f t i -:V ' i. - . ' ..V J ' f V -" A f - L ThB Jtlnd Yotf Have Always Boaght, and which Las been - tflose for 4ver SO yean, ha bora the signature et r-r v'- v - and Iia been made under bit per- m M . TmtAlAnl - Kxperloicnta that trifle with and endanger the health ot Infant and Children Experienee agalast lUperlment Oastorla Is a harmleM nbtltate for Castor OH,- Pare crorUy Drops and Soothing Syrups. -. It J pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor tiier Narootlo. . substance. Its are Is its guarantee, It deetroye Worms and allays FererUhneBS For more than thirty years. It has been 1 eonstant use 1 o the relief of Constipation. Flatulency, Vlnd CoUo,,aU' Teetldug Trouble an -, Xkrrhoaa. It regrulates . the Btomach ard Bowels, jeealmilates the Food, glrtngr healthy and natural Sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend - GENUINE GASTORIA ALWAYS I Bears the The Kind You Save In Use For Over 30 Year TUf CCerTMHt eoMWUIT. W wWHeaV TtOtT, WIW TOM OTrV. HARDWARE AND Building Ma terial IPaints, Oils AND Varnishes American Field Fence f. W. PBOFiSSlONAL CARDS I h. w.sTmpson FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND BMBALMKR Day Phone 167, Night Phone 828 D. G. SMAW, AST. V. M. Simmoas, A. IK Mars, - SIMMONS IIMWr AfTORNBIS AND COCNSKLLOB8 .. A'A' LAN RIW HRN, I. Office Rooms 401-2-8 Elks Building Practice in the counties of. Craran Duplin, Jones, Lenoir, Onslow, Cart era t, Pamlico and Wake, in the Su preme and Federal Courts, and whe aver services are desired, ' R. A. NUtyN ATTORNEY AT WW , Practice in the counties of Craven, Carteret, Pamlico1' Jones and Onslow sad in the State, Supreme and Federal Courts. - i-;V OKI o fte. 60 Craves tbet TslsphoRt No. 97. '' Naw aara, N C World CFHPS aBWW m-mm . - ; i f i . vi in - saw- r Xt WiZS atm - The World's Best Each Month Cartoon, from dailies m dailies aad weekHei pubSahed ..la tti lis country, London. : Dublm, Paria. Berlin, unkh, Vienna, Warsaw, Budapest, Stf1" , msceraain. oruiiKan ui iu. urich. Tofcio, Shansoai. pyontv, wanaaa, anu w, sown Amenta " B " - - !- m a ' . orkJ. Only the beat out of fcduB cartoon, ' , " i 4 " aatfc awath, ass selected. ,."?.' v - , ; " ArTotunKltloryof Worafttvsntstaah Msntli "J1, I. j r, rBin CKi (X) ?3'ad latch U-'opii!, J- ' ' T ' tog parties caricature eadi otber. - h ' v YVAaavv soaacairnoi s t-i suMaa oerv is. ' Oaa y9 Acta pr IB b. avIM Mr lli'i'l ... . : . i .if U ritu. a r v Li t. 'i ( X)' f V 1 tllil II .TnitUbVniUl " SLreY DDI ' Signature of (NORFOLK SOUTHERN RULROUD ; ROUTE OP THE "NIGHT EXPRESS" Schedule Effective June. 2d. 1912 Tne following scbedule flgurei pub lished aa information ONLY and art not guaranteed. TRAINS LEA VE NEW 'bEBN,,. NOIWH AND WEST &0UND .1 12:80 a m, Daily-Night Express Poll man Sleeping Car for Norfolk. 9:25 a m, Daily for Norfolk, connects for all points North and West, Parlor car service between Wash ington and Norfolk ' ; . 1:45 did, Daily except Sunday for Washington. Belhaven. Greenville Wilson and Raleigh, Parlor ear between Washington and Raleigh 4:10 a m. Daily Night Express for Goldsboro. , , $;ia a m, PailfprjSoldsboro. . 6:43 p m, Daifr lor'llfpjSabaro.- EAST BOUND 920 am, Daily for Beaufort, . 6:36 p m, " " Beaufort, 9:6') a m, Daily except Sunday .for Oriental. - ? 5:45 p no, Daily except Sunday., for Oriental. , .. 6:55 p m Sunday only forOrientaL For further in formatioB or reservation of Pullman Sleeping Cari space,- appljf to T. H. Bennett, T. . Ijaw P?tl, n. c. W. W. CROXTON W. R, HUDSON. G. P. A. Gan'l 9opl Norfolk. Vs, Taking a vacation usually means get ting bored at exorbitant rates. 