FOR C'J LwLLAS. ' number 153"-;; .7,: ; V ; ; NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA,- FRIDAY, MORNING, OCTOBER 4, 1912 TH I RT YcFI RST YEAR i 1 .-. ' . - ;-::;.., 1 1 - - mr uuveh r.iunutfl CRAVEfi courm r1 WiU, PRIVACY 1IJD SAFETY All of the affairs of this bank are conduct ed with careful privacy. Next to the matter of safety, the officers of this bank regard business confidence as being of the greatest importance. We cordially invite persons who are contemplating the opening of a bank ac count to confer with our officers. Time and Savings Accounts Invited. NEW BERN TRUST COMPANY NEW BERN ,N.C. ffliffl EXHIBIT and Fall opening' new styles m Ladies Coat Suits, Skirts, Waists, Dresses and Furnishings. IT'S A GOOD TIME RIGHTINOW TO LOOK AT THE NEW FALL STYLES AND GET AN IDEA AS TO WHAT ARE GOING TO be the style leaders and begin to make up your mind in regard to the new clothes you will want to buy soon. You will find us at all times glad to show the new goods. New and distinctive styles that are certain to please you. d . J. M. MITCHELL & CO. I Boys9 Clothes of Same Style, Quality and Value . as Our Men's and Young Men's- - Our $5 Special Best Value in town a i i - 1 ' " 'y x ; t ' . v ' -" a. We have determined to give mothers the-best boys' suit value Jit a Iowpricethat $ can be found.'here it is. - I n Double vbreasted. two-piece style, two or three -button $ coatr full and loose, bloomer trousers lined throughout,'. Of finest cassimers, serges and ; & clieviots, handsome patterns A durable suit with the EXTRagooD label in it at O rz Z ' j . - i ., Z-f .-a " i" t " I-Big Values, in EXTRAGOOD Suits at.these Prices $6.50, $750, $6.50$ 10, $1 $12.50, SI3.50; S1 5'- - . , Better made antfbetter looking clothes than "any other brand and the lowest prices asked by any store for-real, high grade; quality clothing. " Every pair of trousers fully lined and all suits made of best fabrics, -Fancy mixtures in all-wool worsted, cheviots, tweeds, homespuns. Plain blues and grays. : r j : - fit K iff 7a BANKING AND m of hundreds of ram Occupied' . Entire Time : of The "Superior Court Yesterday GOES TO JURY TO DAY John Smith, Charged With Assault, Released From Custody. Yesterday's entire session of Superior Court was taken up with the hearing of the case of the..-fcte. 3.. Test Hill and Charles MoorT& fiuotsr colored, charged with the murder of Mr. Leon Johnson at Dover qn Septerriber 1st. It will be remembered that Mr. John son was lound murdered on a street of that town by two negro men. The victim's throat was cut and the jugular vein severed. Shortfy after the dis covery ol the body. Moore and Hill were found hiding under a church. They were placed "under arrest and brought to this city and placed in jail. The defendants are represented by Messrs. Moore and Dunn, R. B Nixon and R. O'Hara, while Solicitor Abernethy is handling the case for the State. There were a large number of witnesses on both sides and after the hearing of evidence was begun it con tinued through the day and there are still several witnesses to be examined. It is not thought that the arguments will consume any great length of time and the jury will probably have the case by noon. In -the case of the State vs.. John Smith, white, charged with criminal assault, the grand jury failed to find a tri:e bill and the defendant was re leased from custody. BOAT OWNERS, ATTENTION. Every boat owner in New Bern and vicinity who will use his craft in trans porting passengers to the Fair ground during the week in which the Fair will be held is requested to meet at the office of the Association in the Elks liiiilding tonight. Plans will be per fected at that time. PROGRAM AT THE ATHENS TODAY Misses Barkley & Armonctte, a swell singing sister set appear again tonight. Thty delighted our audiences last night, and are considered by many equal to the Campbell Sisters, who everybody remembers as the best sing ing act since the Athens opened. Don't fail to hear them. We -are unable to give you our picture program on ac count of a failure of the R. R. Co. to make connection at Goldsboro tonight. See the Sun this evening for a full description of our show tonight. Matinee daily at 3:45. First show at night starts at 7:30 o'clock. - Some people seem to live a lbng time just to spite other people. mm club Stirring Meeting Held at Court .. . House Last Night. PROMINENT MEN SPEAK Senator Simmons' Excel lent Record Highly Praised. A fair sized audience attended the meeting at the court house last night, of the Craven County Simmons Club Those who attended were well' repaid by hearing some of the best political speeches ever delivered In this city. For more than two hours there was now of oratory from the speakers' stand. The object of - the various speakers was to show the sentiment of the greater majority of the people of this State for Senator Furnifold M. Simmons, who is now a candidate for re-election to the Senate of the United States. Among the speakers of the evening were Messrs. L. I. Moore, Chas. R. Thomas, Ex-Judge O. 11 Guion, Rev.