eXCOUOL S itt etui- AMgetaWc rYqWiortfirAV slmUaniigthefbodamlRefiiii imgutf&ianadisanttiwwelsil ncss and (tratJConlalnsneitkr io2 f Opitaulofphi norHioetaLl WOT NARCOTIC' s!Eli US! IS AcUeUb- Apcrfecl Remedy for Ojnsnpt- lion , Sour StDmadtDtarttea Worms JTonvulswnsjiwrisfr Hess and LOSS OrSlEEB Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. ! Exact Copy of Wrapper. New York is having a lively time trying to catch her policemen. Buy it now. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is al most certain to, be needed beore the summer is over Buy it now and be prepared for such an emergency For sale by all dealers. QSince Wilson was nominated they are trying to make two words out of the old town of Seagirt. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A Forty babies have been named for Wodrow Wilson, aid now the man has ju t got to win. If you are a housewife, you cannot reasonably hope to be healthy or beauti ful by washing dishes, sweeping and doing housework all day, and crawling into bed dead tired -at ni((ht. You must get ont into the open air and sunlight. If you do this every day and keep your bowels in good order by taking Chamber lain's Tablets when needed, you should become both healthy and beautiful For sale by all dealers The people who are sleeping "und r blankets" must have them stored In the attic. During the summer months mothers of young children should watch for any Unnatural looseness of the bowels. When given prompt attention at th time serious trouble may be avoid Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di rhoea Remedy can always be depend upon. Fjr sale by all dealers. It is a devout congregation that does cot vote unanimously to give the minister a vacation in the summer. TWENTY-FIVE CENTS IS THE PRICE OF PEACE. Thi terrible itching and smarting, in cident to certain skin disease, is al most instantly allayed by - applying Chamberlain's Salve. Price 25 cents. For sale by all dealers. Thaw's lawyers will get at least one more chance at bis bank roll CASTOR I A fox Infanta tad Children. -f Be KlnlTco Rail Alwajs Bought Bears the Signature of It i a true baseball fan who call get elated over belling the tailenders, . A JHERO IN A LIGHTHOUSE. : For years J. & DonaUua, So. Haven; Mich., a civil-war captain, as a light house keeper, averted awful wreck, bat a queer fact is, he might ' have been. a - wreck, himself, tf Electric Bitters had not prevented. ' 'Tbey cared me -of kidney trouble and chills," he writes "after I. : had taten other so sailed cures for years without benefit and they also improved Jny sight Now at seventy, I am feeling . fine.". For dyspepsia, lnfiigegtion, all : stomach, liver and kidney troubles, they "ra without equal. Tryythem, ?-nly 60 cents stall draga1stv C- Dctht best yon can today.,- Yon . can't always be putting It off until tar iLLiXiig: kidney hllss uave yoa negiecitxi jour juuneysj Han rin Bvenrnrkni vour nervolia irva .. tern and caused trouble with toot kid neys and bladder!. Have you-pains in ' loins side back, groins and bladder I Have you a flabby appearance of the face, especially under the eyesT Too fre fluent a desire to pass urinet If so, Wil- . hams' Kidney Pills will cure you-at Drop-gist, Price 60c. Williams'. M'f'g. f -ah: For'lr r ntg and Children."- ThB'Jind:YouUIavo! fAlvays' Bonshl"; Bears Signature Of y. Vwe ettmuia mmf. tm van nr. Women laugh with a wise man and at a fool. In these days of high cost of living, a medicine that gets a man up out of bed and able to work in a few daya is a valuable and welcome remedy. John Heatb, Michigan Bar, Cal., had kidney and bladder trouble, waa confined to his bed, unable to turn without help. '"I commenced using Foley Kidney Pills and can truly say I waa relieved at once. His example is worth loilow ng. For sale by all lea lers. - Nothing is to absurd for some pec pie to undertake. