i ESTABUSHED : . IN 1878 4 f ; NUMBER 99 NEW BERN, NORTH ' CAROLINAr? THlj R 3DAY KORNINO, JULY 25 1912. THIRTY-FIRST YEARaC -PAPER-WITH KNOWN ' taRCULATldN: '1 t An- Invitation For Thrifty PeopI w e; W invite small savings accounts from working men and women, clerks, book keepers, mechanics, housekeepers, dress makers, children and all unity peop'e who save a portion of their income. Anybody who. is-' In teres ted in Baving money and deflres to make a be ginning is encoui aged to do so by this bank. We' welcome deprsits in any amount, exUndirg every courtesy and atten tion to depositors, whether their accounts ere. large or emalL ;This Bank Pays Four Pw Cent Compound i" Interest NEW BERN BANKING TRUST COMPANY NEW BERN ,N.C. mm mm EXCURSIQfl i PER CENT 3 DISCOUNT ',0n all Clothing for the next I ft days only. As we have to reduce our stock of Clothing to make room tor Fall sajpd Winter goods we are ottering this gicat reduction jlor A SHORT TIME OKLY ;Now is your chance to save money lyour pocket to give nie a trial. It will be money in -Odr, Middle and S. F. SAM LIP MAN Bryan Block. IF YOU WANT The best fence The best stove The best paint Pitts burgh is the Fence Buck's is the Stove B. P. S. is the Paint, and we carry a complete stock and will make the price right . i 5. PHONE 99, BASNIGH I HARDIN EGO. 67 S. FRONT ST. NEW BERN, N. . The place to buy your Spring or Summer Suit at prices within reason. I absolutely guarantee satisfaction. New - line of samples just received. Call and inspect my stock, M. CHADWiCK, Merchant Tailor, iSfe a 4 i tiST CI1BDUHA TEACHERS TBllNC SCHOOL - . H A Stute school to train teachers for the public schools of North Carolina. Every energy is directed to this one purpose. Tuition free to all who agree t teach. Fall Terra begins Sep tember 24. 1912. ';' For catalogue and other information address. T. It f' RIGHT, President, Greenville, L G. il!E UNDIVIDED I MOB RATES i seasjBWsar - .: Delegates to ; Convention at Charlotte" Can - Go For Fare and a .Third, . Chapel Hill,' July 24 -Dr. Joseph Hyde Pratt, secretary ' of th-'Nortb Carolina Good Roads Association,; an noonces tbit arrangements hats been mad? with the Atlantic Coast JUhe, Carolina, Clinchfield & Ohio, Durham & Southern, Kor folk-Southern, Raleigh, Charlotte and Southern, Seaboard Air Line and Southern for exsuraieD' rate to Charlotte and return otijir-eoorrfof the North Carolina Good Roads Con vention to be held there Aug; I and 2. the reduced rates to apply r6w all points on the above. lines ' and from Portsmouth, Suffolk, Boy kin's acd Dan ville, Va. These excursion tickets will I e on sale going from July 31 and on trains scheduled to arrive at Charlotte before noon of Aogust 5. Returning passen gers must plan to reach original st at ing points not later thin midnight of August 5. The excursion ratrs are On file at the depots, end, in each case, it approximately equal to one fare plus one 'third, except where the original fare is under one dollar. AiliKIl FlflSIlKQl Addresses of " Welcome and Response New. ;Yorfc ' fain Makes: Address, Crops Will He Up To Average. Reports as to the condition of the crops in Craven and adjoining counties differ greatly. In some sections the farmers are complaining that the heavy rains of the past few weeks have dam aged heir crops very much, while in other sections the farmers say that their crops sre on an average. It is probably safe to say that Craven will produce an average crop. Excursion to Norfolk July 30 The next excursion to Norfolk, frem this section will be operated by the Norfolk-Southern on Tuesday, July 30. The train will leave New B rn at 9:20 a m. aod will arrive at Norfolk at 3:35 p. m. The fare from New Bern for the round trip will be $2,50. Tickets will be good