J-'y Li. l.:-. ' ' f f ' I- 1 lUl)GZ hi. 8 K. Of P. t y Tuesday 8 p. m., over Gas i, lUlZa Eu A. LI. Franklin J. II. CiJi, K. of R. nod S. r I - i s are assured of chev- A VLN LODGE KOI. KNIGHTS (,,- II A KM ON Y Meets second and f i.itU Wednesday nights Bt 7:30 0. c ' . .. k in each month at ulght of Harmony ball, corner Brord and Han c;k streets. J. Kl Willis' President; ii. J. iiisoeway, Secretary Dv Mo Koy Financial Secretary. " i - Index to New Advertisements.; c People' Bank Tbi director! of this bank are men of high business char a- - ter. W. R. Rovd Recent occurrences are suggestive of accident insurance. , C. C Coo SiFalealadiet..WiDted. C C, ttanSi ealeamen Wanted. e'js:::ess lociis r.i . -- tOjTltJJlS I?iTBIS COLtMN . LESS THAK ONE MONTH "' ": MDST. BE PAID. FOB IN ADVANCE. 1 " v. WNT YOU to call 174 and let us fur ' niihyoutbe following; Sbofer Ham 18e lb, P. F. V. Bame.22o lb, Picnic - Haroa 13c lb. B. Bacon 20c, Best But ; '(er 37c and 89c, Richmond Shoulden 16c, Wcods Poultry foods 8c lb, Liquid Veneer 26c EL Q, Armstrong. ' ' ; - FINK lot of young and grown Chick ens, fresb Eggs, K. fV V. Hams, Pie U nie Hams and Shoulders, Piedmont, ,Oid Mill end Sovereign Cigarettes. Knitting and Block Cotton, Netting Lines and Twines, Pine and Coal Tar, Boat Lights nod Crab Kets. B. B. k Davenport, If o. 84 Middle St., phont 146. : " WATERMELONS, Barbecue Received for your inspection today 300 melons cat front green vines for Sunday's use, also I will have five barbecued piga foi your .Sunday dinner. Some spring Chickens. J. B. " Watson, Market ' King. Phone 142. - ICE Cream; all Savors, packed aedd livered in any part of (he city.-H. E RoyalL Phones 83 and 131. FOR RENT Desirable modern resi dence possession at once. Apply to Edward Clark. . LAxtGE'COoL well furnished rooms for rent, apply to Mrs. L D. Howland J Morebead City, r' .. 6t . ICE Cream Soda at HcSorleya. ' LIMES, Limes,' from the - bland of Dominica; we Bell them all tbe yeai round. -Drink a delightful refreshing limeade,' and use for all purposes, are cheaper than lemons.. Price, 15 cento .Dot. .F. a Duffy.: O 1 . JUST , received a big lot of Spring . Chickens and - Vegetables, Portsmouth headless Mullets. -Capt, Bill Davis, 76 "Broad street. Phone 727.. TOMATOES-(home grown) Perry Perches, Corn, 'Squash, ' Cucumbers. Beets, string Beans, Onions, Cabbage, Potatoes,. Carrots -and Radish and al kinds of fruit New Bern Produce Co. s Phone 12L t- ' f ' DON'T forget that large 18 ounce loaf for 5 cents, 6 loaves for 25 cents at Ka , fer's Bakery. . ' HOUSE for rent, good location, sewer age connection. , Apply to Miss Annie ' Justice, 83 East Front street." Phone 839. l- r 1 - WE . have something new -to repair punctures in Bicycle Tires, saves you tires from being' "cut ont'V by the brass plug. Our puncture proof bicy cle tires cannot be beat. , They, ere pneumatic and easy on your wheel, Phone us and we will . send for your w heel ar l retire it. We have bicyck t.res fron $2.60 np. New Bern Gar a-e Co., 3 Craven street, phone 712. "W I r.UGa Fish daily from Portsmouth I," ; J want to assure yourself of fresh f "i j lioae 448 for Trout, ; Buttetfish, ' i. LSoeu&n. etc., mackerel at cts r "md. Only 26 cents, bunches de- 1, c. o. d. If they are not fresb t f ry for them. Tolson & Smith, t Dock. ' " - 11 h , (. I uxos for city residences 25c ecommodate the mail carrier by : a l