i ESTA.ELCIIID ;; .:j.;i873W"-1 r.t(- y - . r t !fwrar5 pay? II U. ILL?. 103 NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA, CTTT'n "V. I.I3RNING, AUGUST .4 1912- 'V: tmRTY-FIRSTfiAB 'rr 'i 'P. s- 11 Guardian 1 arid W Executor mm N the p-eservitfoo of property which" hae been er !, eonnl .ted dor'ng one's life there to bo eonsidera-i tion more important then the question "who shell ;. be the guardian of my children end the f xecutor of my wilir'; Thu question l answered properly ' when. ... this company U named esexeca tor -j under , will.. While our banking department accepts deposits! exd wo pay Interest on aavings and certificates, yet " a' ' large portion of our,busloes co&aists of the- care - of ; i money and property left under will-- '- . '-i - v v : ;-lf.y.-A t-jvr, . A ''.K-, ;: --; ..- . -v ..-.v ' v :y m e N EWFB ERN BAM Kl UG TRUST COMPANr r NEW BERN f NX T PER CENT 3 DISCOUNT On all Clothipgfor the next I ft days onlr. As we have o reduce our stock of Clotfling to make room lor Fall and Winter goods we are offering this great reducti6u- I tor A SHORT TIME ONLY, , 3low ts your chance to save money your pocket to gi ve me a trial It will he money in ddl and S. 'F. Bta. BryaD Block.; ? IF YOU WANT The best fence The best stove Tht jest paint Pitts burgh is the, Fence Buck's is the jSfove B. P. S. is the Paint, and wecarryc complete stock and wifl; make the . price right? PHONE 99, ' BASNIGH T A HUB E CO. 67 S. RRONT ST. NEW BERN, N, C. X 3 1 I W s t 1 sT.iciL i;: e;;:. buui IdllUUt lie Uil I d Ui.J.. ll ,., ; Inspectioq of 'New Suburb 'Calculated to Dispel' All r -j. - Pe88imi8nu' - 1 STREET RAILWAY LAID '. ON SPENCER AVENUE Situation The lac0 to buy your Spring or Summer Suit at prices iwithb leason. I absolutely guarantee, satisfaction. New j oine of samples just received. . Gall tmd inspect iny stock. F.-ri CHADW, Merchant Tailar, -103 Middle St EAST CABOUHA TEftCHEBS TRAIHINC SCHOOL A State school to train ' teachers for the publio schools of - North' Cafolioa, - Every energy is directed to this one purpose.' Juition free, to all who agree to teach. Fall Term begins - Sep-', tcmber24. 1912. Lined. With California Pop lara, -Jtlliina Two Jilea , j. Down Boulevard" Any peealmietle indWtduIT who hat f ldeot)U atoab the -teWyrpro!atio(r rthed take Sjp'jCjjjd,? ke tneaneijjeajfr-ri. Ghent street Uwaj. iii : Stilting & the Union itatioo, the tracVa have been laid down Gravel atreet to CrTen,then on down to South FronWand along that el ret t to Middle, Toroing in front of the Ellce Temple, the road Tom oat Pol lock street to McCarthy Circle Croae ing the Gout Line tracke, on Qaeeo street, the lioe enters Spencer aenO, named after the founder of this beauti fulauborb, Ghent, Mr, Spencer waa a man who had traveled, and he named hie town eite Ghent, after the beautiful European city of thatiHHnenot copy. ioR Norfolk. Lined by beautiful Gall fornia poplars, the track now extenda ome two miles due west down the m d dle of this boulevard.. Spencer avenue is 80 feet wide, and gress covered from side to eide. A 12 foot dlveway will be built along side the walks. The ntxt street north ie Rhem ave nue, of "the boulevard," itemed in honor of the original owner of the land jThere are Jhrte of these ; avenues run ning pjarsif ii witn tne car trees, wnne the eroae e tree te are Dombered, la New York;' : The track won which Ghent is laid out comprises over 600 acres. . The en tire plot is fifteen feet higher tban the ground upon which the poetoffice stands being the top of the watershed between the Trent and Neuse rivers. -' . Not far from the city light and wa ter works la the aite of the cootemp Jatedpark, A ear barn will be built there, 40 xJ00 feet on the ground plan. The 7J,"00O bri ok necessary for the erec ' tion of ibis atiucture have already been ahlpped. . :" , ' . " ; As to the newrailway that will abort ly be in commliaion, it i hiih grade In every particular.. Cypres and light wood tiep,. 