i- .-" - i. i .4T -je- . W w w ATHENIA LODGE KOJiXJ -'P.-Meeta every Tuesday 8 p. in.,' oyer Gas Go's ofSce, Middle Bt A. M, FrnklU C. C, VJ. JL Smith; .' K. pf R Md 8. -yiBiUQg Drawers ere aasurea or acnevj miter's welcome. - CRAVEN LODGE ISO l JSJTIGHTS .OF BAEMOTSY-JieeU eecond.and " i fourth - Wedneaday nig his at ?!jO oV - clock la each' month aXoig&ta-of " ' Harmony ball, corner Brord and Han, - -v i jocs: ssreeia. j, js-. niuir .rreBwoiit,, MV Koy Financial Secretary.- -8IIS!,. ESS Rtrncps tS TM$ COLUMN LESS TJBAli ONB MQNTfl MUST BE PA1I TOR IN ADVANCE. " FOB SALE One1 Oliver typewriter, No. 5, Practically new and can be Ifrl enacted at Custom -office, second floor of the government building"- FANCY Norfolk Peaches, somethlbg fine, CO cent per basket, at Royall's. FOR best home-made hot rolls for breakfast and sapper and hot bread for dinner, phone 462. Fresh home-made cakes arid pies. Home Bakery, 90 Mid , .d)e .etreet. , BEST Patent Flour 8ie per lb. fresh rUt Canned Goods, Watermelons, Picnic : Shoulders -and Roofing Phper. N. F. Vincent, Cor. Sooth Front and MeteMf street. Phone 87. PHONE your orders for hot bread and rolls for supper to Kafer's Bakery. Extra baking every evening about 6 FANCY Norfolk" Peaches, something ' fine, 60 cents per baeliet, at Royall'i WANT YOTT to call 174 and let u tat ;.iab yu ths following; Shofer Usms -18c Ib.-F. F. V. Hams 22c lb, Picnic Bams 13c lb. B Baern-SOr, Feat But ter 37c and 39c, Richmond Shoulder 16e, Woods Poultry fords 3c lb, Liquid Veneer 26c H. C. Anrs'rorg. ICE Cream Soda at McSorteys. rtlklES, Limes, from the Island of .Dominica: we sell them all the year round rink a delightful refreshing limeade, and use for all purposes, are - cheaper than lemons. Price, 15 cents Dos. F. S. Daffy. JUST received a big lot of Spring Chickens and Vegetable. Portsmouth headless Mullets. Capt Bill Davis, 75 Broad street. Phone 727. TOMATOES (home grown) Perry Perches, Corn,; Squash, Cucumbers, K -Beets, string Beans, Onions, Cabbsge, . Potatoes, Carrots and Ratiish and all . fc ; - liiads of fnjit New Bern Produce Co. .Pbeaelil. WTLrfcavo somethlOK new to repair J i , imnetures in Bicycle Tires, saves your j tirts from being "cut oot" by the r K 'Jwassplug. Our puncture proof bicy cio wres cannot , ne neat, xney are .' pneumatic and easy on your wheel Phone' os and we will send for your ( wheel and retire.' it. We have bicycle tires from $2.50 up. New Bern Gar- v agB Co, 48 Craven street, phone 712. . - i .i';f r.MAIL Boxes fqr. eity residences 25c to f 11.60. "Accommodate thamail carrier hv r- placing a box to receive your mail J. J C Whttty &Co. Phone 98. Rent Residence No. 18 Na. Agt J - tlonal Ave-C T. Hancock. . :-: -; " - j ' !h VEAL:' Raaata and CiiHM tnA -. . " some young Pig Hams, just the right ' size (or Darbeeulng. Everything- nlse f V-- . , that is expectedof first "class market. A. Castet, phone 239. , dont bother oa." : meat Flies ',-"'; prettiestlramed pictures in town. S x New Bern Furniture Ca, Phone Jitit ,7b Middle St 9 " j . Jce Cream: 5c at Waters, C0YD TALKS FACTS. The recent fatal railroad wrecks, where in many persons werekilled and others injured; toe nnnMreoos.'reeent aotomo- ;n r -laltiea thronghont the eoontry U A many "have been: kilteA " fr 1C ecent automobile accidents 69 pec- 1 ie were killed and 225 in tared 3" tha r nmdaA . " : ' " l v uw neoeesary arrangemems nave r owdedcondMmof ouf;,atmttandJiow men made to have the Vatican t ie Dear inauguration of the street car i.ps, lossy nothing of everyday hazards l! T everywhere, are suggeutive of t i: -aranee. We've got it jfl : l ie form at small cost. -lanj Casualty - Co. is ihe ; ary tbst maintains Avdaim t in North Carolina, ?