r, .'V r' . . ; i - ALCOHOL 3 f EH CV, AgetaWePreparaton6rlt similarindrtxFhnrfinrrii.,h iiV UUUUitUid-ULim itng die Siomachs andal ncssandResLContaListKiftr Opiumlorphiofi ncr Mineral t . . jttdpetradUcSiwnriwm 6 Biff Ititanthni ' Jr j!:lf, Arjerfcct Usracdy forConsfta i ion , Sour Stoitiacii.Dlarrlwea vormsji.onvaiaoasjvfnir iicssaniiLOSSOFWXai lac Suite Signature of I XEW'YOKrU Archbold cannot find to what the $100,000 Standard Oil contribution was charged. To lunch .probably. 5 Mrs. Paul Wheling, 316 Smith St. Peoria, 1.11, had kindeyand bladder trouble, with terrible backache and pain across the hips. Just imagine her condition. She further says: "I was also very nervous, had headaches and dizzy spells, and was fast getting worse when I took Foley Kidney Pills, and now all my troubles are cured. Foley Kidney Pills have done so much for me 1 shall always recommend them." For sale by all dealers. (Advertisement) Boston's worship of Pitcher Wood even threatens the displacement of the sacred codfish. ALMOST A MIRACLE, Pne of the most thrilling changes ever seen in any man, according to W. B. Holsclaw, Clarendon, Tex., was effected years ago in his brother. "He had such a dreadful cough." he writes,, "that all our family thought he was going into ' consumption, but he bagan to use Dr. King's New Discovery, and was com pletely Cured by ten bottles. Now he is sound and well and weighs 218 pounds. For many years pur (amily has used this wonderful remedy for Coughs ana Colds with excellent results." It's quick, safe, reliable and guaranteed. Price 50 cents and $1.00. Trial bottle free at -all druggists. (Advertisement) All the good do not die young if 'you believe the epitaphs. Mrs, T. A. Town, 107 6th St., Water town, S. D., writes: "My flur children are subject to bard colds and I always use Foley's Honey and Tar Compound with splendid results. Some time ago I bad a severe attack of la grippe and the doctor prescribed Foley's Honey and Tar Compound and it Woon over came the la grippe. I can always de r , pend upon -. Foley's Honey and 'Tar Compound and am sure of good results.' For. sale by all delaers. (Advertisement The stand ing Army at Armageddon , is getting a little weak in the knees. ' ' Mr.' T.aft has found out that it is hard 4 to play a winning game from the bench. . 1 G.( Criiwell, a painter living at : 540 Worth; Mulberry Su( Hagetstown, J Mi.; states: '1 had' .kidney trouble with a severe1 pain acrosmy backh and i t i in n . . ; Eract wpy ox wrapper. - , , A ' v "5, "yVi could hardly get up after sitting down, i- I took Foley J Kidney Pills and soon ' , , , found the pain left my backrl could get J 'top and down with ease, and the bladder " J. taction was more regular and normal." j; !: -f. fxji them. For sale by i all" dealers. v (Advertisement) . sJ- V .If'. ' y';. J CM J f-Vv' -C J" ' u I tjv'?f Some Councilmen seem to suffer from 'jj & jd ft. surplus of views on every proposition i . t.j that comes op j, S '' ' 1 - n:; castor i A' , " Tcr Irfants and CLUIrea. 1 1, j i i . . j t lJBill.l.,: ...!' I -- .- Bears the ST ,'JS"-; S ... J For Infants and CilJren,' TholKind You IIava Always IBoughl ' 'Bears1 For Over P thc Hnwa wmhii. wn errh;, Not even an old home day would in duce former President Diaz to return to Mexico. PUTS END TO BAD HABIT. Things never look bright to one with "the blues." Ten to one the trouble is a sluggish liver, filling (he system with bilious poison, that Dr. King's New Life. Pills would expel. Try them. Let the joy of better feelings end "the blues" Bet for stomach, liver and kidneys. 