S jr. A. 'rjroR Jr -. i r.'ra, N. a July 21. 1S12. ATnENIA LODGE NO. K. rf ? "!ets every Tuesday 8 p. m., wei.Gw - Coi office. Middle St, A. M, Franklin ' "r n t w RmJh " IT. n ft! and S. ''Visiting broth on are assured of ahev- alier's welftune. ' CRAVEN LODGE NO 1. KHIQHTS i OF HARMONY Meet -second and . fourth Wednesday-nlghtf Atjitf ' clock in each month at Knights of -- Harmcny hall, corner Brord and Han ' . oock street. J. K, Willis' IWMdenti 4 vR. J.-D,lso8way, Secretary J.fl, fe--, .J Koy 'Financial Secretory. , , . -4"" Index to New Advertisements. , -) Peoples Bank Aceountr, suDject to cneca,. , . - - 1 ' -'Borros and Co. -Just arrives. BOSKESS M.l ID',)1 LESS THAN ONE MONTH IUST BE PAID F0& IN ADVANCE. , ft-'. ' JjADIES read this, -I have Just re ceived the ery finest lot pf Spring hfckMi and a lot of very let Hens, fine lot of big Melons, a limited supply of new Red Yam Sweet Potatoes. J. : B. Watson, the ,Martet Kiag... Phone 142. - , WiANT YOU to call 174 and let u? fur nishyou the-tpllowing; Shofer Hams ' -18c lb, F. F. V. -Hams' 22c lb, Picnic - Bams 13c lb. B. Bacon 20c, Best But ,ter 37e and 89e, Richmond Shoulders 16c, Woods Poultry foods 8c lb, Liquid Veneer 25c H. C. Armstrong. ICE Cream, all flavors, peeked andde Jivered in any part of Ibe city. H. E, : Royall. Phones 33 and 131. tCfi Cream Soda at McSorleys. LlaES, Limes, from the Island of Dominica; we sell them all tbe year round. Drink a delightful refreshing ftmeadVand use for all purposes, are cheaper' than lemons. Price, 15 cents Doav.'F. a Duffy. JUST received a big lot of Spring Chickens and Vegetables, Portsmouth heedless .Mullets. -Capt Bill Davis, 75 Broad street Phone 727. TOMATOES (home grown) Perry Perches, Corn, Squash. Cucumbers, Beets', string Beans, Onions, Cabbage, Potatoes, Carrots and Radish and all E'mdsof fruit New Bern Produce Co. DONfT forget that large 18 ounce loaf for 5 cents, 6 loaves for 25 cents at Ka fer's Bakery. HOUSE for rent, good location, sewer age' connection. -Apply to Miss Annie Justice, 83 East Front street. Phone WE haye soniettring new to repair , punctures 1n Bicycle Tires, saves your tires from being "cut out" by the ' oralis plug." Our puncture proof bicy cie tires cannot oe neat, xney are pneumatic and easy on your wheel. Phone us and we will send for your wheel and retire it. We have bicycle tires from $2.50 up. New Bern Gar age Co., 43 Craven atreet, phone 712. FRESH Fish' daily from Portsmouth. : If you want to assure yourself df fresh - fish phone 448 for Trout. Butterfish, t SpotaWgfisb, etc., Mackerel 12 cts. per pound.- Only 25 cents, bunches de lirercd, c o. d." If they are not fresh 'don't pay for them. Tolson & Smith, Market Dock, MAIL Boxes for city residences 2cc to $1.50. Accommodate the mail carrier by -placing a box to receive your mail. J. & Whitry & Ccj. Phone 9& (k t Rent Residence Noe. 18 Na tional Ave. and 75 George street, VC. T. Hancock. Agt COUNTRY Smoked Hams, freBE Eggs Best Patent Flour, Meadows' Meal and new Garden Seeds now at N JyVin cenfs. South Front street Phone 7.. VEAL, RoasU and Cutlets todaja some-yotang Pie Esms, just be tig size for oarbecuing. Everything ulse that is expected of ' first c$S meat matket-A. Castet, phone 239 Flies dont bother na.' ;v,.; . Ice' Cream Sodas, airAjfevdri 5c awaters..: . Cell and lake a look lif the prettiest framed picture! ip town, New Cera Furniture Co .JTione 723. 76 l2ddle5t.W The annual picnic st Lee's .Chapel wi'l take place Aug. 8,. Therewlll be spc Iv mg for the Sunday school and s'. o for the Farmer's Union,'. Every Y" 'y fi cordially 1 invited to ; come, r ' your baskets and let's all jbavs aj i t-me. rr:ni0i&t"' . rtional Real Estate -Sale. i 1'OR'SALE. ... .. f . I' t entire fine piece of the Miss An '! estate property corner Of ! G raves street. Brick house, I. moderate price.' . C. T. HANCOCK, AgV: SUIT , : L ij Messrs. 