-payg roD-r'.'yand givee double in 7 f:r secijnts on ipuhlicN .It f va to g-ft tba besVte G. I" DI D, AGENT, r Tti-L- 2 . . Mrs. W. B. EUdcs and f itui'.y have returned front Black Mountain. ; Mr.C. E. Foy " and - family" left for Morehead City yesterday;-moral eg. to attend -the" stockholders meeting of the Atlantic and North, Corolioa tall: rped, held a, the; Atlantic Hotel. JBsit MaJttie' Seblefii' U fiWtifc Mends fn the, tfy.AtP'i ? t-'. ... v:. ' 1 V Mrs. Cbaa. Duff has rsUtrned from : 'Mbrebead aty; r- : ' V Mr; It M,'-IptoB left lest night f Morefaosd.City and Baaafort in the in terest of the Kew Bern FjinVcompBy. City, who has been. Tieitwg bta brother. Mr. ML.VC,', WlUiama,. flepoty ehirtnV t the coon ty ail. tetorncd 'home; .last night.- 1.' i -"-aLfi. ' Dr. C W. .'Bifftarat chkf .chemist, of the Carolina Naval Stores comfapy at Morehead QtV. was'heri yeatertMri Ha returned to- Morehead UIW.. tmvnie was Ita-tbe.'-crty ; yerfay retfirnjng from a business trit(l6roi:, v ,v Mt. J. Jf. Garrell Jeft yesrday slth a party of Mends' ov bis pdwsr .Jwat Catherine for a fishing trip up, ' Trent river:.- .-. 'V r-' ' ., ";. Xashier John 8. Weskett Of the Bank of Pamileii at Bavboxo. was in the cltv yesterday He returned home tn km evening tmin'to prepare for his vaeit ion, which, begins Joday. ,-' ' T Attorpey Pauf Webb was in the city yesterday between trains, ehroute from Washington to his home in' Morheae City.' . . .' - Mr. F. N Pinntf retu.rmd Ust'night (rem a -business trjp to Klrtstc D . Mr. H. L. Gilts', a prominent Iswyer jot Oiitntal, pent j eieidsy in tbi city. Mei s ' S. Wi :Fiebte, of StbcewaM, and A. B C ampin, of A'liane. pasS -d l!rU(h the city yesterday hvr' hg. bound to Morehtad Cityl Mr- RObt. E. Lee. of Morehd City, nks in New pei yesterd .y, rtturnlig (roui a Wjk.' tiip to HCndeisoiiviil . Mr. tnd Mru S G. Roberts - a d daughter, tetuin. d yesterday (ri.m a s journ at "St ven Spi ng T' eys were there for a . week for Mr. Robert" health, which is now much improved. Miss Ethel Flowers, of Maiibel, H visiting in the c'.ty. Mr. E. T. Glllett of Maysviile was in the city yesterday on business. Finest Ice Waters. Cream 5c. at PRECIOUS RELICS IN DANGER 8teps Being Taken by' the Pope to Insure the Safety of Documents In the Vatican. Father Xhrle, the well-known his torian, who has been prefect of the I Vatican library stnoo 1895, ! ahorUythoasaod daily, will do well, 10 retire rrom Djs lmporiani poai, aaa Mopltnor Ratti, director of the Am broilan library, of Milan, has been se Consequsntly destructive Bird, Held Ucted by the pope to sueceed.hlm. The manusortpta ' eontalned la the Vatican library number over forty thousand and surpass sot only In num ber but also in valu and Interest those of all other libraries in iht world combined because they haro been ac cumulated sine praftically the begin ning of tho Christian era. It will be neoessary for Father Ehrie to remain In charge for1 at least another couple of years in order that he