25c. all druggists. (Advertiesment) It is remarkable how Joe Wood fires that smoky-ball. '. Mr. Jas. V- Churchill, 90 Wall S., Auburn, N. Y., has been bothered with serious kidney and bladder trouble ever since he left the army, and sayss: "I decided to try Foley KidnCy Pills as they had cured so many people and I soon found they were just the thing. My Kidneys and bladder are again in a healthy condition. I gladly recom mend them. For sale by all dealers. ' (Advertisement) Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTORIA t ' s Bald Jack Rose is also that way in some statements. ' THE DANGER AFTER GRIP lies often in a run-down system. Weak ness, nervousness, lack of appetite, en ergy and ambition, with disordered liver and kidneys often follow an attack of this wretched disease. The greatest need then is Electric Bitters, the glor ious tonic, . blood purifier and regulator of stomach, liver and kidneys. Thous ands have t proved that, they wonder fully i strengthen the nerves, build up the system and -restore to health and good ' spirit after att attack ff .Grip. If suffering, '''try. theW'. Only 50 cents. Sold and perfect satisfaction guaranteed by all druggists.- (Advertisement) . The new "Iowa idea" is that Wilson will carry the State. ,.'; ' . , i 1 IT LOOSK LIKE A CRIME-. ) to separate a boy from a box of Buck Ien's Arnica Salve. ..HuTimples, boils, scratches knocks) sprains and-bruise demand it, apd its quick relief for burns scalds, or cuts is bis right.' ? Keep it handy for boys, also girls. Heals every thing healable and does it quick. " Un eqtiealed; for piles.' Only 25 . cents at all druggists. ,i ,t (Advertisement) An. egg 2Q0 years old was served Gen Lan at a Chinese banquet in Los An geles, And still some-folks complain if they have been in cold storage six months. - , t It's safer to bet onhorse tense than on genius. , ' . , - 4-ftTj- .'. -N -' '.Geo.- T. Craddock, kubie Ark., says: "'I was bothered with lumbago for seven years so bad I could not work 1 tried several I inds of Kidney medicine which gave mJ little or no relief. Two t-" uir'-T'-vr" r ! r r and now I can do any kind cf wink, I cheerfully recommend them to my friends." Foe salr by all dealers. 1 (Advertisement) , Signature AU W USB W Tniftv Years I rving for mm v - ; : a rrtze "It lan't worth the trouble,' declared Jessie, throwing her, music roll Upon the piano and sinking Into a chaw. "It-really lsnt!";..', '.';..''.;. ' -.V "Whatf- asked her Wend ! In sur prise: ; ': ?i?-e-'fz J 1 ; ? -X' r "This medal getting! Thls striving after fame! ' This mad rush after glory J", groaned Jessie with a melan choly ware of her hand. Til nerer do It again, Mary.' Never!" j "That's what you said last time. .'"I know it. but I mean l(. ,aow. Look at me lust look at m. will "You certainly do' look, worn out," said Mam '"But dldnt you win the nrst prise f ' "First prfser cried her friend. . "I didn't win any! That's just the trou ble. I didn't come 'within half a mile of winning. And the time I've spent and the agony I've endured! When I think of that-well, it's a wonder I've not turned to' stone. That's what 1 told father last night when he was raying." , "Raving!" "Tea. ' Tou see he had promised me a diamond ring if I distinguished my self, as he termed it, and when I told him that I came out seventeenth from the highest and then .added that needed a trip abroad to recuperate aft er my exertions, he said he would give me a place to work in his office so that I wouldn't waste any -more time on such tommy-rot as music." But what did your mother say?" "Nothing. ' She was so busy pack ing and getting ready to go to a sanl tarium that she couldn't sympathise with me. She'll all worn out doing housework. Tou see, our maid left and I've been so busy practicing that I haven't had time to "help her for weeks." "But your brother didn't he have a word of comfort "for you?" "I haven't seen him yet He's com ing home tonight. He's been boarding with the Claytons since April. He said he couldn't stand the sound of that second movement in my piece and if he heard it any more he would go mad. I used to shut all the doors, but it didn't seem to do any good. The chromatics would get through some how, so he said he would stay