6mhhbumatism iuoMaAMaaAeesa ' -- j-n- - V Notbing s t completely knocks a con trary man silly as to hava you agre with him. Summer cold are hard to get rid ef, and trequeotly lead to aathms, bron cbitia, and bay fever Da not' let your cold get a hold on you, but Off FoUy'a Honey and Tar Compound far Quick rs Uef. W H Aileu. Cnelaea, WtiVi aavs: "We prefer FeUy's poay end Tar Compound to other cough medieiMS 'be cause it quickly cures cough and colds; It will ward off a sold if taken tq liaae. Containa no oniataa. For sal b aii deatera, .. ; .. . When a young man aits- tea feet. away from a girl and kindly' iofomta bar that he ia W fliat and only kva she -can bet en bis Teracity.' n"1 OVtaj e VCASJat EXFgRICriaK y lilrJJf-'lJ1 tT aisaas warare Aa - . JtntoMwOTrlinf ftgkfviendri- ""'"f . qnfokl wcarum our oitin n I'm ' luveitCWm pnibwhly j ; ikmestrlotlyoor . .-iiti . o- J . ent fied. Ofrtft eun v t ., l'nfwnta Uken tnroi.. a -,n,a A u ; ffsriai notice Uhoutturu, iulom vU.fls4r Jfc. ,.k,. ,e A HflTftsjomelf .IJrxrvv '-naUy, T Msv . 4rtllHLn ot enr 'f" 't tear; foor mutitbe, fsv isyiaJ ., Ill lalTI w a Always Bought 0 s p 1 ha-, n is i f 0 s- i.f.Lutls Jotfth Vance CostradsM fcy Rsy Waben UwriiUt, Mia, sr Laaia Jeaspb Vaecv. t (Continued from Pegs Two) gain. ' . . . - .' ' ..; 'What do yen mean by thatT" '"I offer valuable nay, Invalu able aervicea, gratis, without pay." "But why do rou do thatf" demand- eo uoast, Dianur. Appieyard exeouted an ample ges ture. "Komanoe, ne replied, sen tafttlDua. : - .-(Vho"ere you, anywa-yT" pursued Coast lncMtiousIy. 1 might put the same tiuestlcm to you. air." ' , "To your 'prospective erni-lorerT" The faded eyes twinkled. "As near ly won over aa that, Mr. Coast? - De cidedly my talents should have been devoted to spellbinding, as yon so delicately suggest . . . But square ly," air, he grew momentarily grave aad earnest "I've been painfully truthful: my monaker la actually "Mel chlaedeo Appieyard, Incredible as It may sound. I give you thy word Pm an honest man: the law has no nwl- adge of or concern with me." ' For all his banter he betrayed not "Thank You," 8ald Appieyard Grate fully. a little eagerness as he bent forward, scanning Coast's face. - Ilia verdict waa something deferred; Coast was actually and seriously con sidering .(he preposterous suggestion. The little man promised a diverting companion,, who had proven such up to that moment; and there were dark hours when Coast needed diversion poignantly. Beyond question it would be convenient to have somebody at one's beck and call, to stand a trick at- the wheel or advise concerning dangerous waters. And, furthermore, Coast thought to detect in Mr. Apple- yard's manner a something which lent mora, than a mite of confirmation to his hint that he needed food and ahel- tor IX only temporarily. , . . Fin ally, one inclined to like the man for himself; his personality persuaded Oven when, one realised the apparent ailHnees of yielding to his Impor tunity. ' In the end Coast nodded slowly, "I'll go you," be said, holding the other's eyes; "111 take you at your word." Relief shone radiant on the with ered face. "Bight you are. Mr. Coast!" oried Appieyard, extending a hand. "I promise you won't regret this. Word of honor, alrl" . - - "That's understood." Coast pressed the hand and released it "And now let's get under way. I'm for bold wa ter -Nantucket Sound to begin with. Can we make,' Vineyard Haven by nightfall, do yon think r " "With thla wind, via Quick's Holer Coast nodded and Appieyard consid ered sagely. "Of oourae we can," ae proclaimed. 'V;-s .. CHAPTER VI. AU readyr, oaet, at the wheel." nodded, to Ap pleyard, whowM-tirouohlng in ta bowa "Beady." aa said.i- -.; ti . There' followed splaan. as Apple- yard dropped the hook of the mooring at which the Echo had been riding . overnight!:?; ? yM T'ji'f' In a .long and graceful sweep the Eche-swung round and slipped briskly down -the harbor to the urge of the following wtad. ?