may hand over to his successor these manuscript treasures, which must be Identified one by one. - ' : '. Tho pope, on the suggestion of the retiring librarian, has availed himself of this detailed examination ot nuuro scripts, which takes place whenever a now prefect la appointed, to reform the methods heretofore Adopted for their preservations The manuscripts are in I ctosej in low wooden cupboards called r "armIll alum a - fat hlh Aha doors of whioh a richly decoratei 1 according" to the plan In its for .cev rune in Home, wjucn was to combine art galleries and llbrarler abd thus give- roonu to hang, pleturai on the walls" over, the books. ' . While every preoautlon 1 taken for tho, preservation of the manusorlpts from moths and dampness thl old era temr of xeeplngl them ' has Its great drawbacks In case of fire, aa the cor board ar natnraQy aot . fireproof, Father Shrle anggestod to tho pope that every supboard! when possible should be converted Into a Strongbox or safe perfectly fireproof end that: two or three large rooms should be specifical ly built with trails covered with steal plates or other non-mflammablet mate rial, to which the manuscripts that can not be kept U cupboards could be r snored. -:' s. - . ' Hlf snwestlon has 1ee& fully a proved ay tho pope, who still recall! the fire in the Tatican, which but for the Intervention of tho Italian firemen Slight have had ' disastrous results, ;nd tho- neoessary arrangements have ajanusonpis preservea in suob a vway as 1o Insure their safety and Integrity, 'i.'-V-.-. . . 4 w?'v"'";S Pro'..WineIow says the world will be mad In 800 years. Thaw and. Caloner bve a good t running : start on that .proposition. s;':U; j i i I. - Lu.ii; ' Nefcr'y every u.-u ViJ Vt tail CodmS and pMefe J klorg:' l oiiotk street .yes terday .stopped in front of "the s'ore that's different!' of the A, T. ,, Willis Company, attracted by the great dis play of Red Men- h.rand of K. & W. collars of - all style -and descriptions. Mr, Edward Willis", known .to evrj one aa'Uocle Ed"' ihr tldest : iohabK itant of Carteret county', dieid atMore headClty. Monday, Mr. ?WUlis aW years id , Ha Jjever : drauk,- bt; was as inveterate liter of tobacco," 'Mt came o( a'Jong lived family,, bis father. av Ung dleat tM fj;.f 408. &l$ta?-. V Ker,VL enMna: oTP 'ClaytoiHivia preach at Iha Fjrt BtfpUt .cbnrcb Sunday moajmg and ;Subday jlght. MrlvJenkfas 'was Rastor (t).tbis' cbuich 7' A .5 ,4 OnSjindair hightiAug.it; at 8 d'ektek at iHe; A sbeos theatre, Mr: JHCpis,'. Of Cfeveland, Ohi. si. ible iectuier traVelihg 'uhdeT the abshices'-eT ihe In y-f. ternational Bible -Students' Aisoclatfof whom opiect is raiumsuce oitue stuqy among thinking .Christ tans, . win deliver .l.letyBre hp. the subject of "What is athi.vj,';..i-':-;.'. : ' Mr.' Golecemts bigbly -recommended M Christian nSl a gentleman ty " tbe Assoeiatjon.. an.i -aecordiiig , tb prefs reports, ha kes, been, . weil received in he. cities and'townalwbieh have bees favored by hia' lecture. : The leolure jtself it said -to b' brim f ul of -Intereatlng- su!bj4ct matler snd to be quite divergent, from the oeateh track "d of tbodlog ians on 'this' subj act f potent and vital interest - -to alii The lecturer, digging up, so;to speak. Scrip tures long covej-ed. by the debris of the dark ages, brings -out new shades of meaning hitherto 'overlooked, 