i 1 ?ai:i v.n:i known; circulation ESTABLISHED "'ifr''-' NUMBER 98 S r&NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA, - EDNESDA KOOTtfG, JULY l2UtmMMB. :--rv.'r! THIRTY-FIRST YEAR -'"4, Cm. -1 t- ' : V Si - s An Invitation For Thrifty , People. w invite small sa vines accounts from working men and women, clerks, book keepera, mechanic, housekeepers, dress makers, eblidren and all thrifty ' people wbo aave a portion of their income. Anybody who ia interested in aavfng money and desires to make a be ginning is encouraged to do so by this bank. We welcome deposits in any amount, extendifg every courtesy and attention to depositors, whether their accounts are large or email. This Bank Pays Four Per Cent Cnrnpgund Interest. llf NEW BERN BANKING TltUST COMMnW NEW BERN, N.C. PER CENT DISCOUNT On all Clothing for the next I ft days only- As wo have to reduce onjr stock of Clothing to make room tor Fall and Winter goods we are ofl'eiing this great reduction tor A SHORT TIME OKLY Mow is your chance to save money It will be nionry ln your pocket to give me a trial- SAM LIP MAN Cor, Middle and S. F. Sts. Bryan Block. tt,. h. ... . ... IF YOU WANT The best fence The best stove The best paint Pitts burgh is the Fence Buck's is the 'Stove B. P. S. is the Paint, and we carry a complete stock and will make the price right. J. s. PfiONE 99, BASNIGH T HARDWAR GO. 67 S. FRONT ST. NEW BERN, N. C. ROB POSTOFFICEh GET ONE DDLtAO Snead's Ferry Has Epidemic of Store Robberies. Posse on. ' V Trail of Gang; Between the hours of J and 6 o'clock yesterday morning a band of yeggmen broke Into the poatoffice at Sneada Fer. ry. Onslow county, and rifled die safej securing, however, enly one dollar in cash, the reminder of the money which bad been there on' the previous day and also a quantity of Btampe having been removed by' Postmaster P. P.Sheppard. In addition to robbing the postofflce the stores of Mr. C. C. Jenkins and PosU moster Sheppard were also broken into and a quantity of -njerchandira carried away. - ; ' iy'i." .- Twa robberies have" occured there during the week. On last Surday night teveral stores were entered, including the two above mentioned and goods and money were stolen. On Monday a search was made for the thieves but they had left not the least trace and the pursuera were forced to give up the hunt. When the second robbery was dis covered yesterday morning the Sheriff of the county telegraphed to Raleigh fur bloodhounds, but for some reason cculd not secure thim. He at once or ganized a posre and went in search of the lubbers. 1 hat the jobbery rtquir d at leaet two men to commit it was clear y evidenced. The front door of the postofflce was constructed of a num ber of layers of thick wood and was securely bolted lnn the roetmaster lef'. the fmildirg et night. Upon bia return yesterday morning it had tern torn from its hinges. It ia the telief of th : people in that place that the rob bery was commit td by an organizrd gang of robbers. A telephone message from Jackson ville last nieht stated that the posse in search of the robbers had arrived there but up to that time had been unsuccess ful in their attempts to spprehend them. A general alarm has been sent out over this section and there is every probability that they will be captund. VISITORS G The place to buy your Spring or Summer Suit at prices within reason. I absolutely guarantee satisfaction. New line of samples just received. Call and inspect my stock. F..I.I. t Tailor, 103 Middle St New Bern, N. C. ; EAST CAROLINA TEACHERS TRAINING SCHOOL A Statfe school to train teachers for the public schools of North Carolina, Every energy is directed to this oi.e purpose. , Tuition free to all who agree to teach. Fall Term bej ius -September 24. 