8. "W." and NesJUin JSimp- son. wbo have been employed at. Ave bo, N. J.jJ with the San Dredging Co., passed through New Bern yesterday ea route to Ocracuke, They were called home by the illness of their father, Mr. G. W. Simpson, one of Ocraeoke a prominent eitiaens.: Mr. tVW Simp-! sob is now captain' of a 'dredge. lie in one ef tbe Carteret county boys' Who has mads V0ii CaptW Geo. W. Smith passed through the city; yesterday morning returning Tram Norfolk, whence" -he' had oiloted tbe power yacht Guesso, from St, Pe tersburg, Fla,, for New Yora Weather, forecast' (ort North Carolina: Local showers. -.' Moderate Wst wvnda on Jo oest, becoming yuriablejI Lady admirers of the team which the Riverside Boss Company sent to ray ettevllle last week for the Tournament and which returned with its share of the honors of the event gave the team and its fi lends an ice cream party lasjt Bight at thbeadqiarters of Iha com pany on George street, v Short tut spicy addresses were made hy Messrs. John Crabtree and R. J. Disosway. Musical program at The Ath ens tonizht by the Vah'ni Dud; 0 Sole Mio. duet; March de Sousa, mandolin solo; Santanit za, soprano solo; Garme. duet A Modest Youth. Communicated It is almost a feeling of being deformed of its rights when a community is deprived o f its pleasure by not know inar how one of Its voung students has succeeded away from home, at school. The family may know, and a few in timates. but when a boy comes back home with a breastplate of gold medals, it ought to be generally known. There ia a a boy in New Bern whose modesty is almost unnatural, in not allowing others to know of his success, and to shower congratulations upon his family over tbe position he has won at school It is no slight thing to win Ave medals in a school of 65 boys, all the prizes he could win as a first year tudent. ...... Listen: The Latin medal, the Engliehi medal, the Science medal, tbe mathe matics medal snd the general scholar ship medal were ajl carried off last May by a New Bern boy, and not a line - in either paper, because the modesty of the boy shrinks at any notice even of the fact thae stood without a peer among his fellow students in bis stud ies, and at the same time was voted the best loved boy in school in whose honors all bis mates took pride and applauded without envy. And he bote Jiimself so well, and was ever found op the side of right and purity and truih, that the principal of the school wants to utilize bis talents and secure his' influence next session ss a tutor in certain branches aa he pur sues a post graduate cou'se and our modestjouog townsman ia not yet seventeen years old. It be will not let us give him a cheer surely we feel warranted in expressing our pleasure and pride in. her -boy to the. mother of George Slover, 5:00 p. m. and 8:00 p. in. entertainments at The Athens. FARMER AND THE MIDDLEMAN President Worst of 'North Dakota Agricultural College, Talka on Emancipation of Agriculture. President J. H." Worst, of the North Dakota agricultural college, sees soma discontent up his way in the expense attached to marketing the, farmers crops. In an adrdess on the emancfc patlon of agriculture, delivered to the graduating elaas on the occasion of the seventeenth annual commence ment, his striking conclusion Is that the farmer must get rid of the middle man. He said: ,- "... From Its atrategle - position, agrV ralture could easily regulate the dis tribution of the chief forms of wealth It produces, or at least have a voice In the- Organisation