e x .to receive your malL J. & Ci. rhone S3. '.' "v..:Jonce Nos. 18 ,;lSa t ,1 75 George street, C : j llama, fresh Eggs , I "ea .lows' Meal aod ; w fct N. , F. Vin t f-?rt rhone 8T. t-v-fy. Alro , : t V o r-'it ' i r t : i: Lka, v lve tewi vi...cgin the city, rtt.ri.cJ home yesterday luoro lug. - ' ." ,'. " Ur, Charles R. Thomas went up to Kkistsn yesterday morning to attend toaqtae professional business. Mrs. Joel Kinsey went down to More bead City yesterday for a abort visit Miss Zsydie Gibbs returned yesterday morning from a visit with relatives at Beaufort. ' J fXyJ--?j'"?.. "Mrs. C E. Foy is visiting relative at Washington, N C.: v Cf v; , Mrs. J.'B. Watson and child left yes terday for a visit with relatives at Pol lockavflle, - v ' :i r - Mra, J.J. Wolfenden went down to Beaufort yesterday for a abort visit. . Mrs. If. L. Headren returned yester day from a visit at Morebead City. --:t k, Mr. Tbomas Roberts and7 child re turned yesterday from a week's, visit at Seven Springs, . . 'Mr. N. M. Lancaster, of Vaneeboro, was among the visitors to (be city yesterday-" 1 Mr, Hugh Taylor ara up from Morebead City ; yesterday morning for a day's visit in the titi. ' ' s Among those who ; went ' down to Morebead - City last - evening .. were Messrs. George Roberts, Jr., T. G. Hy maaAdolpb Munn, Robt. Witley, W. B, Blades and J.. AoBea';.;.. - Mr, T. A. TJaell went down to Beao fort last evening for a visit , with bis family who are spending the summer at that place,- , Notice. There will be an Ice cream supper next Saturdsy night at Gooce Creek School bouse, Grants bo ro. N. C. Pro ceeds will be for the benefit of -the school. Every one Is cordial y invited to attend. AT THE CHURCHES St. Paul's Soman Catholic Church- Mass and sermon t 11 a. m., Sunday school at 4 p. m, First Baptist Church Prayer serv ice at 11 a. m. and Sunday school at p. m. All cordially invited. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST Sunday Service 11:01. m. Subject Wrath. Golden Text: Proverbs 12-17 Sunday School 12 Noon Wednesday Evening Testimony Meet' ing at 8 p. m. Reading Room which is in Church is open daily from 3 to 5 p. m. All are Cordially Invited Free Will Baptist Church Services at '11 o'clock a. m., Elder Luke Wetherington will preach. Sun School at 4:30 p. m. Preaching at 8 p. m. by Elder W. W. Lewis, paBtor, CHRIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Sunday, July 28, 1912. Holy communion ,, - .... .. 7:43 a. m. Morning Service and Sermon 1 1 iOO a. m. Evening Prayer "and Sermon 8:00 p. m. Sunday School and Bible Class. , 5 :00 p. m Exceptional Real Estate Sale. . J' -f6r1sale..v .. - ' . That entire finer piece of the Miss An nie Donoell estate property corner of Queen and Graves streets. Brick hotose. immense lot. moderate price. - - C T, HANCOCK, Agt. BOYD TALKS FACTS. The recent fatal railroad wreck where in many persons werekijled aijd others injured; the numereous, recent automo bile casualties throughout theeountry in which many have neen killed, TIn 103 recent automobile accidents 69 peo ple were killed, and 225-injured;) Ihe crowded condition of our streets and the near Inauguration of the street car line, to say nothing of everyday hazards lurking everywhere, are suggestive of accident insurance. jWe've got: it in every dssirableorm at small cost - The Maryland- Casualty Co is . the only Company that maintains a claim department In North , Carolina ays claims promptly and gives double in demnity for sccidenls on publio car riers, It pays to get the best. See ' ' V . W- G- BOYD, AGENT. LJ?.