1912. - For catalogue and other information address. I H. I UN, President, 6reenville,'. N. C. T ATLANTIC HOTEL Every Ei .t,rur.d train passing through the citjh is its quota of paa; senaers enro 11 e to the Atlantic HotiT atMorehed City. The piesent sea son at this popular hostelry is turpa? a ing ail nnticipatiens rf the owrers. Al though Manages DuBoia always cen. tiivee to give accommodations to thofe who stop at ih- hotel, the house U prteMcaliy fi 1 d at all times with gUfB'S. One of the chief causes of so much puu'arity with pleasure seekers is the excellent services which the managers of tee hotel demands that eacb-gurat begive-i. In the dining room every variety of food that can be secured re- uardless of trouble or expense is to be found, wl i'e a sera or more of atten dints await ihed'-mand o' thi gueits at all other times. Today the North Ca olin 1 id ors will throng the rptciona ro nrn a id halls of the hotel, the oca Jon b ;ig the annual meeting of the Narth Carolina Preta Association, and it is aafe to say that each 03e of them will return home mo'e than pleased with the treatment they received whllribere r EDITORS 'FLOCK ?Tfl; LIOOEIIED Four Coaches Attached to East Bound Train For Their Convenience. Special to JournaJ ' Morehead City, July 23. Newspaper men and their families to the number of ISO are here for the annual meeting of the North Carolina Preaa Association. When the editoriaf party had come in toniibt, .diveated tbemBeryee of the dust and grime; which many of them had accumulated Jo journey acrosa the State and Md pirUaea of the sup per proyided for them at the Atlantic Hotel, it was footed that it waa too late to undertake to' carrjrxjut the program arranged for the ayeaihg. So that ,waa postponed oatil . thie- morning when Mayor Wallace for the city and Mr. B, L. Bngg for the Norfolk-Southern will make the visitors welcome, and Editor James H, Cowan, of the Wilmington Dispatch will deliver the response. The whole program will be rushed through today. Tomorrow the editors will devote to recreation a part of which will be, very possibly, a trip by boat to Cape Lookout. Friday, instead of Saturday as provided for In the pro gram, the trip by the Inland Water way to New Bern will be b ade and the quill drivers will hasten back to their sanctums Friday afternoon after par taking of the hospitality of the New Bern Chamber of Commerce. Four cars carrying a large num ber of the editors Vnd their fam ilies passed through New Bern yes terday afternoon attached to the east bound train. There were about one hun dred and fifty members in the party, in cluding the wives and daughters of the scribe. A ottmber had already gone on to Morehead City to prepare for the otber members ' and others will go down today. One of the moat conspicuous figures among (he visitors when they, arrived id New Bern waa Editor Joaephus Dan-1 tela, of the Raleigh News and Obser ver. Attired in a linen suit he appeared to be entirely at ease and enjoying the trip immensely. During the train'a short atop here bis time waa taken up with greeting numerous friends and acquaintance andalking over the pres ent political situation. Among the -other noted persousges on the train waa Mr. Don C. Seitz, of the New York World. President E T. Lamb's private car had been placed at his disposal. Mr, Seitz will deliver an addrere before the Association this mcrnirg. . POLICE, AFTER AUTO SPEEDERS IN IDE PROPORTION OF SURPLUS MO UNDIVIDED PROFITS TO CAPITAL Till NATIONAL BANK OF NEW BERNE, N. C. ' . ! , " stands: FIRST among the banks' the ,Cily THIRD among the National Banks of i - . thetate-,;. 