- H. A. Merficld, Judge Henry R. Bryan and Mr. J. K. Dixon of Jones county." Senator Simmons record since he has been before the public was brcught up and discussed, analyzed and dissected, but there was not one flaw found in it. His excellent work in securing appropriations for his home State of North Carolina was the subject of lenghty remarks, and in fact the -whole trend of the meeting was to how just what Senator Simmons had accomplished and why he should be re-elected in preference to his opponent, Governor W. W. Kitchin. At times s the speakers progressed the applause was deafening and often they wereconi pelled to pause for a few moments until the demonstration had ceased. From every standpoint the meeting was an entire success. Mr. G. A. Whiiford presided and Mr. R. A. Nunn intro duced the speakers. L L Domestic Science, Manual Training and General School Work PROF. CRAVEN'S IDEA For First Time New Bern's Schools Will be Rep resented at Fair. Among the exhibits at the Eastern Carolina Fair, which will be held in this city during the latter part of this month, will be one from the New Bern Graded j school, t-ver since the lair was hrst organized, Prof. Craven has been at work toward this end and he stated yesteraay tnat all oi nis plans naa GRADED SGHOO if EXHIBIT materialised andthe exhibit was now every hom,gt effort to alleviate the suf an assured fact. Domestic science, ferings of lhe human race Though manual training aria other forms of wide apart Jn mcthodSi thcy ieave an scnooi work will constitute the main features of the exhibit. Both the. teucners ana pupils are neartny w layor oi tnis action on tne part qi tnc principal ana are ooing an ,n tneir power to mahe it a success. At tne lair Held in this city sever, i year, ago tnere was no enort roaae to , have an exhibit from the public schools, i Since that-time however, at the fairs all over this and other States these ex- hibits have proven one of the main features. Especially is this true in the case of the exhibit of the A. & Nt College at. the State Fair held at Raleigh each year. The exhibits always prove to be a source of information to all and are highly entertaining." : . ..t j,e was informed about a certain ' - " -Tv: : young woman who was at the pastor's ' : FAIR WELL ADVERTISED. -. Secretary Williams-: is .'eeing to- it that the Fair to be held here next month is well advertised.;:. In addition to the large banners -ndt many : lithographs that Are- being .placed In- each town ia this section, he is sending but quantities i7b, T- j!iT of the State.,-.1 This is one of: the. best - methods of putting the Fair icfore the people of the State. Everybody -reads a newspaper iuu dnnw uu in, ui attracted by a well-written notice of this big event. SCHOOL,, GROUNDS IMPROVED. . ' During the past few days the crop of! grass which had accumulated tin the campus surrounding the graded school buildings has been turned into hay and the' appearance of that place has been made much" more attractive.' ; During the - summer . months the campus is allowed to go unattended and it has been very unsightly. In the future it "1 e properly attended to the year REPLIES 10 m. ' .(-'& 'S MissHarrisdn Claims He Misrepresented Christ ian Science SPOKE FROM HEARSAY So Much Indicated bv Statement That lie Was "Informed." Mr. Editor: in your issue oi September otn is a synopsis of a sermon delivered by Rev. Mr. Hara. It is wise to reply to this. for however honest-he may be he has so misrepresented Christian Science and Christian Scientists that this correction must be given to the public. The reverend gentlemen begins wrong in his statement concerning diagnosis. Christian Scientists do not diagnose disease from a material standpoint and could not from a spiritual since all Christians nust agree that spirit uality is never sic;:. o lus statement, 1 hat Christian Science teaches that every ill of man originates in the spiritual and must be treated with spiritual means," is wholly incorrect. It will be seen to be the anliupodc of Christian; Science for its premise is that God