitters had aot prevented. ' "1 bey cured me or kidney trouble and chills:" he writer "after 1 had taken other so Called cures for years without benefit and they also improved my sight Now at seventy, 1 sm feeling fine." For , dyspepais, fndigestioa,' ail stomach, liver and kidney troubles, they are without equal. Try them. Only 50 cents at all druggists. ' OatlebR PreMletna. i Oa Blxth avenue, New Yer, CM young womea walked Mtmasar, eoa erstng audibly above the roar.of the "And how are "yoa Bklac jreaf; fen bandr asked eee. '; s.a-i4fc.! ; "Oh, he's iteady tetoned the ot ert '1 eat .drmk, he etays. home Bights, aid t kmi ihmk ra totaf so use aua." t ' ' . alow lortnnaui tkoeghtthe Vt for soreness of the musaieStwbetkar induced by violent exercise or Injnry, there is nothing better than, Chanibrt Iain's Liniment: This Imiment alee re lieves rheumatic pains. t "For tale, by ah dealer vt tfMH l A man should put his troubles m pairn and theakwe the,tteketf. w v ou: vtij . i, a ; FORtfLETCKR!S CASTORIA: Women waste a lot of powder' when the easBSf'isn't ta'aigtt;''?:'- As increasing number of people re port regularly of the satisfactory results from taking "Foley- Kidney Pills and command Mfhealing and curative qualities, Foley Kidney . Pills are a carefully : prepared medicioe, guaran teed to cootaiu no harmful -.or ,rbit forming drugs.'. They can have only a beneficial effect when used for kkitfy and bladder trouble, for backache. rheumatism; 'weak back or lumbago, - rorssaietiy ail dealers. - . a' Oulckly Recovered, i "1 Tbs Drat time a man ever pre; to me," ssld Mrs. Atkinson, -who t rather plain, - "he , took xry bre.. away." . 1 ; ,..,.. "Evidently you got It t" i i (' to say y-s b' re he co I r replied her y ' its nelU . r. I3 -? -&L0UI5 JOSEPH VAKCE i if i$HAITEIt ' ,,vHAWTKII V... rW r iii-'-isf V wnaBgM and '.shadow playter ' K swift altematlosi apoa his face, as." the Acho 'oourtesled to; the morning breesa, Coast awakened.' r,ator.. a moment almost thoughtless he lay drowsily en Jo ring the rise and dip: of the best as drowsily oonsctous of a faint thrill of excitement; most ly comparable, perhaps, to the first waking sensatlona t of a fourteen-year-old "boy oa ' af Fourth of July morning. - - c ..vThea without warning the small ehroaoeneter' oa the transverse above laead .rapped out amartly two dou- bte-chlmeesmpr time: four bells: Lten, o'clock in the forenoon. ...Astonished, he sat up quickly, and .hls,att)f sleepy gase, passing through the eompaniotaway, encountered the .amused regard of the sol-dlsant Mel Ohlsedeo Appleyard, Promptly Coaat found himself tn full possession' of his faculties. That tn obedience io first instincts he nodded with a cordial amlle, was significant Appleyard returned the salutation with a quick bob of his small head. "Good -morning, hero!" he sang out cheerfully. ' Be sat la the cockpit, huddled into the folds of a gray blanket, volumin ous for his slight figure, a thin but Wiry forearm bared to wield the cig arette he was smoking with every in dication of enjoyment ' "flood-morning,"' he returned. "How d'you feel after your adventure?" - "Unclothed but In my right mind," eald Appleyard, with a twinkle of anx iety amending: "to . the best of my knowledge and belief." He Indicated airily the various articles constituting his painfully simple wardrobe. "Wait ing for 'em to dry." -'Appleyard hopped up, fingered his everyday attire critically, and pro nounced It bone-dry; then, bundling It up, he returned to the cabin, seat ing himself on the opposite transom to dress. 