of thai machinery necessary, for distributing it among the consumers of the country More over, the financial gain; that 'would thus reward the producer would not be the -only -nor yet the, chief advan tage that would accrue. The' effect upon the country itself would be most salutary: Highef iedueaUon would be directed less towar the- desire for making off the other fellow. AgrlouP tore would. lso aouulro the habit of attending more largely to 1U own bus iness J affaire. The, consumer mean while would more nearly secure' his goods' at pjieea determined by the law of supply and demand, f Under the present regime, however, the farmer can neither "regulate "the price of .what he. haa 16 sell bt buy. He ts completely at the mercy - ol those whom he supports. - Most coun tries of Europe have been forced long since by sheer necessity to dispense with all but necessary - middlemen. The time, is not far distant moreover, ia this , country when agricultural co operation will become a necessity,' for in business as in nature, the-organization invariably seizes upon and son sumes th unorganized elements. : Or ganized capital exacts tribute from productive labor with the jiame' ease and freedom with which the wheal plant capturea millions of atoms ol earth anr air afed weaves them into Its own structure, without so much ss by your leave. Hence. ntTrlcn!?ure. un organized end imco-ororatlve. tv "! Inerltatly tceoine tUi common r--t f prrnlrel forces. - rVora t'.ra t eualon there can be Co e - x Ur. A. T. L.;l k,4 family will Ituve (his muftiing for AtUntic City to tpec.d some time. - '.;-.' ; '.. ,i Rev, J. B. Hurley who hag been sick foi-" several days was better yesterday. National Bank ' Examiner , Fred A. Hull, of Asheville, was in the city yesterday oA bis regular rourds. ',. Mr, Ralpy Harris, of ,EershaWr was a visitor in the city yesterdayi "Miss, Clara" ".BejieW'? Pellej.ier tof Stella, N."C. passed through ' he !?ty yesterday enioutey ! to A urora where she will visit, friendevor some time, -Wf '-' "': v 3rl 1&r$i&')': ' Mi Mollis 'Palman and Mrs.- Joe Lipmsn are vUitiEgfrUnds in Worf oik fOr'a'fMv'daja... j,-' Mrs. Walter Bray, Mis, J. K.- Land and.MHU.9ohn Taylor, are v&iting: ret ativetln Norfolk. :i-' t--'- . Mr.XJeorge R. Fergusoa and wife of Augusta, Ga. are here on a visit-to Mr, Feguson s sister, Mrs. J. J, Tomoq.. --. , Mr. R, L, Mears of Wilmington was here yesterdajk. - - . '. Mr. J.'B. Watson ltft yesterday- to visit relatives In Norfolk.. Miss Lesele HuRgins left for Norfolk yesterday on a visit Miss Jeinnett Hill is visiting relatives and friends in Norfolk. - Mr. Fred Scott wsg the first dairy man- to take out a permit . under , tbe new inspector, Dr. E. G. ' Hargett Dr. J. F. Patterson, city superintendent. of health, issued the permit yesterday, Mr Scott was also tbe first lo take out a permit last year. The Norfolk-Southern's excursion to Norfolk yesterday was well patronized, The train bad several hundred persons on board wbeo it left cere and It was expected that many more would . be taken on board at stations North of here. .Tickets are good returning on any regular passenger train until Aug ust 2 inclusive Mr. J. S. Kobinson ol (Jove Uity was in the city yesterday. He has just re turnedtrom a visit to his aged uncles in Mecklenburg county. One of these uncles will be a hundred years old if he lives until next January. E LATE OF THE The gasolene freighter Little ' J im, formerly hailing from Swaohbo-o, has been sold to Mr. Norman Evais, of Trenton, and her hailing place chan -ed to that Trent river port The three-masted schooner May and Anna Beswiclr, of WaBhingtbn, D, C. arrived yesterday with a Eolid cargo of cement for.thp New