r & u. ,'FY,, r ALCOHOL f K Ctr V. AVeeelaUfrVrBarafimiErit. sinulaluietticFfladamiltpff n ling Uie Siumacbs aaliiwtkal Roraoles DiSestionfknfJ ness and Itestlontains oem Opiian.Morphuie iwrMiueraLl HOT NARCOTIC... ,1' Avitlmi v. 0 i 8u Clt-nhrdStmr. Aperfcct Remedy feCsnsflpt- nou.sour duuiacn.i'MBiiw informs j. ouvuishiib ji: ra ia ness and LOSS OF MKP. ""5 Exact Copy of Wrapper? A. M. Mason, farming' near Canaan Me., was badly crippled : with sciatic rheumatism due he says . to uric acid in his blood. "Foley Kidney fills entire ly cured me and also removed numer ous black specks that were continually before my eyes." Foley .Kidney .Fills are a uric solvent and are effective for the various forms of rheumatism A smooth pery. man is liable to be slip- FRIGHTFUL POLAR WINDS. blow with terrific force at the far north ana pisy navoc wun ine SKin, causing red rough or sore chapped bands and lips, that need Bueklen's Arnica Salve to heal them. It - makes the skin soft and smooth. Unrivaled for cold-sores, also burns, boili, sores, ulcers, .cuts, braises and piles. Only 2$ cents at all druggists. . Not every fortune hunter is a : shot. good A GIRL'S WILD MIDNIGHT RIDE. - To warn people of a fearful forest fire in the CatskiUa a young girl .rods horseback at midnight and saved many : lives. Her deed was glorious but lives are often saved by Dr. King's New DiucoveryJn curing lung trouble, eolds and coughs, which might have ended in conaumDtion or Dneumonia.' "It cared me of a dreadful cough and lung "dis-, ease,'" writes W. K. f atterson, we family I r ington, i ex., farter lour in our had die4 wito conaumption, and I gained CTnnnnria." Nnthinor an mm anil datm' for all thad and luntroubleZ Price BOc and $1.00. Tiial bottle free. Guar anteed by all Druggists. A free married. . thinker is a man who isn't A HERO IN A LIGHTHOUSE. . For yeairs J. S. Donahoa, So. Haven. Mich,, a civil-war captain, as a light bouse keeper, averted awful wreck.but a queer fact is, he might have been a wreck, himself, if Electria Bitters had not prevented. ':;They cared me of kidney "trouble and chills," ha' writes "after I had taken other jo sailed cures for years without benefit and they also improved my sight Now at seventy, 1 am feeling flne.'r For dyspepsia, indigestion, all s(omacn,iiver ana Kianey troupjes,tney are without equal. Try- them. Only fiO cents i , -. .11 J ".. . ....1. ... " I Mil U Iruggist.' Some men's idea of luck is to owe more than they can pay. t " As Increasing number of people re port regularly of the satisfactory results : from taking Foley Kidney Pills' and command 'heir healing and curative qualities.; ; Foley , Kidney Pills ara a carefully- prepared . medicine) guaran teed to contain no harmful or habit forming drugs.-' They can have only a beneficial effect when used for kidney and bladder trouble, for backache, rheumatism,, weak back or -lumbago. Fore sale by U -dealers.: v 1 aaa i i in , , ,ra 1 li ' . It's difficult for a man. to be upright after he is down dad out. ' t- - RWU'' ' ML ,11 r i i . i i I lie. mill T hi v U ".; " - N, J.-Gorham. Cashier Bank of Wpod- vt lie. Wood vile, Ga., had a very severe .'-'- attack of kidney trouble and the pains in his kidneys and bacic were terrible. 