. i A' . i J j Hundreds of PeopleVass your Store Every Night j and don't look in. A BIG POWERFUL GAS ARC LAMP Hung in. $ Front of your Store .Windows would be sure to At- U tract Attention and Display your Goods to much - J Better Advantage. .-' ,1 - , - t ' ' ' 9 5 u Your WINDOWS are Your One Best 'Form; of 9 S Advertising. But they might as well be Empty J g as Poorly Lighted. t TV s, ; yf ;; w ' v5 f 2 t ?? Candle PowerXaxAp f I ; j For One Hoar rLight Yoa Well and I YourStdre will fte Remembered 1 1 New Bern Gas sc ... ..... L...: 4 , p 'llliT'y - IFree.Goipps ' We are giving Coupons with all the .! J Coffc -Sroflul In our w Elactrtc jCovponf w are giving free eoros .V beautiful glassware and alsoeorne ' " v ' fcandsome Dishes. We are giving .':v-;!'wjr.3 per cent, of our profit on . '.. Coflee, and we guarantee our Coffee i-.:.-''5K.-b the beet Coffee you can buy n tor the .rnoney. We find It any '."Way you want it and guarantee to 1 Uvgilease you. Give us your nest or- f Atx for coffee and eave your coupon ," nI get your aisnes nee. BRQAO STREET GROBfRY CO. TWO PHONED 146 AND 156 7?Boad St.. NEW BERN. N.C. Buifding Ma terial Paints, Oils Varnishes t American . FieldiBence HARDWARE ' . anWMMMauaumm"m!fi!a 'i'hX1!? Qiik On qdC.L j , J- - vCJl-i rJ ) CD)'-' h cpj m-v-.--. - - omBEGmmmGmm . .. ' " a. v-r Hand: embroidered Slk Charmeuse Waistsrln aU colors, S . 4 - v t . , Outing Night Gowns Jn aUcolors, regular 1, 00 values now $ ",!! I h i Ihj.-i" i.tvh v'IF'Wh? A --r ' ' : - V W V' l- M z M0- LV.' - ..... a'.T':l:--Ktiir!' values ranging from $4.00 to $$8.00 now selling forr:i. $1.49 to $3.98 ; ' Fancy Corset Coversi regular 98c. values now selling f or...A $ .69 .. t -;! ! Dainty Colored Princess Slips, regular $1.49 value, now selling atll..$..98 r ' " Fancy Xlorset Covers regular 75c. values now selling for . 49. !! ix' ie Beautiful Seersucker Gownregular $1.39 value f6r..i...j.l :r$ .98 r if Fancy Corset Covers regular 59c.values now selling for... 1... :J.29 ?:j ! ?, 1 $ , v, v:; - -w1--; 1 v. wv LKU ' - Vi vv, ; I ; .." . iima . i ii a-Tai rm a-'-i a -. - ' - w.'.v:' tv.:, i V a a - . - ' ' : v " " '.'' ' ' A"v T",'AK!-a""rt 'a ! !,', 'it-..' r C-a-... ... . . ; , . . , t' t ; V-r rt ! h" . t ....'--..wv.- - v - t any TRY For fresh, sanitary; : prwiuce. Best meats 'tainabje. Vege tables, fruits, 'etc. in good or der, cleansed chicks, rough or dressed: Eggs fresh and guar anteed. Fish, Oysters, Clarns, Crabs, alive direct from their beds. Advanced orders cheer fully rilled. " Having the conven ience and cheap facilities can do it reasonably. Try Me! W. H. Mason 1-3 BRIDGE AVE. . MONTAUK CO. NORFOLK, VA. to more fully demonstrate the superior quality of their Ice Creams we will, for" the remainder of tHeseason serve the 10c. SAUCERS FOR 5c. ICE CREAM SODAS, - 5c. EDWARD CLARE '''ELKS' X Bin MARKET -s y - - V One of - the most ' ftttraetlTe gar ments ot the summer Is the popular middy blouse and we .give in' this de sign an excellent example of this' de lightful waist This garment ; Is de signed for the. miss and small woman. It is made to be slipped on over the head and has a beautiful front panel which adds to the charm of the model. Wide roUed-ba puffs are another pretty, feature. Linen, pique, popUn, repp and galatea are serviceable ma terials, . , " . ' ' ".)?:-. i; The pattern (5883) Is cut In sixes 14, 1 and 18 rears, j--Age" 16. win require SK yards of SlnchJ.jjaateilai.-"- r,. ' : i. .-' i ' '' ..i To procar thli Wrn. mh4 10 Mots M httarm DapaftBMnt" of thi paper. Writ uhm and addia pUJnljr. and. b auta a.ctv aUa, and bar,!0patar;...:.i,..!.;i i,:; , i sMj. STREET AND NO. . ' STATS .... .. The hungry Bullfrog, "Did you ever know that the bull frog was carnivorous, or, in other words, a cannibal t" said Nick Gilbert, one of the operators at the electrical bureau. '1 never did until several years ago, when it was demonstrated almost before my very eyes. IAave been interested in fish culture for years and have made a study of their habits. So that I could study them at closer range, I built a big aquarium In my yard, one that held 650 gallons, and along with a fine collection of fish, I