Bern Building and Supply company. It is being unloaded at the Old Dominion dock. xne gam screw ooat Bessie May is loading at Blades' dock ith cargo for North Harlowe, at whieh place the boat is owned. by Mr. John S. Mcrt n, BOYD TALKS FACTS. The recent fatal railroad wrecks where in many persons were killed and others injured; the numereous, recent automo bile casualties throughout the country in which many have been killed, (In 103 recent automobile accidents 69 peo ple were killed and 225 injured;) the crowded condition of our streets and the aear inauguration of the street car line, to say nothing of everyday hazards lurking everywhere, are suggestive of accident insurance. We've got it in every desirable form at small cost. The Maryland Casualty Co. ; is .the only Company that maintains a claim department in North Carolina, lays claims promptly and gives double - in demnity for accidents on public . car riers, It pays to get tbe beat See W. Q. BOYD, AGENT. - Have your pictures framed at tbe New Bern Furniture, Com pany. Phone 728, 76 Middle St., New Bern, N. C. '"'.- "r Too Soon, The cave-man was gifted with pro phetic vision, and. when lie pereeived how hideously hairy he was, a discon tent took possession -of him. ."If au tomobiles - were only Invented,",' - he muttered blterly, JTihould be setting the style 1a winter oCata."" That sense of Tiavlfig been born .too soon, when has it not served to, rob men of their peace! Puck. ' , " - ' v , - i Give its your ; , next order for Job Printing, 'All work --is -guaranteed 4. Prices fright I I r aj e 2-4 1 U. miNTING CO. 5 I (JEWS SHIPPNG T 1 i iCrnM Cor tmmit Md Ndjfollr Va ' Having accepted the Agency .for Ithe abovelc&.Cream Co; 1'ani .is-ft positlQB to eerye iux cU6 merj wjth poaltlyely.tbe - -BEST qUJtlmf ICtCEElJ. laveysuldln flew Bern.; J' Invite.. "on u' 4-. the above cream ts sold entirely witin sooiis 5CTS. RESPECTFULLY II WE THROW NO STONES at ordinary vegetables, but come arid see our display. We'll leave it to ycu if you ever saw a finer one. The ques tion of what to have to eat will be readily answered by A LOqK AT OUR VEGE- "table- Home-GroWn Tomatoes, Perry Peaches " Corn . jr" - Squash - Cukes . " . A -. Beets ALL rmjjfc OF FRUIT. Kew Bern Produce Company BROAIr Sr. ''') PHONE 121 North Carolina Good Roads Association !. - . CHARLOTTE 1ST. C. - . - Low RdunTrip Fares, . ' V '"-via 1 - " v ' SoiitheraJRailway s i- Tickets on sale July 31st Atfgnst lit and fur trains : sneduio ; to - arnvs Charlotta befora-noon August - Zaa Final Jimlt reuirninn reacu vrii nai iartlnff DOint not : later xthsn hmidnlgbt of August Mb. - Ask your agent ior iuii iDriunwu, at wrtev7ii , - " r . Traveling- Fassenges AKoBt, - Raje'eft N. C. if X GEO. B. . AVATEfiS. On and off fi with , h j .one ... v, W iBiiiii ' Aded TEJ sA$ comfort y&Ct t if appear. SOUND AND rnrri.. WATERMELONS " at McDaniels Cash Grocery 41 Middle Street. . ' i GRANULATED SUGAR only 6 ct$ per pounds VERIEST 'PATENT only 3 1-2 cts per pound. -CATAWBA GEM PRINT fresh' ' from . Dairy i every " i other day only 39 cte. . FRESH lOTBUTTERI ; V f only 25 cents, Jnjut Jars, ill sizes, Jar. ? Portsmouth . " . Gorned Mulleta.' Free idelivery ( ' anywhere -. in the city. -YOURS FOR CASH ONLY J. L. McDaniel 4i Middle SL Phone 91 Mead SWEETS' FRESIiiUPPLYJUST RE CEIVED. PHONE (6 WANT TOU TO PHONE 147 or ca'l at our new store on Pol lock street for the following Granulated Sugar 6c lb 16c .3 1 2c 30c pk. 26c 37c 39e GOc. doz. 65c doz 30c. nest Lard Flour Heal 6 Rolls Toilet Paper Best Tub butter Clover Hill Butter Pt. Jara Masons ' Qt. Jars Masons Morning Cup Coffea HENRY'S Prescriptions from all physicians, Quickly and Ac curateL" filled. Also a full line of Choice Toilet articles. Pharmacy PHONE 173 HARDWARE Baling Ma.' terial iPalntSi Oils; 'AND . ' Varnishes - American Field Fence 1 Mirpoo. Bum, I.. ft.