70-ppund rails and god bal htaliog make it the equal of any heavy aervioe road-bed in tbe country. .The cars, which will be running within t,hre,eekn, it i3 promised, ate now being .finished in Cincinnati by the Gcu'd'corppany. There will lie four of them, of the latest storage battery type- The New Bern Ghent Street Railway company is a close corporation, The following well-known men are responsi ble for it; Mr. F. Sitterdiog of Rich mond, l)r. E. C. Armstrong and Mayor McCarthy of New. Bern, , and J. W Brvan. Jr.. of Norfolk. In fact, there an two companies tbe street railwa company and the land company. Mayor McCarthy merely reprecenta r Mr. Sit terding in the railway company. FfuOfis to: jiiip uDS Fonii I ii Apubfic-spirUeiJcited lkei yes terdsy ; Would jt liat he -a fiat Udeji for' an the lewnehipa ia graven, jee'upty, to bujHeand elai ioadeX: ; Ajmwr of these townships have alrts4j( voted'-a special tax ." for, road tanproveinent. TbJJtxwhea oUetad, will r;ot more than keep lh roads to repair. : By vot- hnf boOds, this tax vrould: paythe u.inj teaest in amount; 1 o vested,. Sad -tefve saiifLcl roadsMexeelleni repair. Bv adding to the already jeilatjag tax rate a amau per eent or extra' tax.- taess hinds -coald be paid: ia: asullments from surplus of Ux'imone', received This shouldnot' bea.pollear .more, bat must be taken "bp byi alt publie spirited eitisens, regardless tr political OREqATTLfEEDED Congreas orthe State jjLegisla- . turea Win IIave .To; Get . t;: fj. Bus3r:SQbrC;',v Chicago, Augf. 8. The vaftilhg t- sued to consumers after th "dieolu tion of the Beef vTrust" tost .meat prices would be higjier.has 'been, ful fllled iand beef, at the. local stockyarda ts Sng at.ujugwsv gfiees aver v- TbegiMea repretcnt a fiew world's record fofaltitude in bee' price. 'A scarcity of cattle waa given as the cause for beeves selling at 9.85 per 100, and a prediction ef $10 cattle for next week was made by dialers today lnarwa a, juries, preaiaeni oi tne Live Stock Exchange, has issuid a affiliations, and all interred good fp)tt for raiaiog jore cattle to supply roaos, ; uooa roaas are-a prime iseior in til educational and jWmmercjal developmeoV and the epeeeasi of this, movement is a consummation, devoutly to be wished. '.' j v Tqt catalogue and other information address. ' x--' H. HRIBHT, President Greenyille, N. G. : ft.. i riaWisaWi TfH wu m mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimim wmmmmmmimm -P ;I1KE FF.2P0BTI0S OF SURPLUS MD: OXOiiiOEil PBOnTS .TO CAPITAL - W: NATIONAL WL OF. NEW BERNE, N. :C, STANDS 'v-v-i- Z -T". piTjUTibrig the banks of the .City .THIRD among the National Banks of the State" And as it has Surplus and .Undivided Profits amounting to $105,000 and -spitaf amounting to $100,000, it has a place on the- National Bank Roll . of Honor, -which includes only banks' having Surplus and Undivided profits equal to or exceeding their Capital stock. ; - MrGeVgev R." Fur aMfemilf, Miss Minnie Qxley aoftM r 'f ottar'a fa tte4 Mr: A.-Wr Fuller, Abbeville GaXairtved by sutomoM'4 last "night from AbbVville. Mr.. Fuller and party left here Esarjy three; weeks ag. The second eight out they were io. Florence, 8. C. Later they touched at Atlanta, Macon, Au gusU and other cities. " They want to the southern part of Georgia; and there at Abbeville Mr. Fuller's father joined the party: Returning -they- came through Ureen- ville and SparUnburg. tn South Carol! naand Chariot ter 5aliabury arGree'ris boro in th'.s State. They tpen Friday niflht of this week in Hiraboro. Leav log there at six o'clock yesteiHay mom hg th y came cn .to; Raleigh," reaching (he apital in lime for. break flat; At 2 o'c o kth'J w.