3 And as it haavSurplua and Undivided Profits, amounting to $106,000 and ; Capital amounting to $100,000;- it has a place on the -National Bank Roll of Honor, which includes ' only ' banks having Surplus and Undivided 'ProfiU equal to or exceeding their Capital stock . T ' ' - IIITEREST Pi Oil S.1IES DEFiSITS . " SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR REfflV ' . ' The police are keeping an eye peeled for -automobile owners and drivers who exceed the speed lim't. They say they are determined to break up fast driving in the city limits. Mr. J. . Vernon Blades waa before Mayor McCarthy yesterday afternoon to answer to this charge. The Mayor decided it at he was guilty but suspend ed judgment upon the payment of the costs of the case. Sylvester Hawkins, colored, waa chirked with the "same offtnee. He was found guilty and taxed with the costs of the case. ZORAH. Elder Kirk filltd his regultr appoint ment at this place Sat u1 day night and Sunday. Elder Duffy Toler also de l v ered an able addreas to a large and at tentive congregation Sunday afternoon Miss Cornie Purifoy of Truitt attend ed services here Sunday night. - Mr. J. A. Harrington,' who hsa been working at,Rtverdale, came home last week. - , Mrs,' F. A. Hartley ia spendmif . while at Cool Sprirg. " . -, r Mies Mary Whittord, who- has been vivking her brother, Mr. J. M, , Whrfr ford, of Dover, returned home Sunday, .-A large crowd of our people attended Childrens Day at Kltt Swamp Sunday. Mi-s Bert'ia Pippin of Forest ia spend ing a while with ber sister, Mis. 8. G. Toler.' vV Mr. Tom Joces ard sia'er, and Mr. Edgar Jones of Btounts Creek attended church here Sunday. v ' Bridgeton Has Building Boom. ' j New Bern's building boom has crrss ed over Neuse rivtr to BridgeUn end a numberof new structures Ure now in course of cot Struction at that place. The building there isjnaii ly confined to dwelling houses but it U unJeraiocd that several stores will be -erected at no late date.- Bridgeton is (bowing many evidences of progress. The streets have been nicely cleaned and the entire place looks unusually attractive. lEICIIJill IIOOKl 'lOflf.1 TIGHT Director T. E. Hugfhes Pre- dictaTThat Campaign Will Meet With Success". Editor Journal: K The hookworm campaign in Jones county has the co operation of ber citi zens, officials and physicians, and there fore will surely meet with success. The only way for each man to Jiave his fam ily benefitted by the work ia to visit the dispensary, hear the talka on hook worm disease, see the parasites and their eggs, be examined and, if neces sary, take the treatment It requires little time ar,d trouble to find out whether you are infected with the disease, and if relieved ef the mal ady, you will be greatly improved in health. The matter ia too important snd serious to be treated indifferently. If you are a real citizen and a faithful head of a family, see to it that your family is examined. Health i one's greatest asset. Don't keep postponing visiting the dispensary until it is too late, wake up. talk it over with your neighbor, get in to the campaign with a vim, and let's free ourselves ' of this disease. Over 80,000 people bave been treated for hookworm in this State during the past year. About 45 counties have made provision for th free dispensaries, acd the work has been successfully conduc ted in about 35 i f them. The dispensaries will continue in Jones county two weeks longer as fol lows: Comfert Monday, July 29th (and Thursday, Aug. 1st in afternoon. Pollocksville-Tuesdays July 23 30. HaBkins' Chapel Wednesdays July 24 31. - Paschal Taylor's Store Thursdays July 25 and (Aug, 1st, in mornm?.) Trenton Fridays July26 and Aug. 2 Maysville Saturday July 27th. " T. E. HUGHES, Director. OFFER SPOILED FISH FOB SALE Dr. E G. Harge'tt, the newly ap pointed meat and milk inspector, was instrumental in having two colored hucksters before Mayor McCarthy yes terday on the charge of offering spoiled fish for sale. One wsa let off with the costs and judgment was suspend ed in the case of the other r Dr. Hargett announces that it is his intention to enforce the law strictly without fear or favor. He maintains a careful supervision of the local mar kets and also of the milk supply. WEST ORIENTAL. Mr. Thad Harper of Arapahoe was here a whi'e Sunday. Mr, Jesse Moitis of Mes'c aaa here Friday. . , , Mr, Walter Sadler waa ia town Sun day. V-. ' " Mrv Carroll bland returned Ihurtdsy from Me Sic where he had been employ ed for the past two months. " , v,' Mr. Branch Hodges Is veiy lll. : r- . . - . "... '.,.... ;'. "'. - Mrs. 