is Spirit and Spirit and its ideas are per fect, indestructible and unchanging. This minister confuses Christian Science with hypnotism. Every one knows hypnotism deals wholly with the carnal mind, which I aul declares is enmity against Cod. Every Christian Science church reads its sermons against hypnotism, so it wocld not denounce its own methods. It must be that cures admitted to nave been done by Christian Science have been per- ornied by a method unknown to the ritic, not by hypnotism which he under stands is a science. His pleas for the practice only of Allopathic, Homeopathic and Osteo pathic remedies in certain disorders must be an open question, since all these differ from each other as radically as they do from Christian Science treat ment. Does he understand thus sys tems and know they never failed to save from the last enemy? Webster defines murder "To kill a human being with premeditated malice." The Bible says he that haleth his brother is a murderer. The critic has elected himself judge, jury and ex ecutioner without witness. Would M Ham score through pulpit and press the failures of his chosen schools when death occurs as murders and call the grieved loved ones criminals? My understanding is that a qualified Christian Scientist, in accordance with the laws of this State, has the same dignified right to practice his methods of healing disease upon those who re quest such treatment as is vouchsafed practitioners of any other healing sys: tern. Those seeking this method of healing have proved it in their own ex perience to be the best known to them and naturally choose the best for their cj,ju ren. Christian Science practitioners un !-,..,, H,, tnofr m.ltlfal fOt f i f n C Wltll IVLliHlllJ utni i , i v. . v. . !' u.. . . ...... true courtesy and appreciate their effort courtesy and appreciate their true courtesy and appreciate citizens frce to choose their services whenthey prefer it to Christian Science and they feel that doctors of best success and mutation are equally willing for American titizena t0 decide for them- and families their own rule of action -n this matter whv doesn't this reverend preach a sermon against the method used when ever an adult or child dies under one of his chosen schools? iWhy not urge iegjsiation against such methods, if not averting the last enemy is sufficient cause for such procedure? Our boasted American freedom should be sustained. It is evident that this sermon was --.u-jT from hearsav reoortstfas he house seriously ill. ..Just here any one knowing of Christian .Science Church methods knows no individual is pastor. About seventeen: years ago -the Bible and Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures were made pastor. The-ons he is supposed to refer to was out of the city until Monday night tid had noth- in t0 d the case - - . .; . tn t. The young womaa was invited to the house of. two t . . ... . ;,w ... .l . ken . theirouw where every loving care was. bestowed upon. her. i ' Hearing of constant reports so untrue and far. from facts -she; the patient, "of her own accord decided to call ia a physician to lift. the misunder- standing generally current She . had, this privilege - as any individual ha. No Christian Scientist is refused the right to call on any physician for diagnosis or practice when they Wish to. . . . " , i , Very sincerely MARY HATCH HARRISON. Oct. 1, 1012. HAM SERMON ifHisar.'iK'-rt'iKi' WOMEN S During the past few years women have discover- V ed that many conveniences of everyday business "', life which they were in the habit of looking upon as exclusively for men are jst as useful and just ' as available for themselves. This is especially true of a bank account. The Peoples Bank welcomes the accounts of women and extends every courtesy and assistance to them in the handling of their affairs. 1 I mmmi An Misses' Juniors' COATS g SUITS AT POPULAR PRICES Coats from $5.00 to $18.00 Suits from $5.00 to $25.00 You will find it distinctly to your advantage to in spect our Showing before buying elsewhere. J. J. Department Store School i t Kit Wist Mm.' w If it Comes From the Shop 4 That's Different l P tttaby . . - HIT minimi hi mini mi Extensive LINE OF A N D Ladies' BAXTER. - Elks' Temple. Days OUTFITTERS TO YOUNG AMERICA "KA.ST IRUN" s7 DOUBLE S JI SHlttiBOSe CIOIHES , for the BESt5)JIESSED BOYS - ; unaerwearf union ouus.oi.iri ilonSUits, Shirt : i'Caps,-JIoss,"' ' V lars, Kid Glof es, , . j Sweaters. -Ev- -s y Blouses, Hats, tJaps,- JIoss, Neckwear, Collars, Woolen Goves,' ery thing tha bjy wears exc?i i saoes. It's The 2$t I Hi