&PT$& A Early In the afternoon, the wind be gan to fail, -Its Volume diminishing-by fits and b tarts; heavy puffs alternated with spells of steady preering suc cessively more faint ' iv.'j "Over the bows the entrance to Quick's1 Hole; the passage between Paaque ' and Nashawena Islands, be came plainly' visible. --Z, : -:- Appieyard remarked the -eigne of change with a wrinkle of disquiet be tween his brows. '"s "Going to have V shift of wind, you thlnkT" Coast asked. r,f : The little man aodded enxiously. "Ita t cinch," he asserted. "And when' U does swing the chances are ten to one ltll come In from the sou' west". That's , the -prevailing 1 wind round here at thla season, you know." "Well? Even so, It'll favor ua Bp the Bound, -won't ltf Besides, We've got the motor. . " : " - -: "That'll help a heap in case that fog comes down on us, won't it?" Apple yard snorted in disgust, ' tiodtMng to ward the bank of tawny haze ' t dla colorfrd the horlon beyond tU'low pn ' sa of Kie!iwena and Cuttytiunk, over tt 9 ttaxl-f'ri counter. " ;"lTa-.i-t ' rf Cist" .' ' ' - " "And J'st : 1 nerv9 to r- r t i y f x t' t you r " 1 a V - ! ' , ' i i -i i i i n-irt rt 'jrsorii.a"'iuo;,r ,. Here. JUka U.a v -! t ' . . "Nev-.. f. mlnd.pptfy rretum.t.1 "That's my Jov - 1 m put That b, unless yeu . of .: " i "No; Inf not eraay aWut It - Oe ahead, and break your back turning up a Cold engine, if you want to." i . r- "Pon't let that fret you say, Cap." Appieyard granted,-setting the. ,bln nacle aside and lifting the engina-plt batch. , "Me; ' was orn and prsugnt op with marine motam they used to fill my nuralng bottle wttg a tnfxtrjre of gasoline and, Vacuum : A.t Ptpe your uncle." i- -t - -' -y .'. -- 'iV- -. Be drepWlfsUly lata taerplt threw in both the mala sad ahnfdw switches,' opened the globe-valve In the feed pipe, made-a slight adjust ment of' the-carbureter,-and slowly turned up the fly-wheel "Aa angry bnutng broke out ta the spark-eoll. - Tou see," he said; with elaborate nohchalanc. "They're all Uke-eay one of 'em will feed right joat of ttjy He rocked the fty-wheef so aad 4r halt a dosen times, taenr'Ate fia smart upward pufi. 'lnstUU -JUf was a eel r"" loa eiaWr. and fhe rhei began. tfo gfteda to the "WfkJL toirJain"B. M,ev haust .umT 4- ' Oatherlpc . way, the' boat slteved, 'at a more li vely pace, with hey sat tan ping empty .: aneV listleas, , aa Mly winging boofla. -' ."i;yiit'r'-'! By the time Coast, bastrteks T his highly ,effl6eat orewi had Piloted the Echo safely throngh to the aVuAd, a dead calm heJ(L !- .'i:-' "; " Vlittte later a -chill breath 'pi a: fanned Coast's Cheek, first hlf out of the. southwest" The .wefhr fiatyed and darkened wfth the flying catspawa ' " s The fog swept in .rwiftly. Jar aeresi the breadth of. wlnd-dulUd : WatW Coast could see It movlng oaward 4Ud a wall, momenUrUy gafajag ta bulk. Already it was hovering fhreatentefy over Qay Head, sad while he toahed a thin, gray, spectral arm stole across the, low land at Menemsha Bight, and began to grope Its blind Way up the Bound. ... ,. - Coast steered with nls .gsS flxed upon the oontpass ea the' angine-ptt hatch, now his ao4e- gmes. slbly the fog that In time the mat-w znorS or less indistinct and only H yard er as of palHd water was vlsiUe p eithsr hand. ' -'' - -- - -.-.' "Vineyard Haven tonight, by any chapoer he asked auddealy. . . Appieyard shook hU heal declsedly. "Not unless ' we get. S .;rese stilt enough to blow thlf pit,-': " ' "Then we'd bettor Jfod sa aachdr age f or the pigljttf 'f ' "Only thing ta o,' Pm wtlUng to risk' my valuable p. ' as S weather prophet, that this Won't ' lift before morning. V.I'fct? twiltg? I" larpaimn uover- - fOoaat pursued aleepily. lnnlM.Ml ht VI Hm mmAidt - rubbed hja nose, considering. "Oood enough anchorage," be admitted; "but for muh, I ain't atrong for It. Menem -(... HA.aJ sha Bight would do esjAore eot fortably acroas tne 0ouad rtrg know. a btt east Of Oay Henari -"Why Menemsha filghtn . "Because there's aa Sble-aodledand energetlo tog beO at