I ' Mr V: 4 t ft aW-.A ft V4 - T' Pc clic -Knives Axes or Hatchets Eits or Chisels-- Saws or Planes Hammers or Screw-drivers all tools any tool o Ion? as von want tie wrv best of its kind may be found among the famous -V X f - , .QUALITY TOOLS . , ' Then is no argument-no question thy an , 1 -the best yon can buy at any price. So it is I VAhrW any other toola you can mention together liif i ' 2?th Fecka, Rakes, Hoes, Shovels, Garden - V - ... v ' ' wwwela, , Manure-hooka, Graanhcars. Any a "Tit Wmmltmrtttm rfrt..ffti '... i . .. ImtAtur tk4 tnc a JWwmwk. :." , J& Q. Buukms. MilUiklv.a.alUOfflN:' AW I 9M0 7 GASKILL'S" hi Quality Hard 13 I Quick Servicf. :- its :. 11 f "II 51 1. 1 filiilll WwMWa?WWWWwWWwWWwWwWwWrWwM MHG MO EVE6YTHIN6 1 . IN THE StlNE SPORTING OF GOODS WE HAVE IT, CAN GET IT FOR YOU or it isn't made WILLIAM T.tJiilL "The Sporting Goods Ma." 91 Middle Street. Phone 253 OULDNT' it .Jar iyou? .. ten . Tax upstairs the door bell rings dowp - e"alr and whec I'm - dovnetalra the ' 'phone rtcjp' ' , upBtalrB. said Evelyn in an , tated toEe a the , ; took 4owa the r- colver . , ' 'Hello, U thla North 124 V aalfed a toascultne voice. x , , , t 'Whm do you wish, to epoak Hr aeked jftelyn in her sweetest -voice. "My name ig' Jock Mitchell.' repUed the voice. "Is Mba Carter therer "Thi8 1a Miss Carter," .. p?y jcourin, Frank Jocolyn, osked tee to call . yon vp ai. aoon as I ar rived from New Yprk, He wlshea to be remembered to yon." '-- "Oh! Mr. tchelJJ shpuld be de lighted to meet any of Frank'f rela Jves. Are you going to be here to some timeT"' i v1, , , i "Yea, I expect to locate here, but rm not acquainted and it's a beastly bore hanging around the hotel. Frank eald you knew such a lot of -people. Maybe you -would Introduce me tot a few young folks." " "Surely I'd be glad to have you meet some of our friends. .; If you havent an engagement for this ereniog, do come up. You wflHtofi ilne.": ; After giving explicit directions how to reach her home, Erelyn hung up the receiver, exclaiming to Jier' sister In an excited tone, "Just think. a swell couaia of, Frank's la' coming to call i .this evening. ; I wager he's a rich New Yorker. Doesn't know 'a eon) hen. .Well, rna. not going to ba In a harry to Introduce 'him;, around.''; Doat eee any of the girts brtngtef their oatof town, friends Tar here, If f make a good impreaaion there may be Invita tions to the theater and opera galore. Gracious! Ill have to .telephone to the cleaner Immediately to send my beaded net covered with chiffon waist right away. . Then If I get- a bid for the opera I can wear my cherry silk voile. Maybe Amy will i let me have Miss Kelly, the dressmaker," tomorrow to shorten it What hat shall I wear?" "You won't need any hat," answered ber sister. "If ha'a such a swell fel- . VI Cuu:ia Le L y, Lata )t-J got a pair of . lots, 'clean, tie glovea?" . ' .i-" , "Oh, thanka, a thousand, times. You're Just the best slater. - May I take your hite lace cart, toot HI borrow Jessie's opera coat and have it In the house. One ought to be al ways prepared it- they expect to go out There's the phone again!" , "Yes, thU U Mlas Carter." -. This time Evelyn didn't complain about answering the 'phone. f " r ou can't get heVe untU 15. k Oh, that'l !U right, but come as soon as you can The sooner the better. Goodbye.