stocked It with seven fine big bull frogs. "The sparrows used to drink water from the edge of the aquarium and this day, while my wife was looking on, one of the frogs leaped up, caught the sparrow and took It beneath the water. I could hardly believe that a frog would attack and vanquish such a fighter as the English sparrow is known to be, so in the interest of sci ence I emptied the aquarium, and sure enough, down in the bottom was the sparrow. The frog had taken, him down below, but either could not swal low him or else did not have the time. Following that I began to miss some valuable Japanese fantalls, and, after removing all the frogs, but one, waited until I1 missed another fish, when I killed Mr. Frog and found-that he was the robber,, Before that I believed the fish had been stolen by cats. The bull frog Is iggressive and can take his own parji any time." -. - -. That "Jack Rose" is no American beauty. ; , . ' . . . ; y '. 'II -t Cv. as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange tie whole sfstem when entering it through the mucous surfaces.: -. Such ? articles should ' never e nsed . except ; on pre scriptions . from reputable ' physicians, as'the damage they will dp i tea fold to the goo4 you can possibly derive from them.- Hall's Catarrh. Cure, ' manu factured by F. J., Cheney & Co., Toledo, Q, contains no 'mercury, and is taken internally, ? acting' directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system In buying Hall's) Catarrh Cure be sure you- get, the genuine. -It iat ta ken, in ternally and made in Toledo) Ohio, by F- J Cheney" ix.Cov?; Testimonials free, -sold by Druggists. Price -75c. per bottle." -" ' v - ', Take Hall's family' Pills -for consti pation. ' . ?-' '' '-. (Advertisenent) THE MARKETS. "v viDctober IS, 1912 POULTRY, EGGS, ETC. (Quotations furnished by Coast Line ; ' j Mea Market). I Chickens rGrown, pair. '.6S-80 I yl a a v f . m m umcicens naji-grown pair... $a-au Geese, pw pair. . ,.$1.25-$1.3S Pucks, per pair 1. U.70-85 Eggs, per doz . 24 Bams, country, smoked, lb. ,.18 Beeswax, lb..: - J Wool, . WooIaJJ - 22 16 to 1 ......16 to 17 10-101-2 8-9 9 8 Hogs, dressed, lb.... Beef, 'dressed, lb Hides G. S.tlb.... . Green, lb. Dry- Flint, lb 12-14 , Dry Salt, lb...... 1....Q-12 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Quotations ty. New Bern Produce i 4. "-Coinpany). ' Irish potatoes new crop ..1 ...$2.25 Green Corn, per hundred $1.25 Tomatoes, per crate. $1.25-$.150 Olua, per crate $1.50 Egg plant, per dozen 75 Sweet potatoes, bushel 60 Lima Beans, quart 8 COTTON. Quotations furnished by G. W. Tay lor & Son.) New York. Open High Low Closed Jait. , 10.52 10.52 10.35 10.35 Mar) 10.70 10J1 10.52 10.52 Oct. 10.30 10.30 10.05 3 0.05 Spots 10.75 Market quiet 15 points down. Port receipts 104,946. Last year 93,504. Liverpool Opening Jan. & Feb. 5.85 Mar. & Apr. 5.88 Oct & Nov. 5-90 New Bern Good Middling 10 1-2 Strict Middling 10 3-8 Middling 10 1-4 Sales 41 bales. Closing 5.82 5.85 5.86 " Modern Morals. .,, "This latter-day or new morality Is too lax for me." The . speaker 'was Jerome S. Mo Wade, - the Duluth millionaire. He continued: "This new morality, which seems In Its tolerance rather 'to encourage than .to oppose wickedness, reminds me of a lad in my Sunday school class. " Now, Tommy, I sajd to this lad one Sunday afternoonv'Bow, Tommy, what must MS do before our sins can be forgivenf "fWt must sjnjVTommy replied." sJ NOTICES IN-TiiiS COLU ; PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. FOUND-f.adies back. comb. Owner may, secure same by calling at Journal office and-pay ing for this ad.'f ' , FRESH PARCHED Peanuts 25c per peck atiKafers Bakery. ' LOST Certificate ot p;ock irt' the Stan dard Building -'and Loan Association. Finder return to W, E. SJade, 10 Ashe Street; ' . : -. 'vi-X' ' " ' ' EVER TRIED the home-made pies, at Nielaon & Berg Bakery? If not - ; ; ' "i. n; . 