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A A bachelor's ideal woman is usually one he couldn't get. J100 PER PLATE. was paid at a banquet to Henry Clay, in New Orleans in 1812, Mighty costly for those with stomach trouble or indi gestion. Today people every where use Dr. King's New Life. Pills for these troubles as well as liver, kidney and newel disorders. Eey, safe, eure. On ly 26 eta. at all Druggists. A little widow is even more dan gerous than a little learning. Dysentery is elwayB serious and often a dangerous disease, but it can be cured. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has cured it ev en when malignant and epidemic. For sale by all dealers. 'There are more lemons than plums in the political plum tree. PILES! PJLES! PILES! Williams' Indian Pile Ointment will eure Bund. Bleeding and Itching Piles. It absorbs, the tumors, allays itching at once, acts as a Doultice. cives - Instant relief. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment is prepared for Piles and itching; .of the private parts, Sole by druggists, mail 60o and 11.00. Williams' M'f'g. Co. Props., Cleveland, U. Many a man is fr'endles because he's too popular with himself, HELP FOR THOSE WHO HAVE STOMACH TROUBLE. 1 ; After doctoring for about twelve years for a bad -stomach trouble, and spending; nearly five hundred -dollars for medicine and doctors' fees. I porch ased my Wife one box of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, - which did her so much good that she continued to use them and they have done her more good than allot the.medicine 1 bought before Samuel Boyer, Folsom, Iowa. This medicine is for sale by all dealers. Samples fmiTA-: 1 V;r.:: - .; f. ; - y- v - - Kf..' " " !i. -'--.j.-rJ'3r T . We Vottld be "onhappr. if we knew everything that Is going onvot coming f .5.;- -. -r.Hv ' 1 A. Nason? farming near Canaan Me,, was badly crippled with sciatic rheumatism due he says to uric acid in his blood. -I'Foley Kidney PUIS entire ly cored me and also removed numer ous black specks that were - continually before my eyes,". , Foley Kidney . Pills are a pric solvent and are- effective for the various forms of rheumatism.-, V- ? -, "-..!-, -j. --i '.V-t- - ir-' r' " Those who insist upon Saying;- the biggest "half do not teem t '16 i rralize there is no such tomg.jv t i:. .r... ! j .. 1 ' i , , .--'-.-'i tw"' - 5 ' . "'As facreasmg number .of people re port vegrularly of the satisfactory results from, taking Foley 'Kidney Fills sod command 'hair healing and curative qualities,-- Foley-Kidney Pills are a carefully prepared medicine, guaran teed to c- ' o harmful or habit forrm'ng ftri-i They rfn hTe only a benefirial f .ieet when uf" 1 fr ki.lnpy and b'a ! 'ct trouble!, f,.r t- -'ac!.e, rhr-un .-n, vk t ' or l"1 :,--. For p-- t v ( I i n. ffi In X Use ' For Over thirty Years A ide of natnral (Jreit g w'eXALOIo :" WHY jiNATOlU to snake auy put V of her that , is tool loflg lok short and: any part ft wPr hat is too short look Jon. rJf ii'n FRIGHTFUL POLAR WINDS:- iFi. V,-.r,-vv..' , : blow"wIth"terrifle ftrse at thefaraorth and play havoc wt h the akia, causing ruA moa h or ti ehanoed hands and lips, that ootid Bucklea a Arnica Salve co heal them; It makes the skin soft and smooth. ' Unrivaled for cold- sores, also burns, boils, i sores,-: ulcers, cuts, bruises and plies, - Only 26 cenU t all druggiats. ' r- - , - ' A cheetfui Ipender never outlives his popularity-if bis meoef bold out.,,' . . i 'm ill i j.i 9-mf"m . :; . A GIEL'S WILD MIPNIGHT; aip?S, To warn people of a fearful forest fire in the Catskills young irl - rode horseback at midnight' and saved many lives, Her deed was gluriooS but lives are of ten saved by Dr. King's New DIacovery in eurinf iung trouble," colds and coughs, which migwi nave enaea in consumption orpneumonia.7'It cured me of a dreadful cough and lung ,dis. ease," writes W. V Pattersoni WeB ingtooTwbi '"after four W cwfamily hurl duui with eonaumotion. and I (rained 87 pounds." Nothing so sure nd safe 60c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guar antsea nv an urupuiiia. - - t There is something wrong with the sermon that doesn't last over seven days 1 N. J.