- ' , . - Ts:-vv;Ti:" -s.i "Oh, Jane! Have we anything home toaeryef.' Vf;tt?t&"i3y$l. : "There la a bottle of ginger ale and some cake," replied Jane. "No one cares for that Please tell Mary 'to get some alcohol. Til make 9a rare bit l" 'he chafing dish those little tea aprons look bo ft . v uuB- " " --h vyOU let her ksnw I can't come? We arm. going to play every-JVednesday. Maybe' Mr. Mltch " elt wiU Join ua. V Will vnn tall ESrk if she calls up, that I have an en gagement for this evening, but don't call me, for she al ways rubbers so. There's that 'phone again!" "Yes, Mr. Mitch ell, that' the right address. You can't' help. ' finding our house, , it's , right next to the church. how anxious I I cant . $ell . you to meet you. It seems as If we were Old friends, after hearing your voice so I often. .You feel the same way T Thank you. Good-bye." Evelyn looked beautiful In her soft white gown. "I hope Frank won't be Jealous," Xo said,, as she clasped her sister's "t'al beads around her neck. "If I ac cept Mr, Mitchell's attentions anyway, he's such an old friend he won't care. Frank's away so much he must expect ma to go .wlth other fellowfi, , Any- v -. . i. .- i. i L ... 1 il go." - 1 c; i i s dior, Ler face :et.,cd la a ;cuuiug amile. Her expression changed somewhat as an overgrown youth of about seventeen yeara greeted her. with "How do you dot v I'm Jack Mitchell. It was Jolly good of you to ask. me out" J,Jf2 Evelyn extended a rather limp hand, aaylng the first thhig she could (hink of to- cover', her rchagrint Howara you? How much you look like Frank." ; J-ater In the evening she discovered he was , only a . fourth cousin ot Frank's; At; any1 rate, therei was ,no channg 41sh supper served that night because at-Wne O'clock Evelyn asked to be excused, leaving her Bister to entertain Jack while she hastened to the bridge party, u - He Greeted Her. We are now 3d calvino RESH GOODS BY EV ERY FREIGHT. ; 'A' Royal Scarlef Brand Pure Maple Syrup in quart screw op cans, only 55c Blended Maple and Cane Syrup, 1.1-2 pints and 3 pint screw top cans only30 and'50c. per can Small Blue Rand Hams and -. Breakfast -trip just received. Anything you want in Gro ceries at bottom prices. , "... YOCRS FOR CASH ONLY J. L McDaniel, 41 Middle SL Phone 91 ICE Made from pure distilled filtered water. NEW BER1S ICE CO. 19-21-23 Griffith St. Phone V8 MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY . North Carolina, Craven County. By virtue of power contained in four certain mortgages executed by Miles F. Orum and Mary F. Orum, his wife, fto the undersigned, which said mort gages are described as follows: One dated May 8th, 1906, and re corded in book number 159, page 438, one dated May 19th, 1906, and record ed n dook nu inner 159, page MA one dated July 13th, 1906, and recorded in book number 160, page 303 an ce dated 1st day of September, 1906, and recorded in book number 158, page 301, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Craven County, the undersigned will on Mpnday the 21st Bay of October, 1912, at 12 o'clock M, at the County court house door in the City of New Bern, N. C. sell to the highest bidder for cash all the following lot of land sit&ate in the City of New Bern and beginning at a point on the east side of tnd street, in the City of New Bern, 175 feet 5 inches southward of New South Front street, and thence east Ward running with the line of Leah B. Jones and parallel with said New South Front street 216 feet more or less to the line of George Dail, thence south wardly with the line of the said George Dail to Lawson's Creek, thence west wardly with the course of said Lawson's Creek to End street thence northwardly j with said End street to the beginning, 1 being parts of lots numbers 53 and 541 in the plan of the said City of New Bern, and the same land conveyed by deed from Daniel S. Jones and Leah Johes ,his wife, to the said Frances Orum, and recorded lin book number1 159 page 280, Office of the Register of Deeds of Craven, to Which reference is made for a full and complete description. John S. Garrett, Mortgagee. September Xth, 1912. AT1ILMA LODGE No. 8, K. of P V -" Meets every 1 utJi- t. m. over Gas Co. ofllce. Middle Sti:AM.FwnIdin,t C C. J. H. Smith. K.c Land S. Viatel r r lag brothers are assured of a chevalier's 'VU.' welcome. $ii:t, CRAVEN LODGE No. I, KNIGHTS V, OF HARMON Y-Meet seconded .. fourth Wednesday night at t;30 o'clock in each month at ,Knight of Harmony . hall, comer Broad and Hancockstreet " J. K. Willis, President? R. J. Disoeway, Secretary J. D. McCoy, Financial Sec retary. .' . t . TRY A MAJESTIC . HAM FULL LINE OF FRESH CEREALS s. 6pr 24 Middle St. i ; COMPANY , f " i". t . Phone 25. P. S.