'And the sensations of a hero, re freshed by sound slumbers, are " "Hunger," said Coast He moved forward and began to experiment gingerly with a new and untried alco hol stove. "I ean offer you eggs, cof fee, biscuit and nothing else," be added, producing raw materials from S locker. "You see, I hadn't expected uto entertain." . "Rotten Inconsiderate of you," Ap pleyard grumbled. "I'll wire you a warning next time it occurs to me to drop In unexpectedly." . Divided : between amusement and perplexity, In the course of the meal Coast reviewed a personality singu larly enriched by a variety of sug gestions consistently negative. Tbe man's age was Indeterminable some where between thirty and forty-live. Loosely summarised, he might have been anybody or nobody on a lark or his uppers. . Appleyard looked up quickly, with e shy, humorous smile. "well, what d'you make of nfe?" "It's hard enough to guess what you've made 'of yourself." Flattery note, observed Apple- yard obscurely. ''Tet 3"ou win my sym pathy; sometimes. I am moved to won- der really." He tapped an egg thoughtfully, a. crinkle forming be 'tween '' his colorless eyebrows. "It's really not what a man makes of him self; It's What his temperament does ttf hint?. "Temperament! " "Tea;-yea really ought to keep one, too; they're all the rage Just now gad such excellent excuses for the In dulgence of your pet Idiosyncrasies," "Ohl ;. t And you blame yours tor Whatr MSV vnalrtn v in, T nramimA nne- terity. In the final analysis, wUl ad- Judge me a ? Romantic. i? "Good Heavens, not - Nothing like ttaU-Jlire."lfie sighed profoundly. "Shall I rehearse to you the story of Ufef ;&v J shall not rehearse to ydta the story of my We.; But at an easts' I AaH talk about myself for a jpsce: I.mslst npoalt: I love to.Tou don t . eenouaiy objectr'- he added. anxlouev- x::S?,&:xit-i.. "Thea eompoae - yourself. ;'...'.. -i Bora at aa early age-rln fact at as early as age ae you can comfortably imagine I found myself Immediately the sport of sardonic fortunes. . That hame, afelchlsedecl Oae felt that there must be ta eae'a future life some Warmth of Romance, to compensate tor . that infamous. Ignominy. '. So-la belled any reasonable human should logically have looked forward to-sure degeneration, fata the American peaa- ant of the , New England magailne atory; typev :.sans,i brains, bowels. breadth, .beauty.- A born Iconoclast, howerer, as soon aa I wakened to re alleatton of my plight I mutinied and resolved to live down -my-1 shame.. Thenoeforward I set myself to pains taking muckraking is modern life, seetlrg . tbe compensating Romance without , which life were hut death la life." He paused and cocked an eye at Coast "Not-bad for a .beginning. whatf:;-? ftis''.w,:-.i'ik('-:' i-s- 'A little prolix," commented Coast dispassionately, falling In with, his humor.- "But continue.. Tou found your Komancef" : :eCf- "V.'bet Is eo-called alas, yesl I .Mjn l It, as a rule, a nom do guerre r crime.. . . . Lured by legend, l ar tv"r-- much of the - known -!-", ( 'j ti come to that conclu- letrdtf-i tbe fcstnesnos e r-.-ii! ' '- s, noRlng vl.l.-H provfd merely : ' ' ; enemed to ,..T f 1. QsT Thoreuuuely eagThybeUe$e me, t High finance,, I admit eec my probe; but the recent plague of Wall Street plays :, dlseouraged i demonstrating there could be no Ro mance there- .. . . So at length you find me turning 1a despair to the Seven 8eae; afloat at all events, one must of necessity pursue the glamor ous promise of the , Unknown that lurks just down the borlson." -, Appleyard paused, his mien sub dued, hts gesture .bespeaking resigna tion. "All ot which means V Coast In sisted. "1 harder know. FrankJr, I thought tbat speeoA rather stupid myself That's why I chopped It off. . . . One talks. . . . You may have no ticed r "I have," said Coast drily. "Tou would, naturally" returned; Appleyard without resentment "But would It amuse you to leant how I came to be on board that fisherman T" "Tou mean how you came to be overboard. . . . Perhaps it would. You're the best Judge of that" "True." Appleyard accepted and lighted a cigarette, frowning soberly. "It was," he began, "due principally to my fatal passion for this Romance thing, sir. I hsve already acquainted you with my determination to pursue my quest of that shy spirit upon the trackless ocean. Conceive, now, the bitterness of the disappointment which o'erwhelmed my ardent soul when I applied for a berth as a fore mast hand, only to be Informed I was physically unfit, that as one brutal mate phrased it, I'd blow sway in the first half -a -gale. ... I give you my word, Mr. Coast, I've been stick ing round this waterfront s whole fortnight, vainly seeking