'thus en couraging thinking Christians to a more careful and reverent study of God's. Word. .The lecturer; unlike most platform speakers, declines collections, charges of adrnission fee or salary. All inter ested in the question ag to what be-" cornea of the vast multitudes of human beings dying at the rate of ninety we thick, to hear this lecture. Umbrella Factory. I MAKE the Umbrellas with some class to them, have yours made to order, if yon have an old frame I will cover it for you, it don't matter if the riba bave been knocked out of place and the joints-dislocated. I cure iD umbrellas and parasols, don't matter how ill, Pri ces right, work guaranteed. .'Drop nie a card at 23 Rountree street, New Bern M. Yonrs truly, L. Reynolds. . Vaudeville ,at THE ATHENS i nursaay, r noay ano oaiuraay 7 ROYAL and; ROYAL: , Feahrrinj The Indian Girl of Mystery. - - -' 1 ' - SUMMER EXCURSION FARES Now lo Effect) to Beaufort; an Motehead City. TT-e seashore season is now open and Summer Excursion tickets are on -Sale at all stations to Morehead City, N. Cv and Beaufort, WO., good - to return Until October Slst- j 1 '-". ' Get complete' information from any ticket agent " ; - ,W. W. CR0XT0N, G. P. A." ', V - ' . '. r Norfolk, Va. Uive us vour next order for Job Printing All work 13 gunhtced. Prices nr;ht. -4t ti ATII i i JOHN R. tOV.L.M VE '."AT , ELIZALET1I CITY.' Mr. 'John R. oden, of Crapgeburg, S. Cy a former New Bern boyf . ws married WedntsJay in Elisabeth City, his bride being &lisi Exie Morse ef that City. The ceremony took place at the home of the bride's parents,' Mr. 'and Mrs; W. J. Morse, and was performed by Rev, B, B, Laasiter,- rector' of the Epeopal' church at - Hrtf ortlV Flr' lowing re weamng.-sarj . ane Mrs, Bow den left tor a wedding trip Ncrrth, Mr. Bowdea is repreoentative of "the Pcp Ooia company -.in. Eastern ' South CatslS..4l:.xi"t!r.f-Ac:'' Ice Cream. ..' all .flniAin 5c at Waters r'Belvldere, '"K- C.," Ang.'7.Ban Venn,; a white map, came near being '-lynched at Hertford, today; where! he had been taken; to .411, following tho finding of the, corpse of Oliver jjfV 1 yeai. pld-loyyannwhbla, fa jall on another charge; Is said to'haw ;cori- feeaedto Ihootldg the bo?.th'c't timea and hiding the body IB a remote.stctlon of woods, No motive conjd .be dlecov- e"re4';-.r.; ";.'V:"'-j-'i-; ;,"".. ". ; yantias.roaodto'EUz when a orowd Utreatened the jalt Per mission wa given the sheriff', of v fcssi- quotank tp use the $tat; MWta; and la the meantirne vaun is belqg ' rushed to Ealeigb by antomoblio,' v '; '!';; SiOO vp; mf and . p. fi. entertainments atTbe'Ajtbens. NEWB.ERK-MARKET vUNriiy PRODUCE. tilfhlshed hvljew Bern Produce Co., Wholesale Prtxiuco aod Commissioa MrchintH: ,l Broad St.. and Coast Line Meat iVlarket, Broad Street. Chickknb Giow,-pair 63 80 CriiOKKjis-Spriug, pair 35 (rffto GaicsF. perpMir.. . $1.83 To) 81.36 tlTTfirs. npr -natr '.70d8ft ;EQM, per dor. :.. IUkMS, country, smoked, lb ... . f& 18 i BfcESWAI, lb j .Woou 18 to ft. Hoos. dressed, lb 8(3 9 Bautr, dressed, lb 8 IHp"8 G. S., lb ..':. Green, lb.. 8 DryFlnt;ib 12(3 14 Dry Salt, lb 10 12 Irish potatoes new crop . . ' 82.60 Cabbaob), Crate... 815 81.00 Oreen Corn, per hundred . , 1.15 Ueet, per bbl.. ...... . .... 3.50 Tomatoes pet crabe. .60 Watermelons, per hundred $15.00 Bell pepper, per crate .. .-..