-Our sweet potatoes are getting better all the time. PROPOSALS FOR POWER PLANT BUILDING FOR THE CITY OF NEW BERN. N. C. The Board of Aldermen will receive proposals until 8 P. M. Oct. 22nd, 1912, for the rebuilding and remodeling of building for Water and Light plant. The right is reserved to reject any and all proposals, and to accept any other than the lowest. A certified Check made payable to the City of New Bern in the sum of 2 per cent of the proposal submitted, must accompany each proposal as a guarantee, which is to be forfeited if the bidder is awarded the contract and fails to sign the written contract and to furnish a satisfactory bond in the sum of 25 per cent, of the amount of the Contract with some responsible Securi ty Company, within fifteen days after. the award is made. F. T.' PATTERSON, City Clerk. THE ETERNITY INSURANCE CO. My friend, are you insured in the '".Eternity Insurance Company?" It is the oldest company in the world and has been in successful operation nearly six thousand years. It is. the only company in the world insuring against shipwreck on the ocean of life, the river of death or the great Judgement day fire. It insures you for more thdn you are worth, and you become a life bene fited member at once. The policy never expires, giving to the faithful holder eternal life. Cash Capital Cod's Everlasting love Surplus Gold tried in the fire. Surplus above all liabilities The Riches of Heaven and Earth. Christ the King of Kings is president. 1 Home Office Heavenly City, New Jerusalem. Admission fee Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Dues A full surrender to God daily. If you do not join this company, where will you spend eternity! I am one of the many thousands of agents ahd for your convenience have opened a religious campaign at St Peter's A. M. E. Zion church, on Queen street, New Bern, N. C, where you can .find Uf daily from 7:30 P. M. to 10:30 P, M., till further orders are given, then you will find us at the same place each Sab bath at 11 A. M. and ?:30 P. M.. the Lord willing. Will you come and be insured? I am your faithful friend, R. ALEXANDER CARROLL, Agt. ((Advertisement) EXECUTRIX NOTICE. Having this day qualified as ex ecutrix of the last will and testament of Barbara Moore, deceased, all per sons holding claims against said de cedent are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified to the under signed, vor R. O'Hara Attorney, on or before the 28th day of September, 1913, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are hereby requested to make immedi are settlement This 28th day of Son' -mber, 1912. SARAH HAMILTON, Executrix. ear1 . Railroad LUNCH ROOM IN UNIOE STATION Will be open for all trains night and day. Anyone going off on the 12:30 or 4:10 will find it very convenient to drop in and get a hot cup of ' FRENCO DRIP COFFEE AND SANDWICHES of most any kind. Prompt attention paid to ail; also parcels checked, Drop in and give us a call while waiting for trains. C E. TAYLOR, Proprietor - ' " ' - 1 .. , "."'.'' ' 1 r 1 i a 1 11 1 11 1 1 i- i f '" ' - r y r v .v , fw! ('' I jste . Jt - it; ,q ( f uuuiuj -BBSOMaHBBMsVKaslBnaKBBnBrcSEn , f t - ' ' ,.. " " - t - ).- I y - "' I i ... : " ' - , -i , . ,T ' . f . . . :v - PHONE' .:--:v vv-Vh :nnf-' ' tL ' w . .'vr-s 't.On6 month y-ss' ,.yrf- vaQi;,:-: vV jy- v-- ric VI 0 Z oo, V I-tt- .'.'-5:s:Av" - ,r.i- '0-i

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