Tarbaultn. '.Take my advice. ' Taerell be nothing hut dead aileno at the Bight and it tont muca ot a ran over tnere." , . ..u--"Toil know best How afeall I hold herr '-:. "Bou'eaBt"1-' ' -Bo." , Coast put the wheel over and, brought the Echo round to that course, as Indicated by the compass. Monotonously the Arooometer la the cabin knelled - the haaeuts. About two bella (five O'eloeh) Apple yard began to tldgef uneaafly. ' He knocked out his pipe and. lumping op. trotted forward to the bowe, where, an arm embracing the mast he remained for many minutes stubbornly jeering ahead into dreary blaakaesg , which the keenest vision could by ao means have penetrated, -After a while he returned, disco aged, to the cockpit "I dont Use this, be asserted, glumly "neree something; gone wrong. We ought to vs made the Bight, over an hour ago. rve been expecting' we'd run agrouad every: minute, ot the last, thirty.. ; i . Sure you've got the. coarse lrlghtrr Absolutely,". . returned Oost . with convlotton.-.r.rYt!..y.': ';";i'iKi''V.i.' , "Then what the dlvvW'B the mat ter" grumbled the; llttJe 1na "Msr-tha-s Vineyard baSat moved, IU go baUjrj and. we sertalaay'souis d that course as Mag as we ev out : atHkiaj aaad .aomewaerfv? ye ? 4 . - va "We're Perfectly Safe Uhleae WVre In " Ship Channel." 1 wagged -tt perturbed head, growling Inarticulate dissatisfaction. ' "Let me think. . : .. - Something Wrong -. What .--.v4 t;,WsitI" ie cted abrwptly. ."ITaybe - : . i:: X t 'I wheel rteady for a bU, w".l you." , ( Droj'piug I 'i knefS Is r"?rtl iix' tcst!y into the binnacle, a fLa" saiae ..... . v . .,.1, 'At -firert!n 4h hattArla. Tha JnO- tur momrlil. eoUKhed and waa oidet the droning la the spark coU , died sway, and Coast, leaning forward fit wonder, saw the compass,, $ Id Jerk aa If suddenly release and then 'swim through aa are of almost ninety-; de grees ere It steadied.. r?:T-:Ar "What la thunder doea that nieauT as demanded. surprlsSd- to the point of Incredulity. . ' . t "Meana we're bota asses of blooded Hneage," said Appieyard sowly, rjs lngv "though you're not a marker to me. I should ve known bettsr Id vp thought of It right await It f hd only half the sense Ood glTi the ApnxegUo goose. That eompaay wgS right os top of the spark eblL aturally ft magnetite . . . And r would'vf known better, toe. If ,ever I nadf run an engine with the eoiy on the cy 114 Oer before! Ob plffSsl , - . . , "Then rve. bean hoMlng tl&r wrong course tor several hours" V . "Presactly." ' - "aVad you haven afly Me where Ws,sT. l5fc'ghwBer; Toorogsiair fIIeeJ..'3Sa Applfygrtl- sighed profonadlyr The orst of it Is, Tm a aawedff .lKUe rmt too ftDoall-for you to kick aa I eaght1 4 be kicked. . . . . n-Tes. said Coast f 'taet tned simply and solemnly on Jotd tMligs, after wUhApp1eyard. at ha j9wh saggastioa, rrjrjn the' firsr watch, toe need reeC hV trfttedi and 1 doh't rarely sleep; bfir UreS hour a ntfht Ton turfltin nyw and JheH your Mme'a up fir pan you. There's nothing to worfy atfout, any way; We're perfectly aafe'uaWi we're la ship -. channeL which I Judge we slat from the abae&ce St rnry whlstr Jmg hereabouta." . Coast waa really very tired sad lit tle loath to be perauee)e Hedftped off instantly Into dreamKfr aleetA At some fl me during. (he trtgnt he wss disturbed By a mtft aplasblng under the bows. He roused Just enough to appreciate wwVre he wasi and lay staring drowsily, s the cabin latmn nntll (& iMiriail ffiLhava deaed tasea-toff again and again aWaWbedJ lk waa str eo, aware of Appleyard'S presenoe fn the cabin. . "Hello," he yawned, staring at the little man's head and shoulders a be sat, on the other transom, beyond the center-board trunk, busying himself over something invisible la his hands. "Whet'a upr -.florry I waked you," retsrited Appieyard- His eyes flickered keenly over Coast's fsoe tor an tnsfknt. "We drifted aground a fev minutes' ago," he explained in a perfanStory tone; "I .pushed Off with the sweep and anchor ed vJith a short cable." "Whereabout d'ypu think we are?" 1 -- " ------ " " . Blsht for choice, but be any- where anon hoe Vftvev 4f-po' aihiy Pasquvj 6 No M Whd."