-re il'Goldabor for din-' r a: d t : seven they eri .back in Nw..B rb; T y had no accidents of any sortn tie way down: "And on the return trip th:. e u . etureafformed the sum total of t! eir triMiblcs. ; ESSEX IfL PORT; m is ' The schooner Eisex, Captain Dixon, arrived yesterday mornlog from Mid d!eton,Hyde county, looking like . No ah'S ark. She had on deck cattle, bogs. chickens and all sorts of stock. Buyers! appeared Bsoon as tbe Vessel got lino on the dock." ,,51!f ; The power boat Reliance-Is at. the market dock with still'more watermel ons, though large ones are bringing but seven cents and small ones four cents, Schooner Agnes arrived i- yesterday morning from Hobucken, Hyde county, and sailed in the evening with a cargo consisting of lathes and cement. "The gas screw boat Janet, belonging ttf fit. Li- T. Sma)lwood,.:.of Oriental, phas recently been admeasured by the 10 i cat custom house authorities.". She was buiUat Atlantic, on Core Sound, and is 47, feet over all, with a tonnage of 10 gross and seven net, - r v w - USE OIL ENGINE TO RUfi F AGTORY Tne Hyman Supply Company yeeter dv cloied a contract with the E, H, & A. Mtadows CompaoV to fora'sh therrr rkh a seventy horn power crude oil ong'tM - w th which the Meadbwj leeopls propose tj operate their new fertiliser plant in Grays ville. ' i : This Ts one of the most modara tag' ines iad is, the first of the kind so' to this part of tbe country.- The Mead ows Company is planntns; touse noth- IPC but toe most modern macnioery-w tbe new plant and when they found out (hat ihecrude oil engine waa the latest and most approved thing out fn its line they quickly decided to equip their -new fertilizer factory with it. . j V The engine ;will probably. '"be Ijere l.readyfw.firectiea lahetixleksi. 0EBPi:!2 ioiiiiEciiiio Growiogr : Steadily VorseTSaya Live rtocli;: the ir.crca ii:g demand, "Tbe iitua in t seriou. be eaid Corgro'" o- th State Legislature muat soon take a tai action to nocur- age cattle ra'sing.-' Prevai'ing high ptices, according to butchers, have been reached by a gra dual climb. The following reasons for the unprecedented meat prices are given by President Jones. 'Increasing population, due to inimi gration; crowding of people 1 into the citiesf optnirg by Congress of Western breeding and gracing lands to settle ments; abandonment of 'eatt'e-aiBing in corn-growing States and selling of calves for slaughter by dairymen. . . New York, Aug S.-ReO ink (parks oh' the hs of fare In many reatsuranta nounea pauvne. uiai me piica oi m meats had been advanced 6 and 10 cents a portion) due to. the unprecedented high price of cattle on the Chicago market. The management of a catering com party maintaining a chain of restau rants all ever New York and lnlpiacti cally every city in 1 he United States served notice thai becmomg tomorrow there -wOukHw-a 6-cent increase on all meats and an advance on the r prices of many other dishes. For instance, n these resUuranU potatoes that have btea served as side dishes with steaks ill cost 10 cents a portion, utner side dithes also will be charged for, and it was rumored that eventually bread and butter whi te served at an "added thanre. The advance in.restaurant ences OK' lewa u remarxaoie npwam bdixji; ui wholesale and retail meat prices since tbe so-called "dissolution of the Beef Trust." ' VHBMaawaMMBMaeaM Politics Divides Family. Oakland, CaL, Aug. 8. -Politics has rent the home of Joaquin