't t got a bottle of Foley Pills from our r;;.f. druggist and they entirely relieved me, I have more benefit from them than : any other medicine." For sale by all dealers. if1- 'Wilson will soon have to placeor - ders for a few-additional band-wagons. WILLIAMS' K1DNET FILLS - rive y"J r- ' cf-1 yo-ir E'i s r" i - ! ' I t w liii. i . I 7 ... Bears tho .Signature;- : Of In Use For Over Thirty Years? ' The Senate can: hardly afford to get teo particular,about its-membership, nam i ww M . If ton are a housewife, you cannot rreasonabiy hone to be healthy or beauti rui ny wasning aisnea. sweeping ana doing housework all day; and crawling Into bed dead tired at night. You must get ont into the open air and sunlight. If you do this every day and keep your bowels in good order by taking Chamber lain's Tablets when needed, you should DPcome . ootn - neairny ana oesuiuui For sale by U dealers. - ; , : The divorce mills are also running with ' -new labor-saving ' devices. if "yotiteai'iopj ' need lDiett, " It aids digestion preyenta distress ; af ter eating, stops gas formation, ra- lievet indigestion instant;! and cores dyspepsia Brown's pigestit is a little tablet easy to swallow, and absolutely harmless. It . baa Telieved thousands. Sold positive on guarantee. Voar.mocy back If you want 60c at the Davis Pharmaey. . ; . The Roosevelt and Taft champion a are using the House of RepresentaUves . . .... ;,or "n,p-speak,ng purpoaes. ' During "the summer months mothers or young children should watch for any unnatural looseness or trie bowels. When given prompt attention at th time serious trouble . may be avoid Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Di - rhoea Remedy can always be depend -upon, -Fjrsale by aU dealers" . - . Judging from the vote selling cases there will be a shortage ot votes in the next election in Southwest "Virginia. I V (Ill . HI! II - Bav It now. Chamberlain's Colle. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is al most esrtaia to be needed before the summer is over. Buy It now and be prepared for such an emergency. For sale by all dealers. - -. - They cannot get a quorum of Con gress outside of the Washington baH park; these days. . ?jr . -, . Z ' HELP FOR THOSE WHO. HAVE , : STOMACH TROUBLE, After , doctoring for about twelve years for a bad stomach trouble, and spending nearly lire hundred dollars for medicine and doctors fees, I purch ased my wife one-box of Chamberlain's Stomacb and Liver Tablets, which did ber so much good that she continued to use them and they have done her more good than all of the medicine I bought before.- Samuel Bover. Folsom. Iowa. This medicine is for sale by all dealers. samples ires. ' - - -Money never made a man a beauty, but it hat made beauty marry him. , ' ., In these days of high cost of living, a medicine tvft gets a man up out of bed and ab!e ti work in a few dnys is. a valun''e b ' i we'.-ome renaedy., John Ceath7 I." "i Lsr, C&1., bad ti 'npy and b't. .'. r tro--' wssconHncd to h's bed, nrl-: t- t iro without Y v'p. "I comircrr. it- 7 Foley Ki ?-y rills snd ctn ( ' f V I W8H r ievpr) gt once." ; t xsu.;-'e U wortn follow nj. For f ' t y all dealers. Lots of n r n want you to judge their brains ly thrir whiskers and. thrir virtues I v l'"'- 'r umiiH ' . - I f - 1 - NfJ 51 -V: ' f r .; tni ecitnuiM aaeireBY. Hear .. .. ap, v . , For People Wo mm: wwi ' - i 3 v I ly 1.5 etts. bl ha Li a. j 1 ; " Even a man in jail for life could get excited over stopping his right , to go to horse race's if he were out - ' ; " Okilrtron Cry -re: rui: :s - cactorTa; u A self-made - pickpocket probably has an idea that with a college educa tion, he could have become a forger. . PILES ! . flltS 1 , FILES 1 : Williams' Indian Pile Ointment will core Blind. Bleeding and Itching Piles, It absorbs the tumors, allays itching at once, acts as a poultice, gives instant relief. - Williams' Indian Pile Ointment ; j is prepared for Piles and itching of the Ko and L00. V wuuAmr M i'g. ip. Props., Cleveland, fX..,,'-., r When a msn feels like getting mad with somebody in the office but doesn't it's a sign he will with his wife when he gets home, 'J , -'"'l -j Children'Oryx 1 5 FOR FLETCHER'S C A ST O,R I A i - , " .' 