nautical em ployment. Last night for the first time, for a few brief hours, I was per mitted to flatter myself that fortune was on the point of favoring me. Par a fugitive moment I alpped the chalice of Romance and rolled its flavor be neath my tongue." , Appleyard half closedhl4 eyes sad smacked his Hps, his -expression one of beatific bliss. "You've a pretty taste in pleas ures," Coast commented. . Appleyard waved the Interruption aside. "It came about largely through a wblm of Chance, he resumed, as all true adventure must Quite by ao- cldent I fell In with one of the crew of tbat fishing smack, he being well under the Influence of liquor; In a way of speaking, he'd looked too long upon the wine when It was red-eye and half wood-alcohol. Craftily sun ulatlng a like condition, I plied him fur ther and succeeded In learning the name ot his vessel and the faot that she was expected to sail with the morning tide together with other de tails that Intrigued me. Then, leav ing the sodden wretch to sleep off his disgusting debauch, I caused myself to be conveyed aboard the lugger I mean schooner and stowed away n his bunk, trusting to luck to avert discovery until the mbrning. Unhap pily I, wltii the rest of .the, crew, was routed out Incontinently by an un mannerly brete with a belaying pin (at all events It felt like a belaylng-ptn an Instrument with which I am unac quainted save through the literature of the sea) and forced to go op deck to help heave anchor. ... Or should I say. "weigh anchor V " im not quarrelling with your style," chuckled Coast "Why not put oft polishing your periods until .other timer" "Thank you," said Appleyard grate fully. "To resume: , My detection promptly ensued and my presence was dispensed with,- a trace, aaceremont oualy, perhaps, but no doubt very property from tbe skipper's point of view. With the subsequent phases of this most delectable adventure you are tamlMar; therefore, I confidently assume your concurrence with my con clusion; which le here am t-' ' . . Now," he Wound up, inclining his head at an angle, and favoring Coast with ' - .--ra:-sWMIattv4f,s1aj4 "what are you going to do wIDs ijtfT ' Coast opened hie eyes wide, wits e lift of his brows , '-"I doa't - know that I contemplate doing . anything ' with you," Mr. Applegate.".,v .-' "It's not yet too late for the amende courteous' suggested his guest'. . .; Tttgladiy. set you salMwe-?';:,-- ? "Pardon, but that s precisely what i don't want you to dor;. ' ..But-?.,;-;...;:,, idBK'i:- ' "A ; moment's patleaos, - sir,. .The Echo lacks a crew: I offer my service unanimously in that capacity." t . "But I don Want a crew." "Oh, don't iaythatr ,;' V ."And I have ao need ot one." ' Appleyard lifted both hand end-Jet ihenv-fall with a gesture of despair, j "Infatuated man!" he murmured,, re garding Coast .witk oommlseratkat-' : iaMKhx infatuated T", t . "What -do you .know o&fcese 1 wa- tersT", tha little man tounterqueatioa ed eharply. ; ' -. i - i "Little." Coast, was obliged to ad mttf "or pothlng, if you Insist" -."And yet you say you deatasied a crewt" ; . r - 1 r t ji ' "But my dear man, I do know bow to sail a boat; and with a copy of the Coast Bllot charts, a' eompaas and common-sense" .. -f - -' "Tou may possibly escape piling her up the first day out granted. On the other hand, I happen to-be isttmate with these waters; I can pilot you safely whither you will; I can s2 rd you infinite ae!titance ;;h tt,efceavy work It's no Joke, at t' i, t r ce nmn to lmve 'l the I ' ' i crnl't of t'-'a si.e. rl'i.i " t- ' Ini!y, fttl and tnciw ' , ' , R f ' " i etv f l I ' i I ' ; ( ) ! - A " 1 i 'a ' v H-F'iTi Has since IBM given "Thorough lnstrnctloa uoder poslrivcty Oirtetlaa ftaflsmtess as the lowest possible scat," "a5S,i,!.Har fcy W. tWml patronage of 858 Motlsns hody of 412, sad ta plant irorth 8140,000 " KB UADOsO TJLAJDfPfQ 8CBO0I. FOR GDtLS W VIRGINIA ' $1MMaIeAseMfrallMyeslDem beae, bumdf y medloal aUentloo. phyeleai eukure, end tuition in si subjects exeepl dmbho and eJoeudoB, Fo eatsktgae end application blank address, KB. THOMAS ROSSER REEVES. B. A., Principal. V