with the Claytons until the contest was over." - - "But George surely he tried to cheer you up." "Cheer me' up! " cried Jessie, tear fully. "He was a brute. Why, when I told him I haalost the medal, what do you suppose he said?" "What?" "He said, 'That's very strange after all those evenings, you devoted to prac tice.' Tou see, whenever he wanted to call, I'd tell him he would have to wait until the examinations, were over. And what do you suppose he's doing now?" "What?". "Taking Nan . Perkers everywhere. He never would look at her before." "Never mind," consoled Mary. "There are other Georges." "And everybody blames me because I didn't get the prize!" lamented Jes sie. "That's what hurts. For it wasn't my fault at all.' It was my nervous temperament Tou see, we were num bered. I was No, 3. and when I came Into the room to play we .played be fore the fury of man teachers, you know I couldn't see a piano at first although I knew there were two In the room. At last my. teacher came to my rescue and led me up to one of them, and' I started off. - t " V '. " . ."I got alon pretty well, until I saw one of the men put a pencil to' his lips. ' Somehow or other that pencil fascinated me. tit was a long, yellow one and had a. worn-out eraser on one end.y If gob on my nerves. -. I wanted to shriek, 'Put it flown! Put It down!' only, my lips were so dry that I could not makea sound, . ; ; v-..' ,.''; -, "After a while I felt a tap on my shoulder and, looking up,, saw , my teacher. That's all, be said. TouVe finished ; "And he never put lt down,' I said. J. Then wondered why 'they looked so strangely. at v't,r'.: ' ' "' ? y't! i "At last I found myself outside the door and thear I sat down and waited. I saw another girL XcC 38,-go in, and I noticed, that she looked rather pale. 1 wonder It . she'll see that pencil I thought' But after a while she ame out again,' paler, than ever, but (per fectly composed and not In "the least frightened. . - 1 -' . " "How did you ever do, tl gasped. , 'She looked at ; me ' and smiled Dope,' she sail 2" - ' ' Dope!' I repeated stupidly. "Then She told me. It seems tha she took three' doses of some ,sort of powdet before going- Into 1 the- examination room, .i Ordinarily the doses would have put a strong man to sleep, but taken In a moment of excitement they merely calmed the nerves. ; - t . i j "Well, the next day I heard that she had won one of the medals, so I went "home and told the family ' ' -u What did they sayT asked Mary. ' "They laughed at me, and when 1 said that next year I was" going tc take dope and try for a prize, father said, 'Oh, no! - The next time you trp for a prize, the-whole family will take dope" t i . ' . Natural. Inference. , .. ."Thpre R womnn wo must t.ife tt'ii i:.at kiua Juice Is good for the complexion." - ' ."Why do you think soT". "She has a sour locking face."" Anyhow a woman doesmrt sing any loudef thaq' a man argues. iSF '"f.v When you have a bad cold, you want the '"best ' medicine obtainable so as 'to cure if with as little delay as possible Here is a druggist's opinion: "I have Sold .Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, or . fiftewyeare'.''says'1 ,EnostelIaV of Saratoga, ; Ind.i . "and consider' t thjt best on the market." 1 For sale by all deahjrs.. V'.:. '' "" '-' v t. (Advertisement) ; . No matter how thin 'a girl is she can" think how , wonderful it is it should be so becoming 'to her. . - J. W. Copeland, of1 Dayton, Ohio, purchased a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough "Remedy for his boy who had a cold, and before the bottle was all used the boy's' cold was gone. Is that not better than to pay a five dollar doctor's bill? For sale b all dealers. , , (Advertisement) - Those Taft brothers all seem" to like the White House atmosphere. Children -Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A There are probably more boys now wanting to be Joe Wood than president For Chapped Hands. Chapped skin whether on the hands or face may be cured in one night by applying Chamberlain's Salve. It is also unequaled for sore nipples, burns and scalds- For sale by all dealers. (Advertisement) A man can have a grouch with his wife because he didn't get a good seat to the baseball game. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Signor Molasso has written a new play. It oufht n?turallyiha,ve a better run in the sLmintr. If you have young children you have perhaps noticed that disorders of the stomach are their most common ail ment. To correct this you will find Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets excellent. They areasy and pleasure to take, and mUd and gentle in effect. For sale by all dealers. (Advertisement) A friend inquires why we say so little ofjTaft. We speak only reverently of the political. Here is a woman whojspeaks from personal knowledge and long experience, viz., Mrs. P. H. Brogan, of Wilson, Pa., who says, "I know) from experience that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is far superior to any other. For coughs there is jiothing excels it." For sale by all dealers. (Advertisement) If that committee keeps on it will make somebody believe that the trusts were behind Roosevelt in 1904, Children Cry " FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA A woman can pray hardest to get rid of a cold that makes her nose red. More Than Enough is Too Much. 4?To maintain health, a mature man or woman needs just enoughfood to re pair, the waste and supply energy and body heat. The habitual consumption of more food than is necessary (or these purposes is the prime cause of stomach troubles, rheumatism and disorders of tne . Kidnevs. U 1 troubled with in digestion, revise "giur diet; let . reason and not appetite control and take a few doses of 'Chamberlain's' Tablets 'and you will soon be all right again. For sale by All dealers. ,"' ' If (Advertisement) t ' ." v It scares-any wife to think what if a prince should fall in love , with her. v - ' - ' K , Sick headache is ' caused by a dis ordered stomach. Take Chamberlain's Tablets and correct that and the head aches will disappear.. ' For sale by all dealers. , , " V (Advertisement) " - The-, money1 that has run through the taxi meter will never splurge again. f:r t v. - A J C !7 - 1 7 fills F2i: SAL3 BY ALL DEALERS '-; i-on, p'.'vy ; Womea ,of the Ugliest type, women of superior edacation tai refinenient, i whese (Jijcernaenr anigudjwC'giyr force to their opinions, KigW praise . the ' Wohde'ifal corredive and cnratiTc prbpertieg of OuaoV berlaih'g Stomacfr and Uver Tjcb ktsw IPhghoiii pxk vnnj tttjes of woman's Iifef rron girlhood through the f f iejd,J of mother hood to the declining years, there p ab safer of aibre refiahle med icine. Cliiunberyn's Tablets are sol i CTerywhere at 25c a box. Gov. Wilson may have lost his voice but he has gotten his votes. DO YOU VALUE YOUR HORSE? DOES EXPERIENCE COUNT? Then let us shoe vour horse. I have a man now in Church Alley who has nine years ex perience shoeing on paved streets. We guarantee our work. Will call for and de liver your horses. Let us shoe your race horse. JOHN I. SMITH. PHONE 746 WE WILL MAIL YOU $1.00 for each set of old False teeth sent u. Highest priced paid for old Gold, Sil ver, old Watches, Broken Jeweliy and precious Stones. MONEY SENT BY RETURN MAIL Phila. Smelting and Refining Co. ESTABLISHED 20 YEARS. 