1 " ' ' ' . Juggling with the Language ' Scott Jones ; says that , he cleared between five and six -hundred on that stock deal of his. I wonder if it's so? Mott- Oh, yes he made: between $5 and $600. ' The exact amount, I be lieve, ' was $8.7$. Boston v Transcript. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children, .The fClntf.You Bart Alxajs i B::! Beam tha ' Signature of Tho Answer . - In Woodrow Wilson is answer to the New York World's conundrum, f'What is a Democrat'? A- ; - -. , Dysentery is always serious and often dangerous disease, . but -lit tait: be cored." Chamberlain's Colle,- Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has cored it ev en when malignant and epidemic For sale by all dealers, ' . Ohilclreh- Ory ; FOR FLETCHER'S ;f A Successful Recall.' , ?; Judge Hanford applied the' recall to himself with wunptete. iacce8S.-Chic- sgo News.?V; :J'JTF.i's? 'V' ilCIILt New Bern People Have ; Found That Thin is Troe. A cold, a, strain, 1 sudden wrench-. A little cause may hurt the kidneys. Spells of backache often fo!lcwv . ' Or some irregularity of tho urine. . , A splendid remedy for auch attacks, . A medicine that has'euredV thousands b Doan'a Kidney Pills. H ,A Thous ant's of people; rely upon it. v . Hera is on ea.se. -, . James EL Askln, Jamea City, N. C., says: " Whils Jo the army I received h severe strain, and after that I was sub ject to attacks of kidney trouble. My, back ached a great deal, and as . time passed the trouble grew much worse, J tried many remedies but seemed una ble to obtain relief, and finally hearing of Doan'a Kidney Pills, I obtained a box. . They gave me mora .benefit than I had ever received before. They , not only stopped the pain in my back, -but strengthened my kidneys and unproved my health,'-- C. For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents- Foster-Milburn Co..BoffaIo, New York, sole agents for the United States. ; 7 Remember the name Doan's : and take no other, 0 4 ' Ignoring It. Vrm ' ' Roosevelt is going to ignore La Fol- lette's demand that the Colonel pub lish his expense statement,"' Just as he has .ignored the New York World's demand for the truth in regard to the trust donations in 1904! Milwaukee News, . " - " 7csra cf t! s !' 3 a t re r: -! i ' f -2 !) 1 i c i a, wLL 7ery Low Eou,nd Trip Hales to all . . Principal 5 Jlesorts. . Throueh Pullman to Atlanta, leaves Raleigh 4:05 pin, arrives Atlanta 6:36 p m, making close ' connection for and arriving Montgomery following day af ter leaving Raleigh 11.-00 a m. Mobile 4:12 p m. New Orleans 80 p m, Birm ingham 12:15 noon, Memphis 8:05 p m, Kansas City 11 0 a m, fecond day and connecting for I all other points. This car also makes close connection atSelis bnry for St. Louis and other Western point. - ,".'