BlACKOTONsVA. Ol rl faMCllsess to atteod. Wrt Mkl Asatoet rir pronouoMd tfas SXST tor IWi uTl! i,"i"!"i HMHtrin asa riwfmm wnaiv, w amg fta ursis Found t( 1838 Chartered 1859 TRINITY COLLEGE ITS STRENGTH LIES IN A Large, Well-Trained Faculty; Excellent Buildings and Equipment; Full, Well-Arranged Courses; Earnest, High-Minded StuilenU; A Large and Loyal Body of Alumni and Kriends; Noble Ideals ai d Tra dition ; An Inspiring History of Achievement and Service. Next Se-sion begins September 11, 1912. For Catalogue and Illua rated Book let. Address R. L. FLOWERS, Secretary, Durham, N. C. TRINITY PARK SCHOOL ESTABLISHED HM Lo-ati m excellent. Equipment first-class. Well-trained Faculty of successful experience. Special care of the health of students. An in tract r i i ea.-h domitory to supervise living conditions of boy un der his c re. Excell nt library and. gymnasium facilities. Large athlelii- field Fall Term opens September 11, FOB ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE, ADDRESS W. W. PEELE, Headmaster, Durham, N. C. EAST CAROLINA TEACHER S TB11NE SCHOOL A State school to train tf-achero for the public school of North ( arolitia. Every energy is directed to this one purpose. Tuition free to all who agree to teach. Fall Term beg i us. Sep tember i4 1912. For catalogue and plhr information address. R08T. H. r U, President, Greenville, N. C. OLD DOMINION NEW YORK AND ALL POINTS NORTH AND EAST Affording Pleasure and Beet. Korfolk to Kew York and First class tickets include Meals snd Berth on elegant'y appointed ex Dreas steamers. Hot or Cold Sea Water Baths can be procured on Steamer without charge. Steamers are all equipped with the United Wireless Telegraph System. STEAMERS SAIL FROM NORFOLK EVERY WEEK DAY AT 7 V. M. Tickets and Stateroom Keservations, Company's Wharf, Foot of Church St, Not folk, Va. Ask your localticketag'ent regarding, through tickets. Send for Illustra ed Pamphlet Deak i. W. H. LA NOON, J. J BROWN, -General Agent., Norfolk, Va. Gen. Pass, Agent New York. MmcaMMimiKnMKWBfajamHDKnHMMMMBWMkN MOREHEAD CITY, NORTH CAROLINA NOW OPBN EXTENSIVE IMPROVEMENTS, NEW MANAGEMENT I FINEST FISHING IN. AMERICA The Greatest Seashore Hotol io the South. Accommodations for 1,000 Cuftta. .- Every variety of and fnsh water ah Abound la abandana. The Atlantic Hotel r front tSA ocean braeo, which run eut sad tat. affording the swan oasat aouthwML' ; an wair front, aod l(a sumU njorsa lavicorstiBsaeaaa tmaattumihoatthaaunimr. . Hnrnlimmon ooiqnaid Mctolvadvatsa t en b toand on Atla&tla ''jVoaH OaUlnr spoa tn baradfol and placid Bosaa Soaad ar taa AtlaaHe.' atfll water and , Surf Bathinc' Inewnparabl Sound and ftaa) Saa Flaaia. . alaar naarbr pohMs ot tradl- raoai aod hiatorio iataraat. DaMlac. Tenjua, Pool, BiUiarda, Moala.- 'CJ : 1912 CONVENTIONS AT MOREHEAD ,,N. C Bar X C Prest haodsome iUustratt-djKwklet ALLSN A. DuBOIS, Manager. Morehead City, N. C Atrocities af aavagea, TNaw South Wales foremment' aonslderm , what action to- taka aardlng a number ot oatracea repara d from Rosel Island, near' British' New Guinea; j Tha Islanders are proh-l ably tha most saTaca cannibals In tht world. Their special praotloe hi amotherlni. When they have marked , A Tlctlm they signal to their assoct a i la sUonca squeeze out his Ufa. a bo: '3 his mouth and nose, othen s 1 '3 limbs, and another kneels oj s v 1 t.ls-cbsst .. ,- riVS:CENT3 IS THE , l: cf rrcn. - t i'i : i-r ami smru ur- n- 1 - a w . - . mm l l - - ? . mm ore far OeBrs snd Ma, yaws. OwSiMiiMmiimI uiiii anii..,iaii S ta. Veatl lae JMh,, ul hw mm -1 mmm s sisrs, ma n LINE Delightful Short Sea Trips To Return (30 Days) $14.00 j July J-6th. 2-26th. July IV. sndlrsserrstions address, -4- tiw ?vioa in aaaukT OKs prompt rallaf from BACKACHE riDNlrtr and BLADDER TROUBLE, tlMxau. conorstiom Z EHSUafATISM. CONGESTION of fa KIDNEYS. INFLAMMATION of tba ELArjDER ,0 URINARY r HI DDL AOED and ELDBRLT rCFLB and fee WOMEN. : , AVI K!3MKST aCeoMMIHRATtdtt a. a. r-.. m r.-hinto t., cnaa'"- . tia w" and ' 4 ma 1 - .,.r im. n.i i ai mm fj-f.o,- 1 ty I 4 9 e, in ' p I ' r '

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