- "Where that?" "No Mkn's Land? Oh, -a !llttle Island souf of Oly Bleed, -tout as big's d handkerehlel Practical? uninhabited- "'' Appieyard rose. "Whh you doing T" Coast yawne extravagshtly. - "Cleaning my pipe. CkioThjand sleep; your time's not;Up3c' ' ' , "Whafa o'clock?" ' J Appieyard mumbled afmethTng in coherent as he stepped out,, on deck; 'and Coast turned over 'and slept again. - It seemed hours later when he found himself abruptly wide awake, tn. a .tremor of panio anxiety bred of a fancy that a human voice had cried out in , mortal terror;- sTimewhere Kwlthln. his hearing. He started np. In formed by that sixth sense we oall ip toflon that conditions abroad the Echo had changed radically since fhe last. time he had fallen salcp;.and It seemed no more than a second from the moment his eyes opened dnfl he found himself In the cockpit, gas ing dated ly into : the JnaoAltaMe heart of the fog. 4 At first in his eontuston, he . could see nothing amlaa. The Echo waa rid ing on .a quiet tide aad an even keet with scarcely any pereeptiet moOea. The encompassing darkaeaa was In tense, nnfathomable, proffiutnlt Only the forward Hght showea a dim halo of yellow opajesoenoa aear" tils mast head,, aed .the faint glojs fcoaj the SiaUfcv Issagt waivsred od Slowly swirl tag convolutions ot deaaa white va-j por, kae smoke. The sort lad star board lights had been sWtfaguWhed, M they ahoold be! wteav ,a, vessel eornes to aochor... -:'" What then had . Interrupted" hla shimbersr : - . ',',- - He turned with a question shaping Oa-,hlS'.llpSt"-::" Appieyard . was nowhere visible. :; Coast required some minutes before be was convinced of the fact of the little; man's disappearance.' But the cabin proved as empty, aa the cock pit and the tender wag gone. The cabin chronometer- chimed the hour ot four la the morning. As the echoea died, ds though they had evoked the genius of that plsce, a strange and dreadful ery ren. tbe alienee, sounding shrill across the wa ters, yet as it coming from a great distance. '' . 1 t -v , rvTTro h toN'niivED.) ; " ' ' ' : . t -S,HI Children Oryr i 5 rca rLETciirs'a ; CAGtORIA; ; No. Cordelia, going up in "an airship isn'tdangerous. -.t It's the cnmitig down that is apt to give the undertakers job. 1 ft! rtatTiient ktfjr BERS THE GALL Kew Bero i People Have Found L'-o, That Tbig is Troe.' : i " ' x ' I A cold,. a strain, a sudden wrench, . A Httle cause may eurt the .kidneys. Spelts f backache of ten follcw, : ' Or some irregularity of the urine. A splendid remedy for such attacks. A medicine that baa cured thoutaads Is Dvan's Kidney Pills. . .. ' Thoosantia of. people rely upon It Here is one case. ' James E Ask to, James City, N. C, says: " Whils in the army I reeeived a severe strain, and after that I was sub ject to attacks of kidney trouble. My back arbed a great deal, aad as time passed the trouble grew much worse . tried many remedies but seamed una ble to obtain relief, and finally hearing of Dean's K doey Pills, I obtained box. They gave me mors benefit than 1 had ever received before. Thty not stif stopped the pain In my keek, but etreagUkened my kidneys and improved my health." For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents Foster-Milburn Co .Buffalo.New York, 8;le agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan'a and take no other. You never see. a girl hike for the kitchen when she wants to kill time. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C A STpR I A It's easy for a man to forpive bis en emies after getting tquare with them. In these days of high co-t of living, a medicine that gets a man up out ol bed and able to work in a few days is a valuable and welcome remedy. John Htath, Michigan Bar, Cel., had kidney and bladder trouble, was confined to his bed, unaxle to turn without help. "I commenced uMng Foley Kidney PiDs and can truly say I was relieved at once." Bis example is worth follow ing. For sale by all dealers. How a woman dors enjoy meeting s man she hasn't seen for twenty years and have him i bay : "Why you don't look a day older than you did the last time we met." If j ou are a housewife, you cannot reasonably hope to be healthy or beaull lul hv washincr dishes, sweeping and doing housework all day, and crawling into bed dead tirtd at nigbt. You must get ont into the open air and sunlight. If you do this every day and keep your bowels in irood order by taking Chamber lain's Tablets when needed, you should hrcome both healthy and beautiful. For sale by all dealers. And the Lord also helps those who help others. wiiymDiPiiis rOnnMCUMATISM KIONCVaAND SIABOU. A thing of duly is a job forever. A. M. Nason, farming near Canaan, Me. was bauiy crippled witn sciatic rheumatism due fie says to uric acid in his blood. "Foley Kidney Fills entire ly cured me and also removed numer ous black specks that were continually Svfore my ey s." Foley Kidney Pills Sre a uric solvent and are effective for the various forms of rbtumatitm After a man has been compelled to eat his words and swallow his pride, be hasn't much appetite for anything else. FRIGHTFUL POLAR WINDS. blow with terrific force at the far north and play havtoc wi h the akin, causing red rough or sore chapped hands and lips, that need Bucklen a Ainiea Salve to heal them, tt rnxkea the akin soft and Smooth. Unrivaled for cold-sores, also burns, boila, sores, ulcers, cuts, bruises and piles. Only 26 cents at all druggists. AOVloo to a Friend. The young man waa about to be married. Tratae . ypur wife's grace and beauty, constantly," advised one friend. "But don't overdo tt," eeanseted ouer. -Baemay coaexpoe that aae has thrown herself a way oa you. and wan-, to go oa tee ststy n r cr;i.i - u uul bsed Foley Kidney Pills for kidney and uladderr trouble. . He says: "1 find for my case no other medicine equate Fo ley Kidney Pills for beneficial effect' They are a safe and reliable medicine for kidney trouble and rheumatism Contain no harmful drugs. For sale by all dealers. ( . y ' Flouratlvely peakrng. i "And What Is the diolomatle corps f "."The diplomatic core," replied la msB who takes a pun. seriously, ic what the Treaker nation, is pencltted to reselve after the stronger aae fete through eating the aenlsV ' Y N. ill Gorbam. CaahierlBanl of Wood- villa, Woodvile, Ga-y had a-very Severe attack of kidney trouble end the .pains in his kidneys and back, were terrible "I got a bottle of Foley Pills from ear druggist ana they entirely relieved me, 1 have more benefit from thro tbao any other medicine.'' for aale by all dealers. -'.V'' i- --"-.''- k , .,,.,r,,m inj ...r- . When a man has no more sense than to ask a girl for a kiss she Is perfectly justified in refusing. - ' , n . - t : l ls, gnj vrl..jry l.iz . I.i r? ' r.-:.:s t r - A r ' v it . . tA.. . V . a. J ' :'l:-.'3v Legal Notices S. ' MORTGAGE SALE. ao a pvwar of aal caBtainctl in two aartaia MdHaa-aa-a Dead exacutad by Cute and ranaie T, Saroojr to J, M . alitciiel nA Co. Umrinc data Um tnd day of February 181 1 and iSend day ttlmm ISil, the earn bain- recorded in tda flee af the Kaaietar of Deada of Cnmn county la book MS paea 1 and 7 willaeU at the Court Bouee door la New Bern NT C, on Monday the SMh day ad jury lair at the' hour 12 e'cfeeii at. to the h la-heat sadder for eaeh. aU of the fotlowihs deaarihad property aa'conVoyed in the Mortgaarea adoreaaad. to-wit; aB that eertatn traetnr parcel of tend beins tVat N Bt8 I once etraet in the Flan or Plot of the atty ad New Bern N. C. For further refer aaas