!." - ' Through Pullman to, Washington lea vea Raleigh 60 p m, arrives Washing on 8-&S am, Baltimore 10)2 a m, Phaa delphla 12:23 pooo, New York 2:81 pm. This ear makes close connection at Wash ington for Pjttaburg,r Chicago and t all points North and. West and at Greens boro fcr Through "Tourist Sleeper for California, points and: for .all Florida points. i, -" ' Through -Parlor Car for . Aabevllle leaves Goldsboro.at 6:45 a m, Raleigh a m,' arrives t Asheville ?s40 p P, making clow connection with the Caro lina Special and arriving CinciunatllO a m, following day after leaving J Ral eigfa, with close connection for aU points North and Noita-West ;. - " v i Pullman for Winston-Salem leases Raleigh itSO a m, arrivea Greensboro 60 m m, making doss eonnection iat SreonBboro for all pointa North, South, East and West This car is handled on train No. Ill leaving Goldaboro at 10:48 p nu-'lti; '-Vf.-i iivTi;, -;,- It you desire any information,' please ealL h We are her to furnisn jnfonna tion as well as to sell tickets. -H, F. CABY, - J. Cv JONES, G P. A. T. P. A Washington, D. a Raleigh, N. G Good Reason. "Yes, he married her because her first husband left her." ."That's hardly a good reason for marrying a womanf' "Jt was in this case. He left her $400,000."; .l" :. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S C AST O-R I A -'"A -.Din Fear; Everybody's ldoing.it, and now it's Hitchcock's turn to tell about the Taft campaign fund. - Incidentally, we won der whether enough can be raised this year tov talk" aboiit at' some future inquiryr-St. Louis Post-Dispatch. i FO SMCKACMS KlONCYS AMD BlAOO y'h'" .1 1 vin 1 ,';:; t i-'" Oood proflt in Beoamo. j.- Tht.stroett of London never fall to attract the professional . beggar and nevar disappoint him. . The Mendicity society .teua ns that a beggar can earn more than the wages of the aver age working man, and that "it Is prob ably no exaggeration to say that well over 100,000 (1500.000) is given away haphazard to beggar in the streeta of MwuaB tvary year. ' Why Qld Mvths tnrvlve. The deatsoyar- of .Una drainatlo myths - tell us nowadays - that ;th Caliph Omar did not burn lha anden library of . Xlezandria, and ; therefor did Hot have a chance to say that aU the books In it that agreed with the Koran were superfluous, and all that disagreed with tha Koran were perni cious. Doubtless the perennial fresh ness and vitality of the tale are due to an everlasting normal human bar trad of weed-grown., Uterary grar yarda, r- - ' ' ' Y' ii D.rJ): TASTE "fe-T; ci .ns t.::'JTiL . Dizziness, and a general ,??no account' ' feeling la a'sure sign of a torpid liver. - I'he'remedy is Simmons- RedZ layer Reg ulator (The Powder. Form): 0 It exercises its greatest re storative" effect in the liver, yet it is effective in the stomach and bowel3. Indigestion, con stipation and their e 'andant evils dkppcar before i'3 pow rpfnlntirtfr inflnpnpff , . . -a 0 ... r.7 i'i Ylrl:"raQ pr"j.i-in--'"'t. It will five you a f7- ' '1f d.";..'.Ion I i;-' .3 j: i f cl well.: ' tJi hy c----i r :.. i?t t whh te oontlnas, M will ooat ywooly M Uoeotti a wao or 1 thantwo eaoU ad. H wlil not lntertere with your work or ooouUon. Jnt Sal l f tai aiiia,-eu m bovf yBSl auffr If yo wish, aud I wlU tend yon the raieut Jof youroa!. euMrely free,ln plain wraa. Sr, by return mill. I will aiao aend yon tm M ml my book--wa M IfUitM toils' ii.fr GpWiatory iiloBtratlona showing hr women aufler, and how tW aaa eaaily care thniaeia at home. Every wouaaahooid hare it, and learn to am Then when tha doctor aaya- 'You nut hare an operation," yon can deoiaa for yottraeif;- 1 nonaaiuuot women have 0014 themselves with my heme remedy. It two ss 1 tt, U aWiawt f StHitwt, I will eiplaia simple home treatment wWoh apeedUy and eftecmaiiy enrea Iorrhoea, Ureea