for returning on any pass enger train until August 2. PROPORTION 8F SURPLUS ANO " PROFITS TO CAPITAL I Hi ill! NATIONAL RANK St. OF NEW BERNE, N. c. STANDS ?THIRD among the Nadorial iBanks- pf the And as it has' Surplus and , Undivided 'Profita amounting; to $105,000 and I Capital amounting to $100,000, it has a place oft tha National Bank Roll , M Honorwhichf tacludes ;Ori Use The Rest Room! Tiie ttKmhers of th9 Woman's Club rfqu:i t the JournsI to u tfa the pes pie to use the re t room which is located in the Circulating Library b iilding on MicN!l3 ttreet. This room was fitted op at cons derablo expense ai il the Club wants the piM:c to get the bene fit of their work. An attendant is in chare sll during the day. Shoppers in the city are especially urged to mal e use of the rett' rocm. Dogs and Monkeys Fighi. The paraphernalia of some side Bhow passed through the -ity yesterday and while at the depot attracted much at tention, Among th o'her fffec's wrs a cage of mo-.keys and trained dogs These anjmals becarre unruly and caus ed quite a com mo ion a -uund Hi') spot at ahhh they wee lcatd. This continued until they w-re place 1 on the tram and when last seen they woru still trgag'.d in biting and clawing each other, . ' -REELSBORO. Mrs. I. P. MoDre came home Wednes day aftjr spending serial. jfrekVwi!Ji; relatives in MsysVitt?;' '" . ' km - to tar. Asoorne i,ee ot,. tfrldtet jn came down Wcdoesday ti v'sit relatives od friends at this place, - Revs. Strickland, Edwards and Car raway closed their Holiness revival last Wednesday. . Mrs W. H. gimmons returned to ber boras in Bridgeton Friday "after spend ing a few days at the home of her father iMr. G. r. DBriBson; ; " io . Mr. G M;Bjet took his wlte to N Bern Ftiday to; stay, several ' flays f or tnedjcal treatnient ' i'-'S f JMiss'Gowa tVado left -Friday for Morehead City inhere she -will spend, a $ Mrs. N, G, Bxinson came' Iwme Fri day from Aurora where she spent, a few .iteekf with he daughter, ..Mr.' Jessie '"Mt Yt. Hi Pjxon came ; bon4i atur day, from Folkston, where he holds a p&slUoft and if f islt bg his t aroHy.i . Miss Minnie Gaskins came up Sunday morning from Bayboro te visit ra'ativc a 4Mr. Daniel iewis and Miss Love Uones cams' to : Rcelsboro Sunday ,, to v;sit friends. 'M:!M-:k'ii:' Jij'' Morehead City, Jul M,-;Tha Worth Carolina Preat Association commenced iu etuiat convention this: i&orniog at ten o'clock in lbs, con veaUdU hall of ths Atianue noiei.'wnico i pfwuOTrai for M wmna tm nwatlng Deifjgcalled to y f, .JFarrias, owner of tho High Point JEntarpriM. There was a-last-aaUaflatjffe,., includ- ing many ot tLe laay memoers ( or m families of ths aditoraY, " .. Addreaaaa of walooBifcTrera oeKverodl by W,' li-AreBdell o In-part or tha city and by .'TrjtfBsr Manager :-JB, U Bugg on the part Of th Borrow SootrM em Kaiiroao. iney were. rwwnutu tn hv Archibold Johnson, editor of Charity and Children, tha newspaper printed at the ThomiaviUo Baptist Ornhanage. Don. C .Sell of the Ntw xora World made a brMf address on newspaper problems, particularly witb . siiub tn ahowinor the Dublishers how to guird sgsinst waste and needless ei oense. He advised th- newspaper owners and business managers to make their motto "Use, Don't Be Used. Walter H. Savory, representative of the Mergenthaler Linotype Com pany, made an address on the subject. "The Coat of an Inch of Advertising" and John E. Ray of the Institution for the Blind was given the privileges of h. a .nr fn thank tlie editor s for the co-operation they had givan heretofor uv pnblishing matter nt Wt , by him ahoat bis institution and' about meas ures! of a precautionary nature in eon nectton with blindness, aoS to urge a continuance of their support. Tomorrow the Press Association will take a trip