-Gorham. Cashier Bankof Wood- ville, Woodvije. Ga., had a very severe attack f kidney trouble and the pains in his kidneys and back . were terrible. "I got a bottle of Foley Pitts from our druggist and they entirely relieved me, I have more benefit from them than any other medicine." For sale by all dealers. A man may get the short end of it because be imagines "ha is smarter than the other fellow. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S O ASTORIA Dn't try to learn everything worth while. Leave the world a few unsolv(d problems when you depart. For People Who Have to Eat. If you eat you need "Digestit," It aids digestion, prevents distress af ter eating, stops gas formation, re lieves indigestion instantly and cures dyspepsia. Brown's Digestit is a little tablet easy to swallow and absolutely harmless. It has relieved thousands. Sold pobitive on guarantee. Your mocy back if you want 60c. at the Davis Pharmacy. Device for Securing Quiet- -To glye quiet to dwellers In noisy streets an English builder has Simply used windows with double glaring..: In sick rooms, lecture rooms and others the sound of street ears and the ram ble of wagons were greatly diminished and the sound of voices waa made im perceptible, s. - Dugilids Drag STORE. All ltinds of drugs and proprl etary medicines. ti : We make a specialty of. the, Adlerika treatment for appen dicitis. No cure no pay. S Stock . remedies of all sort sold. - i - Confectionery, cold drinks, tobacco and notions. If in need of any of the above articles, you are invited to call.; 'VANCEBORO, N. C: Natural Trait 1 - , The people who are weighed In the balance and found wanting; are apt tO- complaln that the scales ar; out ot -WOMEN hVfvmenM tae hl)iet txpe, womea of inperiorjedncation mn refinement , wboie fdicerninenj and judpnent fire .weight ' and force to tieirlopinioni, MgHy praise the onderfulcorrectivt and enratire propertiet cf. Chaja berlam'a Stomach and Lirer Tab lets. Thronghotit the easy ttajei of woman' tfejiroa j!rILoodf throo;! the 'ordeals cf cclher hoaJ to the dec!!a!:2 yesrs, there is no safer r core rc!lal!8 r.ei icbe. C--,-:.LVeTan !sare so! J eTerjuhere tt 25c a lax. . Like Home. Distracted Author pcoI;Ihr pfnra I ; PiiBwf-x) Mrs. . Hodgo, wlint la t" i paiiilcmOHluru? - Karinir 8 i' : t they're wAy pnt!!!i' s r ':' " .. i ' 'fn - r'r; rn' ! ' ' - I SUSiOKS SHOULD, BE 'PERMITTED .TO RE- TAW HIS SEAT. Windsor. Ledger-, 'Tirst) arty .service Jae gave ,us the Amendment oliminatina Butlerism, negro legislators, egrimsglstrales and othefnfgro offlstals t ,Seerod. Present tprty leadershini The Dsmoaratie Senators hv placed him ia charge of onr-tariff bills;' ia tbe United Stales .Senate;-. r . Third. Better Roads He favors fed era! aid teMbhV'Waisv-Tfat, would lessen our tajf and give' better roads. fourth Inhind Waterway- His sup port is csuslnf canals and rivers to be opened. This will males much cheaper freights, espt rial 'y for farmem. Fifth. Justice to South Fret lumber ought to carry free" hammers, free saws. free nails., Bs demands for toe South tbs same-treatment othsr parts of tbe country get Sixth. Republican Reciprocity, It was unjust to 'the farmers. Simmons opposed it Our national platform agrees with him. The western farm ers oppose it . . Seventh. Friendihip for Farmers. HelBtrodiicedlhe Farmers' Free List Bill. He thinks If any favors are shown they should be given them. It they sell In free market he wants them to buy in free markets. Eighth. Majority rule the country - He don't abuse Democrats or make fun of Democratic