$1.00 Okra per crate $2.60 Peaches per crate 1 .76 to 2.50 LIVERPOOL AND NEW YORK COT TON MARKET, ' ; Liverpool, Aug. 6--Spots 7.09. J Futures: -:.'..' ' Open . Close Mch-Apl 6,68! 2 - 6. 66 May-June 1 6.60 12' . 6' 65. July-Aug. " .6.85- 6.89i .New York. Aug. . ' 8.-rSpot ' I6 points down, 12.50 Futures: - . - Open ' - Close Mch " ,'128r.'; 12.10. Oct. 12 87 .1199 Dec. 12.81 , 12 04 School. time , will soon be here;is;the-: vision of -your son or daughter perfect: and well able to'stand the strain, of close study that will soon commence?- If you havenhe slightest: doubt. that Mt -is weak 'or defective, bring him oi her here -and have- the eyes examined: -You will re ceive a CANDID ; OPINION as to whether I glasses ' are needed or not.;' Our examination ' charge is nominal - i - J. O. i Baxter OPTOMETRIST -J ' ii aa-Si. It is; 1J ! J and s ! ncUon c;.:'s for knowU t1 8 fj tl.U i f. r f a c fcl-d ! ii. tica yoa c;sg buy diamonds .' r f 1 j i-iv; v c : : C. li&w and Shoulders tlue; Band. Hsms '-and 5',"' just received at ; . KlcOaniels. iASIlOCERjill r'.".i: POGUE SOUND AND BAIRDS CREEK WATERMELONS Vfr jbeUvered any wbere in the vffrf(jFnIly guaranteed. YOyjeS FOR (ft bNLY ':"! v . i J. L. McDaniel fresh Suppl y just re ceived. PHOKK M - WANT YOU TO PHONE 147 ft ca l at our new store on Pol lock atreet for the following Granulated Sugar' Best Lard Flour Meal 6 Rolls Toilet Pap r ! Best Tub Butter Clover Hill Butter Pt. Jara Masons Qt- Jars Masons Morning Cup Coffee H.C. Phone 174 'S Prescriptions from all physicians, Quickly and Ac uratel filled. Also a full line of Choice Joilet articles. -Pharmacy HARDYARE Building Ma Points, Oils r;'C' AND..- ' Vrifhishes ; J : American: ( Field Fence 1; 17. -Sl!ALLV;ODD. ; few tank, t Is Hard Belle Mead SWEETS DAVIS HH 6c lb 16c 3 1 2c 30c pk. 25c 37c S9c COc doa. 66c doi 30c. ARF.1STR0NG Pollock St HENRY .1 , . To Tell The , m Dincrcnce t pretty good diamond. To make .' re and experience. If yoa have an where otherwise it 8 from a jeweler with a reputation and a n J stock. .. We have bo'h and would be. ..s:mr:"Mr -v 'Are you beginning at infaney ie v ad nature in developing the; child into a healtby, robust, man r woman, by giving the bay plenty ' of out dopr fresh airf '-.-. ?t-. Tr ... . .-v?'-vJ;'-?::.--;-v.-r..'--;r;-..4r -i ": "; ' - " . ' '. -v: i-- i If j on are oot fullr equipped todot ihis, J. a. MILLER FTJE-" .-NITURB CO.. VolunUj-lly offers joo their eervicea by placing in your' ''Possession absolutely be most comfortable, durable, aad attractive v baby carriage obtaipable, "- ''.-- '. li'-1-.' - ' . .-. We- invite yottto visit our. large store 99-101 Middle at and -in-peet this beautiful iae of carriages, together with a complete line of house furnishing goods. . .' i '. - ' ' . The Prices Are Right J. S. Miller furniture Co. " THE HOME.VS$NlSHERS 99-101 MIDDLE ST. NEW YORK AND ALL POINTS NORTH AND EAST- Affordiqg Pleasure and Best . Norfolk to New York and Return (30 Days) $14.00 First class tickets include Meals snd Berth on'elegantly appointed ex otess steamers. - . Hot or Cold Sea Wafer Baths can be procured on Steamer without . charge. Steamers kre all equipped with the United Wireless Telegraph System. - STXAMIRS SAM. FROM NORFOLK IVMY WEEK DAY AT 7 P. M. Tickets and Stateroom Reservations, Company's Wharf, Foot of Church St, Norfolk, Va. Ask your local. ticket