to Cape Lookout, the prog ram o f addressee snd pspers hav ing been practically completed with tonights meeting. Tomorrow night tbe party will again be in Morehead City and on Friday will go by boat to New Bern, leaving here upon the arrival of the morning train from Naw Bern on which will come a number of New Bern people to act as an escort (or the news papermen on their trip to1 New Bern. At New Bern the editors will be aetv- ed with luncheon at the Elks' Crab, will look the city ever the best they can with the limited time at their disposal and leave for their homes on the train leaving New Bern at 6:48 p. m 4 CENT UJTEREST paio:on- sjivi::gs DEPOSITS SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT, " J W. Stewart Sells it to Flor ida Man. Price Obtained Not Made Public. Mr. J. W. Stewart yesterday sold to Mr. John Sbaw, of Florida, a tract of land rear Croatan, known as the Mag nolia plantation and con'aining 1,350 acres of cultivated land. Tbls is one of the most valuable farms in tire sec ion and although the consideration was not made Dublic. the Price paid wa doubtlf as several thousand dollars, In addition to this t-act another Of about 103 acres and located near this c'.tv. was also purchased by Me.. Shaw from Mty Stewart - Mr. Shaw-carte to Eastern Nortb Carolina several monthi ago from Flor ida, where be pwoed a Urge planta tion and eo well ;impreated wa he with conditions' here! that heitcded Uit he would come here toqllve. Upon Ma leturnto that Stateha msda plans ac cordingly. ; He and his i 'wife.' -are now in the city and will Jeaat6dsy to look over tbeie-wew tqblsttieniiaTidtgt things ia readjneWijit anearly date. Mr Sbaw teconBdent of U (ability to handla'to adyntage tbe farms tbat Ba has .jugj.S;5;;:.?' l-X Makes -Best Time In Horse Hose lVagon Races at FayetteViile, Special to' The JonrnaJ f Fayrttevillen184.---The Button Hose Company of New Bern won the first prixa in the horse boie wagon races at the State Firemen's Tourna- ment thhj af temooa, time 33 2 8 sec onds. The Fourth Ward- Company of Mew1 Bern tied Rescue and Capital Companies Of Raleigh and the Golds boroedmpan for sccoh'd place, its time being 84 seconds. This race will rbe ran again today by Uoe oompaniei The first event on the program today as a-florsi parade. Many vehicles and Hoa'S wte entered m this and it was said to ne the mofet gorgeous spectacle ever seen on ths street of the city. A bUiiness meeting of th9 firemen was next held and Wilmington was chosen as the place at which the next tourna ment will ba he'd. Moreheal City Salisbury and Gieensb iro wanted tbe tournament but the majority votj was against tbem. ' At 4 o'clock this afternoon the hone hose wagon races were held. The track was in excellent con di ton and several thousand pepple were in tbe grandstands and along the cou si. Sam Coward, jumper for the Atlan tic Hoae Team from New Bern sturabl ed and fell at the hydrant end no con nections were made. Tomorrow three hose teams from South Carolina will enter the Interstate laces. The Atlantic Hoae Company's bad luck did not cease with the accident on the race course but continued while they were returning with their horse and wsgon to the stables. The horse became frightened and shied.' In some way the wagon was thrown agajnst the curbing and one of the wheels was torn off, Tonight the visiting tiremen are be ing tendered a banquet at the Commcr cial Club. The following time was made by the hose teams in the races today: New Bern, Button?, 33 2-3;New Bern, Atlantic, Coward stumbled and fell at hydrant No connections; New Bern, Riverside, 84 4 6; New Bern, Fourth Ward, 34; Goldsboro, SV; Concord, 40 1-5; Statesville, 36; Morehead City 35- 4 6; Sanford, 35,; High Point, 39, Burl. Ding ton, 43; Kinslon, 34; Raleigh, Capita', 34, i Preaching Thursday Night. John Kohr, Bishop of the Reformed Mennonite cburch, will preach in the court bouse on: Thursday night, July 25. Services at usual hour, eight o'clock. Public cordially invited. 