Siokneaeand Painful e irregular Jatesatroatios in yons4vXdks, Plan! pnena and health alwaya resolui from "Wtererer yo Uvei owiTef er yoo 10 UvUea of yonrown looalttr whk6wa wlllf Mly ten any anSerer that thin rum Inalaari relly am all woman's dieeaeaa, and makes women weU, strong. pluriyp and rohnet M watae yaa atMM.aud the I re tdy'rannttoyra.eW the book. WWU tdayi as yoa Kiay ut aee iaU offer again. Address - ' - ; v ' :. KRS. M. 8umm eRS.r Box h Notre Dam;nd 0. .v SOUTHERlt.R'f.CO. ' Southern Railway:1 New Train -; ' Service and Important Changes. , x . .The management of the Southern Railways has -anthorized new wain service between Asheviile and Balla bury, N Ci new train to leave Ashe villa at 7.30 p., iru, Eastern Time, ar riving Salisbury J2.25 a. m., connect, log them with train No. 80 for Wash ington, Baltimore, Phi ladelphla and New York, In the reverse direction new train will leave Salisbury about 4.00a. m., afteV receiving connection from main line train No. SI and reach Asheyllle at-10.00 a. m. This new train will handle Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping cars each way through between Asheviile and New York In connection with main line trains Nos, 39 and 31 as referred ta. Id addition to the foregoing new train service the management of the Southern Railway bas also instructed that im provement be made in the service on trans Nos. 11 and 12 whereby Pull man observation cars will be operated on these trains between Salisbury and v Asheviile. This being accom plished by making the present Nor- fotic-Ashevlll Drawing Room Sleep ing Car an observation sleeping car. The denmce date for tnese changes has not as yet been given out but will be within tbe next few days. DOVER & SOUTHBOUND R.R. Tjmk Table No.. 1. Effective 10:01 A. M. Sunday, June 5, 11010. SOUTH BOUND NORT BOUND JP M P M AMAH. 7 S 6 Ar. 8:10 7:55 8 8:15 8;01 7:58 7:49 7:40 J8 7K 8:26 450 Lv. Dover 89 6:05 Foys Taylors Phillips Wimsatt Comfort ' Petersburg 6:42,: 5:08 6i5l 5:17 7:82 7:48 7:84 7:14 6:56 t00- 6;2 7:17 6:46 7:85 .'6:04 7:40 6;10 Ricblands Lv. 6:50 7:00 D. W. RICHARDSON, General Manager F01KII)tePlllS FOaRHSUMATiaUKIONCVSAMOaLAODKI , THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal And Industrial College Maintained by the State for tbe Women of North Carolina. Five regular Cours es leading to degrees, t Special Courses for teachers Free tuition to those who agree to become teachers in the State. Fall Session begins September 18, 1912. For catalogue and other information, address , JULIUS L FOUST, Presid ent, Greensboro,' C. , KBISHISflUEi-BKCn.- Is calling you the surf, the musio, Luminal all cry out for you to follow the crowd. - The t x " " ' ; ATLANTIC, jOAST LMNB has provided the schedules and fates; beginning Saturday, June 1st, to con tinue during the season. ; -'' - -, , 'iQ WILMINGTON For all trains of Saturday; Morning ttalns of Sunday,: llfolterl to" return until Tnesday mid-night following, $2.85. ; -z : - ; - " Sunday only, limited tojdate of sale For Information call ore . ' " T. II. Bknnbtt," ' T. C. White, , Ticket Agent. General Passt Agt., - - - - : . ' Wilmington, N. 0. T ;. to., ... . fur,, n.c. -r, or and Ic irt sr.ps ( ...1 boti.e v. ..I be n -. J t " i - J 1 1 u.t . ehrf, aiykMMba ' ; uauta, I ul HUUitouFIlaLati' tiiu care-jwa. luj ruor, tur jouiMejf. -yuur dkugtiMr. )ur tuotbur.ur yournfjier. 