- laV COCUI Belle PHARMACY 111 B H. C. ARMSTRONG . Phone 174 Pollock St. J j yOURsWATCH? ..." HEEDS - . i CLEANING?;;- No matter how Kood it is and how. careful, ly ufcd jour watch neeas cleaning once In every eighteen months. ,;,Ttiis .ensures good service and prevents wear. Let us clean it. 1 1. flj uuMm I n -,, -j -hssss MOREHEAD CITY, NORTH CAROLINA NOW OPEN EXTENSIVE IMPROVEMENTS, NEW MANAGEMENT FINEST FISHING IN AMERICA The Greatest Seashore Hotel in the South. Accommodations for 1.000 Guests. t Every variety of sea and fresh water fltth abound in abundunco. The Atlantic IIoikl frbnta the oceaa beach, which rune east and vest, afford in the mucli bgukM ttouthwest' rn water front, and its guests enjoy an invigorating ocean breeze throughout tie uunimer. Here you have more unique and exclusive advantages than can be found on the Atlantic coat-Sailing upon the'beautiful and placid Bogue Sound or the Atlantic. StiU water and 8urf BathinK. Incomparable Sound and Deep Sea Fishing. Many nearby points of tradi tional and historic interest. Dancing. Tenuis, Pool. Billiards. Music. "J912 meeting of the North Carolina Press Association will be held at the Atlantic Hotel, Morehead City, N. C, July 23-26. For handsome illustrated booklet anil reservations address, ALLEN A. DuBOIS, Manager. Morehead City, N. C TOLSON LUMBER & HFQ. CO., FOR EVERYTHING Office and Factory 129 E. TheOvw withthei No More Burning na Q. iWSH na Inn tA TOST . 1; .L.nl,n nr on MnVft. ' Torn at any angle to laai to door , Vn csrntrh bakins jacea you. . , 1 lMtf nnanlflff OOflC OS withmitchilllDtf OlJT CCU liwyiua . .T.KoiriMffsinrliraatina heat. ijnTfA.fMm nn. En(iorc4 by do- ; XOCtic tcxence acnooia. . Come in today and sea tit Boat Oven, lvti&nwttniew wo&aeriiu conTucm 0 73 Middle St, V" Notice. ; - 4 ft room hoUsepew bath and toiler, electric lights and s;as, aQ taodern and up-t date, 3 Pollock 'street, opposite Athens Cafe, larrt ard' in' reaft "Wni be hi rcnt"en Jujy lolhi l9l2,:ror Jo formation ring pnonejKHTor see'ig HillT the Shijtgle Man. Also rooms for light house keeping, "furnished or on furnished, all rooms new inside and well ventilated in business portion of City, opposite court house, Craven street, No. 101; write or ting phone 656, Head quarters for teachers and pupils, v Big Hill', the only Shingle Man there be j r 'vr' r 1 ..a mm Going to Build ? THEN SEE Front St. New Bern, N. C - Second EXCURSION TQ ASHEVILLE, The Land of The Sky . Special Train. Southern Railway TUESDAY JULY 23. SCHEDULE AND ROUND TIUP FARES AS FOLLOWS Leave Goldsboro 7:00 a. m. $5.00 IaVe feelma 8:00 a. m. 5.00 Beave Raleigh 9:10 a. m. 4.75 Leave Durham 10:15 a. m.. 4.75 Don't miss, this opportunity tcspend three days In the cool mountains of Western Carolina. ( - Tickets will be good returning to." leave Asheville on an? regular train leavlBg Asheville up to and Including,. Friday. July 26th 1912. SEPARATE CARS FOR COL- For fiill lnformaUon see your agent or write. s -A-.-. jmjJONBM i Traveling Passenger Agent. - -; KG. BALEIGH . C , . :M :B$: iA?i'--;4Koficaivv?::--i 4trick holders of tbe A. AN . C. R. Co. who- wish to attend,: tte annt(a t ttn An 111912 will Bend their an-f " ; plications for tree transportation fpr ,, themselves and the memoers or. meicy Immediate families to nae ' i once. giving the names ? of;, ca'ok. One friend or other party not s dependehti can be included. : - x -: D. J. BROADHURST, -; i . Secre'ary-.Tressorer A,'&.Ct R. i l : , orrpany. -.w...,: .- :

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