-':''!'!". . . ' ' . ' - SAp-'-F1- : i.:t.-- " !. i Ice Cream, 5c. at Waters. WANT E 2 ? 'i-1 . t '. ' 4 . . - - ' .- Those that know bomc thin about Dry Goods preferred. y to r r 1: e LL:S C cf Ct.Ur.i.ij I'.n.' J.tt Ci.fi'i tXlelid 10 tvI yittt.jj mfco ia the a coidiitl inviia tioo to come out aui study tbe lesson ith ttieiu this afternoon, y A pleasant hour with a good teacher is promised. : On account of extensive repairs be ing made at the Church of Cbriston Hancock street, there will to no ser vices there today.'. V ;Vf.r-., ' - The Home Telephone and Telegraph Company have jssued 'a supplement to- their. New Bern directory and are now forwarding opiej to their. sub scribers. : -New rules recently inaugur ated in - the; local '.exchange .-.compel the operator to secure tltf number be fore giving connections. sQ : r . Five boats arrjved in port yesterdsy loaded with Bogoe Sound watermelons. I There was a brisk demand for them and many of the local dealers who pur chased from the growers had their sup ply exhausted before the close of the dsy.. j 'i -" -1 ; In the municipal court yesterday af ternoon' T." D, " Evanr; colored, was given a hearing on 1 warrant charging him with being disorderly within, the city limits.. He was found guilty and sentenced to a term of. 80. days In the county jail, tbe. commissioners to have the privilege of placing- him on the roads. ; ' p k The Norfolk-Southern motor - car, Morebead City bound,' was loaded np to the limit last nigbV. The Saturday night longing for the sea breeze is eo strong here that If twa motor ear, la stead of one, were operated, they would no doubt go well filled with passen gers. - '," ' A real estate deal of importance wai consummated Thursday when Mr. W. B. Blades purchased from Mra. Hughes, of Richmond, Va , the brick building on Middle street now occupied by tin Gsskill Hardware Company. Tbe con sideration paid was $7,000. A fistic encounter between Alex Mann and "Piedmont", Bryan, two young men, caused quite a sensaton near lie Athens theatre loat night shortly altet 9 o'clock. Several blows were "pastel) before tbe would-be-pugilists were par ted. Owing to tbe sickness of the pastor, Kev. j. a. uuriey, there will De no services at Cent- nary Methodist churrb either this morning or tonight. Sun day school will be held as usual at o'clock. ; Two large audiences atterd"d thl performances at Athena theatre last night Of special interest was the ex hibition of the pictures of Ihe races at the State Firemen's Tournaroept last week; They were unusually good and evoked much favorable comment. Window and Door Screens J. S. Basnight Hardware jC6., New Bern, N. C. . SOUTHERN RAILWAY ' ' - - t; -' ' f ' ' " ' OCTaimi BA'XfTAl MI.HXIJi i ' H, B. Theee ngnres ai yi;!;4u lot Information nn are ot Hof.;'.. : HO. II Leave Qoldsboro, N. u, a. ml, tir-ngk trali. wttt ear.te Asheyllle, odhauoiiu? ... East Durhun, for Oxford, tie se-son, Keys villa and Rlcim" at Ualveralty for Chapel H1U at Greensboro for, Charlotte and IMaU souu., aiau far in ; . rule, Lynchburg, Charlottesvlli ' . Was bin (too, . ul . al' seiai J. tSt Levt Jllolajiooro, 1.01 for Gresnaboro. handles thro- 4 , Pullman Kaleigh. to Atlanta, i , etrsta at Greensboro jor ' selnts aortli. sonth aad west'' ', t for Greensboro, handles pullms . , Raleigh to Greensboro, pat aects at Greensboro tor Cha lette. Atlanta New "Orlsav v ' n Aahevllle, . Knoxville,' ,f; Danvflle, Lynchbur. v . tosvllle, Washlagtoa ; l, ' volnte neita. " V " er farther lnformatbu also t . Chariot aa aaj ionthern ticket stent v-V-h. F. cart, ; Qeneral PasaejUger 4 f WasfttagtaaD. C t.w. h. parnell, " '.;".