agent regarding. through ticket Send for Illustrated Pamphlet Desk J. W. H. LANDON, J. J. BROWN, General Agent, Norfolk, Va. . Gen. Pass. Agent New York. When You Think Of Delightful Vacation Diyj The Best Fiihing in America Surf Bathing, Siil;nr. Mjtor Boating In short wh n you think of ihe summer resort i leal- Then Think Of MOREHEAD August is tbe seasons best m nth. Trailing at sea for Spanish Mackerel, the aristocrat of all ihe finny tribes of the deep is better in August at Morehead than at tny other time of the year. Wuite for booklet and rates to ALLEN A. DuBOIS, Manager, The Atlantic Hotel Morehead City North Carolina The largest and most completely equipped seashore resort hotel on the South Atlantic Seaboard. PiiP IP 1 i HI Wf No Moro Burning I f Pnt tha Bou Oven On too J. ' II W oil, smaoline, alcohol orgu tlore. 1l Tarn at any angle ad lus b aoat SJI f faces von. .Yon can watca.bakiBS I If' emtiiiumil without ophl dooe II I ereaitooptntr rithmtchillinsjt7 I cnSbakias andwMtins fceat- . -. ' I I I" Cla tffl!j eojtojbgaictrom htoitoiUoiu: Eidtrdb7d- .aacsUcadcncaadwols. . .. - I I ' tarn la today and seethe Baae I Oven UitiwntMtUTlRm I - wssdeifal coaTcnSeace sad : ; - I v v . . eeeaomr. ' Jf - ' II ! jawips luiiiiLii u , ''' ' XJ 1 ll f rK-V. ;a I t iufri i r ij sczsz -r. GASK1LL HDW. CO. 73 MiddleSt; 'Phone 147 IRIGHfSVIltE .BEACH.: Is calling you--the surf, Uhe music, Lumtna.aU cry out for you to follow the: crowd.. The- V if Vi'L',' 'iTf.JWTIfl ito'aSt T.TKtc -.?" Ua9 provided the schedules and rates; beginning Saturday, June 1st, tQ con tinue during the season. .-. " - - . ro wiLMrsdTdiJ ; ,- For ail trains of Saturday; Morning trains nf SnrtfiftV limited to return until Tnesday mld-nlght following, $2.85.-: ?;-.t;-;k!$5.Kti !Mk- Sunday only, limited to date of sale 11,25, v '&;-&;&Z. For" information call on ;.; :f T. O. WniTB, Ticket Agent, i General Pass. Agt., ' .-'....' -.'' ';!"-:; WHminon. N. 0. - .. .':V PHONE NO. 229. Deliehtful Short Sea Trips To A s 4IHHE-SEI iVMensBl WE THROW NO STONES at ordinary vegetables, but come and see our display. We'll leave it to ycu?-"s I if yoa ever saw a finer one. The ques- - jtion of what to bave to eat will be .readily answered by A LOOK AT OUR VEGE TABLES Home Grown Tomatoes, Perry Peaches Corn Squash Cukes Beets ALL KINDS OF FRUIT. New Bern Produce Company BROAD ST. PHONE 121 , , PLEAS? STbP M Y . AD T Hello. Mr. Editor: Please stop my sbipgle ad, at once, as orders are com- -ing Ir) faster than we can fill them. You know we carry in stock all kinds of sawed things. We are of ' long ex perience irr. the -shingle business", and always reliable,- Everybody known us as the THE GREAT S SINGLE HAN. Will let you know;' Mr, Editor, when tor start shingle ad again. Big niu tho Shingle Man. ' I';-. :'..-: . . N ' f l-One eight-room boose now for rent - on. new atrtet, - Batb hot and cold ws tr. Electric lights, ? all modern improvements, h . best residence aeo tion of city, Brand new inside and ont v Nice ante boose m rear. , tfe quick to be sure of this bouse. ' Phone 558 or- write or aee . Big : Hill; j .the ; Shingle Man ,; ' ' -" "H ', . j Have jrourVlcfercs fr&bcd tt 'V - a ths Ncw Cera Tursiture Ccn- r":r "W T CO. , va -!v. n:c::3 723, 76 r-.? Bears the C'nature cf Cr i Ik i. A n

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