convention He stands by the majority. Ninth. Endorsement The Democratic State Convention expressly endorsed his course. Our national platfo pa is a complete endorsement of him. Tenth. On his job. No amount of abuse or misrepresentation can make him neglect hiB duty.' He has fal:h in the people. Stockholders Meeting. The next annual meeting of the stockholders of the Atlantic & North Carolina Railroad Company will be held In Morehead City, N. C, on August 8, 1012. Meeting will be call ed to order at 11 o'clock M. on said date. D. J. JBROA DH URST. Secretary Goldsboro, N. C, July 8, 1912. iOm KIDNEY P1IXS 'OU HHKUVATISM Kl I3MCY3 AMO OVAOOf SOUTHERN RALWAY DIRECT LINE TO ALL POINTS NORTH. SOUTH. EAST. WEST. Very Low Bound Trip Bates to all , Principal Resorts. Through Pullman to Atlanta, leaves Raleigh 4:05 p m, arrives Atlanta 6:36 p m, making close 'connection for and arriving Montgomery following day af ter leaving Raleigh 11:00 a m, Mobile 1:12 p mi new uneans 830 p m, Birm ingham 12:16 noon, Memphis 8:06 p m, Kansas City 11:20 a m, second day and connecting for ail other points. This ear also mates close connection at Salis bury for St Louis and other Western points. ' Through Pullman to Washington lea ves RaleigH 60 p m, arrives Washing ott 88 a m Baltimore 10H12 a m, Phila delphia 12:23 noon, New York 2:31 pm. This car makes close connection at Wash ington for Pittsburg,' Chicago and all points North and West and at Greens boro for Throdgh Tourist Sleeper! for iQdbajfpbinli:aiid,' for all 'Florida wints. ; - - Through Parlor Car for . Asheville leaves Goldsboro at 6:46 a m, Raleigh 86 m, arrives Asheville TA0 p m. making close connection with the Caro lina Special and arriving 'Cincinnati 10 a m, following day after leaving RaJ eigh, with close connection for all points North and Noith-West x Pullman for Winston-Salem leayes Raleigh 2:30 am, arrives Greensboro 630 a m, making close , connection at Jreonsbora for all points North South, East and West -This car is handled on train No,i ill leaving Goldsboro at p m. : ir . If you desire any information, please eau., we arenere to zurmsn miorma tion as well &s to sell tickets. , - c H. F. CARY, - - ; - J. O. JONES, G. P A, . T. P. A.f v7Bshinftonj DCL "'ir Raieigh, N.'C "ThereaDifference AGK YOUn DOCTOR SI- SAVE THE CROWNS they are Jvaluable.- Write fof Tjatalog Pepsi:Cold Co,; 5 New Bern, N. C.3 J C lei) bOld m S' "T f -w4. srT - j- i Teles rapn J -Vv'.iiM.' 5 " ; r-rui nere is Boraeumig " ' It coimnahda instant attention It y : is never laid aside to be read later. No man isitoo busy to stop and read a telegram. Let the Western Union handle your business Tetters by telegraph. Information by Telephone. THE WESTERN UNIOS TELEGRAPft COMPANY SOUTHERN Ki CO. Southern Railway New Train - Service and Important Changes. The management of the Southern Railways has authorized new train service between Asheville and Salis bury, N. C-, new train to leave Ashe ville at 7.30 p. m., Eastern Time, ar riving Salisbury 12.25 a. m., connect Ing there with train No. 80 for Wash ington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York. In the reverse direction new train will leave Salisbury about 4.00 a. m.. after receiving connection from main line traio No. 31 and reach Aslievllle at 10.00 a. m. This new train will handle Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping cars each way through between Asheville and New York in connection with main line trains Nos, 39 and 31 as referred Ij. Id addition to the foregoing new. train service tbe management of the Southern Railway has also instructed that im provement be made in the service on trans Nos. 11 and 12 whereby Pull man observation cars will be operated on these trains between Salisbury and Asheville. This being accom plished by making the present Nor-folK-AshevIll Drawing Room Sleep ing Cajr an observation sleeping car. The dennite date for these changes has not as yet been given out but will be within the next few days. DOVER & SOUTIIBOUND K.R. Timb Table No. l. KHective 10:01 A. M. Sunday, June 5, i 1910. SOUTn BOUND tF M .PM NOKT BOUND A M A M 7 5 6 8 6:25 4:50 Lv. Dover Ar. 8:10 8:15 6:39 5:05 Foys -7:55 8;01 6:42 5:08 Taylors 7:52 7:58 6:51 5:17 Phillips 7:43 7:49 7:00. 