-', ' Crarallnt Paasenicer A.. RsJrhv v Give us your nex torderfor Job Printing. -AH work is : rilit. LiarylaDcl Ice Cream Co.fr Baltimore Md. Norfolk Va. . Having accepted tbe Agency for -the above Ice Cream Co, I am,, io a position to eerve my custo--. men with positively: the - EEST 5L7.11TI ICE CF.E.:.1 eversuld In New "Bern. ,1 invite, comparison and competition as. the above cream is sold entirely upon its merits.. , . "'. K-Wa S0D1S?5CTS.': ' , " RESPECTFULLy , i . B; II WE THROW NO STONES at ordinary vegetables, but come and see our display. We'll leave it to ycu if you ever'saw a finer one. The ques tion of what to' have to eat will Jbe readily answered by A LOOK AT OUR VEGE TABLES Home Grown Tomatoes, Perry Peaches Corn , r Squash . Cukes , Beets - 1 - - v ' ALL KINDS OF. FRUIT. few Bern Produce Company BROAD ST. PHONE 121 'Added comfort ' 'J' neater - mm appear anca North' Caroj ina" Good ; Roads i Association. J T f. - : Low Round Trip Fares . ; . Southern. Railway; ,. . . Tickets on sale July 81st August 1st, and for trains sciieouiea - iu arrive Charlotte before noon AOguyt na. Ginale lir t returning to reach origi nal start ig point not jir . wmu midnight -f August oiu. . ... Ask youi agent for full Information, 0rwritC JO. JONES, ' ' ' Trovneliug Passenges Agent, -- '., Raleigh N.C-- -'. ' ? GEO WATERS 0X18 M. ..."A mwsm E--0 PTOMETRIST - jxmJl I -.: '3 Cash Grocery .idie Street - CHAKULATED SUGAR crJy 6 cts per pound. VERY BEST PATENT ;7-.:-'TL0ualv-'::ii only 31-2 ctr per' pound. CATAWBA GEM PRINT - ,1 , BUTTER. fresh from". Dairy3 every other day only 39 cts. ' FRESH LOT BUTTERINE i only .25 cents. "- -Fruit ; Jars", all ; sires,4Jar Rings.', J Portsmouth I iNV Corned Mullets, : .Free delivery anywhere , in the city. ' YOURS FOR CASH ONLY J. L. McDaniel 41 Middle StMFT Phong 9 1 FRESEf SUPPLY JUST RE CEIVED. ' WANT YOU TO PHONE 147 v or ca'l at onr new store on Pol lock street for the following tl' 11 1, Bele Mead SWEETS DAVIS PHARMACY Granulated Sugar 6c lb Beat Lard 15c Flour 3 1 2c Meal 30c pk, 6 Rollt Toilet Paper 25c Best Tub Butter 37c Clover Hill Butter 39c Pt, Jars Masons COc. doz. St. Jars Masons 65c doz orning Cup Coffee 30c, H, C. ARMSTI Phone 174 Pollock St. HENRY'S :. Prescriptions from all physicians. Quickly and Ac curately filled. Also a full line of Choice Toilet articles. Pharmacy " " PHONE 173- HARDWARE - " -IK '-i ."-1., '',' t..r Aim., r h- Building Ma terial Paints, Oils' Varnishes V American. . Fhld Pence. f. '-lew iWa, X. ft- - YOUR WATCH - ? NEEDS CLEANING, ' ; To matter how poo l it Is and how, careful !' nstd jC'.ir v r,; 'i t --pcisxleanlng once in v ?