' ' v. .,, ,y -v-; v' V; CP . t " - 1 . 4 1! r Iff"' ' i - ': ti . J7 1 t .v.. AU'OJUH. a JPEa?EKJ5 AwgefablefiVparatlQnGris wigateiifliifflcteaBiBowlsi nessandltestCflntahuiieiitrJ Opiuni.MorpJune narMiamLl WOT NARCOTIC. Ptsyiia Srtd- MstStti A perfect Rraiedy forConsfyti inn . sour aimitritii.Diinuiw Worms jCorrvuls ions .frvertsfr ptssaiulLOSS OF SLEEP. racSiaule Signature of NEWYOBK. Guaranteed under me i-oojai Exact Copy of Wrapper. A few more modifications of that Sunday mail-delivery order and the service will be back where it was be fore the order was issued. Best Treatment for Burns If for no other reason, Chamberlain's Salve should be kept in every house hold on account of its great value in the treatment of. burns. It allays the pain almost instantly, and unless the injury is a severe one, heals the parts without leaving a scar. This salve is also un equaled for chapped hands, sore nipples and diseases of the skin. Price, 25 cents For sale by all dealers. Some men are dui: wives talk too much. ib because their Few, if any, medicines, have met wilh ihe uniform success that has at tended the use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. The remarkable cures of colic and diarrhoea which it has effected in almost every neighborhood have given it a wide reputation. For sale by all dealers. A reformer is usually just outside the political ring. The implicit confidence that many people have in Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dirrahoea Remedy is fo:inded on their experience in the use of fhat remedy and their knowledge cf the many remaikable cures of colic, diarrhoea and dysentery that it has effected. For sale at all dealers. An essay on "How to Make a Pud ding" ought to create a stir. An article that has real merit should in time become'popular. That such is the case with Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been attested by many dealers. Here is one of them H. W. Hcndrickson, Ohio Falls, Ind., writes, "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the best for coughs, colds and croup, and is my best seller." Por sale by all dealers. Wise in the man who doesn't play favorites among his wife's relatives. Running up and down stairs, sweep ing and bending over making beds wilt not make a woman healthy or beautiful. She rat st get out of doors, walk a mil3 or two every day and take Chamber lain's Tablets to improve her digestion and regulate her bowels. For sale by all dealers. Some men's idea of justice is to get what they want instead of what they deserve. If you knew of the real value of Chamberlain's Liniment for lame back, soreness of the muscles, sprains and rheumatic pains, you would never wish to be without it. For sale by all dealers If a woman will prevaricate about her age, sometimes a man will lie about his income. Good for Biliousness "I took two of Chamberlain's Tablets last night, and I feel fifty per cent, better . than I have for -weeks, says J. J. Fire stone of , Allegan,' Mich. "They are certainly-a fine article for biliousness." . For sale by all dealers. '.v:t. : A heap of patriotism is just noise. ', The more excuses, the more suspicion they arouse.' '.' ' ';'v , ,'""!' CASTdnTA" " , rcf Infant and CLiliren. , Bears the ' Slg&atur of I Ml ' or Infants and rM!lren.v, Bears. Signature of It's the son who has to be supported by his father-that gives the old man the most advice. Antoine Deloria, Postmaster at Garden, Mich., knows the exact facts when he speaks of the curative value of Foley Kidney Pills. He says: "From my own experience own I recommend Foley Kidney Pills, as a great remedy for kidney trouble. Mj'father was cured of kidney disease and a good many of my neighbors were cured by Foley Kidney Pills." For Sale at all Dealers When a woman lias green eyes it's a sign you can become her mortal enemy