863 Chestnut 'St. Philadelphia. Pa. TO DENTISTS We will buy your Gold Fillings, Gold Scrap, and Platinum. HighCbt prices p n'd. NOTICE The copartnership heretofore existing between W. A. Mcintosh and J. A. Harker, trading under the name of J. A. Harker & Co., is hereby dissolyed by mutual consent. W. A. Mcintosh pur chases the same and assumes all debts and liabilities of said J. A. Harker & Co. All parties indebted to said J. A. Harker &xo. will please pay W. A. Mcintosh or New Bern Fish Co. J. A. HARKER W. A. McINTOSH EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Having qualified as executors of the last will and testament of Mayer Hahn, deceased late of Craven county, N. C, hthis is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 2nd day of October A. D. 1913, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 30th Sep tember A. D. 1912. - JOSEPH L. HAHN. F. M HAHN, S. M. STRASBURGER, . WALTER B. SOLINGER, Executors uuder last will and testa ment of Mayer Hahn deceased. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of Ben Hahn, deceased late of Craven County, N. C, this is to, notify all per sons having claims against the estate of the said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 2nd day of OctoberA. D. .1913 or this notice Will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. ' AU persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. F. M.-HAHN. AdnunistratofBehn Haen De ceased. This 30th Sent. 1912. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of W. N. Pate, deceased, late of Craveri county, N. C, this is to notify . all persons having " claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them td the undersigned on or 'before the 28th day of September, 1913, or this notice -will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; All persons-indebted to said estate will please make immedi ate payment "to - the undersigned. ' , ; This 27th day of September 1912. . ' George W; Pate, Administrator of W. N. Pate, deceased - ' W. D. Mclver," Attorney. i : : h i I 7 i I ... -v jh. ' . Nit. J , rhe-.'r?tti3m. kidney or bladder trouble, tnd orinsry irrc ilirlUe.. ars, tonic in Action, quick in TOIIIO IN AOTIOM QUICK M RiailLTO Qhre prompt relief from BACKACHE KIDNBY and BLA13DER TROUBU. RHEUMATISM, COWGESTION f tka KEDNEYS, ' INFLAMMATIPN ol .tiM BLAODEft 'J&'ii9offimmX UCRSaXJtASOTIfa: A positive boon ts) MIDDLE AUII ud BLDBRLV PEOPLE and, for WOMEN. HAVi illQHESJT RaCOMMENDATtOS) B. A.Davi.'Sn WuhiDjrton Bt, Coeasnrlllsi .4 U in Ma 8&th ur. Ha writM Ul "f kkM Cteu o.Br4 much fr,m mj kidneys ud blA SW I kd MTwabackaobta and mj kidnf setioa IU too frequent, cnoaiiif ni to Iom mmph ntoM ( aisbt, and in my bladder then was eoostaal Mia. I took Foley Kidner PiUi for Mm time, udaa now fret ot til rnnbla ad aaaia abU ts ap and atraad.. fo r lUdnejr mil asve sat nation. " FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS PENNSYLVANIA ANTHRACITE (WHITE ASH) DOMESTIC LUMP AND POCAHONTAS STEAM COAL YARD FOOT CRAVtN SiflEET PHONE 34 PBOFESSHHUI Ctt DRERNEST C ARMSTRONG OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Registered) Rooms 320-321 Elks Temple. Hours: 10 to 12, 2 to 5 and 7 to 6. Chronic Diseases A Specially Ten years experience in treating chronic diseases. Do you wear a truss? If so, let me show you my special make. All ages, from babies up. Complete Electrical Equipment PHONE 704 H. W. SIMPSON FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMKR Day Phone 167, Night Phone 829 D. G. SMAW. AST. F. M. Simmons, A. D. Ward, SIMMONS AND WAPD ATTORNEYS AM) ''"liNSKLLORP A. 'LAV .11 W r"-. - Office Rooms 401-?- r"tp Building Practice in t! c&ui.u-js of Craven, Duplin, Jones, Lriir, Onslow, Cart eret, Pamlico 8 l Waka, in the Su preme and Feder ' Cmir1-. and where ever services au .uutu, R.A.JSUNN ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice in the counties of Craven, Carteret, Pamlico 1 Jones and Onslow and in the State Supreme and Federa Courts. vs , . v irv Office Ne. 60 Craves Street. Tslsphsss Nou 971 : ; Raw Bsrs. N. C. T, D. WARREN IATTORNEY AT LAW Office, Rooms 405-406 'Eltar Temple ANEW BERNj N, C, ; Practices Itt counties of Craven, Car- teret, PamU.co. Jones' and . Onslow and to the State ; Supreme and -: Federa 1 Courts. ' ' - ' . 1 r , . : V' i i result. Refasa -lstite :: 181 Ufl IIQTFR HULL IU L 1 K