(''' r "" .' This ensures good . : v.car. Let us clean it. FIELD . We have a few inore bushels of your orders quick before the stock Sugar . We have the finest sugar feeds for Horses, MulesL and Cows on the market. A perfect balanced ration of the best feed st uffs. Hay, Corn, Oats, Hulls, Meal, Homi ny, Etc. AND COMPANY New Bern, :-: North Carolina mm MOREHIjAD CITY, NORTH CAROLINA NOW OPEN EXTENSIVE IMPROVEMENTS, NEW MANAGEMENT FINEST FISHING IN AMERICA The Greatest Seashore Hotel in the South. Accommodations for 1.000 Guests. Erery variety of aea and frcth w'atr flah abound in abundance. The Atlantic Hotel fronta tbe ocean beach, which runa east and west, affording the much sought southweat ern water front, and its guests enjoy an invigorating ocean breeze throughout the summer. Hen you have more unique and exclusive advantages than can be found on the Atlantic ' coast Sailing upon the beautiful and placid Bogus Sound or the Atlantic. Still water and Surf Bathing. Incomparable Seond and Deep Sea Fishing. Many nearby points of tradi tional and historic interest. Dancing. Tennis. Pool. Billiards, Music. "1912 meeting of the North Carolina Press Association will be held at the Atlantic Hotel, Morehead City, N. C, July 23-26. For handsome illustrated booklet and reservations address, ALLEN A. DuBOIS, Manager. Morehead City, N. C ov0jl if NoMoroBuniiag V wJII V PdttBeBoesOvenontopofyooi llll I If oil, gasoline, alcohol or gsa store. If Turn at any angle so glass ia doc W B face yon. Yoa can watch baking ml B coatinnonaly without opening door or Ml I CTca ttooping withontchilling oi jsr- I I , ring baking and Wasting heat.,. . I I I Cx9t gnrantee4 not tP trg MJ I I heaTortostcsmup. Endorsed by do-I ,1 I xncstic science schools. ,.. ..' I I I , Coma In tpday and aee the Boea I 1 I Oven. LtudemsstxateoyoatWH 1 ; . , wonderful- cenvatuencf nd, JJ f V. M lib I fe IlllL--..- ' lafBSf- 9 m GASKfLL I J D7. CO. 73 Middle St.; ' Phone 147 - t- Notice. A 6 room house, new bath and toilet, electric lights and as, all modern and up-to-date, 83 Pollock street, opposite Athens Cafe, large yard in rear: ; Will be for rent on July 15th, 1912, For in formation ring phone 556 or see Big Hi!!, the Shingle Man. Also rooms for ht bouse, keeping, , furnished or un- f.irniahed, all rooms new inside and well v situated in business portion of 'city, ' -r.;iite court bouse, Craven street, r,o. 101, rite or ring phone C'3, Ilead ..uarters for teachers and f'T" ? E-'g r i;!, the only El.ip-'a Kan t'uere be. .' PEAS nice Black and Mixed. Send us Is gone. Price 2. 00 per bushel. - Feeds Second TO ASHEVILLE The Land of The Sky . Special Train. Southern Railway TUESDAY JULY 23. SCHEDULE ANI) BOUND TRIP FARES AS FOLLOWS Leave Qoldsboro 7:00 a. tn. 5.00 Leave Kelma 8:00 a. m. 5.00 Leave Raleigh 0:10 a. m. 4.75 Leave Durham 10:19 a. m. 4.75 v Don't miss this opportunity to spend three days In the A cool mountains of Western ' Carolina. Tickets will be good returning to leave Ashe vllle on any regular train leaving Ashevilleup toaud including Friday, July 26th 1912. SEPARATE CARS FOR COL ORED PEOPLE. . . fofull information see 'your agent ; or write. C. ; , ' J. O. JONES Traveling Passenger Agent.'' . RALEIGH, N, C Notice, zj' t Stockhbldera of the A. & N. C.R. R. Co.- who wish, to attend tbe annual stockholder meeting in Morehead CI- , tyori Aug. 8, 1912 will, send their ap-. plications for free transportation for themselves ana the memoers oi tneir immediate families to roe at'once. givlhg the"" names of each one. No friend or other party not a dependent ., mm 1 It - ; r 1 f 3 (' 3 f 'I I so long rn tl;e can.be included, i - D. J. TROADnURST, - v I Socrclary-Treaaurer A. & N. C. K. K. ' . Coo--'". I