'Charlia Cook of New Bern as the guest cf Mrr.'O. J. Perry, last Sun day. ',v zv ',?s -. , . Dr. Wm. F,. Grigg passed through our neighbor hoed last week ' f Mr. Tom RoberU of New Bern was in town last week on business. , : Mr. Harvey Nelson was a welcome visitor at Mr. R. D. Hodges' last Sun day afternoon. , , . Mr. John Moore spent- last Sunday afternoon at Mr. Bland's v ' ' ' - Mies Lela Hodges spent last Saturday night with Miss Sallie Hodges, Mr. O. J. Perry made a flying trip to New Bern last Saturday. ; Mr. Vat Swindell waa here Friday night. " " . - WU1 Hold Missionary Mass Meeting A missionary mass meeting at which a number of white people will make addresses will be held at St. Pe;er's A M. E. Zion church tonight The program will include an invocation by Rev. J. C. McEaddy, Rev. Dr. A. D. McCallum wiii be master of ceremon ies and his wife will read "paper, Rev- Dr. J. L. Taylor will ("elivrr an sddres as will aho Rev. H C. Miller. The hite people who will speak are: Dr. J N. H. Summerell, Mrs. W. H Tru man. Mrs. Ida Ellis, Rev. J. B. Hurley, ReV. B. V. Huske, Rev. R. Alexand er Carroll ia the pastor of this church. The mass meeting will be for the bene fit of the woman's borne ard foreign missionary work. Mr. C E. Foy has returned after a two weeks business trip to New York, f : Preaching Tfiifrsday Might. ' John Kohr, Bishop of the Reformed Mennonitet church, will preach in the court house on Thursday " night, July 86. Services at usual hour, eight o'clock. Public cordially invited. St. Many Tomatoes on the Marktt. ? These persons. hose appetites crave fresh tomatoes at this season had ,n ample opportunity of appeasing their desires yesterday at asnomipal cos. These wer".4omatdf s every where, in th storesn hucksters csrts and even a numhatiif boats tied un at the vari ous docks along the- water p Ironf had quantities of -them on' -hoard .They could be purchased at . prices ranging from 5 to 10 cents per dozen according to size and quality. , ; v .y ' - - . - v ' -. 'Government Boat teavW V JThe government aurvey boat, Tlydro grapher,' which baa been in port during the past few days, lef t yeeterdny morn ing for Elizabeth City. . During .the time that the boat has been stationed here several men have been gathering information for a coastal survey. From Elizabeth City the loat will go to Nor folk and remain there for several weeks, At t' AI Treves & Ccrrny, sing : r rt rts ft t; : r . ':y, Tlcs Independent Audits The affairs of this bank are, at certain periods, audited ry a, Certified Public Ac countant. This affords assurance that the business of this inbtitulion is conducted in accordance with souncl banking principles Moreover, its bpatd of Directors is com posed of leading business men of the com- munity whose integrity is unquestioned. rmmmmmmmmmmmwM'mmvm a v.- OUR CLEAN SWEEP SALE Our Clean Sweep Sale is attracting big crowds : : : : Don't fail to call to see us. Everything going at great B A RO A INS I I BAXTER Department Store Elk's Temple " He Doesn't Wear Gotham He doesn't Wear The Be$t." I Hot W cat he. Redaction 7 DAYS ONLY. $4.00 Garments pure Silk $2.50 2 50- n ' - t 'V- 150. LSOV1"..' linen-: v .1.15 1.00 : '"Cross-bar Nainsook -85" ' .75 ' White - ' A; ;..55 . '50L.w.r Gotham lFabric' r,:.T .40 . .25 ' " Checked Dimity ' .18 1 ' : v . MEN and BOYS. ' r V Im o "Ti:" s::oi that's dii rr rjT.' JJ I Ice Oecn. . 5c. ct -7r?rs

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