by not calling them blue. T. L. Parksj Murrayville, Ga., Route 1, is in his 73d year, and. was recently cured of a bad kidney and bladder trouble. He says himself:"I have suf fered with my kidneys. My back ached and I was annoyed with bladder rrcgularities. I can truthfully say one 5Uc bottle ot t-oley Kidney rills cured me entirely." They contain no habit forming drugs. For Sale at all Dealers When a man is a success he wouldn't have been if he had followed all the ad vice he got when he started ojt in life. $80,000,000.00 Lost Annually By Wage Earners Dr. Sadler estimates that about $80,000,000.00 in wages is lost annually to the AmeriGan people as a direct result of colds. Lost time means lost wages and doctoring is ex pensive. Use Foleys' Honey and Tar Compound promptly. It will stop the cough, and heal and sooth- sore and in named air passages. For Sale at all Dealers If we should take all the straw votes together they would show a political wind blowing, three ways at once. Mrs. J. N. Hill, Homer, Ga., has used Foleys' Honey and Tar Compound for years ,and says she always re commends ft to her friends. ''It never fails to cure our- colds and prevents crotip. We have nve children and always give them Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for a cold, and they are all soon well. We would not be with out it in our house." For Sale at all Dealers - The spectacle of George W. P.erkins in the role of Mr. Hearst's Contributing Editor: may look strange. But it is all- right. He is progressing. U. A. Smith, Bridgeton, Ind., had kidney trouble, for years, and was so crippled with rheumatism he could not dress without help. He started using Foley. Kidney Pills, and says: "I began to get better at once, . and now all my troubles has left me and and -I do not feel that I ever had rheumatism. -I. rest, well n't night and tho' 59 years' old, can dd the work of a man" of 35 years. would like to be the means of others getting benefit from-- Foley .."Kidney - fills." Refuse Subistutes. . For Sate at all .Dealers V. t;, ;"'- r--: , There isnt much hope fat a boy who wear curls unless he hates 'eta,-.-:' - - , ; 4 i- ' J- ' . - ' ' - A HSS01N A!.l'llCIn ?" 1 . For years J. S. Donahaa, So. Hsven, Mich,, a civil-war captain, as . a tigfat houss keeper, averted awful wreck, but a aaeer fact is, be might ; bave been a wreck, himself, if Electric Bitters hed ttAt-nravonta ThA fuirAft mttnf kidnpv I trouble end ehilla," h writes "after I had taken other so "ailrd cnr,a for years without benefit and they alio improved my sight Now at seventy,! am feeling fine." For - dyspepsia, indigestion, all stomnrh, liver and kidney troublp,,'',,v pr v"""t r"""l. Try t1 ""i, t i at tt.l t . AT. Use t II' av v i i-nr nuor Thirtv Yfiars CFmfMflilllfn Standard Oil cast on the troubled I poUucal . water!, only increases- the ; trouble. . '"- - k., rA really effective "kidney and bladder medicine must first stop the progress oi thdi disease nd fhin cure the con dition? -It hit, 'cause r it. Use Foley Kidney Pills for alt kidney and bladder trouble.' and urinary " irregularities. They are safe and reliable. ' They help quicklyand jiermanently. -; In the yellow package. For Sale at.all Dealers u 1 1 . ' i ,r ..; , i :i . i ( i now ivuci rrugrssivc wuuc uu k rnHina nnewlf a Ririilar" i a oro-' blent that is worrying many a Repub lican today. WILLIAMS' KIDNEY PILLS Have you neglected your Kidneys? H ave you overworked your nervous ays tern and caused trouble with your kid neys and bladder? Hive you pains in loins, side, back, groins and bladder? Hare yoa a flabby appearance of the face, especially under the ey est Too fre quent a desire to pass urine? If so, Wil fiams' Kidney Fills' will cure you-al Druggist, r Price 50c. Williams' MT. Co.. Prop., Cleveland, O. There is an additional pleasure in swatting the fly when you know you are also swatting a hook-worm. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Speaker Clark is still harping on that sidetracked at nomination that got Baltimore. FRIGHTFUL POLAR WINDS. blow with terrific fcrce at the far north and play havoc wi h the skin, causing red rough or sore chapped hands and . I... t nn A t 1. ...' ,. A GlnA ijss, mat uctu uuuicii g muiva oai v c to heal them. It mokes the skin soft and smooth. Unrivaled for cold-sores, also barns, boils, sores, ulcers, cuts, bruises and piles. Only 25 cents at aU druggi nt9. Taft spent the first day of his sum mer rest eating Georgia waretmel. The man seems to be fairly seeking trouble. $100 PER PLATE, was paid at a banquet to Henry Clay, in New Orleans in 1842. Mighty costly, for those with stomach trouble or indw gf-stion. Today people every wherp useJ ur. King s New Life fills lor these troubles as well as liver, kidney sad bt wel disorders. Ehsy, safe, pure. Ott ly 25 cts. at all Druggists. No Laughing Matter. Cheerful Idiot I say, here'B a funnj thing: In old times people were bro ken on the wheel; now they go brok on tires! Puck. A GIRL'S WILD MIDNIGHT RIDE. To warn people of a fearful forest fire in the Cstskills a young girl rode horseback at midnight and saved many lives. Her deed was glorious but lives are often saved by Dr. King's New Discovery in curing lung trouble, colds and coughs, which might have ended in consumption or pneumonia. "It cured me of a dreadful cough and lung dis ease," writes W. R. Patterson, Well ington, Tex., "after four in our family had died with consumption, and I gained 87 pounds." Nothing so sure and safe for nil throad and lunj troubles. - Price 50c and $1.00. Tiisl bottle free. Guar anteed by all Druggists. Only a Few, Only a few eople can follow tha lines of least resistance and obey the alarm clock at the same time. Atcbt son Globe. PILES! PILES! PILES! Williams' Indian Pile Ointment wi I cure Blind, Bleeding and Itching Piles. It absorbs the tumors, allays itching at once, acta as a poultice, gives instant relief. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment is prepared for Piles and itching of the private parts, Sole by druggists, mail 60c and $1.00. Williams' M'fg. Co, Props., Cleveland, O. Indiscriminate Charity Wrong. One of the greatest Injuries yon can E an able-bodied idle man la to feed m twice without payment John lowland. Children -Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASIO R l A This Should Be' Considered. Nobody has as yet succeeded in iggesting a way tn which boys who saome dissatisfied with "their father ny work the recall. Consider Thte. v.- I went to church to worship and I found a truth;,! took;: It home.. with me. l. took it to my fflev t was twttb me wherever I went, and in all that week I waa not afraid I "was not aahamodTlia tmirexsalls" Leader. TOPIIOIH ACTION 1DUICK IN atSULTS - pMsapt rtHcfSnte. JBACKACHB, I riDIST and 6UUpnERTRDTBLB, RHEUMATISM, CONGESTION M IBS aUDNEYaV NFUtilATION-. at thaV BLADDER and all annoying URINARY IRREQOTARrnSS A JositiT boon ta MIDDLE AOBD and KLDHRLT PEOFLB and for WOMEN." " '"i: HAVE RtOHIlT HI Id. If' tss.f pTiirwi iriTit b from mj lrtini nd b. sjr ak( i (in'nt, nninir mt to tttMr mnrti i'"f ft f t,fc t I i r y t m .wrl lal m I n , i hn'T h nf I i i f ir i , - I if . i i ; i 1 1 if 1 1 1 1 . . I ItaapIlilil t -i j ,l ' :;!- i I' I V , t. frr: $sv w I ' tisgSL I --;; V 'v i. , I 1 "s I m . 'j i4pkiM7nj I . rWMWi ; Mr. Henry U Stimspnats the wife of the secretary of war, and since Inst wtnlor .hftSi.been- jMtpmlnent In social affairs In the national capital nrr tkha;abe hart' been. 4niiournlng for some time. FmidJ1838 Chartered 1859 TUfiWF COLLEGE IT3 STRKX(iTH LIES IN S ;' , AJLatgV 'WeUhTrainad Faculty ; Excellent Buildings and Equipment Fullv Well.Arxangd Courses; Earnest, High-Minded Students; A .,. Large.an4.Loj3itBody-of Alumni and Friends; Noble Ideals and Tra ditiQB; i An Jaepirin History of Achievement and Service. 