1 '11 you are nusanig u ireoi, . . yvcwiu! kinds. PhOne us your orde for-pies.' cakes, hot rolls and bread. Ry bread a speciality, Phone 73 Jl Pine St. FOR RENT Four room apartment with all conveniences. Centrally located Address S care Journal. CONCRETE work a specialty . Esti mates' cheerfully given. E. E. Harper. FOR RENT-r-No. 72 Craven street Suitable for workshop, office or other purpose. Apply to J. K. Land. BOATTO FAIR Grounds. Every after noon at 3 o'clock for the next ten days the launch Uneeda will leave the Coast Line dock for the Fair Grounds . Fare for round trip 30. cents. For further paritculars phone 892. HOME BAKERY Phone us for Lady Fingers, Cocoanut Maccaroons, Co coanut Cakes, Chocolate Cakes, Pound Cakes, Hermits, Hot Rolls, Hot Bread, Hot Pies every week day. ' Phone us yqur orders.. 1 Phone 462. ,W,mt,.. . ,V L , FOR RENT Two large furnished rooms, centrally located, all convenicnes. Apply to P. O. Box 238. GET IN OUR BARREL while we press your clothes. Cleaning, pressing and- repairing while you wait. Hill Tailoring Co. Makers of clothes that gentlemen wear. Hand tailored gar ments at machine made prices. 79 Middle street. Phone 740. IF YOU HAVE chickens sick not look ing just right or eating as they should, see us we have both medicine and food (hat will improve your flock. Makes hens lay too. H. C. Armstrong. LIMES AND LEMONS are used in warm countries for the prevention of fevers and bilious attacks, and are also recommended for rheumatism, in combination with lithia. This has the advantage of aiding digestion, whereas, all -other remedies for rehumatism cause gastric disturbance. Lemons are now retailing at fifty.cents a dozen. F. S. Duffy's Pharmacy retails fine limes at fifteen and twenty cents a dozen. NEW LOT of centemeri ladies kid gloves just received. The best $1.00 hand $1.50 glove on the market.' J. G. Dele mar. ALQNZO'S PRESSING CLUB Fifty and seventy-five cents per suit. Strictly cash. Quick service. Clothes called for and delivered. Phone 284 26 CRAVEN STREET LOCALS MN LESSTHAN ONE MONTH MUST EX I E, , - i 1 , -, . t - J 7 , lci Saucer of Ice Cream for 9c ' - : ' ' l1 : " " . THE UNION DEPOT Barber shop-T will give you as fine a shave as any , place in the city. Everything strictly 7 up-to-date. Give us- a trial and be convinced. Amos Jones, Prop. N.o 4 Pasture street, opposite. 'Union Ration. Ice Cream Sodas 5c. at Clark's .. ) i IV FOR SALE One- six-year-bid -. ox, weight 1050. Address C. D. Lan caster, Vanceboro, N. C. 10-4 r2w NICE line pork and beef. Home made country sausage. Prepared and smok ed right at our place and guaranteed. Crescent Meat Market, 17 Crescent Ave. Phone 742. FOR FINE steaks, dressed poultry, lamb, veal and all kinds of meats, go to the Coast Line Market. Phone 217. THE WAY to save money is to get your vyater pipes protected before cold weather with a Glauber stop and waste cut off. We guarantee all work. Phone 717. 137 Middle st. Standard Plumb ng & Heating Co. UNIVERSAL FOOD CHOPPERS J. S. Basnight Hardware Co. AGENTS WANTED to represent North State Life Insuranca-Company in New Bern, Morehead City and Beau fort. Most liberal policy on the mar ket from $100 to $10,000. Liberal contract given. Apply to F. D. Hard ison, Mgr., Room 417, Elks Building. BEST PATENT FLOUR 3 l-2c. per lb. fresh lot Canned Goods, Watermel ons, Picnic Shoulders and Roofing pa per. N. F. Vincent, corner South Front and Metcalf streets, -hone 31 FOR SALE Two seated Surry in good condition. Can be seen at Waters Buggy Works, address J. L. Collins, No. 20 Queen street. THE FAMOUS Mqntauk Ice Cream only five cents per saucer at Clark's. REMINGTON MONARCH AND SMITH PREMIER We sell them all. Also great bargains in rebuilt Type writers. Write us. Remington Type writer Co., Wilmington, N. C. WANTED Double entry book-keeper. Man of some experience. Apply to Clyde Eby. OYSTERS Lynnhaven Bay Oysters served in any style at the Athens Cafe, also try our Lunch Counter for quick service. Open day and night.. Athens Cafe, next to Elks' Temple Phone 453. FOUND Small rpwboat adrift, above Slocum's Creek. Owner can get same by applying to D. L. Taylor, Cherry Point, N. C, and paying all expense. THERE IS A DIFFERENCE in the charge but not in the quality of meat you get at my market. Try my Ham burger steak and home made sausage. A. Castet, Phone 239. The Market of Good Meats. BIRD CARVERS AND BUTCHER KNIVES J. S. Basnight Hardqware Co.