aaa book 180 folio 82 of the record of Craven eouatyN. C. Dead from Har.it Ethart8a-e aliaa Barrit Bryan Dated July Ust IDio. J. a. hUTCUELL. a Co. MortRaifae. Maw Bam. N. C . June r7th 1012. PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS. NORTH CAROLINA t la the Superior t Court. CRAVEN COUNTY ) LeWH B. BOtaNKK Ti. FLORENCE BONNEIt The defendant above named will take notice that aa action aa above entitled has been com Mncad ha the Superior Court of Craven county taohasan a divorce a vinculo iiuurimont from the aaid defendant, on the e-roiutd ..adultery aaatdafaodaait will further take noUoe that ehe h neulrad to appear at tl.w knu of rjuierior Oowrt ror aaid aouaty to be held on the eth Moo da after the let Mundar )n beltuniher. tt bema the SMh day of September. Mi. at the Court Houee la New Bern. N. t,". ami aiuiw.j-or demur to the eemplaint In eald action, or the blaiutlff Will apply to the court for relief demanded In aaid aontplaint. V. H. H.ANNtK. Clerk of Superior Court. Thla tlth day of June. laii. THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS The Slate's Industt ial Colli ye Four-year coureea in Agriculture; in Civil, Electrical, ami Mei-hunical Engineering; in Cliernintry ; in Cot ton Manufacturing ami lycin Two year courses in Mechanic ArtH und in Tejctile Art. Oim y.iar an I I'w.i year courses in An icultur.-. ihose courses are both ir.i iic;il ami sucn- title. ExaminationH for ailmi.-, i. n are held by the County Supci inl. M.lriit at all county seatH on July IHIi. For Catalog address I HE REGISTR AR, West I'Hl. i. h. N. C. THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal And Industrial College Maintained by the State for the Women of North Carolina. Five regular Crurs es lead ng to degrees. Special Courses for teachers. Free tuition to those who agree to become teachers in, the State. Fall SeBSlon begins SeptemOl8, l'J12. For catalogue and other infoimutiou, address JULIUS I. FOUST, Prt-sidwft Greensboro, N. C. Lake Drummond Canal & Water Co. Lake) Drummond Transportation Co. Lake Drummond Towing Co. Dismal Swamp Canal Antnland Route, Protected from Storm. NtM Feet of Water Miojmu-.u Depth JAlwaye. Quick Transit for Traffic. Proa-apt Towing and Freight Movement. Fee totla, towing and fret-pet rates apply st office in Seaboard Baak BiaMj mg and at Deep Creek Lock, Va ft). K. fog, Pegs. j. k. MjgfiiL Sey. J. B. Baxter, Supt. i. T. WhKehwst, Traffic Manager. Norfolk Office Bell Phone 627.. ForWomexi Who Care Of ootrrseyou use an antiseptic in yoru family and in the care of ymarovFn per -Kn, and you want the beat. , ' - Instead of what you have been using Ktcruas liquid or tablet antiseptics or peroxiae, won't you piease try i-ajraiow a concentrated antiseptic powder to V. dissolved in water ae needed. -r Paxtine ia more economical, more. cleansing, more gcrmioidal und- more tteaung tnan anyunng you ever uaea. eii... h' antiseptic V ' ial the toilet to cleanse and whites he teeth, remove tartar -and-woven. dec a v.' Io disinfect the month, destroy disease germs, and purify the breath. To keep artificial teeth and bridnework clean and odorless. To remove nicotine from, the teeth and purify the bteatb after SnoVdng. . To eradicate perspire- Uon odors by sponge bathing ' , As medicinal fisront for local 'reaWnent of feminine ills where ixalvio earrh, Inflammation and eloertvUon exist, pothlng equals hot donohos of rmxtine. : f or tea years toe Liyoia n.. P'nkliam Med. Co. has been rfirularly -advising their patients to une it becanrtf its extraorainary cieanmng, neiuiui ind c-fcrmloidal oower. For thla pu ,oe atone Paxtine III worth Its weinfc M po! 1. AIbo for nasal catarrh, l. (,,1 i "niued eyi a, ontji ana woim ,11 r,--5Bfi), S5 slid B0 cents a 1 i i x a.iil'tfst'T-iony of I . i -i r t ?-"'.'Mt, , i . i i --iornm,-t .

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