1 vtaui u I. a ja Lv tu core jouraivm at tumi wnb Wit tljt beip uf aauctor. k.u cnail Haiti wuuieu s aull erli.s. b&X Wi- V. uua 1 1C fctt Ciffmct, b kuow Letiar Ihun any duetcr uuw iut my tiuioe trHfsiiit la tatt ai.U trr cure Jut inK'oM Ir rJ tVKautn, VlamMa. lit' (-.cciMM w r.i. f tf IM tnt kt, "tuttf m Kii Ijicfift a Ihwut ?tMtfft, m ntttt; lsa fii.1 V tmti, c I 4 Wa.it, Ni lul kllil. mnMI. hitt. j ga ika tciaua, Si:ii a (f,lM; . tut.,. etNiit, kMf. ana' liawr lifcatlu Ur j -rm ll ataUMMat aauwat w our ttx, - " -' ; . I want to sand yoa aaate- In taft iwH atHnlir Ins ta prove to 70a that you eaa oar Tounwif a aoma, eailly, qslokij ainl Survlr. Ram ember, ttmX, & W ani fas Mlkiag ta. rive lb trament a aoiBpiet trial . and It tuq 1 . : -. , ; -J? . ? fornunteaa power ef sale OMtaiaed m that eertaia Keal Ertate ljrtan xeeutei iby aedea Coward' aad Soaaa Coward to Whitot Harrey Brick Company.; bearing eat the SDth 4 ay af Nvambr, lUft tha aaata heme reoral latheeffiot of the rwriatar wf deed of Craea County, in book 18. pace 98. f will aaU at lb eonrthowaedoor la. Mew'Borm. N.1. on Monrlsr. the6thdAaMt.la, et lae hoar of a V t the htahaat Udder te eaah. afi tha oUw. ins daserlhel property aa,oonTeyed in the mert (aseaforeeaklto witi Beaianias at the ioactjea of the Waahiastea soad and the WJDjam Dewaaa aeaana, them dewa aaid iiam to Salir Ann Blunta Ona. thenea with said hae ta 0. MeLaw bora'S Una. taenoa with sakt McXawhom's lUw to the " " Waahtaatoa-Vanc ihara read, '- tLrpee down said road ta the haaTtnnlnk. onatalnlng Sv (6) aeraa. mora or leas aad bsiac tha tract, of Uod ptirchaeed from WrC, White, W. B. WbiU and J. B, Barrey, ' , WnJ4arUABVJSX 0aUUa.UU. Mortcaoea, . Vancaboro. N. C. July M. 1IL att I PROFESSIONAL CARDSi H. W."15iPS0N FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER Oay Phone 167, Night Phone 8?9 D; G;. SMAW, AST. t. JL Simnkons,? ; A. a. Ward, SiKMJUD ArTORNETS AND COUNSELLOKP -. Illf BWJL I. C, . Office Rooms 401-2-3 EDts Building Practice in the counties of Craven, Duplin, Jones, Lenoir, Onslow, Cart eret PafnHco and " Wake, in the Su preme and Federal Courta, and where. ever serviess are dashed. ATTORNEY AT' LAW Practice in the counties , of Craven. Carteret, Pamlfcol, Jones and vOnslow and in the State Supreme and. Federal uourts. , i. ' r r . Odes No. 60 Craves Strut 1 Tslsphont No. 97. , sw Jsrs, N. C. E HARGETT " 1 Phone735 . Olficfi 66, j ' t , Broad Streef V NewtB?rn,' K !.,'. ; T D. WARREN J ATTORNEY AT LAVVi l Cce, Rooms 405--406 t Elks - Temple v' t NEWBERNN, C. vi Practices in counties of Craven Car? teret, Pamlico, Jones and .Onslow an jl in the State : Supreme , and u Federal Court&-T? r-! i r - Umbrta'.Pactbry,1 I MAKE the Umbrellas with some Class to them, have yours made to order,' it you have.an old frame L will cover it for yon, it don't matter if the ribs have been knocked out 1 of place . and. the joints dislocated.'-1 cure all umbrehas and parasols, don't matter how ill, Pri-, ees right, Work guaranteed,- Drop me a card at 23 Rountree street. New Bern NCr Yours truly, L. Reynolds.-. The. next annual --meeting of the BtocUholdcr of the Atlantic & North Carolina Railroad Company wfll be held in llorehead City, ,N.'C, on August 8. 1912. -.Meeting will be call ed to order at 11 o'clock M. on said ite. .; .