5t. Horse Runs Away. A horse belonging to Andrew Jerni- gan.a colored (dayman, became flight ered on South Front street yesterday afternoon and before the driver could get control of the reins made a dvsh down tbe street. After running alout two blocks the animal was brought to a stop, No damage more than a bro ken1 shift was done. : NOTICE, " :The annuil picnic at Lee's . Chaptl wijl'tske place; Auft "fc There' 'will be speaking for the Sunday school end also for the Farmer's JJnion. Everybody is cordially invited to come. Bring your bnakcts and let's all have a good t'me. H'.. LittW tlell Notesi , , r Tha icecream supper at? Uti Ftt F, Eubanke.' last. Satujrdsy .itrlght was a lM(-;ionef .fioye f&'jufc. ted relatlvea nere Jaat Week and re turned home Sunday ? 5.4 fc Mleses I Mauiio Marsbburfr nd;y.erdia Csudle of Richlaflds, are visiting ;rLla tfveaaDdirleDds etlJ..rfi'' 'iiiXtZi:: Euhaiaisitedp. Perry UttmkfZ'-a-j. ..Miss Csssie Eubankff visited. ;f riends near Pollocksville last week; "V; : Mr. J. E. Higgina made business trip to Msyavflle Saturday afternoon. Havelock. The crops in this section are LoUing fi e. Mrs. G C. Pate and son Ardj Ca, of Colleton, S. C are visiting relatives here. ! Mrs. W. F. Garner is at Newport for la fear days with her daughter, Mrs Djn Gwner, who is very ill with mala rial fever. Mrs. Sarah Deleihir is visiting Mrs. J. 3. Trader. ilessrs W- P. Strick'and and R C. Rusjell attended the W. O. W. meet ing at Newport Tuesday night. - Mr. L. L. Hill spent Sunday in More- head City. , - ' Uf. Charlie ' Godwin, of New Bern, spent Sunday with hu mnher and re? turned to his work Sunday aft trnobnV Mr. M.' F. Ruase'l is all smiles. " It's Mf. Lon Hill Spent Sunday here wi h his parents. ' y Miss Anna Bujs.oi Chiesgo. who has Been spending a few days -with her pa- reals, Mr. and Mrs William Boys;,ima gone toSeIh&ven to'visit a W other, ' Miss Sallie Russefi, who has tean at tending the, summer term of the East ern Carplmtf Teacher's Training School at Greenville; Is-Wlth us again. She returned Saturday jtight, after vief ting relatiyes in WilsiJ nnd Walstonbnrg. ' Mlssea Rena and l.lllle . Godw a and frierfdMr. 'WP." Simmons, of South Carolina, spnt a few dsye in More- bead Cy last week, ' - ' - ; What is the trouble with Blades T We would be glad to hear from there, once In a while. - , s , -v " y Mrs, JM. Silverman, of New York arV rived in the city last evening- for a v.Utt with Mr, M. Jacobs and other relatives, At lit the At!: -v t' 3 M- :r, New VcirdcvKte fit crs ten t. '. Daicly The Ath and Ed- j 1. Mzi V Indepeodeitt Audits - The affairs of this bank are, at certain periods, audited by a CertiTied Public Ac countant. ' This affords assurance that the business of this institution's conducted in accordance with sound barring principles. Moreover, its board of Directors is com ppsed of leading business men of the com munity wheseintegrity isr unquestioned. OUR CLEAN SWEEP SALE Our Clean Swep Sale is attracting big crowds : : : : Don't fail to call to see us. Everything going at great BAR GAINS I I BAXTER Department Store Elk's Temple. " He Doesn't Wear Gotham . He doesn't Wear The Best." a 1 In I 11 I Hot Weather Redtictioa 0: 7 AYS ONLY. - 4.0Q " Garments pure Silk V250 , -v-va ; - - T 2.50 1.50 l(15 V 1.00 'h " S 1 Cross-bar- Nainsook .85 v .75- ,4,'r White - " -r- .55 .5Q - 7 Gotham Fabric ,' ':- .40 O.;: - ';25 " - Checked Dimity - - .18 :.: V" '; : u MEN and BOYS; Jy: : V ; i;A.:T.:f :LOS, Com Tr" c1 tiiat's crrrrr.cNT.' Ice Crr-n. 5c. nt Wc'-::.h?