Miller, poet of the Sierras, into three factions. Miller, being a lifelong -Jacksonlan, has reais'ered. as a DemocraU Mrs, Miller ii a Republican ct IbS Taft schoolwhile Mtas Juaoita, the daugh ter. declares heraelf an ardent adrpirer of Roosevelt. LIGHTS BETTER III FEDERAL Lib -A - SURPLUS : 1 FUNDS. vS--..';. on hand a aura of iribuey not rrquir- not If you have A fnr tttimediate'use bttt''thh you do care to tie up indefinitely) ipvestlp our Certifi cates of Deposit ' J.'IV. yourfandSwWiillhenbeeaie our per rent interest, from the dale tf deposftand will be 'Io cp dinger of loss thrcBghrs'ulary. or ..accldeat, ; ' i.tj:$g$- ni:'ii!!!ill!ili!I!!!lij';il!lilllIMniMil rrrniTTiTTinnTTTTTTiTTTTiT Our Clean SUtp Sale! 1 IS Our Clean Sweep:Sale attracting big crowds : : : Don t fail to call to seeus. . a ri7tiiing going at grear, B A R 6 A I NS Department Store Elk's Temple. WSttlEIYED One Csr Uwd Nr. I. Timothy Hay. : One car load mixed Corn r One car 'oad Sugar Stock feed. We have the finest sugar feeds for Horses, Mules, .and Cows on the market. A perfect balanced'ration of the best feed stufK Hay, Corn, Oats, Hulls, Meal, Homi- - . ny, Etc. BRICK- - BURRUS AND COMPANY New Bern :-: . North Carolina Notice C,TKa annual picnic, st Lee's Chapel will take place Aug. 8. There will be ip;aking for the Sunday school and also for the Farmer's- Union.'' Every bodv lie cordially. Invited to come. Bring youriasketa andet's all, have a good time. . ' . -, : VE3 i CENT r" !Tfi j Success', and Friends, r (EobertNclsoD Stephens.) . -When a man'mukes any kind of suc cess, "however small, be. .finds that his friends resolve themselves into three c'asses.- The first class turn sul' i and ?bow their envy in many me6.i vtej a. The second class, wax more iv' t'.in ever and coma slowing t' :-' : 1 1 tcntions. The third cL 3 f' ow rta sinib!e V"" "' at your mc.( ?f;' r a ii i j t . i !' ' ere 1 'ore. C Llrj to I;, t VhU C i r .1 tVf !. ! 1 C V ' : i! 01 ' For the past four or five months there has been a noticeable improvement in the light 8 in the government building. The custodian is to be . congratulaUd on this great change for the , better.. Really, there ia now no excuse for com plaint. There has been a great aearoi "kicking" and fault-finding to too past some of Jt tncrittd.aod now. that every thing hat brttf made all ight it aeema that a word of commendation .snouia ae given those responsible for the improve-. X The Editors In New Bern. New Bern the end of the, waterway trip--wu a happy hoet to the, editorial Darty Automobiles whirled thi.meo ar i v. ornea .of lha-partybout'the bustling, growing city ahdi'thef ointa nt Intereat were'' briefly i shown' the viaiting party. - New BeraV wantsTthe press aseocmuon'to- meet wj'h there snotlitr time and promises a" big re- ! cp- ion. ; From te. little, while spent V 4 last Fi ' . . New 'Vara would .It a f -d ih. e to t for a stay -DC. days - C! "rlotte O- c; ver." : .. ' t 1 ' Tr. c. '. , re,' : l. ; f " -7 'r. ?' . Gow I'r. r . c- : ra".fiit;v"- . v ven couttj I a devire f vti of I -d. It i ., j f .'r li rt i ' f r t' '3 p'.f;-.- !" fev Mvance -- Showing -9F" Autumn andPVintcr " 1 ; "tjAugust'5 th, 6tK.Wd 7th. v ' itftmp and BJEfiA-; id. .r- our new, -"We" will have"' an expert ; Designer at - store on these davs to show: you the 'WOOLENS that will be. worn thii'autumn and Winter, take your measure-for future or immediate delivery and talk styles . with you. 'Everyman'V wear, clothes tailored " by "THE SHOP THAT'S DIFFERENT" because they are" the "BEST. - . , -s ' , . e 1 t w Try 'S3-4; -".-if !."-'J .4 - : i::TEr.E5T f;.: c:; .... PII0N3 13 car" Ero T roxts

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