- - D. J. BEOADirURST. .; ' " : '.' , .i 'r: Secretary GolJsboro, N.C, July 8, 1212. ' VETERIIIIII mortgage sale Fuaauant ta a nt u .k.i -oraaBeedaexectadby Lake aad rmmie T. Baraer . H. Kitchdand da. bearina data the lad day of Fabruaxr KM aad Ka4 ear f Joao MU. the aame bain reeorded ia toe f" the Saaiatar at Deed, ad Crarea aaoatr book let aaaea 81 aad W we wiUtall m Boom "Mr la New Beta K. a ea Meadar the hyof July UUatthahoeiUe-eloekaf to ttkwk- bidder foreaah. aHaf the foUowihc daanrihad propertr aa wavead la jaMortyaaea AH thateartaiab i ..j LetNe.KSJeaaeatreetia the naa arriat ef theatt, af New Bern N. V. For farther rate. aaea aot bank BW roon at of tha laaards ofCraeeaj oaatrN.iX. Dee4 fraa arrit Btbaridce aliaa HarrttBraaa Cfctad July Uat IKS. J.M. airrCHBLL.Co. ktoriemeaa, ' Haw Ben. N. Joas nth ISIS- , ' .A PUSUCATION OF 48UMIIONi ' "J . . ' . ti NORTH CAROLINA ) In the Superior t Court CRAVEN COUNTY f ! LEWIS H. BONNER VS. FLORENCE BONNER " It defendant abora earned wiO take notices that aa aetaai aa abore eatRled baa ban eanH ' aaaaeai ia tba Superior Court of Crarea eoaaty to obtain s dlrorce a riaealo -wnj from ' the aeid defendant, on the rround of aduitan; aid defendant wM further take aoMee that aha iS craaJred to appear at the term -at Bonark -Ceart for laid county to ba held en the 4th Koo- : dav after the let Monday in September, it bamaT ' the SOth day of September. 1812. at the Coart Boaee hi New Ben. N. C. and anewer or demur to the complaint in aaid aation. or . tbe. plaintiff will apply to the court for relief iVenaiwied ia amid aomplaint. W. B. FLANNER. Olerk of Superior Court. This 24th day of June, 1812. NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD ROUTE OF THE "NIGHT EXPRESS" Schedule Effective June. 2d, 1912 - Tne following schedule figures pub lished ss Information ONLY and are not guaranteed. TRAINS LEAVE NEW BERN NORTH AND WEST BOUND 12:30 a m, Daily-Night Express Pull man Sleeping Car for Norfolk. 926 a m, Daily for Norfolk, connects for all points North and West, Parlor car service between Wash ington and Norfolk. 1:46 pm, Daily except Sunday - for Washington, Belhaven, Greenville Wilson and Raleigh. Parlor car between Washington and Raleigh. 4:10 a m, Daily Night Express for Goldaboro. 9:10 a m, Daily for Goldaboro. 6:48 p m, Daily for Goldaboro. iJLlJ EAST BOUND 920 a m, Daily for Beaufort. .636 pm, " " Beaufort 9:60 a m, Daily except Sunday for Oriental. 6:46 p m, Daily except Sunday -for Oriental. 6:56 p m. Sunday only for Oriental. .For further in formation or reservation of Pullman Sleeping Car space, apply ' to T. H. Bennett, T. A., New Bern, ' H., C: W. W. CROXTON W. R. HUDSON, G. P. A. Gen'l Supt Norfolk. Va. Lake Druromond Canal fit Water Co. - Lake Drummond Transportation ; . Co. Lake pnunmond Towing Co. Dismal Swamp: Canal : ? An Inland Route, Protected from Storm? ' Nino Feet of Water Minimum Depth ' Always. . t , Quick Transit for Traffic?, Prompt - ' Towing and Freight Movement L For toUX towing .and -freight- ratea : apply at office in Seaboard Bank BuiJdJ -ing and at Deep Creek Lock .Va4-:: .,,' It: K. King, Pres. J. & Mitten, Sey. '7; J. Be, Baxter; SHpt, i;; J.5T. Whitetuirst, . Traffic MaiiBflwy ' i pionoia uovee jeu rnoaa 1 - A it Made" from pure distilled- L ; - f .- .aiaaVWaw-arwJkjj V tStyafl .1. ii'y .' Griffith Btv-V'.rtone 23 a r a ' ' r- -w ... a. . . . fl : L . r t. TONI3IMA0TICM QUICK IJI RE" - - C.re prompt relief bom EAC " ' ' , t:r::zY and ti.AiDr- t: ' ' , -r:ATi.:-'ccr" -:ric'i:ort i : TY2,- i::rLA!."'AT:-:i i,'fi i . T " . 1 and a3 annoyirj CZir :.. ".XAr,rr3 a r r- t s ' . " " "3 L -Z AC '.? t L p E 7 ' ' ': "1 t.-l f.r V.- . - , . j fT- 1 v j "i c i yc r nr n t i r I r 1 t "i "9 v 'i j r 1 ! ,T I' r y if 1 I , 1 V 1 ' l i a f " r -

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