5;26 . Wimsatt 7:M 7:40 7:17 5:46 ' Comfort 7:14 7:23 7:85 6:04 Petersburg 6:56 7:05 7:40 6;10 Richlands Lv. 6:50 7:00 D. W. RICHARDSON, General Manager. rORMHEUMATIBM KlOMBVSAMOBkAOOCfl THE NORTH CAROLIN A State Normal Ard - Industrial College Maintained by the State for the Women of North Carolina. Five regular Cours es leading to degrees. Special Courses for teachers. Free tuition to those who agree tobecome teachers in 'the State. Fall Session begins. September 18, 1912. For catalogue and other information, address . vwalw .JULIUS I. FOUST, President, Greensboro, -.: ' . C WEIGHrStflLLF -BEACH." . " Is calling you-rthe surf,- the music, Lomlna, all cry f)ut for you to follow the prowd. The I has provided tbe schedules and rates": ; I Krf Innlnn Q.t n n TAna Tbf. -e.n win: tlnueduring the seasonv'.v- . . , t--rd;wit,aiNGTON' 4 For&h trains of SatardayV MornWg trains of Sunday, limited to return until'-Tnesdaj1 mid-night following' 2.85. " - ' - v 'it',' - '- - ,ui i :. sunday only, limited to date Qf sale . Fo? Information call on,"? f"-? ; I.- r " T; n."BEWBrrr 't r. 0. WnrrtB, J , Ticket Agent?4 ? General Pass. Agt., ' 7 it. Wilmington, ft. C' ' . MOKTGACE SALE. Parraant to a sowar at Ml contained In tfaat onrUin Baal EstaU Bf ortcaa exaenUd by Radca CtowatS ad Bona Coward to White- Harvw Brick Compamr, bear ins date tbe SOttt day of November, 1910. the ame being record 1 in theeffloe el tbe net-later of deeds of Crave: Count, la book US, pace SS. I will aell at th; court booae door in New Bern. N. C. oa Moat ay, tbe teth adr of Aognet. MM. at tbe hoot of W m.-to the hisheet bidder for caeb. all tbe follow. ing described property as conveyed in the mort sase aforesaid to wit! Beainniss at the junction of tbe Washington road and tbe William Oawaun avenue, then down said avenue to Sally Ann Blunts line, thenee with ssid line to Ok atcLaw horn' line, thence with aaid UcLawhorn's line to the Washington-Vanceboro road, tkrace down said road to tbe beginning, containing five (6) acres, more or less and being the tract u,' land purchased from W. & White. W. K. White and J. B, Harvey. WHITE-HA &VEY BRICK CO. Mortgag-e. Vanceboro. N. C. J til, 24. 1912. ; PROFFSSIONAL CARDS 4 H. W. SIMPSON FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER Day Phone 167, Night Phone 829 D. G. SMAW, AST. F. M. Sbnmons, A. D. Ward, ' SIMMONS AND WARD AfTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS kV LAW XW. BERH, R. t. Office Rooms 401-3-8 Elks Building Practice in the counties of Craven. Duplin, Jones, Lenoir, Onslow, Cart eret, Pamlico and Wake, in the Su preme and Federal Courts, and when ever services are desired. R. A N UNN t. aSaap(aBBaan r ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice in the counties of Craven, Carteret, Pafalicol Jones and Onslow and in the State- Supreme and Federal Courts. . OAo Ko 60 Crtfta llrtat TstsakMs No. 97. - New Bars, N. C, E .ARGETT --JJ . ;;r Phone 735 Office 66, &f0ad Street Newi Bern, N. C '-T.D; WARREN ATTORr.EV AT-LAW OfficvRooma 405406 Elks - Temple .a NEWBERN, N, C. Prsietiees'la ouotfer Of Cravenr Car teres, vPml(coJ' Jones and Onslow and in the State: Supreme " and FedarsJ Conrta. ' . ' m'mt' n JS.UJ i 'ua-auai. i ti ' I HAK& the UftbreHas with stint Class to wear, navaryourarmade to orderr If yon bare an old frame I will covsr-4t for loo, it doat matter rtthe ribs have been knocked out-. ol ,llaerrBnd ' the joints dislocated .Iare;Bll tuabrellas and parasols, don't matter