'Nnrt Rinsjnn begins September 11, 1912. let. Address R. L. FLOWERS, Secretary, Durham, N. C. -..-if '?:....., ....... ll? Business andl?rsciog in hbt weather.--It overcomes fa"bgue and exijaristioa Keepit ' J; tojthe.clSceua4Vit will" keep you ;t for work;,The Original Pure" Fbod -lJnnK, .UUaranteea unaer- u. ts. uovjernncTtjcrm woox?, m au giwss, ' ii'ScTa' bottle,-At soda fountains;-5c,a 'tf&Bbisdre ofiizufattym. frJ:'i ' i ' Name Saved riliw, .' - : ' A nan brought before the' eoort In Blddeford, J!e, on a charge of Tagrency, when asked by the Judge to give I's name, answered, "David Go fcoroe." The . i i1"" contracted t!s bmit-s. "YoiTr 1 -t name ffra'n?" te t ' V' 'Rs the ro;' "All t . '." f ' 1 r e i For Catalogue and IUuslratefl.Book , Get BuEsy llsrilll. i i ;'. i r ( - r- J l J r.f i fcr ticlache. rfcenriatm. kidney or TcIt Ililaey. Till ----- i m 4ae D. W; SUilRSON FUNERAL, DIRECTOR and : (EMBAIMER Day Phone 167, Night Phone 829 D. G. SMAWs, AST. 1. Sinjmns, A. D- Ward, SinSWiRD A FFORNJCYS AND COITNSKWiOBl i'fUIf fXIT iXSH, I. 0, Office Rooms 401-E- EUcs iluilding Practice in the counties of Cravei, Duplin, Jones, Lenoir, Onslow, Cart eret, Pamlico and Wake, in the Su preme and Federal Courts, and when ever services are desired. R. A. NUNN ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice In the counties of Cravan, Carteret, Pamlico Jones and Onslow and in the State Supreme and Federal Courts. Office No. 60 Crtvsn Strett. TtUphons No. 97. Nsw Bern, N. C. E. G. HARGETT Phone 735 Office66, ; Broad. Street New Bern, N.aC. FOLErRlDNEY PILLS FOB RHEUMATISM HIOSKS AND BLAPDCR jdivwoDdkS 1 1 r . - are tonic, inacjrr. fern VETERINARIAN ?T; a WARREN ? ATTORNEyiAT LAW ' Offlee, oonu) 06-40fl JTks Tsmple V NEWBERN.N, q. PrvUfto cooBjttea ot wyao. Car- teret, Pamlico, Jones a&4 Qoikjr wai ' in- the Stats Supreme and Federa Courts. - " Notice of Sale. Pursuant to the pom . tal con--tamed in a certain mortgage dead, ex- r" ecuted the 8th. day fit FebjwajrjU. 1910, by W. K. gammons to Thomas J. Mitchell, the ssne being recorded In the office of the Register (of Deeds ' for Craven county in Book 140,, Pago" 107 etc., to which reference is hereby . made, default baying been made to the payment of the bond secured by r' said mortgage, I will sell for cash to -the highest bidder, on Monday, the 1 h.- day of October, 1912, t the court house door in Craven county, at 12,;-' o'clock M., the following described , -piece oi parcel of land, lying, and be , ing in the county of Craven, adjoining the lands of Or. Frances Duffy and -others, snd bounded as fellows: Ueginnieg at the main road at-W. A. . ? Thomas' corner; thence runs. North- : wa.dly to Dr. F. Duffy's land; thence westwardly to Dr, F. Duffy's land to i the corner of this tract or parcel of laod; thence southwardly to the main road, and thence Eastwardly with said road to the beginning, opposite Barker Norris' land, formerly a rPart, of this land being the same land bough f. by . W. R, Sammons from his father Jnhn R. Sammous, contuiuing twenty five ' acres more or less. This 17ih day of August, 1912. T. J. MITCH EL. ' Mortgagee. D. E. Henderson Attorney THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College Maintained by the State for the Women of North Carolina. Fl ye reg ular Course leading to degrees, Spec ial courses for teachers. Free tuition to those who agree to become teach ers In the State. Fall session begins September 18, 1912. For catalogue and other Information, address. JULIUS I. FOUST Pres. Greensboro N. C. r&Gbip . . - 1 y iiiyl ir" I 1 f-"T.- I'i'll ! 1 II t itrouble, nnd arinary irreilarlilss. "

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