hotriil. Prl- ees. right, work' guarantesx, Drop sae a card at 23 Rountree street, New Bern 1 m f s lULiiiiinuinii Legal Notices "''V ..asasBBBJss tr,- 4 MORTGAGE: SALE. - ? Psasosnt tea nnTar af eels aoaa.lin.1 u t-J. ertatai Mortagag Deeds executed by Lake sad raanie T. Barney to j, aj, tutsbat and Oo.. bearing data the tod day ef Psaraasy tltnd eSai day of June 1911. the same being isawliij ia toe offioeef tiMKes-istraof Deedaof Oram aoaatr b baokleBpagesH and m wewiUseB at tbe Court House door in New BerN. a oa atondar tbe SSth aW of hots 1912 at the boa. it ,u.w ar - Sbe hie nest bidder for cash all of the folIowibaT aeaennea pnperty as eoneeyed in tbe Mortgages afnraaaiil. to-wit; AJ that certain tract or nanel m u4 iwj Lot No. Ut Jones street in th Ph. ii. tbaeltrofNew BeraM. C. Pes farther Mteaf so sea book ISO Polio 82 of th. Bounty N. C, Deed from Harrit Etheridge alias narrn sryan Dated July Ust 1910. :: J. af. IflTHHIrl 1. m. u . New Bern. N. C. June 27th 1912 . PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS. NORTH CAROLINA 1 In the Superior CRAVEN COUNTY ) LEWIS H. BONNEK . VS. - FLORENCE BONNER The defendant above named will take notice that an action as above entitled has been com- w wiv superior whip, ei graven county to obtain a divorce s vinculo matrimonl fmm the said defendant, on tbe ground of adultery; said defendant will further take notice that aha is required to spoesr st the term of Superior Court for said county to be held on the 4th Mon day after the 1st Monday in September, it being the SOtb day of September. 1912, at the Court Mouse in New Bern. N. C. and answer or demur to the complaint in aaid sotion. or the plaintiff will apply to the court for relief demanded in said complaint. W. B. FLANNEH. Clerk of tjuperiur Court. This 24th day of June. Iaj2. , NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD ROUTE OF THE "NIGHT EXPRESS" Schedule Effective June. 2d, 1912 Tne following schedule figures pub lished as information ONLY and are not guaranteed. TRAINS LEAVE NEW HERN NORTH AND WEST BOUND 12:30 a m, Daily-Night Express Pull man Sleeping Car for Norfolk. 9:25 a m, Daily for Norfolk, connects for all points North and West, Parlor car service between Wash ington and Norfolk. 1 :45 p m, Daily except Sunday for Washington, Belhaven, Greenville Wilson and Raleigh. Parlor car between Washington and Raleigh. 4:10 a m. Daily Night Express" for Goldsboro. 9:10 a m. Daily for Goldsboro. 6:4tT p m, Daily for Goldsboro. -J EAST BOUND 920 a m. Daily for Beaufort. 555 p m, " " Beaufort. 9:50 a m, Daily except Sunday for Oriental. 5:45 p m, Daily except Sunday for Oriental. 6:55 p m Sunday only for Oriental. For further information or reservation of Pullman Sleeping Car space, apply to T. H. Bennett, T. A., New Bern, N. C. W. W. CROXTON W. R. HUDSON, G. P. A. Gen'l Supt. Norfolk. Va. Lake Drummond Canal & Water Co. Lake Drummond Transportation Co. Lake Drummond Towing Co. Dismal Swamp Canal An Inland Route, Protected from Storm. Nine Feet of Water Minimum Depth Always. Quick Transit for Traffic Prompt Towing and Freight Movement For tolls, towing and freight rates apply at office in Seaboard Bank Buildj ing and at Deep Creek Lock, Va, M. K. King, Pres. J. Ai Mitten, Sey. J. B. Baxter, Supt. J. T. Whitehurst, Traffic Manager. VT u. not CII Dl. ...... cot ' - iiuriuia. vuiw mil . uuuo w -e ICE , Made from pure distilled filtered' water. i . aasBaase . N-B.WBBRN. - s s -. m m 19-21-23 Griffith Sttrt Phone 23 TOMIO M AOTlOIT QUICK IN RISULTa CB prompt nUal from' BACKACHZ, itoNKY nd ' BLADDER TROUBLE, RHBUMATISM,'CONGE3TION of the VbUZtS,. tNrLAMMATIOIf of tbs BLADDER and all ronoytng URINARY IRREGULARITIES. A poaitlva boon s UIDDLKAOED.aad ELDERLY PSOPLB and for -WOMEN. ' RAVI MIOHEST atCdMMKNDATteM St, A. T, rTFMli'prfon p , C','-t, Co., Prop., Cleveland, O.

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